diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 540d9e4d..e2931b1a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ PROJECTS * [rwt_moveit](rwt_moveit/README.rst) * [rwt_plot](rwt_plot/README.md) * [rwt_speech_recognition](rwt_speech_recognition/README.md) +* [rwt_map](rwt_map/README.md) diff --git a/rwt_map/CMakeLists.txt b/rwt_map/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6553c28 --- /dev/null +++ b/rwt_map/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) +project(rwt_map) + +find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS + rosbridge_server + roswww + rwt_utils_3rdparty +) + +catkin_package( + CATKIN_DEPENDS rosbridge_server roswww rwt_utils_3rdparty +) + +include_directories( + ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} +) + +install(DIRECTORY launch/ + DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_SHARE_DESTINATION}/launch +) + +install(DIRECTORY www/ + DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_SHARE_DESTINATION}/www +) diff --git a/rwt_map/README.md b/rwt_map/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae928e26 --- /dev/null +++ b/rwt_map/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +rwt_map +==================== + +Usage +----- +``` +roslaunch rwt_map rwt_map.launch +``` +Launch your gmapping node which provides `/map` topic. + +Open your browser, and access to: + +`http://:8000/rwt_map/` + +for example : `http://localhost:8000/rwt_map/` + +- Control using Joystick +- Add camera topic +- Press Load video button +- View the map built in real time +- Ctrl + mouse movement = Zoom +- Shift + mouse movement = Pan + +To view live location of robot : +``` +rosrun robot_pose_publisher robot_pose_publisher +``` +- Current position of the robot is shown by Red Arrow + +![rwt_map.png](images/rwt_map.png) + diff --git a/rwt_map/images/rwt_map.png b/rwt_map/images/rwt_map.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75e12733 Binary files /dev/null and b/rwt_map/images/rwt_map.png differ diff --git a/rwt_map/launch/rwt_map.launch b/rwt_map/launch/rwt_map.launch new file mode 100644 index 00000000..34c6ef50 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Array.isArray : function _isArray(obj) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]"; + }; + var defaultMaxListeners = 10; + + function init() { + this._events = {}; + if (this._conf) { + configure.call(this, this._conf); + } + } + + function configure(conf) { + if (conf) { + + this._conf = conf; + + conf.delimiter && (this.delimiter = conf.delimiter); + conf.maxListeners && (this._events.maxListeners = conf.maxListeners); + conf.wildcard && (this.wildcard = conf.wildcard); + conf.newListener && (this.newListener = conf.newListener); + + if (this.wildcard) { + this.listenerTree = {}; + } + } + } + + function EventEmitter(conf) { + this._events = {}; + this.newListener = false; + configure.call(this, conf); + } + + // + // Attention, function return type now is array, always ! + // It has zero elements if no any matches found and one or more + // elements (leafs) if there are matches + // + function searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree, i) { + if (!tree) { + return []; + } + var listeners=[], leaf, len, branch, xTree, xxTree, isolatedBranch, endReached, + typeLength = type.length, currentType = type[i], nextType = type[i+1]; + if (i === typeLength && tree._listeners) { + // + // If at the end of the event(s) list and the tree has listeners + // invoke those listeners. + // + if (typeof tree._listeners === 'function') { + handlers && handlers.push(tree._listeners); + return [tree]; + } else { + for (leaf = 0, len = tree._listeners.length; leaf < len; leaf++) { + handlers && handlers.push(tree._listeners[leaf]); + } + return [tree]; + } + } + + if ((currentType === '*' || currentType === '**') || tree[currentType]) { + // + // If the event emitted is '*' at this part + // or there is a concrete match at this patch + // + if (currentType === '*') { + for (branch in tree) { + if (branch !== '_listeners' && tree.hasOwnProperty(branch)) { + listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], i+1)); + } + } + return listeners; + } else if(currentType === '**') { + endReached = (i+1 === typeLength || (i+2 === typeLength && nextType === '*')); + if(endReached && tree._listeners) { + // The next element has a _listeners, add it to the handlers. + listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree, typeLength)); + } + + for (branch in tree) { + if (branch !== '_listeners' && tree.hasOwnProperty(branch)) { + if(branch === '*' || branch === '**') { + if(tree[branch]._listeners && !endReached) { + listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], typeLength)); + } + listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], i)); + } else if(branch === nextType) { + listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], i+2)); + } else { + // No match on this one, shift into the tree but not in the type array. + listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[branch], i)); + } + } + } + return listeners; + } + + listeners = listeners.concat(searchListenerTree(handlers, type, tree[currentType], i+1)); + } + + xTree = tree['*']; + if (xTree) { + // + // If the listener tree will allow any match for this part, + // then recursively explore all branches of the tree + // + searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xTree, i+1); + } + + xxTree = tree['**']; + if(xxTree) { + if(i < typeLength) { + if(xxTree._listeners) { + // If we have a listener on a '**', it will catch all, so add its handler. + searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree, typeLength); + } + + // Build arrays of matching next branches and others. + for(branch in xxTree) { + if(branch !== '_listeners' && xxTree.hasOwnProperty(branch)) { + if(branch === nextType) { + // We know the next element will match, so jump twice. + searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree[branch], i+2); + } else if(branch === currentType) { + // Current node matches, move into the tree. + searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree[branch], i+1); + } else { + isolatedBranch = {}; + isolatedBranch[branch] = xxTree[branch]; + searchListenerTree(handlers, type, { '**': isolatedBranch }, i+1); + } + } + } + } else if(xxTree._listeners) { + // We have reached the end and still on a '**' + searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree, typeLength); + } else if(xxTree['*'] && xxTree['*']._listeners) { + searchListenerTree(handlers, type, xxTree['*'], typeLength); + } + } + + return listeners; + } + + function growListenerTree(type, listener) { + + type = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice(); + + // + // Looks for two consecutive '**', if so, don't add the event at all. + // + for(var i = 0, len = type.length; i+1 < len; i++) { + if(type[i] === '**' && type[i+1] === '**') { + return; + } + } + + var tree = this.listenerTree; + var name = type.shift(); + + while (name) { + + if (!tree[name]) { + tree[name] = {}; + } + + tree = tree[name]; + + if (type.length === 0) { + + if (!tree._listeners) { + tree._listeners = listener; + } + else if(typeof tree._listeners === 'function') { + tree._listeners = [tree._listeners, listener]; + } + else if (isArray(tree._listeners)) { + + tree._listeners.push(listener); + + if (!tree._listeners.warned) { + + var m = defaultMaxListeners; + + if (typeof this._events.maxListeners !== 'undefined') { + m = this._events.maxListeners; + } + + if (m > 0 && tree._listeners.length > m) { + + tree._listeners.warned = true; + console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' + + 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' + + 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.', + tree._listeners.length); + console.trace(); + } + } + } + return true; + } + name = type.shift(); + } + return true; + } + + // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than + // 10 listeners are added to it. This is a useful default which + // helps finding memory leaks. + // + // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows + // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. + + EventEmitter.prototype.delimiter = '.'; + + EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) { + this._events || init.call(this); + this._events.maxListeners = n; + if (!this._conf) this._conf = {}; + this._conf.maxListeners = n; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.event = ''; + + EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(event, fn) { + this.many(event, 1, fn); + return this; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.many = function(event, ttl, fn) { + var self = this; + + if (typeof fn !== 'function') { + throw new Error('many only accepts instances of Function'); + } + + function listener() { + if (--ttl === 0) { + self.off(event, listener); + } + fn.apply(this, arguments); + } + + listener._origin = fn; + + this.on(event, listener); + + return self; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function() { + + this._events || init.call(this); + + var type = arguments[0]; + + if (type === 'newListener' && !this.newListener) { + if (!this._events.newListener) { return false; } + } + + // Loop through the *_all* functions and invoke them. + if (this._all) { + var l = arguments.length; + var args = new Array(l - 1); + for (var i = 1; i < l; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; + for (i = 0, l = this._all.length; i < l; i++) { + this.event = type; + this._all[i].apply(this, args); + } + } + + // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. + if (type === 'error') { + + if (!this._all && + !this._events.error && + !(this.wildcard && this.listenerTree.error)) { + + if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) { + throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event + } else { + throw new Error("Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event."); + } + return false; + } + } + + var handler; + + if(this.wildcard) { + handler = []; + var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice(); + searchListenerTree.call(this, handler, ns, this.listenerTree, 0); + } + else { + handler = this._events[type]; + } + + if (typeof handler === 'function') { + this.event = type; + if (arguments.length === 1) { + handler.call(this); + } + else if (arguments.length > 1) + switch (arguments.length) { + case 2: + handler.call(this, arguments[1]); + break; + case 3: + handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]); + break; + // slower + default: + var l = arguments.length; + var args = new Array(l - 1); + for (var i = 1; i < l; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; + handler.apply(this, args); + } + return true; + } + else if (handler) { + var l = arguments.length; + var args = new Array(l - 1); + for (var i = 1; i < l; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; + + var listeners = handler.slice(); + for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) { + this.event = type; + listeners[i].apply(this, args); + } + return (listeners.length > 0) || !!this._all; + } + else { + return !!this._all; + } + + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.on = function(type, listener) { + + if (typeof type === 'function') { + this.onAny(type); + return this; + } + + if (typeof listener !== 'function') { + throw new Error('on only accepts instances of Function'); + } + this._events || init.call(this); + + // To avoid recursion in the case that type == "newListeners"! Before + // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListeners". + this.emit('newListener', type, listener); + + if(this.wildcard) { + growListenerTree.call(this, type, listener); + return this; + } + + if (!this._events[type]) { + // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. + this._events[type] = listener; + } + else if(typeof this._events[type] === 'function') { + // Adding the second element, need to change to array. + this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener]; + } + else if (isArray(this._events[type])) { + // If we've already got an array, just append. + this._events[type].push(listener); + + // Check for listener leak + if (!this._events[type].warned) { + + var m = defaultMaxListeners; + + if (typeof this._events.maxListeners !== 'undefined') { + m = this._events.maxListeners; + } + + if (m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) { + + this._events[type].warned = true; + console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' + + 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' + + 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.', + this._events[type].length); + console.trace(); + } + } + } + return this; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.onAny = function(fn) { + + if (typeof fn !== 'function') { + throw new Error('onAny only accepts instances of Function'); + } + + if(!this._all) { + this._all = []; + } + + // Add the function to the event listener collection. + this._all.push(fn); + return this; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on; + + EventEmitter.prototype.off = function(type, listener) { + if (typeof listener !== 'function') { + throw new Error('removeListener only takes instances of Function'); + } + + var handlers,leafs=[]; + + if(this.wildcard) { + var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice(); + leafs = searchListenerTree.call(this, null, ns, this.listenerTree, 0); + } + else { + // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type] + if (!this._events[type]) return this; + handlers = this._events[type]; + leafs.push({_listeners:handlers}); + } + + for (var iLeaf=0; iLeaf 0) { + fns = this._all; + for(i = 0, l = fns.length; i < l; i++) { + if(fn === fns[i]) { + fns.splice(i, 1); + return this; + } + } + } else { + this._all = []; + } + return this; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = EventEmitter.prototype.off; + + EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) { + if (arguments.length === 0) { + !this._events || init.call(this); + return this; + } + + if(this.wildcard) { + var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice(); + var leafs = searchListenerTree.call(this, null, ns, this.listenerTree, 0); + + for (var iLeaf=0; iLeaf= 0) { + self._handlers_[type].splice(self._handlers_[type].indexOf(cb), 1); + } + + return self; +}; + +Super.prototype.trigger = function (arg, data) { + var self = this; + var types = arg.split(/[ ,]+/g); + var type; + self._handlers_ = self._handlers_ || {}; + + for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i += 1) { + type = types[i]; + if (self._handlers_[type] && self._handlers_[type].length) { + self._handlers_[type].forEach(function (handler) { + handler.call(self, { + type: type, + target: self + }, data); + }); + } + } +}; + +// Configuration +Super.prototype.config = function (options) { + var self = this; + self.options = self.defaults || {}; + if (options) { + self.options = u.safeExtend(self.options, options); + } +}; + +// Bind internal events. +Super.prototype.bindEvt = function (el, type) { + var self = this; + self._domHandlers_ = self._domHandlers_ || {}; + + self._domHandlers_[type] = function () { + if (typeof self['on' + type] === 'function') { + self['on' + type].apply(self, arguments); + } else { + console.warn('[WARNING] : Missing "on' + type + '" handler.'); + } + }; + + u.bindEvt(el, toBind[type], self._domHandlers_[type]); + + if (secondBind[type]) { + // Support for both touch and mouse at the same time. + u.bindEvt(el, secondBind[type], self._domHandlers_[type]); + } + + return self; +}; + +// Unbind dom events. +Super.prototype.unbindEvt = function (el, type) { + var self = this; + self._domHandlers_ = self._domHandlers_ || {}; + + u.unbindEvt(el, toBind[type], self._domHandlers_[type]); + + if (secondBind[type]) { + // Support for both touch and mouse at the same time. + u.unbindEvt(el, secondBind[type], self._domHandlers_[type]); + } + + delete self._domHandlers_[type]; + + return this; +}; + +/////////////////////// +/// THE NIPPLE /// +/////////////////////// + +function Nipple (collection, options) { + this.identifier = options.identifier; + this.position = options.position; + this.frontPosition = options.frontPosition; + this.collection = collection; + + // Defaults + this.defaults = { + size: 100, + threshold: 0.1, + color: 'white', + fadeTime: 250, + dataOnly: false, + restJoystick: true, + restOpacity: 0.5, + mode: 'dynamic', + zone: document.body, + lockX: false, + lockY: false + }; + + this.config(options); + + // Overwrites + if (this.options.mode === 'dynamic') { + this.options.restOpacity = 0; + } + + this.id = Nipple.id; + Nipple.id += 1; + this.buildEl() + .stylize(); + + // Nipple's API. + this.instance = { + el: this.ui.el, + on: this.on.bind(this), + off: this.off.bind(this), + show: this.show.bind(this), + hide: this.hide.bind(this), + add: this.addToDom.bind(this), + remove: this.removeFromDom.bind(this), + destroy: this.destroy.bind(this), + resetDirection: this.resetDirection.bind(this), + computeDirection: this.computeDirection.bind(this), + trigger: this.trigger.bind(this), + position: this.position, + frontPosition: this.frontPosition, + ui: this.ui, + identifier: this.identifier, + id: this.id, + options: this.options + }; + + return this.instance; +}; + +Nipple.prototype = new Super(); +Nipple.constructor = Nipple; +Nipple.id = 0; + +// Build the dom element of the Nipple instance. +Nipple.prototype.buildEl = function (options) { + this.ui = {}; + + if (this.options.dataOnly) { + return this; + } + + this.ui.el = document.createElement('div'); + this.ui.back = document.createElement('div'); + this.ui.front = document.createElement('div'); + + this.ui.el.className = 'nipple collection_' + this.collection.id; + this.ui.back.className = 'back'; + this.ui.front.className = 'front'; + + this.ui.el.setAttribute('id', 'nipple_' + this.collection.id + + '_' + this.id); + + this.ui.el.appendChild(this.ui.back); + this.ui.el.appendChild(this.ui.front); + + return this; +}; + +// Apply CSS to the Nipple instance. +Nipple.prototype.stylize = function () { + if (this.options.dataOnly) { + return this; + } + var animTime = this.options.fadeTime + 'ms'; + var borderStyle = u.getVendorStyle('borderRadius', '50%'); + var transitStyle = u.getTransitionStyle('transition', 'opacity', animTime); + var styles = {}; + styles.el = { + position: 'absolute', + opacity: this.options.restOpacity, + display: 'block', + 'zIndex': 999 + }; + + styles.back = { + position: 'absolute', + display: 'block', + width: this.options.size + 'px', + height: this.options.size + 'px', + marginLeft: -this.options.size / 2 + 'px', + marginTop: -this.options.size / 2 + 'px', + background: this.options.color, + 'opacity': '.5' + }; + + styles.front = { + width: this.options.size / 2 + 'px', + height: this.options.size / 2 + 'px', + position: 'absolute', + display: 'block', + marginLeft: -this.options.size / 4 + 'px', + marginTop: -this.options.size / 4 + 'px', + background: this.options.color, + 'opacity': '.5' + }; + + u.extend(styles.el, transitStyle); + u.extend(styles.back, borderStyle); + u.extend(styles.front, borderStyle); + + this.applyStyles(styles); + + return this; +}; + +Nipple.prototype.applyStyles = function (styles) { + // Apply styles + for (var i in this.ui) { + if (this.ui.