diff --git a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/common.tolk b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/common.tolk
index dec12e233..46068a206 100644
--- a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/common.tolk
+++ b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/common.tolk
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Standard library for Tolk (LGPL licence).
 // It contains common functions that are available out of the box, the user doesn't have to import anything.
 // More specific functions are required to be imported explicitly, like "@stdlib/tvm-dicts".
-tolk 0.6
+tolk 0.7
   Tuple manipulation primitives.
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ fun createEmptyTuple(): tuple
 /// Appends a value to tuple, resulting in `Tuple t' = (x1, ..., xn, value)`.
 /// If its size exceeds 255, throws a type check exception.
-fun tuplePush<X>(mutate self: tuple, value: X): void
+fun tuplePush<T>(mutate self: tuple, value: T): void
     asm "TPUSH";
 /// Returns the first element of a non-empty tuple.
-fun tupleFirst<X>(t: tuple): X
+fun tupleFirst<T>(t: tuple): T
     asm "FIRST";
 /// Returns the [`index`]-th element of a tuple.
-fun tupleAt<X>(t: tuple, index: int): X
+fun tupleAt<T>(t: tuple, index: int): T
 /// Returns the size of a tuple (elements count in it).
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ fun tupleSize(t: tuple): int
 /// Returns the last element of a non-empty tuple.
-fun tupleLast(t: tuple): int
+fun tupleLast<T>(t: tuple): T
     asm "LAST";
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ fun stringHash(s: slice): int
 /// That is, if [hash] is computed as the hash of some data, these data are hashed twice,
 /// the second hashing occurring inside `CHKSIGNS`.
-fun isSignatureValid(hash: int, signature: slice, publicKey: int): int
+fun isSignatureValid(hash: int, signature: slice, publicKey: int): bool
     asm "CHKSIGNU";
 /// Checks whether [signature] is a valid Ed25519-signature of the data portion of `slice data` using `publicKey`,
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ fun isSignatureValid(hash: int, signature: slice, publicKey: int): int
 /// The verification of Ed25519 signatures is the standard one,
 /// with sha256 used to reduce [data] to the 256-bit number that is actually signed.
-fun isSliceSignatureValid(data: slice, signature: slice, publicKey: int): int
+fun isSliceSignatureValid(data: slice, signature: slice, publicKey: int): bool
     asm "CHKSIGNS";
 /// Generates a new pseudo-random unsigned 256-bit integer x.
@@ -259,14 +259,14 @@ fun randomizeByLogicalTime(): void
 /// otherwise the computation is aborted before visiting the `(maxCells + 1)`-st cell and
 /// a zero flag is returned to indicate failure. If [c] is `null`, returns `x = y = z = 0`.
-fun calculateCellSize(c: cell, maxCells: int): (int, int, int, int)
+fun calculateCellSize(c: cell, maxCells: int): (int, int, int, bool)
 /// Similar to [calculateCellSize], but accepting a `slice` [s] instead of a `cell`.
 /// The returned value of `x` does not take into account the cell that contains the `slice` [s] itself;
 /// however, the data bits and the cell references of [s] are accounted for in `y` and `z`.
-fun calculateSliceSize(s: slice, maxCells: int): (int, int, int, int)
+fun calculateSliceSize(s: slice, maxCells: int): (int, int, int, bool)
 /// A non-quiet version of [calculateCellSize] that throws a cell overflow exception (`8`) on failure.
@@ -306,11 +306,11 @@ fun getBuilderDepth(b: builder): int
 /// Dump a variable [x] to the debug log.
-fun debugPrint<X>(x: X): void
+fun debugPrint<T>(x: T): void
 /// Dump a string [x] to the debug log.
-fun debugPrintString<X>(x: X): void
+fun debugPrintString<T>(x: T): void
 /// Dumps the stack (at most the top 255 values) and shows the total stack depth.
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ fun loadCoins(mutate self: slice): int
 /// Loads bool (-1 or 0) from a slice
-fun loadBool(mutate self: slice): int
+fun loadBool(mutate self: slice): bool
     asm( -> 1 0) "1 LDI";
 /// Shifts a slice pointer to [len] bits forward, mutating the slice.
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ fun storeCoins(mutate self: builder, x: int): self
 /// Stores bool (-1 or 0) into a builder.
 /// Attention: true value is `-1`, not 1! If you pass `1` here, TVM will throw an exception.
-fun storeBool(mutate self: builder, x: int): self
+fun storeBool(mutate self: builder, x: bool): self
     asm(x self) "1 STI";
 /// Stores dictionary (represented by TVM `cell` or `null`) into a builder.
@@ -529,22 +529,22 @@ fun getRemainingBitsAndRefsCount(self: slice): (int, int)
 /// Checks whether a slice is empty (i.e., contains no bits of data and no cell references).
-fun isEndOfSlice(self: slice): int
+fun isEndOfSlice(self: slice): bool
     asm "SEMPTY";
 /// Checks whether a slice has no bits of data.
-fun isEndOfSliceBits(self: slice): int
+fun isEndOfSliceBits(self: slice): bool
     asm "SDEMPTY";
 /// Checks whether a slice has no references.
-fun isEndOfSliceRefs(self: slice): int
+fun isEndOfSliceRefs(self: slice): bool
     asm "SREMPTY";
 /// Checks whether data parts of two slices coinside.
-fun isSliceBitsEqual(self: slice, b: slice): int
+fun isSliceBitsEqual(self: slice, b: slice): bool
     asm "SDEQ";
 /// Returns the number of cell references already stored in a builder.
@@ -621,10 +621,10 @@ fun parseStandardAddress(s: slice): (int, int)
 fun createAddressNone(): slice
     asm "b{00} PUSHSLICE";
-/// Returns if a slice pointer contains an empty address (`-1` for true, `0` for false, as always).
+/// Returns if a slice pointer contains an empty address.
 /// In other words, a slice starts with two `0` bits (TL addr_none$00).
-fun addressIsNone(s: slice): int
+fun addressIsNone(s: slice): bool
     asm "2 PLDU" "0 EQINT";
@@ -677,8 +677,8 @@ fun loadMessageFlags(mutate self: slice): int
 /// Having msgFlags (4 bits), check that a message is bounced.
 /// Effectively, it's `msgFlags & 1` (the lowest bit present).
-fun isMessageBounced(msgFlags: int): int
-    asm "1 PUSHINT" "AND";
+fun isMessageBounced(msgFlags: int): bool
+    asm "2 PUSHINT" "MODR";
 /// Skip 0xFFFFFFFF prefix (when a message is bounced).
diff --git a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/gas-payments.tolk b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/gas-payments.tolk
index 1dc6f3f89..83893354d 100644
--- a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/gas-payments.tolk
+++ b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/gas-payments.tolk
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // A part of standard library for Tolk
-tolk 0.6
+tolk 0.7
   Gas and payment related primitives.
@@ -61,3 +61,9 @@ fun calculateOriginalMessageFee(workchain: int, incomingFwdFee: int): int
 /// If it has no debt, `0` is returned.
 fun getMyStorageDuePayment(): int
     asm "DUEPAYMENT";
+/// Returns the amount of nanotoncoins charged for storage.
+/// (during storage phase preceeding to current computation phase)
+fun getMyStoragePaidPayment(): int
+    asm "STORAGEFEES";
diff --git a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/lisp-lists.tolk b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/lisp-lists.tolk
index f7a721918..429f0cbfd 100644
--- a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/lisp-lists.tolk
+++ b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/lisp-lists.tolk
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // A part of standard library for Tolk
-tolk 0.6
+tolk 0.7
     Lisp-style lists are nested 2-elements tuples: `(1, (2, (3, null)))` represents list `[1, 2, 3]`.
diff --git a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/tvm-dicts.tolk b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/tvm-dicts.tolk
index 9fba24d90..a47fe5426 100644
--- a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/tvm-dicts.tolk
+++ b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/tvm-dicts.tolk
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // A part of standard library for Tolk
-tolk 0.6
+tolk 0.7
     Dictionaries are represented as `cell` data type (cells can store anything, dicts in particular).
@@ -19,20 +19,20 @@ fun createEmptyDict(): cell
 /// Checks whether a dictionary is empty.
-fun dictIsEmpty(self: cell): int
+fun dictIsEmpty(self: cell): bool
     asm "DICTEMPTY";
-fun iDictGet(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (slice, int)
+fun iDictGet(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (slice, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTIGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
-fun uDictGet(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (slice, int)
+fun uDictGet(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (slice, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTUGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
-fun sDictGet(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): (slice, int)
+fun sDictGet(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): (slice, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
@@ -63,33 +63,33 @@ fun sDictSetRef(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice, value: cell): void
-fun iDictSetIfNotExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): int
+fun iDictSetIfNotExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): bool
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTIADD";
-fun uDictSetIfNotExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): int
+fun uDictSetIfNotExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): bool
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTUADD";
-fun iDictSetIfExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): int
+fun iDictSetIfExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): bool
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTIREPLACE";
-fun uDictSetIfExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): int
+fun uDictSetIfExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): bool
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTUREPLACE";
-fun iDictGetRef(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (cell, int)
+fun iDictGetRef(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (cell, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTIGETREF" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
-fun uDictGetRef(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (cell, int)
+fun uDictGetRef(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (cell, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTUGETREF" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
-fun sDictGetRef(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): (cell, int)
+fun sDictGetRef(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): (cell, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTGETREF" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
@@ -107,28 +107,28 @@ fun sDictGetRefOrNull(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): cell
-fun iDictDelete(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): int
+fun iDictDelete(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): bool
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTIDEL";
-fun uDictDelete(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): int
+fun uDictDelete(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): bool
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTUDEL";
-fun sDictDelete(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): int
+fun sDictDelete(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): bool
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTDEL";
-fun iDictSetAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): (slice, int)
+fun iDictSetAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): (slice, bool)
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTISETGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
-fun uDictSetAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): (slice, int)
+fun uDictSetAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: slice): (slice, bool)
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTUSETGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
-fun sDictSetAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice, value: slice): (slice, int)
+fun sDictSetAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice, value: slice): (slice, bool)
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTSETGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
@@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ fun uDictSetAndGetRefOrNull(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: cel
-fun iDictDeleteAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (slice, int)
+fun iDictDeleteAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (slice, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTIDELGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
-fun uDictDeleteAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (slice, int)
+fun uDictDeleteAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int): (slice, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTUDELGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
-fun sDictDeleteAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): (slice, int)
+fun sDictDeleteAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): (slice, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "DICTDELGET" "NULLSWAPIFNOT";
@@ -168,129 +168,129 @@ fun sDictSetBuilder(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice, value: builder):
-fun iDictSetBuilderIfNotExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: builder): int
+fun iDictSetBuilderIfNotExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: builder): bool
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTIADDB";
-fun uDictSetBuilderIfNotExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: builder): int
+fun uDictSetBuilderIfNotExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: builder): bool
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTUADDB";
-fun iDictSetBuilderIfExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: builder): int
+fun iDictSetBuilderIfExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: builder): bool
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTIREPLACEB";
-fun uDictSetBuilderIfExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: builder): int
+fun uDictSetBuilderIfExists(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: int, value: builder): bool
     asm(value key self keyLen) "DICTUREPLACEB";
-fun iDictDeleteFirstAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun iDictDeleteFirstAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(-> 0 2 1 3) "DICTIREMMIN" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictDeleteFirstAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun uDictDeleteFirstAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(-> 0 2 1 3) "DICTUREMMIN" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun sDictDeleteFirstAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, slice, int)
+fun sDictDeleteFirstAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, slice, bool)
     asm(-> 0 2 1 3) "DICTREMMIN" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun iDictDeleteLastAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun iDictDeleteLastAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(-> 0 2 1 3) "DICTIREMMAX" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictDeleteLastAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun uDictDeleteLastAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(-> 0 2 1 3) "DICTUREMMAX" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun sDictDeleteLastAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, slice, int)
+fun sDictDeleteLastAndGet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, slice, bool)
     asm(-> 0 2 1 3) "DICTREMMAX" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun iDictGetFirst(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun iDictGetFirst(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTIMIN" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictGetFirst(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun uDictGetFirst(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTUMIN" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun sDictGetFirst(self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, slice, int)
+fun sDictGetFirst(self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, slice, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTMIN" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun iDictGetFirstAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, cell, int)
+fun iDictGetFirstAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, cell, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTIMINREF" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictGetFirstAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, cell, int)
+fun uDictGetFirstAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, cell, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTUMINREF" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun sDictGetFirstAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, cell, int)
+fun sDictGetFirstAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, cell, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTMINREF" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun iDictGetLast(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun iDictGetLast(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTIMAX" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictGetLast(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun uDictGetLast(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTUMAX" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun sDictGetLast(self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, slice, int)
+fun sDictGetLast(self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, slice, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTMAX" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun iDictGetLastAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, cell, int)
+fun iDictGetLastAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, cell, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTIMAXREF" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictGetLastAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, cell, int)
+fun uDictGetLastAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (int, cell, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTUMAXREF" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun sDictGetLastAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, cell, int)
+fun sDictGetLastAsRef(self: cell, keyLen: int): (slice, cell, bool)
     asm (-> 1 0 2) "DICTMAXREF" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun iDictGetNext(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun iDictGetNext(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(pivot self keyLen -> 1 0 2) "DICTIGETNEXT" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictGetNext(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun uDictGetNext(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(pivot self keyLen -> 1 0 2) "DICTUGETNEXT" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun iDictGetNextOrEqual(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun iDictGetNextOrEqual(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(pivot self keyLen -> 1 0 2) "DICTIGETNEXTEQ" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictGetNextOrEqual(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun uDictGetNextOrEqual(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(pivot self keyLen -> 1 0 2) "DICTUGETNEXTEQ" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun iDictGetPrev(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun iDictGetPrev(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(pivot self keyLen -> 1 0 2) "DICTIGETPREV" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictGetPrev(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun uDictGetPrev(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(pivot self keyLen -> 1 0 2) "DICTUGETPREV" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun iDictGetPrevOrEqual(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun iDictGetPrevOrEqual(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(pivot self keyLen -> 1 0 2) "DICTIGETPREVEQ" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun uDictGetPrevOrEqual(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, int)
+fun uDictGetPrevOrEqual(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, bool)
     asm(pivot self keyLen -> 1 0 2) "DICTUGETPREVEQ" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
@@ -299,13 +299,13 @@ fun uDictGetPrevOrEqual(self: cell, keyLen: int, pivot: int): (int, slice, int)
-fun prefixDictGet(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): (slice, slice, slice, int)
+fun prefixDictGet(self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): (slice, slice, slice, bool)
     asm(key self keyLen) "PFXDICTGETQ" "NULLSWAPIFNOT2";
-fun prefixDictSet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice, value: slice): int
+fun prefixDictSet(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice, value: slice): bool
     asm(value key self keyLen) "PFXDICTSET";
-fun prefixDictDelete(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): int
+fun prefixDictDelete(mutate self: cell, keyLen: int, key: slice): bool
     asm(key self keyLen) "PFXDICTDEL";
diff --git a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/tvm-lowlevel.tolk b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/tvm-lowlevel.tolk
index 91b35f2bd..ef7c2afe9 100644
--- a/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/tvm-lowlevel.tolk
+++ b/crypto/smartcont/tolk-stdlib/tvm-lowlevel.tolk
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // A part of standard library for Tolk
-tolk 0.6
+tolk 0.7
 /// Usually `c3` has a continuation initialized by the whole code of the contract. It is used for function calls.
 /// The primitive returns the current value of `c3`.
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/a10.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/a10.tolk
index d46397c6a..7301f1d50 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/a10.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/a10.tolk
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ fun test88(x: int) {
-fun test89(last: int) {
+fun test89(last: int): (int, int, int, int) {
     var t: tuple = createEmptyTuple();
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/a6.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/a6.tolk
index 7f2c39461..32fd3364c 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/a6.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/a6.tolk
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ fun calc_phi(): int {
   repeat (70) { n*=10; };
   var p= 1;
   var `q`=1;
+  _=`q`;
   do {
   } while (q <= n); //;;
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ fun calc_sqrt2(): int {
   return mulDivRound(p, n, q);
-fun calc_root(m: auto): auto {
+fun calc_root(m: int) {
   var base: int=1;
   repeat(70) { base *= 10; }
   var (a, b, c) = (1,0,-m);
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/a6_5.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/a6_5.tolk
index 8b300c0c9..43fd59c5a 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/a6_5.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/a6_5.tolk
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-fun twice(f: auto, x: auto): auto {
+fun twice(f: int -> int, x: int) {
   return f (f (x));
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/allow_post_modification.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/allow_post_modification.tolk
index 5cfa2f3d8..e374f62b3 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/allow_post_modification.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/allow_post_modification.tolk
@@ -2,85 +2,112 @@ fun unsafe_tuple<X>(x: X): tuple
     asm "NOP";
 fun inc(x: int, y: int): (int, int) {
-  return (x + y, y * 10);
+    return (x + y, y * 10);
 fun `~inc`(mutate self: int, y: int): int {
-  val (newX, newY) = inc(self, y);
-  self = newX;
-  return newY;
+    val (newX, newY) = inc(self, y);
+    self = newX;
+    return newY;
+fun eq<X>(v: X): X { return v; }
+fun eq2(v: (int, int)) { return v; }
+fun mul2(mutate dest: int, v: int): int { dest = v*2; return dest; }
+fun multens(mutate self: (int, int), v: (int, int)): (int, int) { var (f, s) = self; var (m1, m2) = v; self = (f*m1, s*m2); return self; }
 fun test_return(x: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  return (x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x);
+    return (x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x);
 fun test_assign(x: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  var (x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int, x7: int) = (x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x=x*2, x, x+=1, x);
-  return (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7);
+    var (x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int, x7: int) = (x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x=x*2, x, x+=1, x);
+    return (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7);
 fun test_tuple(x: int): tuple {
-  var t: tuple = unsafe_tuple([x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x]);
-  return t;
+    var t: tuple = unsafe_tuple([x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x]);
+    return t;
 fun test_tuple_assign(x: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  var [x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int, x7: int] = [x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x];
-  return (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7);
+    var [x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int, x7: int] = [x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x];
+    return (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7);
 fun foo1(x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int, x7: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  return (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7);
+    return (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7);
 fun test_call_1(x: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  return foo1(x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x);
+    return foo1(x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x);
 fun foo2(x1: int, x2: int, x3456: (int, int, int, int), x7: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  var (x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int) = x3456;
-  return (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7);
+    var (x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int) = x3456;
+    return (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7);
 fun test_call_2(x: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  return foo2(x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), (x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1), x);
+    return foo2(x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), (x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1), x);
 fun asm_func(x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int, x7: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
-        (x4 x5 x6 x7 x1 x2 x3->0 1 2 3 4 5 6) "NOP";
+    asm (x4 x5 x6 x7 x1 x2 x3->0 1 2 3 4 5 6) "NOP";
 fun test_call_asm_old(x: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  return asm_func(x, x += 1, x, x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2);
+    return asm_func(x, x += 1, x, x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2);
 fun test_call_asm_new(x: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  return asm_func(x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x);
+    return asm_func(x, x.`~inc`(x / 20), x, x = x * 2, x, x += 1, x);
 global xx: int;
-fun test_global(x: int): (int, int, int, int, int, int, int) {
-  xx = x;
-  return (xx, xx.`~inc`(xx / 20), xx, xx = xx * 2, xx, xx += 1, xx);
+fun test_global(x: int) {
+    xx = x;
+    return (x, xx, xx.`~inc`(xx / 20), eq(xx += (x *= 0)), xx = xx * 2, xx, xx += 1, xx, x);
 fun test_if_else(x: int): (int, int, int, int, int) {
-  if (x > 10) {
-    return (x.`~inc`(8), x + 1, x = 1, x <<= 3, x);
-  } else {
-    xx = 9;
-    return (x, x.`~inc`(-4), x.`~inc`(-1), x >= 1, x = x + xx);
-  }
+    if (x > 10) {
+        return (x.`~inc`(8), x + 1, x = 1, x <<= 3, x);
+    } else {
+        xx = 9;
+        return (x, x.`~inc`(-4), x.`~inc`(-1), (x >= 1) as int, x = x + xx);
+    }
+fun test_assign_with_inner(x: int) {
+    return (x, x += 10, [(x, x += 20, eq(x -= 50), x)], eq2((x, x *= eq(x /= 2))));
+fun test_assign_with_mutate(x: int) {
+    return (x, mul2(mutate x, x += 5), x.`~inc`(mul2(mutate x, x)), x);
+fun test_assign_tensor(x: (int, int)) {
+    var fs = (0, 0);
+    return (x, x = (20, 30), fs = x.multens((1, 2)), fs.multens(multens(mutate x, (-1, -1))), x, fs);
+global fs: (int, int);
+fun test_assign_tensor_global(x: (int, int)) {
+    fs = (0, 0);
+    return (x, x = (20, 30), fs = x.multens((1, 2)), fs.multens(multens(mutate x, (-1, -1))), x, fs);
 fun main() {
@@ -96,9 +123,13 @@ fun main() {
 @testcase | 16 | 100 | 100 50 105 210 210 211 211
 @testcase | 17 | 100 | 101 50 106 212 100 101 101
 @testcase | 18 | 100 | 210 210 211 211 100 50 105
-@testcase | 19 | 100 | 100 50 105 210 210 211 211
+@testcase | 19 | 100 | 100 100 50 105 210 210 211 211 0
 @testcase | 20 | 80  | 80 89 1 8 8
 @testcase | 20 | 9   | 9 -40 -10 -1 13
+@testcase | 21 | 100 | 100 110 [ 110 130 80 80 ] 80 3200
+@testcase | 22 | 100 | 100 210 4200 630
+@testcase | 23 | 1 1 | 1 1 20 30 20 60 -400 -3600 -20 -60 -400 -3600
+@testcase | 24 | 1 1 | 1 1 20 30 20 60 -400 -3600 -20 -60 -400 -3600
@@ -107,5 +138,5 @@ fun main() {
     inc CALLDICT // self newY
-@code_hash 97139400653362069936987769894397430077752335662822462908581556703209313861576
+@code_hash 7627024945492125068389905298530400936797031708759561372406088054030801992712
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/assignment-tests.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/assignment-tests.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89de8cf44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/assignment-tests.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+fun extractFromTypedTuple(params: [int]) {
+    var [payload: int] = params;
+    return payload + 10;
+fun test101(x: int) {
+    var params = [x];
+    return extractFromTypedTuple(params);
+fun autoInferIntNull(x: int) {
+    if (x > 10) { return null; }
+    return x;
+fun main(value: int) {
+    var (x: int, y) = (autoInferIntNull(value), autoInferIntNull(value * 2));
+    if (x == null && y == null) { return null; }
+    return x == null || y == null ? -1 : x + y;
+@testcase | 0   | 3      | 9
+@testcase | 0   | 6      | -1
+@testcase | 0   | 11     | (null)
+@testcase | 101 | 78     | 88
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/bit-operators.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/bit-operators.tolk
index 049406af9..4cb8e1ba1 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/bit-operators.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/bit-operators.tolk
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-fun lshift(): int {
+fun lshift(): bool {
     return (1 << 0) == 1;
-fun rshift(): int {
+fun rshift(): bool {
     return (1 >> 0) == 1;
-fun lshift_var(i: int): int {
+fun lshift_var(i: int): bool {
     return (1 << i) == 1;
-fun rshift_var(i: int): int {
+fun rshift_var(i: int): bool {
     return (1 >> i) == 1;
-fun main(x: int): int {
+fun main(x: int): bool {
     if (x == 0) {
         return lshift();
     } else if (x == 1) {
@@ -31,12 +31,71 @@ fun main(x: int): int {
-fun is_claimed(index: int): int {
+fun is_claimed(index: int): bool {
     var claim_bit_index: int = index % 256;
     var mask: int = 1 << claim_bit_index;
     return (255 & mask) == mask;
+fun bit_not(i: int, b: bool): (int, bool, bool, bool, int, bool) {
+    var i2 = ~i;
+    var b2 = !b;
+    var (i3: int, b3: bool) = (i2, b2);
+    return (i3, b3, !i, !b, ~~~i, !!!b);
+fun boolWithBitwiseConst() {
+    var found = true;
+    return (found & false, found | true, found ^ true, found & found);
+global g14: int;
+fun getBool() { return (g14 += 1) > 2; }
+fun boolWithBitwise(b: bool) {
+    g14 = 0;
+    return (b & getBool(), !b & getBool(), b | getBool(), !b | getBool(), b ^ getBool(), !b & getBool(), g14);
+fun boolWithBitwiseSet(b1: bool, b2: bool) {
+    b1 &= b2;
+    b2 |= true;
+    b1 |= b1 == false;
+    b2 ^= (b1 ^= b2);
+    return (b1, b2);
+fun testDoUntilCodegen(i: bool, n: int) {
+    var cnt = 0;
+    do { cnt += 1; } while (i);
+    do { cnt += 1; } while (!!i);
+    do { cnt += 1; } while (n);
+    return (cnt, !i, !n);
+fun testConstNegateCodegen() {
+    return (!0, !1, !true, !false, !!true, !!false);
+fun testBoolNegateOptimized(x: bool) {
+    return (x, !x, !!x, !!!x, !!!!true);
+fun eqX(x: bool) { return x; }
+fun testBoolCompareOptimized(x: bool) {
+    return (x == true, x != true, eqX(x) == false, eqX(x) != false, !!(x == !false));
     method_id | in  | out
@@ -50,4 +109,96 @@ fun is_claimed(index: int): int {
 @testcase | 11 | 1   | -1
 @testcase | 11 | 256 | -1
 @testcase | 11 | 8   |  0
+@testcase | 12 | 0 0   | -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
+@testcase | 12 | -1 -1 | 0 0 0 0 0 0
+@testcase | 12 | 7 0   | -8 -1 0 -1 -8 -1
+@testcase | 14 | -1    | 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 6
+@testcase | 14 | 0     | 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 6
+@testcase | 15 | -1 -1 | 0 -1
+@testcase | 15 | -1 0  | 0 -1
+@testcase | 16 | 0 0   | 3 -1 -1
+@testcase | 17 |       | -1 0 0 -1 -1 0
+@testcase | 18 | 0     | 0 -1 0 -1 -1
+@testcase | 18 | -1    | -1 0 -1 0 -1
+@testcase | 19 | 0     | 0 -1 -1 0 0
+@testcase | 19 | -1    | -1 0 0 -1 -1
+  boolWithBitwiseConst PROC:<{
+    //
+    0 PUSHINT	//  _3
+    -1 PUSHINT	//  _3 _5
+    0 PUSHINT	//  _3 _5 _7
+    -1 PUSHINT	//  _3 _5 _7 _8
+  }>
+  testDoUntilCodegen PROC:<{
+    //  i n
+    0 PUSHINT	//  i n cnt=0
+    UNTIL:<{
+      INC	//  i n cnt
+      s2 PUSH	//  i n cnt i
+      NOT	//  i n cnt _6
+    }>	//  i n cnt
+    UNTIL:<{
+      INC	//  i n cnt
+      s2 PUSH	//  i n cnt i
+      NOT	//  i n cnt _9
+    }>	//  i n cnt
+    UNTIL:<{
+      INC	//  i n cnt
+      OVER	//  i n cnt n
+      0 EQINT	//  i n cnt _12
+    }>	//  i n cnt
+    s0 s2 XCHG	//  cnt n i
+    NOT	//  cnt n _13
+    SWAP	//  cnt _13 n
+    0 EQINT	//  cnt _13 _14
+  }>
+  testConstNegateCodegen PROC:<{
+    //
+    TRUE	//  _0
+    FALSE	//  _0 _1
+    FALSE	//  _0 _1 _2
+    TRUE	//  _0 _1 _2 _3
+    TRUE	//  _0 _1 _2 _3 _4
+    FALSE	//  _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5
+  }>
+  testBoolNegateOptimized PROC:<{
+    //  x
+    DUP	//  x x
+    NOT	//  x _1
+    OVER	//  x _1 x
+    NOT	//  x _1 _2
+    s2 s(-1) PUXC
+    TRUE	//  x _1 x _2 _3
+  }>
+  testBoolCompareOptimized PROC:<{
+    //  x
+    DUP	//  x x
+    NOT	//  x _1
+    OVER	//  x _1 x
+    eqX CALLDICT	//  x _1 _2
+    NOT	//  x _1 _3
+    s2 PUSH	//  x _1 _3 x
+    eqX CALLDICT	//  x _1 _3 _4
+    s3 PUSH	//  x _1 _3 _4 x
+  }>
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/c2.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/c2.tolk
index ec8d32da4..257aba5b8 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/c2.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/c2.tolk
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
 global op: (int, int) -> int;
-fun check_assoc(a: int, b: int, c: int): int {
+fun check_assoc(a: int, b: int, c: int): bool {
   return op(op(a, b), c) == op(a, op(b, c));
-fun unnamed_args(_: int, _: slice, _: auto): auto {
+fun unnamed_args(_: int, _: slice, _: int) {
   return true;
-fun main(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
+fun main(x: int, y: int, z: int): bool {
   op = `_+_`;
+  if (0) { return null; }
   return check_assoc(x, y, z);
-fun test101(x: int, z: int): auto {
+fun test101(x: int, z: int) {
   return unnamed_args(x, "asdf", z);
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/c2_1.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/c2_1.tolk
index 4e52b9eeb..ef1e589ad 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/c2_1.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/c2_1.tolk
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-fun check_assoc(op: auto, a: int, b: int, c: int) {
+fun check_assoc(op: (int, int) -> int, a: int, b: int, c: int) {
   return op(op(a, b), c) == op(a, op(b, c));
-fun main(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
+fun main(x: int, y: int, z: int): bool {
   return check_assoc(`_+_`, x, y, z);
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/cells-slices.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/cells-slices.tolk
index e1d28b8b1..6f316f2e6 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/cells-slices.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/cells-slices.tolk
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ fun test13() {
-fun test110(x: int) {
-    var s = beginCell().storeBool(x < 0).storeBool(0).storeBool(x).endCell().beginParse();
+fun test110(x: bool) {
+    var s = beginCell().storeBool(x == true).storeBool(false).storeBool(x).endCell().beginParse();
     return (s.loadBool(), s.loadBool(), s.loadBool());
@@ -179,15 +179,15 @@ fun test111() {
     if (s.addressIsNone()) {
-    if (s.loadBool() == 0) {
-        assert(s.loadBool() == 0) throw 444;
+    if (s.loadBool() == false) {
+        assert(!s.loadBool()) throw 444;
     var op2 = s.loadMessageOp();
     var q2 = s.loadMessageQueryId();
-    assert(isMessageBounced(0x001)) throw 444;
+    assert(isMessageBounced(0x001) && !isMessageBounced(0x002)) throw 444;
     return (op1, q1, op2, q2);
@@ -216,15 +216,15 @@ Note, that since 'compute-asm-ltr' became on be default, chaining methods codege
   test6 PROC:<{
-    NEWC	//  _1
-    1 PUSHINT	//  _1 _2=1
-    SWAP	//  _2=1 _1
+    NEWC	//  _0
+    1 PUSHINT	//  _0 _1=1
+    SWAP	//  _1=1 _0
     32 STU	//  _0
-    2 PUSHINT	//  _0 _6=2
-    SWAP	//  _6=2 _0
+    2 PUSHINT	//  _0 _5=2
+    SWAP	//  _5=2 _0
     32 STU	//  _0
-    3 PUSHINT	//  _0 _10=3
-    SWAP	//  _10=3 _0
+    3 PUSHINT	//  _0 _9=3
+    SWAP	//  _9=3 _0
     32 STU	//  _0
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/codegen_check_demo.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/codegen_check_demo.tolk
index 02379540c..e40f03779 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/codegen_check_demo.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/codegen_check_demo.tolk
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 fun test1(): int {
-    var x = false;
-    if (x == true) {
+    var x: int = false as int;
+    if (x == true as int) {
         x= 100500;
     return x;
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Below, I just give examples of @fif_codegen tag:
 main PROC:<{
   // s
-  17 PUSHINT     //  s _3=17
+  17 PUSHINT     //  s _1=17
   OVER           //  s z=17 t
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/generics-1.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/generics-1.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d872cc19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/generics-1.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+fun eq1<X>(value: X): X { return value; }
+fun eq2<X>(value: X)    { return value; }
+fun eq3<X>(value: X): X { var cp: [X] = [eq1(value)]; var ((([v: X]))) = cp; return v; }
+fun eq4<X>(value: X)    { return eq1<X>(value); }
+fun test101(x: int) {
+    var (a, b, c) = (x, (x,x), [x,x]);
+    return (eq1(a), eq1(b), eq1(c), eq2(a), eq2(b), eq2(c), eq3(a), eq4(b), eq3(createEmptyTuple()));
+fun getTwo<X>(): X { return 2 as X; }
+fun takeInt(a: int) { return a; }
+fun test102(): (int, int, int, [(int, int)]) {
+    var a: int = getTwo();
+    var _: int = getTwo();
+    var b = getTwo() as int;
+    var c: int = 1 ? getTwo() : getTwo();
+    var c redef = getTwo();
+    return (eq1<int>(a), eq2<int>(b), takeInt(getTwo()), [(getTwo(), getTwo())]);
+fun test103(first: int): (int, int, int) {
+    var t = createEmptyTuple();
+    var cs = beginCell().storeInt(100, 32).endCell().beginParse();
+    t.tuplePush(first);
+    t.tuplePush(2);
+    t.tuplePush(cs);
+    cs = t.tupleAt(2);
+    cs = t.tupleAt(2) as slice;
+    return (t.tupleAt(0), cs.loadInt(32), t.tupleAt<slice>(2).loadInt(32));
+fun manyEq<T1, T2, T3>(a: T1, b: T2, c: T3): [T1, T2, T3] {
+    return [a, b, c];
+fun test104(f: int) {
+    return (
+        manyEq(1 ? 1 : 1, f ? 0 : null, !f ? getTwo() as int : null),
+        manyEq((f ? null as int : eq2(2), beginCell().storeBool(true).endCell().beginParse().loadBool()), 0, eq4(f))
+    );
+fun calcSum<X>(x: X, y: X) { return x + y; }
+fun test105() {
+    if (0) { calcSum(((0)), null); }
+    return (calcSum(1, 2));
+fun calcYPlus1<Y>(value: Y) { return value + 1; }
+fun calcLoad32(cs: slice) { return cs.loadInt(32); }
+fun calcTensorPlus1(tens: (int, int)) { var (f, s) = tens; return (f + 1, s + 1); }
+fun calcTensorMul2(tens: (int, int)) { var (f, s) = tens; return (f * 2, s * 2); }
+fun cellToSlice(c: cell) { return c.beginParse(); }
+fun abstractTransform<X, Y, R>(xToY: (X) -> Y, yToR: (((Y))) -> R, initialX: X): R {
+    var y = xToY(initialX);
+    return yToR(y);
+fun test106() {
+    var c = beginCell().storeInt(106, 32).endCell();
+    return [
+        abstractTransform(cellToSlice, calcLoad32, c),
+        abstractTransform(calcYPlus1<int>, calcYPlus1<int>, 0),
+        abstractTransform(calcTensorPlus1, calcTensorMul2, (2, 2))
+    ];
+fun callTupleFirst<X, Y>(t: X): Y { return t.tupleFirst(); }
+fun callTuplePush<T, V>(mutate self: T, v1: V, v2: V): self { self.tuplePush(v1); tuplePush(mutate self, v2); return self; }
+fun getTupleLastInt(t: tuple) { return t.tupleLast<int>(); }
+fun getTupleSize(t: tuple) { return t.tupleSize(); }
+fun callAnyFn<TObj, TResult>(f: (TObj) -> TResult, arg: TObj) { return f(arg); }
+fun callAnyFn2<TCallback>(f: TCallback, arg: tuple) { return f(arg); }
+global t107: tuple;
+fun test107() {
+    t107 = createEmptyTuple();
+    callTuplePush(mutate t107, 1, 2);
+    t107.callTuplePush(3, 4).callTuplePush(5, 6);
+    var first: int = t107.callTupleFirst();
+    return (
+        callAnyFn<tuple, int>(getTupleSize, t107),
+        callAnyFn2(getTupleSize, t107),
+        first,
+        callTupleFirst(t107) as int,
+        callAnyFn(getTupleLastInt, t107),
+        callAnyFn2(getTupleLastInt, t107)
+    );
+global g108: int;
+fun inc108(by: int) { g108 += by; }
+fun getInc108() { return inc108; }
+fun returnResult<RetT>(f: () -> RetT): RetT { return f(); }
+fun applyAndReturn<ArgT, RetT>(f: () -> (ArgT) -> RetT, arg: ArgT): () -> ArgT -> RetT {
+    f()(arg);
+    return f;
+fun test108() {
+    g108 = 0;
+    getInc108()(1);
+    returnResult<(int) -> void>(getInc108)(2);
+    applyAndReturn<int, void>(getInc108, 10)()(10);
+    returnResult(getInc108)(2);
+    applyAndReturn(getInc108, 10)()(10);
+    return g108;
+fun main(x: int): (int, [[int, int]]) {
+    try { if(x) { throw (1, x); } }
+    catch (excNo, arg) { return (arg as int, [[eq2(arg as int), getTwo()]]); }
+    return (0, [[x, 1]]);
+@testcase | 0   | 1 | 1 [ [ 1 2 ] ]
+@testcase | 101 | 0 | 0 0 0 [ 0 0 ] 0 0 0 [ 0 0 ] 0 0 0 []
+@testcase | 102 |   | 2 2 2 [ 2 2 ]
+@testcase | 103 | 0 | 0 100 100
+@testcase | 104 | 0 | [ 1 (null) 2 ] [ 2 -1 0 0 ]
+@testcase | 105 |   | 3
+@testcase | 106 |   | [ 106 2 6 6 ]
+@testcase | 107 |   | 6 6 1 1 6 6
+@testcase | 108 |   | 45
+@fif_codegen DECLPROC eq1<int>
+@fif_codegen DECLPROC eq1<tuple>
+@fif_codegen DECLPROC eq1<(int,int)>
+@fif_codegen DECLPROC eq1<[int,int]>
+@fif_codegen DECLPROC getTwo<int>
+@fif_codegen_avoid DECLPROC eq1
+@fif_codegen_avoid DECLPROC eq2
+@fif_codegen_avoid DECLPROC eq3
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/imports/use-dicts.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/imports/use-dicts.tolk
index 26a9a9ccd..c9d5dcfea 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/imports/use-dicts.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/imports/use-dicts.tolk
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ fun prepareDict_3_30_4_40_5_x(valueAt5: int): cell {
 fun lookupIdxByValue(idict32: cell, value: int): int {
     var cur_key = -1;
     do {
-        var (cur_key redef, cs: slice, found: int) = idict32.iDictGetNext(32, cur_key);
+        var (cur_key redef, cs: slice, found: bool) = idict32.iDictGetNext(32, cur_key);
         // one-line condition (via &) doesn't work, since right side is calculated immediately
         if (found) {
             if (cs.loadInt(32) == value) {
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-1.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-1.tolk
index 1c32422ee..3542f5809 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-1.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-1.tolk
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-fun main() {
-    return true();
+const asdf = 1;
+fun main(x: int) {
+    return x.asdf();
-The message is weird now, but later I'll rework error messages anyway.
