This is a list of known strings in the savegame file.
Look for the line containing "name": "m_iCash", "kind": "IntProperty",
and change the number after "value":
to the desired amount of money.
Look for the line containing "name": "m_iNumScientists", "kind": "IntProperty",
and change the number after "value":
to the desired number of scientists.
Look for the line containing "name": "m_iNumEngineers", "kind": "IntProperty",
and change the number after "value":
to the desired number of engineers.
Most of the items (Weapons, Alloys etc.) are located in an array called m_arrItems. To modify the quantity of a given item, change the associated array element number to the desired quantity. The following array elements have been identified within Enemy Unknown:
Element Number | Description |
9 | Laser Pistol |
10 | Laser Rifle |
11 | Scatter Laser |
12 | Heavy Laser |
13 | Laser Sniper Rifle |
14 | Plasma Pistol |
15 | Light Plasma Rifle |
16 | Plasma Rifle |
17 | Alloy Cannon |
19 | Plasma Sniper Rifle |
18 | Heavy Plasma |
20 | Blaster Launcher |
21-58 | UNDEFINED |
59 | Carapace Armor |
60 | Skeleton Suit |
61 | Titan Armor |
62 | Archangel Armor |
63 | Ghost Armor |
64 | Psi Armor |
65-76 | UNDEFINED |
77 | Medikit |
78 | Combat Stims |
79 | Mind Shield |
80 | Chitin Plating |
81 | Arc Thrower |
82 | S.C.O.P.E. |
83 | Nano-Fiber Vest |
84-88 | UNDEFINED |
89 | Alien Grenade |
90-99 | UNDEFINED |
100 | Battle Scanner |
101 | ? |
102 | ? |
103 | S.H.I.V. |
104 | Alloy S.H.I.V. |
105 | Hover S.H.I.V. |
107 | Firestorm |
109 | Satellite |
110-123 | UNDEFINED |
124 | Phoenix Cannon |
126 | Laser Cannon |
127 | Plasma Cannon |
128 | EMP Cannon |
129 | Fusion Lance |
130-133 | UNDEFINED |
134 | Defense Matrix (Dodge) |
135 | UFO Tracking (Boost) |
136 | Uplink Targeting (Aim) |
137-144 | UNDEFINED |
145 | Sectoid Corpse |
146 | Sectoid Commander Corpse |
147 | Floater Corpse |
148 | Heavy Floater Corpse |
149 | Thin Man Corpse |
150 | Muton Corpse |
151 | Muton Elite Corpse |
152 | Berserker Corpse |
153 | Cyberdisc Wreck |
154 | Ethereal Corpse |
155 | Chryssalid Corpse |
157 | Sectopod Wreck |
158 | Drone Wreck |
159-171 | UNDEFINED |
172 | Elerium |
173 | Alien Alloys |
174 | Weapon Fragments |
175 | Alien Entertainment |
176 | Alien Food |
177 | Alien Stasis Tank |
178 | UFO Flight Computer |
179 | Alien Surgery |
180 | UFO Power Source |
181 | Hyperwave Beacon |
182 | Alien Entertainment (Damaged) |
183 | Alien Food (Damaged) |
184 | Alien Stasis Tank (Damaged) |
185 | UFO Flight Computer (Damaged) |
186 | Alien Surgery (Damaged) |
187 | UFO Power Source (Damaged) |
188 | Hyperwave Beacon (Damaged) |
189 | Fusion Core |
190 | Ethereal Device |
192 | Outsider Shard |
193 | Skeleton Key |
Meld is located in an array after Meld "Command1.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XGBattleDesc_0"
Please note that this array stores the amount you found since the beginning of the game and not your current amount.