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + for (var j in styles[i]) { + this.ui[i].style[j] = styles[i][j]; + } + } + } + + return this; +}; + +// Inject the Nipple instance into DOM. +Nipple.prototype.addToDom = function () { + // We're not adding it if we're dataOnly or already in dom. + if (this.options.dataOnly || document.body.contains(this.ui.el)) { + return this; + } + this.options.zone.appendChild(this.ui.el); + return this; +}; + +// Remove the Nipple instance from DOM. +Nipple.prototype.removeFromDom = function () { + if (this.options.dataOnly || !document.body.contains(this.ui.el)) { + return this; + } + this.options.zone.removeChild(this.ui.el); + return this; +}; + +// Entirely destroy this nipple +Nipple.prototype.destroy = function () { + clearTimeout(this.removeTimeout); + clearTimeout(this.showTimeout); + clearTimeout(this.restTimeout); + this.trigger('destroyed', this.instance); + this.removeFromDom(); + this.off(); +}; + +// Fade in the Nipple instance. +Nipple.prototype.show = function (cb) { + var self = this; + + if (self.options.dataOnly) { + return self; + } + + clearTimeout(self.removeTimeout); + clearTimeout(self.showTimeout); + clearTimeout(self.restTimeout); + + self.addToDom(); + + self.restCallback(); + + setTimeout(function () { + self.ui.el.style.opacity = 1; + }, 0); + + self.showTimeout = setTimeout(function () { + self.trigger('shown', self.instance); + if (typeof cb === 'function') { + cb.call(this); + } + }, self.options.fadeTime); + + return self; +}; + +// Fade out the Nipple instance. +Nipple.prototype.hide = function (cb) { + var self = this; + + if (self.options.dataOnly) { + return self; + } + + self.ui.el.style.opacity = self.options.restOpacity; + + clearTimeout(self.removeTimeout); + clearTimeout(self.showTimeout); + clearTimeout(self.restTimeout); + + self.removeTimeout = setTimeout( + function () { + var display = self.options.mode === 'dynamic' ? 'none' : 'block'; + self.ui.el.style.display = display; + if (typeof cb === 'function') { + cb.call(self); + } + + self.trigger('hidden', self.instance); + }, + self.options.fadeTime + ); + if (self.options.restJoystick) { + self.restPosition(); + } + + return self; +}; + +Nipple.prototype.restPosition = function (cb) { + var self = this; + self.frontPosition = { + x: 0, + y: 0 + }; + var animTime = self.options.fadeTime + 'ms'; + + var transitStyle = {}; + transitStyle.front = u.getTransitionStyle('transition', + ['top', 'left'], animTime); + + var styles = {front: {}}; + styles.front = { + left: self.frontPosition.x + 'px', + top: self.frontPosition.y + 'px' + }; + + self.applyStyles(transitStyle); + self.applyStyles(styles); + + self.restTimeout = setTimeout( + function () { + if (typeof cb === 'function') { + cb.call(self); + } + self.restCallback(); + }, + self.options.fadeTime + ); +}; + +Nipple.prototype.restCallback = function () { + var self = this; + var transitStyle = {}; + transitStyle.front = u.getTransitionStyle('transition', 'none', ''); + self.applyStyles(transitStyle); + self.trigger('rested', self.instance); +}; + +Nipple.prototype.resetDirection = function () { + // Fully rebuild the object to let the iteration possible. + this.direction = { + x: false, + y: false, + angle: false + }; +}; + +Nipple.prototype.computeDirection = function (obj) { + var rAngle = obj.angle.radian; + var angle45 = Math.PI / 4; + var angle90 = Math.PI / 2; + var direction, directionX, directionY; + + // Angular direction + // \ UP / + // \ / + // LEFT RIGHT + // / \ + // /DOWN \ + // + if ( + rAngle > angle45 && + rAngle < (angle45 * 3) && + !obj.lockX + ) { + direction = 'up'; + } else if ( + rAngle > -angle45 && + rAngle <= angle45 && + !obj.lockY + ) { + direction = 'left'; + } else if ( + rAngle > (-angle45 * 3) && + rAngle <= -angle45 && + !obj.lockX + ) { + direction = 'down'; + } else if (!obj.lockY) { + direction = 'right'; + } + + // Plain direction + // UP | + // _______ | RIGHT + // LEFT | + // DOWN | + if (!obj.lockY) { + if (rAngle > -angle90 && rAngle < angle90) { + directionX = 'left'; + } else { + directionX = 'right'; + } + } + + if (!obj.lockX) { + if (rAngle > 0) { + directionY = 'up'; + } else { + directionY = 'down'; + } + } + + if (obj.force > this.options.threshold) { + var oldDirection = {}; + for (var i in this.direction) { + if (this.direction.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + oldDirection[i] = this.direction[i]; + } + } + + var same = {}; + + this.direction = { + x: directionX, + y: directionY, + angle: direction + }; + + obj.direction = this.direction; + + for (var i in oldDirection) { + if (oldDirection[i] === this.direction[i]) { + same[i] = true; + } + } + + // If all 3 directions are the same, we don't trigger anything. + if (same.x && same.y && same.angle) { + return obj; + } + + if (!same.x || !same.y) { + this.trigger('plain', obj); + } + + if (!same.x) { + this.trigger('plain:' + directionX, obj); + } + + if (!same.y) { + this.trigger('plain:' + directionY, obj); + } + + if (!same.angle) { + this.trigger('dir dir:' + direction, obj); + } + } + return obj; +}; + +/* global Nipple, Super */ + +/////////////////////////// +/// THE COLLECTION /// +/////////////////////////// + +function Collection (manager, options) { + var self = this; + self.nipples = []; + self.idles = []; + self.actives = []; + self.ids = []; + self.pressureIntervals = {}; + self.manager = manager; + self.id = Collection.id; + Collection.id += 1; + + // Defaults + self.defaults = { + zone: document.body, + multitouch: false, + maxNumberOfNipples: 10, + mode: 'dynamic', + position: {top: 0, left: 0}, + catchDistance: 200, + size: 100, + threshold: 0.1, + color: 'white', + fadeTime: 250, + dataOnly: false, + restJoystick: true, + restOpacity: 0.5, + lockX: false, + lockY: false + }; + + self.config(options); + + // Overwrites + if (self.options.mode === 'static' || self.options.mode === 'semi') { + self.options.multitouch = false; + } + + if (!self.options.multitouch) { + self.options.maxNumberOfNipples = 1; + } + + self.updateBox(); + self.prepareNipples(); + self.bindings(); + self.begin(); + + return self.nipples; +} + +Collection.prototype = new Super(); +Collection.constructor = Collection; +Collection.id = 0; + +Collection.prototype.prepareNipples = function () { + var self = this; + var nips = self.nipples; + + // Public API Preparation. + nips.on = self.on.bind(self); + nips.off = self.off.bind(self); + nips.options = self.options; + nips.destroy = self.destroy.bind(self); + nips.ids = self.ids; + nips.id = self.id; + nips.processOnMove = self.processOnMove.bind(self); + nips.processOnEnd = self.processOnEnd.bind(self); + nips.get = function (id) { + if (id === undefined) { + return nips[0]; + } + for (var i = 0, max = nips.length; i < max; i += 1) { + if (nips[i].identifier === id) { + return nips[i]; + } + } + return false; + }; +}; + +Collection.prototype.bindings = function () { + var self = this; + // Touch start event. + self.bindEvt(self.options.zone, 'start'); + // Avoid native touch actions (scroll, zoom etc...) on the zone. + self.options.zone.style.touchAction = 'none'; + self.options.zone.style.msTouchAction = 'none'; +}; + +Collection.prototype.begin = function () { + var self = this; + var opts = self.options; + + // We place our static nipple + // if needed. + if (opts.mode === 'static') { + var nipple = self.createNipple( + opts.position, + self.manager.getIdentifier() + ); + // Add it to the dom. + nipple.add(); + // Store it in idles. + self.idles.push(nipple); + } +}; + +// Nipple Factory +Collection.prototype.createNipple = function (position, identifier) { + var self = this; + var scroll = u.getScroll(); + var toPutOn = {}; + var opts = self.options; + + if (position.x && position.y) { + toPutOn = { + x: position.x - + (scroll.x + self.box.left), + y: position.y - + (scroll.y + self.box.top) + }; + } else if ( + position.top || + position.right || + position.bottom || + position.left + ) { + + // We need to compute the position X / Y of the joystick. + var dumb = document.createElement('DIV'); + dumb.style.display = 'hidden'; + dumb.style.top = position.top; + dumb.style.right = position.right; + dumb.style.bottom = position.bottom; + dumb.style.left = position.left; + dumb.style.position = 'absolute'; + + opts.zone.appendChild(dumb); + var dumbBox = dumb.getBoundingClientRect(); + opts.zone.removeChild(dumb); + + toPutOn = position; + position = { + x: dumbBox.left + scroll.x, + y: dumbBox.top + scroll.y + }; + } + + var nipple = new Nipple(self, { + color: opts.color, + size: opts.size, + threshold: opts.threshold, + fadeTime: opts.fadeTime, + dataOnly: opts.dataOnly, + restJoystick: opts.restJoystick, + restOpacity: opts.restOpacity, + mode: opts.mode, + identifier: identifier, + position: position, + zone: opts.zone, + frontPosition: { + x: 0, + y: 0 + } + }); + + if (!opts.dataOnly) { + u.applyPosition(nipple.ui.el, toPutOn); + u.applyPosition(nipple.ui.front, nipple.frontPosition); + } + self.nipples.push(nipple); + self.trigger('added ' + nipple.identifier + ':added', nipple); + self.manager.trigger('added ' + nipple.identifier + ':added', nipple); + + self.bindNipple(nipple); + + return nipple; +}; + +Collection.prototype.updateBox = function () { + var self = this; + self.box = self.options.zone.getBoundingClientRect(); +}; + +Collection.prototype.bindNipple = function (nipple) { + var self = this; + var type; + // Bubble up identified events. + var handler = function (evt, data) { + // Identify the event type with the nipple's id. + type = evt.type + ' ' + data.id + ':' + evt.type; + self.trigger(type, data); + }; + + // When it gets destroyed. + nipple.on('destroyed', self.onDestroyed.bind(self)); + + // Other events that will get bubbled up. + nipple.on('shown hidden rested dir plain', handler); + nipple.on('dir:up dir:right dir:down dir:left', handler); + nipple.on('plain:up plain:right plain:down plain:left', handler); +}; + +Collection.prototype.pressureFn = function (touch, nipple, identifier) { + var self = this; + var previousPressure = 0; + clearInterval(self.pressureIntervals[identifier]); + // Create an interval that will read the pressure every 100ms + self.pressureIntervals[identifier] = setInterval(function () { + var pressure = touch.force || touch.pressure || + touch.webkitForce || 0; + if (pressure !== previousPressure) { + nipple.trigger('pressure', pressure); + self.trigger('pressure ' + + nipple.identifier + ':pressure', pressure); + previousPressure = pressure; + } + }.bind(self), 100); +}; + +Collection.prototype.onstart = function (evt) { + var self = this; + var opts = self.options; + evt = u.prepareEvent(evt); + + // Update the box position + self.updateBox(); + + var process = function (touch) { + // If we can create new nipples + // meaning we don't have more active nipples than we should. + if (self.actives.length < opts.maxNumberOfNipples) { + self.processOnStart(touch); + } + }; + + u.map(evt, process); + + // We ask upstream to bind the document + // on 'move' and 'end' + self.manager.bindDocument(); + return false; +}; + +Collection.prototype.processOnStart = function (evt) { + var self = this; + var opts = self.options; + var indexInIdles; + var identifier = self.manager.getIdentifier(evt); + var pressure = evt.force || evt.pressure || evt.webkitForce || 0; + var position = { + x: evt.pageX, + y: evt.pageY + }; + + var nipple = self.getOrCreate(identifier, position); + + // Update its touch identifier + if (nipple.identifier !== identifier) { + self.manager.removeIdentifier(nipple.identifier); + } + nipple.identifier = identifier; + + var process = function (nip) { + // Trigger the start. + nip.trigger('start', nip); + self.trigger('start ' + nip.id + ':start', nip); + + nip.show(); + if (pressure > 0) { + self.pressureFn(evt, nip, nip.identifier); + } + // Trigger the first move event. + self.processOnMove(evt); + }; + + // Transfer it from idles to actives. + if ((indexInIdles = self.idles.indexOf(nipple)) >= 0) { + self.idles.splice(indexInIdles, 1); + } + + // Store the nipple in the actives array + self.actives.push(nipple); + self.ids.push(nipple.identifier); + + if (opts.mode !== 'semi') { + process(nipple); + } else { + // In semi we check the distance of the touch + // to decide if we have to reset the nipple + var distance = u.distance(position, nipple.position); + if (distance <= opts.catchDistance) { + process(nipple); + } else { + nipple.destroy(); + self.processOnStart(evt); + return; + } + } + + return nipple; +}; + +Collection.prototype.getOrCreate = function (identifier, position) { + var self = this; + var opts = self.options; + var nipple; + + // If we're in static or semi, we might already have an active. + if (/(semi|static)/.test(opts.mode)) { + // Get the active one. + // TODO: Multi-touche for semi and static will start here. + // Return the nearest one. + nipple = self.idles[0]; + if (nipple) { + self.idles.splice(0, 1); + return nipple; + } + + if (opts.mode === 'semi') { + // If we're in semi mode, we need to create one. + return self.createNipple(position, identifier); + } + + console.warn('Coudln\'t find the needed nipple.'); + return false; + } + // In dynamic, we create a new one. + nipple = self.createNipple(position, identifier); + return nipple; +}; + +Collection.prototype.processOnMove = function (evt) { + var self = this; + var opts = self.options; + var identifier = self.manager.getIdentifier(evt); + var nipple = self.nipples.get(identifier); + + if (!nipple) { + // This is here just for safety. + // It shouldn't happen. + console.error('Found zombie joystick with ID ' + identifier); + self.manager.removeIdentifier(identifier); + return; + } + + nipple.identifier = identifier; + + var size = nipple.options.size / 2; + var pos = { + x: evt.pageX, + y: evt.pageY + }; + + var dist = u.distance(pos, nipple.position); + var angle = u.angle(pos, nipple.position); + var rAngle = u.radians(angle); + var force = dist / size; + + // If distance is bigger than nipple's size + // we clamp the position. + if (dist > size) { + dist = size; + pos = u.findCoord(nipple.position, dist, angle); + } + + var xPosition = pos.x - nipple.position.x + var yPosition = pos.y - nipple.position.y + + if (opts.lockX){ + yPosition = 0 + } + if (opts.lockY) { + xPosition = 0 + } + + nipple.frontPosition = { + x: xPosition, + y: yPosition + }; + + if (!opts.dataOnly) { + u.applyPosition(nipple.ui.front, nipple.frontPosition); + } + + // Prepare event's datas. + var toSend = { + identifier: nipple.identifier, + position: pos, + force: force, + pressure: evt.force || evt.pressure || evt.webkitForce || 0, + distance: dist, + angle: { + radian: rAngle, + degree: angle + }, + instance: nipple, + lockX: opts.lockX, + lockY: opts.lockY + }; + + // Compute the direction's datas. + toSend = nipple.computeDirection(toSend); + + // Offset angles to follow units circle. + toSend.angle = { + radian: u.radians(180 - angle), + degree: 180 - angle + }; + + // Send everything to everyone. + nipple.trigger('move', toSend); + self.trigger('move ' + nipple.id + ':move', toSend); +}; + +Collection.prototype.processOnEnd = function (evt) { + var self = this; + var opts = self.options; + var identifier = self.manager.getIdentifier(evt); + var nipple = self.nipples.get(identifier); + var removedIdentifier = self.manager.removeIdentifier(nipple.identifier); + + if (!nipple) { + return; + } + + if (!opts.dataOnly) { + nipple.hide(function () { + if (opts.mode === 'dynamic') { + nipple.trigger('removed', nipple); + self.trigger('removed ' + nipple.id + ':removed', nipple); + self.manager + .trigger('removed ' + nipple.id + ':removed', nipple); + nipple.destroy(); + } + }); + } + + // Clear the pressure interval reader + clearInterval(self.pressureIntervals[nipple.identifier]); + + // Reset the direciton of the nipple, to be able to trigger a new direction + // on start. + nipple.resetDirection(); + + nipple.trigger('end', nipple); + self.trigger('end ' + nipple.id + ':end', nipple); + + // Remove identifier from our bank. + if (self.ids.indexOf(nipple.identifier) >= 0) { + self.ids.splice(self.ids.indexOf(nipple.identifier), 1); + } + + // Clean our actives array. + if (self.actives.indexOf(nipple) >= 0) { + self.actives.splice(self.actives.indexOf(nipple), 1); + } + + if (/(semi|static)/.test(opts.mode)) { + // Transfer nipple from actives to idles + // if we're in semi or static mode. + self.idles.push(nipple); + } else if (self.nipples.indexOf(nipple) >= 0) { + // Only if we're not in semi or static mode + // we can remove the instance. + self.nipples.splice(self.nipples.indexOf(nipple), 1); + } + + // We unbind move and end. + self.manager.unbindDocument(); + + // We add back the identifier of the idle nipple; + if (/(semi|static)/.test(opts.mode)) { + self.manager.ids[removedIdentifier.id] = removedIdentifier.identifier; + } +}; + +// Remove destroyed nipple from the lists +Collection.prototype.onDestroyed = function(evt, nipple) { + var self = this; + if (self.nipples.indexOf(nipple) >= 0) { + self.nipples.splice(self.nipples.indexOf(nipple), 1); + } + if (self.actives.indexOf(nipple) >= 0) { + self.actives.splice(self.actives.indexOf(nipple), 1); + } + if (self.idles.indexOf(nipple) >= 0) { + self.idles.splice(self.idles.indexOf(nipple), 1); + } + if (self.ids.indexOf(nipple.identifier) >= 0) { + self.ids.splice(self.ids.indexOf(nipple.identifier), 1); + } + + // Remove the identifier from our bank + self.manager.removeIdentifier(nipple.identifier); + + // We unbind move and end. + self.manager.unbindDocument(); +}; + +// Cleanly destroy the manager +Collection.prototype.destroy = function () { + var self = this; + self.unbindEvt(self.options.zone, 'start'); + + // Destroy nipples. + self.nipples.forEach(function(nipple) { + nipple.destroy(); + }); + + // Clean 3DTouch intervals. + for (var i in self.pressureIntervals) { + if (self.pressureIntervals.