-@stderr cannot apply expression of type int to an expression of type (): cannot unify type () -> ??3 with int
+@stderr calling a non-function
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-5.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-5.tolk
index 89ab026a9..32905cd77 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-5.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-5.tolk
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ fun main() {
-@stderr rvalue expected
+@stderr `_` can't be used as a value; it's a placeholder for a left side of assignment
 @stderr inc(_)
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-9.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-9.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87eb61e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-call-9.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+fun getOne() { return 1; }
+fun main() {
+    return getOne<int>();
+@stderr calling a not generic function with generic T
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-const-1.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-const-1.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10e8303ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-const-1.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fun main() {
+    return 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999;
+@stderr invalid integer constant
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-declaration-11.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-declaration-11.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75ebb450b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-declaration-11.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// this function is declared incorrectly,
+// since it should return 2 values onto a stack (1 for returned slice, 1 for mutated int)
+// but contains not 2 numbers in asm ret_order
+fun loadAddress2(mutate self: int): slice
+    asm( -> 1 0 2) "LDMSGADDR";
+fun main(){}
+@stderr ret_order (after ->) expected to contain 2 numbers
+@stderr asm( -> 1 0 2)
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-declaration-12.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-declaration-12.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25ae9de60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-declaration-12.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fun proxy(x: int) {
+    return factorial(x);
+fun factorial(x: int) {
+    if (x <= 0) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return x * proxy(x-1);
+@stderr could not infer return type of `factorial`, because it appears in a recursive call chain
+@stderr fun factorial
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-declaration-13.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-declaration-13.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..758a4f21d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-declaration-13.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+const c: slice = 123 + 456;
+@stderr expression type does not match declared type
+@stderr const c
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-1.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-1.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8ff7fec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-1.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+fun f<X>(v: int, x: X) {}
+fun failCantDeduceWithoutArgument() {
+    return f(1);
+@stderr can not deduce X for generic function `f<X>`
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-10.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-10.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7f72bf4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-10.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fun invalidReferencingGenericMethodWithoutGeneric() {
+    var t = createEmptyTuple();
+    var cb = t.tupleLast;
+@stderr can not use a generic function `tupleLast<T>` as non-call
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-11.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-11.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a399bc917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-11.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+global gVar: int;
+fun main() {
+    var x = gVar<int>;
+    return x;
+@stderr generic T not expected here
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-2.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-2.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..155944338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-2.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+fun f<T>(v: int, x: T) {}
+fun failCantDeduceWithPlainNull() {
+    return f(0, null);
+@stderr can not deduce T for generic function `f<T>`
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-3.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-3.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72b7df0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-3.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fun f<T>(x: T, y: T) {}
+fun failIncompatibleTypesForT() {
+    return f(32, "");
+@stderr T is both int and slice for generic function `f<T>`
+@stderr f(32
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-4.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-4.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07472ba37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-4.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+fun f<T>(x: T): void asm "NOP";
+fun failInstantiatingAsmFunctionWithNon1Slot() {
+    f((1, 2));
+@stderr can not call `f<T>` with T=(int, int), because it occupies 2 stack slots in TVM, not 1
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-5.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-5.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d4f29674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-5.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+fun f<T>(x: T): void asm "NOP";
+fun failUsingGenericFunctionPartially() {
+    var cb = f;
+@stderr can not use a generic function `f<T>` as non-call
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-6.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-6.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73e6403fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-6.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+fun eq<X>(t: X) { return t; }
+fun failUsingGenericFunctionPartially() {
+    var cb = createEmptyTuple().eq().eq().tuplePush;
+@stderr can not use a generic function `tuplePush<T>` as non-call
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-7.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-7.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b51bb82cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-7.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+fun failOnInstantiation(a: slice) {
+    var b: slice = foo(a);
+fun bar<X>(value: X) : X {
+    return 1;
+fun foo<X>(value: X) : X {
+    return bar(value);
+@stderr while instantiating generic function `foo<slice>`
+@stderr while instantiating generic function `bar<slice>`
+@stderr can not convert type `int` to return type `slice`
+@stderr return 1
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-8.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-8.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2c24e532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-8.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fun withT1T2<T1, T2>(a: (T1, T2)) {}
+fun wrongTCountPassed() {
+    withT1T2<int>((5, ""));
+@stderr wrong count of generic T: expected 2, got 1
+@stderr <int>
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-9.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-9.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73fd6f87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-generics-9.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fun invalidProvidingGenericTsToNotGeneric() {
+    beginCell<builder>();
+@stderr calling a not generic function with generic T
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-1.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-1.tolk
index 237940fc9..280d1e998 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-1.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-1.tolk
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ fun cantAssignToVal() {
-@stderr modifying an immutable variable `x`
+@stderr modifying immutable variable `x`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-11.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-11.tolk
index 9f2c2601e..dfc69851c 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-11.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-11.tolk
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ fun load32(self: slice): int {
-@stderr modifying `self` (call a mutating method), which is immutable by default
+@stderr modifying `self`, which is immutable by default
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-16.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-16.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9da6e2534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-16.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fun cantCallMutatingFunctionWithAssignmentLValue() {
+    var t: tuple = createEmptyTuple();
+    (t = createEmptyTuple()).tuplePush(1);
+@stderr assignment can not be used as lvalue
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-17.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-17.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9327f07d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-17.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+fun tupleMut(mutate self: tuple): int
+    asm "TLEN";
+fun main() {
+    var t = createEmptyTuple();
+    return [[t.tupleMut]];
+@stderr saving `tupleMut` into a variable is impossible, since it has `mutate` parameters
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-2.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-2.tolk
index 7501fdaf5..71afe7300 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-2.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-2.tolk
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ fun cantAssignToVal() {
-@stderr modifying an immutable variable `x`
+@stderr modifying immutable variable `x`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-3.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-3.tolk
index c49973f71..d556c9ed9 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-3.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-3.tolk
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ fun cantAssignToConst() {
-@stderr modifying an immutable variable `op_increase`
+@stderr modifying immutable constant
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-4.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-4.tolk
index f25a707cb..5f2c111d5 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-4.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-4.tolk
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ fun cantPassToMutatingFunction() {
-@stderr modifying an immutable variable `myVal`
+@stderr modifying immutable variable `myVal`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-5.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-5.tolk
index fd8d11924..2b282cf0d 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-5.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-5.tolk
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ fun cantCallMutatingMethod(c: cell) {
-@stderr modifying an immutable variable `s` (call a mutating method)
+@stderr modifying immutable variable `s`
 @stderr s.loadUint
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-6.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-6.tolk
index bb577ae47..749d9cab2 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-6.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-6.tolk
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ fun cantCallMutatingFunctionWithImmutable() {
-@stderr modifying an immutable variable `op_increase` (call a mutating function)
+@stderr modifying immutable constant
 @stderr inc(mutate op_increase)
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-7.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-7.tolk
index 5b6b6afe4..de3bce454 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-7.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-7.tolk
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ fun cantCallMutatingFunctionWithRvalue() {
-@stderr lvalue expected (call a mutating function)
+@stderr literal can not be used as lvalue
 @stderr incBoth(mutate x, mutate 30)
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-8.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-8.tolk
index 0dd7c5687..9b14e28f7 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-8.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-8.tolk
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ fun cantRedefImmutable() {
-@stderr modifying an immutable variable `x` (left side of assignment)
+@stderr `redef` for immutable variable
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-9.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-9.tolk
index 7e79052e4..3489a2889 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-9.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-mutate-9.tolk
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ fun increment(self: int) {
-@stderr modifying `self` (left side of assignment), which is immutable by default
+@stderr modifying `self`, which is immutable by default
 @stderr probably, you want to declare `mutate self`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-nopar-4.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-nopar-4.tolk
index 6e833f995..033c483ec 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-nopar-4.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-nopar-4.tolk
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ fun load_u32(cs: slice): (slice, int) {
-@stderr expected `(`, got `32`
+@stderr expected `;`, got `32`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-pure-1.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-pure-1.tolk
index 5baa32922..4f0e9142a 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-pure-1.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-pure-1.tolk
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ fun f_pure(): int {
     return f_impure();
-fun f_impure(): int {}
+fun f_impure(): int { return 0; }
 fun main(): int {
     return f_pure();
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-pure-3.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-pure-3.tolk
index f64b81ce7..31d4f0213 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-pure-3.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-pure-3.tolk
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 fun validate_input(input: cell): (int, int) {
     var (x, y, z, correct) = calculateCellSize(input, 10);
     assert(correct) throw 102;
+    return (x, y);
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-redefinition-6.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-redefinition-6.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6b087c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-redefinition-6.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+const s1 = "asdf";
+fun main() {
+    var s1 redef = "d";
+@stderr `redef` for unknown variable
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-self-4.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-self-4.tolk
index f4856a465..0be6b9e4d 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-self-4.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-self-4.tolk
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ fun cantReturnNothingFromSelf(mutate self: int): self {
-@stderr missing return; forgot `return self`?
+@stderr missing return
 @stderr }
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-3.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-3.tolk
index 26ce82ac5..259ea7958 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-3.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-3.tolk
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ fun main(x: int) {
-@stderr null is not a function: use `null`, not `null()`
+@stderr calling a non-function
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-5.tolk
similarity index 100%
rename from tolk-tester/tests/invalid.tolk
rename to tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-5.tolk
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-6.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-6.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12e026459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-6.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fun main() {
+  var a = 1;
+  (a += 1) += 2;
+@stderr assignment can not be used as lvalue
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-7.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-7.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f63ac104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-syntax-7.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fun main() {
+  var x = 1;
+  x += (var y = 2);
+@stderr expected <expression>, got `var`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-1.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-1.tolk
index a0fe296d8..0089bd62f 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-1.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-1.tolk
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ fun main() {
 @stderr .tolk:2
-@stderr expected <type>, got `scli`
+@stderr unknown type name `scli`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-10.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-10.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c1df4a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-10.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fun failMathOnBoolean(c: cell) {
+    return (null == c) * 10;
+@stderr can not apply operator `*` to `bool` and `int`
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-11.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-11.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6aa09c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-11.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fun failBitwiseNotOnBool() {
+    var eq = 1 == 0;
+    if (~eq) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+@stderr can not apply operator `~` to `bool`
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-12.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-12.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a5b1fe28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-12.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+fun failAssignNullToTensor() {
+    var ab = (1, 2);
+    ab = null;
+    return ab;
+@stderr can not assign `null` to variable of type `(int, int)`
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-2.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-2.tolk
index d7c6745f5..052596e4c 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-2.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-2.tolk
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 fun main() {
-    var tri: (int, bool) = (10, false);
+    var tri: (int, int) = (10, false);
-@stderr bool type is not supported yet
+@stderr can not assign `(int, bool)` to variable of type `(int, int)`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-3.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-3.tolk
index fb4b0bc51..ac019a421 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-3.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-3.tolk
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ fun cantMixDifferentThis() {
-@stderr cannot apply function appendBuilder : builder -> (builder, ()) to arguments of type int: cannot unify type int with builder
+@stderr can not call method for `builder` with object of type `int`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-4.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-4.tolk
index 0e6553690..1ee71290c 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-4.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-4.tolk
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ fun cantCallNotChainedMethodsInAChain(x: int) {
-The error is very weird, but nevertheless, the type system prevents of doing such errors.
-@stderr cannot apply function incNotChained : int -> (int, ()) to arguments of type (): cannot unify type () with int
+@stderr can not call method for `int` with object of type `void`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-5.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-5.tolk
index ba3450de2..9d8cd480d 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-5.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-5.tolk
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ fun failWhenReturnANotChainedValue(x: int): int {
-The error is very weird, but nevertheless, the type system prevents of doing such errors.
-@stderr previous function return type int cannot be unified with return statement expression type (): cannot unify type () with int
+@stderr x.incNotChained()
+@stderr can not convert type `void` to return type `int`
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-6.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-6.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2e99c7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-6.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fun failWhenTernaryConditionNotInt(cs: slice) {
+    return cs ? 1 : 0;
+@stderr can not use `slice` as a boolean condition
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-7.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-7.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c192a05b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-7.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fun failAssignPlainNullToVariable() {
+    var x = null;
+@stderr can not infer type of `x`, it's always null
+@stderr specify its type with `x: <type>` or use `null as <type>`
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-8.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-8.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d696e1320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-8.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fun failExplicitCastIncompatible(c: cell) {
+    return c as slice;
+@stderr type `cell` can not be cast to `slice`
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-9.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-9.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0d5ee04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/invalid-typing-9.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+fun getTupleLastGetter<X>(): tuple -> X {
+    return tupleLast<X>;
+fun failTypeMismatch() {
+    var t = createEmptyTuple();
+    var c: cell = getTupleLastGetter<int>()(t);
+@stderr can not assign `int` to variable of type `cell`
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/logical-operators.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/logical-operators.tolk
index e9774f3f4..fb437bb34 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/logical-operators.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/logical-operators.tolk
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 import "imports/use-dicts.tolk"
 fun simpleAllConst() {
-    return (!0, !!0 & !false, !!!0, !1, !!1, !-1, !!-1, (!5 == 0) == !0, !0 == true);
+    return (!0, !!0 & !false, !!!0, !1, !!1, !-1, !!-1, (!5 as int == 0) == !0, !0 == true);
 fun compileTimeEval1(x: int) {
     // todo now compiler doesn't understand that bool can't be equal to number other than 0/-1
     // (but understands that it can't be positive)
     // that's why for now, the last condition is evaluated at runtime
-    return (!x, !x > 10, !x < 10, !!x == 5, !x == -10);
+    return (!x, !x as int > 10, (!x as int) < 10, !!x as int == 5, !x as int == -10);
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ fun withAndOr(x: int, y: int, z: int) {
     var return_at_end = -1;
     if (!x & !y) {
         if (!z & !y) { return 10; }
-        else if (z | !!y) { return_at_end = 20; }
+        else if ((z != 0) | !!y) { return_at_end = 20; }
     } else if (!!x & !!y & !z) {
         if (!z & (x > 10)) { return_at_end = 30; }
         if ((x != 11) & !z) { return 40; }
         return_at_end = 50;
     } else {
-        return_at_end = !x ? !y : !z | 1;
+        return_at_end = !x ? !y as int : (!z as int) | 1;
     return return_at_end;
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ fun testDict(last: int) {
 fun testNotNull(x: int) {
-    return [x == null, null == x, !(x == null), null == null, +(null != null)];
+    // return [x == null, null == x, !(x == null), null == null, +(null != null)];
+    return [x == null, null == x, !(x == null)];
@@ -123,6 +124,31 @@ fun testLogicalOps2(first: int) {
     return (s.getRemainingBitsCount(), sum);
+fun mixLogicalIntsAndBools(first: int, cond: bool) {
+    return (
+        (first && cond) || (!first && cond),
+        ((first & -1) & cond as int) == ((first && true) && cond) as int,
+        7 && cond,
+        first || cond || !cond || alwaysThrows(),
+        cond || first || !first || alwaysThrows()
+    );
+fun testConvertIfToIfnot(x: bool) {
+    assert(!!(x == false), 100);
+    assert(!x, 100);
+    if (x == !!false) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (!!(x != !false)) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    assert(!!x, 100);
+    return -4;
 fun main() {
@@ -144,8 +170,8 @@ fun main() {
 @testcase | 104 | 50     | 3 5 -1
 @testcase | 104 | 100    | 3 5 5
 @testcase | 104 | 0      | 3 -1 5
-@testcase | 105 | 0      | [ 0 0 -1 -1 0 ]
-@testcase | 105 | null   | [ -1 -1 0 -1 0 ]
+@testcase | 105 | 0      | [ 0 0 -1 ]
+@testcase | 105 | null   | [ -1 -1 0 ]
 @testcase | 106 |        | [ 0 0 0 -1 ] [ 0 0 0 ] [ -1 -1 -1 ] [ 0 -1 ]
 @testcase | 107 |        | [ -1 -1 0 -1 ] [ 0 0 0 ] [ -1 -1 -1 ] [ -1 0 ]
 @testcase | 108 | 1 2    | -1
@@ -159,18 +185,21 @@ fun main() {
 @testcase | 110 | 500    | -1 -1 0 -1 -1 3
 @testcase | 111 | 0      | 32 4
 @testcase | 111 | -1     | 0 8
+@testcase | 112 | 5 0    | 0 -1 0 -1 -1
+@testcase | 112 | 0 -1   | -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
+@testcase | 113 | 0      | 1
   simpleAllConst PROC:<{
-    -1 PUSHINT
-    0 PUSHINT
-    -1 PUSHINT
-    0 PUSHINT
-    -1 PUSHINT
+    TRUE
     0 PUSHINT
-    -1 PUSHINT
+    TRUE
+    FALSE
+    TRUE
+    FALSE
+    TRUE
@@ -292,4 +321,27 @@ These are moments of future optimizations. For now, it's more than enough.
+  testConvertIfToIfnot PROC:<{
+    //  x
+    DUP	//  x x
+    100 THROWIF
+    DUP	//  x x
+    100 THROWIF
+    DUP	//  x x
+    IFNOTJMP:<{	//  x
+      DROP	//
+      1 PUSHINT	//  _7=1
+    }>	//  x
+    DUP	//  x x
+    IFNOTJMP:<{	//  x
+      DROP	//
+      1 PUSHINT	//  _8=1
+    }>	//  x
+    -4 PUSHINT	//  _12=-4
+  }>
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/mutate-methods.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/mutate-methods.tolk
index b9184ca9a..816e4c8d2 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/mutate-methods.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/mutate-methods.tolk
@@ -118,12 +118,19 @@ fun updateTwoItems(mutate self: (int, int), byValue: int) {
     self = (first + byValue, second + byValue);
+global t107_1: int;
+global t107_2: int;
 fun testMutableTensor() {
     var t = (40, 50);
     updateTwoItems(mutate t, 10);
-    return t;
+    t107_1 = 1;
+    t107_2 = 2;
+    (t107_1, t107_2).updateTwoItems(10);
+    updateTwoItems(mutate (t107_1, t107_2), 10);
+    return (t, t107_1, t107_2);
@@ -147,7 +154,7 @@ fun getSumOfNumbersInCell(c: cell): int {
 fun testStoreChaining() {
-    var b = beginCell().storeUint(1, 32).storeUint(2, 32).storeUint(3, 32);
+    var b = ((beginCell()).storeUint(1, 32)).storeUint(2, 32).storeUint(3, 32);
     b.storeUint(4, 32);
     b.myStoreUint(5, 32).storeUint(6, 32);
     storeUint(mutate b, 7, 32);
@@ -191,7 +198,7 @@ fun testStoreAndMutateBoth() {
     b.myStoreU32_and_mutate_x(mutate x);
     var cs: slice = b.endCell().beginParse();
-    var (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5) = (cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32));
+    var (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5) = (cs.loadUint(32),((cs)).loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32),cs.loadUint(32));
     assert(n5 == x) throw 100;
     return [n1,n2,n3,n4,n5];
@@ -278,7 +285,7 @@ fun main(){}
 @testcase | 104 |    | 1 2 3
 @testcase | 105 |    | 5 5 110
 @testcase | 106 |    | 160 110
-@testcase | 107 |    | 60 70
+@testcase | 107 |    | 60 70 21 22
 @testcase | 110 |    | 320
 @testcase | 111 |    | 55 55
 @testcase | 112 |    | [ 1 13 3 23 33 ]
@@ -300,7 +307,7 @@ fun main(){}
     incrementTwoInPlace CALLDICT        //  x y sum1
-    10 PUSHINT  //  sum1 x y _9=10
+    10 PUSHINT  //  sum1 x y _8=10
     incrementTwoInPlace CALLDICT        //  sum1 x y sum2
     s1 s3 s0 XCHG3       //  x y sum1 sum2
@@ -310,8 +317,8 @@ fun main(){}
  load_next PROC:<{
     //  cs
-    32 LDI      //  _1 cs
-    SWAP        //  cs _1
+    32 LDI      //  _3 cs
+    SWAP        //  cs _3
@@ -319,7 +326,7 @@ fun main(){}
   testStoreUintPureUnusedResult PROC:<{
-    0 PUSHINT	//  _12=0
+    0 PUSHINT	//  _11=0
@@ -330,7 +337,7 @@ fun main(){}
     NEWC	//  b
     STIX	//  _2
     DROP	//
-    0 PUSHINT	//  _12=0
+    0 PUSHINT	//  _11=0
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/no-spaces.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/no-spaces.tolk
index 0d4c3b678..da7338989 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/no-spaces.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/no-spaces.tolk
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ global `some()var`:int;
     return `a`*-1*-(1)*---(1)*+just10()+-`just10`()*m1*-m1+-eq(m1)----0x1;
-@method_id(112) fun `bitwise~ops`(flags:int):[int,int] {
+@method_id(112) fun `bitwise~ops`(flags:int):[bool,bool] {
         (just10()-3==just10()-(4)--1)|((2==2)&(eq(eq(10)) -3==just10()--13)),
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/null-keyword.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/null-keyword.tolk
index cdfe5acf9..9ace99956 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/null-keyword.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/null-keyword.tolk
@@ -7,12 +7,14 @@ fun test1() {
     numbers = listPrepend(2, numbers);
     numbers = listPrepend(3, numbers);
     numbers = listPrepend(4, numbers);
-    var (h, numbers redef) = listSplit(numbers);
+    var (h: int, numbers redef) = listSplit(numbers);
     h += listGetHead(numbers);
+    _ = null;
+    (_, _) = (null, null);
     var t = createEmptyTuple();
     do {
-        var num = numbers.listNext();
+        var num: int = numbers.listNext();
     } while (numbers != null);
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ fun test3(x: int) {
 fun getUntypedNull() {
-    var untyped = null;
+    var untyped: null = null;
     if (true) {
         return untyped;
@@ -52,8 +54,8 @@ fun getUntypedNull() {
-fun test4() {
-    var (_, (_, untyped)) = (3, (createEmptyTuple, null));
+fun test4(): null {
+    var (_, (_, untyped: null)) = (3, (createEmptyTuple, null));
     if (true) {
         return untyped;
@@ -62,21 +64,16 @@ fun test4() {
 fun test5() {
-    var n = getUntypedNull();
+    var n: slice = getUntypedNull();
     return !(null == n) ? n.loadInt(32) : 100;
-fun test6(x: int) {
-    return x > null;  // this compiles (for now), but fails at runtime
 fun test7() {
     var b = beginCell().storeMaybeRef(null);
     var s = b.endCell().beginParse();
     var c = s.loadMaybeRef();
-    return (null == c) * 10 + (b != null);
+    return (null == c) as int * 10 + (b != null) as int;
 fun main() {
@@ -132,27 +129,18 @@ fun main() {
-  test6 PROC:<{
-    //  x
-    PUSHNULL	//  x _1
-    GREATER	//  _2
-  }>
   test7 PROC:<{
-    LDOPTREF	//  b _20 _19
+    LDOPTREF	//  b _18 _17
     DROP	    //  b c
-    ISNULL	    //  b _13
-    10 MULCONST	//  b _15
-    SWAP	    //  _15 b
-    ISNULL	    //  _15 _16
-    0 EQINT     // _15 _17
-    ADD	        //  _18
+    ISNULL	    //  b _11
+    10 MULCONST	//  b _13
+    SWAP	    //  _13 b
+    ISNULL	    //  _13 _14
+    NOT         // _13 _15
+    ADD	        //  _16
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/op_priority.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/op-priority.tolk
similarity index 73%
rename from tolk-tester/tests/op_priority.tolk
rename to tolk-tester/tests/op-priority.tolk
index e4f97b759..8a57b3940 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/op_priority.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/op-priority.tolk
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-fun justTrue(): int { return true; }
+fun justTrue(): bool { return true; }
 fun unary_minus_1(a: int, b: int, c: int): int{return -(a+b) *c;}
 fun unary_minus_2(a: int, b: int, c: int): int{return(-(a+b))*c;}
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@ fun unary_minus_3(a: int, b: int, c: int): int{return-((a+b) *c);}
-fun test1(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
+fun test1(x: int, y: int, z: int): bool {
     return (x > 0) & (y > 0) & (z > 0);
-fun test2(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
-    return x > (0 & (y > 0) & (z > 0));
+fun test2(x: int, y: int, z: int): bool {
+    return x > (0 & (y > 0) as int & (z > 0) as int);
-fun test3(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
+fun test3(x: int, y: int, z: int): bool {
     if ((x < 0) | (y < 0)) {
         return z < 0;
@@ -24,29 +24,29 @@ fun test3(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
-fun test4(x: int, y: int, mode: int): int {
+fun test4(x: int, y: int, mode: int): bool {
     if (mode == 1) {
         return (x == 10) | (y == 20);
     } if (mode == 2) {
         return (x == 10) | (y == 20);
     } else {
-        return x == (10 | (y == 20));
+        return x == (10 | (y == 20) as int);
-fun test5(status: int): int {
-  return justTrue() & (status == 1) & ((justTrue() & status) == 1);
+fun test5(status: int): bool {
+  return justTrue() & (status == 1) & ((justTrue() as int & status) == 1);
-fun test6(a: int, b: int, c: int): int {
+fun test6(a: int, b: int, c: int): bool {
     return (unary_minus_1(a,b,c) == unary_minus_2(a,b,c)) & (unary_minus_1(a,b,c) == unary_minus_3(a,b,c));
 fun test7(b: int): int {
-    var a = b == 3 ? 3 : b == 4 ? 4 : (b == 5) & 1 ? 5 : 100;
+    var a = b == 3 ? 3 : b == 4 ? 4 : (b == 5) & true ? 5 : 100;
     return a;
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ fun test8(b: int): int {
     return a;
-fun `_<p`(a: auto, b: auto): int { return true; }
+fun `_<p`(a: int, b: int): bool { return true; }
 fun main() {
     // ok to parse
     var c = [
-        (3 & 3) > 0, 3 & (3 > 0), 3 & (`_<_`(3, 0)),
-        3 & `_<p`(3, 0), (1 & 2) ^ (3 | 4),
-        1 & ((1) == 1)
+        (3 & 3) > 0, 3 & (3 > 0) as int, 3 & (`_<_`(3, 0)),
+        3 & `_<p`(3, 0) as int, (1 & 2) ^ (3 | 4),
+        true & ((1) == 1)
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/pure-functions.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/pure-functions.tolk
index 8598e85c2..bb1a7d593 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/pure-functions.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/pure-functions.tolk
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ fun test1(): int {
 fun test2(value: int): int {
-    var (_, restored: auto) = get_contract_data();
+    var (_, restored) = get_contract_data();
     return restored;
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/remove-unused-functions.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/remove-unused-functions.tolk
index e5d8aabcb..8e748ecf1 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/remove-unused-functions.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/remove-unused-functions.tolk
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ fun used_from_noncall2(): int { return int20; }
 fun used_as_noncall2(): int { return 0 * 0 + used_from_noncall2() + (0 << 0); }
 global unused_gv: int;
-global used_gv: auto;
+global used_gv: int;
-fun receiveGetter(): (() -> int) { return used_as_noncall2; }
+fun receiveGetter(): () -> int { return used_as_noncall2; }
 fun usedButOptimizedOut(x: int): int { return x + 2; }
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/self-keyword.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/self-keyword.tolk
index a339e7d01..b0567696d 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/self-keyword.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/self-keyword.tolk
@@ -158,6 +158,44 @@ fun testNotMutatingChainableSelfMutateAnother(initial: int) {
     return (arg, c108, c109, x);
+fun pickG110(mutate self: int, mutate pushTo: tuple): self {
+    self += 10;
+    pushTo.tuplePush(c110);
+    return self;
+global tup110: tuple;
+global c110: int;
+fun testMutateGlobalsLValue(init: int) {
+    c110 = init;
+    tup110 = createEmptyTuple();
+    c110.incChained().incChained().pickG110(mutate tup110).incChained().pickG110(mutate tup110).incChained();
+    return (c110, tup110);
+fun myTuplePush<T>(mutate self: tuple, value: T): self {
+    self.tuplePush(value);
+    return self;
+fun myTupleAt<T>(self: tuple, idx: int): T {
+    return self.tupleAt(idx);
+global tup111: tuple;
+fun testForallFunctionsWithSelf(): (int, int, tuple) {
+    var t = createEmptyTuple();
+    tup111 = createEmptyTuple();
+    t.myTuplePush(10);
+    tup111.myTuplePush(1).myTuplePush(2).myTuplePush(3);
+    return (t.myTupleAt(0), tup111.myTupleAt(tup111.tupleSize() - 1), tup111);
 fun main() { }
@@ -179,6 +217,8 @@ fun main() { }
 @testcase | 109 | 200 | 200 3 1 2
 @testcase | 109 | 100 | 100 0 0 1
 @testcase | 109 | 102 | 102 2 1 2
+@testcase | 110 | 0   | 24 [ 2 13 ]
+@testcase | 111 |     | 10 3 [ 1 2 3 ]
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/test-math.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/test-math.tolk
index 893035fde..6b147c776 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/test-math.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/test-math.tolk
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ fun fixed248_log2_const(): int {
 fun Pi_const_f254(): int {
-    var (c: auto, _) = Pi_xconst_f254();
+    var (c, _) = Pi_xconst_f254();
     return c;
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ fun fixed248_pow(x: int, y: int): int {
     return 1 << 248;   // x^0 = 1
     if (x <= 0) {
-    var bad: int = (x | y) < 0;
+    var bad: int = ((x | y) < 0) as int;
     return 0 >> bad;          // 0^y = 0 if x=0 and y>=0; "out of range" exception otherwise
     var (l, s) = log2_aux_f256(x);
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ fun fixed248_pow(x: int, y: int): int {
     // now log_2(x^y) = y*log_2(x) = q + ll, ss integer, ll fixed257, -1/2<=ll<1/2
     var sq: int = q + 248;
     if (sq <= 0) {
-    return -(sq == 0);   // underflow
+    return -((sq == 0) as int);   // underflow
     y = expm1_f257(mulrshiftr256(ll, log2_const_f256()));
     return (y ~>> (9 - q)) - (-1 << sq);
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ fun tset<X>(mutate self: tuple, idx: int, value: X): void
 // fixed256 acos_prepare_slow(fixed255 x);
 fun acos_prepare_slow_f255(x: int): int {
-  x -= (x == 0);
+  x -= (x == 0) as int;
   var t: int = 1;
   repeat (255) {
     t = t * sign(x) * 2 + 1;    // decode Gray code (sign(x_0), sign(x_1), ...)
