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TranslateBLOG was developed as a means to translate BLOG model files into other equivalent model representations. It is based on the GCFOVE implementation by Taghipour, mainly using their parser for BLOG files.


Supported output formats

The supported output formats are:

Tool usage {.tabset .tabset-fade .tabset-pills}

The JAR can easily be started with a java -jar TranslateBLOG.jar command:

$ java -jar TranslateBLOG.jar

>> TranslateBLOG - File converter
>  Usage: java -jar TranslateBLOG.jar [args] [<file> | <directory>]
Optional flags:
-o <s>, --output <s>          Create output file <s>
-c, --[no]console_mode        Show output in console
-f <s>, --format <s>          Select target format out of {mln, dmln}
-s, --[no]short_form          Allow short forms in output (if available)
-k <s>, --package <s>         Parser looks for classes in package <s>
-v, --[no]verbose             Print info about every world sampled
-g, --[no]debug               Print model, evidence, and queries

List of arguments and explanations

  • -o <string>, --output <string>: specifies an output file (when used in single file mode)
  • -c, --[no]console_mode: prints the translated model files to the console
  • -f <s>, --format <s>: specifies the desired output format
  • -s, --[no]short_form: allows short forms in output (e.g. for types in MLN: Person = {1,...,3})
    • Note short forms are not supported by all tools, or are semantically interpreted differently E.g., Forclift allows short forms, but Alchemy interprets them as integer types
  • -k <s>, --package <s>:
  • -v, --[no]verbose: Prints info aboout every world sampled (function taken from the original GCFOVE)
  • -g, --[no]debug: Debug mode; print model, evidence and queries (taken form original GCFOVE)

Special operating modes

Batch Mode

When specifying a directory as input (i.e. as last argument) TranslateBLOG searches that directory for *.blog files and converts each of them to the specified target format.

The translated model files are saved in a newly created directory: path/to/input/_TranslateBLOG

Dynamic Mode

When specifying dynamic MLNs as output format via the -f dmln argument, the tool follows a special workflow:

  1. The BLOG input should look similar to the following example:
type Person;
type Publication;
type Conference;

guaranteed Person p[10];
guaranteed Publication q[3];
guaranteed Conference c[20];

random Boolean DoR(Timestep, Person);
random Boolean Hot(Timestep);
random Boolean AttC(Timestep, Conference);
random Boolean Pub(Timestep, Person, Publication);

// Single Timestep Tables
parfactor Person X, Conference C. MultiArrayPotential[[8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]]
	(Hot(@1), AttC(@1,C), DoR(@1,X));

parfactor Person X, Publication P, Conference C. MultiArrayPotential[[8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]]
	(Hot(@1), AttC(@1,C), Pub(@1,X,P));

// Timestep Transition Tables 
parfactor Person X, Publication P, Conference C. MultiArrayPotential[[8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]]
    (Hot(@1), Hot(@2), Pub(@1,X,P), AttC(@1,C));

Note the following points:

  • RandVars (i.e. those that depend on time) need a Timestep as first argument.
  • the Parfactor definitions, the timestep t is referenced as @1, and timestep t+1 is referenced as @2
  1. Output files

In dynamic mode two output files are created per input file: one .mln file for UUMLN, and one .blog file for the DJT algorithm. They are both stored under the same filename in the output directory path/to/inputdirectory/_TranslateBLOG

Query and Evidence Creation

Query Specification & Creation

Note that the specification above still misses information on which query atoms should be included. If nothing is specified, all possible query atoms are created and appended to the final outputfile.

Query atom creation can however be managed by a JSON block at the end of the file which is commented out (in order to be ignored by the original BLOG parser). In the JSON-Object there are multiple tags and attributes that can be specified. If one is left out or not found, default values will be used. Default values can be changed in the Java code, namely in the

Here is a working example of the JSON definition (belonging to the model file shown above):

BEWARE --- The start and end tags ([Query Spec] and [/Query Spec]) are needed and must not be changed or omitted.
Also: The tag parsing is case sensitive, so pay attention to deviating capitalization.

[Query Spec]
  "absMaxTime": 100,
  "maxTimeInc": 50,
  "timeSkip": 2,
  "timeDeltas": [-10,5,0],
  "queryIntervalHandling" : "maxTConversion", 
  "includeVars": ["DoR", "Hot"],
  "restrictQueries": [
       "randvar": "Pub",
       "objects": [["p1", "p3", "p4"],
       ["q1", "q2"]]
       "randvar": "AttC",
       "objects": [["c1","c3"]]
       "randvar": "DoR",
       "objects": [[]]
    "randvar": "Hot",
    "objects": [[]]
[/Query Spec]

Explanation of Tags:

  • absMaxTime -> Integer value of the maximal timestep to be evaluated.
  • maxTimeInc -> Integer value specifying the increment of the maximal timestep (if multiple output values shall be created).
    If maxTimeInc is omitted, just one file will be created (for the max time specified via absMaxTime)
    Example: absMaxTime := 100, maxTimeInc := 20 -> 5 files will be created for 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 as maximal timestep.
    The Output files will have their corresponding maxTime in their file name, so
  • timeSkip -> Integer value of timestep skips within one output file.
    E.g. timeSkip:=2 leads to the following queries: Hot(@1,@1), Hot(@3,@3), Hot(@5,@5), ..., Hot(@absMaxTime, @absMaxtime)
  • timeDeltas -> Integer values in array determining the time deltas between 'from' and 'to' timesteps.
    E.g. timeDeltas := [0,5,-5] leads to queries: ..., Hot(@10, @5), Hot(@10, @10), Hot (@10, @15), ...
    Queries are only ever produced if both query timesteps ('from' and 'to') are within the specified boundaries (i.e. 1 and absMaxTime)
  • queryIntervalHandling -> String of {"none" (default), "cutoff", "maxTConversion"} value specifying how query line creation when the specified interval is surpassed (e.g. "further into the future" than maxTime).
    • none - No transformation.
    • cutoff - Queries that go outside the interval are left out and not created.
    • maxTConversion - Queries that go outside the interval (left and right boundary) with their second parameter are converted as if the second parameter was the interval border.
      Example: Query interval: [1, 15], Query line: query DoR2(x1, @5, @17) -> query(x1, @5, @15)
  • includeVars -> Array of Strings listing the RandVars we want to query. All guaranteed objects are included for each type argument of the RandVar. If array is left empty, all randvars are queried.
  • restrictQueries -> Array of JSON Objects of RandVars and Objects the queries will be restricted to.
    Those inner JSON objects must have the following tags:
    • randVar -> String specifying the RandVar name
    • objects -> Array of String Arrays. The array needs to conatin one String array for each argument type of the RandVar.
      If all objects are required, just leave the corresponding String Array empty (but do specify an empty array!).

Attention - If includeVars and restrictQueries are specified, includeVars will be ignored and all information will be taken from restrictQueries.

Evidence Specification & Creation

BEWARE --- The start and end tags ([Evidence Spec] and [/Evidence Spec]) are needed and must not be changed or omitted.

The Evidence Specification is done similarly to the Query Specification: Information is parsed from a commented-out JSON-Array consisting of JSON-Objects, each specifying the evidence that shall be created for one RandVar.

Note that evidence should only be created for RandVars with at most 1 non-timestep argument.
E.g. DoR(Timestep, Person) and Hot(Timestep) are okay, Pub(Timestep, Person, Publication) is not.

How is evidence "created"? What's the logic behind it?

Firstly, the user can determine what percentage of the guaranteed objects shall be covered by evidence, i.e. for which percentage of the objects evidence shall be created for (evidenceCoverage tag). The covered portion of the objects is then divided into groupCount groups. The elements of one group behave (nearly) identically with regards to their evidence status. The only deviation in behaviour of objects in the same group can be specified via flipProb - a probability that any object's boolean state of each group is flipped. This can be used to break symmetries in the groups. If the number of covered objects is smaller than the groupCount, the first is taken as number of groups for the following steps (and groupCount is thus ignored).

The evidence creation itself follows a logic of two two-state-automatons that can be parameterized by the user:

  1. True-False-Automaton
    An automaton that can switch between two states true and false determining the boolean value which is used in the evidence (e.g. obs Hot(@1)= true).
    The state transition probabilities are set via probF2F P(false -> false) and probT2T P(true -> true). The remaining probabilities P(false -> true) and P(true -> false) are calculated as the complementary probabilities of the first two.
    percStartTrue sets the percentage of groups that are set to true in t_0.

  2. Show-Hidden-Automaton
    An automaton that can switch between two states shown and hide determining whether to print an evidence line to the final file or whether to not print it.
    The state transition probabilities are set via probShown2Shown P(shown -> shown) and probHide2Hide P(hide -> hide). The remaining probabilities P(show -> hide) and P(hide -> show) are calculated as the complementary probabilities of the first two.
    percStartShown sets the percentage of groups that are set to shown in t_0.

Evidence Spec explanation

[Evidence Spec]
    "randvar": "DoR",
    "evidenceCoverage": 0.9,
    "groupCount": 10,
    "percStartTrue": 0.4,
    "probF2F": 0.2,
    "probT2T": 0.3,
    "percStartShown": 0.30,
    "probShown2Shown": 0.4,
    "probHide2Hide": 0.5,
    "flipProb": 0.0
    "randvar": "Hot",
    "evidenceCoverage": 0.1,
    "groupCount": 10,
    "percStartTrue": 0.4,
    "probF2F": 0.2,
    "probT2T": 0.3,
    "percStartShown": 0.30,
    "probShown2Shown": 0.4,
    "probHide2Hide": 0.5,
    "flipProb": 0.3
[/Evidence Spec]

Explanation of Tags:

  • randvar: String - RandVar the evidence shall be created for
  • evidenceCoverage: Decimal - Percentage of guaranteed objects of randvar that will be considered in evidence creation
  • groupCount: Integer - Number of groups the covered objects will be divided into
    • Note: If the groupCount is larger than the number of covered objects (= Number of guaranteed objects * evidenceCoverage), the number of covered objects is used as group count.
  • percStartTrue: Decimal - Percentage of groups that start in true-state (Automaton 1)
  • probF2F: Decimal - Probability for a false -> false transition (Automaton 1)
  • probT2T: Decimal - Probability for a true -> true transition (Automaton 1)
  • percStartShown: Decimal - Percentage of groups that start in shown-state (Automaton 2)
  • probShown2Shown: Decimal - Probability for a shown -> shown transition (Automaton 2)
  • probHide2Hide: Decimal - Probability for a hide -> hide transition (Automaton 2)
  • flipProb: Decimal - Probability that any object's boolean state (Automaton 1) in a group is flipped. Used for symmetry breaking.