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + clearInterval(self.pressureIntervals[i]); + } + } + + // Notify the manager passing the instance + self.trigger('destroyed', self.nipples); + // We unbind move and end. + self.manager.unbindDocument(); + // Unbind everything. + self.off(); +}; + +/* global u, Super, Collection */ + +/////////////////////// +/// MANAGER /// +/////////////////////// + +function Manager (options) { + var self = this; + self.ids = {}; + self.index = 0; + self.collections = []; + + self.config(options); + self.prepareCollections(); + + // Listen for resize, to reposition every joysticks + var resizeTimer; + u.bindEvt(window, 'resize', function (evt) { + clearTimeout(resizeTimer); + resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { + var pos; + var scroll = u.getScroll(); + self.collections.forEach(function (collection) { + collection.forEach(function (nipple) { + pos = nipple.el.getBoundingClientRect(); + nipple.position = { + x: scroll.x + pos.left, + y: scroll.y + pos.top + }; + }); + }); + }, 100); + }); + + return self.collections; +}; + +Manager.prototype = new Super(); +Manager.constructor = Manager; + +Manager.prototype.prepareCollections = function () { + var self = this; + // Public API Preparation. + self.collections.create = self.create.bind(self); + // Listen to anything + self.collections.on = self.on.bind(self); + // Unbind general events + self.collections.off = self.off.bind(self); + // Destroy everything + self.collections.destroy = self.destroy.bind(self); + // Get any nipple + self.collections.get = function (id) { + var nipple; + self.collections.every(function (collection) { + if (nipple = collection.get(id)) { + return false; + } + return true; + }); + return nipple; + }; +}; + +Manager.prototype.create = function (options) { + return this.createCollection(options); +}; + +// Collection Factory +Manager.prototype.createCollection = function (options) { + var self = this; + var collection = new Collection(self, options); + + self.bindCollection(collection); + self.collections.push(collection); + + return collection; +}; + +Manager.prototype.bindCollection = function (collection) { + var self = this; + var type; + // Bubble up identified events. + var handler = function (evt, data) { + // Identify the event type with the nipple's identifier. + type = evt.type + ' ' + data.id + ':' + evt.type; + self.trigger(type, data); + }; + + // When it gets destroyed we clean. + collection.on('destroyed', self.onDestroyed.bind(self)); + + // Other events that will get bubbled up. + collection.on('shown hidden rested dir plain', handler); + collection.on('dir:up dir:right dir:down dir:left', handler); + collection.on('plain:up plain:right plain:down plain:left', handler); +}; + +Manager.prototype.bindDocument = function () { + var self = this; + // Bind only if not already binded + if (!self.binded) { + self.bindEvt(document, 'move') + .bindEvt(document, 'end'); + self.binded = true; + } +}; + +Manager.prototype.unbindDocument = function (force) { + var self = this; + // If there are no touch left + // unbind the document. + if (!Object.keys(self.ids).length || force === true) { + self.unbindEvt(document, 'move') + .unbindEvt(document, 'end'); + self.binded = false; + } +}; + +Manager.prototype.getIdentifier = function (evt) { + var id; + // If no event, simple increment + if (!evt) { + id = this.index; + } else { + // Extract identifier from event object. + // Unavailable in mouse events so replaced by latest increment. + id = evt.identifier === undefined ? evt.pointerId : evt.identifier; + if (id === undefined) { + id = this.latest || 0; + } + } + + if (this.ids[id] === undefined) { + this.ids[id] = this.index; + this.index += 1; + } + + // Keep the latest id used in case we're using an unidentified mouseEvent + this.latest = id; + return this.ids[id]; +}; + +Manager.prototype.removeIdentifier = function (identifier) { + var removed = {}; + for (var id in this.ids) { + if (this.ids[id] === identifier) { + removed.id = id; + removed.identifier = this.ids[id]; + delete this.ids[id]; + break; + } + } + return removed; +}; + +Manager.prototype.onmove = function (evt) { + var self = this; + self.onAny('move', evt); + return false; +}; + +Manager.prototype.onend = function (evt) { + var self = this; + self.onAny('end', evt); + return false; +}; + +Manager.prototype.oncancel = function (evt) { + var self = this; + self.onAny('end', evt); + return false; +}; + +Manager.prototype.onAny = function (which, evt) { + var self = this; + var id; + var processFn = 'processOn' + which.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + + which.slice(1); + evt = u.prepareEvent(evt); + var processColl = function (e, id, coll) { + if (coll.ids.indexOf(id) >= 0) { + coll[processFn](e); + // Mark the event to avoid cleaning it later. + e._found_ = true; + } + }; + var processEvt = function (e) { + id = self.getIdentifier(e); + u.map(self.collections, processColl.bind(null, e, id)); + // If the event isn't handled by any collection, + // we need to clean its identifier. + if (!e._found_) { + self.removeIdentifier(id); + } + }; + + u.map(evt, processEvt); + + return false; +}; + +// Cleanly destroy the manager +Manager.prototype.destroy = function () { + var self = this; + self.unbindDocument(true); + self.ids = {}; + self.index = 0; + self.collections.forEach(function(collection) { + collection.destroy(); + }); + self.off(); +}; + +// When a collection gets destroyed +// we clean behind. +Manager.prototype.onDestroyed = function (evt, coll) { + var self = this; + if (self.collections.indexOf(coll) < 0) { + return false; + } + self.collections.splice(self.collections.indexOf(coll), 1); +}; + +var factory = new Manager(); +return { + create: function (options) { + return factory.create(options); + }, + factory: factory +}; + +}); + diff --git a/rwt_map/www/3rdparty/ros/js/ros2d.js b/rwt_map/www/3rdparty/ros/js/ros2d.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc480779 --- /dev/null +++ b/rwt_map/www/3rdparty/ros/js/ros2d.js @@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@ +/** + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +var ROS2D = ROS2D || { + REVISION : '0.9.0' +}; + +// convert the given global Stage coordinates to ROS coordinates +createjs.Stage.prototype.globalToRos = function(x, y) { + var rosX = (x - this.x) / this.scaleX; + var rosY = (this.y - y) / this.scaleY; + return new ROSLIB.Vector3({ + x : rosX, + y : rosY + }); +}; + +// convert the given ROS coordinates to global Stage coordinates +createjs.Stage.prototype.rosToGlobal = function(pos) { + var x = pos.x * this.scaleX + this.x; + var y = pos.y * this.scaleY + this.y; + return { + x : x, + y : y + }; +}; + +// convert a ROS quaternion to theta in degrees +createjs.Stage.prototype.rosQuaternionToGlobalTheta = function(orientation) { + // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_between_quaternions_and_Euler_angles#Rotation_matrices + // here we use [x y z] = R * [1 0 0] + var q0 = orientation.w; + var q1 = orientation.x; + var q2 = orientation.y; + var q3 = orientation.z; + // Canvas rotation is clock wise and in degrees + return -Math.atan2(2 * (q0 * q3 + q1 * q2), 1 - 2 * (q2 * q2 + q3 * q3)) * 180.0 / Math.PI; +}; + +/** + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +/** + * An image map is a PNG image scaled to fit to the dimensions of a OccupancyGrid. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * message - the occupancy grid map meta data message + * * image - the image URL to load + */ +ROS2D.ImageMap = function(options) { + options = options || {}; + var message = options.message; + var image = options.image; + + // save the metadata we need + this.pose = new ROSLIB.Pose({ + position : message.origin.position, + orientation : message.origin.orientation + }); + + // set the size + this.width = message.width; + this.height = message.height; + + // create the bitmap + createjs.Bitmap.call(this, image); + // change Y direction + this.y = -this.height * message.resolution; + + // scale the image + this.scaleX = message.resolution; + this.scaleY = message.resolution; + this.width *= this.scaleX; + this.height *= this.scaleY; + + // set the pose + this.x += this.pose.position.x; + this.y -= this.pose.position.y; +}; +ROS2D.ImageMap.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Bitmap.prototype; + +/** + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +/** + * A image map is a PNG image scaled to fit to the dimensions of a OccupancyGrid. + * + * Emits the following events: + * * 'change' - there was an update or change in the map + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle + * * topic (optional) - the map meta data topic to listen to + * * image - the image URL to load + * * rootObject (optional) - the root object to add this marker to + */ +ROS2D.ImageMapClient = function(options) { + var that = this; + options = options || {}; + var ros = options.ros; + var topic = options.topic || '/map_metadata'; + this.image = options.image; + this.rootObject = options.rootObject || new createjs.Container(); + + // create an empty shape to start with + this.currentImage = new createjs.Shape(); + + // subscribe to the topic + var rosTopic = new ROSLIB.Topic({ + ros : ros, + name : topic, + messageType : 'nav_msgs/MapMetaData' + }); + + rosTopic.subscribe(function(message) { + // we only need this once + rosTopic.unsubscribe(); + + // create the image + that.currentImage = new ROS2D.ImageMap({ + message : message, + image : that.image + }); + that.rootObject.addChild(that.currentImage); + // work-around for a bug in easeljs -- needs a second object to render correctly + that.rootObject.addChild(new ROS2D.Grid({size:1})); + + that.emit('change'); + }); +}; +ROS2D.ImageMapClient.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype; + +/** + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +/** + * An OccupancyGrid can convert a ROS occupancy grid message into a createjs Bitmap object. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * message - the occupancy grid message + */ +ROS2D.OccupancyGrid = function(options) { + options = options || {}; + var message = options.message; + + // internal drawing canvas + var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); + var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); + + // save the metadata we need + this.pose = new ROSLIB.Pose({ + position : message.info.origin.position, + orientation : message.info.origin.orientation + }); + + // set the size + this.width = message.info.width; + this.height = message.info.height; + canvas.width = this.width; + canvas.height = this.height; + + var imageData = context.createImageData(this.width, this.height); + for ( var row = 0; row < this.height; row++) { + for ( var col = 0; col < this.width; col++) { + // determine the index into the map data + var mapI = col + ((this.height - row - 1) * this.width); + // determine the value + var data = message.data[mapI]; + var val; + if (data === 100) { + val = 0; + } else if (data === 0) { + val = 255; + } else { + val = 127; + } + + // determine the index into the image data array + var i = (col + (row * this.width)) * 4; + // r + imageData.data[i] = val; + // g + imageData.data[++i] = val; + // b + imageData.data[++i] = val; + // a + imageData.data[++i] = 255; + } + } + context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); + + // create the bitmap + createjs.Bitmap.call(this, canvas); + // change Y direction + this.y = -this.height * message.info.resolution; + + // scale the image + this.scaleX = message.info.resolution; + this.scaleY = message.info.resolution; + this.width *= this.scaleX; + this.height *= this.scaleY; + + // set the pose + this.x += this.pose.position.x; + this.y -= this.pose.position.y; +}; +ROS2D.OccupancyGrid.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Bitmap.prototype; + +/** + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +/** + * A map that listens to a given occupancy grid topic. + * + * Emits the following events: + * * 'change' - there was an update or change in the map + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle + * * topic (optional) - the map topic to listen to + * * rootObject (optional) - the root object to add this marker to + * * continuous (optional) - if the map should be continuously loaded (e.g., for SLAM) + */ +ROS2D.OccupancyGridClient = function(options) { + var that = this; + options = options || {}; + var ros = options.ros; + var topic = options.topic || '/map'; + this.continuous = options.continuous; + this.rootObject = options.rootObject || new createjs.Container(); + + // current grid that is displayed + // create an empty shape to start with, so that the order remains correct. + this.currentGrid = new createjs.Shape(); + this.rootObject.addChild(this.currentGrid); + // work-around for a bug in easeljs -- needs a second object to render correctly + this.rootObject.addChild(new ROS2D.Grid({size:1})); + + // subscribe to the topic + var rosTopic = new ROSLIB.Topic({ + ros : ros, + name : topic, + messageType : 'nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid', + compression : 'png' + }); + + rosTopic.subscribe(function(message) { + // check for an old map + var index = null; + if (that.currentGrid) { + index = that.rootObject.getChildIndex(that.currentGrid); + that.rootObject.removeChild(that.currentGrid); + } + + that.currentGrid = new ROS2D.OccupancyGrid({ + message : message + }); + if (index !== null) { + that.rootObject.addChildAt(that.currentGrid, index); + } + else { + that.rootObject.addChild(that.currentGrid); + } + + that.emit('change'); + + // check if we should unsubscribe + if (!that.continuous) { + rosTopic.unsubscribe(); + } + }); +}; +ROS2D.OccupancyGridClient.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype; + +/** + * @author Jihoon Lee- jihoonlee.in@gmail.com + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +/** + * A static map that receives from map_server. + * + * Emits the following events: + * * 'change' - there was an update or change in the map + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle + * * service (optional) - the map topic to listen to, like '/static_map' + * * rootObject (optional) - the root object to add this marker to + */ +ROS2D.OccupancyGridSrvClient = function(options) { + var that = this; + options = options || {}; + var ros = options.ros; + var service = options.service || '/static_map'; + this.rootObject = options.rootObject || new createjs.Container(); + + // current grid that is displayed + this.currentGrid = null; + + // Setting up to the service + var rosService = new ROSLIB.Service({ + ros : ros, + name : service, + serviceType : 'nav_msgs/GetMap', + compression : 'png' + }); + + rosService.callService(new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest(),function(response) { + // check for an old map + if (that.currentGrid) { + that.rootObject.removeChild(that.currentGrid); + } + + that.currentGrid = new ROS2D.OccupancyGrid({ + message : response.map + }); + that.rootObject.addChild(that.currentGrid); + + that.emit('change', that.currentGrid); + }); +}; +ROS2D.OccupancyGridSrvClient.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype; + +/** + * @author Bart van Vliet - bart@dobots.nl + */ + +/** + * An arrow with line and triangular head, based on the navigation arrow. + * Aims to the left at 0 rotation, as would be expected. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * size (optional) - the size of the marker + * * strokeSize (optional) - the size of the outline + * * strokeColor (optional) - the createjs color for the stroke + * * fillColor (optional) - the createjs color for the fill + * * pulse (optional) - if the marker should "pulse" over time + */ +ROS2D.ArrowShape = function(options) { + var that = this; + options = options || {}; + var size = options.size || 10; + var strokeSize = options.strokeSize || 3; + var strokeColor = options.strokeColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0); + var fillColor = options.fillColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 0, 0); + var pulse = options.pulse; + + // draw the arrow + var graphics = new createjs.Graphics(); + + var headLen = size / 3.0; + var headWidth = headLen * 2.0 / 3.0; + + graphics.setStrokeStyle(strokeSize); + graphics.beginStroke(strokeColor); + graphics.moveTo(0, 0); + graphics.lineTo(size-headLen, 0); + + graphics.beginFill(fillColor); + graphics.moveTo(size, 0); + graphics.lineTo(size-headLen, headWidth / 2.0); + graphics.lineTo(size-headLen, -headWidth / 2.0); + graphics.closePath(); + graphics.endFill(); + graphics.endStroke(); + + // create the shape + createjs.Shape.call(this, graphics); + + // check if we are pulsing + if (pulse) { + // have the model "pulse" + var growCount = 0; + var growing = true; + createjs.Ticker.addEventListener('tick', function() { + if (growing) { + that.scaleX *= 1.035; + that.scaleY *= 1.035; + growing = (++growCount < 10); + } else { + that.scaleX /= 1.035; + that.scaleY /= 1.035; + growing = (--growCount < 0); + } + }); + } +}; +ROS2D.ArrowShape.