@@ -1019,7 +1019,8 @@ fun test_nrand(n: int): tuple {
   repeat (n) {
     var x: int = fixed248_nrand();
     var bucket: int = (abs(x) >> 243);   // 255 buckets starting from x=0, each 1/32 wide
-    t.tset(bucket, t.tupleAt(bucket) + 1);
+    var at_bucket: int = t.tupleAt(bucket);
+    t.tset(bucket, at_bucket + 1);
   return t;
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/try-func.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/try-func.tolk
index 7963a8500..dfd72e9e9 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/try-func.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/try-func.tolk
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-fun unsafeGetInt<X>(any: X): int
-    asm "NOP";
 fun foo(x: int): int {
   try {
     if (x == 7) {
@@ -14,7 +10,6 @@ fun foo(x: int): int {
 fun foo_inline(x: int): int {
   try {
     assert(!(x == 7)) throw 44;
@@ -25,36 +20,34 @@ fun foo_inline(x: int): int {
 fun foo_inlineref(x: int): int {
   try {
     if (x == 7) { throw (44, 2); }
     return x;
   } catch (_, arg) {
-    return unsafeGetInt(arg);
+    return arg as int;
 fun test(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
   y = foo(y);
   return x * 100 + y * 10 + z;
 fun test_inline(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
   y = foo_inline(y);
   return x * 100 + y * 10 + z;
 fun test_inlineref(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
   y = foo_inlineref(y);
   return x * 100 + y * 10 + z;
 fun foo_inline_big(
         x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int, x7: int, x8: int, x9: int, x10: int,
         x11: int, x12: int, x13: int, x14: int, x15: int, x16: int, x17: int, x18: int, x19: int, x20: int
@@ -69,7 +62,7 @@ fun foo_inline_big(
 fun test_inline_big(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
   y = foo_inline_big(
           y, y + 1, y + 2, y + 3, y + 4, y + 5, y + 6, y + 7, y + 8, y + 9,
@@ -77,7 +70,6 @@ fun test_inline_big(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
   return x * 1000000 + y * 1000 + z;
 fun foo_big(
         x1: int, x2: int, x3: int, x4: int, x5: int, x6: int, x7: int, x8: int, x9: int, x10: int,
         x11: int, x12: int, x13: int, x14: int, x15: int, x16: int, x17: int, x18: int, x19: int, x20: int
@@ -88,11 +80,11 @@ fun foo_big(
     return x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20;
   } catch (code, arg) {
-    return unsafeGetInt(arg);
+    return arg as int;
 fun test_big(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
   y = foo_big(
           y, y + 1, y + 2, y + 3, y + 4, y + 5, y + 6, y + 7, y + 8, y + 9,
@@ -100,7 +92,7 @@ fun test_big(x: int, y: int, z: int): int {
   return x * 1000000 + y * 1000 + z;
 fun test_catch_into_same(x: int): int {
   var code = x;
   try {
@@ -112,7 +104,7 @@ fun test_catch_into_same(x: int): int {
 fun test_catch_into_same_2(x: int): int {
   var code = x;
   try {
@@ -124,28 +116,77 @@ fun test_catch_into_same_2(x: int): int {
   return code;
+global after046: int;
+// this bug existed in FunC and is fixed in v0.4.6
+fun bug_046_internal(op: int) {
+  if (op == 1) {
+    return;
+  } else if (op == 2) {
+    return;
+  } else {
+    throw 1;
+  }
+fun bug_046_called() {
+  after046 = 0;
+  try {
+    bug_046_internal(1337);
+    after046 = 1;  // shouldn't be called
+  } catch(n) {
+    return;
+  }
+  return;
+fun bug_046_entrypoint() {
+  bug_046_called();
+  return after046;
+global g_reg: int;
+fun test109(): (int, int) {
+  var l_reg = 10;
+  g_reg = 10;
+  try {
+    // note, that regardless of assignment, an exception RESTORES them to previous (to 10)
+    // it's very unexpected, but is considered to be a TVM feature, not a bug
+    g_reg = 999;
+    l_reg = 999;
+    bug_046_internal(999);  // throws
+  } catch {
+  }
+  // returns (10,10) because of an exception, see a comment above
+  return (g_reg, l_reg);
 fun main() {
-    method_id | in    | out
-@testcase | 1  | 1 2 3 | 123
-@testcase | 1  | 3 8 9 | 389
-@testcase | 1  | 3 7 9 | 329
-@testcase | 2  | 1 2 3 | 123
-@testcase | 2  | 3 8 9 | 389
-@testcase | 2  | 3 7 9 | 329
-@testcase | 3  | 1 2 3 | 123
-@testcase | 3  | 3 8 9 | 389
-@testcase | 3  | 3 7 9 | 329
-@testcase | 4  | 4 8 9 | 4350009
-@testcase | 4  | 4 7 9 | 4001009
-@testcase | 5  | 4 8 9 | 4350009
-@testcase | 5  | 4 7 9 | 4001009
-@testcase | 16 | 5     | 5
-@testcase | 16 | 20    | 44
-@testcase | 17 | 5     | 5
-@testcase | 17 | 20    | 20
-@code_hash 73240939343624734070640372352271282883450660826541545137654364443860257436623
+    method_id   | in    | out
+@testcase | 101 | 1 2 3 | 123
+@testcase | 101 | 3 8 9 | 389
+@testcase | 101 | 3 7 9 | 329
+@testcase | 102 | 1 2 3 | 123
+@testcase | 102 | 3 8 9 | 389
+@testcase | 102 | 3 7 9 | 329
+@testcase | 103 | 1 2 3 | 123
+@testcase | 103 | 3 8 9 | 389
+@testcase | 103 | 3 7 9 | 329
+@testcase | 104 | 4 8 9 | 4350009
+@testcase | 104 | 4 7 9 | 4001009
+@testcase | 105 | 4 8 9 | 4350009
+@testcase | 105 | 4 7 9 | 4001009
+@testcase | 106 | 5     | 5
+@testcase | 106 | 20    | 44
+@testcase | 107 | 5     | 5
+@testcase | 107 | 20    | 20
+@testcase | 108 |       | 0
+@code_hash 39307974281105539319288356721945232226028429128341177951717392648324358675585
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/unbalanced_ret_loops.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/unbalanced_ret_loops.tolk
index 9b59339d8..292b48dac 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/unbalanced_ret_loops.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/unbalanced_ret_loops.tolk
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ fun foo_until(x: int): int {
-fun test4(x: int): (int, int) {
+fun test4(x: int): (int, bool) {
   var s = 0;
   var reached = false;
   do {
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/unreachable-1.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/unreachable-1.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b3cb1b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/unreachable-1.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+fun main(x: int) {
+    if (x) {
+        x = 10;;;;;
+        return x;;;
+        x = 20;
+    }
+    return -1;
+@testcase | 0 | 1 | 10
+@stderr warning: unreachable code
+@stderr x = 20;
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/unreachable-2.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/unreachable-2.tolk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aeadd8c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/unreachable-2.tolk
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+fun main(x: int) {
+    if (x) {
+        if (x > 10) {
+            return 1; // throw 1;
+        } else if (true) {
+            return -1;
+        } else {
+            return 2; // throw 2;
+        }
+    } else {
+        {{return 1;}
+            x = 30;}
+    }
+    assert(false, 10);
+@testcase | 0 | 1 | -1
+@stderr warning: unreachable code
+@stderr assert(false, 10)
+@stderr x = 30
+ */
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/var-apply.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/var-apply.tolk
index 9bee862ac..a0918c181 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/var-apply.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/var-apply.tolk
@@ -15,8 +15,127 @@ fun testVarApply1() {
     return (s.loadInt(32), s.loadInt(32));
+fun my_throw_always() {
+    throw 1000;
+fun get_raiser() {
+    return my_throw_always;
+fun testVarApplyWithoutSavingResult() {
+    try {
+        var raiser = get_raiser();
+        raiser();   // `some_var()` is always impure, the compiler has no considerations about its runtime value
+        return 0;
+    } catch (code) {
+        return code;
+    }
+fun sum(a: int, b: int) {
+    assert(a + b < 24, 1000);
+    return a + b;
+fun mul(a: int, b: int) {
+    assert(a * b < 24, 1001);
+    return a * b;
+fun demo_handler(op: int, query_id: int, a: int, b: int): int {
+    if (op == 0xF2) {
+        val func = query_id % 2 == 0 ? sum : mul;
+        val result = func(a, b);
+        return 0;  // result not used, we test that func is nevertheless called
+    }
+    if (op == 0xF4) {
+        val func = query_id % 2 == 0 ? sum : mul;
+        val result = func(a, b);
+        return result;
+    }
+    return -1;
+fun testVarApplyInTernary() {
+    var t: tuple = createEmptyTuple();
+    try {
+        t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF2, 122, 100, 200));
+    } catch(code) {
+        t.tuplePush(code);
+    }
+    try {
+        t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF4, 122, 100, 200));
+    } catch(code) {
+        t.tuplePush(code);
+    }
+    try {
+        t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF2, 122, 10, 10));
+    } catch(code) {
+        t.tuplePush(code);
+    }
+    try {
+        t.tuplePush(demo_handler(0xF2, 123, 10, 10));
+    } catch(code) {
+        t.tuplePush(code);
+    }
+    return t;
+fun always_throw2(x: int) {
+    throw 239 + x;
+global global_f: int -> void;
+fun testGlobalVarApply() {
+    try {
+        global_f = always_throw2;
+        global_f(1);
+        return 0;
+    } catch (code) {
+        return code;
+    }
+fun testVarApply2() {
+    var creator = createEmptyTuple;
+    var t = creator();
+    t.tuplePush(1);
+    var sizer = t.tupleSize;
+    return sizer(t);
+fun getTupleLastGetter<X>(): (tuple) -> X {
+    return tupleLast<X>;
+fun testVarApply3() {
+    var t = createEmptyTuple();
+    t.tuplePush(1);
+    t.tuplePush([2]);
+    var getIntAt = t.tupleAt<int>;
+    var getTupleFirstInt = createEmptyTuple().tupleFirst<int>;
+    var getTupleLastTuple = getTupleLastGetter<tuple>();
+    return (getIntAt(t, 0), getTupleFirstInt(t), getTupleLastTuple(t), getTupleLastGetter<tuple>()(t));
 fun main() {}
 @testcase | 101 |    | 1 2
+@testcase | 102 |    | 1000
+@testcase | 103 |    | [ 1000 1000 0 1001 ]
+@testcase | 104 |    | 240
+@testcase | 105 |    | 1
+@testcase | 106 |    | 1 1 [ 2 ] [ 2 ]
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/w6.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/w6.tolk
index 2f8956440..489ffa8cc 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/w6.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/w6.tolk
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ fun main(x: int): int {
     if (i > 5) {
       return 1;
-    var f: int = (i * i == 64);
+    var f: bool = (i * i == 64);
   } while (!f);
   return -1;
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tests/w7.tolk b/tolk-tester/tests/w7.tolk
index 85081fbb3..3d68c775b 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tests/w7.tolk
+++ b/tolk-tester/tests/w7.tolk
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ fun test(y: int): int {
   if (y > 0) {
     return 1;
-  return x > 0;
+  return x > 0 ? -1 : 0;
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tolk-tester.js b/tolk-tester/tolk-tester.js
index 2a3eb776a..c7e710214 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tolk-tester.js
+++ b/tolk-tester/tolk-tester.js
@@ -347,11 +347,11 @@ class TolkTestFile {
         if (exit_code === 0 && this.compilation_should_fail)
             throw new TolkCompilationSucceededError("compilation succeeded, but it should have failed")
-        if (exit_code !== 0 && this.compilation_should_fail) {
-            for (let should_include of this.stderr_includes)
-                should_include.check(stderr)
+        for (let should_include of this.stderr_includes)  // @stderr is used to check errors and warnings
+            should_include.check(stderr)
+        if (exit_code !== 0 && this.compilation_should_fail)
-        }
         if (exit_code !== 0 && !this.compilation_should_fail)
             throw new TolkCompilationFailedError(`tolk exit_code = ${exit_code}`, stderr)
diff --git a/tolk-tester/tolk-tester.py b/tolk-tester/tolk-tester.py
index 261ab4962..0b3c774ca 100644
--- a/tolk-tester/tolk-tester.py
+++ b/tolk-tester/tolk-tester.py
@@ -327,9 +327,10 @@ def run_and_check(self):
         if exit_code == 0 and self.compilation_should_fail:
             raise TolkCompilationSucceededError("compilation succeeded, but it should have failed")
+        for should_include in self.stderr_includes: # @stderr is used to check errors and warnings
+            should_include.check(stderr)
         if exit_code != 0 and self.compilation_should_fail:
-            for should_include in self.stderr_includes:
-                should_include.check(stderr)
         if exit_code != 0 and not self.compilation_should_fail:
diff --git a/tolk/CMakeLists.txt b/tolk/CMakeLists.txt
index d2decea71..9d7200249 100644
--- a/tolk/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tolk/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,14 +7,24 @@ set(TOLK_SOURCE
+        constant-evaluator.cpp
+        pipe-resolve-identifiers.cpp
+        pipe-calc-rvalue-lvalue.cpp
+        pipe-detect-unreachable.cpp
+        pipe-infer-types-and-calls.cpp
+        pipe-refine-lvalue-for-mutate.cpp
+        pipe-check-rvalue-lvalue.cpp
+        pipe-check-pure-impure.cpp
+        pipe-constant-folding.cpp
+        pipe-optimize-boolean-expr.cpp
-        unify-types.cpp
+        type-system.cpp
+        generics-helpers.cpp
-        gen-abscode.cpp
diff --git a/tolk/abscode.cpp b/tolk/abscode.cpp
index c1add6839..7bcb0f84f 100644
--- a/tolk/abscode.cpp
+++ b/tolk/abscode.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "tolk.h"
 #include "compiler-state.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
 namespace tolk {
@@ -25,21 +26,10 @@ namespace tolk {
-TmpVar::TmpVar(var_idx_t _idx, TypeExpr* _type, sym_idx_t sym_idx, SrcLocation loc)
-    : v_type(_type), idx(_idx), sym_idx(sym_idx), coord(0), where(loc) {
-  if (!_type) {
-    v_type = TypeExpr::new_hole();
-  }
-void TmpVar::set_location(SrcLocation loc) {
-  where = loc;
 void TmpVar::dump(std::ostream& os) const {
   os << " : " << v_type << " (width ";
-  v_type->show_width(os);
+  os << v_type->calc_width_on_stack();
   os << ")";
   if (coord > 0) {
     os << " = _" << (coord >> 8) << '.' << (coord & 255);
@@ -55,8 +45,8 @@ void TmpVar::dump(std::ostream& os) const {
 void TmpVar::show(std::ostream& os, int omit_idx) const {
-  if (!is_unnamed()) {
-    os << G.symbols.get_name(sym_idx);
+  if (v_sym) {
+    os << v_sym->name;
     if (omit_idx >= 2) {
@@ -149,10 +139,6 @@ void VarDescr::set_const(std::string value) {
   val = _Const;
-void VarDescr::set_const_nan() {
-  set_const(td::make_refint());
 void VarDescr::operator|=(const VarDescr& y) {
   val &= y.val;
   if (is_int_const() && y.is_int_const() && cmp(int_const, y.int_const) != 0) {
@@ -273,7 +259,7 @@ void Op::show(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<TmpVar>& vars, std::string pfx
     case _Call:
       os << pfx << dis << "CALL: ";
       show_var_list(os, left, vars);
-      os << " := " << (fun_ref ? fun_ref->name() : "(null)") << " ";
+      os << " := " << (f_sym ? f_sym->name : "(null)") << " ";
       if ((mode & 4) && args.size() == right.size()) {
         show_var_list(os, args, vars);
       } else {
@@ -332,11 +318,11 @@ void Op::show(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<TmpVar>& vars, std::string pfx
     case _GlobVar:
       os << pfx << dis << "GLOBVAR ";
       show_var_list(os, left, vars);
-      os << " := " << (fun_ref ? fun_ref->name() : "(null)") << std::endl;
+      os << " := " << (g_sym ? g_sym->name : "(null)") << std::endl;
     case _SetGlob:
       os << pfx << dis << "SETGLOB ";
-      os << (fun_ref ? fun_ref->name() : "(null)") << " := ";
+      os << (g_sym ? g_sym->name : "(null)") << " := ";
       show_var_list(os, right, vars);
       os << std::endl;
@@ -458,22 +444,22 @@ void CodeBlob::print(std::ostream& os, int flags) const {
   os << "-------- END ---------\n\n";
-var_idx_t CodeBlob::create_var(TypeExpr* var_type, var_idx_t sym_idx, SrcLocation location) {
-  vars.emplace_back(var_cnt, var_type, sym_idx, location);
+var_idx_t CodeBlob::create_var(TypePtr var_type, const LocalVarData* v_sym, SrcLocation location) {
+  vars.emplace_back(var_cnt, var_type, v_sym, location);
   return var_cnt++;
-bool CodeBlob::import_params(FormalArgList arg_list) {
+bool CodeBlob::import_params(FormalArgList&& arg_list) {
   if (var_cnt || in_var_cnt) {
     return false;
   std::vector<var_idx_t> list;
   for (const auto& par : arg_list) {
-    TypeExpr* arg_type;
-    SymDef* arg_sym;
+    TypePtr arg_type;
+    const LocalVarData* arg_sym;
     SrcLocation arg_loc;
     std::tie(arg_type, arg_sym, arg_loc) = par;
-    list.push_back(create_var(arg_type, arg_sym ? arg_sym->sym_idx : 0, arg_loc));
+    list.push_back(create_var(arg_type, arg_sym, arg_loc));
   emplace_back(loc, Op::_Import, list);
   in_var_cnt = var_cnt;
diff --git a/tolk/analyzer.cpp b/tolk/analyzer.cpp
index 719df9b7d..8539afdd2 100644
--- a/tolk/analyzer.cpp
+++ b/tolk/analyzer.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "tolk.h"
 #include "compiler-state.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
 namespace tolk {
@@ -25,38 +26,30 @@ namespace tolk {
-void CodeBlob::simplify_var_types() {
-  for (TmpVar& var : vars) {
-    TypeExpr::remove_indirect(var.v_type);
-    var.v_type->recompute_width();
-  }
 int CodeBlob::split_vars(bool strict) {
   int n = var_cnt, changes = 0;
   for (int j = 0; j < var_cnt; j++) {
     TmpVar& var = vars[j];
-    if (strict && var.v_type->minw != var.v_type->maxw) {
+    int width_j = var.v_type->calc_width_on_stack();
+    if (strict && width_j < 0) {
       throw ParseError{var.where, "variable does not have fixed width, cannot manipulate it"};
-    std::vector<TypeExpr*> comp_types;
-    int k = var.v_type->extract_components(comp_types);
-    tolk_assert(k <= 254 && n <= 0x7fff00);
-    tolk_assert((unsigned)k == comp_types.size());
-    if (k != 1) {
-      var.coord = ~((n << 8) + k);
-      for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
-        auto v = create_var(comp_types[i], vars[j].sym_idx, vars[j].where);
-        tolk_assert(v == n + i);
-        tolk_assert(vars[v].idx == v);
-        vars[v].coord = ((int)j << 8) + i + 1;
-      }
-      n += k;
-      ++changes;
-    } else if (strict && var.v_type->minw != 1) {
-      throw ParseError{var.where,
-                            "cannot work with variable or variable component of width greater than one"};
+    if (width_j == 1) {
+      continue;
+    std::vector<TypePtr> comp_types;
+    var.v_type->extract_components(comp_types);
+    tolk_assert(width_j <= 254 && n <= 0x7fff00);
+    tolk_assert((unsigned)width_j == comp_types.size());
+    var.coord = ~((n << 8) + width_j);
+    for (int i = 0; i < width_j; i++) {
+      auto v = create_var(comp_types[i], vars[j].v_sym, vars[j].where);
+      tolk_assert(v == n + i);
+      tolk_assert(vars[v].idx == v);
+      vars[v].coord = ((int)j << 8) + i + 1;
+    }
+    n += width_j;
+    ++changes;
   if (!changes) {
     return 0;
@@ -687,7 +680,7 @@ void CodeBlob::fwd_analyze() {
   tolk_assert(ops && ops->cl == Op::_Import);
   for (var_idx_t i : ops->left) {
     values += i;
-    if (vars[i].v_type->is_int()) {
+    if (vars[i].v_type == TypeDataInt::create()) {
       values[i]->val |= VarDescr::_Int;
@@ -732,15 +725,18 @@ VarDescrList Op::fwd_analyze(VarDescrList values) {
     case _Call: {
-      auto func = dynamic_cast<const SymValAsmFunc*>(fun_ref->value);
-      if (func) {
+      if (!f_sym->is_code_function()) {
         std::vector<VarDescr> res;
         for (var_idx_t i : left) {
         AsmOpList tmp;
-        func->compile(tmp, res, args, where);  // abstract interpretation of res := f (args)
+        if (f_sym->is_asm_function()) {
+          std::get<FunctionBodyAsm*>(f_sym->body)->compile(tmp);  // abstract interpretation of res := f (args)
+        } else {
+          std::get<FunctionBodyBuiltin*>(f_sym->body)->compile(tmp, res, args, where);
+        }
         int j = 0;
         for (var_idx_t i : left) {
@@ -878,27 +874,10 @@ bool Op::set_noreturn(bool flag) {
   return flag;
-void Op::set_impure(const CodeBlob &code) {
-  // todo calling this function with `code` is a bad design (flags are assigned after Op is constructed)
-  // later it's better to check this somewhere in code.emplace_back()
-  if (code.flags & CodeBlob::_ForbidImpure) {
-    throw ParseError(where, "an impure operation in a pure function");
-  }
+void Op::set_impure_flag() {
   flags |= _Impure;
-void Op::set_impure(const CodeBlob &code, bool flag) {
-  if (flag) {
-    if (code.flags & CodeBlob::_ForbidImpure) {
-      throw ParseError(where, "an impure operation in a pure function");
-    }
-    flags |= _Impure;
-  } else {
-    flags &= ~_Impure;
-  }
 bool Op::mark_noreturn() {
   switch (cl) {
     case _Nop:
diff --git a/tolk/asmops.cpp b/tolk/asmops.cpp
index 8db75091b..547922dad 100644
--- a/tolk/asmops.cpp
+++ b/tolk/asmops.cpp
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, AsmOp::SReg stack_reg) {
-AsmOp AsmOp::Const(int arg, std::string push_op, td::RefInt256 origin) {
+AsmOp AsmOp::Const(int arg, const std::string& push_op) {
   std::ostringstream os;
   os << arg << ' ' << push_op;
-  return AsmOp::Const(os.str(), origin);
+  return AsmOp::Const(os.str());
 AsmOp AsmOp::make_stk2(int a, int b, const char* str, int delta) {
@@ -161,36 +161,36 @@ AsmOp AsmOp::UnTuple(int a) {
   return AsmOp::Custom(os.str(), 1, a);
-AsmOp AsmOp::IntConst(td::RefInt256 x) {
+AsmOp AsmOp::IntConst(const td::RefInt256& x) {
   if (x->signed_fits_bits(8)) {
-    return AsmOp::Const(dec_string(x) + " PUSHINT", x);
+    return AsmOp::Const(dec_string(x) + " PUSHINT");
   if (!x->is_valid()) {
-    return AsmOp::Const("PUSHNAN", x);
+    return AsmOp::Const("PUSHNAN");
   int k = is_pos_pow2(x);
   if (k >= 0) {
-    return AsmOp::Const(k, "PUSHPOW2", x);
+    return AsmOp::Const(k, "PUSHPOW2");
   k = is_pos_pow2(x + 1);
   if (k >= 0) {
-    return AsmOp::Const(k, "PUSHPOW2DEC", x);
+    return AsmOp::Const(k, "PUSHPOW2DEC");
   k = is_pos_pow2(-x);
   if (k >= 0) {
-    return AsmOp::Const(k, "PUSHNEGPOW2", x);
+    return AsmOp::Const(k, "PUSHNEGPOW2");
   if (!x->mod_pow2_short(23)) {
-    return AsmOp::Const(dec_string(x) + " PUSHINTX", x);
+    return AsmOp::Const(dec_string(x) + " PUSHINTX");
-  return AsmOp::Const(dec_string(x) + " PUSHINT", x);
+  return AsmOp::Const(dec_string(x) + " PUSHINT");
 AsmOp AsmOp::BoolConst(bool f) {
   return AsmOp::Const(f ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
-AsmOp AsmOp::Parse(std::string custom_op) {
+AsmOp AsmOp::Parse(const std::string& custom_op) {
   if (custom_op == "NOP") {
     return AsmOp::Nop();
   } else if (custom_op == "SWAP") {
diff --git a/tolk/ast-from-tokens.cpp b/tolk/ast-from-tokens.cpp
index 1a1d199ec..58592011e 100644
--- a/tolk/ast-from-tokens.cpp
+++ b/tolk/ast-from-tokens.cpp
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 #include "ast-from-tokens.h"
 #include "ast.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
 #include "platform-utils.h"
-#include "type-expr.h"
 #include "tolk-version.h"
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static void fire_error_mix_and_or_no_parenthesis(SrcLocation loc, std::string_vi
 // the only way to suppress this error for the programmer is to use parenthesis
 // (how do we detect presence of parenthesis? simple: (0!=1) is ast_parenthesized_expr{ast_binary_operator},
 //  that's why if rhs->type == ast_binary_operator, it's not surrounded by parenthesis)
-static void diagnose_bitwise_precedence(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, AnyV lhs, AnyV rhs) {
+static void diagnose_bitwise_precedence(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, AnyExprV lhs, AnyExprV rhs) {
   // handle "flags & 0xFF != 0" (rhs = "0xFF != 0")
   if (rhs->type == ast_binary_operator && is_comparison_binary_op(rhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->tok)) {
     fire_error_lower_precedence(loc, operator_name, rhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->operator_name);
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ static void diagnose_bitwise_precedence(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operat
 // similar to above, but detect potentially invalid usage of && and ||
 // since anyway, using parenthesis when both && and || occur in the same expression,
 // && and || have equal operator precedence in Tolk
-static void diagnose_and_or_precedence(SrcLocation loc, AnyV lhs, TokenType rhs_tok, std::string_view rhs_operator_name) {
+static void diagnose_and_or_precedence(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV lhs, TokenType rhs_tok, std::string_view rhs_operator_name) {
   if (auto lhs_op = lhs->try_as<ast_binary_operator>()) {
     // handle "arg1 & arg2 | arg3" (lhs = "arg1 & arg2")
     if (is_bitwise_binary_op(lhs_op->tok) && is_bitwise_binary_op(rhs_tok) && lhs_op->tok != rhs_tok) {
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ static void diagnose_and_or_precedence(SrcLocation loc, AnyV lhs, TokenType rhs_
 // diagnose "a << 8 + 1" (equivalent to "a << 9", probably unexpected)
-static void diagnose_addition_in_bitshift(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view bitshift_operator_name, AnyV rhs) {
+static void diagnose_addition_in_bitshift(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view bitshift_operator_name, AnyExprV rhs) {
   if (rhs->type == ast_binary_operator && is_add_or_sub_binary_op(rhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->tok)) {
     fire_error_lower_precedence(loc, bitshift_operator_name, rhs->as<ast_binary_operator>()->operator_name);
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ static void fire_error_FunC_style_var_declaration(Lexer& lex) {
 // replace (a == null) and similar to isNull(a) (call of a built-in function)
-static AnyV maybe_replace_eq_null_with_isNull_call(V<ast_binary_operator> v) {
+static AnyExprV maybe_replace_eq_null_with_isNull_call(V<ast_binary_operator> v) {
   bool has_null = v->get_lhs()->type == ast_null_keyword || v->get_rhs()->type == ast_null_keyword;
   bool replace = has_null && (v->tok == tok_eq || v->tok == tok_neq);
   if (!replace) {
@@ -130,9 +130,10 @@ static AnyV maybe_replace_eq_null_with_isNull_call(V<ast_binary_operator> v) {
   auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(v->loc, "__isNull"); // built-in function
-  AnyV v_null = v->get_lhs()->type == ast_null_keyword ? v->get_rhs() : v->get_lhs();
-  AnyV v_arg = createV<ast_argument>(v->loc, v_null, false);
-  AnyV v_isNull = createV<ast_function_call>(v->loc, v_ident, createV<ast_argument_list>(v->loc, {v_arg}));
+  auto v_ref = createV<ast_reference>(v->loc, v_ident, nullptr);
+  AnyExprV v_null = v->get_lhs()->type == ast_null_keyword ? v->get_rhs() : v->get_lhs();
+  AnyExprV v_arg = createV<ast_argument>(v->loc, v_null, false);
+  AnyExprV v_isNull = createV<ast_function_call>(v->loc, v_ref, createV<ast_argument_list>(v->loc, {v_arg}));
   if (v->tok == tok_neq) {
     v_isNull = createV<ast_unary_operator>(v->loc, "!", tok_logical_not, v_isNull);
@@ -146,98 +147,14 @@ static AnyV maybe_replace_eq_null_with_isNull_call(V<ast_binary_operator> v) {
-// TE ::= TA | TA -> TE
-// TA ::= int | ... | cont | var | _ | () | ( TE { , TE } ) | [ TE { , TE } ]
-static TypeExpr* parse_type(Lexer& lex, V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list);
-static TypeExpr* parse_type1(Lexer& lex, V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list) {
-  switch (lex.tok()) {
-    case tok_int:
-      lex.next();
-      return TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-    case tok_cell:
-      lex.next();
-      return TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Cell);
-    case tok_slice:
-      lex.next();
-      return TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Slice);
-    case tok_builder:
-      lex.next();
-      return TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Builder);
-    case tok_continuation:
-      lex.next();
-      return TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Continutaion);
-    case tok_tuple:
-      lex.next();
-      return TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Tuple);
-    case tok_auto:
-      lex.next();
-      return TypeExpr::new_hole();
-    case tok_void:
-      lex.next();
-      return TypeExpr::new_tensor({});
-    case tok_bool:
-      lex.error("bool type is not supported yet");
-    case tok_self:
-      lex.error("`self` type can be used only as a return type of a function (enforcing it to be chainable)");
-    case tok_identifier:
-      if (int idx = genericsT_list ? genericsT_list->lookup_idx(lex.cur_str()) : -1; idx != -1) {
-        lex.next();
-        return genericsT_list->get_item(idx)->created_type;
-      }
-      break;
-    case tok_oppar: {
-      lex.next();
-      if (lex.tok() == tok_clpar) {
-        lex.next();
-        return TypeExpr::new_unit();
-      }
-      std::vector<TypeExpr*> sub{1, parse_type(lex, genericsT_list)};
-      while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
-        lex.next();
-        sub.push_back(parse_type(lex, genericsT_list));
-      }
-      lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
-      return TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(sub));
-    }
-    case tok_opbracket: {
-      lex.next();
-      if (lex.tok() == tok_clbracket) {
-        lex.next();
-        return TypeExpr::new_tuple({});
-      }
-      std::vector<TypeExpr*> sub{1, parse_type(lex, genericsT_list)};
-      while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
-        lex.next();
-        sub.push_back(parse_type(lex, genericsT_list));
-      }
-      lex.expect(tok_clbracket, "`]`");
-      return TypeExpr::new_tuple(std::move(sub));
-    }
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-  lex.unexpected("<type>");
+AnyExprV parse_expr(Lexer& lex);
-static TypeExpr* parse_type(Lexer& lex, V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list) {
-  TypeExpr* res = parse_type1(lex, genericsT_list);
-  if (lex.tok() == tok_arrow) {
-    lex.next();
-    TypeExpr* to = parse_type(lex, genericsT_list);
-    return TypeExpr::new_map(res, to);
-  }
-  return res;
-AnyV parse_expr(Lexer& lex);
-static AnyV parse_parameter(Lexer& lex, V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list, bool is_first) {
+static AnyV parse_parameter(Lexer& lex, bool is_first) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   // optional keyword `mutate` meaning that a function will mutate a passed argument (like passed by reference)
   bool declared_as_mutate = false;
-  bool is_param_self = false;
   if (lex.tok() == tok_mutate) {
     declared_as_mutate = true;
@@ -252,24 +169,16 @@ static AnyV parse_parameter(Lexer& lex, V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list, bo
       lex.error("`self` can only be the first parameter");
     param_name = "self";
-    is_param_self = true;
   } else if (lex.tok() != tok_underscore) {
     lex.unexpected("parameter name");
-  auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), param_name);
-  // parameter type after colon, also mandatory (even explicit ":auto")
+  // parameter type after colon are mandatory
   lex.expect(tok_colon, "`: <parameter_type>`");
-  TypeExpr* param_type = parse_type(lex, genericsT_list);
-  if (declared_as_mutate && !param_type->has_fixed_width()) {
-    throw ParseError(loc, "`mutate` parameter must be strictly typed");
-  }
-  if (is_param_self && !param_type->has_fixed_width()) {
-    throw ParseError(loc, "`self` parameter must be strictly typed");
-  }
+  TypePtr param_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
-  return createV<ast_parameter>(loc, v_ident, param_type, declared_as_mutate);
+  return createV<ast_parameter>(loc, param_name, param_type, declared_as_mutate);
 static AnyV parse_global_var_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annotation>>& annotations) {
@@ -282,7 +191,7 @@ static AnyV parse_global_var_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_ann
   auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), lex.cur_str());
   lex.expect(tok_colon, "`:`");
-  TypeExpr* declared_type = parse_type(lex, nullptr);
+  TypePtr declared_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
   if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
     lex.error("multiple declarations are not allowed, split globals on separate lines");
@@ -302,21 +211,13 @@ static AnyV parse_constant_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annot
   lex.check(tok_identifier, "constant name");
   auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), lex.cur_str());
-  TypeExpr *declared_type = nullptr;
+  TypePtr declared_type = nullptr;
   if (lex.tok() == tok_colon) {
-    if (lex.tok() == tok_int) {
-      declared_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-      lex.next();
-    } else if (lex.tok() == tok_slice) {
-      declared_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Slice);
-      lex.next();
-    } else {
-      lex.error("a constant can be int or slice only");
-    }
+    declared_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
   lex.expect(tok_assign, "`=`");
-  AnyV init_value = parse_expr(lex);
+  AnyExprV init_value = parse_expr(lex);
   if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
     lex.error("multiple declarations are not allowed, split constants on separate lines");
@@ -325,15 +226,15 @@ static AnyV parse_constant_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annot
 // "parameters" are at function declaration: `fun f(param1: int, mutate param2: slice)`
-static V<ast_parameter_list> parse_parameter_list(Lexer& lex, V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list) {
+static V<ast_parameter_list> parse_parameter_list(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   std::vector<AnyV> params;
   lex.expect(tok_oppar, "parameter list");
   if (lex.tok() != tok_clpar) {
-    params.push_back(parse_parameter(lex, genericsT_list, true));
+    params.push_back(parse_parameter(lex, true));
     while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
-      params.push_back(parse_parameter(lex, genericsT_list, false));
+      params.push_back(parse_parameter(lex, false));
   lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
@@ -341,7 +242,7 @@ static V<ast_parameter_list> parse_parameter_list(Lexer& lex, V<ast_genericsT_li
 // "arguments" are at function call: `f(arg1, mutate arg2)`
-static AnyV parse_argument(Lexer& lex) {
+static AnyExprV parse_argument(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   // keyword `mutate` is necessary when a parameter is declared `mutate` (to make mutation obvious for the reader)
@@ -351,13 +252,13 @@ static AnyV parse_argument(Lexer& lex) {
     passed_as_mutate = true;
-  AnyV expr = parse_expr(lex);
+  AnyExprV expr = parse_expr(lex);
   return createV<ast_argument>(loc, expr, passed_as_mutate);
 static V<ast_argument_list> parse_argument_list(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
-  std::vector<AnyV> args;
+  std::vector<AnyExprV> args;
   lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
   if (lex.tok() != tok_clpar) {
@@ -370,8 +271,28 @@ static V<ast_argument_list> parse_argument_list(Lexer& lex) {
   return createV<ast_argument_list>(loc, std::move(args));
+static V<ast_instantiationT_list> parse_maybe_instantiationTs_after_identifier(Lexer& lex) {
+  lex.check(tok_lt, "`<`");
+  Lexer::SavedPositionForLookahead backup = lex.save_parsing_position();
+  try {
+    SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
+    lex.next();
+    std::vector<AnyV> instantiationTs;
+    instantiationTs.push_back(createV<ast_instantiationT_item>(lex.cur_location(), parse_type_from_tokens(lex)));
+    while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
+      lex.next();
+      instantiationTs.push_back(createV<ast_instantiationT_item>(lex.cur_location(), parse_type_from_tokens(lex)));
+    }
+    lex.expect(tok_gt, "`>`");
+    return createV<ast_instantiationT_list>(loc, std::move(instantiationTs));
+  } catch (const ParseError&) {
+    lex.restore_position(backup);
+    return nullptr;
+  }
 // parse (expr) / [expr] / identifier / number
-static AnyV parse_expr100(Lexer& lex) {
+static AnyExprV parse_expr100(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   switch (lex.tok()) {
     case tok_oppar: {
@@ -380,12 +301,12 @@ static AnyV parse_expr100(Lexer& lex) {
         return createV<ast_tensor>(loc, {});
-      AnyV first = parse_expr(lex);
+      AnyExprV first = parse_expr(lex);
       if (lex.tok() == tok_clpar) {
-        return createV<ast_parenthesized_expr>(loc, first);
+        return createV<ast_parenthesized_expression>(loc, first);
-      std::vector<AnyV> items(1, first);
+      std::vector<AnyExprV> items(1, first);
       while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
@@ -397,20 +318,24 @@ static AnyV parse_expr100(Lexer& lex) {
       if (lex.tok() == tok_clbracket) {
-        return createV<ast_tensor_square>(loc, {});
+        return createV<ast_typed_tuple>(loc, {});
-      std::vector<AnyV> items(1, parse_expr(lex));
+      std::vector<AnyExprV> items(1, parse_expr(lex));
       while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
       lex.expect(tok_clbracket, "`]`");
-      return createV<ast_tensor_square>(loc, std::move(items));
+      return createV<ast_typed_tuple>(loc, std::move(items));
     case tok_int_const: {
-      std::string_view int_val = lex.cur_str();
+      std::string_view orig_str = lex.cur_str();
+      td::RefInt256 intval = td::string_to_int256(static_cast<std::string>(orig_str));
+      if (intval.is_null() || !intval->signed_fits_bits(257)) {
+        lex.error("invalid integer constant");
+      }
-      return createV<ast_int_const>(loc, int_val);
+      return createV<ast_int_const>(loc, std::move(intval), orig_str);
     case tok_string_const: {
       std::string_view str_val = lex.cur_str();
@@ -440,12 +365,17 @@ static AnyV parse_expr100(Lexer& lex) {
     case tok_self: {
-      return createV<ast_self_keyword>(loc);
+      auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, "self");
+      return createV<ast_reference>(loc, v_ident, nullptr);
     case tok_identifier: {
-      std::string_view str_val = lex.cur_str();
+      auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, lex.cur_str());
+      V<ast_instantiationT_list> v_instantiationTs = nullptr;
-      return createV<ast_identifier>(loc, str_val);
+      if (lex.tok() == tok_lt) {
+        v_instantiationTs = parse_maybe_instantiationTs_after_identifier(lex);
+      }
+      return createV<ast_reference>(loc, v_ident, v_instantiationTs);
     default: {
       // show a proper error for `int i` (FunC-style declarations)
@@ -458,51 +388,74 @@ static AnyV parse_expr100(Lexer& lex) {
-// parse E(args)
-static AnyV parse_expr90(Lexer& lex) {
-  AnyV res = parse_expr100(lex);
-  if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
-    return createV<ast_function_call>(res->loc, res, parse_argument_list(lex));
+// parse E(...) (left-to-right)
+static AnyExprV parse_expr90(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV res = parse_expr100(lex);
+  while (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
+    res = createV<ast_function_call>(res->loc, res, parse_argument_list(lex));
   return res;
-// parse E.method(...) (left-to-right)
-static AnyV parse_expr80(Lexer& lex) {
