When deploying with polybft
consensus, there are some additional dependencies:
Running polygon-edge
from local binary can be done very easily by using provided scripts
scripts/cluster ibft
- deploy environment withibft
consensusscripts/cluster polybft
- deploy environment withpolybft
Use scripts/cluster
script to customize chain parameters.
It already has some default parameters, which can be easily modified.
These are the genesis
parameters from the official docs.
Primarily, the --premine
parameter needs to be edited (createGenesis
function) to include the accounts that the user has access to.
The servers are run in foreground, meaning that the terminal console that is running the script must remain active.
To stop the servers - Ctrl/Cmd + C
To interact with the chain use another terminal or run a dockerized environment by following the instructions in docker/README.md
This is NOT a production ready deployment. It is to be used in development / test environments only. For production usage, please check out the official docs.