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Shape.prototype; + +/** + * @author Raffaello Bonghi - raffaello.bonghi@officinerobotiche.it + */ + +/** + * A Grid object draw in map. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * size (optional) - the size of the grid + * * cellSize (optional) - the cell size of map + * * lineWidth (optional) - the width of the lines in the grid + */ + ROS2D.Grid = function(options) { + var that = this; + options = options || {}; + var size = options.size || 10; + var cellSize = options.cellSize || 0.1; + var lineWidth = options.lineWidth || 0.001; + // draw the arrow + var graphics = new createjs.Graphics(); + // line width + graphics.setStrokeStyle(lineWidth*5); + graphics.beginStroke(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0)); + graphics.beginFill(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 0, 0)); + graphics.moveTo(-size*cellSize, 0); + graphics.lineTo(size*cellSize, 0); + graphics.moveTo(0, -size*cellSize); + graphics.lineTo(0, size*cellSize); + graphics.endFill(); + graphics.endStroke(); + + graphics.setStrokeStyle(lineWidth); + graphics.beginStroke(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0)); + graphics.beginFill(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 0, 0)); + for (var i = -size; i <= size; i++) { + graphics.moveTo(-size*cellSize, i * cellSize); + graphics.lineTo(size*cellSize, i * cellSize); + graphics.moveTo(i * cellSize, -size*cellSize); + graphics.lineTo(i * cellSize, size*cellSize); + } + graphics.endFill(); + graphics.endStroke(); + // create the shape + createjs.Shape.call(this, graphics); + +}; +ROS2D.Grid.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Shape.prototype; + +/** + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +/** + * A navigation arrow is a directed triangle that can be used to display orientation. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * size (optional) - the size of the marker + * * strokeSize (optional) - the size of the outline + * * strokeColor (optional) - the createjs color for the stroke + * * fillColor (optional) - the createjs color for the fill + * * pulse (optional) - if the marker should "pulse" over time + */ +ROS2D.NavigationArrow = function(options) { + var that = this; + options = options || {}; + var size = options.size || 10; + var strokeSize = options.strokeSize || 3; + var strokeColor = options.strokeColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0); + var fillColor = options.fillColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 0, 0); + var pulse = options.pulse; + + // draw the arrow + var graphics = new createjs.Graphics(); + // line width + graphics.setStrokeStyle(strokeSize); + graphics.moveTo(-size / 2.0, -size / 2.0); + graphics.beginStroke(strokeColor); + graphics.beginFill(fillColor); + graphics.lineTo(size, 0); + graphics.lineTo(-size / 2.0, size / 2.0); + graphics.closePath(); + graphics.endFill(); + graphics.endStroke(); + + // create the shape + createjs.Shape.call(this, graphics); + + // check if we are pulsing + if (pulse) { + // have the model "pulse" + var growCount = 0; + var growing = true; + createjs.Ticker.addEventListener('tick', function() { + if (growing) { + that.scaleX *= 1.035; + that.scaleY *= 1.035; + growing = (++growCount < 10); + } else { + that.scaleX /= 1.035; + that.scaleY /= 1.035; + growing = (--growCount < 0); + } + }); + } +}; +ROS2D.NavigationArrow.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Shape.prototype; + +/** + * @author Inigo Gonzalez - ingonza85@gmail.com + */ + +/** + * A navigation image that can be used to display orientation. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * size (optional) - the size of the marker + * * image - the image to use as a marker + * * pulse (optional) - if the marker should "pulse" over time + */ +ROS2D.NavigationImage = function(options) { + var that = this; + options = options || {}; + var size = options.size || 10; + var image_url = options.image; + var pulse = options.pulse; + var alpha = options.alpha || 1; + + var originals = {}; + + var paintImage = function(){ + createjs.Bitmap.call(that, image); + var scale = calculateScale(size); + that.alpha = alpha; + that.scaleX = scale; + that.scaleY = scale; + that.regY = that.image.height/2; + that.regX = that.image.width/2; + originals['rotation'] = that.rotation; + Object.defineProperty( that, 'rotation', { + get: function(){ return originals['rotation'] + 90; }, + set: function(value){ originals['rotation'] = value; } + }); + if (pulse) { + // have the model "pulse" + var growCount = 0; + var growing = true; + var SCALE_SIZE = 1.020; + createjs.Ticker.addEventListener('tick', function() { + if (growing) { + that.scaleX *= SCALE_SIZE; + that.scaleY *= SCALE_SIZE; + growing = (++growCount < 10); + } else { + that.scaleX /= SCALE_SIZE; + that.scaleY /= SCALE_SIZE; + growing = (--growCount < 0); + } + }); + } + }; + + var calculateScale = function(_size){ + return _size / image.width; + }; + + var image = new Image(); + image.onload = paintImage; + image.src = image_url; + +}; + +ROS2D.NavigationImage.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Bitmap.prototype; + +/** + * @author Bart van Vliet - bart@dobots.nl + */ + +/** + * A shape to draw a nav_msgs/Path msg + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * path (optional) - the initial path to draw + * * strokeSize (optional) - the size of the outline + * * strokeColor (optional) - the createjs color for the stroke + */ +ROS2D.PathShape = function(options) { + options = options || {}; + var path = options.path; + this.strokeSize = options.strokeSize || 3; + this.strokeColor = options.strokeColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0); + + // draw the line + this.graphics = new createjs.Graphics(); + + if (path !== null && typeof path !== 'undefined') { + this.graphics.setStrokeStyle(this.strokeSize); + this.graphics.beginStroke(this.strokeColor); + this.graphics.moveTo(path.poses[0].pose.position.x / this.scaleX, path.poses[0].pose.position.y / -this.scaleY); + for (var i=1; i 1 point, 0 lines + // 1 point -> 2 points, lines: add line between previous and new point, add line between new point and first point + // 2 points -> 3 points, 3 lines: change last line, add line between new point and first point + // 3 points -> 4 points, 4 lines: change last line, add line between new point and first point + // etc + + if (numPoints < 2) { + // Now 1 point + } + else if (numPoints < 3) { + // Now 2 points: add line between previous and new point + var line = this.createLineShape(this.pointContainer.getChildAt(numPoints-2), point); + this.lineContainer.addChild(line); + } + if (numPoints > 2) { + // Now 3 or more points: change last line + this.editLineShape(this.lineContainer.getChildAt(numPoints-2), this.pointContainer.getChildAt(numPoints-2), point); + } + if (numPoints > 1) { + // Now 2 or more points: add line between new point and first point + var lineEnd = this.createLineShape(point, this.pointContainer.getChildAt(0)); + this.lineContainer.addChild(lineEnd); + } + + this.drawFill(); +}; + +/** + * Removes a point from the polygon + * + * @param obj either an index (integer) or a point shape of the polygon + */ +ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.remPoint = function(obj) { + var index; +// var point; + if (obj instanceof createjs.Shape) { + index = this.pointContainer.getChildIndex(obj); +// point = obj; + } + else { + index = obj; +// point = this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index); + } + + // 0 points -> 0 points, 0 lines + // 1 point -> 0 points, 0 lines + // 2 points -> 1 point, 0 lines: remove all lines + // 3 points -> 2 points, 2 lines: change line before point to remove, remove line after point to remove + // 4 points -> 3 points, 3 lines: change line before point to remove, remove line after point to remove + // etc + + var numPoints = this.pointContainer.getNumChildren(); + + if (numPoints < 2) { + + } + else if (numPoints < 3) { + // 2 points: remove all lines + this.lineContainer.removeAllChildren(); + } + else { + // 3 or more points: change line before point to remove, remove line after point to remove + this.editLineShape( + this.lineContainer.getChildAt((index-1+numPoints)%numPoints), + this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index-1+numPoints)%numPoints), + this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+1)%numPoints) + ); + this.lineContainer.removeChildAt(index); + } + this.pointContainer.removeChildAt(index); +// this.points.splice(index, 1); + + this.drawFill(); +}; + +/** + * Moves a point of the polygon + * + * @param obj either an index (integer) or a point shape of the polygon + * @param position of type ROSLIB.Vector3 + */ +ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.movePoint = function(obj, newPos) { + var index; + var point; + if (obj instanceof createjs.Shape) { + index = this.pointContainer.getChildIndex(obj); + point = obj; + } + else { + index = obj; + point = this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index); + } + point.x = newPos.x; + point.y = -newPos.y; + + var numPoints = this.pointContainer.getNumChildren(); + if (numPoints > 1) { + // line before moved point + var line1 = this.lineContainer.getChildAt((index-1+numPoints)%numPoints); + this.editLineShape(line1, this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index-1+numPoints)%numPoints), point); + + // line after moved point + var line2 = this.lineContainer.getChildAt(index); + this.editLineShape(line2, point, this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+1)%numPoints)); + } + + this.drawFill(); +}; + +/** + * Splits a line of the polygon: inserts a point at the center of the line + * + * @param obj either an index (integer) or a line shape of the polygon + */ +ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.splitLine = function(obj) { + var index; + var line; + if (obj instanceof createjs.Shape) { + index = this.lineContainer.getChildIndex(obj); + line = obj; + } + else { + index = obj; + line = this.lineContainer.getChildAt(index); + } + var numPoints = this.pointContainer.getNumChildren(); + var xs = this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index).x; + var ys = this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index).y; + var xe = this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+1)%numPoints).x; + var ye = this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+1)%numPoints).y; + var xh = (xs+xe)/2.0; + var yh = (ys+ye)/2.0; + var pos = new ROSLIB.Vector3({ x:xh, y:-yh }); + + // Add a point in the center of the line to split + var point = this.createPointShape(pos); + this.pointContainer.addChildAt(point, index+1); + ++numPoints; + + // Add a line between the new point and the end of the line to split + var lineNew = this.createLineShape(point, this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+2)%numPoints)); + this.lineContainer.addChildAt(lineNew, index+1); + + // Set the endpoint of the line to split to the new point + this.editLineShape(line, this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index), point); + + this.drawFill(); +}; + +/** + * Internal use only + */ +ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.drawFill = function() { + var numPoints = this.pointContainer.getNumChildren(); + if (numPoints > 2) { + var g = this.fillShape.graphics; + g.clear(); + g.setStrokeStyle(0); + g.moveTo(this.pointContainer.getChildAt(0).x, this.pointContainer.getChildAt(0).y); + g.beginStroke(); + g.beginFill(this.fillColor); + for (var i=1; i this.minDist) { + this.graphics.lineTo(pose.position.x / this.scaleX, pose.position.y / -this.scaleY); + this.poses.push(pose); + } + } + if (this.maxPoses > 0 && this.maxPoses < this.poses.length) { + this.popFront(); + } +}; + +/** + * Removes front pose and updates the graphics + */ +ROS2D.TraceShape.prototype.popFront = function() { + if (this.poses.length > 0) { + this.poses.shift(); + // TODO: shift drawing instructions rather than doing it all over + this.graphics.clear(); + this.graphics.setStrokeStyle(this.strokeSize); + this.graphics.beginStroke(this.strokeColor); + this.graphics.lineTo(this.poses[0].position.x / this.scaleX, this.poses[0].position.y / -this.scaleY); + for (var i=1; i 0 && + tree._listeners.length > this._events.maxListeners + ) { + tree._listeners.warned = true; + logPossibleMemoryLeak.call(this, tree._listeners.length, name); + } + } + return true; + } + name = type.shift(); + } + return true; + } + + // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than + // 10 listeners are added to it. This is a useful default which + // helps finding memory leaks. + // + // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows + // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. + + EventEmitter.prototype.delimiter = '.'; + + EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) { + if (n !== undefined) { + this._events || init.call(this); + this._events.maxListeners = n; + if (!this._conf) this._conf = {}; + this._conf.maxListeners = n; + } + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.event = ''; + + EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(event, fn) { + this.many(event, 1, fn); + return this; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.many = function(event, ttl, fn) { + var self = this; + + if (typeof fn !== 'function') { + throw new Error('many only accepts instances of Function'); + } + + function listener() { + if (--ttl === 0) { + self.off(event, listener); + } + fn.apply(this, arguments); + } + + listener._origin = fn; + + this.on(event, listener); + + return self; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function() { + + this._events || init.call(this); + + var type = arguments[0]; + + if (type === 'newListener' && !this.newListener) { + if (!this._events.newListener) { + return false; + } + } + + var al = arguments.length; + var args,l,i,j; + var handler; + + if (this._all && this._all.length) { + handler = this._all.slice(); + if (al > 3) { + args = new Array(al); + for (j = 0; j < al; j++) args[j] = arguments[j]; + } + + for (i = 0, l = handler.length; i < l; i++) { + this.event = type; + switch (al) { + case 1: + handler[i].call(this, type); + break; + case 2: + handler[i].call(this, type, arguments[1]); + break; + case 3: + handler[i].call(this, type, arguments[1], arguments[2]); + break; + default: + handler[i].apply(this, args); + } + } + } + + if (this.wildcard) { + handler = []; + var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice(); + searchListenerTree.call(this, handler, ns, this.listenerTree, 0); + } else { + handler = this._events[type]; + if (typeof handler === 'function') { + this.event = type; + switch (al) { + case 1: + handler.call(this); + break; + case 2: + handler.call(this, arguments[1]); + break; + case 3: + handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]); + break; + default: + args = new Array(al - 1); + for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j - 1] = arguments[j]; + handler.apply(this, args); + } + return true; + } else if (handler) { + // need to make copy of handlers because list can change in the middle + // of emit call + handler = handler.slice(); + } + } + + if (handler && handler.length) { + if (al > 3) { + args = new Array(al - 1); + for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j - 1] = arguments[j]; + } + for (i = 0, l = handler.length; i < l; i++) { + this.event = type; + switch (al) { + case 1: + handler[i].call(this); + break; + case 2: + handler[i].call(this, arguments[1]); + break; + case 3: + handler[i].call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]); + break; + default: + handler[i].apply(this, args); + } + } + return true; + } else if (!this._all && type === 'error') { + if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) { + throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event + } else { + throw new Error("Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event."); + } + return false; + } + + return !!this._all; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.emitAsync = function() { + + this._events || init.call(this); + + var type = arguments[0]; + + if (type === 'newListener' && !this.newListener) { + if (!this._events.newListener) { return Promise.resolve([false]); } + } + + var promises= []; + + var al = arguments.length; + var args,l,i,j; + var handler; + + if (this._all) { + if (al > 3) { + args = new Array(al); + for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j] = arguments[j]; + } + for (i = 0, l = this._all.length; i < l; i++) { + this.event = type; + switch (al) { + case 1: + promises.push(this._all[i].call(this, type)); + break; + case 2: + promises.push(this._all[i].call(this, type, arguments[1])); + break; + case 3: + promises.push(this._all[i].call(this, type, arguments[1], arguments[2])); + break; + default: + promises.push(this._all[i].apply(this, args)); + } + } + } + + if (this.wildcard) { + handler = []; + var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice(); + searchListenerTree.call(this, handler, ns, this.listenerTree, 0); + } else { + handler = this._events[type]; + } + + if (typeof handler === 'function') { + this.event = type; + switch (al) { + case 1: + promises.push(handler.call(this)); + break; + case 2: + promises.push(handler.call(this, arguments[1])); + break; + case 3: + promises.push(handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2])); + break; + default: + args = new Array(al - 1); + for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j - 1] = arguments[j]; + promises.push(handler.apply(this, args)); + } + } else if (handler && handler.length) { + if (al > 3) { + args = new Array(al - 1); + for (j = 1; j < al; j++) args[j - 1] = arguments[j]; + } + for (i = 0, l = handler.length; i < l; i++) { + this.event = type; + switch (al) { + case 1: + promises.push(handler[i].call(this)); + break; + case 2: + promises.push(handler[i].call(this, arguments[1])); + break; + case 3: + promises.push(handler[i].call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2])); + break; + default: + promises.push(handler[i].apply(this, args)); + } + } + } else if (!this._all && type === 'error') { + if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) { + return Promise.reject(arguments[1]); // Unhandled 'error' event + } else { + return Promise.reject("Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event."); + } + } + + return Promise.all(promises); + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.on = function(type, listener) { + if (typeof type === 'function') { + this.onAny(type); + return this; + } + + if (typeof listener !