-  AnyV lhs = parse_expr90(lex);
+// parse E.field and E.method(...) (left-to-right)
+static AnyExprV parse_expr80(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr90(lex);
   while (lex.tok() == tok_dot) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
-    lex.check(tok_identifier, "method name");
-    std::string_view method_name = lex.cur_str();
-    lex.next();
-    lhs = createV<ast_dot_method_call>(loc, method_name, lhs, parse_argument_list(lex));
+    V<ast_identifier> v_ident = nullptr;
+    V<ast_instantiationT_list> v_instantiationTs = nullptr;
+    if (lex.tok() == tok_identifier) {
+      v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), lex.cur_str());
+      lex.next();
+      if (lex.tok() == tok_lt) {
+        v_instantiationTs = parse_maybe_instantiationTs_after_identifier(lex);
+      }
+    } else {
+      lex.unexpected("method name");
+    }
+    lhs = createV<ast_dot_access>(loc, lhs, v_ident, v_instantiationTs);
+    while (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
+      lhs = createV<ast_function_call>(lex.cur_location(), lhs, parse_argument_list(lex));
+    }
   return lhs;
 // parse ! ~ - + E (unary)
-static AnyV parse_expr75(Lexer& lex) {
+static AnyExprV parse_expr75(Lexer& lex) {
   TokenType t = lex.tok();
   if (t == tok_logical_not || t == tok_bitwise_not || t == tok_minus || t == tok_plus) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
     std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
-    AnyV rhs = parse_expr75(lex);
+    AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr75(lex);
     return createV<ast_unary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, rhs);
   return parse_expr80(lex);
+// parse E as <type>
+static AnyExprV parse_expr40(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr75(lex);
+  if (lex.tok() == tok_as) {
+    SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
+    lex.next();
+    TypePtr cast_to_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
+    lhs = createV<ast_cast_as_operator>(loc, lhs, cast_to_type);
+  }
+  return lhs;
 // parse E * / % ^/ ~/ E (left-to-right)
-static AnyV parse_expr30(Lexer& lex) {
-  AnyV lhs = parse_expr75(lex);
+static AnyExprV parse_expr30(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr40(lex);
   TokenType t = lex.tok();
   while (t == tok_mul || t == tok_div || t == tok_mod || t == tok_divC || t == tok_divR) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
     std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
-    AnyV rhs = parse_expr75(lex);
+    AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr40(lex);
     lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
     t = lex.tok();
@@ -510,14 +463,14 @@ static AnyV parse_expr30(Lexer& lex) {
 // parse E + - E (left-to-right)
-static AnyV parse_expr20(Lexer& lex) {
-  AnyV lhs = parse_expr30(lex);
+static AnyExprV parse_expr20(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr30(lex);
   TokenType t = lex.tok();
   while (t == tok_minus || t == tok_plus) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
     std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
-    AnyV rhs = parse_expr30(lex);
+    AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr30(lex);
     lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
     t = lex.tok();
@@ -525,14 +478,14 @@ static AnyV parse_expr20(Lexer& lex) {
 // parse E << >> ~>> ^>> E (left-to-right)
-static AnyV parse_expr17(Lexer& lex) {
-  AnyV lhs = parse_expr20(lex);
+static AnyExprV parse_expr17(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr20(lex);
   TokenType t = lex.tok();
   while (t == tok_lshift || t == tok_rshift || t == tok_rshiftC || t == tok_rshiftR) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
     std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
-    AnyV rhs = parse_expr20(lex);
+    AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr20(lex);
     diagnose_addition_in_bitshift(loc, operator_name, rhs);
     lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
     t = lex.tok();
@@ -541,14 +494,14 @@ static AnyV parse_expr17(Lexer& lex) {
 // parse E == < > <= >= != <=> E (left-to-right)
-static AnyV parse_expr15(Lexer& lex) {
-  AnyV lhs = parse_expr17(lex);
+static AnyExprV parse_expr15(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr17(lex);
   TokenType t = lex.tok();
   if (t == tok_eq || t == tok_lt || t == tok_gt || t == tok_leq || t == tok_geq || t == tok_neq || t == tok_spaceship) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
     std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
-    AnyV rhs = parse_expr17(lex);
+    AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr17(lex);
     lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
     if (t == tok_eq || t == tok_neq) {
       lhs = maybe_replace_eq_null_with_isNull_call(lhs->as<ast_binary_operator>());
@@ -558,14 +511,14 @@ static AnyV parse_expr15(Lexer& lex) {
 // parse E & | ^ E (left-to-right)
-static AnyV parse_expr14(Lexer& lex) {
-  AnyV lhs = parse_expr15(lex);
+static AnyExprV parse_expr14(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr15(lex);
   TokenType t = lex.tok();
   while (t == tok_bitwise_and || t == tok_bitwise_or || t == tok_bitwise_xor) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
     std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
-    AnyV rhs = parse_expr15(lex);
+    AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr15(lex);
     diagnose_bitwise_precedence(loc, operator_name, lhs, rhs);
     diagnose_and_or_precedence(loc, lhs, t, operator_name);
     lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
@@ -575,14 +528,14 @@ static AnyV parse_expr14(Lexer& lex) {
 // parse E && || E (left-to-right)
-static AnyV parse_expr13(Lexer& lex) {
-  AnyV lhs = parse_expr14(lex);
+static AnyExprV parse_expr13(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr14(lex);
   TokenType t = lex.tok();
   while (t == tok_logical_and || t == tok_logical_or) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
     std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
-    AnyV rhs = parse_expr14(lex);
+    AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr14(lex);
     diagnose_and_or_precedence(loc, lhs, t, operator_name);
     lhs = createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
     t = lex.tok();
@@ -591,46 +544,51 @@ static AnyV parse_expr13(Lexer& lex) {
 // parse E = += -= E and E ? E : E (right-to-left)
-static AnyV parse_expr10(Lexer& lex) {
-  AnyV lhs = parse_expr13(lex);
+static AnyExprV parse_expr10(Lexer& lex) {
+  AnyExprV lhs = parse_expr13(lex);
   TokenType t = lex.tok();
+  if (t == tok_assign) {
+    SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
+    lex.next();
+    AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr10(lex);
+    return createV<ast_assign>(loc, lhs, rhs);
+  }
   if (t == tok_set_plus || t == tok_set_minus || t == tok_set_mul || t == tok_set_div ||
       t == tok_set_mod || t == tok_set_lshift || t == tok_set_rshift ||
-      t == tok_set_bitwise_and || t == tok_set_bitwise_or || t == tok_set_bitwise_xor ||
-      t == tok_assign) {
+      t == tok_set_bitwise_and || t == tok_set_bitwise_or || t == tok_set_bitwise_xor) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
-    std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str();
+    std::string_view operator_name = lex.cur_str().substr(0, lex.cur_str().size() - 1);   // "+" for +=
-    AnyV rhs = parse_expr10(lex);
-    return createV<ast_binary_operator>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
+    AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr10(lex);
+    return createV<ast_set_assign>(loc, operator_name, t, lhs, rhs);
   if (t == tok_question) {
     SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
-    AnyV when_true = parse_expr10(lex);
+    AnyExprV when_true = parse_expr10(lex);
     lex.expect(tok_colon, "`:`");
-    AnyV when_false = parse_expr10(lex);
+    AnyExprV when_false = parse_expr10(lex);
     return createV<ast_ternary_operator>(loc, lhs, when_true, when_false);
   return lhs;
-AnyV parse_expr(Lexer& lex) {
+AnyExprV parse_expr(Lexer& lex) {
   return parse_expr10(lex);
 AnyV parse_statement(Lexer& lex);
-static AnyV parse_var_declaration_lhs(Lexer& lex, bool is_immutable) {
+static AnyExprV parse_var_declaration_lhs(Lexer& lex, bool is_immutable) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
-    AnyV first = parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable);
+    AnyExprV first = parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable);
     if (lex.tok() == tok_clpar) {
-      return createV<ast_parenthesized_expr>(loc, first);
+      return first;
-    std::vector<AnyV> args(1, first);
+    std::vector<AnyExprV> args(1, first);
     while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
       args.push_back(parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable));
@@ -640,57 +598,57 @@ static AnyV parse_var_declaration_lhs(Lexer& lex, bool is_immutable) {
   if (lex.tok() == tok_opbracket) {
-    std::vector<AnyV> args(1, parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable));
+    std::vector<AnyExprV> args(1, parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable));
     while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
       args.push_back(parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable));
     lex.expect(tok_clbracket, "`]`");
-    return createV<ast_tensor_square>(loc, std::move(args));
+    return createV<ast_typed_tuple>(loc, std::move(args));
   if (lex.tok() == tok_identifier) {
     auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, lex.cur_str());
-    TypeExpr* declared_type = nullptr;
+    TypePtr declared_type = nullptr;
     bool marked_as_redef = false;
     if (lex.tok() == tok_colon) {
-      declared_type = parse_type(lex, nullptr);
+      declared_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
     } else if (lex.tok() == tok_redef) {
       marked_as_redef = true;
-    return createV<ast_local_var>(loc, v_ident, declared_type, is_immutable, marked_as_redef);
+    return createV<ast_local_var_lhs>(loc, v_ident, declared_type, is_immutable, marked_as_redef);
   if (lex.tok() == tok_underscore) {
-    TypeExpr* declared_type = nullptr;
+    TypePtr declared_type = nullptr;
     if (lex.tok() == tok_colon) {
-      declared_type = parse_type(lex, nullptr);
+      declared_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
-    return createV<ast_local_var>(loc, createV<ast_underscore>(loc), declared_type, true, false);
+    return createV<ast_local_var_lhs>(loc, createV<ast_identifier>(loc, ""), declared_type, true, false);
   lex.unexpected("variable name");
-static AnyV parse_local_vars_declaration(Lexer& lex) {
+static AnyV parse_local_vars_declaration_assignment(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   bool is_immutable = lex.tok() == tok_val;
-  AnyV lhs = parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable);
+  AnyExprV lhs = createV<ast_local_vars_declaration>(loc, parse_var_declaration_lhs(lex, is_immutable));
   if (lex.tok() != tok_assign) {
     lex.error("variables declaration must be followed by assignment: `var xxx = ...`");
-  AnyV assigned_val = parse_expr(lex);
+  AnyExprV rhs = parse_expr(lex);
   if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
     lex.error("multiple declarations are not allowed, split variables on separate lines");
   lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
-  return createV<ast_local_vars_declaration>(loc, lhs, assigned_val);
+  return createV<ast_assign>(loc, lhs, rhs);
 static V<ast_sequence> parse_sequence(Lexer& lex) {
@@ -708,32 +666,27 @@ static V<ast_sequence> parse_sequence(Lexer& lex) {
 static AnyV parse_return_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   lex.expect(tok_return, "`return`");
-  AnyV child = lex.tok() == tok_semicolon   // `return;` actually means `return ();` (which is void)
-    ? createV<ast_tensor>(lex.cur_location(), {})
+  AnyExprV child = lex.tok() == tok_semicolon   // `return;` actually means "nothing" (inferred as void)
+    ? createV<ast_empty_expression>(lex.cur_location())
     : parse_expr(lex);
   lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
   return createV<ast_return_statement>(loc, child);
-static AnyV parse_if_statement(Lexer& lex, bool is_ifnot) {
+static AnyV parse_if_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   lex.expect(tok_if, "`if`");
   lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
-  AnyV cond = parse_expr(lex);
+  AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
   lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
-  // replace if(!expr) with ifnot(expr) (this should be done later, but for now, let this be right at parsing time)
-  if (auto v_not = cond->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_not && v_not->tok == tok_logical_not) {
-    is_ifnot = !is_ifnot;
-    cond = v_not->get_rhs();
-  }
   V<ast_sequence> if_body = parse_sequence(lex);
   V<ast_sequence> else_body = nullptr;
   if (lex.tok() == tok_else) {  // else if(e) { } or else { }
     if (lex.tok() == tok_if) {
-      AnyV v_inner_if = parse_if_statement(lex, false);
+      AnyV v_inner_if = parse_if_statement(lex);
       else_body = createV<ast_sequence>(v_inner_if->loc, lex.cur_location(), {v_inner_if});
     } else {
       else_body = parse_sequence(lex);
@@ -741,14 +694,14 @@ static AnyV parse_if_statement(Lexer& lex, bool is_ifnot) {
   } else {  // no 'else', create empty block
     else_body = createV<ast_sequence>(lex.cur_location(), lex.cur_location(), {});
-  return createV<ast_if_statement>(loc, is_ifnot, cond, if_body, else_body);
+  return createV<ast_if_statement>(loc, false, cond, if_body, else_body);
 static AnyV parse_repeat_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   lex.expect(tok_repeat, "`repeat`");
   lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
-  AnyV cond = parse_expr(lex);
+  AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
   lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
   V<ast_sequence> body = parse_sequence(lex);
   return createV<ast_repeat_statement>(loc, cond, body);
@@ -758,7 +711,7 @@ static AnyV parse_while_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   lex.expect(tok_while, "`while`");
   lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
-  AnyV cond = parse_expr(lex);
+  AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
   lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
   V<ast_sequence> body = parse_sequence(lex);
   return createV<ast_while_statement>(loc, cond, body);
@@ -770,31 +723,38 @@ static AnyV parse_do_while_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   V<ast_sequence> body = parse_sequence(lex);
   lex.expect(tok_while, "`while`");
   lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
-  AnyV cond = parse_expr(lex);
+  AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
   lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
   lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
   return createV<ast_do_while_statement>(loc, body, cond);
-static AnyV parse_catch_variable(Lexer& lex) {
+static AnyExprV parse_catch_variable(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   if (lex.tok() == tok_identifier) {
     std::string_view var_name = lex.cur_str();
-    return createV<ast_identifier>(loc, var_name);
+    auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, var_name);
+    return createV<ast_reference>(loc, v_ident, nullptr);
   if (lex.tok() == tok_underscore) {
-    return createV<ast_underscore>(loc);
+    auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(loc, "");
+    return createV<ast_reference>(loc, v_ident, nullptr);
+static AnyExprV create_catch_underscore_variable(const Lexer& lex) {
+  auto v_ident = createV<ast_identifier>(lex.cur_location(), "");
+  return createV<ast_reference>(lex.cur_location(), v_ident, nullptr);
 static AnyV parse_throw_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   lex.expect(tok_throw, "`throw`");
-  AnyV thrown_code, thrown_arg;
+  AnyExprV thrown_code, thrown_arg;
   if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {   // throw (code) or throw (code, arg)
     thrown_code = parse_expr(lex);
@@ -802,12 +762,12 @@ static AnyV parse_throw_statement(Lexer& lex) {
       thrown_arg = parse_expr(lex);
     } else {
-      thrown_arg = createV<ast_empty>(loc);
+      thrown_arg = createV<ast_empty_expression>(loc);
     lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
   } else {   // throw code
     thrown_code = parse_expr(lex);
-    thrown_arg = createV<ast_empty>(loc);
+    thrown_arg = createV<ast_empty_expression>(loc);
   lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
@@ -819,8 +779,8 @@ static AnyV parse_assert_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   lex.expect(tok_assert, "`assert`");
   lex.expect(tok_oppar, "`(`");
-  AnyV cond = parse_expr(lex);
-  AnyV thrown_code;
+  AnyExprV cond = parse_expr(lex);
+  AnyExprV thrown_code;
   if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {   // assert(cond, code)
     thrown_code = parse_expr(lex);
@@ -840,7 +800,7 @@ static AnyV parse_try_catch_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   lex.expect(tok_try, "`try`");
   V<ast_sequence> try_body = parse_sequence(lex);
-  std::vector<AnyV> catch_args;
+  std::vector<AnyExprV> catch_args;
   lex.expect(tok_catch, "`catch`");
   SrcLocation catch_loc = lex.cur_location();
   if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
@@ -850,12 +810,12 @@ static AnyV parse_try_catch_statement(Lexer& lex) {
     } else {  // catch (excNo) -> catch (excNo, _)
-      catch_args.push_back(createV<ast_underscore>(catch_loc));
+      catch_args.push_back(create_catch_underscore_variable(lex));
     lex.expect(tok_clpar, "`)`");
   } else {  // catch -> catch (_, _)
-    catch_args.push_back(createV<ast_underscore>(catch_loc));
-    catch_args.push_back(createV<ast_underscore>(catch_loc));
+    catch_args.push_back(create_catch_underscore_variable(lex));
+    catch_args.push_back(create_catch_underscore_variable(lex));
   V<ast_tensor> catch_expr = createV<ast_tensor>(catch_loc, std::move(catch_args));
@@ -865,15 +825,15 @@ static AnyV parse_try_catch_statement(Lexer& lex) {
 AnyV parse_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   switch (lex.tok()) {
-    case tok_var:
-    case tok_val:
-      return parse_local_vars_declaration(lex);
+    case tok_var:   // `var x = 0` is technically an expression, but can not appear in "any place",
+    case tok_val:   // only as a separate declaration
+      return parse_local_vars_declaration_assignment(lex);
     case tok_opbrace:
       return parse_sequence(lex);
     case tok_return:
       return parse_return_statement(lex);
     case tok_if:
-      return parse_if_statement(lex, false);
+      return parse_if_statement(lex);
     case tok_repeat:
       return parse_repeat_statement(lex);
     case tok_do:
@@ -889,13 +849,13 @@ AnyV parse_statement(Lexer& lex) {
     case tok_semicolon: {
       SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
-      return createV<ast_empty>(loc);
+      return createV<ast_empty_statement>(loc);
     case tok_break:
     case tok_continue:
       lex.error("break/continue from loops are not supported yet");
     default: {
-      AnyV expr = parse_expr(lex);
+      AnyExprV expr = parse_expr(lex);
       lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
       return expr;
@@ -949,12 +909,10 @@ static AnyV parse_genericsT_list(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   std::vector<AnyV> genericsT_items;
   lex.expect(tok_lt, "`<`");
-  int idx = 0;
   while (true) {
     lex.check(tok_identifier, "T");
     std::string_view nameT = lex.cur_str();
-    TypeExpr* type = TypeExpr::new_var(idx++);
-    genericsT_items.emplace_back(createV<ast_genericsT_item>(lex.cur_location(), type, nameT));
+    genericsT_items.emplace_back(createV<ast_genericsT_item>(lex.cur_location(), nameT));
     if (lex.tok() != tok_comma) {
@@ -976,7 +934,7 @@ static V<ast_annotation> parse_annotation(Lexer& lex) {
   if (lex.tok() == tok_oppar) {
     SrcLocation loc_args = lex.cur_location();
-    std::vector<AnyV> args;
+    std::vector<AnyExprV> args;
     while (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
@@ -1037,11 +995,11 @@ static AnyV parse_function_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annot
     genericsT_list = parse_genericsT_list(lex)->as<ast_genericsT_list>();
-  V<ast_parameter_list> v_param_list = parse_parameter_list(lex, genericsT_list)->as<ast_parameter_list>();
-  bool accepts_self = !v_param_list->empty() && v_param_list->get_param(0)->get_identifier()->name == "self";
+  V<ast_parameter_list> v_param_list = parse_parameter_list(lex)->as<ast_parameter_list>();
+  bool accepts_self = !v_param_list->empty() && v_param_list->get_param(0)->param_name == "self";
   int n_mutate_params = v_param_list->get_mutate_params_count();
-  TypeExpr* ret_type = nullptr;
+  TypePtr ret_type = nullptr;
   bool returns_self = false;
   if (lex.tok() == tok_colon) {   // : <ret_type> (if absent, it means "auto infer", not void)
@@ -1051,9 +1009,9 @@ static AnyV parse_function_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annot
       returns_self = true;
-      ret_type = TypeExpr::new_unit();
+      ret_type = TypeDataVoid::create();
     } else {
-      ret_type = parse_type(lex, genericsT_list);
+      ret_type = parse_type_from_tokens(lex);
@@ -1064,22 +1022,10 @@ static AnyV parse_function_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annot
     throw ParseError(loc, "get methods can't have `mutate` and `self` params");
-  if (n_mutate_params) {
-    std::vector<TypeExpr*> ret_tensor_items;
-    ret_tensor_items.reserve(1 + n_mutate_params);
-    for (AnyV v_param : v_param_list->get_params()) {
-      if (v_param->as<ast_parameter>()->declared_as_mutate) {
-        ret_tensor_items.emplace_back(v_param->as<ast_parameter>()->param_type);
-      }
-    }
-    ret_tensor_items.emplace_back(ret_type ? ret_type : TypeExpr::new_hole());
-    ret_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(ret_tensor_items));
-  }
   AnyV v_body = nullptr;
   if (lex.tok() == tok_builtin) {
-    v_body = createV<ast_empty>(lex.cur_location());
+    v_body = createV<ast_empty_statement>(lex.cur_location());
     lex.expect(tok_semicolon, "`;`");
   } else if (lex.tok() == tok_opbrace) {
@@ -1093,32 +1039,43 @@ static AnyV parse_function_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annot
     lex.unexpected("{ function body }");
-  auto f_declaration = createV<ast_function_declaration>(loc, v_ident, v_param_list, v_body);
-  f_declaration->ret_type = ret_type ? ret_type : TypeExpr::new_hole();
-  f_declaration->is_entrypoint = is_entrypoint;
-  f_declaration->genericsT_list = genericsT_list;
-  f_declaration->marked_as_get_method = is_get_method;
-  f_declaration->marked_as_builtin = v_body->type == ast_empty;
-  f_declaration->accepts_self = accepts_self;
-  f_declaration->returns_self = returns_self;
+  int flags = 0;
+  if (is_entrypoint) {
+    flags |= FunctionData::flagIsEntrypoint;
+  }
+  if (is_get_method) {
+    flags |= FunctionData::flagGetMethod;
+  }
+  if (accepts_self) {
+    flags |= FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf;
+  }
+  if (returns_self) {
+    flags |= FunctionData::flagReturnsSelf;
+  }
+  td::RefInt256 method_id;
   for (auto v_annotation : annotations) {
     switch (v_annotation->kind) {
       case AnnotationKind::inline_simple:
-        f_declaration->marked_as_inline = true;
+        flags |= FunctionData::flagInline;
       case AnnotationKind::inline_ref:
-        f_declaration->marked_as_inline_ref = true;
+        flags |= FunctionData::flagInlineRef;
       case AnnotationKind::pure:
-        f_declaration->marked_as_pure = true;
+        flags |= FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure;
-      case AnnotationKind::method_id:
+      case AnnotationKind::method_id: {
         if (is_get_method || genericsT_list || is_entrypoint || n_mutate_params || accepts_self) {
           v_annotation->error("@method_id can be specified only for regular functions");
-        f_declaration->method_id = v_annotation->get_arg()->get_item(0)->as<ast_int_const>();
+        auto v_int = v_annotation->get_arg()->get_item(0)->as<ast_int_const>();
+        if (v_int->intval.is_null() || !v_int->intval->signed_fits_bits(32)) {
+          v_int->error("invalid integer constant");
+        }
+        method_id = v_int->intval;
+      }
       case AnnotationKind::deprecated:
         // no special handling
@@ -1128,7 +1085,7 @@ static AnyV parse_function_declaration(Lexer& lex, const std::vector<V<ast_annot
-  return f_declaration;
+  return createV<ast_function_declaration>(loc, v_ident, v_param_list, v_body, ret_type, genericsT_list, std::move(method_id), flags);
 static AnyV parse_tolk_required_version(Lexer& lex) {
@@ -1142,10 +1099,10 @@ static AnyV parse_tolk_required_version(Lexer& lex) {
     loc.show_warning("the contract is written in Tolk v" + semver + ", but you use Tolk compiler v" + TOLK_VERSION + "; probably, it will lead to compilation errors or hash changes");
-  return createV<ast_tolk_required_version>(loc, tok_eq, semver);  // semicolon is not necessary
+  return createV<ast_tolk_required_version>(loc, semver);  // semicolon is not necessary
-static AnyV parse_import_statement(Lexer& lex) {
+static AnyV parse_import_directive(Lexer& lex) {
   SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
   lex.expect(tok_import, "`import`");
   lex.check(tok_string_const, "source file name");
@@ -1155,7 +1112,7 @@ static AnyV parse_import_statement(Lexer& lex) {
   auto v_str = createV<ast_string_const>(lex.cur_location(), rel_filename, 0);
-  return createV<ast_import_statement>(loc, v_str); // semicolon is not necessary
+  return createV<ast_import_directive>(loc, v_str); // semicolon is not necessary
 // the main (exported) function
@@ -1176,7 +1133,7 @@ AnyV parse_src_file_to_ast(const SrcFile* file) {
         if (!annotations.empty()) {
           lex.unexpected("declaration after @annotations");
-        toplevel_declarations.push_back(parse_import_statement(lex));
+        toplevel_declarations.push_back(parse_import_directive(lex));
       case tok_semicolon:
         if (!annotations.empty()) {
diff --git a/tolk/ast-from-tokens.h b/tolk/ast-from-tokens.h
index 5f380c569..39574f9c2 100644
--- a/tolk/ast-from-tokens.h
+++ b/tolk/ast-from-tokens.h
@@ -16,12 +16,10 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "src-file.h"
+#include "fwd-declarations.h"
 namespace tolk {
-struct ASTNodeBase;
-const ASTNodeBase* parse_src_file_to_ast(const SrcFile* file);
+AnyV parse_src_file_to_ast(const SrcFile* file);
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/ast-replacer.h b/tolk/ast-replacer.h
index 478994e8b..c8350747c 100644
--- a/tolk/ast-replacer.h
+++ b/tolk/ast-replacer.h
@@ -35,25 +35,39 @@ namespace tolk {
 class ASTReplacer {
-  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE static AnyV replace_children(const ASTNodeLeaf* v) {
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE static AnyExprV replace_children(const ASTExprLeaf* v) {
     return v;
-  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE AnyV replace_children(const ASTNodeUnary* v) {
-    auto* v_mutable = const_cast<ASTNodeUnary*>(v);
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE AnyExprV replace_children(const ASTExprUnary* v) {
+    auto* v_mutable = const_cast<ASTExprUnary*>(v);
     v_mutable->child = replace(v_mutable->child);
     return v_mutable;
-  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE AnyV replace_children(const ASTNodeBinary* v) {
-    auto* v_mutable = const_cast<ASTNodeBinary*>(v);
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE AnyExprV replace_children(const ASTExprBinary* v) {
+    auto* v_mutable = const_cast<ASTExprBinary*>(v);
     v_mutable->lhs = replace(v->lhs);
     v_mutable->rhs = replace(v->rhs);
     return v_mutable;
-  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE AnyV replace_children(const ASTNodeVararg* v) {
-    auto* v_mutable = const_cast<ASTNodeVararg*>(v);
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE AnyExprV replace_children(const ASTExprVararg* v) {
+    auto* v_mutable = const_cast<ASTExprVararg*>(v);
+    for (AnyExprV& child : v_mutable->children) {
+      child = replace(child);
+    }
+    return v_mutable;
+  }
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE AnyV replace_children(const ASTStatementUnary* v) {
+    auto* v_mutable = const_cast<ASTStatementUnary*>(v);
+    v_mutable->child = replace(v_mutable->child);
+    return v_mutable;
+  }
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE AnyV replace_children(const ASTStatementVararg* v) {
+    auto* v_mutable = const_cast<ASTStatementVararg*>(v);
     for (AnyV& child : v_mutable->children) {
       child = replace(child);
@@ -64,97 +78,120 @@ class ASTReplacer {
   virtual ~ASTReplacer() = default;
   virtual AnyV replace(AnyV v) = 0;
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(AnyExprV v) = 0;
 class ASTReplacerInFunctionBody : public ASTReplacer {
   using parent = ASTReplacerInFunctionBody;
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_empty> v)                   { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_parenthesized_expr> v)      { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_tensor> v)                  { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_tensor_square> v)           { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_identifier> v)              { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_int_const> v)               { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_string_const> v)            { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_bool_const> v)              { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_null_keyword> v)            { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_function_call> v)           { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_dot_method_call> v)         { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_underscore> v)              { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_unary_operator> v)          { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_binary_operator> v)         { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_ternary_operator> v)        { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_return_statement> v)        { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_sequence> v)                { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_repeat_statement> v)        { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_while_statement> v)         { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_do_while_statement> v)      { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_throw_statement> v)         { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_assert_statement> v)        { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v)     { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_if_statement> v)            { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_local_var> v)               { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_local_vars_declaration> v)  { return replace_children(v); }
-  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_asm_body> v)                { return replace_children(v); }
-  AnyV replace(AnyV v) final {
+  // expressions
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_empty_expression> v)          { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_parenthesized_expression> v)  { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_tensor> v)                    { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_typed_tuple> v)               { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_reference> v)                 { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_local_var_lhs> v)             { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_local_vars_declaration> v)    { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_int_const> v)                 { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_string_const> v)              { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_bool_const> v)                { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_null_keyword> v)              { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_argument> v)                  { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_argument_list> v)             { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_dot_access> v)                { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_function_call> v)             { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_underscore> v)                { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_assign> v)                    { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_set_assign> v)                { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_unary_operator> v)            { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_binary_operator> v)           { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_ternary_operator> v)          { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyExprV replace(V<ast_cast_as_operator> v)          { return replace_children(v); }
+  // statements
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_empty_statement> v)               { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_sequence> v)                      { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_return_statement> v)              { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_if_statement> v)                  { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_repeat_statement> v)              { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_while_statement> v)               { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_do_while_statement> v)            { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_throw_statement> v)               { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_assert_statement> v)              { return replace_children(v); }
+  virtual AnyV replace(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v)           { return replace_children(v); }
+  AnyExprV replace(AnyExprV v) final {
     switch (v->type) {
-      case ast_empty:                           return replace(v->as<ast_empty>());
-      case ast_parenthesized_expr:              return replace(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expr>());
+      case ast_empty_expression:                return replace(v->as<ast_empty_expression>());
+      case ast_parenthesized_expression:        return replace(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expression>());
       case ast_tensor:                          return replace(v->as<ast_tensor>());
-      case ast_tensor_square:                   return replace(v->as<ast_tensor_square>());
-      case ast_identifier:                      return replace(v->as<ast_identifier>());
+      case ast_typed_tuple:                     return replace(v->as<ast_typed_tuple>());
+      case ast_reference:                       return replace(v->as<ast_reference>());
+      case ast_local_var_lhs:                   return replace(v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>());
+      case ast_local_vars_declaration:          return replace(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>());
       case ast_int_const:                       return replace(v->as<ast_int_const>());
       case ast_string_const:                    return replace(v->as<ast_string_const>());
       case ast_bool_const:                      return replace(v->as<ast_bool_const>());
       case ast_null_keyword:                    return replace(v->as<ast_null_keyword>());
-      case ast_self_keyword:                    return replace(v->as<ast_self_keyword>());
+      case ast_argument:                        return replace(v->as<ast_argument>());
+      case ast_argument_list:                   return replace(v->as<ast_argument_list>());
+      case ast_dot_access:                      return replace(v->as<ast_dot_access>());
       case ast_function_call:                   return replace(v->as<ast_function_call>());
-      case ast_dot_method_call:                 return replace(v->as<ast_dot_method_call>());
       case ast_underscore:                      return replace(v->as<ast_underscore>());
+      case ast_assign:                          return replace(v->as<ast_assign>());
+      case ast_set_assign:                      return replace(v->as<ast_set_assign>());
       case ast_unary_operator:                  return replace(v->as<ast_unary_operator>());
       case ast_binary_operator:                 return replace(v->as<ast_binary_operator>());
       case ast_ternary_operator:                return replace(v->as<ast_ternary_operator>());
-      case ast_return_statement:                return replace(v->as<ast_return_statement>());
+      case ast_cast_as_operator:                return replace(v->as<ast_cast_as_operator>());
+      default:
+        throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "ASTReplacerInFunctionBody::replace");
+    }
+  }
+  AnyV replace(AnyV v) final {
+    switch (v->type) {
+      case ast_empty_statement:                 return replace(v->as<ast_empty_statement>());
       case ast_sequence:                        return replace(v->as<ast_sequence>());
+      case ast_return_statement:                return replace(v->as<ast_return_statement>());
+      case ast_if_statement:                    return replace(v->as<ast_if_statement>());
       case ast_repeat_statement:                return replace(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>());
       case ast_while_statement:                 return replace(v->as<ast_while_statement>());
       case ast_do_while_statement:              return replace(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>());
       case ast_throw_statement:                 return replace(v->as<ast_throw_statement>());
       case ast_assert_statement:                return replace(v->as<ast_assert_statement>());
       case ast_try_catch_statement:             return replace(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>());
-      case ast_if_statement:                    return replace(v->as<ast_if_statement>());
-      case ast_local_var:                       return replace(v->as<ast_local_var>());
-      case ast_local_vars_declaration:          return replace(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>());
-      case ast_asm_body:                        return replace(v->as<ast_asm_body>());
-      default:
-        throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "ASTReplacerInFunctionBody::visit");
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+      case ast_asm_body:
+        throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "ASTReplacer::replace");
+      default: {
+        // be very careful, don't forget to handle all statements (not expressions) above!
+        AnyExprV as_expr = reinterpret_cast<const ASTNodeExpressionBase*>(v);
+        return replace(as_expr);
+      }
-  void start_replacing_in_function(V<ast_function_declaration> v) {
-    replace(v->get_body());
+  virtual bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) = 0;
+  void start_replacing_in_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) {
+    replace(v_function->get_body());
-class ASTReplacerAllFunctionsInFile : public ASTReplacerInFunctionBody {
-  using parent = ASTReplacerAllFunctionsInFile;
-  virtual bool should_enter_function(V<ast_function_declaration> v) = 0;
+const std::vector<const FunctionData*>& get_all_not_builtin_functions();
-  void start_replacing_in_file(V<ast_tolk_file> v_file) {
-    for (AnyV v : v_file->get_toplevel_declarations()) {
-      if (auto v_function = v->try_as<ast_function_declaration>()) {
-        if (should_enter_function(v_function)) {
-          replace(v_function->get_body());
-        }
-      }
+template<class BodyReplacerT>
+void replace_ast_of_all_functions() {
+  BodyReplacerT visitor;
+  for (const FunctionData* fun_ref : get_all_not_builtin_functions()) {
+    if (visitor.should_visit_function(fun_ref)) {
+      visitor.start_replacing_in_function(fun_ref, fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>());
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/ast-replicator.h b/tolk/ast-replicator.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02198adb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/ast-replicator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#pragma once
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "platform-utils.h"
+namespace tolk {
+class ASTReplicator {
+  virtual AnyV clone(AnyV v) = 0;
+  virtual AnyExprV clone(AnyExprV v) = 0;
+  virtual TypePtr clone(TypePtr) = 0;
+  virtual ~ASTReplicator() = default;
+class ASTReplicatorFunction : public ASTReplicator {
+  using parent = ASTReplicatorFunction;
+  std::vector<AnyV> clone(const std::vector<AnyV>& items) {
+    std::vector<AnyV> result;
+    result.reserve(items.size());
+    for (AnyV item : items) {
+      result.push_back(clone(item));
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  std::vector<AnyExprV> clone(const std::vector<AnyExprV>& items) {
+    std::vector<AnyExprV> result;
+    result.reserve(items.size());
+    for (AnyExprV item : items) {
+      result.push_back(clone(item));
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  // expressions
+  virtual V<ast_empty_expression> clone(V<ast_empty_expression> v) {
+    return createV<ast_empty_expression>(v->loc);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_parenthesized_expression> clone(V<ast_parenthesized_expression> v) {
+    return createV<ast_parenthesized_expression>(v->loc, clone(v->get_expr()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_tensor> clone(V<ast_tensor> v) {
+    return createV<ast_tensor>(v->loc, clone(v->get_items()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_typed_tuple> clone(V<ast_typed_tuple> v) {
+    return createV<ast_typed_tuple>(v->loc, clone(v->get_items()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_reference> clone(V<ast_reference> v) {
+    return createV<ast_reference>(v->loc, clone(v->get_identifier()), v->has_instantiationTs() ? clone(v->get_instantiationTs()) : nullptr);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_local_var_lhs> clone(V<ast_local_var_lhs> v) {
+    return createV<ast_local_var_lhs>(v->loc, clone(v->get_identifier()), clone(v->declared_type), v->is_immutable, v->marked_as_redef);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_local_vars_declaration> clone(V<ast_local_vars_declaration> v) {
+    return createV<ast_local_vars_declaration>(v->loc, clone(v->get_expr()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_int_const> clone(V<ast_int_const> v) {
+    return createV<ast_int_const>(v->loc, v->intval, v->orig_str);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_string_const> clone(V<ast_string_const> v) {
+    return createV<ast_string_const>(v->loc, v->str_val, v->modifier);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_bool_const> clone(V<ast_bool_const> v) {
+    return createV<ast_bool_const>(v->loc, v->bool_val);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_null_keyword> clone(V<ast_null_keyword> v) {
+    return createV<ast_null_keyword>(v->loc);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_argument> clone(V<ast_argument> v) {
+    return createV<ast_argument>(v->loc, clone(v->get_expr()), v->passed_as_mutate);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_argument_list> clone(V<ast_argument_list> v) {
+    return createV<ast_argument_list>(v->loc, clone(v->get_arguments()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_dot_access> clone(V<ast_dot_access> v) {
+    return createV<ast_dot_access>(v->loc, clone(v->get_obj()), clone(v->get_identifier()), v->has_instantiationTs() ? clone(v->get_instantiationTs()) : nullptr);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_function_call> clone(V<ast_function_call> v) {
+    return createV<ast_function_call>(v->loc, clone(v->get_callee()), clone(v->get_arg_list()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_underscore> clone(V<ast_underscore> v) {
+    return createV<ast_underscore>(v->loc);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_assign> clone(V<ast_assign> v) {
+    return createV<ast_assign>(v->loc, clone(v->get_lhs()), clone(v->get_rhs()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_set_assign> clone(V<ast_set_assign> v) {
+    return createV<ast_set_assign>(v->loc, v->operator_name, v->tok, clone(v->get_lhs()), clone(v->get_rhs()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_unary_operator> clone(V<ast_unary_operator> v) {
+    return createV<ast_unary_operator>(v->loc, v->operator_name, v->tok, clone(v->get_rhs()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_binary_operator> clone(V<ast_binary_operator> v) {
+    return createV<ast_binary_operator>(v->loc, v->operator_name, v->tok, clone(v->get_lhs()), clone(v->get_rhs()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_ternary_operator> clone(V<ast_ternary_operator> v) {
+    return createV<ast_ternary_operator>(v->loc, clone(v->get_cond()), clone(v->get_when_true()), clone(v->get_when_false()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_cast_as_operator> clone(V<ast_cast_as_operator> v) {
+    return createV<ast_cast_as_operator>(v->loc, clone(v->get_expr()), clone(v->cast_to_type));
+  }
+  // statements
+  virtual V<ast_empty_statement> clone(V<ast_empty_statement> v) {
+    return createV<ast_empty_statement>(v->loc);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_sequence> clone(V<ast_sequence> v) {
+    return createV<ast_sequence>(v->loc, v->loc_end, clone(v->get_items()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_return_statement> clone(V<ast_return_statement> v) {
+    return createV<ast_return_statement>(v->loc, clone(v->get_return_value()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_if_statement> clone(V<ast_if_statement> v) {
+    return createV<ast_if_statement>(v->loc, v->is_ifnot, clone(v->get_cond()), clone(v->get_if_body()), clone(v->get_else_body()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_repeat_statement> clone(V<ast_repeat_statement> v) {
+    return createV<ast_repeat_statement>(v->loc, clone(v->get_cond()), clone(v->get_body()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_while_statement> clone(V<ast_while_statement> v) {
+    return createV<ast_while_statement>(v->loc, clone(v->get_cond()), clone(v->get_body()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_do_while_statement> clone(V<ast_do_while_statement> v) {
+    return createV<ast_do_while_statement>(v->loc, clone(v->get_body()), clone(v->get_cond()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_throw_statement> clone(V<ast_throw_statement> v) {
+    return createV<ast_throw_statement>(v->loc, clone(v->get_thrown_code()), clone(v->get_thrown_arg()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_assert_statement> clone(V<ast_assert_statement> v) {
+    return createV<ast_assert_statement>(v->loc, clone(v->get_cond()), clone(v->get_thrown_code()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_try_catch_statement> clone(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v) {
+    return createV<ast_try_catch_statement>(v->loc, clone(v->get_try_body()), clone(v->get_catch_expr()), clone(v->get_catch_body()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_asm_body> clone(V<ast_asm_body> v) {
+    return createV<ast_asm_body>(v->loc, v->arg_order, v->ret_order, clone(v->get_asm_commands()));
+  }
+  // other
+  virtual V<ast_identifier> clone(V<ast_identifier> v) {
+    return createV<ast_identifier>(v->loc, v->name);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_instantiationT_item> clone(V<ast_instantiationT_item> v) {
+    return createV<ast_instantiationT_item>(v->loc, clone(v->substituted_type));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_instantiationT_list> clone(V<ast_instantiationT_list> v) {
+    return createV<ast_instantiationT_list>(v->loc, clone(v->get_items()));
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_parameter> clone(V<ast_parameter> v) {
+    return createV<ast_parameter>(v->loc, v->param_name, clone(v->declared_type), v->declared_as_mutate);
+  }
+  virtual V<ast_parameter_list> clone(V<ast_parameter_list> v) {
+    return createV<ast_parameter_list>(v->loc, clone(v->get_params()));
+  }
+  AnyExprV clone(AnyExprV v) final {
+    switch (v->type) {
+      case ast_empty_expression:                return clone(v->as<ast_empty_expression>());
+      case ast_parenthesized_expression:        return clone(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expression>());
+      case ast_tensor:                          return clone(v->as<ast_tensor>());
+      case ast_typed_tuple:                     return clone(v->as<ast_typed_tuple>());
+      case ast_reference:                       return clone(v->as<ast_reference>());
+      case ast_local_var_lhs:                   return clone(v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>());
+      case ast_local_vars_declaration:          return clone(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>());
+      case ast_int_const:                       return clone(v->as<ast_int_const>());
+      case ast_string_const:                    return clone(v->as<ast_string_const>());
+      case ast_bool_const:                      return clone(v->as<ast_bool_const>());
+      case ast_null_keyword:                    return clone(v->as<ast_null_keyword>());
+      case ast_argument:                        return clone(v->as<ast_argument>());
+      case ast_argument_list:                   return clone(v->as<ast_argument_list>());
+      case ast_dot_access:                      return clone(v->as<ast_dot_access>());
+      case ast_function_call:                   return clone(v->as<ast_function_call>());
+      case ast_underscore:                      return clone(v->as<ast_underscore>());
+      case ast_assign:                          return clone(v->as<ast_assign>());
+      case ast_set_assign:                      return clone(v->as<ast_set_assign>());
+      case ast_unary_operator:                  return clone(v->as<ast_unary_operator>());
+      case ast_binary_operator:                 return clone(v->as<ast_binary_operator>());
+      case ast_ternary_operator:                return clone(v->as<ast_ternary_operator>());
+      case ast_cast_as_operator:                return clone(v->as<ast_cast_as_operator>());
+      default:
+        throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "ASTReplicatorFunction::clone");
+    }
+  }
+  AnyV clone(AnyV v) final {
+    switch (v->type) {
+      case ast_empty_statement:                 return clone(v->as<ast_empty_statement>());
+      case ast_sequence:                        return clone(v->as<ast_sequence>());
+      case ast_return_statement:                return clone(v->as<ast_return_statement>());
+      case ast_if_statement:                    return clone(v->as<ast_if_statement>());
+      case ast_repeat_statement:                return clone(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>());
+      case ast_while_statement:                 return clone(v->as<ast_while_statement>());
+      case ast_do_while_statement:              return clone(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>());
+      case ast_throw_statement:                 return clone(v->as<ast_throw_statement>());
+      case ast_assert_statement:                return clone(v->as<ast_assert_statement>());
+      case ast_try_catch_statement:             return clone(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>());
+      case ast_asm_body:                        return clone(v->as<ast_asm_body>());
+      // other AST nodes that can be children of ast nodes of function body
+      case ast_identifier:                      return clone(v->as<ast_identifier>());
+      case ast_instantiationT_item:             return clone(v->as<ast_instantiationT_item>());
+      case ast_instantiationT_list:             return clone(v->as<ast_instantiationT_list>());
+      case ast_parameter:                       return clone(v->as<ast_parameter>());
+      case ast_parameter_list:                  return clone(v->as<ast_parameter_list>());
+      default: {
+        // be very careful, don't forget to handle all statements/other (not expressions) above!
+        AnyExprV as_expr = reinterpret_cast<const ASTNodeExpressionBase*>(v);
+        return clone(as_expr);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  TypePtr clone(TypePtr t) override {
+    return t;
+  }
+ public:
+  virtual V<ast_function_declaration> clone_function_body(V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) {
+    return createV<ast_function_declaration>(
+      v_function->loc,
+      clone(v_function->get_identifier()),
+      clone(v_function->get_param_list()),
+      clone(v_function->get_body()->as<ast_sequence>()),
+      clone(v_function->declared_return_type),
+      v_function->genericsT_list,
+      v_function->method_id,
+      v_function->flags
+    );
+  }
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/ast-stringifier.h b/tolk/ast-stringifier.h
index 759873b04..4ec72cddc 100644
--- a/tolk/ast-stringifier.h
+++ b/tolk/ast-stringifier.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "ast.h"
 #include "ast-visitor.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
 #include <sstream>
@@ -31,46 +32,55 @@ namespace tolk {
 class ASTStringifier final : public ASTVisitor {
   constexpr static std::pair<ASTNodeType, const char*> name_pairs[] = {
-    {ast_empty, "ast_empty"},
-    {ast_parenthesized_expr, "ast_parenthesized_expr"},
-    {ast_tensor, "ast_tensor"},
-    {ast_tensor_square, "ast_tensor_square"},
     {ast_identifier, "ast_identifier"},
+    // expressions
+    {ast_empty_expression, "ast_empty_expression"},
+    {ast_parenthesized_expression, "ast_parenthesized_expression"},
+    {ast_tensor, "ast_tensor"},
+    {ast_typed_tuple, "ast_typed_tuple"},
+    {ast_reference, "ast_reference"},
+    {ast_local_var_lhs, "ast_local_var_lhs"},
+    {ast_local_vars_declaration, "ast_local_vars_declaration"},
     {ast_int_const, "ast_int_const"},
     {ast_string_const, "ast_string_const"},
     {ast_bool_const, "ast_bool_const"},
     {ast_null_keyword, "ast_null_keyword"},
-    {ast_self_keyword, "ast_self_keyword"},
     {ast_argument, "ast_argument"},
     {ast_argument_list, "ast_argument_list"},
+    {ast_dot_access, "ast_dot_access"},
     {ast_function_call, "ast_function_call"},
-    {ast_dot_method_call, "ast_dot_method_call"},
-    {ast_global_var_declaration, "ast_global_var_declaration"},
-    {ast_constant_declaration, "ast_constant_declaration"},
     {ast_underscore, "ast_underscore"},
+    {ast_assign, "ast_assign"},
+    {ast_set_assign, "ast_set_assign"},
     {ast_unary_operator, "ast_unary_operator"},
     {ast_binary_operator, "ast_binary_operator"},
     {ast_ternary_operator, "ast_ternary_operator"},
-    {ast_return_statement, "ast_return_statement"},
+    {ast_cast_as_operator, "ast_cast_as_operator"},
+    // statements
+    {ast_empty_statement, "ast_empty_statement"},
     {ast_sequence, "ast_sequence"},
+    {ast_return_statement, "ast_return_statement"},
+    {ast_if_statement, "ast_if_statement"},
     {ast_repeat_statement, "ast_repeat_statement"},
     {ast_while_statement, "ast_while_statement"},
     {ast_do_while_statement, "ast_do_while_statement"},
     {ast_throw_statement, "ast_throw_statement"},
     {ast_assert_statement, "ast_assert_statement"},
     {ast_try_catch_statement, "ast_try_catch_statement"},
-    {ast_if_statement, "ast_if_statement"},
+    {ast_asm_body, "ast_asm_body"},
+    // other
     {ast_genericsT_item, "ast_genericsT_item"},
     {ast_genericsT_list, "ast_genericsT_list"},
+    {ast_instantiationT_item, "ast_instantiationT_item"},
+    {ast_instantiationT_list, "ast_instantiationT_list"},
     {ast_parameter, "ast_parameter"},
     {ast_parameter_list, "ast_parameter_list"},
-    {ast_asm_body, "ast_asm_body"},
     {ast_annotation, "ast_annotation"},
     {ast_function_declaration, "ast_function_declaration"},
-    {ast_local_var, "ast_local_var"},
-    {ast_local_vars_declaration, "ast_local_vars_declaration"},
+    {ast_global_var_declaration, "ast_global_var_declaration"},
+    {ast_constant_declaration, "ast_constant_declaration"},
     {ast_tolk_required_version, "ast_tolk_required_version"},
-    {ast_import_statement, "ast_import_statement"},
+    {ast_import_directive, "ast_import_directive"},
     {ast_tolk_file, "ast_tolk_file"},
@@ -114,62 +124,94 @@ class ASTStringifier final : public ASTVisitor {
     switch (v->type) {
       case ast_identifier:
         return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_identifier>()->name);
+      case ast_reference: {
+        std::string result(v->as<ast_reference>()->get_name());
+        if (v->as<ast_reference>()->has_instantiationTs()) {
+          result += specific_str(v->as<ast_reference>()->get_instantiationTs());
+        }
+        return result;
+      }
       case ast_int_const:
-        return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_int_const>()->int_val);
+        return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_int_const>()->orig_str);
       case ast_string_const:
         if (char modifier = v->as<ast_string_const>()->modifier) {
           return "\"" + static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_string_const>()->str_val) + "\"" + std::string(1, modifier);
         } else {
           return "\"" + static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_string_const>()->str_val) + "\"";
+      case ast_bool_const:
+        return v->as<ast_bool_const>()->bool_val ? "true" : "false";
+      case ast_dot_access: {
+        std::string result = "." + static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_dot_access>()->get_field_name());
+        if (v->as<ast_dot_access>()->has_instantiationTs()) {
+          result += specific_str(v->as<ast_dot_access>()->get_instantiationTs());
+        }
+        return result;
+      }
       case ast_function_call: {
-        if (auto v_lhs = v->as<ast_function_call>()->get_called_f()->try_as<ast_identifier>()) {
-          return static_cast<std::string>(v_lhs->name) + "()";
+        std::string inner = specific_str(v->as<ast_function_call>()->get_callee());
+        if (int n_args = v->as<ast_function_call>()->get_num_args()) {
+          return inner + "(..."  + std::to_string(n_args) + ")";
-        return {};
+        return inner + "()";
-      case ast_dot_method_call:
-        return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_dot_method_call>()->method_name);
       case ast_global_var_declaration:
         return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_global_var_declaration>()->get_identifier()->name);
       case ast_constant_declaration:
         return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_constant_declaration>()->get_identifier()->name);
+      case ast_assign:
+        return "=";
+      case ast_set_assign:
+        return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_set_assign>()->operator_name) + "=";
       case ast_unary_operator:
         return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_unary_operator>()->operator_name);
       case ast_binary_operator:
         return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_binary_operator>()->operator_name);
+      case ast_cast_as_operator:
+        return v->as<ast_cast_as_operator>()->cast_to_type->as_human_readable();
       case ast_sequence:
         return "↓" + std::to_string(v->as<ast_sequence>()->get_items().size());
+      case ast_instantiationT_item:
+        return v->as<ast_instantiationT_item>()->substituted_type->as_human_readable();
       case ast_if_statement:
         return v->as<ast_if_statement>()->is_ifnot ? "ifnot" : "";
       case ast_annotation:
         return annotation_kinds[static_cast<int>(v->as<ast_annotation>()->kind)].second;
       case ast_parameter: {
         std::ostringstream os;
-        os << v->as<ast_parameter>()->param_type;
-        return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_parameter>()->get_identifier()->name) + ": " + os.str();
+        os << v->as<ast_parameter>()->declared_type;
+        return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_parameter>()->param_name) + ": " + os.str();
       case ast_function_declaration: {
         std::string param_names;
         for (int i = 0; i < v->as<ast_function_declaration>()->get_num_params(); i++) {
           if (!param_names.empty())
             param_names += ",";
-          param_names += v->as<ast_function_declaration>()->get_param(i)->get_identifier()->name;
+          param_names += v->as<ast_function_declaration>()->get_param(i)->param_name;
         return "fun " + static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_function_declaration>()->get_identifier()->name) + "(" + param_names + ")";
-      case ast_local_var: {
+      case ast_local_var_lhs: {
         std::ostringstream os;
-        os << v->as<ast_local_var>()->declared_type;
-        if (auto v_ident = v->as<ast_local_var>()->get_identifier()->try_as<ast_identifier>()) {
-          return static_cast<std::string>(v_ident->name) + ":" + os.str();
+        os << (v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>()->inferred_type ? v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>()->inferred_type : v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>()->declared_type);
+        if (v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>()->get_name().empty()) {
+          return "_: " + os.str();
+        }
+        return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>()->get_name()) + ":" + os.str();
+      }
+      case ast_instantiationT_list: {
+        std::string result = "<";
+        for (AnyV item : v->as<ast_instantiationT_list>()->get_items()) {
+          if (result.size() > 1)
+            result += ",";
+          result += item->as<ast_instantiationT_item>()->substituted_type->as_human_readable();
-        return "_: " + os.str();
+        return result + ">";
       case ast_tolk_required_version:
         return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_tolk_required_version>()->semver);
-      case ast_import_statement:
-        return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_import_statement>()->get_file_leaf()->str_val);
+      case ast_import_directive:
+        return static_cast<std::string>(v->as<ast_import_directive>()->get_file_leaf()->str_val);
       case ast_tolk_file:
         return v->as<ast_tolk_file>()->file->rel_filename;
@@ -202,46 +244,55 @@ class ASTStringifier final : public ASTVisitor {
   void visit(AnyV v) override {
     switch (v->type) {
-      case ast_empty:                         return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_empty>());
-      case ast_parenthesized_expr:            return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expr>());
-      case ast_tensor:                        return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_tensor>());
-      case ast_tensor_square:                 return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_tensor_square>());
       case ast_identifier:                    return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_identifier>());
+      // expressions
+      case ast_empty_expression:              return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_empty_expression>());
+      case ast_parenthesized_expression:      return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expression>());
+      case ast_tensor:                        return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_tensor>());
+      case ast_typed_tuple:                   return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_typed_tuple>());
+      case ast_reference:                     return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_reference>());
+      case ast_local_var_lhs:                 return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>());
+      case ast_local_vars_declaration:        return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>());
       case ast_int_const:                     return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_int_const>());
       case ast_string_const:                  return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_string_const>());
       case ast_bool_const:                    return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_bool_const>());
       case ast_null_keyword:                  return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_null_keyword>());
-      case ast_self_keyword:                  return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_self_keyword>());
       case ast_argument:                      return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_argument>());
       case ast_argument_list:                 return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_argument_list>());
+      case ast_dot_access:                    return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_dot_access>());
       case ast_function_call:                 return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_function_call>());
-      case ast_dot_method_call:               return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_dot_method_call>());
-      case ast_global_var_declaration:        return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_global_var_declaration>());
-      case ast_constant_declaration:          return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_constant_declaration>());
       case ast_underscore:                    return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_underscore>());
+      case ast_assign:                        return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_assign>());
+      case ast_set_assign:                    return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_set_assign>());
       case ast_unary_operator:                return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_unary_operator>());
       case ast_binary_operator:               return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_binary_operator>());
       case ast_ternary_operator:              return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_ternary_operator>());
-      case ast_return_statement:              return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_return_statement>());
+      case ast_cast_as_operator:              return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_cast_as_operator>());
+      // statements
+      case ast_empty_statement:               return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_empty_statement>());
       case ast_sequence:                      return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_sequence>());
+      case ast_return_statement:              return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_return_statement>());
+      case ast_if_statement:                  return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_if_statement>());
       case ast_repeat_statement:              return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>());
       case ast_while_statement:               return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_while_statement>());
       case ast_do_while_statement:            return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>());
       case ast_throw_statement:               return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_throw_statement>());
       case ast_assert_statement:              return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_assert_statement>());
       case ast_try_catch_statement:           return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>());
-      case ast_if_statement:                  return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_if_statement>());
+      case ast_asm_body:                      return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_asm_body>());
+      // other
       case ast_genericsT_item:                return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_genericsT_item>());
       case ast_genericsT_list:                return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_genericsT_list>());
+      case ast_instantiationT_item:           return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_instantiationT_item>());
+      case ast_instantiationT_list:           return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_instantiationT_list>());
       case ast_parameter:                     return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_parameter>());
       case ast_parameter_list:                return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_parameter_list>());
-      case ast_asm_body:                      return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_asm_body>());
       case ast_annotation:                    return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_annotation>());
       case ast_function_declaration:          return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_function_declaration>());
-      case ast_local_var:                     return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_local_var>());
-      case ast_local_vars_declaration:        return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>());
+      case ast_global_var_declaration:        return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_global_var_declaration>());
+      case ast_constant_declaration:          return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_constant_declaration>());
       case ast_tolk_required_version:         return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_tolk_required_version>());
-      case ast_import_statement:              return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_import_statement>());
+      case ast_import_directive:              return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_import_directive>());
       case ast_tolk_file:                     return handle_vertex(v->as<ast_tolk_file>());
         throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "ASTStringifier::visit");
diff --git a/tolk/ast-visitor.h b/tolk/ast-visitor.h
index d0a7bfaf6..a54cb13be 100644
--- a/tolk/ast-visitor.h
+++ b/tolk/ast-visitor.h
@@ -37,20 +37,40 @@ namespace tolk {
 class ASTVisitor {
-  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE static void visit_children(const ASTNodeLeaf* v) {
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE static void visit_children(const ASTExprLeaf* v) {
-  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit_children(const ASTNodeUnary* v) {
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit_children(const ASTExprUnary* v) {
-  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit_children(const ASTNodeBinary* v) {
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit_children(const ASTExprBinary* v) {
-  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit_children(const ASTNodeVararg* v) {
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit_children(const ASTExprVararg* v) {
+    for (AnyExprV child : v->children) {
+      visit(child);
+    }
+  }
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit_children(const ASTStatementUnary* v) {
+    visit(v->child);
+  }
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit_children(const ASTStatementVararg* v) {
+    for (AnyV child : v->children) {
+      visit(child);
+    }
+  }
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE static void visit_children(const ASTOtherLeaf* v) {
+    static_cast<void>(v);
+  }
+  GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE void visit_children(const ASTOtherVararg* v) {
     for (AnyV child : v->children) {
@@ -66,90 +86,105 @@ class ASTVisitorFunctionBody : public ASTVisitor {
   using parent = ASTVisitorFunctionBody;
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_empty> v)                     { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_parenthesized_expr> v)        { return visit_children(v); }
+  // expressions
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_empty_expression> v)          { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_parenthesized_expression> v)  { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_tensor> v)                    { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_tensor_square> v)             { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_identifier> v)                { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_typed_tuple> v)               { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_reference> v)                 { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_local_var_lhs> v)             { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_local_vars_declaration> v)    { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_int_const> v)                 { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_string_const> v)              { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_bool_const> v)                { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_null_keyword> v)              { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_self_keyword> v)              { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_argument> v)                  { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_argument_list> v)             { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_dot_access> v)                { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_function_call> v)             { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_dot_method_call> v)            { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_underscore> v)                { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_assign> v)                    { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_set_assign> v)                { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_unary_operator> v)            { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_binary_operator> v)           { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_ternary_operator> v)          { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_return_statement> v)          { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_cast_as_operator> v)          { return visit_children(v); }
+  // statements
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_empty_statement> v)           { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_sequence> v)                  { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_return_statement> v)          { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_if_statement> v)              { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_repeat_statement> v)          { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_while_statement> v)           { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_do_while_statement> v)        { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_throw_statement> v)           { return visit_children(v); }
+  virtual void visit(V<ast_assert_statement> v)          { return visit_children(v); }
   virtual void visit(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v)       { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_if_statement> v)              { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_local_var> v)                 { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_local_vars_declaration> v)    { return visit_children(v); }
-  virtual void visit(V<ast_asm_body> v)                  { return visit_children(v); }
   void visit(AnyV v) final {
     switch (v->type) {
-      case ast_empty:                           return visit(v->as<ast_empty>());
-      case ast_parenthesized_expr:              return visit(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expr>());
+      // expressions
+      case ast_empty_expression:                return visit(v->as<ast_empty_expression>());
+      case ast_parenthesized_expression:        return visit(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expression>());
       case ast_tensor:                          return visit(v->as<ast_tensor>());
-      case ast_tensor_square:                   return visit(v->as<ast_tensor_square>());
-      case ast_identifier:                      return visit(v->as<ast_identifier>());
+      case ast_typed_tuple:                     return visit(v->as<ast_typed_tuple>());
+      case ast_reference:                       return visit(v->as<ast_reference>());
+      case ast_local_var_lhs:                   return visit(v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>());
+      case ast_local_vars_declaration:          return visit(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>());
       case ast_int_const:                       return visit(v->as<ast_int_const>());
       case ast_string_const:                    return visit(v->as<ast_string_const>());
       case ast_bool_const:                      return visit(v->as<ast_bool_const>());
       case ast_null_keyword:                    return visit(v->as<ast_null_keyword>());
-      case ast_self_keyword:                    return visit(v->as<ast_self_keyword>());
+      case ast_argument:                        return visit(v->as<ast_argument>());
+      case ast_argument_list:                   return visit(v->as<ast_argument_list>());
+      case ast_dot_access:                      return visit(v->as<ast_dot_access>());
       case ast_function_call:                   return visit(v->as<ast_function_call>());
-      case ast_dot_method_call:                 return visit(v->as<ast_dot_method_call>());
       case ast_underscore:                      return visit(v->as<ast_underscore>());
+      case ast_assign:                          return visit(v->as<ast_assign>());
+      case ast_set_assign:                      return visit(v->as<ast_set_assign>());
       case ast_unary_operator:                  return visit(v->as<ast_unary_operator>());
       case ast_binary_operator:                 return visit(v->as<ast_binary_operator>());
       case ast_ternary_operator:                return visit(v->as<ast_ternary_operator>());
-      case ast_return_statement:                return visit(v->as<ast_return_statement>());
+      case ast_cast_as_operator:                return visit(v->as<ast_cast_as_operator>());
+      // statements
+      case ast_empty_statement:                 return visit(v->as<ast_empty_statement>());
       case ast_sequence:                        return visit(v->as<ast_sequence>());
+      case ast_return_statement:                return visit(v->as<ast_return_statement>());
+      case ast_if_statement:                    return visit(v->as<ast_if_statement>());
       case ast_repeat_statement:                return visit(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>());
       case ast_while_statement:                 return visit(v->as<ast_while_statement>());
       case ast_do_while_statement:              return visit(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>());
       case ast_throw_statement:                 return visit(v->as<ast_throw_statement>());
       case ast_assert_statement:                return visit(v->as<ast_assert_statement>());
       case ast_try_catch_statement:             return visit(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>());
-      case ast_if_statement:                    return visit(v->as<ast_if_statement>());
-      case ast_local_var:                       return visit(v->as<ast_local_var>());
-      case ast_local_vars_declaration:          return visit(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>());
-      case ast_asm_body:                        return visit(v->as<ast_asm_body>());
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+      case ast_asm_body:
+        throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "ASTVisitor; forgot to filter out asm functions in should_visit_function()?");
         throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "ASTVisitorFunctionBody::visit");
-  void start_visiting_function(V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) {
+  virtual bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) = 0;
+  virtual void start_visiting_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) {
-class ASTVisitorAllFunctionsInFile : public ASTVisitorFunctionBody {
-  using parent = ASTVisitorAllFunctionsInFile;
-  virtual bool should_enter_function(V<ast_function_declaration> v) = 0;
+const std::vector<const FunctionData*>& get_all_not_builtin_functions();
-  void start_visiting_file(V<ast_tolk_file> v_file) {
-    for (AnyV v : v_file->get_toplevel_declarations()) {
-      if (auto v_func = v->try_as<ast_function_declaration>()) {
-        if (should_enter_function(v_func)) {
-          visit(v_func->get_body());
-        }
-      }
+template<class BodyVisitorT>
+void visit_ast_of_all_functions() {
+  BodyVisitorT visitor;
+  for (const FunctionData* fun_ref : get_all_not_builtin_functions()) {
+    if (visitor.should_visit_function(fun_ref)) {
+      visitor.start_visiting_function(fun_ref, fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>());
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/ast.cpp b/tolk/ast.cpp
index b1af51005..092260ffc 100644
--- a/tolk/ast.cpp
+++ b/tolk/ast.cpp
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
     along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 #include "ast.h"
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
 #include "ast-stringifier.h"
-#include <iostream>
 namespace tolk {
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ int Vertex<ast_genericsT_list>::lookup_idx(std::string_view nameT) const {
 int Vertex<ast_parameter_list>::lookup_idx(std::string_view param_name) const {
   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < children.size(); ++idx) {
-    if (children[idx] && children[idx]->as<ast_parameter>()->get_identifier()->name == param_name) {
+    if (children[idx] && children[idx]->as<ast_parameter>()->param_name == param_name) {
       return static_cast<int>(idx);
@@ -96,8 +97,100 @@ int Vertex<ast_parameter_list>::get_mutate_params_count() const {
   return n;
-void Vertex<ast_import_statement>::mutate_set_src_file(const SrcFile* file) const {
-  const_cast<Vertex*>(this)->file = file;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// "assign" methods
+// From the user's point of view, all AST vertices are constant, fields are public, but can't be modified.
+// The only way to modify a field is to call "mutate()" and then use these "assign_*" methods.
+// Therefore, there is a guarantee, that all AST mutations are done via these methods,
+// easily searched by usages, and there is no another way to modify any other field.
+void ASTNodeExpressionBase::assign_inferred_type(TypePtr type) {
+  this->inferred_type = type;
+void ASTNodeExpressionBase::assign_rvalue_true() {
+  this->is_rvalue = true;
+void ASTNodeExpressionBase::assign_lvalue_true() {
+  this->is_lvalue = true;
+void Vertex<ast_reference>::assign_sym(const Symbol* sym) {
+  this->sym = sym;
+void Vertex<ast_function_call>::assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  this->fun_maybe = fun_ref;
+void Vertex<ast_cast_as_operator>::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr cast_to_type) {
+  this->cast_to_type = cast_to_type;
+void Vertex<ast_global_var_declaration>::assign_var_ref(const GlobalVarData* var_ref) {
+  this->var_ref = var_ref;
+void Vertex<ast_global_var_declaration>::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type) {
+  this->declared_type = declared_type;
+void Vertex<ast_constant_declaration>::assign_const_ref(const GlobalConstData* const_ref) {
+  this->const_ref = const_ref;
+void Vertex<ast_constant_declaration>::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type) {
+  this->declared_type = declared_type;
+void Vertex<ast_instantiationT_item>::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr substituted_type) {
+  this->substituted_type = substituted_type;
+void Vertex<ast_parameter>::assign_param_ref(const LocalVarData* param_ref) {
+  this->param_ref = param_ref;
+void Vertex<ast_parameter>::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type) {
+  this->declared_type = declared_type;
+void Vertex<ast_set_assign>::assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  this->fun_ref = fun_ref;
+void Vertex<ast_unary_operator>::assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  this->fun_ref = fun_ref;
+void Vertex<ast_binary_operator>::assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  this->fun_ref = fun_ref;
+void Vertex<ast_dot_access>::assign_target(const DotTarget& target) {
+  this->target = target;
+void Vertex<ast_function_declaration>::assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  this->fun_ref = fun_ref;
+void Vertex<ast_function_declaration>::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_return_type) {
+  this->declared_return_type = declared_return_type;
+void Vertex<ast_local_var_lhs>::assign_var_ref(const LocalVarData* var_ref) {
+  this->var_ref = var_ref;
+void Vertex<ast_local_var_lhs>::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type) {
+  this->declared_type = declared_type;
+void Vertex<ast_import_directive>::assign_src_file(const SrcFile* file) {
+  this->file = file;
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/ast.h b/tolk/ast.h
index fd2b27cbf..b90507e7e 100644
--- a/tolk/ast.h
+++ b/tolk/ast.h
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <string>
+#include "fwd-declarations.h"
 #include "platform-utils.h"
 #include "src-file.h"
-#include "type-expr.h"
 #include "lexer.h"
+#include "symtable.h"
  *   Here we introduce AST representation of Tolk source code.
@@ -32,14 +33,18 @@
  *   From the user's point of view, all AST vertices are constant. All API is based on constancy.
  * Even though fields of vertex structs are public, they can't be modified, since vertices are accepted by const ref.
- *   Generally, there are two ways of accepting a vertex:
+ *   Generally, there are three ways of accepting a vertex:
  *   * AnyV (= const ASTNodeBase*)
  *     the only you can do with this vertex is to see v->type (ASTNodeType) and to cast via v->as<node_type>()
+ *   * AnyExprV (= const ASTNodeExpressionBase*)
+ *     in contains expression-specific properties (lvalue/rvalue, inferred type)
  *   * V<node_type> (= const Vertex<node_type>*)
  *     a specific type of vertex, you can use its fields and methods
  *   There is one way of creating a vertex:
  *   * createV<node_type>(...constructor_args)   (= new Vertex<node_type>(...))
  *     vertices are currently created on a heap, without any custom memory arena, just allocated and never deleted
+ *   The only way to modify a field is to use "mutate()" method (drops constancy, the only point of mutation)
+ *   and then to call "assign_*" method, like "assign_sym", "assign_src_file", etc.