== 'function') { + throw new Error('on only accepts instances of Function'); + } + this._events || init.call(this); + + // To avoid recursion in the case that type == "newListeners"! Before + // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListeners". + this.emit('newListener', type, listener); + + if (this.wildcard) { + growListenerTree.call(this, type, listener); + return this; + } + + if (!this._events[type]) { + // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. + this._events[type] = listener; + } + else { + if (typeof this._events[type] === 'function') { + // Change to array. + this._events[type] = [this._events[type]]; + } + + // If we've already got an array, just append. + this._events[type].push(listener); + + // Check for listener leak + if ( + !this._events[type].warned && + this._events.maxListeners > 0 && + this._events[type].length > this._events.maxListeners + ) { + this._events[type].warned = true; + logPossibleMemoryLeak.call(this, this._events[type].length, type); + } + } + + return this; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.onAny = function(fn) { + if (typeof fn !== 'function') { + throw new Error('onAny only accepts instances of Function'); + } + + if (!this._all) { + this._all = []; + } + + // Add the function to the event listener collection. + this._all.push(fn); + return this; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on; + + EventEmitter.prototype.off = function(type, listener) { + if (typeof listener !== 'function') { + throw new Error('removeListener only takes instances of Function'); + } + + var handlers,leafs=[]; + + if(this.wildcard) { + var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice(); + leafs = searchListenerTree.call(this, null, ns, this.listenerTree, 0); + } + else { + // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type] + if (!this._events[type]) return this; + handlers = this._events[type]; + leafs.push({_listeners:handlers}); + } + + for (var iLeaf=0; iLeaf 0) { + recursivelyGarbageCollect(root[key]); + } + if (Object.keys(obj).length === 0) { + delete root[key]; + } + } + } + recursivelyGarbageCollect(this.listenerTree); + + return this; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.offAny = function(fn) { + var i = 0, l = 0, fns; + if (fn && this._all && this._all.length > 0) { + fns = this._all; + for(i = 0, l = fns.length; i < l; i++) { + if(fn === fns[i]) { + fns.splice(i, 1); + this.emit("removeListenerAny", fn); + return this; + } + } + } else { + fns = this._all; + for(i = 0, l = fns.length; i < l; i++) + this.emit("removeListenerAny", fns[i]); + this._all = []; + } + return this; + }; + + EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = EventEmitter.prototype.off; + + EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) { + if (arguments.length === 0) { + !this._events || init.call(this); + return this; + } + + if (this.wildcard) { + var ns = typeof type === 'string' ? type.split(this.delimiter) : type.slice(); + var leafs = searchListenerTree.call(this, null, ns, this.listenerTree, 0); + + for (var iLeaf=0; iLeaf t2.secs) { + return false; + } else if(t1.secs < t2.secs) { + return true; + } else if(t1.nsecs < t2.nsecs) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + }; + + // TODO: this may be more complicated than necessary, since I'm + // not sure if the callbacks can ever wind up with a scenario + // where we've been preempted by a next goal, it hasn't finished + // processing, and then we get a cancel message + cancelListener.subscribe(function(cancelMessage) { + + // cancel ALL goals if both empty + if(cancelMessage.stamp.secs === 0 && cancelMessage.stamp.secs === 0 && cancelMessage.id === '') { + that.nextGoal = null; + if(that.currentGoal) { + that.emit('cancel'); + } + } else { // treat id and stamp independently + if(that.currentGoal && cancelMessage.id === that.currentGoal.goal_id.id) { + that.emit('cancel'); + } else if(that.nextGoal && cancelMessage.id === that.nextGoal.goal_id.id) { + that.nextGoal = null; + } + + if(that.nextGoal && isEarlier(that.nextGoal.goal_id.stamp, + cancelMessage.stamp)) { + that.nextGoal = null; + } + if(that.currentGoal && isEarlier(that.currentGoal.goal_id.stamp, + cancelMessage.stamp)) { + + that.emit('cancel'); + } + } + }); + + // publish status at pseudo-fixed rate; required for clients to know they've connected + var statusInterval = setInterval( function() { + var currentTime = new Date(); + var secs = Math.floor(currentTime.getTime()/1000); + var nsecs = Math.round(1000000000*(currentTime.getTime()/1000-secs)); + that.statusMessage.header.stamp.secs = secs; + that.statusMessage.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs; + statusPublisher.publish(that.statusMessage); + }, 500); // publish every 500ms + +} + +SimpleActionServer.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype; + +/** +* Set action state to succeeded and return to client +*/ + +SimpleActionServer.prototype.setSucceeded = function(result2) { + + + var resultMessage = new Message({ + status : {goal_id : this.currentGoal.goal_id, status : 3}, + result : result2 + }); + this.resultPublisher.publish(resultMessage); + + this.statusMessage.status_list = []; + if(this.nextGoal) { + this.currentGoal = this.nextGoal; + this.nextGoal = null; + this.emit('goal', this.currentGoal.goal); + } else { + this.currentGoal = null; + } +}; + +/** +* Function to send feedback +*/ + +SimpleActionServer.prototype.sendFeedback = function(feedback2) { + + var feedbackMessage = new Message({ + status : {goal_id : this.currentGoal.goal_id, status : 1}, + feedback : feedback2 + }); + this.feedbackPublisher.publish(feedbackMessage); +}; + +/** +* Handle case where client requests preemption +*/ + +SimpleActionServer.prototype.setPreempted = function() { + + this.statusMessage.status_list = []; + var resultMessage = new Message({ + status : {goal_id : this.currentGoal.goal_id, status : 2}, + }); + this.resultPublisher.publish(resultMessage); + + if(this.nextGoal) { + this.currentGoal = this.nextGoal; + this.nextGoal = null; + this.emit('goal', this.currentGoal.goal); + } else { + this.currentGoal = null; + } +}; + +module.exports = SimpleActionServer; +},{"../core/Message":10,"../core/Topic":17,"eventemitter2":1}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ +var Ros = require('../core/Ros'); +var mixin = require('../mixin'); + +var action = module.exports = { + ActionClient: require('./ActionClient'), + ActionListener: require('./ActionListener'), + Goal: require('./Goal'), + SimpleActionServer: require('./SimpleActionServer') +}; + +mixin(Ros, ['ActionClient', 'SimpleActionServer'], action); + +},{"../core/Ros":12,"../mixin":24,"./ActionClient":5,"./ActionListener":6,"./Goal":7,"./SimpleActionServer":8}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author Brandon Alexander - baalexander@gmail.com + */ + +var assign = require('object-assign'); + +/** + * Message objects are used for publishing and subscribing to and from topics. + * + * @constructor + * @param values - object matching the fields defined in the .msg definition file + */ +function Message(values) { + assign(this, values); +} + +module.exports = Message; +},{"object-assign":2}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author Brandon Alexander - baalexander@gmail.com + */ + +var Service = require('./Service'); +var ServiceRequest = require('./ServiceRequest'); + +/** + * A ROS parameter. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - possible keys include: + * * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle + * * name - the param name, like max_vel_x + */ +function Param(options) { + options = options || {}; + this.ros = options.ros; + this.name = options.name; +} + +/** + * Fetches the value of the param. + * + * @param callback - function with the following params: + * * value - the value of the param from ROS. + */ +Param.prototype.get = function(callback) { + var paramClient = new Service({ + ros : this.ros, + name : '/rosapi/get_param', + serviceType : 'rosapi/GetParam' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + name : this.name + }); + + paramClient.callService(request, function(result) { + var value = JSON.parse(result.value); + callback(value); + }); +}; + +/** + * Sets the value of the param in ROS. + * + * @param value - value to set param to. + */ +Param.prototype.set = function(value, callback) { + var paramClient = new Service({ + ros : this.ros, + name : '/rosapi/set_param', + serviceType : 'rosapi/SetParam' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + name : this.name, + value : JSON.stringify(value) + }); + + paramClient.callService(request, callback); +}; + +/** + * Delete this parameter on the ROS server. + */ +Param.prototype.delete = function(callback) { + var paramClient = new Service({ + ros : this.ros, + name : '/rosapi/delete_param', + serviceType : 'rosapi/DeleteParam' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + name : this.name + }); + + paramClient.callService(request, callback); +}; + +module.exports = Param; +},{"./Service":13,"./ServiceRequest":14}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author Brandon Alexander - baalexander@gmail.com + */ + +var WebSocket = require('ws'); +var socketAdapter = require('./SocketAdapter.js'); + +var Service = require('./Service'); +var ServiceRequest = require('./ServiceRequest'); + +var assign = require('object-assign'); +var EventEmitter2 = require('eventemitter2').EventEmitter2; + +/** + * Manages connection to the server and all interactions with ROS. + * + * Emits the following events: + * * 'error' - there was an error with ROS + * * 'connection' - connected to the WebSocket server + * * 'close' - disconnected to the WebSocket server + * * - a message came from rosbridge with the given topic name + * * - a service response came from rosbridge with the given ID + * + * @constructor + * @param options - possible keys include:
+ * * url (optional) - (can be specified later with `connect`) the WebSocket URL for rosbridge or the node server url to connect using socket.io (if socket.io exists in the page)
+ * * groovyCompatibility - don't use interfaces that changed after the last groovy release or rosbridge_suite and related tools (defaults to true) + * * transportLibrary (optional) - one of 'websocket' (default), 'socket.io' or RTCPeerConnection instance controlling how the connection is created in `connect`. + * * transportOptions (optional) - the options to use use when creating a connection. Currently only used if `transportLibrary` is RTCPeerConnection. + */ +function Ros(options) { + options = options || {}; + this.socket = null; + this.idCounter = 0; + this.isConnected = false; + this.transportLibrary = options.transportLibrary || 'websocket'; + this.transportOptions = options.transportOptions || {}; + + if (typeof options.groovyCompatibility === 'undefined') { + this.groovyCompatibility = true; + } + else { + this.groovyCompatibility = options.groovyCompatibility; + } + + // Sets unlimited event listeners. + this.setMaxListeners(0); + + // begin by checking if a URL was given + if (options.url) { + this.connect(options.url); + } +} + +Ros.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype; + +/** + * Connect to the specified WebSocket. + * + * @param url - WebSocket URL or RTCDataChannel label for Rosbridge + */ +Ros.prototype.connect = function(url) { + if (this.transportLibrary === 'socket.io') { + this.socket = assign(io(url, {'force new connection': true}), socketAdapter(this)); + this.socket.on('connect', this.socket.onopen); + this.socket.on('data', this.socket.onmessage); + this.socket.on('close', this.socket.onclose); + this.socket.on('error', this.socket.onerror); + } else if (this.transportLibrary.constructor.name === 'RTCPeerConnection') { + this.socket = assign(this.transportLibrary.createDataChannel(url, this.transportOptions), socketAdapter(this)); + }else { + this.socket = assign(new WebSocket(url), socketAdapter(this)); + } + +}; + +/** + * Disconnect from the WebSocket server. + */ +Ros.prototype.close = function() { + if (this.socket) { + this.socket.close(); + } +}; + +/** + * Sends an authorization request to the server. + * + * @param mac - MAC (hash) string given by the trusted source. + * @param client - IP of the client. + * @param dest - IP of the destination. + * @param rand - Random string given by the trusted source. + * @param t - Time of the authorization request. + * @param level - User level as a string given by the client. + * @param end - End time of the client's session. + */ +Ros.prototype.authenticate = function(mac, client, dest, rand, t, level, end) { + // create the request + var auth = { + op : 'auth', + mac : mac, + client : client, + dest : dest, + rand : rand, + t : t, + level : level, + end : end + }; + // send the request + this.callOnConnection(auth); +}; + +/** + * Sends the message over the WebSocket, but queues the message up if not yet + * connected. + */ +Ros.prototype.callOnConnection = function(message) { + var that = this; + var messageJson = JSON.stringify(message); + var emitter = null; + if (this.transportLibrary === 'socket.io') { + emitter = function(msg){that.socket.emit('operation', msg);}; + } else { + emitter = function(msg){that.socket.send(msg);}; + } + + if (!this.isConnected) { + that.once('connection', function() { + emitter(messageJson); + }); + } else { + emitter(messageJson); + } +}; + +/** + * Sends a set_level request to the server + * + * @param level - Status level (none, error, warning, info) + * @param id - Optional: Operation ID to change status level on + */ +Ros.prototype.setStatusLevel = function(level, id){ + var levelMsg = { + op: 'set_level', + level: level, + id: id + }; + + this.callOnConnection(levelMsg); +}; + +/** + * Retrieves Action Servers in ROS as an array of string + * + * * actionservers - Array of action server names + */ +Ros.prototype.getActionServers = function(callback, failedCallback) { + var getActionServers = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/action_servers', + serviceType : 'rosapi/GetActionServers' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest({}); + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + getActionServers.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.action_servers); + }, + function(message){ + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + getActionServers.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result.action_servers); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves list of topics in ROS as an array. + * + * @param callback function with params: + * * topics - Array of topic names + */ +Ros.prototype.getTopics = function(callback, failedCallback) { + var topicsClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/topics', + serviceType : 'rosapi/Topics' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest(); + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + topicsClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result); + }, + function(message){ + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + topicsClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves Topics in ROS as an array as specific type + * + * @param topicType topic type to find: + * @param callback function with params: + * * topics - Array of topic names + */ +Ros.prototype.getTopicsForType = function(topicType, callback, failedCallback) { + var topicsForTypeClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/topics_for_type', + serviceType : 'rosapi/TopicsForType' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + type: topicType + }); + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + topicsForTypeClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.topics); + }, + function(message){ + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + topicsForTypeClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result.topics); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves list of active service names in ROS. + * + * @param callback - function with the following params: + * * services - array of service names + */ +Ros.prototype.getServices = function(callback, failedCallback) { + var servicesClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/services', + serviceType : 'rosapi/Services' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest(); + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + servicesClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.services); + }, + function(message) { + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + servicesClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result.services); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves list of services in ROS as an array as specific type + * + * @param serviceType service type to find: + * @param callback function with params: + * * topics - Array of service names + */ +Ros.prototype.getServicesForType = function(serviceType, callback, failedCallback) { + var servicesForTypeClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/services_for_type', + serviceType : 'rosapi/ServicesForType' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + type: serviceType + }); + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + servicesForTypeClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.services); + }, + function(message) { + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + servicesForTypeClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result.services); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves a detail of ROS service request. + * + * @param service name of service: + * @param callback - function with params: + * * type - String of the service type + */ +Ros.prototype.getServiceRequestDetails = function(type, callback, failedCallback) { + var serviceTypeClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/service_request_details', + serviceType : 'rosapi/ServiceRequestDetails' + }); + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + type: type + }); + + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + serviceTypeClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result); + }, + function(message){ + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + serviceTypeClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves a detail of ROS service request. + * + * @param service name of service: + * @param callback - function with params: + * * type - String of the service type + */ +Ros.prototype.getServiceResponseDetails = function(type, callback, failedCallback) { + var serviceTypeClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/service_response_details', + serviceType : 'rosapi/ServiceResponseDetails' + }); + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + type: type + }); + + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + serviceTypeClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result); + }, + function(message){ + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + serviceTypeClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves list of active node names in ROS. + * + * @param callback - function with the following params: + * * nodes - array of node names + */ +Ros.prototype.getNodes = function(callback, failedCallback) { + var nodesClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/nodes', + serviceType : 'rosapi/Nodes' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest(); + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + nodesClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.nodes); + }, + function(message) { + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + nodesClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result.nodes); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves list subscribed topics, publishing topics and services of a specific node + * + * @param node name of the node: + * @param callback - function with params: + * * publications - array of published topic names + * * subscriptions - array of subscribed topic names + * * services - array of service names hosted + */ +Ros.prototype.getNodeDetails = function(node, callback, failedCallback) { + var nodesClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/node_details', + serviceType : 'rosapi/NodeDetails' + }); + + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + node: node + }); + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + nodesClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.subscribing, result.publishing, result.services); + }, + function(message) { + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + } else { + nodesClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves list of param names from the ROS Parameter Server. + * + * @param callback function with params: + * * params - array of param names. + */ +Ros.prototype.getParams = function(callback, failedCallback) { + var paramsClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/get_param_names', + serviceType : 'rosapi/GetParamNames' + }); + var request = new ServiceRequest(); + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + paramsClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.names); + }, + function(message){ + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + paramsClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result.names); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves a type of ROS topic. + * + * @param topic name of the topic: + * @param callback - function with params: + * * type - String of the topic type + */ +Ros.prototype.getTopicType = function(topic, callback, failedCallback) { + var topicTypeClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/topic_type', + serviceType : 'rosapi/TopicType' + }); + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + topic: topic + }); + + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + topicTypeClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.type); + }, + function(message){ + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + topicTypeClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result.type); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves a type of ROS service. + * + * @param service name of service: + * @param callback - function with params: + * * type - String of the service type + */ +Ros.prototype.getServiceType = function(service, callback, failedCallback) { + var serviceTypeClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/service_type', + serviceType : 'rosapi/ServiceType' + }); + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + service: service + }); + + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + serviceTypeClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.type); + }, + function(message){ + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + serviceTypeClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result.type); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Retrieves a detail of ROS message. + * + * @param callback - function with params: + * * details - Array of the message detail + * @param message - String of a topic type + */ +Ros.prototype.getMessageDetails = function(message, callback, failedCallback) { + var messageDetailClient = new Service({ + ros : this, + name : '/rosapi/message_details', + serviceType : 'rosapi/MessageDetails' + }); + var request = new ServiceRequest({ + type: message + }); + + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function'){ + messageDetailClient.callService(request, + function(result) { + callback(result.typedefs); + }, + function(message){ + failedCallback(message); + } + ); + }else{ + messageDetailClient.callService(request, function(result) { + callback(result.typedefs); + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Decode a typedefs into a dictionary like `rosmsg show foo/bar` + * + * @param defs - array of type_def dictionary + */ +Ros.prototype.decodeTypeDefs = function(defs) { + var that = this; + + // calls itself recursively to resolve type definition using hints. + var decodeTypeDefsRec = function(theType, hints) { + var typeDefDict = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < theType.fieldnames.length; i++) { + var arrayLen = theType.fieldarraylen[i]; + var fieldName = theType.fieldnames[i]; + var fieldType = theType.fieldtypes[i]; + if (fieldType.indexOf('/') === -1) { // check the fieldType includes '/' or not + if (arrayLen === -1) { + typeDefDict[fieldName] = fieldType; + } + else { + typeDefDict[fieldName] = [fieldType]; + } + } + else { + // lookup the name + var sub = false; + for (var j = 0; j < hints.length; j++) { + if (hints[j].type.toString() === fieldType.toString()) { + sub = hints[j]; + break; + } + } + if (sub) { + var subResult = decodeTypeDefsRec(sub, hints); + if (arrayLen === -1) { + } + else { + typeDefDict[fieldName] = [subResult]; + } + } + else { + that.emit('error', 'Cannot find ' + fieldType + ' in decodeTypeDefs'); + } + } + } + return typeDefDict; + }; + + return decodeTypeDefsRec(defs[0], defs); +}; + + +module.exports = Ros; + +},{"./Service":13,"./ServiceRequest":14,"./SocketAdapter.js":16,"eventemitter2":1,"object-assign":2,"ws":39}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author Brandon Alexander - baalexander@gmail.com + */ + +var ServiceResponse = require('./ServiceResponse'); +var ServiceRequest = require('./ServiceRequest'); +var EventEmitter2 = require('eventemitter2').EventEmitter2; + +/** + * A ROS service client. + * + * @constructor + * @params options - possible keys include: + * * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle + * * name - the service name, like /add_two_ints + * * serviceType - the service type, like 'rospy_tutorials/AddTwoInts' + */ +function Service(options) { + options = options || {}; + this.ros = options.ros; + this.name = options.name; + this.serviceType = options.serviceType; + this.isAdvertised = false; + + this._serviceCallback = null; +} +Service.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype; +/** + * Calls the service. Returns the service response in the callback. + * + * @param request - the ROSLIB.ServiceRequest to send + * @param callback - function with params: + * * response - the response from the service request + * @param failedCallback - the callback function when the service call failed (optional). Params: + * * error - the error message reported by ROS + */ +Service.prototype.callService = function(request, callback, failedCallback) { + if (this.isAdvertised) { + return; + } + + var serviceCallId = 'call_service:' + this.name + ':' + (++this.ros.idCounter); + + if (callback || failedCallback) { + this.ros.once(serviceCallId, function(message) { + if (message.result !== undefined && message.result === false) { + if (typeof failedCallback === 'function') { + failedCallback(message.values); + } + } else if (typeof callback === 'function') { + callback(new ServiceResponse(message.values)); + } + }); + } + + var call = { + op : 'call_service', + id : serviceCallId, + service : this.name, + args : request + }; + this.ros.callOnConnection(call); +}; + +/** + * Every time a message is published for the given topic, the callback + * will be called with the message object. + * + * @param callback - function with the following params: + * * message - the published message + */ +Service.prototype.advertise = function(callback) { + if (this.isAdvertised || typeof callback !== 'function') { + return; + } + + this._serviceCallback = callback; + this.ros.on(this.name, this._serviceResponse.bind(this)); + this.ros.callOnConnection({ + op: 'advertise_service', + type: this.serviceType, + service: this.name + }); + this.isAdvertised = true; +}; + +Service.prototype.unadvertise = function() { + if (!this.isAdvertised) { + return; + } + this.ros.callOnConnection({ + op: 'unadvertise_service', + service: this.name + }); + this.isAdvertised = false; +}; + +Service.prototype._serviceResponse = function(rosbridgeRequest) { + var response = {}; + var success = this._serviceCallback(rosbridgeRequest.args, response); + + var call = { + op: 'service_response', + service: this.name, + values: new ServiceResponse(response), + result: success + }; + + if (rosbridgeRequest.id) { + call.id = rosbridgeRequest.id; + } + + this.ros.callOnConnection(call); +}; + +module.exports = Service; +},{"./ServiceRequest":14,"./ServiceResponse":15,"eventemitter2":1}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author Brandon Alexander - balexander@willowgarage.com + */ + +var assign = require('object-assign'); + +/** + * A ServiceRequest is passed into the service call. + * + * @constructor + * @param values - object matching the fields defined in the .srv definition file + */ +function ServiceRequest(values) { + assign(this, values); +} + +module.exports = ServiceRequest; +},{"object-assign":2}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author Brandon Alexander - balexander@willowgarage.com + */ + +var assign = require('object-assign'); + +/** + * A ServiceResponse is returned from the service call. + * + * @constructor + * @param values - object matching the fields defined in the .srv definition file + */ +function ServiceResponse(values) { + assign(this, values); +} + +module.exports = ServiceResponse; +},{"object-assign":2}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * Socket event handling utilities for handling events on either + * WebSocket and TCP sockets + * + * Note to anyone reviewing this code: these functions are called + * in the context of their parent object, unless bound + * @fileOverview + */ +'use strict'; + +var decompressPng = require('../util/decompressPng'); +var WebSocket = require('ws'); +var BSON = null; +if(typeof bson !== 'undefined'){ + BSON = bson().BSON; +} + +/** + * Events listeners for a WebSocket or TCP socket to a JavaScript + * ROS Client. Sets up Messages for a given topic to trigger an + * event on the ROS client. + * + * @namespace SocketAdapter + * @private + */ +function SocketAdapter(client) { + function handleMessage(message) { + if (message.op === 'publish') { + client.emit(message.topic, message.msg); + } else if (message.op === 'service_response') { + client.emit(message.id, message); + } else if (message.op === 'call_service') { + client.emit(message.service, message); + } else if(message.op === 'status'){ + if(message.id){ + client.emit('status:'+message.id, message); + } else { + client.emit('status', message); + } + } + } + + function handlePng(message, callback) { + if (message.op === 'png') { + decompressPng(message.data, callback); + } else { + callback(message); + } + } + + function decodeBSON(data, callback) { + if (!BSON) { + throw 'Cannot process BSON encoded message without BSON header.'; + } + var reader = new FileReader(); + reader.onload = function() { + var uint8Array = new Uint8Array(this.result); + var msg = BSON.deserialize(uint8Array); + callback(msg); + }; + reader.readAsArrayBuffer(data); + } + + return { + /** + * Emits a 'connection' event on WebSocket connection. + * + * @param event - the argument to emit with the event. + * @memberof SocketAdapter + */ + onopen: function onOpen(event) { + client.isConnected = true; + client.emit('connection', event); + }, + + /** + * Emits a 'close' event on WebSocket disconnection. + * + * @param event - the argument to emit with the event. + * @memberof SocketAdapter + */ + onclose: function onClose(event) { + client.isConnected = false; + client.emit('close', event); + }, + + /** + * Emits an 'error' event whenever there was an error. + * + * @param event - the argument to emit with the event. + * @memberof SocketAdapter + */ + onerror: function onError(event) { + client.emit('error', event); + }, + + /** + * Parses message responses from rosbridge and sends to the appropriate + * topic, service, or param. + * + * @param message - the raw JSON message from rosbridge. + * @memberof SocketAdapter + */ + onmessage: function onMessage(data) { + if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && data.data instanceof Blob) { + decodeBSON(data.data, function (message) { + handlePng(message, handleMessage); + }); + } else { + var message = JSON.parse(typeof data === 'string' ? data : data.data); + handlePng(message, handleMessage); + } + } + }; +} + +module.exports = SocketAdapter; + +},{"../util/decompressPng":41,"ws":39}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author Brandon Alexander - baalexander@gmail.com + */ + +var EventEmitter2 = require('eventemitter2').EventEmitter2; +var Message = require('./Message'); + +/** + * Publish and/or subscribe to a topic in ROS. + * + * Emits the following events: + * * 'warning' - if there are any warning during the Topic creation + * * 'message' - the message data from rosbridge + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle + * * name - the topic name, like /cmd_vel + * * messageType - the message type, like 'std_msgs/String' + * * compression - the type of compression to use, like 'png' + * * throttle_rate - the rate (in ms in between messages) at which to throttle the topics + * * queue_size - the queue created at bridge side for re-publishing webtopics (defaults to 100) + * * latch - latch the topic when publishing + * * queue_length - the queue length at bridge side used when subscribing (defaults to 0, no queueing). + * * reconnect_on_close - the flag to enable resubscription and readvertisement on close event(defaults to true). + */ +function Topic(options) { + options = options || {}; + this.ros = options.ros; + this.name = options.name; + this.messageType = options.messageType; + this.isAdvertised = false; + this.compression = options.compression || 'none'; + this.throttle_rate = options.throttle_rate || 0; + this.latch = options.latch || false; + this.queue_size = options.queue_size || 100; + this.queue_length = options.queue_length || 0; + this.reconnect_on_close = options.reconnect_on_close || true; + + // Check for valid compression types + if (this.compression && this.compression !== 'png' && + this.compression !== 'none') { + this.emit('warning', this.compression + + ' compression is not supported. No compression will be used.'); + } + + // Check if throttle rate is negative + if (this.throttle_rate < 0) { + this.emit('warning', this.throttle_rate + ' is not allowed. Set to 0'); + this.throttle_rate = 0; + } + + var that = this; + if (this.reconnect_on_close) { + this.callForSubscribeAndAdvertise = function(message) { + that.ros.callOnConnection(message); + + that.waitForReconnect = false; + that.reconnectFunc = function() { + if(!that.waitForReconnect) { + that.waitForReconnect = true; + that.ros.callOnConnection(message); + that.ros.once('connection', function() { + that.waitForReconnect = false; + }); + } + }; + that.ros.on('close', that.reconnectFunc); + }; + } + else { + this.callForSubscribeAndAdvertise = this.ros.callOnConnection; + } + + this._messageCallback = function(data) { + that.emit('message', new Message(data)); + }; +} +Topic.