  *   Having AnyV and knowing its node_type, a call
  *     v->as<node_type>()
@@ -59,46 +64,55 @@
 namespace tolk {
 enum ASTNodeType {
-  ast_empty,
-  ast_parenthesized_expr,
-  ast_tensor,
-  ast_tensor_square,
+  // expressions
+  ast_empty_expression,
+  ast_parenthesized_expression,
+  ast_tensor,
+  ast_typed_tuple,
+  ast_reference,
+  ast_local_var_lhs,
+  ast_local_vars_declaration,
-  ast_self_keyword,
+  ast_dot_access,
-  ast_dot_method_call,
-  ast_global_var_declaration,
-  ast_constant_declaration,
+  ast_assign,
+  ast_set_assign,
-  ast_return_statement,
+  ast_cast_as_operator,
+  // statements
+  ast_empty_statement,
+  ast_return_statement,
+  ast_if_statement,
-  ast_if_statement,
+  ast_asm_body,
+  // other
+  ast_instantiationT_item,
+  ast_instantiationT_list,
-  ast_asm_body,
-  ast_local_var,
-  ast_local_vars_declaration,
+  ast_global_var_declaration,
+  ast_constant_declaration,
-  ast_import_statement,
+  ast_import_directive,
@@ -111,10 +125,6 @@ enum class AnnotationKind {
-struct ASTNodeBase;
-using AnyV = const ASTNodeBase*;
 template<ASTNodeType node_type>
 struct Vertex;
@@ -141,6 +151,7 @@ struct ASTNodeBase {
   const SrcLocation loc;
   ASTNodeBase(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc) : type(type), loc(loc) {}
+  ASTNodeBase(const ASTNodeBase&) = delete;
   template<ASTNodeType node_type>
   V<node_type> as() const {
@@ -157,7 +168,7 @@ struct ASTNodeBase {
     return type == node_type ? static_cast<V<node_type>>(this) : nullptr;
-  #ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
   std::string to_debug_string() const { return to_debug_string(false); }
   std::string to_debug_string(bool colored) const;
   void debug_print() const;
@@ -167,46 +178,123 @@ struct ASTNodeBase {
   void error(const std::string& err_msg) const;
-struct ASTNodeLeaf : ASTNodeBase {
+struct ASTNodeExpressionBase : ASTNodeBase {
+  friend class ASTDuplicatorFunction;
+  TypePtr inferred_type = nullptr;
+  bool is_rvalue: 1 = false;
+  bool is_lvalue: 1 = false;
+  ASTNodeExpressionBase* mutate() const { return const_cast<ASTNodeExpressionBase*>(this); }
+  void assign_inferred_type(TypePtr type);
+  void assign_rvalue_true();
+  void assign_lvalue_true();
+  ASTNodeExpressionBase(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc) : ASTNodeBase(type, loc) {}
+struct ASTNodeStatementBase : ASTNodeBase {
+  ASTNodeStatementBase(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc) : ASTNodeBase(type, loc) {}
+struct ASTExprLeaf : ASTNodeExpressionBase {
   friend class ASTVisitor;
   friend class ASTReplacer;
-  ASTNodeLeaf(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc)
-    : ASTNodeBase(type, loc) {}
+  ASTExprLeaf(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc)
+    : ASTNodeExpressionBase(type, loc) {}
+struct ASTExprUnary : ASTNodeExpressionBase {
+  friend class ASTVisitor;
+  friend class ASTReplacer;
+  AnyExprV child;
+  ASTExprUnary(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV child)
+    : ASTNodeExpressionBase(type, loc), child(child) {}
+struct ASTExprBinary : ASTNodeExpressionBase {
+  friend class ASTVisitor;
+  friend class ASTReplacer;
+  AnyExprV lhs;
+  AnyExprV rhs;
+  ASTExprBinary(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV lhs, AnyExprV rhs)
+    : ASTNodeExpressionBase(type, loc), lhs(lhs), rhs(rhs) {}
+struct ASTExprVararg : ASTNodeExpressionBase {
+  friend class ASTVisitor;
+  friend class ASTReplacer;
+  std::vector<AnyExprV> children;
+  AnyExprV child(int i) const { return children.at(i); }
+  ASTExprVararg(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyExprV> children)
+    : ASTNodeExpressionBase(type, loc), children(std::move(children)) {}
+  int size() const { return static_cast<int>(children.size()); }
+  bool empty() const { return children.empty(); }
-struct ASTNodeUnary : ASTNodeBase {
+struct ASTStatementUnary : ASTNodeStatementBase {
   friend class ASTVisitor;
   friend class ASTReplacer;
   AnyV child;
-  ASTNodeUnary(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc, AnyV child)
-    : ASTNodeBase(type, loc), child(child) {}
+  AnyExprV child_as_expr() const { return reinterpret_cast<AnyExprV>(child); }
+  ASTStatementUnary(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc, AnyV child)
+    : ASTNodeStatementBase(type, loc), child(child) {}
-struct ASTNodeBinary : ASTNodeBase {
+struct ASTStatementVararg : ASTNodeStatementBase {
   friend class ASTVisitor;
   friend class ASTReplacer;
-  AnyV lhs;
-  AnyV rhs;
+  std::vector<AnyV> children;
+  AnyExprV child_as_expr(int i) const { return reinterpret_cast<AnyExprV>(children.at(i)); }
+  ASTStatementVararg(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyV> children)
+    : ASTNodeStatementBase(type, loc), children(std::move(children)) {}
-  ASTNodeBinary(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc, AnyV lhs, AnyV rhs)
-    : ASTNodeBase(type, loc), lhs(lhs), rhs(rhs) {}
+  int size() const { return static_cast<int>(children.size()); }
+  bool empty() const { return children.empty(); }
-struct ASTNodeVararg : ASTNodeBase {
+struct ASTOtherLeaf : ASTNodeBase {
+  friend class ASTVisitor;
+  friend class ASTReplacer;
+  ASTOtherLeaf(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc)
+    : ASTNodeBase(type, loc) {}
+struct ASTOtherVararg : ASTNodeBase {
   friend class ASTVisitor;
   friend class ASTReplacer;
   std::vector<AnyV> children;
-  ASTNodeVararg(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyV> children)
+  AnyExprV child_as_expr(int i) const { return reinterpret_cast<AnyExprV>(children.at(i)); }
+  ASTOtherVararg(ASTNodeType type, SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyV> children)
     : ASTNodeBase(type, loc), children(std::move(children)) {}
@@ -214,312 +302,615 @@ struct ASTNodeVararg : ASTNodeBase {
   bool empty() const { return children.empty(); }
+// ast_identifier is "a name" in AST structure
+// it's NOT a standalone expression, it's "implementation details" of other AST vertices
+// example: `var x = 5` then "x" is identifier (inside local var declaration)
+// example: `global g: int` then "g" is identifier
+// example: `someF` is a reference, which contains identifier
+// example: `someF<int>` is a reference which contains identifier and generics instantiation
+// example: `fun f<T>()` then "f" is identifier, "<T>" is a generics declaration
+struct Vertex<ast_identifier> final : ASTOtherLeaf {
+  std::string_view name;    // empty for underscore
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view name)
+    : ASTOtherLeaf(ast_identifier, loc)
+    , name(name) {}
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
+//     expressions
-struct Vertex<ast_empty> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
+// ast_empty_expression is "nothing" in context of expression, it has "unknown" type
+// example: `throw 123;` then "throw arg" is empty expression (opposed to `throw (123, arg)`)
+struct Vertex<ast_empty_expression> final : ASTExprLeaf {
   explicit Vertex(SrcLocation loc)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_empty, loc) {}
+    : ASTExprLeaf(ast_empty_expression, loc) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_parenthesized_expr> final : ASTNodeUnary {
-  AnyV get_expr() const { return child; }
+// ast_parenthesized_expression is something surrounded embraced by (parenthesis)
+// example: `(1)`, `((f()))` (two nested)
+struct Vertex<ast_parenthesized_expression> final : ASTExprUnary {
+  AnyExprV get_expr() const { return child; }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV expr)
-    : ASTNodeUnary(ast_parenthesized_expr, loc, expr) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV expr)
+    : ASTExprUnary(ast_parenthesized_expression, loc, expr) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_tensor> final : ASTNodeVararg {
-  const std::vector<AnyV>& get_items() const { return children; }
-  AnyV get_item(int i) const { return children.at(i); }
+// ast_tensor is a set of expressions embraced by (parenthesis)
+// in most languages, it's called "tuple", but in TVM, "tuple" is a TVM primitive, that's why "tensor"
+// example: `(1, 2)`, `(1, (2, 3))` (nested), `()` (empty tensor)
+// note, that `(1)` is not a tensor, it's a parenthesized expression
+// a tensor of N elements occupies N slots on a stack (opposed to TVM tuple primitive, 1 slot)
+struct Vertex<ast_tensor> final : ASTExprVararg {
+  const std::vector<AnyExprV>& get_items() const { return children; }
+  AnyExprV get_item(int i) const { return child(i); }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyExprV> items)
+    : ASTExprVararg(ast_tensor, loc, std::move(items)) {}
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyV> items)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_tensor, loc, std::move(items)) {}
+// ast_typed_tuple is a set of expressions in [square brackets]
+// in TVM, it's a TVM tuple, that occupies 1 slot, but the compiler knows its "typed structure"
+// example: `[1, x]`, `[[0]]` (nested)
+// typed tuples can be assigned to N variables, like `[one, _, three] = [1,2,3]`
+struct Vertex<ast_typed_tuple> final : ASTExprVararg {
+  const std::vector<AnyExprV>& get_items() const { return children; }
+  AnyExprV get_item(int i) const { return child(i); }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyExprV> items)
+    : ASTExprVararg(ast_typed_tuple, loc, std::move(items)) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_tensor_square> final : ASTNodeVararg {
-  const std::vector<AnyV>& get_items() const { return children; }
-  AnyV get_item(int i) const { return children.at(i); }
+// ast_reference is "something that references a symbol"
+// examples: `x` / `someF` / `someF<int>`
+// it's a leaf expression from traversing point of view, but actually, has children (not expressions)
+// note, that both `someF()` and `someF<int>()` are function calls, where a callee is just a reference
+struct Vertex<ast_reference> final : ASTExprLeaf {
+  V<ast_identifier> identifier;                // its name, `x` / `someF`
+  V<ast_instantiationT_list> instantiationTs;  // not null if `<int>`, otherwise nullptr
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyV> items)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_tensor_square, loc, std::move(items)) {}
+  const Symbol* sym = nullptr;  // filled on resolve or type inferring; points to local / global / function / constant
+  auto get_identifier() const { return identifier; }
+  bool has_instantiationTs() const { return instantiationTs != nullptr; }
+  auto get_instantiationTs() const { return instantiationTs; }
+  std::string_view get_name() const { return identifier->name; }
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_sym(const Symbol* sym);
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_identifier> name_identifier, V<ast_instantiationT_list> instantiationTs)
+    : ASTExprLeaf(ast_reference, loc)
+    , identifier(name_identifier), instantiationTs(instantiationTs) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_identifier> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
-  std::string_view name;
+// ast_local_var_lhs is one variable inside `var` declaration
+// example: `var x = 0;` then "x" is local var lhs
+// example: `val (x: int, [y redef], _) = rhs` then "x" and "y" and "_" are
+// it's a leaf from expression's point of view, though technically has an "identifier" child
+struct Vertex<ast_local_var_lhs> final : ASTExprLeaf {
+  V<ast_identifier> identifier;
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view name)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_identifier, loc), name(name) {}
+  const LocalVarData* var_ref = nullptr;  // filled on resolve identifiers; for `redef` points to declared above; for underscore, name is empty
+  TypePtr declared_type;            // not null for `var x: int = rhs`, otherwise nullptr
+  bool is_immutable;                // declared via 'val', not 'var'
+  bool marked_as_redef;             // var (existing_var redef, new_var: int) = ...
+  V<ast_identifier> get_identifier() const { return identifier; }
+  std::string_view get_name() const { return identifier->name; }     // empty for underscore
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_var_ref(const LocalVarData* var_ref);
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_identifier> identifier, TypePtr declared_type, bool is_immutable, bool marked_as_redef)
+    : ASTExprLeaf(ast_local_var_lhs, loc)
+    , identifier(identifier), declared_type(declared_type), is_immutable(is_immutable), marked_as_redef(marked_as_redef) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_int_const> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
-  std::string_view int_val;
+// ast_local_vars_declaration is an expression declaring local variables on the left side of assignment
+// examples: see above
+// for `var (x, [y])` its expr is "tensor (local var, typed tuple (local var))"
+// for assignment `var x = 5`, this node is `var x`, lhs of assignment
+struct Vertex<ast_local_vars_declaration> final : ASTExprUnary {
+  AnyExprV get_expr() const { return child; } // ast_local_var_lhs / ast_tensor / ast_typed_tuple
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV expr)
+    : ASTExprUnary(ast_local_vars_declaration, loc, expr) {}
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view int_val)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_int_const, loc), int_val(int_val) {}
+// ast_int_const is an integer literal
+// examples: `0` / `0xFF`
+// note, that `-1` is unary minus of `1` int const
+struct Vertex<ast_int_const> final : ASTExprLeaf {
+  td::RefInt256 intval;         // parsed value, 255 for "0xFF"
+  std::string_view orig_str;    // original "0xFF"; empty for nodes generated by compiler (e.g. in constant folding)
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, td::RefInt256 intval, std::string_view orig_str)
+    : ASTExprLeaf(ast_int_const, loc)
+    , intval(std::move(intval))
+    , orig_str(orig_str) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_string_const> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
+// ast_string_const is a string literal in double quotes or """ when multiline
+// examples: "asdf" / "Ef8zMz..."a / "to_calc_crc32_from"c
+// an optional modifier specifies how a string is parsed (probably, like an integer)
+// note, that TVM doesn't have strings, it has only slices, so "hello" has type slice
+struct Vertex<ast_string_const> final : ASTExprLeaf {
   std::string_view str_val;
   char modifier;
+  bool is_bitslice() const {
+    char m = modifier;
+    return m == 0 || m == 's' || m == 'a';
+  }
+  bool is_intval() const {
+    char m = modifier;
+    return m == 'u' || m == 'h' || m == 'H' || m == 'c';
+  }
   Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view str_val, char modifier)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_string_const, loc), str_val(str_val), modifier(modifier) {}
+    : ASTExprLeaf(ast_string_const, loc)
+    , str_val(str_val), modifier(modifier) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_bool_const> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
+// ast_bool_const is either `true` or `false`
+struct Vertex<ast_bool_const> final : ASTExprLeaf {
   bool bool_val;
   Vertex(SrcLocation loc, bool bool_val)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_bool_const, loc), bool_val(bool_val) {}
+    : ASTExprLeaf(ast_bool_const, loc)
+    , bool_val(bool_val) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_null_keyword> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
+// ast_null_keyword is the `null` literal
+// it should be handled with care; for instance, `null` takes special place in the type system
+struct Vertex<ast_null_keyword> final : ASTExprLeaf {
   explicit Vertex(SrcLocation loc)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_null_keyword, loc) {}
+    : ASTExprLeaf(ast_null_keyword, loc) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_self_keyword> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
-  explicit Vertex(SrcLocation loc)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_self_keyword, loc) {}
+// ast_argument is an element of an argument list of a function/method call
+// example: `f(1, x)` has 2 arguments, `t.tupleFirst()` has no arguments (though `t` is passed as `self`)
+// example: `f(mutate arg)` has 1 argument with `passed_as_mutate` flag
+// (without `mutate` keyword, the entity "argument" could be replaced just by "any expression")
+struct Vertex<ast_argument> final : ASTExprUnary {
+  bool passed_as_mutate;
+  AnyExprV get_expr() const { return child; }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV expr, bool passed_as_mutate)
+    : ASTExprUnary(ast_argument, loc, expr)
+    , passed_as_mutate(passed_as_mutate) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_argument> final : ASTNodeUnary {
-  bool passed_as_mutate;      // when called `f(mutate arg)`, not `f(arg)`
-  AnyV get_expr() const { return child; }
+// ast_argument_list contains N arguments of a function/method call
+struct Vertex<ast_argument_list> final : ASTExprVararg {
+  const std::vector<AnyExprV>& get_arguments() const { return children; }
+  auto get_arg(int i) const { return child(i)->as<ast_argument>(); }
-  explicit Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV expr, bool passed_as_mutate)
-    : ASTNodeUnary(ast_argument, loc, expr), passed_as_mutate(passed_as_mutate) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyExprV> arguments)
+    : ASTExprVararg(ast_argument_list, loc, std::move(arguments)) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_argument_list> final : ASTNodeVararg {
-  const std::vector<AnyV>& get_arguments() const { return children; }
-  auto get_arg(int i) const { return children.at(i)->as<ast_argument>(); }
+// ast_dot_access is "object before dot, identifier + optional <T> after dot"
+// examples: `tensorVar.0` / `obj.field` / `getObj().method` / `t.tupleFirst<int>`
+// from traversing point of view, it's an unary expression: only obj is expression, field name is not
+// note, that `obj.method()` is a function call with "dot access `obj.method`" callee
+struct Vertex<ast_dot_access> final : ASTExprUnary {
+  V<ast_identifier> identifier;                // `0` / `field` / `method`
+  V<ast_instantiationT_list> instantiationTs;  // not null if `<int>`, otherwise nullptr
+  typedef const FunctionData* DotTarget;      // for `t.tupleAt` target is `tupleAt` global function
+  DotTarget target = nullptr;                 // filled at type inferring
+  AnyExprV get_obj() const { return child; }
+  auto get_identifier() const { return identifier; }
+  bool has_instantiationTs() const { return instantiationTs != nullptr; }
+  auto get_instantiationTs() const { return instantiationTs; }
+  std::string_view get_field_name() const { return identifier->name; }
-  explicit Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyV> arguments)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_argument_list, loc, std::move(arguments)) {}
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_target(const DotTarget& target);
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV obj, V<ast_identifier> identifier, V<ast_instantiationT_list> instantiationTs)
+    : ASTExprUnary(ast_dot_access, loc, obj)
+    , identifier(identifier), instantiationTs(instantiationTs) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_function_call> final : ASTNodeBinary {
-  AnyV get_called_f() const { return lhs; }
+// ast_function_call is "calling some lhs with parenthesis", lhs is arbitrary expression (callee)
+// example: `globalF()` then callee is reference
+// example: `globalF<int>()` then callee is reference (with instantiation Ts filled)
+// example: `local_var()` then callee is reference (points to local var, filled at resolve identifiers)
+// example: `getF()()` then callee is another func call (which type is TypeDataFunCallable)
+// example: `obj.method()` then callee is dot access (resolved while type inferring)
+struct Vertex<ast_function_call> final : ASTExprBinary {
+  const FunctionData* fun_maybe = nullptr;  // filled while type inferring for `globalF()` / `obj.f()`; remains nullptr for `local_var()` / `getF()()`
+  AnyExprV get_callee() const { return lhs; }
+  bool is_dot_call() const { return lhs->type == ast_dot_access; }
+  AnyExprV get_dot_obj() const { return lhs->as<ast_dot_access>()->get_obj(); }
   auto get_arg_list() const { return rhs->as<ast_argument_list>(); }
   int get_num_args() const { return rhs->as<ast_argument_list>()->size(); }
   auto get_arg(int i) const { return rhs->as<ast_argument_list>()->get_arg(i); }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV lhs_f, V<ast_argument_list> arguments)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_function_call, loc, lhs_f, arguments) {}
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref);
-struct Vertex<ast_dot_method_call> final : ASTNodeBinary {
-  std::string_view method_name;
-  AnyV get_obj() const { return lhs; }
-  auto get_arg_list() const { return rhs->as<ast_argument_list>(); }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view method_name, AnyV lhs, V<ast_argument_list> arguments)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_dot_method_call, loc, lhs, arguments), method_name(method_name) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV lhs_f, V<ast_argument_list> arguments)
+    : ASTExprBinary(ast_function_call, loc, lhs_f, arguments) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_global_var_declaration> final : ASTNodeUnary {
-  TypeExpr* declared_type;      // may be nullptr
-  auto get_identifier() const { return child->as<ast_identifier>(); }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_identifier> name_identifier, TypeExpr* declared_type)
-    : ASTNodeUnary(ast_global_var_declaration, loc, name_identifier), declared_type(declared_type) {}
+// ast_underscore represents `_` symbol used for left side of assignment
+// example: `(cs, _) = cs.loadAndReturn()`
+// though it's the only correct usage, using _ as rvalue like `var x = _;` is correct from AST point of view
+// note, that for declaration `var _ = 1` underscore is a regular local var declared (with empty name)
+// but for `_ = 1` (not declaration) it's underscore; it's because `var _:int` is also correct
+struct Vertex<ast_underscore> final : ASTExprLeaf {
+  explicit Vertex(SrcLocation loc)
+    : ASTExprLeaf(ast_underscore, loc) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_constant_declaration> final : ASTNodeBinary {
-  TypeExpr* declared_type;      // may be nullptr
-  auto get_identifier() const { return lhs->as<ast_identifier>(); }
-  AnyV get_init_value() const { return rhs; }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_identifier> name_identifier, TypeExpr* declared_type, AnyV init_value)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_constant_declaration, loc, name_identifier, init_value), declared_type(declared_type) {}
+// ast_assign represents assignment "lhs = rhs"
+// examples: `a = 4` / `var a = 4` / `(cs, b, mode) = rhs` / `f() = g()`
+// note, that `a = 4` lhs is ast_reference, `var a = 4` lhs is ast_local_vars_declaration
+struct Vertex<ast_assign> final : ASTExprBinary {
+  AnyExprV get_lhs() const { return lhs; }
+  AnyExprV get_rhs() const { return rhs; }
+  explicit Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV lhs, AnyExprV rhs)
+    : ASTExprBinary(ast_assign, loc, lhs, rhs) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_underscore> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
-  explicit Vertex(SrcLocation loc)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_underscore, loc) {}
+// ast_set_assign represents assignment-and-set operation "lhs <op>= rhs"
+// examples: `a += 4` / `b <<= c`
+struct Vertex<ast_set_assign> final : ASTExprBinary {
+  const FunctionData* fun_ref = nullptr;      // filled at type inferring, points to `_+_` built-in for +=
+  std::string_view operator_name;             // without equal sign, "+" for operator +=
+  TokenType tok;                              // tok_set_*
+  AnyExprV get_lhs() const { return lhs; }
+  AnyExprV get_rhs() const { return rhs; }
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref);
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, TokenType tok, AnyExprV lhs, AnyExprV rhs)
+    : ASTExprBinary(ast_set_assign, loc, lhs, rhs)
+    , operator_name(operator_name), tok(tok) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_unary_operator> final : ASTNodeUnary {
+// ast_unary_operator is "some operator over one expression"
+// examples: `-1` / `~found`
+struct Vertex<ast_unary_operator> final : ASTExprUnary {
+  const FunctionData* fun_ref = nullptr;      // filled at type inferring, points to some built-in function
   std::string_view operator_name;
   TokenType tok;
-  AnyV get_rhs() const { return child; }
+  AnyExprV get_rhs() const { return child; }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, TokenType tok, AnyV rhs)
-    : ASTNodeUnary(ast_unary_operator, loc, rhs), operator_name(operator_name), tok(tok) {}
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref);
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, TokenType tok, AnyExprV rhs)
+    : ASTExprUnary(ast_unary_operator, loc, rhs)
+    , operator_name(operator_name), tok(tok) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_binary_operator> final : ASTNodeBinary {
+// ast_binary_operator is "some operator over two expressions"
+// examples: `a + b` / `x & true` / `(a, b) << g()`
+// note, that `a = b` is NOT a binary operator, it's ast_assign, also `a += b`, it's ast_set_assign
+struct Vertex<ast_binary_operator> final : ASTExprBinary {
+  const FunctionData* fun_ref = nullptr;      // filled at type inferring, points to some built-in function
   std::string_view operator_name;
   TokenType tok;
-  AnyV get_lhs() const { return lhs; }
-  AnyV get_rhs() const { return rhs; }
+  AnyExprV get_lhs() const { return lhs; }
+  AnyExprV get_rhs() const { return rhs; }
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref);
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, TokenType tok, AnyV lhs, AnyV rhs)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_binary_operator, loc, lhs, rhs), operator_name(operator_name), tok(tok) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, TokenType tok, AnyExprV lhs, AnyExprV rhs)
+    : ASTExprBinary(ast_binary_operator, loc, lhs, rhs)
+    , operator_name(operator_name), tok(tok) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_ternary_operator> final : ASTNodeVararg {
-  AnyV get_cond() const { return children.at(0); }
-  AnyV get_when_true() const { return children.at(1); }
-  AnyV get_when_false() const { return children.at(2); }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV cond, AnyV when_true, AnyV when_false)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_ternary_operator, loc, {cond, when_true, when_false}) {}
+// ast_ternary_operator is a traditional ternary construction
+// example: `cond ? a : b`
+struct Vertex<ast_ternary_operator> final : ASTExprVararg {
+  AnyExprV get_cond() const { return child(0); }
+  AnyExprV get_when_true() const { return child(1); }
+  AnyExprV get_when_false() const { return child(2); }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV cond, AnyExprV when_true, AnyExprV when_false)
+    : ASTExprVararg(ast_ternary_operator, loc, {cond, when_true, when_false}) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_return_statement> : ASTNodeUnary {
-  AnyV get_return_value() const { return child; }
+// ast_cast_as_operator is explicit casting with "as" keyword
+// examples: `arg as int` / `null as cell` / `t.tupleAt(2) as slice`
+struct Vertex<ast_cast_as_operator> final : ASTExprUnary {
+  AnyExprV get_expr() const { return child; }
+  TypePtr cast_to_type;
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr cast_to_type);
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV expr, TypePtr cast_to_type)
+    : ASTExprUnary(ast_cast_as_operator, loc, expr)
+    , cast_to_type(cast_to_type) {}
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV child)
-    : ASTNodeUnary(ast_return_statement, loc, child) {}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+//     statements
+// ast_empty_statement is very similar to "empty sequence" but has a special treatment
+// example: `;` (just semicolon)
+// example: body of `builtin` function is empty statement (not a zero sequence)
+struct Vertex<ast_empty_statement> final : ASTStatementVararg {
+  explicit Vertex(SrcLocation loc)
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_empty_statement, loc, {}) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_sequence> final : ASTNodeVararg {
+// ast_sequence is "some sequence of statements"
+// example: function body is a sequence
+// example: do while body is a sequence
+struct Vertex<ast_sequence> final : ASTStatementVararg {
   SrcLocation loc_end;
   const std::vector<AnyV>& get_items() const { return children; }
   AnyV get_item(int i) const { return children.at(i); }
   Vertex(SrcLocation loc, SrcLocation loc_end, std::vector<AnyV> items)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_sequence, loc, std::move(items)), loc_end(loc_end) {}
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_sequence, loc, std::move(items))
+    , loc_end(loc_end) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_repeat_statement> final : ASTNodeBinary {
-  AnyV get_cond() const { return lhs; }
-  auto get_body() const { return rhs->as<ast_sequence>(); }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV cond, V<ast_sequence> body)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_repeat_statement, loc, cond, body) {}
+// ast_return_statement is "return something from a function"
+// examples: `return a` / `return any_expr()()` / `return;`
+// note, that for `return;` (without a value, meaning "void"), in AST, it's stored as empty expression
+struct Vertex<ast_return_statement> : ASTStatementUnary {
+  AnyExprV get_return_value() const { return child_as_expr(); }
+  bool has_return_value() const { return child->type != ast_empty_expression; }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV child)
+    : ASTStatementUnary(ast_return_statement, loc, child) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_while_statement> final : ASTNodeBinary {
-  AnyV get_cond() const { return lhs; }
-  auto get_body() const { return rhs->as<ast_sequence>(); }
+// ast_if_statement is a traditional if statement, probably followed by an else branch
+// examples: `if (cond) { ... } else { ... }` / `if (cond) { ... }`
+// when else branch is missing, it's stored as empty statement
+// for "else if", it's just "if statement" inside a sequence of else branch
+struct Vertex<ast_if_statement> final : ASTStatementVararg {
+  bool is_ifnot;  // if(!cond), to generate more optimal fift code
+  AnyExprV get_cond() const { return child_as_expr(0); }
+  auto get_if_body() const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_sequence>(); }
+  auto get_else_body() const { return children.at(2)->as<ast_sequence>(); }    // always exists (when else omitted, it's empty)
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV cond, V<ast_sequence> body)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_while_statement, loc, cond, body) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, bool is_ifnot, AnyExprV cond, V<ast_sequence> if_body, V<ast_sequence> else_body)
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_if_statement, loc, {cond, if_body, else_body})
+    , is_ifnot(is_ifnot) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_do_while_statement> final : ASTNodeBinary {
-  auto get_body() const { return lhs->as<ast_sequence>(); }
-  AnyV get_cond() const { return rhs; }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_sequence> body, AnyV cond)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_do_while_statement, loc, body, cond) {}
+// ast_repeat_statement is "repeat something N times"
+// example: `repeat (10) { ... }`
+struct Vertex<ast_repeat_statement> final : ASTStatementVararg {
+  AnyExprV get_cond() const { return child_as_expr(0); }
+  auto get_body() const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_sequence>(); }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV cond, V<ast_sequence> body)
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_repeat_statement, loc, {cond, body}) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_throw_statement> final : ASTNodeBinary {
-  AnyV get_thrown_code() const { return lhs; }
-  AnyV get_thrown_arg() const { return rhs; }    // may be ast_empty
-  bool has_thrown_arg() const { return rhs->type != ast_empty; }
+// ast_while_statement is a standard "while" loop
+// example: `while (x > 0) { ... }`
+struct Vertex<ast_while_statement> final : ASTStatementVararg {
+  AnyExprV get_cond() const { return child_as_expr(0); }
+  auto get_body() const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_sequence>(); }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV cond, V<ast_sequence> body)
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_while_statement, loc, {cond, body}) {}
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV thrown_code, AnyV thrown_arg)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_throw_statement, loc, thrown_code, thrown_arg) {}
+// ast_do_while_statement is a standard "do while" loop
+// example: `do { ... } while (x > 0);`
+struct Vertex<ast_do_while_statement> final : ASTStatementVararg {
+  auto get_body() const { return children.at(0)->as<ast_sequence>(); }
+  AnyExprV get_cond() const { return child_as_expr(1); }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_sequence> body, AnyExprV cond)
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_do_while_statement, loc, {body, cond}) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_assert_statement> final : ASTNodeBinary {
-  AnyV get_cond() const { return lhs; }
-  AnyV get_thrown_code() const { return rhs; }
+// ast_throw_statement is throwing an exception, it accepts excNo and optional arg
+// examples: `throw 10` / `throw (ERR_LOW_BALANCE)` / `throw (1001, incomingAddr)`
+// when thrown arg is missing, it's stored as empty expression
+struct Vertex<ast_throw_statement> final : ASTStatementVararg {
+  AnyExprV get_thrown_code() const { return child_as_expr(0); }
+  bool has_thrown_arg() const { return child_as_expr(1)->type != ast_empty_expression; }
+  AnyExprV get_thrown_arg() const { return child_as_expr(1); }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV thrown_code, AnyExprV thrown_arg)
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_throw_statement, loc, {thrown_code, thrown_arg}) {}
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV cond, AnyV thrown_code)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_assert_statement, loc, cond, thrown_code) {}
+// ast_assert_statement is "assert that cond is true, otherwise throw an exception"
+// examples: `assert (balance > 0, ERR_ZERO_BALANCE)` / `assert (balance > 0) throw (ERR_ZERO_BALANCE)`
+struct Vertex<ast_assert_statement> final : ASTStatementVararg {
+  AnyExprV get_cond() const { return child_as_expr(0); }
+  AnyExprV get_thrown_code() const { return child_as_expr(1); }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV cond, AnyExprV thrown_code)
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_assert_statement, loc, {cond, thrown_code}) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_try_catch_statement> final : ASTNodeVararg {
+// ast_try_catch_statement is a standard try catch (finally block doesn't exist)
+// example: `try { ... } catch (excNo) { ... }`
+// there are two formal "arguments" of catch: excNo and arg, but both can be omitted
+// when omitted, they are stored as underscores, so len of a catch tensor is always 2
+struct Vertex<ast_try_catch_statement> final : ASTStatementVararg {
   auto get_try_body() const { return children.at(0)->as<ast_sequence>(); }
   auto get_catch_expr() const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_tensor>(); }    // (excNo, arg), always len 2
   auto get_catch_body() const { return children.at(2)->as<ast_sequence>(); }
   Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_sequence> try_body, V<ast_tensor> catch_expr, V<ast_sequence> catch_body)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_try_catch_statement, loc, {try_body, catch_expr, catch_body}) {}
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_try_catch_statement, loc, {try_body, catch_expr, catch_body}) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_if_statement> final : ASTNodeVararg {
-  bool is_ifnot;  // if(!cond), to generate more optimal fift code
+// ast_asm_body is a body of `asm` function — a set of strings, and optionally stack order manipulations
+// example: `fun skipMessageOp... asm "32 PUSHINT" "SDSKIPFIRST";`
+// user can specify "arg order"; example: `fun store(self: builder, op: int) asm (op self)` then [1, 0]
+// user can specify "ret order"; example: `fun modDiv... asm(-> 1 0) "DIVMOD";` then [1, 0]
+struct Vertex<ast_asm_body> final : ASTStatementVararg {
+  std::vector<int> arg_order;
+  std::vector<int> ret_order;
-  AnyV get_cond() const { return children.at(0); }
-  auto get_if_body() const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_sequence>(); }
-  auto get_else_body() const { return children.at(2)->as<ast_sequence>(); }    // always exists (when else omitted, it's empty)
+  const std::vector<AnyV>& get_asm_commands() const { return children; }    // ast_string_const[]
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, bool is_ifnot, AnyV cond, V<ast_sequence> if_body, V<ast_sequence> else_body)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_if_statement, loc, {cond, if_body, else_body}), is_ifnot(is_ifnot) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<int> arg_order, std::vector<int> ret_order, std::vector<AnyV> asm_commands)
+    : ASTStatementVararg(ast_asm_body, loc, std::move(asm_commands))
+    , arg_order(std::move(arg_order)), ret_order(std::move(ret_order)) {}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+//     other
-struct Vertex<ast_genericsT_item> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
-  TypeExpr* created_type;   // used to keep same pointer, since TypeExpr::new_var(i) always allocates
+// ast_genericsT_item is generics T at declaration
+// example: `fun f<T1, T2>` has a list of 2 generic Ts
+struct Vertex<ast_genericsT_item> final : ASTOtherLeaf {
   std::string_view nameT;
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, TypeExpr* created_type, std::string_view nameT)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_genericsT_item, loc), created_type(created_type), nameT(nameT) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view nameT)
+    : ASTOtherLeaf(ast_genericsT_item, loc)
+    , nameT(nameT) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_genericsT_list> final : ASTNodeVararg {
+// ast_genericsT_list is a container for generics T at declaration
+// example: see above
+struct Vertex<ast_genericsT_list> final : ASTOtherVararg {
   std::vector<AnyV> get_items() const { return children; }
   auto get_item(int i) const { return children.at(i)->as<ast_genericsT_item>(); }
   Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyV> genericsT_items)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_genericsT_list, loc, std::move(genericsT_items)) {}
+    : ASTOtherVararg(ast_genericsT_list, loc, std::move(genericsT_items)) {}
   int lookup_idx(std::string_view nameT) const;
-struct Vertex<ast_parameter> final : ASTNodeUnary {
-  TypeExpr* param_type;
-  bool declared_as_mutate;      // declared as `mutate param_name`
+// ast_instantiationT_item is manual substitution of generic T used in code, mostly for func calls
+// examples: `g<int>()` / `t.tupleFirst<slice>()` / `f<(int, slice), builder>()`
+struct Vertex<ast_instantiationT_item> final : ASTOtherLeaf {
+  TypePtr substituted_type;
-  auto get_identifier() const { return child->as<ast_identifier>(); } // for underscore, name is empty
-  bool is_underscore() const { return child->as<ast_identifier>()->name.empty(); }
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr substituted_type);
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_identifier> name_identifier, TypeExpr* param_type, bool declared_as_mutate)
-    : ASTNodeUnary(ast_parameter, loc, name_identifier), param_type(param_type), declared_as_mutate(declared_as_mutate) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, TypePtr substituted_type)
+    : ASTOtherLeaf(ast_instantiationT_item, loc)
+    , substituted_type(substituted_type) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_parameter_list> final : ASTNodeVararg {
+// ast_instantiationT_list is a container for generic T substitutions used in code
+// examples: see above
+struct Vertex<ast_instantiationT_list> final : ASTOtherVararg {
+  std::vector<AnyV> get_items() const { return children; }
+  auto get_item(int i) const { return children.at(i)->as<ast_instantiationT_item>(); }
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyV> instantiationTs)
+    : ASTOtherVararg(ast_instantiationT_list, loc, std::move(instantiationTs)) {}
+// ast_parameter is a parameter of a function in its declaration
+// example: `fun f(a: int, mutate b: slice)` has 2 parameters
+struct Vertex<ast_parameter> final : ASTOtherLeaf {
+  const LocalVarData* param_ref = nullptr;    // filled on resolve identifiers
+  std::string_view param_name;
+  TypePtr declared_type;
+  bool declared_as_mutate;                    // declared as `mutate param_name`
+  bool is_underscore() const { return param_name.empty(); }
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_param_ref(const LocalVarData* param_ref);
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view param_name, TypePtr declared_type, bool declared_as_mutate)
+    : ASTOtherLeaf(ast_parameter, loc)
+    , param_name(param_name), declared_type(declared_type), declared_as_mutate(declared_as_mutate) {}
+// ast_parameter_list is a container of parameters
+// example: see above
+struct Vertex<ast_parameter_list> final : ASTOtherVararg {
   const std::vector<AnyV>& get_params() const { return children; }
   auto get_param(int i) const { return children.at(i)->as<ast_parameter>(); }
   Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<AnyV> params)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_parameter_list, loc, std::move(params)) {}
+    : ASTOtherVararg(ast_parameter_list, loc, std::move(params)) {}
   int lookup_idx(std::string_view param_name) const;
   int get_mutate_params_count() const;
@@ -527,106 +918,132 @@ struct Vertex<ast_parameter_list> final : ASTNodeVararg {
-struct Vertex<ast_asm_body> final : ASTNodeVararg {
-  std::vector<int> arg_order;
-  std::vector<int> ret_order;
-  const std::vector<AnyV>& get_asm_commands() const { return children; }    // ast_string_const[]
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<int> arg_order, std::vector<int> ret_order, std::vector<AnyV> asm_commands)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_asm_body, loc, std::move(asm_commands)), arg_order(std::move(arg_order)), ret_order(std::move(ret_order)) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_annotation> final : ASTNodeUnary {
+// ast_annotation is @annotation above a declaration
+// example: `@pure fun ...`
+struct Vertex<ast_annotation> final : ASTOtherVararg {
   AnnotationKind kind;
-  auto get_arg() const { return child->as<ast_tensor>(); }
+  auto get_arg() const { return children.at(0)->as<ast_tensor>(); }
   static AnnotationKind parse_kind(std::string_view name);
   Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnnotationKind kind, V<ast_tensor> arg_probably_empty)
-    : ASTNodeUnary(ast_annotation, loc, arg_probably_empty), kind(kind) {}
+    : ASTOtherVararg(ast_annotation, loc, {arg_probably_empty})
+    , kind(kind) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_local_var> final : ASTNodeUnary {
-  TypeExpr* declared_type;
-  bool is_immutable;       // declared via 'val', not 'var'
-  bool marked_as_redef;    // var (existing_var redef, new_var: int) = ...
+// ast_function_declaration is declaring a function/method
+// methods are still global functions, just accepting "self" first parameter
+// example: `fun f() { ... }`
+// functions can be generic, `fun f<T>(params) { ... }`
+// their body is either sequence (regular code function), or `asm`, or `builtin`
+struct Vertex<ast_function_declaration> final : ASTOtherVararg {
+  auto get_identifier() const { return children.at(0)->as<ast_identifier>(); }
+  int get_num_params() const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_parameter_list>()->size(); }
+  auto get_param_list() const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_parameter_list>(); }
+  auto get_param(int i) const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_parameter_list>()->get_param(i); }
+  AnyV get_body() const { return children.at(2); }   // ast_sequence / ast_asm_body
+  const FunctionData* fun_ref = nullptr;  // filled after register
+  TypePtr declared_return_type;           // filled at ast parsing; if unspecified (nullptr), means "auto infer"
+  V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list;   // for non-generics it's nullptr
+  td::RefInt256 method_id;                // specified via @method_id annotation
+  int flags;                              // from enum in FunctionData
+  bool is_asm_function() const { return children.at(2)->type == ast_asm_body; }
+  bool is_code_function() const { return children.at(2)->type == ast_sequence; }
+  bool is_builtin_function() const { return children.at(2)->type == ast_empty_statement; }
-  AnyV get_identifier() const { return child; } // ast_identifier / ast_underscore
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_fun_ref(const FunctionData* fun_ref);
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_return_type);
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV name_identifier, TypeExpr* declared_type, bool is_immutable, bool marked_as_redef)
-    : ASTNodeUnary(ast_local_var, loc, name_identifier), declared_type(declared_type), is_immutable(is_immutable), marked_as_redef(marked_as_redef) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_identifier> name_identifier, V<ast_parameter_list> parameters, AnyV body, TypePtr declared_return_type, V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list, td::RefInt256 method_id, int flags)
+    : ASTOtherVararg(ast_function_declaration, loc, {name_identifier, parameters, body})
+    , declared_return_type(declared_return_type), genericsT_list(genericsT_list), method_id(std::move(method_id)), flags(flags) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_local_vars_declaration> final : ASTNodeBinary {
-  AnyV get_lhs() const { return lhs; } // ast_local_var / ast_tensor / ast_tensor_square
-  AnyV get_assigned_val() const { return rhs; }
+// ast_global_var_declaration is declaring a global var, outside a function
+// example: `global g: int;`
+// note, that globals don't have default values, since there is no single "entrypoint" for a contract
+struct Vertex<ast_global_var_declaration> final : ASTOtherVararg {
+  const GlobalVarData* var_ref = nullptr;  // filled after register
+  TypePtr declared_type;                   // filled always, typing globals is mandatory
+  auto get_identifier() const { return children.at(0)->as<ast_identifier>(); }
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, AnyV lhs, AnyV assigned_val)
-    : ASTNodeBinary(ast_local_vars_declaration, loc, lhs, assigned_val) {}
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_var_ref(const GlobalVarData* var_ref);
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_identifier> name_identifier, TypePtr declared_type)
+    : ASTOtherVararg(ast_global_var_declaration, loc, {name_identifier})
+    , declared_type(declared_type) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_function_declaration> final : ASTNodeVararg {
-  auto get_identifier() const { return children.at(0)->as<ast_identifier>(); }
-  int get_num_params() const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_parameter_list>()->size(); }
-  auto get_param_list() const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_parameter_list>(); }
-  auto get_param(int i) const { return children.at(1)->as<ast_parameter_list>()->get_param(i); }
-  AnyV get_body() const { return children.at(2); }   // ast_sequence / ast_asm_body
+// ast_constant_declaration is declaring a global constant, outside a function
+// example: `const op = 0x123;`
+struct Vertex<ast_constant_declaration> final : ASTOtherVararg {
+  const GlobalConstData* const_ref = nullptr;  // filled after register
+  TypePtr declared_type;                       // not null for `const op: int = ...`
-  TypeExpr* ret_type = nullptr;
-  V<ast_genericsT_list> genericsT_list = nullptr;
-  bool is_entrypoint = false;
-  bool marked_as_pure = false;
-  bool marked_as_builtin = false;
-  bool marked_as_get_method = false;
-  bool marked_as_inline = false;
-  bool marked_as_inline_ref = false;
-  bool accepts_self = false;
-  bool returns_self = false;
-  V<ast_int_const> method_id = nullptr;
+  auto get_identifier() const { return children.at(0)->as<ast_identifier>(); }
+  AnyExprV get_init_value() const { return child_as_expr(1); }
-  bool is_asm_function() const { return children.at(2)->type == ast_asm_body; }
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_const_ref(const GlobalConstData* const_ref);
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_identifier> name_identifier, V<ast_parameter_list> parameters, AnyV body)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_function_declaration, loc, {name_identifier, parameters, body}) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_identifier> name_identifier, TypePtr declared_type, AnyExprV init_value)
+    : ASTOtherVararg(ast_constant_declaration, loc, {name_identifier, init_value})
+    , declared_type(declared_type) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_tolk_required_version> final : ASTNodeLeaf {
-  TokenType cmp_tok;
+// ast_tolk_required_version is a preamble fixating compiler's version at the top of the file
+// example: `tolk 0.6`
+// when compiler version mismatches, it means, that another compiler was earlier for that sources, a warning is emitted
+struct Vertex<ast_tolk_required_version> final : ASTOtherLeaf {
   std::string_view semver;
-  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, TokenType cmp_tok, std::string_view semver)
-    : ASTNodeLeaf(ast_tolk_required_version, loc), cmp_tok(cmp_tok), semver(semver) {}
+  Vertex(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view semver)
+    : ASTOtherLeaf(ast_tolk_required_version, loc)
+    , semver(semver) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_import_statement> final : ASTNodeUnary {
-  const SrcFile* file = nullptr;    // assigned after includes have been resolved
+// ast_import_directive is an import at the top of the file
+// examples: `import "another.tolk"` / `import "@stdlib/tvm-dicts"`
+struct Vertex<ast_import_directive> final : ASTOtherVararg {
+  const SrcFile* file = nullptr;    // assigned after imports have been resolved, just after parsing a file to ast
-  auto get_file_leaf() const { return child->as<ast_string_const>(); }
+  auto get_file_leaf() const { return children.at(0)->as<ast_string_const>(); }
-  std::string get_file_name() const { return static_cast<std::string>(child->as<ast_string_const>()->str_val); }
+  std::string get_file_name() const { return static_cast<std::string>(children.at(0)->as<ast_string_const>()->str_val); }
-  void mutate_set_src_file(const SrcFile* file) const;
+  Vertex* mutate() const { return const_cast<Vertex*>(this); }
+  void assign_src_file(const SrcFile* file);
   Vertex(SrcLocation loc, V<ast_string_const> file_name)
-    : ASTNodeUnary(ast_import_statement, loc, file_name) {}
+    : ASTOtherVararg(ast_import_directive, loc, {file_name}) {}
-struct Vertex<ast_tolk_file> final : ASTNodeVararg {
+// ast_tolk_file represents a whole parsed input .tolk file
+// with functions, constants, etc.
+// particularly, it contains imports that lead to loading other files
+// a whole program consists of multiple parsed files, each of them has a parsed ast tree (stdlib is also parsed)
+struct Vertex<ast_tolk_file> final : ASTOtherVararg {
   const SrcFile* const file;
   const std::vector<AnyV>& get_toplevel_declarations() const { return children; }
   Vertex(const SrcFile* file, std::vector<AnyV> toplevel_declarations)
-    : ASTNodeVararg(ast_tolk_file, SrcLocation(file), std::move(toplevel_declarations)), file(file) {}
+    : ASTOtherVararg(ast_tolk_file, SrcLocation(file), std::move(toplevel_declarations))
+    , file(file) {}
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/builtins.cpp b/tolk/builtins.cpp
index d18cfa644..d704ec4d3 100644
--- a/tolk/builtins.cpp
+++ b/tolk/builtins.cpp
@@ -16,86 +16,57 @@
 #include "tolk.h"
 #include "compiler-state.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
+#include "generics-helpers.h"
 namespace tolk {
 using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
- *
- * 
- */
-SymDef* define_builtin_func_impl(const std::string& name, SymValAsmFunc* func_val) {
-  sym_idx_t name_idx = G.symbols.lookup_add(name);
-  SymDef* def = define_global_symbol(name_idx);
-  tolk_assert(!def->value);
-  def->value = func_val;
-#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  def->value->sym_name = name;
-  return def;
-// given func_type = `(slice, int) -> slice` and func flags, create SymDef for parameters
+// given func_type = `(slice, int) -> slice` and func flags, create SymLocalVarOrParameter
 // currently (see at the bottom) parameters of built-in functions are unnamed:
 // built-in functions are created using a resulting type
-static std::vector<SymDef*> define_builtin_parameters(const TypeExpr* func_type, int func_flags) {
+static std::vector<LocalVarData> define_builtin_parameters(const std::vector<TypePtr>& params_types, int func_flags) {
   // `loadInt()`, `storeInt()`: they accept `self` and mutate it; no other options available in built-ins for now
-  bool is_mutate_self = func_flags & SymValFunc::flagHasMutateParams;
-  // func_type a map (params_type -> ret_type), probably surrounded by forall (internal representation of <T>)
-  TypeExpr* params_type = func_type->constr == TypeExpr::te_ForAll ? func_type->args[0]->args[0] : func_type->args[0];
-  std::vector<SymDef*> parameters;
-  if (params_type->constr == TypeExpr::te_Tensor) {   // multiple parameters: it's a tensor
-    parameters.reserve(params_type->args.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(params_type->args.size()); ++i) {
-      SymDef* sym_def = define_parameter(i, {});
-      SymValVariable* sym_val = new SymValVariable(i, params_type->args[i]);
-      if (i == 0 && is_mutate_self) {
-        sym_val->flags |= SymValVariable::flagMutateParameter;
-      }
-      sym_def->value = sym_val;
-      parameters.emplace_back(sym_def);
-    }
-  } else {  // single parameter
-    SymDef* sym_def = define_parameter(0, {});
-    SymValVariable* sym_val = new SymValVariable(0, params_type);
-    if (is_mutate_self) {
-      sym_val->flags |= SymValVariable::flagMutateParameter;
-    }
-    sym_def->value = sym_val;
-    parameters.emplace_back(sym_def);
+  bool is_mutate_self = func_flags & FunctionData::flagHasMutateParams;
+  std::vector<LocalVarData> parameters;
+  parameters.reserve(params_types.size());
+  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(params_types.size()); ++i) {
+    LocalVarData p_sym("", {}, params_types[i], (i == 0 && is_mutate_self) * LocalVarData::flagMutateParameter, i);
+    parameters.push_back(std::move(p_sym));
   return parameters;
-static SymDef* define_builtin_func(const std::string& name, TypeExpr* func_type, const simple_compile_func_t& func, int flags) {
-  return define_builtin_func_impl(name, new SymValAsmFunc(define_builtin_parameters(func_type, flags), func_type, func, flags | SymValFunc::flagBuiltinFunction));
+static void define_builtin_func(const std::string& name, const std::vector<TypePtr>& params_types, TypePtr return_type, const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs, const simple_compile_func_t& func, int flags) {
+  auto* f_sym = new FunctionData(name, {}, return_type, define_builtin_parameters(params_types, flags), flags, genericTs, nullptr, new FunctionBodyBuiltin(func), nullptr);
+  G.symtable.add_function(f_sym);
-static SymDef* define_builtin_func(const std::string& name, TypeExpr* func_type, const AsmOp& macro, int flags) {
-  return define_builtin_func_impl(name, new SymValAsmFunc(define_builtin_parameters(func_type, flags), func_type, make_simple_compile(macro), flags | SymValFunc::flagBuiltinFunction));
+static void define_builtin_func(const std::string& name, const std::vector<TypePtr>& params_types, TypePtr return_type, const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs, const AsmOp& macro, int flags) {
+  auto* f_sym = new FunctionData(name, {}, return_type, define_builtin_parameters(params_types, flags), flags, genericTs, nullptr, new FunctionBodyBuiltin(make_simple_compile(macro)), nullptr);
+  G.symtable.add_function(f_sym);
-static SymDef* define_builtin_func(const std::string& name, TypeExpr* func_type, const simple_compile_func_t& func, int flags,
-                                   std::initializer_list<int> arg_order, std::initializer_list<int> ret_order) {
-  return define_builtin_func_impl(name, new SymValAsmFunc(define_builtin_parameters(func_type, flags), func_type, func, flags | SymValFunc::flagBuiltinFunction, arg_order, ret_order));
+static void define_builtin_func(const std::string& name, const std::vector<TypePtr>& params_types, TypePtr return_type, const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs, const simple_compile_func_t& func, int flags,
+                                std::initializer_list<int> arg_order, std::initializer_list<int> ret_order) {
+  auto* f_sym = new FunctionData(name, {}, return_type, define_builtin_parameters(params_types, flags), flags, genericTs, nullptr, new FunctionBodyBuiltin(func), nullptr);
+  f_sym->arg_order = arg_order;
+  f_sym->ret_order = ret_order;
+  G.symtable.add_function(f_sym);
-bool SymValAsmFunc::compile(AsmOpList& dest, std::vector<VarDescr>& out, std::vector<VarDescr>& in,
-                            SrcLocation where) const {
-  if (simple_compile) {
-    return dest.append(simple_compile(out, in, where));
-  } else if (ext_compile) {
-    return ext_compile(dest, out, in);
-  } else {
-    return false;
-  }
+void FunctionBodyBuiltin::compile(AsmOpList& dest, std::vector<VarDescr>& out, std::vector<VarDescr>& in,
+                                     SrcLocation where) const {
+  dest.append(simple_compile(out, in, where));
+void FunctionBodyAsm::compile(AsmOpList& dest) const {
+  dest.append(ops);
@@ -504,7 +475,7 @@ AsmOp compile_unary_plus(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& args
   return AsmOp::Nop();
-AsmOp compile_logical_not(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& args, SrcLocation where) {
+AsmOp compile_logical_not(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& args, SrcLocation where, bool for_int_arg) {
   tolk_assert(res.size() == 1 && args.size() == 1);
   VarDescr &r = res[0], &x = args[0];
   if (x.is_int_const()) {
@@ -513,7 +484,9 @@ AsmOp compile_logical_not(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& arg
     return push_const(r.int_const);
   r.val = VarDescr::ValBool;
-  return exec_op("0 EQINT", 1);
+  // for integers, `!var` is `var != 0`
+  // for booleans, `!var` can be shortened to `~var` (works the same for 0/-1 but consumes less)
+  return for_int_arg ? exec_op("0 EQINT", 1) : exec_op("NOT", 1);
 AsmOp compile_bitwise_and(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& args, SrcLocation where) {
@@ -1076,7 +1049,7 @@ AsmOp compile_fetch_slice(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& arg
   return exec_op(fetch ? "LDSLICEX" : "PLDSLICEX", 2, 1 + (unsigned)fetch);
-// fun at<X>(t: tuple, index: int): X   asm "INDEXVAR";
+// fun tupleAt<X>(t: tuple, index: int): X   asm "INDEXVAR";
 AsmOp compile_tuple_at(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& args, SrcLocation) {
   tolk_assert(args.size() == 2 && res.size() == 1);
   auto& y = args[1];
@@ -1087,7 +1060,7 @@ AsmOp compile_tuple_at(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& args,
   return exec_op("INDEXVAR", 2, 1);
-// fun __isNull<X>(X arg): int
+// fun __isNull<X>(X arg): bool
 AsmOp compile_is_null(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& args, SrcLocation) {
   tolk_assert(args.size() == 1 && res.size() == 1);
   res[0].val = VarDescr::ValBool;
@@ -1098,143 +1071,188 @@ AsmOp compile_is_null(std::vector<VarDescr>& res, std::vector<VarDescr>& args, S
 void define_builtins() {
   using namespace std::placeholders;
-  TypeExpr* Unit = TypeExpr::new_unit();
-  TypeExpr* Int = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-  TypeExpr* Slice = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Slice);
-  TypeExpr* Builder = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Builder);
-  TypeExpr* Tuple = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Tuple);
-  TypeExpr* Int2 = TypeExpr::new_tensor({Int, Int});
-  TypeExpr* Int3 = TypeExpr::new_tensor({Int, Int, Int});
-  TypeExpr* TupleInt = TypeExpr::new_tensor({Tuple, Int});
-  TypeExpr* SliceInt = TypeExpr::new_tensor({Slice, Int});
-  TypeExpr* X = TypeExpr::new_var(0);
-  TypeExpr* arith_bin_op = TypeExpr::new_map(Int2, Int);
-  TypeExpr* arith_un_op = TypeExpr::new_map(Int, Int);
-  TypeExpr* impure_un_op = TypeExpr::new_map(Int, Unit);
-  TypeExpr* fetch_int_op_mutate = TypeExpr::new_map(SliceInt, SliceInt);
-  TypeExpr* prefetch_int_op = TypeExpr::new_map(SliceInt, Int);
-  TypeExpr* store_int_mutate = TypeExpr::new_map(TypeExpr::new_tensor({Builder, Int, Int}), TypeExpr::new_tensor({Builder, Unit}));
-  TypeExpr* fetch_slice_op_mutate = TypeExpr::new_map(SliceInt, TypeExpr::new_tensor({Slice, Slice}));
-  TypeExpr* prefetch_slice_op = TypeExpr::new_map(SliceInt, Slice);
-  TypeExpr* throw_arg_op = TypeExpr::new_forall({X}, TypeExpr::new_map(TypeExpr::new_tensor({X, Int}), Unit));
-  define_builtin_func("_+_", arith_bin_op, compile_add,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_-_", arith_bin_op, compile_sub,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("-_", arith_un_op, compile_unary_minus,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("+_", arith_un_op, compile_unary_plus,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_*_", arith_bin_op, compile_mul,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_/_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_div, _1, _2, _3, -1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_~/_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_div, _1, _2, _3, 0),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_^/_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_div, _1, _2, _3, 1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_%_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_mod, _1, _2, _3, -1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_<<_", arith_bin_op, compile_lshift,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_>>_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_rshift, _1, _2, _3, -1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_~>>_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_rshift, _1, _2, _3, 0),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_^>>_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_rshift, _1, _2, _3, 1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("!_", arith_un_op, compile_logical_not,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("~_", arith_un_op, compile_bitwise_not,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_&_", arith_bin_op, compile_bitwise_and,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_|_", arith_bin_op, compile_bitwise_or,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_^_", arith_bin_op, compile_bitwise_xor,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_+=_", arith_bin_op, compile_add,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_-=_", arith_bin_op, compile_sub,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_*=_", arith_bin_op, compile_mul,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_/=_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_div, _1, _2, _3, -1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_%=_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_mod, _1, _2, _3, -1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_<<=_", arith_bin_op, compile_lshift,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_>>=_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_rshift, _1, _2, _3, -1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_&=_", arith_bin_op, compile_bitwise_and,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_|=_", arith_bin_op, compile_bitwise_or,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("^_^=_", arith_bin_op, compile_bitwise_xor,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_==_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 2),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_!=_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 5),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_<_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 4),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_>_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_<=_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 6),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_>=_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 3),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("_<=>_", arith_bin_op, std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 7),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("mulDivFloor", TypeExpr::new_map(Int3, Int), std::bind(compile_muldiv, _1, _2, _3, -1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("mulDivRound", TypeExpr::new_map(Int3, Int), std::bind(compile_muldiv, _1, _2, _3, 0),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("mulDivCeil", TypeExpr::new_map(Int3, Int), std::bind(compile_muldiv, _1, _2, _3, 1),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("mulDivMod", TypeExpr::new_map(Int3, Int2), AsmOp::Custom("MULDIVMOD", 3, 2),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("__true", TypeExpr::new_map(TypeExpr::new_unit(), Int), /* AsmOp::Const("TRUE") */ std::bind(compile_bool_const, _1, _2, true),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("__false", TypeExpr::new_map(TypeExpr::new_unit(), Int), /* AsmOp::Const("FALSE") */ std::bind(compile_bool_const, _1, _2, false),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("__null", TypeExpr::new_forall({X}, TypeExpr::new_map(TypeExpr::new_unit(), X)), AsmOp::Const("PUSHNULL"),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("__isNull", TypeExpr::new_forall({X}, TypeExpr::new_map(X, Int)), compile_is_null,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure);
-  define_builtin_func("__throw", impure_un_op, compile_throw,
+  TypePtr Unit = TypeDataVoid::create();
+  TypePtr Int = TypeDataInt::create();
+  TypePtr Bool = TypeDataBool::create();
+  TypePtr Slice = TypeDataSlice::create();
+  TypePtr Builder = TypeDataBuilder::create();
+  TypePtr Tuple = TypeDataTuple::create();
+  std::vector<GenericsDeclaration::GenericsItem> itemsT;
+  itemsT.emplace_back("T");
+  TypePtr typeT = TypeDataGenericT::create("T");
+  const GenericsDeclaration* declGenericT = new GenericsDeclaration(std::move(itemsT));
+  std::vector ParamsInt1 = {Int};
+  std::vector ParamsInt2 = {Int, Int};
+  std::vector ParamsInt3 = {Int, Int, Int};
+  std::vector ParamsSliceInt = {Slice, Int};
+  // builtin operators
+  // they are internally stored as functions, because at IR level, there is no difference
+  // between calling `userAdd(a,b)` and `_+_(a,b)`
+  // since they are registered in a global symtable, technically, they can even be referenced from Tolk code,
+  // though it's a "hidden feature" and won't work well for overloads (`==` for int and bool, for example)
+  // unary operators
+  define_builtin_func("-_", ParamsInt1, Int, nullptr,
+                              compile_unary_minus,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("+_", ParamsInt1, Int, nullptr,
+                              compile_unary_plus,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("!_", ParamsInt1, Bool, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_logical_not, _1, _2, _3, true),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("!b_", {Bool}, Bool, nullptr,   // "overloaded" separate version for bool
+                              std::bind(compile_logical_not, _1, _2, _3, false),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("~_", ParamsInt1, Int, nullptr,
+                              compile_bitwise_not,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  // binary operators
+  define_builtin_func("_+_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              compile_add,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_-_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              compile_sub,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_*_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              compile_mul,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_/_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_div, _1, _2, _3, -1),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_~/_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_div, _1, _2, _3, 0),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_^/_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_div, _1, _2, _3, 1),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_%_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_mod, _1, _2, _3, -1),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_<<_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              compile_lshift,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_>>_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_rshift, _1, _2, _3, -1),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_~>>_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_rshift, _1, _2, _3, 0),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_^>>_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_rshift, _1, _2, _3, 1),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_&_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,        // also works for bool
+                              compile_bitwise_and,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_|_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,        // also works for bool
+                              compile_bitwise_or,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_^_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,        // also works for bool
+                              compile_bitwise_xor,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_==_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,       // also works for bool
+                              std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 2),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_!=_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,       // also works for bool
+                              std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 5),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_<_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 4),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_>_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 1),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_<=_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 6),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_>=_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 3),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("_<=>_", ParamsInt2, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_cmp_int, _1, _2, 7),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  // special function used for internal compilation of some lexical constructs
+  // for example, `throw 123;` is actually calling `__throw(123)`
+  define_builtin_func("__true", {}, Bool, nullptr, /* AsmOp::Const("TRUE") */
+                              std::bind(compile_bool_const, _1, _2, true),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("__false", {}, Bool, nullptr, /* AsmOp::Const("FALSE") */
+                              std::bind(compile_bool_const, _1, _2, false),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("__null", {}, typeT, declGenericT,
+                              AsmOp::Const("PUSHNULL"),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("__isNull", {typeT}, Bool, declGenericT,
+                              compile_is_null,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("__throw", ParamsInt1, Unit, nullptr,
+                              compile_throw,
-  define_builtin_func("__throw_arg", throw_arg_op, compile_throw_arg,
+  define_builtin_func("__throw_arg", {typeT, Int}, Unit, declGenericT,
+                              compile_throw_arg,
-  define_builtin_func("__throw_if_unless", TypeExpr::new_map(Int3, Unit), compile_throw_if_unless,
+  define_builtin_func("__throw_if_unless", ParamsInt3, Unit, nullptr,
+                              compile_throw_if_unless,
-  define_builtin_func("loadInt", fetch_int_op_mutate, std::bind(compile_fetch_int, _1, _2, true, true),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure | SymValFunc::flagHasMutateParams | SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf, {}, {1, 0});
-  define_builtin_func("loadUint", fetch_int_op_mutate, std::bind(compile_fetch_int, _1, _2, true, false),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure | SymValFunc::flagHasMutateParams | SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf, {}, {1, 0});
-  define_builtin_func("loadBits", fetch_slice_op_mutate, std::bind(compile_fetch_slice, _1, _2, true),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure | SymValFunc::flagHasMutateParams | SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf, {}, {1, 0});
-  define_builtin_func("preloadInt", prefetch_int_op, std::bind(compile_fetch_int, _1, _2, false, true),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure | SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf);
-  define_builtin_func("preloadUint", prefetch_int_op, std::bind(compile_fetch_int, _1, _2, false, false),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure | SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf);
-  define_builtin_func("preloadBits", prefetch_slice_op, std::bind(compile_fetch_slice, _1, _2, false),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure | SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf);
-  define_builtin_func("storeInt", store_int_mutate, std::bind(compile_store_int, _1, _2, true),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure | SymValFunc::flagHasMutateParams | SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf | SymValFunc::flagReturnsSelf, {1, 0, 2}, {});
-  define_builtin_func("storeUint", store_int_mutate, std::bind(compile_store_int, _1, _2, false),
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure | SymValFunc::flagHasMutateParams | SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf | SymValFunc::flagReturnsSelf, {1, 0, 2}, {});
-  define_builtin_func("tupleAt", TypeExpr::new_forall({X}, TypeExpr::new_map(TupleInt, X)), compile_tuple_at,
-                                SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure | SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf);
-  define_builtin_func("debugPrint", TypeExpr::new_forall({X}, TypeExpr::new_map(X, Unit)),
+  // functions from stdlib marked as `builtin`, implemented at compiler level for optimizations
+  // (for example, `loadInt(1)` is `1 LDI`, but `loadInt(n)` for non-constant requires it be on a stack and `LDIX`)
+  define_builtin_func("mulDivFloor", ParamsInt3, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_muldiv, _1, _2, _3, -1),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("mulDivRound", ParamsInt3, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_muldiv, _1, _2, _3, 0),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("mulDivCeil", ParamsInt3, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_muldiv, _1, _2, _3, 1),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("mulDivMod", ParamsInt3, TypeDataTensor::create({Int, Int}), nullptr,
+                              AsmOp::Custom("MULDIVMOD", 3, 2),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure);
+  define_builtin_func("loadInt", ParamsSliceInt, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_fetch_int, _1, _2, true, true),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure | FunctionData::flagHasMutateParams | FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf,
+                                {}, {1, 0});
+  define_builtin_func("loadUint", ParamsSliceInt, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_fetch_int, _1, _2, true, false),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure | FunctionData::flagHasMutateParams | FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf,
+                                {}, {1, 0});
+  define_builtin_func("loadBits", ParamsSliceInt, Slice, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_fetch_slice, _1, _2, true),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure | FunctionData::flagHasMutateParams | FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf,
+                                {}, {1, 0});
+  define_builtin_func("preloadInt", ParamsSliceInt, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_fetch_int, _1, _2, false, true),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure | FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf);
+  define_builtin_func("preloadUint", ParamsSliceInt, Int, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_fetch_int, _1, _2, false, false),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure | FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf);
+  define_builtin_func("preloadBits", ParamsSliceInt, Slice, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_fetch_slice, _1, _2, false),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure | FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf);
+  define_builtin_func("storeInt", {Builder, Int, Int}, Unit, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_store_int, _1, _2, true),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure | FunctionData::flagHasMutateParams | FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf | FunctionData::flagReturnsSelf,
+                                {1, 0, 2}, {});
+  define_builtin_func("storeUint", {Builder, Int, Int}, Unit, nullptr,
+                              std::bind(compile_store_int, _1, _2, false),
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure | FunctionData::flagHasMutateParams | FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf | FunctionData::flagReturnsSelf,
+                                {1, 0, 2}, {});
+  define_builtin_func("tupleAt", {Tuple, Int}, typeT, declGenericT,
+                              compile_tuple_at,
+                                FunctionData::flagMarkedAsPure | FunctionData::flagAcceptsSelf);
+  define_builtin_func("debugPrint", {typeT}, Unit, declGenericT,
                                 AsmOp::Custom("s0 DUMP DROP", 1, 1),
-  define_builtin_func("debugPrintString", TypeExpr::new_forall({X}, TypeExpr::new_map(X, Unit)),
+  define_builtin_func("debugPrintString", {typeT}, Unit, declGenericT,
                                 AsmOp::Custom("STRDUMP DROP", 1, 1),
-  define_builtin_func("debugDumpStack", TypeExpr::new_map(Unit, Unit),
+  define_builtin_func("debugDumpStack", {}, Unit, nullptr,
                                 AsmOp::Custom("DUMPSTK", 0, 0),
diff --git a/tolk/codegen.cpp b/tolk/codegen.cpp
index 9a90a3ed9..3830f7ae5 100644
--- a/tolk/codegen.cpp
+++ b/tolk/codegen.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "tolk.h"
 #include "compiler-state.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
 namespace tolk {
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
       return true;
     case _GlobVar:
-      if (dynamic_cast<const SymValGlobVar*>(fun_ref->value)) {
+      if (g_sym) {
         bool used = false;
         for (auto i : left) {
           auto p = next->var_info[i];
@@ -325,8 +326,7 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
         if (!used || disabled()) {
           return true;
-        std::string name = G.symbols.get_name(fun_ref->sym_idx);
-        stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " GETGLOB", 0, 1);
+        stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(g_sym->name + " GETGLOB", 0, 1);
         if (left.size() != 1) {
           tolk_assert(left.size() <= 15);
           stack.o << AsmOp::UnTuple((int)left.size());
@@ -343,25 +343,28 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
         stack.o << "CONT:<{";
-        auto func = dynamic_cast<SymValAsmFunc*>(fun_ref->value);
-        if (func) {
+        if (f_sym->is_asm_function() || f_sym->is_builtin_function()) {
           // TODO: create and compile a true lambda instead of this (so that arg_order and ret_order would work correctly)
           std::vector<VarDescr> args0, res;
-          TypeExpr::remove_indirect(func->sym_type);
-          tolk_assert(func->get_type()->is_map());
-          auto wr = func->get_type()->args.at(0)->get_width();
-          auto wl = func->get_type()->args.at(1)->get_width();
-          tolk_assert(wl >= 0 && wr >= 0);
-          for (int i = 0; i < wl; i++) {
+          int w_arg = 0;
+          for (const LocalVarData& param : f_sym->parameters) {
+            w_arg += param.declared_type->calc_width_on_stack();
+          }
+          int w_ret = f_sym->inferred_return_type->calc_width_on_stack();
+          tolk_assert(w_ret >= 0 && w_arg >= 0);
+          for (int i = 0; i < w_ret; i++) {
-          for (int i = 0; i < wr; i++) {
+          for (int i = 0; i < w_arg; i++) {
-          func->compile(stack.o, res, args0, where);  // compile res := f (args0)
+          if (f_sym->is_asm_function()) {
+            std::get<FunctionBodyAsm*>(f_sym->body)->compile(stack.o);  // compile res := f (args0)
+          } else {
+            std::get<FunctionBodyBuiltin*>(f_sym->body)->compile(stack.o, res, args0, where);  // compile res := f (args0)
+          }
         } else {
-          std::string name = G.symbols.get_name(fun_ref->sym_idx);
-          stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " CALLDICT", (int)right.size(), (int)left.size());
+          stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(f_sym->name + " CALLDICT", (int)right.size(), (int)left.size());
         stack.o << "}>";
@@ -438,10 +441,9 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
       if (disabled()) {
         return true;
-      // fun_ref can be nullptr for Op::_CallInd (invoke a variable, not a function)
-      SymValFunc* func = (fun_ref ? dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(fun_ref->value) : nullptr);
-      auto arg_order = (func ? func->get_arg_order() : nullptr);
-      auto ret_order = (func ? func->get_ret_order() : nullptr);
+      // f_sym can be nullptr for Op::_CallInd (invoke a variable, not a function)
+      const std::vector<int>* arg_order = f_sym ? f_sym->get_arg_order() : nullptr;
+      const std::vector<int>* ret_order = f_sym ? f_sym->get_ret_order() : nullptr;
       tolk_assert(!arg_order || arg_order->size() == right.size());
       tolk_assert(!ret_order || ret_order->size() == left.size());
       std::vector<var_idx_t> right1;
@@ -455,14 +457,12 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
-      } else if (arg_order) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < (int)right.size(); i++) {
-          right1.push_back(right.at(arg_order->at(i)));
-        }
       } else {
+        tolk_assert(!arg_order);
         right1 = right;
       std::vector<bool> last;
+      last.reserve(right1.size());
       for (var_idx_t x : right1) {
         last.push_back(var_info[x] && var_info[x]->is_last());
@@ -488,23 +488,25 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
       if (cl == _CallInd) {
         exec_callxargs((int)right.size() - 1, (int)left.size());
-      } else if (auto asm_fv = dynamic_cast<const SymValAsmFunc*>(fun_ref->value)) {
+      } else if (!f_sym->is_code_function()) {
         std::vector<VarDescr> res;
         for (var_idx_t i : left) {
-        asm_fv->compile(stack.o, res, args, where);  // compile res := f (args)
+        if (f_sym->is_asm_function()) {
+          std::get<FunctionBodyAsm*>(f_sym->body)->compile(stack.o);  // compile res := f (args)
+        } else {
+          std::get<FunctionBodyBuiltin*>(f_sym->body)->compile(stack.o, res, args, where);  // compile res := f (args)
+        }
       } else {
-        auto fv = dynamic_cast<const SymValCodeFunc*>(fun_ref->value);
-        std::string name = G.symbols.get_name(fun_ref->sym_idx);
-        if (fv->is_inline() || fv->is_inline_ref()) {
-          stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " INLINECALLDICT", (int)right.size(), (int)left.size());
-        } else if (fv->code && fv->code->require_callxargs) {
-          stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + (" PREPAREDICT"), 0, 2);
+        if (f_sym->is_inline() || f_sym->is_inline_ref()) {
+          stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(f_sym->name + " INLINECALLDICT", (int)right.size(), (int)left.size());
+        } else if (f_sym->is_code_function() && std::get<FunctionBodyCode*>(f_sym->body)->code->require_callxargs) {
+          stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(f_sym->name + (" PREPAREDICT"), 0, 2);
           exec_callxargs((int)right.size() + 1, (int)left.size());
         } else {
-          stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " CALLDICT", (int)right.size(), (int)left.size());
+          stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(f_sym->name + " CALLDICT", (int)right.size(), (int)left.size());
@@ -515,7 +517,7 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
       return true;
     case _SetGlob: {
-      tolk_assert(fun_ref && dynamic_cast<const SymValGlobVar*>(fun_ref->value));
+      tolk_assert(g_sym);
       std::vector<bool> last;
       for (var_idx_t x : right) {
         last.push_back(var_info[x] && var_info[x]->is_last());
@@ -534,8 +536,7 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
         stack.o << AsmOp::Tuple((int)right.size());
       if (!right.empty()) {
-        std::string name = G.symbols.get_name(fun_ref->sym_idx);
-        stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(name + " SETGLOB", 1, 0);
+        stack.o << AsmOp::Custom(g_sym->name + " SETGLOB", 1, 0);
       return true;
@@ -826,6 +827,8 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
       stack.rearrange_top(catch_vars, catch_last);
+      stack.o << "c1 PUSH";
+      stack.o << "c3 PUSH";
       stack.o << "c4 PUSH";
       stack.o << "c5 PUSH";
       stack.o << "c7 PUSH";
@@ -842,6 +845,8 @@ bool Op::generate_code_step(Stack& stack) {
       stack.o << "c7 SETCONT";
       stack.o << "c5 SETCONT";
       stack.o << "c4 SETCONT";
+      stack.o << "c3 SETCONT";
+      stack.o << "c1 SETCONT";
       for (size_t begin = catch_vars.size(), end = begin; end > 0; end = begin) {
         begin = end >= block_size ? end - block_size : 0;
         stack.o << std::to_string(end - begin) + " PUSHINT";
diff --git a/tolk/compiler-state.cpp b/tolk/compiler-state.cpp
index fb70022fa..66fad844f 100644
--- a/tolk/compiler-state.cpp
+++ b/tolk/compiler-state.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,19 @@ void ExperimentalOption::mark_deprecated(const char* deprecated_from_v, const ch
   this->deprecated_reason = deprecated_reason;
+std::string_view PersistentHeapAllocator::copy_string_to_persistent_memory(std::string_view str_in_tmp_memory) {
+  size_t len = str_in_tmp_memory.size();
+  char* allocated = new char[len];
+  memcpy(allocated, str_in_tmp_memory.data(), str_in_tmp_memory.size());
+  auto new_chunk = std::make_unique<ChunkInHeap>(allocated, std::move(head));
+  head = std::move(new_chunk);
+  return {head->allocated, len};
+void PersistentHeapAllocator::clear() {
+  head = nullptr;
 void CompilerSettings::enable_experimental_option(std::string_view name) {
   ExperimentalOption* to_enable = nullptr;
@@ -53,4 +66,8 @@ void CompilerSettings::parse_experimental_options_cmd_arg(const std::string& cmd
+const std::vector<const FunctionData*>& get_all_not_builtin_functions() {
+  return G.all_functions;
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/compiler-state.h b/tolk/compiler-state.h
index aec1945e2..d33eec81d 100644
--- a/tolk/compiler-state.h
+++ b/tolk/compiler-state.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include "src-file.h"
 #include "symtable.h"
 #include "td/utils/Status.h"
+#include <functional>
 #include <set>
 #include <string>
@@ -64,6 +65,26 @@ struct CompilerSettings {
   void parse_experimental_options_cmd_arg(const std::string& cmd_arg);
+// AST nodes contain std::string_view referencing to contents of .tolk files (kept in memory after reading).