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype; + +/** + * Every time a message is published for the given topic, the callback + * will be called with the message object. + * + * @param callback - function with the following params: + * * message - the published message + */ +Topic.prototype.subscribe = function(callback) { + if (typeof callback === 'function') { + this.on('message', callback); + } + + if (this.subscribeId) { return; } + this.ros.on(this.name, this._messageCallback); + this.subscribeId = 'subscribe:' + this.name + ':' + (++this.ros.idCounter); + + this.callForSubscribeAndAdvertise({ + op: 'subscribe', + id: this.subscribeId, + type: this.messageType, + topic: this.name, + compression: this.compression, + throttle_rate: this.throttle_rate, + queue_length: this.queue_length + }); +}; + +/** + * Unregisters as a subscriber for the topic. Unsubscribing stop remove + * all subscribe callbacks. To remove a call back, you must explicitly + * pass the callback function in. + * + * @param callback - the optional callback to unregister, if + * * provided and other listeners are registered the topic won't + * * unsubscribe, just stop emitting to the passed listener + */ +Topic.prototype.unsubscribe = function(callback) { + if (callback) { + this.off('message', callback); + // If there is any other callbacks still subscribed don't unsubscribe + if (this.listeners('message').length) { return; } + } + if (!this.subscribeId) { return; } + // Note: Don't call this.removeAllListeners, allow client to handle that themselves + this.ros.off(this.name, this._messageCallback); + if(this.reconnect_on_close) { + this.ros.off('close', this.reconnectFunc); + } + this.emit('unsubscribe'); + this.ros.callOnConnection({ + op: 'unsubscribe', + id: this.subscribeId, + topic: this.name + }); + this.subscribeId = null; +}; + + +/** + * Registers as a publisher for the topic. + */ +Topic.prototype.advertise = function() { + if (this.isAdvertised) { + return; + } + this.advertiseId = 'advertise:' + this.name + ':' + (++this.ros.idCounter); + this.callForSubscribeAndAdvertise({ + op: 'advertise', + id: this.advertiseId, + type: this.messageType, + topic: this.name, + latch: this.latch, + queue_size: this.queue_size + }); + this.isAdvertised = true; + + if(!this.reconnect_on_close) { + var that = this; + this.ros.on('close', function() { + that.isAdvertised = false; + }); + } +}; + +/** + * Unregisters as a publisher for the topic. + */ +Topic.prototype.unadvertise = function() { + if (!this.isAdvertised) { + return; + } + if(this.reconnect_on_close) { + this.ros.off('close', this.reconnectFunc); + } + this.emit('unadvertise'); + this.ros.callOnConnection({ + op: 'unadvertise', + id: this.advertiseId, + topic: this.name + }); + this.isAdvertised = false; +}; + +/** + * Publish the message. + * + * @param message - A ROSLIB.Message object. + */ +Topic.prototype.publish = function(message) { + if (!this.isAdvertised) { + this.advertise(); + } + + this.ros.idCounter++; + var call = { + op: 'publish', + id: 'publish:' + this.name + ':' + this.ros.idCounter, + topic: this.name, + msg: message, + latch: this.latch + }; + this.ros.callOnConnection(call); +}; + +module.exports = Topic; + +},{"./Message":10,"eventemitter2":1}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ +var mixin = require('../mixin'); + +var core = module.exports = { + Ros: require('./Ros'), + Topic: require('./Topic'), + Message: require('./Message'), + Param: require('./Param'), + Service: require('./Service'), + ServiceRequest: require('./ServiceRequest'), + ServiceResponse: require('./ServiceResponse') +}; + +mixin(core.Ros, ['Param', 'Service', 'Topic'], core); + +},{"../mixin":24,"./Message":10,"./Param":11,"./Ros":12,"./Service":13,"./ServiceRequest":14,"./ServiceResponse":15,"./Topic":17}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author David Gossow - dgossow@willowgarage.com + */ + +var Vector3 = require('./Vector3'); +var Quaternion = require('./Quaternion'); + +/** + * A Pose in 3D space. Values are copied into this object. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * position - the Vector3 describing the position + * * orientation - the ROSLIB.Quaternion describing the orientation + */ +function Pose(options) { + options = options || {}; + // copy the values into this object if they exist + this.position = new Vector3(options.position); + this.orientation = new Quaternion(options.orientation); +} + +/** + * Apply a transform against this pose. + * + * @param tf the transform + */ +Pose.prototype.applyTransform = function(tf) { + this.position.multiplyQuaternion(tf.rotation); + this.position.add(tf.translation); + var tmp = tf.rotation.clone(); + tmp.multiply(this.orientation); + this.orientation = tmp; +}; + +/** + * Clone a copy of this pose. + * + * @returns the cloned pose + */ +Pose.prototype.clone = function() { + return new Pose(this); +}; + +module.exports = Pose; +},{"./Quaternion":20,"./Vector3":22}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author David Gossow - dgossow@willowgarage.com + */ + +/** + * A Quaternion. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * x - the x value + * * y - the y value + * * z - the z value + * * w - the w value + */ +function Quaternion(options) { + options = options || {}; + this.x = options.x || 0; + this.y = options.y || 0; + this.z = options.z || 0; + this.w = (typeof options.w === 'number') ? options.w : 1; +} + +/** + * Perform a conjugation on this quaternion. + */ +Quaternion.prototype.conjugate = function() { + this.x *= -1; + this.y *= -1; + this.z *= -1; +}; + +/** + * Return the norm of this quaternion. + */ +Quaternion.prototype.norm = function() { + return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w); +}; + +/** + * Perform a normalization on this quaternion. + */ +Quaternion.prototype.normalize = function() { + var l = Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w); + if (l === 0) { + this.x = 0; + this.y = 0; + this.z = 0; + this.w = 1; + } else { + l = 1 / l; + this.x = this.x * l; + this.y = this.y * l; + this.z = this.z * l; + this.w = this.w * l; + } +}; + +/** + * Convert this quaternion into its inverse. + */ +Quaternion.prototype.invert = function() { + this.conjugate(); + this.normalize(); +}; + +/** + * Set the values of this quaternion to the product of itself and the given quaternion. + * + * @param q the quaternion to multiply with + */ +Quaternion.prototype.multiply = function(q) { + var newX = this.x * q.w + this.y * q.z - this.z * q.y + this.w * q.x; + var newY = -this.x * q.z + this.y * q.w + this.z * q.x + this.w * q.y; + var newZ = this.x * q.y - this.y * q.x + this.z * q.w + this.w * q.z; + var newW = -this.x * q.x - this.y * q.y - this.z * q.z + this.w * q.w; + this.x = newX; + this.y = newY; + this.z = newZ; + this.w = newW; +}; + +/** + * Clone a copy of this quaternion. + * + * @returns the cloned quaternion + */ +Quaternion.prototype.clone = function() { + return new Quaternion(this); +}; + +module.exports = Quaternion; + +},{}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author David Gossow - dgossow@willowgarage.com + */ + +var Vector3 = require('./Vector3'); +var Quaternion = require('./Quaternion'); + +/** + * A Transform in 3-space. Values are copied into this object. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * translation - the Vector3 describing the translation + * * rotation - the ROSLIB.Quaternion describing the rotation + */ +function Transform(options) { + options = options || {}; + // Copy the values into this object if they exist + this.translation = new Vector3(options.translation); + this.rotation = new Quaternion(options.rotation); +} + +/** + * Clone a copy of this transform. + * + * @returns the cloned transform + */ +Transform.prototype.clone = function() { + return new Transform(this); +}; + +module.exports = Transform; +},{"./Quaternion":20,"./Vector3":22}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author David Gossow - dgossow@willowgarage.com + */ + +/** + * A 3D vector. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * x - the x value + * * y - the y value + * * z - the z value + */ +function Vector3(options) { + options = options || {}; + this.x = options.x || 0; + this.y = options.y || 0; + this.z = options.z || 0; +} + +/** + * Set the values of this vector to the sum of itself and the given vector. + * + * @param v the vector to add with + */ +Vector3.prototype.add = function(v) { + this.x += v.x; + this.y += v.y; + this.z += v.z; +}; + +/** + * Set the values of this vector to the difference of itself and the given vector. + * + * @param v the vector to subtract with + */ +Vector3.prototype.subtract = function(v) { + this.x -= v.x; + this.y -= v.y; + this.z -= v.z; +}; + +/** + * Multiply the given Quaternion with this vector. + * + * @param q - the quaternion to multiply with + */ +Vector3.prototype.multiplyQuaternion = function(q) { + var ix = q.w * this.x + q.y * this.z - q.z * this.y; + var iy = q.w * this.y + q.z * this.x - q.x * this.z; + var iz = q.w * this.z + q.x * this.y - q.y * this.x; + var iw = -q.x * this.x - q.y * this.y - q.z * this.z; + this.x = ix * q.w + iw * -q.x + iy * -q.z - iz * -q.y; + this.y = iy * q.w + iw * -q.y + iz * -q.x - ix * -q.z; + this.z = iz * q.w + iw * -q.z + ix * -q.y - iy * -q.x; +}; + +/** + * Clone a copy of this vector. + * + * @returns the cloned vector + */ +Vector3.prototype.clone = function() { + return new Vector3(this); +}; + +module.exports = Vector3; +},{}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ +module.exports = { + Pose: require('./Pose'), + Quaternion: require('./Quaternion'), + Transform: require('./Transform'), + Vector3: require('./Vector3') +}; + +},{"./Pose":19,"./Quaternion":20,"./Transform":21,"./Vector3":22}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * Mixin a feature to the core/Ros prototype. + * For example, mixin(Ros, ['Topic'], {Topic: }) + * will add a topic bound to any Ros instances so a user + * can call `var topic = ros.Topic({name: '/foo'});` + * + * @author Graeme Yeates - github.com/megawac + */ +module.exports = function(Ros, classes, features) { + classes.forEach(function(className) { + var Class = features[className]; + Ros.prototype[className] = function(options) { + options.ros = this; + return new Class(options); + }; + }); +}; + +},{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileoverview + * @author David Gossow - dgossow@willowgarage.com + */ + +var ActionClient = require('../actionlib/ActionClient'); +var Goal = require('../actionlib/Goal'); + +var Service = require('../core/Service.js'); +var ServiceRequest = require('../core/ServiceRequest.js'); + +var Transform = require('../math/Transform'); + +/** + * A TF Client that listens to TFs from tf2_web_republisher. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle + * * fixedFrame - the fixed frame, like /base_link + * * angularThres - the angular threshold for the TF republisher + * * transThres - the translation threshold for the TF republisher + * * rate - the rate for the TF republisher + * * updateDelay - the time (in ms) to wait after a new subscription + * to update the TF republisher's list of TFs + * * topicTimeout - the timeout parameter for the TF republisher + * * serverName (optional) - the name of the tf2_web_republisher server + * * repubServiceName (optional) - the name of the republish_tfs service (non groovy compatibility mode only) + * default: '/republish_tfs' + */ +function TFClient(options) { + options = options || {}; + this.ros = options.ros; + this.fixedFrame = options.fixedFrame || '/base_link'; + this.angularThres = options.angularThres || 2.0; + this.transThres = options.transThres || 0.01; + this.rate = options.rate || 10.0; + this.updateDelay = options.updateDelay || 50; + var seconds = options.topicTimeout || 2.0; + var secs = Math.floor(seconds); + var nsecs = Math.floor((seconds - secs) * 1000000000); + this.topicTimeout = { + secs: secs, + nsecs: nsecs + }; + this.serverName = options.serverName || '/tf2_web_republisher'; + this.repubServiceName = options.repubServiceName || '/republish_tfs'; + + this.currentGoal = false; + this.currentTopic = false; + this.frameInfos = {}; + this.republisherUpdateRequested = false; + + // Create an Action client + this.actionClient = this.ros.ActionClient({ + serverName : this.serverName, + actionName : 'tf2_web_republisher/TFSubscriptionAction', + omitStatus : true, + omitResult : true + }); + + // Create a Service client + this.serviceClient = this.ros.Service({ + name: this.repubServiceName, + serviceType: 'tf2_web_republisher/RepublishTFs' + }); +} + +/** + * Process the incoming TF message and send them out using the callback + * functions. + * + * @param tf - the TF message from the server + */ +TFClient.prototype.processTFArray = function(tf) { + var that = this; + tf.transforms.forEach(function(transform) { + var frameID = transform.child_frame_id; + if (frameID[0] === '/') + { + frameID = frameID.substring(1); + } + var info = this.frameInfos[frameID]; + if (info) { + info.transform = new Transform({ + translation : transform.transform.translation, + rotation : transform.transform.rotation + }); + info.cbs.forEach(function(cb) { + cb(info.transform); + }); + } + }, this); +}; + +/** + * Create and send a new goal (or service request) to the tf2_web_republisher + * based on the current list of TFs. + */ +TFClient.prototype.updateGoal = function() { + var goalMessage = { + source_frames : Object.keys(this.frameInfos), + target_frame : this.fixedFrame, + angular_thres : this.angularThres, + trans_thres : this.transThres, + rate : this.rate + }; + + // if we're running in groovy compatibility mode (the default) + // then use the action interface to tf2_web_republisher + if(this.ros.groovyCompatibility) { + if (this.currentGoal) { + this.currentGoal.cancel(); + } + this.currentGoal = new Goal({ + actionClient : this.actionClient, + goalMessage : goalMessage + }); + + this.currentGoal.on('feedback', this.processTFArray.bind(this)); + this.currentGoal.send(); + } + else { + // otherwise, use the service interface + // The service interface has the same parameters as the action, + // plus the timeout + goalMessage.timeout = this.topicTimeout; + var request = new ServiceRequest(goalMessage); + + this.serviceClient.callService(request, this.processResponse.bind(this)); + } + + this.republisherUpdateRequested = false; +}; + +/** + * Process the service response and subscribe to the tf republisher + * topic + * + * @param response the service response containing the topic name + */ +TFClient.prototype.processResponse = function(response) { + // if we subscribed to a topic before, unsubscribe so + // the republisher stops publishing it + if (this.currentTopic) { + this.currentTopic.unsubscribe(); + } + + this.currentTopic = this.ros.Topic({ + name: response.topic_name, + messageType: 'tf2_web_republisher/TFArray' + }); + this.currentTopic.subscribe(this.processTFArray.bind(this)); +}; + +/** + * Subscribe to the given TF frame. + * + * @param frameID - the TF frame to subscribe to + * @param callback - function with params: + * * transform - the transform data + */ +TFClient.prototype.subscribe = function(frameID, callback) { + // remove leading slash, if it's there + if (frameID[0] === '/') + { + frameID = frameID.substring(1); + } + // if there is no callback registered for the given frame, create emtpy callback list + if (!this.frameInfos[frameID]) { + this.frameInfos[frameID] = { + cbs: [] + }; + if (!this.republisherUpdateRequested) { + setTimeout(this.updateGoal.bind(this), this.updateDelay); + this.republisherUpdateRequested = true; + } + } + // if we already have a transform, call back immediately + else if (this.frameInfos[frameID].transform) { + callback(this.frameInfos[frameID].transform); + } + this.frameInfos[frameID].cbs.push(callback); +}; + +/** + * Unsubscribe from the given TF frame. + * + * @param frameID - the TF frame to unsubscribe from + * @param callback - the callback function to remove + */ +TFClient.prototype.unsubscribe = function(frameID, callback) { + // remove leading slash, if it's there + if (frameID[0] === '/') + { + frameID = frameID.substring(1); + } + var info = this.frameInfos[frameID]; + for (var cbs = info && info.cbs || [], idx = cbs.length; idx--;) { + if (cbs[idx] === callback) { + cbs.splice(idx, 1); + } + } + if (!callback || cbs.length === 0) { + delete this.frameInfos[frameID]; + } +}; + +/** + * Unsubscribe and unadvertise all topics associated with this TFClient. + */ +TFClient.prototype.dispose = function() { + this.actionClient.dispose(); + if (this.currentTopic) { + this.currentTopic.unsubscribe(); + } +}; + +module.exports = TFClient; + +},{"../actionlib/ActionClient":5,"../actionlib/Goal":7,"../core/Service.js":13,"../core/ServiceRequest.js":14,"../math/Transform":21}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ +var Ros = require('../core/Ros'); +var mixin = require('../mixin'); + +var tf = module.exports = { + TFClient: require('./TFClient') +}; + +mixin(Ros, ['TFClient'], tf); +},{"../core/Ros":12,"../mixin":24,"./TFClient":25}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileOverview + * @author Benjamin Pitzer - ben.pitzer@gmail.com + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +var Vector3 = require('../math/Vector3'); +var UrdfTypes = require('./UrdfTypes'); + +/** + * A Box element in a URDF. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * xml - the XML element to parse + */ +function UrdfBox(options) { + this.dimension = null; + this.type = UrdfTypes.URDF_BOX; + + // Parse the xml string + var xyz = options.xml.getAttribute('size').split(' '); + this.dimension = new Vector3({ + x : parseFloat(xyz[0]), + y : parseFloat(xyz[1]), + z : parseFloat(xyz[2]) + }); +} + +module.exports = UrdfBox; +},{"../math/Vector3":22,"./UrdfTypes":36}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileOverview + * @author Benjamin Pitzer - ben.pitzer@gmail.com + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +/** + * A Color element in a URDF. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * xml - the XML element to parse + */ +function UrdfColor(options) { + // Parse the xml string + var rgba = options.xml.getAttribute('rgba').split(' '); + this.r = parseFloat(rgba[0]); + this.g = parseFloat(rgba[1]); + this.b = parseFloat(rgba[2]); + this.a = parseFloat(rgba[3]); +} + +module.exports = UrdfColor; +},{}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileOverview + * @author Benjamin Pitzer - ben.pitzer@gmail.com + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +var UrdfTypes = require('./UrdfTypes'); + +/** + * A Cylinder element in a URDF. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * xml - the XML element to parse + */ +function UrdfCylinder(options) { + this.type = UrdfTypes.URDF_CYLINDER; + this.length = parseFloat(options.xml.getAttribute('length')); + this.radius = parseFloat(options.xml.getAttribute('radius')); +} + +module.exports = UrdfCylinder; +},{"./UrdfTypes":36}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileOverview + * @author David V. Lu!! davidvlu@gmail.com + */ + +/** + * A Joint element in a URDF. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * xml - the XML element to parse + */ +function UrdfJoint(options) { + this.name = options.xml.getAttribute('name'); + this.type = options.xml.getAttribute('type'); + + var parents = options.xml.getElementsByTagName('parent'); + if(parents.length > 0) { + this.parent = parents[0].getAttribute('link'); + } + + var children = options.xml.getElementsByTagName('child'); + if(children.length > 0) { + this.child = children[0].getAttribute('link'); + } + + var limits = options.xml.getElementsByTagName('limit'); + if (limits.length > 0) { + this.minval = parseFloat( limits[0].getAttribute('lower') ); + this.maxval = parseFloat( limits[0].getAttribute('upper') ); + } +} + +module.exports = UrdfJoint; + +},{}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileOverview + * @author Benjamin Pitzer - ben.pitzer@gmail.com + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +var UrdfVisual = require('./UrdfVisual'); + +/** + * A Link element in a URDF. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * xml - the XML element to parse + */ +function UrdfLink(options) { + this.name = options.xml.getAttribute('name'); + this.visuals = []; + var visuals = options.xml.getElementsByTagName('visual'); + + for( var i=0; i 0) { + this.textureFilename = textures[0].getAttribute('filename'); + } + + // Color + var colors = options.xml.getElementsByTagName('color'); + if (colors.length > 0) { + // Parse the RBGA string + this.color = new UrdfColor({ + xml : colors[0] + }); + } +} + +UrdfMaterial.prototype.isLink = function() { + return this.color === null && this.textureFilename === null; +}; + +var assign = require('object-assign'); + +UrdfMaterial.prototype.assign = function(obj) { + return assign(this, obj); +}; + +module.exports = UrdfMaterial; + +},{"./UrdfColor":28,"object-assign":2}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileOverview + * @author Benjamin Pitzer - ben.pitzer@gmail.com + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +var Vector3 = require('../math/Vector3'); +var UrdfTypes = require('./UrdfTypes'); + +/** + * A Mesh element in a URDF. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * xml - the XML element to parse + */ +function UrdfMesh(options) { + this.scale = null; + + this.type = UrdfTypes.URDF_MESH; + this.filename = options.xml.getAttribute('filename'); + + // Check for a scale + var scale = options.xml.getAttribute('scale'); + if (scale) { + // Get the XYZ + var xyz = scale.split(' '); + this.scale = new Vector3({ + x : parseFloat(xyz[0]), + y : parseFloat(xyz[1]), + z : parseFloat(xyz[2]) + }); + } +} + +module.exports = UrdfMesh; +},{"../math/Vector3":22,"./UrdfTypes":36}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ +/** + * @fileOverview + * @author Benjamin Pitzer - ben.pitzer@gmail.com + * @author Russell Toris - rctoris@wpi.edu + */ + +var UrdfMaterial = require('./UrdfMaterial'); +var UrdfLink = require('./UrdfLink'); +var UrdfJoint = require('./UrdfJoint'); +var DOMParser = require('xmldom').DOMParser; + +// See https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/XPathResult#Constants +var XPATH_FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 9; + +/** + * A URDF Model can be used to parse a given URDF into the appropriate elements. + * + * @constructor + * @param options - object with following keys: + * * xml - the XML element to parse + * * string - the XML element to parse as a string + */ +function UrdfModel(options) { + options = options || {}; + var xmlDoc = options.xml; + var string = options.string; + this.materials = {}; + this.links = {}; + this.joints = {}; + + // Check if we are using a string or an XML element + if (string) { + // Parse the string + var parser = new DOMParser(); + xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(string, 'text/xml'); + } + + // Initialize the model with the given XML node. + // Get the robot tag + var robotXml = xmlDoc.documentElement; + + // Get the robot name + this.name = robotXml.getAttribute('name'); + + // Parse all the visual elements we need + for (var nodes = robotXml.childNodes, i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { + var node = nodes[i]; + if (node.tagName === 'material') { + var material = new UrdfMaterial({ + xml : node + }); + // Make sure this is unique + if (this.materials[material.name] !== void 0) { + if( this.materials[material.name].isLink() ) { + this.materials[material.name].assign( material ); + } else { + console.warn('Material ' + material.name + 'is not unique.'); + } + } else { + this.materials[material.name] = material; + } + } else if (node.tagName === 'link') { + var link = new UrdfLink({ + xml : node + }); + // Make sure this is unique + if (this.links[link.name] !== void 0) { + console.warn('Link ' + link.name + ' is not unique.'); + } else { + // Check for a material + for( var j=0; j 0) { + var geom = geoms[0]; + var shape = null; + // Check for the shape + for (var i = 0; i < geom.childNodes.length; i++) { + var node = geom.childNodes[i]; + if (node.nodeType === 1) { + shape = node; + break; + } + } + // Check the type + var type = shape.nodeName; + if (type === 'sphere') { + this.geometry = new UrdfSphere({ + xml : shape + }); + } else if (type === 'box') { + this.geometry = new UrdfBox({ + xml : shape + }); + } else if (type === 'cylinder') { + this.geometry = new UrdfCylinder({ + xml : shape + }); + } else if (type === 'mesh') { + this.geometry = new UrdfMesh({ + xml : shape + }); + } else { + console.warn('Unknown geometry type ' + type); + } + } + + // Material + var materials = xml.getElementsByTagName('material'); + if (materials.length > 0) { + this.material = new UrdfMaterial({ + xml : materials[0] + }); + } +} + +module.exports = UrdfVisual; +},{"../math/Pose":19,"../math/Quaternion":20,"../math/Vector3":22,"./UrdfBox":27,"./UrdfCylinder":29,"./UrdfMaterial":32,"./UrdfMesh":33,"./UrdfSphere":35}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ +module.exports = require('object-assign')({ + UrdfBox: require('./UrdfBox'), + UrdfColor: require('./UrdfColor'), + UrdfCylinder: require('./UrdfCylinder'), + UrdfLink: require('./UrdfLink'), + UrdfMaterial: require('./UrdfMaterial'), + UrdfMesh: require('./UrdfMesh'), + UrdfModel: require('./UrdfModel'), + UrdfSphere: require('./UrdfSphere'), + UrdfVisual: require('./UrdfVisual') +}, require('./UrdfTypes')); + +},{"./UrdfBox":27,"./UrdfColor":28,"./UrdfCylinder":29,"./UrdfLink":31,"./UrdfMaterial":32,"./UrdfMesh":33,"./UrdfModel":34,"./UrdfSphere":35,"./UrdfTypes":36,"./UrdfVisual":37,"object-assign":2}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (global){ +module.exports = global.WebSocket; +}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) +},{}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ +/* global document */ +module.exports = function Canvas() { + return document.createElement('canvas'); +}; +},{}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (global){ +/** + * @fileOverview + * @author Graeme Yeates - github.com/megawac + */ + +'use strict'; + +var Canvas = require('canvas'); +var Image = Canvas.Image || global.Image; + +/** + * If a message was compressed as a PNG image (a compression hack since + * gzipping over WebSockets * is not supported yet), this function places the + * "image" in a canvas element then decodes the * "image" as a Base64 string. + * + * @private + * @param data - object containing the PNG data. + * @param callback - function with params: + * * data - the uncompressed data + */ +function decompressPng(data, callback) { + // Uncompresses the data before sending it through (use image/canvas to do so). + var image = new Image(); + // When the image loads, extracts the raw data (JSON message). + image.onload = function() { + // Creates a local canvas to draw on. + var canvas = new Canvas(); + var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); + + // Sets width and height. + canvas.width = image.width; + canvas.height = image.height; + + // Prevents anti-aliasing and loosing data + context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; + context.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; + context.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; + + // Puts the data into the image. + context.drawImage(image, 0, 0); + // Grabs the raw, uncompressed data. + var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height).data; + + // Constructs the JSON. + var jsonData = ''; + for (var i = 0; i < imageData.length; i += 4) { + // RGB + jsonData += String.fromCharCode(imageData[i], imageData[i + 1], imageData[i + 2]); + } + callback(JSON.parse(jsonData)); + }; + // Sends the image data to load. + image.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + data; +} + +module.exports = decompressPng; +}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) +},{"canvas":40}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ +(function (global){ +exports.DOMImplementation = global.DOMImplementation; +exports.XMLSerializer = global.XMLSerializer; +exports.DOMParser = global.DOMParser; +}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) +},{}]},{},[4]); diff --git a/rwt_map/www/css/ui.css b/rwt_map/www/css/ui.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6eeeaf90 --- /dev/null +++ b/rwt_map/www/css/ui.css @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +.container{ + margin: auto auto auto 10px; + border-bottom: 0.5px solid grey; + +} +.row{ + width: 100%; + margin-top : 10px; +} + +#Head{ + font-size: 25px; + font-weight :bold; + text-align: center; +} + +#video{ + width:100%; +} +#display{ + font-size: 15px; +} + +#ang{ + margin-left: 25%; +} + +#topic{ + text-align: left; + font-size: 17px; +} + + +button{ + font-size:12px; +} + +#lv{ + font-size:17px; +} + +#map{ + width:100%; +} diff --git a/rwt_map/www/index.html b/rwt_map/www/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8374e4b --- /dev/null +++ b/rwt_map/www/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + + + + rwt_map + + + + + + + + + + + + +

rwt_map robotwebtools map

+ +
+ +
Camera topic :
+ +
Current linear velocity(m/s) : 0.5
Current angular velocity(m/s) : 1.0
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/rwt_map/www/js/rwt_map.js b/rwt_map/www/js/rwt_map.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..37cda952 --- /dev/null +++ b/rwt_map/www/js/rwt_map.js @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +var manager = null; +var lin = 0.0; +var ang = 0.0; +var linvel = 0.5; +var angvel = 1.0; +var ros; +var cmd_vel; +var twist; +var cameratopic = "/camera/rgb/image_raw"; +var video; + +function rosconnection() { + // Connecting to ROS + ros = new ROSLIB.Ros({ + url : 'ws://localhost:9090' + }); + + ros.on('connection', function() { + console.log('Connected to websocket server.'); + }); + + ros.on('error', function(error) { + console.log('Error connecting to websocket server: ', error); + }); + + ros.on('close', function() { + console.log('Connection to websocket server closed.'); + }); + +} + +function createJoystick() { + if (manager == null) { + joystickContainer = document.getElementById('joystick'); + var options = { + zone: joystickContainer, + color: "#FF0000", + size: 150, + position: { top: 375 + 'px', left: 15 + '%'}, + mode: 'static', + restJoystick: true + + }; + + manager = nipplejs.create(options); + + manager.on('move', function (evt, data) { + try { + var dist = data.distance; + var angle = data.angle.degree; + } + catch(error){ + createJoystick(); + console.error(error); + } + + lin = Math.sin(angle / 57.29) * dist/100.0 * linvel; + ang = Math.cos(angle / 57.29) * dist/100.0 * -angvel; + move(); + }); + + manager.on('end', function () { + lin = 0.0; + ang = 0.0; + move(); + }); + + } +} + +function initvelocitypublisher() { + cmdVel = new ROSLIB.Topic({ + ros : ros, + name : '/cmd_vel', + messageType : 'geometry_msgs/Twist' + }); + + twist = new ROSLIB.Message({ + linear : { + x : 0.0, + y : 0.0, + z : 0.0 + }, + angular : { + x : 0.0, + y : 0.0, + z : 0.0 + } + }); + +} + +function move() { + twist.linear.x = lin; + twist.angular.z = ang; + cmdVel.publish(twist); +} + +function buttons() { + var bl1 = document.getElementById("bl1"); + var bl2 = document.getElementById("bl2"); + var ba1 = document.getElementById("ba1"); + var ba2 = document.getElementById("ba2"); + + var lindisp= document.getElementById("lindisp"); + var angdisp= document.getElementById("angdisp"); + + bl1.addEventListener("click", function() { + linvel = linvel*(1.1); + lindisp.textContent = linvel; + }); + bl2.addEventListener("click", function() { + linvel = linvel*(0.9); + lindisp.textContent = linvel; + }); + ba1.addEventListener("click", function() { + angvel = angvel*(1.1); + angdisp.textContent = angvel; + }); + ba2.addEventListener("click", function() { + angvel = angvel*(0.9); + angdisp.textContent = angvel; + }); +} + +function videoon() { + var topic = document.querySelector("input"); + topic.addEventListener("change", function (){ + cameratopic = topic.value; + console.log(cameratopic); + }) + + video = document.getElementById("video"); + + var lv = document.getElementById("lv"); + + lv.addEventListener("click", function() { + video.src = "http://localhost:8080/stream?topic=" + cameratopic +"&type=mjpeg&width=600&height=400"; + }) + + +} + +function viewMap() { + var viewer = new ROS2D.Viewer({ + divID : 'map', + width : 600, + height : 500, + background : '#FFFFFF' + }); + + var gridClient = new ROS2D.OccupancyGridClient({ + ros : ros, + rootObject : viewer.scene, + continuous : true + }); + + var zoomView = new ROS2D.ZoomView({ + rootObject : viewer.scene + }); + + var panView = new ROS2D.PanView({ + rootObject : viewer.scene + }); + + var temp = true; + gridClient.on('change', function() { + if(temp == true) { + viewer.scaleToDimensions(gridClient.currentGrid.width, gridClient.currentGrid.height); + viewer.shift(gridClient.currentGrid.pose.position.x, gridClient.currentGrid.pose.position.y); + temp = false; + } + registerMouseHandlers(); + viewPose(); + }); + + function registerMouseHandlers() { + + var mouseDown = false; + var zoomKey = false; + var panKey = false; + var startPos = new ROSLIB.Vector3(); + + viewer.scene.addEventListener('stagemousedown', function(event) { + console.log("event"); + if (event.nativeEvent.ctrlKey === true) { + zoomKey = true; + zoomView.startZoom(event.stageX, event.stageY); + } + else if (event.nativeEvent.shiftKey === true) { + panKey = true; + panView.startPan(event.stageX, event.stageY); + } + startPos.x = event.stageX; + startPos.y = event.stageY; + mouseDown = true; + }); + + viewer.scene.addEventListener('stagemousemove', function(event) { + if (mouseDown === true) { + if (zoomKey === true) { + var dy = event.stageY - startPos.y; + var zoom = 1 + 10*Math.abs(dy) / viewer.scene.canvas.clientHeight; + if (dy < 0) + zoom = 1 / zoom; + zoomView.zoom(zoom); + } + else if (panKey === true) { + panView.pan(event.stageX, event.stageY); + } + } + }); + + viewer.scene.addEventListener('stagemouseup', function(event) { + if (mouseDown === true) { + zoomKey = false; + panKey = false; + mouseDown = false; + } + }); + } + + function viewPose() { + var poseTopic = new ROSLIB.Topic({ + ros : ros, + name : '/robot_pose', + messageType : 'geometry_msgs/Pose' + }); + + var robotMarker = new ROS2D.NavigationArrow({ + size : 0.2, + strokeSize : 0.01, + pulse : true + + }); + + poseTopic.subscribe( + function (pose) { + robotMarker.x = pose.position.x; + robotMarker.y = -pose.position.y; + var quaZ = pose.orientation.z; + var degreeZ = 0; + if( quaZ >= 0 ) { + degreeZ = quaZ / 1 * 180 + } + else { + degreeZ = (-quaZ) / 1 * 180 + 180 + }; + robotMarker.rotation = -degreeZ + 35; + } + ) + + gridClient.rootObject.addChild(robotMarker); + + } +} + + + +window.onload = function () { + rosconnection(); + initvelocitypublisher(); + createJoystick(); + buttons(); + videoon(); + viewMap(); +} diff --git a/visualization_rwt/package.xml b/visualization_rwt/package.xml index 80831934..eebd34ca 100644 --- a/visualization_rwt/package.xml +++ b/visualization_rwt/package.xml @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ rwt_speech_recognition rwt_app_chooser rwt_utils_3rdparty + rwt_map