+// It's more than enough, except a situation when we create new AST nodes inside the compiler
+// and want some "persistent place" for std::string_view to point to.
+// This class copies strings to heap, so that they remain valid after closing scope.
+class PersistentHeapAllocator {
+  struct ChunkInHeap {
+    const char* allocated;
+    std::unique_ptr<ChunkInHeap> next;
+    ChunkInHeap(const char* allocated, std::unique_ptr<ChunkInHeap>&& next)
+      : allocated(allocated), next(std::move(next)) {}
+  };
+  std::unique_ptr<ChunkInHeap> head = nullptr;
+  std::string_view copy_string_to_persistent_memory(std::string_view str_in_tmp_memory);
+  void clear();
 // CompilerState contains a mutable state that is changed while the compilation is going on.
 // It's a "global state" of all compilation.
 // Historically, in FunC, this global state was spread along many global C++ variables.
@@ -71,14 +92,13 @@ struct CompilerSettings {
 struct CompilerState {
   CompilerSettings settings;
-  SymTable symbols;
-  int scope_level = 0;
-  SymDef* sym_def[SymTable::SIZE_PRIME + 1]{};
-  SymDef* global_sym_def[SymTable::SIZE_PRIME + 1]{};
-  std::vector<std::pair<int, SymDef>> symbol_stack;
-  std::vector<SrcLocation> scope_opened_at;
+  GlobalSymbolTable symtable;
+  PersistentHeapAllocator persistent_mem;
-  std::vector<SymDef*> all_code_functions, all_global_vars, all_get_methods, all_constants;
+  std::vector<const FunctionData*> all_functions;       // all user-defined (not built-in) functions, with generic instantiations
+  std::vector<const FunctionData*> all_get_methods;
+  std::vector<const GlobalVarData*> all_global_vars;
+  std::vector<const GlobalConstData*> all_constants;
   AllRegisteredSrcFiles all_src_files;
   bool is_verbosity(int gt_eq) const { return settings.verbosity >= gt_eq; }
diff --git a/tolk/constant-evaluator.cpp b/tolk/constant-evaluator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ad273812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/constant-evaluator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "constant-evaluator.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "openssl/digest.hpp"
+#include "crypto/common/util.h"
+#include "td/utils/crypto.h"
+#include "ton/ton-types.h"
+namespace tolk {
+// parse address like "EQCRDM9h4k3UJdOePPuyX40mCgA4vxge5Dc5vjBR8djbEKC5"
+// based on unpack_std_smc_addr() from block.cpp
+// (which is not included to avoid linking with ton_crypto)
+static bool parse_friendly_address(const char packed[48], ton::WorkchainId& workchain, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr) {
+  unsigned char buffer[36];
+  if (!td::buff_base64_decode(td::MutableSlice{buffer, 36}, td::Slice{packed, 48}, true)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  td::uint16 crc = td::crc16(td::Slice{buffer, 34});
+  if (buffer[34] != (crc >> 8) || buffer[35] != (crc & 0xff) || (buffer[0] & 0x3f) != 0x11) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  workchain = static_cast<td::int8>(buffer[1]);
+  std::memcpy(addr.data(), buffer + 2, 32);
+  return true;
+// parse address like "0:527964d55cfa6eb731f4bfc07e9d025098097ef8505519e853986279bd8400d8"
+// based on StdAddress::parse_addr() from block.cpp
+// (which is not included to avoid linking with ton_crypto)
+static bool parse_raw_address(const std::string& acc_string, int& workchain, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr) {
+  size_t pos = acc_string.find(':');
+  if (pos != std::string::npos) {
+    td::Result<int> r_wc = td::to_integer_safe<ton::WorkchainId>(acc_string.substr(0, pos));
+    if (r_wc.is_error()) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    workchain = r_wc.move_as_ok();
+    pos++;
+  } else {
+    pos = 0;
+  }
+  if (acc_string.size() != pos + 64) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {    // loop through each hex digit
+    char c = acc_string[pos + i];
+    int x;
+    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+      x = c - '0';
+    } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
+      x = c - 'a' + 10;
+    } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
+      x = c - 'A' + 10;
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if ((i & 1) == 0) {
+      addr.data()[i >> 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((addr.data()[i >> 1] & 0x0F) | (x << 4));
+    } else {
+      addr.data()[i >> 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((addr.data()[i >> 1] & 0xF0) | x);
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+static std::string parse_vertex_string_const_as_slice(V<ast_string_const> v) {
+  std::string str = static_cast<std::string>(v->str_val);
+  switch (v->modifier) {
+    case 0: {
+      return td::hex_encode(str);
+    }
+    case 's': {
+      unsigned char buff[128];
+      long bits = td::bitstring::parse_bitstring_hex_literal(buff, sizeof(buff), str.data(), str.data() + str.size());
+      if (bits < 0) {
+        v->error("invalid hex bitstring constant '" + str + "'");
+      }
+      return str;
+    }
+    case 'a': {  // MsgAddress
+      ton::WorkchainId workchain;
+      ton::StdSmcAddress addr;
+      bool correct = (str.size() == 48 && parse_friendly_address(str.data(), workchain, addr)) ||
+                     (str.size() != 48 && parse_raw_address(str, workchain, addr));
+      if (!correct) {
+        v->error("invalid standard address '" + str + "'");
+      }
+      if (workchain < -128 || workchain >= 128) {
+        v->error("anycast addresses not supported");
+      }
+      unsigned char data[3 + 8 + 256];  // addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt;
+      td::bitstring::bits_store_long_top(data, 0, static_cast<uint64_t>(4) << (64 - 3), 3);
+      td::bitstring::bits_store_long_top(data, 3, static_cast<uint64_t>(workchain) << (64 - 8), 8);
+      td::bitstring::bits_memcpy(data, 3 + 8, addr.bits().ptr, 0, ton::StdSmcAddress::size());
+      return td::BitSlice{data, sizeof(data)}.to_hex();
+    }
+    default:
+      tolk_assert(false);
+  }
+static td::RefInt256 parse_vertex_string_const_as_int(V<ast_string_const> v) {
+  std::string str = static_cast<std::string>(v->str_val);
+  switch (v->modifier) {
+    case 'u': {
+      td::RefInt256 intval = td::hex_string_to_int256(td::hex_encode(str));
+      if (str.empty()) {
+        v->error("empty integer ascii-constant");
+      }
+      if (intval.is_null()) {
+        v->error("too long integer ascii-constant");
+      }
+      return intval;
+    }
+    case 'h':
+    case 'H': {
+      unsigned char hash[32];
+      digest::hash_str<digest::SHA256>(hash, str.data(), str.size());
+      return td::bits_to_refint(hash, (v->modifier == 'h') ? 32 : 256, false);
+    }
+    case 'c': {
+      return td::make_refint(td::crc32(td::Slice{str}));
+    }
+    default:
+      tolk_assert(false);
+  }
+struct ConstantEvaluator {
+  static bool is_overflow(const td::RefInt256& intval) {
+    return intval.is_null() || !intval->signed_fits_bits(257);
+  }
+  static ConstantValue handle_unary_operator(V<ast_unary_operator> v, const ConstantValue& rhs) {
+    if (!rhs.is_int()) {
+      v->error("invalid operator, expecting integer");
+    }
+    td::RefInt256 intval = std::get<td::RefInt256>(rhs.value);
+    switch (v->tok) {
+      case tok_minus:
+        intval = -intval;
+        break;
+      case tok_plus:
+        break;
+      case tok_bitwise_not:
+        intval = ~intval;
+      break;
+      case tok_logical_not:
+        intval = td::make_refint(intval == 0 ? -1 : 0);
+        break;
+      default:
+        v->error("not a constant expression");
+    }
+    if (is_overflow(intval)) {
+      v->error("integer overflow");
+    }
+    return ConstantValue::from_int(std::move(intval));
+  }
+  static ConstantValue handle_binary_operator(V<ast_binary_operator> v, const ConstantValue& lhs, const ConstantValue& rhs) {
+    if (!lhs.is_int() || !rhs.is_int()) {
+      v->error("invalid operator, expecting integer");
+    }
+    td::RefInt256 lhs_intval = std::get<td::RefInt256>(lhs.value);
+    td::RefInt256 rhs_intval = std::get<td::RefInt256>(rhs.value);
+    td::RefInt256 intval;
+    switch (v->tok) {
+      case tok_minus:
+        intval = lhs_intval - rhs_intval;
+        break;
+      case tok_plus:
+        intval = lhs_intval + rhs_intval;
+        break;
+      case tok_mul:
+        intval = lhs_intval * rhs_intval;
+        break;
+      case tok_div:
+        intval = lhs_intval / rhs_intval;
+        break;
+      case tok_mod:
+        intval = lhs_intval % rhs_intval;
+        break;
+      case tok_lshift:
+        intval = lhs_intval << static_cast<int>(rhs_intval->to_long());
+        break;
+      case tok_rshift:
+        intval = lhs_intval >> static_cast<int>(rhs_intval->to_long());
+        break;
+      case tok_bitwise_and:
+        intval = lhs_intval & rhs_intval;
+        break;
+      case tok_bitwise_or:
+        intval = lhs_intval | rhs_intval;
+        break;
+      case tok_bitwise_xor:
+        intval = lhs_intval ^ rhs_intval;
+        break;
+      case tok_eq:
+        intval = td::make_refint(lhs_intval == rhs_intval ? -1 : 0);
+        break;
+      case tok_lt:
+        intval = td::make_refint(lhs_intval < rhs_intval ? -1 : 0);
+        break;
+      case tok_gt:
+        intval = td::make_refint(lhs_intval > rhs_intval ? -1 : 0);
+        break;
+      case tok_leq:
+        intval = td::make_refint(lhs_intval <= rhs_intval ? -1 : 0);
+        break;
+      case tok_geq:
+        intval = td::make_refint(lhs_intval >= rhs_intval ? -1 : 0);
+        break;
+      case tok_neq:
+        intval = td::make_refint(lhs_intval != rhs_intval ? -1 : 0);
+        break;
+      default:
+        v->error("unsupported binary operator in constant expression");
+    }
+    if (is_overflow(intval)) {
+      v->error("integer overflow");
+    }
+    return ConstantValue::from_int(std::move(intval));
+  }
+  static ConstantValue handle_reference(V<ast_reference> v) {
+    // todo better handle "appears, directly or indirectly, in its own initializer"
+    std::string_view name = v->get_name();
+    const Symbol* sym = lookup_global_symbol(name);
+    if (!sym) {
+      v->error("undefined symbol `" + static_cast<std::string>(name) + "`");
+    }
+    const GlobalConstData* const_ref = sym->try_as<GlobalConstData>();
+    if (!const_ref) {
+      v->error("symbol `" + static_cast<std::string>(name) + "` is not a constant");
+    }
+    if (v->has_instantiationTs()) {   // SOME_CONST<int>
+      v->error("constant is not a generic");
+    }
+    return {const_ref->value};
+  }
+  static ConstantValue visit(AnyExprV v) {
+    if (auto v_int = v->try_as<ast_int_const>()) {
+      return ConstantValue::from_int(v_int->intval);
+    }
+    if (auto v_bool = v->try_as<ast_bool_const>()) {
+      return ConstantValue::from_int(v_bool->bool_val ? -1 : 0);
+    }
+    if (auto v_unop = v->try_as<ast_unary_operator>()) {
+      return handle_unary_operator(v_unop, visit(v_unop->get_rhs()));
+    }
+    if (auto v_binop = v->try_as<ast_binary_operator>()) {
+      return handle_binary_operator(v_binop, visit(v_binop->get_lhs()), visit(v_binop->get_rhs()));
+    }
+    if (auto v_ref = v->try_as<ast_reference>()) {
+      return handle_reference(v_ref);
+    }
+    if (auto v_par = v->try_as<ast_parenthesized_expression>()) {
+      return visit(v_par->get_expr());
+    }
+    if (v->try_as<ast_string_const>()) {
+      return eval_const_init_value(v);
+    }
+    v->error("not a constant expression");
+  }
+  static ConstantValue eval_const_init_value(AnyExprV init_value) {
+    // it init_value is incorrect, an exception is thrown
+    return visit(init_value);
+  }
+ConstantValue eval_const_init_value(AnyExprV init_value) {
+  // at first, handle most simple cases, not to launch heavy computation algorithm: just a number, just a string
+  // just `c = 1` or `c = 0xFF`
+  if (auto v_int = init_value->try_as<ast_int_const>()) {
+    return {v_int->intval};
+  }
+  // just `c = "strval"`, probably with modifier (address, etc.)
+  if (auto v_string = init_value->try_as<ast_string_const>()) {
+    if (v_string->is_bitslice()) {
+      return {parse_vertex_string_const_as_slice(v_string)};
+    } else {
+      return {parse_vertex_string_const_as_int(v_string)};
+    }
+  }
+  // something more complex, like `c = anotherC` or `c = 1 << 8`
+  return ConstantEvaluator::eval_const_init_value(init_value);
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/constant-evaluator.h b/tolk/constant-evaluator.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f99867d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/constant-evaluator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#pragma once
+#include "fwd-declarations.h"
+#include "crypto/common/refint.h"
+#include <variant>
+namespace tolk {
+struct ConstantValue {
+  std::variant<td::RefInt256, std::string> value;
+  bool is_int() const { return std::holds_alternative<td::RefInt256>(value); }
+  bool is_slice() const { return std::holds_alternative<std::string>(value); }
+  td::RefInt256 as_int() const { return std::get<td::RefInt256>(value); }
+  const std::string& as_slice() const { return std::get<std::string>(value); }
+  static ConstantValue from_int(int value) {
+    return {td::make_refint(value)};
+  }
+  static ConstantValue from_int(td::RefInt256 value) {
+    return {std::move(value)};
+  }
+ConstantValue eval_const_init_value(AnyExprV init_value);
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/fwd-declarations.h b/tolk/fwd-declarations.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3599f364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/fwd-declarations.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#pragma once
+namespace tolk {
+struct ASTNodeBase;
+struct ASTNodeExpressionBase;
+struct ASTNodeStatementBase;
+using AnyV = const ASTNodeBase*;
+using AnyExprV = const ASTNodeExpressionBase*;
+using AnyStatementV = const ASTNodeStatementBase*;
+struct Symbol;
+struct LocalVarData;
+struct FunctionData;
+struct GlobalVarData;
+struct GlobalConstData;
+class TypeData;
+using TypePtr = const TypeData*;
+struct SrcFile;
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/gen-abscode.cpp b/tolk/gen-abscode.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb085ae9c..000000000
--- a/tolk/gen-abscode.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
-    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "tolk.h"
-#include "compiler-state.h"
-using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
-namespace tolk {
- * 
- * 
- */
-Expr* Expr::copy() const {
-  auto res = new Expr{*this};
-  for (auto& arg : res->args) {
-    arg = arg->copy();
-  }
-  return res;
-Expr::Expr(ExprCls c, sym_idx_t name_idx, std::initializer_list<Expr*> _arglist) : cls(c), args(std::move(_arglist)) {
-  sym = lookup_symbol(name_idx);
-  if (!sym) {
-  }
-void Expr::deduce_type() {
-  if (e_type) {
-    return;
-  }
-  switch (cls) {
-    case _Apply: {
-      if (!sym) {
-        return;
-      }
-      SymValFunc* sym_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(sym->value);
-      if (!sym_val || !sym_val->get_type()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      std::vector<TypeExpr*> arg_types;
-      arg_types.reserve(args.size());
-      for (const Expr* arg : args) {
-        arg_types.push_back(arg->e_type);
-      }
-      TypeExpr* fun_type = TypeExpr::new_map(TypeExpr::new_tensor(arg_types), TypeExpr::new_hole());
-      try {
-        unify(fun_type, sym_val->sym_type);
-      } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-        std::ostringstream os;
-        os << "cannot apply function " << sym->name() << " : " << sym_val->get_type() << " to arguments of type "
-           << fun_type->args[0] << ": " << ue;
-        throw ParseError(here, os.str());
-      }
-      e_type = fun_type->args[1];
-      TypeExpr::remove_indirect(e_type);
-      return;
-    }
-    case _VarApply: {
-      tolk_assert(args.size() == 2);
-      TypeExpr* fun_type = TypeExpr::new_map(args[1]->e_type, TypeExpr::new_hole());
-      try {
-        unify(fun_type, args[0]->e_type);
-      } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-        std::ostringstream os;
-        os << "cannot apply expression of type " << args[0]->e_type << " to an expression of type " << args[1]->e_type
-           << ": " << ue;
-        throw ParseError(here, os.str());
-      }
-      e_type = fun_type->args[1];
-      TypeExpr::remove_indirect(e_type);
-      return;
-    }
-    case _GrabMutatedVars: {
-      tolk_assert(args.size() == 2 && args[0]->cls == _Apply && sym);
-      SymValFunc* called_f = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(sym->value);
-      tolk_assert(called_f->has_mutate_params());
-      TypeExpr* sym_type = called_f->get_type();
-      if (sym_type->constr == TypeExpr::te_ForAll) {
-        TypeExpr::remove_forall(sym_type);
-      }
-      tolk_assert(sym_type->args[1]->constr == TypeExpr::te_Tensor);
-      e_type = sym_type->args[1]->args[sym_type->args[1]->args.size() - 1];
-      TypeExpr::remove_indirect(e_type);
-      return;
-    }
-    case _ReturnSelf: {
-      tolk_assert(args.size() == 2 && sym);
-      Expr* this_arg = args[1];
-      e_type = this_arg->e_type;
-      TypeExpr::remove_indirect(e_type);
-      return;
-    }
-    case _Letop: {
-      tolk_assert(args.size() == 2);
-      try {
-        // std::cerr << "in assignment: " << args[0]->e_type << " from " << args[1]->e_type << std::endl;
-        unify(args[0]->e_type, args[1]->e_type);
-      } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-        std::ostringstream os;
-        os << "cannot assign an expression of type " << args[1]->e_type << " to a variable or pattern of type "
-           << args[0]->e_type << ": " << ue;
-        throw ParseError(here, os.str());
-      }
-      e_type = args[0]->e_type;
-      TypeExpr::remove_indirect(e_type);
-      return;
-    }
-    case _CondExpr: {
-      tolk_assert(args.size() == 3);
-      auto flag_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-      try {
-        unify(args[0]->e_type, flag_type);
-      } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-        std::ostringstream os;
-        os << "condition in a conditional expression has non-integer type " << args[0]->e_type << ": " << ue;
-        throw ParseError(here, os.str());
-      }
-      try {
-        unify(args[1]->e_type, args[2]->e_type);
-      } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-        std::ostringstream os;
-        os << "the two variants in a conditional expression have different types " << args[1]->e_type << " and "
-           << args[2]->e_type << " : " << ue;
-        throw ParseError(here, os.str());
-      }
-      e_type = args[1]->e_type;
-      TypeExpr::remove_indirect(e_type);
-      return;
-    }
-    default:
-      throw Fatal("unexpected cls=" + std::to_string(cls) + " in Expr::deduce_type()");
-  }
-void Expr::define_new_vars(CodeBlob& code) {
-  switch (cls) {
-    case _Tensor:
-    case _MkTuple: {
-      for (Expr* item : args) {
-        item->define_new_vars(code);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case _Var:
-      if (val < 0) {
-        val = code.create_var(e_type, sym->sym_idx, here);
-        sym->value->idx = val;
-      }
-      break;
-    case _Hole:
-      if (val < 0) {
-        val = code.create_tmp_var(e_type, here);
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-void Expr::predefine_vars() {
-  switch (cls) {
-    case _Tensor:
-    case _MkTuple: {
-      for (Expr* item : args) {
-        item->predefine_vars();
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case _Var:
-      if (!sym) {
-        tolk_assert(val < 0 && here.is_defined());
-        sym = define_symbol(~val, false, here);
-        // std::cerr << "predefining variable " << symbols.get_name(~val) << std::endl;
-        if (!sym) {
-          throw ParseError{here, std::string{"redefined variable `"} + G.symbols.get_name(~val) + "`"};
-        }
-        sym->value = new SymValVariable(-1, e_type);
-        if (is_immutable()) {
-          dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(sym->value)->flags |= SymValVariable::flagImmutable;
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-var_idx_t Expr::new_tmp(CodeBlob& code) const {
-  return code.create_tmp_var(e_type, here);
-void add_set_globs(CodeBlob& code, std::vector<std::pair<SymDef*, var_idx_t>>& globs, SrcLocation here) {
-  for (const auto& p : globs) {
-    auto& op = code.emplace_back(here, Op::_SetGlob, std::vector<var_idx_t>{}, std::vector<var_idx_t>{ p.second }, p.first);
-    op.set_impure(code);
-  }
-std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_let(CodeBlob& code, Expr* lhs, Expr* rhs, SrcLocation here) {
-  if (lhs->is_mktuple()) {
-    if (rhs->is_mktuple()) {
-      return pre_compile_let(code, lhs->args.at(0), rhs->args.at(0), here);
-    }
-    auto right = rhs->pre_compile(code);
-    TypeExpr::remove_indirect(rhs->e_type);
-    auto unpacked_type = rhs->e_type->args.at(0);
-    std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp{code.create_tmp_var(unpacked_type, rhs->here)};
-    code.emplace_back(lhs->here, Op::_UnTuple, tmp, std::move(right));
-    auto tvar = new Expr{Expr::_Var, lhs->here};
-    tvar->set_val(tmp[0]);
-    tvar->set_location(rhs->here);
-    tvar->e_type = unpacked_type;
-    pre_compile_let(code, lhs->args.at(0), tvar, here);
-    return tmp;
-  }
-  auto right = rhs->pre_compile(code);
-  std::vector<std::pair<SymDef*, var_idx_t>> globs;
-  auto left = lhs->pre_compile(code, &globs);
-  for (var_idx_t v : left) {
-    code.on_var_modification(v, here);
-  }
-  code.emplace_back(here, Op::_Let, std::move(left), right);
-  add_set_globs(code, globs, here);
-  return right;
-std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_tensor(const std::vector<Expr *>& args, CodeBlob &code,
-                                          std::vector<std::pair<SymDef*, var_idx_t>> *lval_globs) {
-  const size_t n = args.size();
-  if (n == 0) {  // just `()`
-    return {};
-  }
-  if (n == 1) {  // just `(x)`: even if x is modified (e.g. `f(x=x+2)`), there are no next arguments
-    return args[0]->pre_compile(code, lval_globs);
-  }
-  std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> res_lists(n);
-  struct ModifiedVar {
-    size_t i, j;
-    std::unique_ptr<Op>* cur_ops; // `LET tmp = v_ij` will be inserted before this
-  };
-  std::vector<ModifiedVar> modified_vars;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    res_lists[i] = args[i]->pre_compile(code, lval_globs);
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < res_lists[i].size(); ++j) {
-      TmpVar& var = code.vars.at(res_lists[i][j]);
-      if (!lval_globs && !var.is_unnamed()) {
-        var.on_modification.push_back([&modified_vars, i, j, cur_ops = code.cur_ops, done = false](SrcLocation here) mutable {
-          if (!done) {
-            done = true;
-            modified_vars.push_back({i, j, cur_ops});
-          }
-        });
-      } else {
-        var.on_modification.push_back([](SrcLocation) {
-        });
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  for (const auto& list : res_lists) {
-    for (var_idx_t v : list) {
-      tolk_assert(!code.vars.at(v).on_modification.empty());
-      code.vars.at(v).on_modification.pop_back();
-    }
-  }
-  for (size_t idx = modified_vars.size(); idx--; ) {
-    const ModifiedVar &m = modified_vars[idx];
-    var_idx_t orig_v = res_lists[m.i][m.j];
-    var_idx_t tmp_v = code.create_tmp_var(code.vars[orig_v].v_type, code.vars[orig_v].where);
-    std::unique_ptr<Op> op = std::make_unique<Op>(code.vars[orig_v].where, Op::_Let);
-    op->left = {tmp_v};
-    op->right = {orig_v};
-    op->next = std::move((*m.cur_ops));
-    *m.cur_ops = std::move(op);
-    res_lists[m.i][m.j] = tmp_v;
-  }
-  std::vector<var_idx_t> res;
-  for (const auto& list : res_lists) {
-    res.insert(res.end(), list.cbegin(), list.cend());
-  }
-  return res;
-std::vector<var_idx_t> Expr::pre_compile(CodeBlob& code, std::vector<std::pair<SymDef*, var_idx_t>>* lval_globs) const {
-  if (lval_globs && !(cls == _Tensor || cls == _Var || cls == _Hole || cls == _GlobVar)) {
-    std::cerr << "lvalue expression constructor is " << cls << std::endl;
-    throw Fatal{"cannot compile lvalue expression with unknown constructor"};
-  }
-  switch (cls) {
-    case _Tensor: {
-      return pre_compile_tensor(args, code, lval_globs);
-    }
-    case _Apply: {
-      tolk_assert(sym);
-      std::vector<var_idx_t> res = pre_compile_tensor(args, code, lval_globs);;
-      auto rvect = new_tmp_vect(code);
-      auto& op = code.emplace_back(here, Op::_Call, rvect, res, sym);
-      if (flags & _IsImpure) {
-        op.set_impure(code);
-      }
-      return rvect;
-    }
-    case _GrabMutatedVars: {
-      SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(sym->value);
-      tolk_assert(func_val && func_val->has_mutate_params());
-      tolk_assert(args.size() == 2 && args[0]->cls == _Apply && args[1]->cls == _Tensor);
-      auto right = args[0]->pre_compile(code);    // apply (returning function result and mutated)
-      std::vector<std::pair<SymDef*, var_idx_t>> local_globs;
-      if (!lval_globs) {
-        lval_globs = &local_globs;
-      }
-      auto left = args[1]->pre_compile(code, lval_globs);   // mutated (lvalue)
-      auto rvect = new_tmp_vect(code);
-      left.push_back(rvect[0]);
-      for (var_idx_t v : left) {
-        code.on_var_modification(v, here);
-      }
-      code.emplace_back(here, Op::_Let, std::move(left), std::move(right));
-      add_set_globs(code, local_globs, here);
-      return rvect;
-    }
-    case _ReturnSelf: {
-      tolk_assert(args.size() == 2 && sym);
-      Expr* this_arg = args[1];
-      auto right = args[0]->pre_compile(code);
-      return this_arg->pre_compile(code);
-    }
-    case _Var:
-    case _Hole:
-      if (val < 0) {
-        throw ParseError{here, "unexpected variable definition"};
-      }
-      return {val};
-    case _VarApply:
-      if (args[0]->cls == _GlobFunc) {
-        auto res = args[1]->pre_compile(code);
-        auto rvect = new_tmp_vect(code);
-        auto& op = code.emplace_back(here, Op::_Call, rvect, std::move(res), args[0]->sym);
-        if (args[0]->flags & _IsImpure) {
-          op.set_impure(code);
-        }
-        return rvect;
-      } else {
-        auto res = args[1]->pre_compile(code);
-        auto tfunc = args[0]->pre_compile(code);
-        if (tfunc.size() != 1) {
-          throw Fatal{"stack tuple used as a function"};
-        }
-        res.push_back(tfunc[0]);
-        auto rvect = new_tmp_vect(code);
-        code.emplace_back(here, Op::_CallInd, rvect, std::move(res));
-        return rvect;
-      }
-    case _Const: {
-      auto rvect = new_tmp_vect(code);
-      code.emplace_back(here, Op::_IntConst, rvect, intval);
-      return rvect;
-    }
-    case _GlobFunc:
-    case _GlobVar: {
-      if (auto fun_ref = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(sym->value)) {
-        fun_ref->flags |= SymValFunc::flagUsedAsNonCall;
-        if (!fun_ref->arg_order.empty() || !fun_ref->ret_order.empty()) {
-          throw ParseError(here, "saving `" + sym->name() + "` into a variable will most likely lead to invalid usage, since it changes the order of variables on the stack");
-        }
-        if (fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
-          throw ParseError(here, "saving `" + sym->name() + "` into a variable is impossible, since it has `mutate` parameters and thus can only be called directly");
-        }
-      }
-      auto rvect = new_tmp_vect(code);
-      if (lval_globs) {
-        lval_globs->push_back({ sym, rvect[0] });
-        return rvect;
-      } else {
-        code.emplace_back(here, Op::_GlobVar, rvect, std::vector<var_idx_t>{}, sym);
-        return rvect;
-      }
-    }
-    case _Letop: {
-      return pre_compile_let(code, args.at(0), args.at(1), here);
-    }
-    case _MkTuple: {
-      auto left = new_tmp_vect(code);
-      auto right = args[0]->pre_compile(code);
-      code.emplace_back(here, Op::_Tuple, left, std::move(right));
-      return left;
-    }
-    case _CondExpr: {
-      auto cond = args[0]->pre_compile(code);
-      tolk_assert(cond.size() == 1);
-      auto rvect = new_tmp_vect(code);
-      Op& if_op = code.emplace_back(here, Op::_If, cond);
-      code.push_set_cur(if_op.block0);
-      code.emplace_back(here, Op::_Let, rvect, args[1]->pre_compile(code));
-      code.close_pop_cur(args[1]->here);
-      code.push_set_cur(if_op.block1);
-      code.emplace_back(here, Op::_Let, rvect, args[2]->pre_compile(code));
-      code.close_pop_cur(args[2]->here);
-      return rvect;
-    }
-    case _SliceConst: {
-      auto rvect = new_tmp_vect(code);
-      code.emplace_back(here, Op::_SliceConst, rvect, strval);
-      return rvect;
-    }
-    default:
-      std::cerr << "expression constructor is " << cls << std::endl;
-      throw Fatal{"cannot compile expression with unknown constructor"};
-  }
-}  // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/generics-helpers.cpp b/tolk/generics-helpers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d353cc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/generics-helpers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "generics-helpers.h"
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-replicator.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
+#include "compiler-state.h"
+#include "pipeline.h"
+namespace tolk {
+// given orig = "(int, T)" and substitutions = [slice], return "(int, slice)"
+static TypePtr replace_genericT_with_deduced(TypePtr orig, const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs, const std::vector<TypePtr>& substitutionTs) {
+  if (!orig || !orig->has_genericT_inside()) {
+    return orig;
+  }
+  tolk_assert(genericTs->size() == substitutionTs.size());
+  return orig->replace_children_custom([genericTs, substitutionTs](TypePtr child) {
+    if (const TypeDataGenericT* asT = child->try_as<TypeDataGenericT>()) {
+      int idx = genericTs->find_nameT(asT->nameT);
+      if (idx == -1) {
+        throw Fatal("can not replace generic " + asT->nameT);
+      }
+      return substitutionTs[idx];
+    }
+    return child;
+  });
+// purpose: having `f<T>(value: T)` and call `f(5)`, deduce T = int
+// generally, there may be many generic Ts for declaration, and many arguments
+// for every argument, `consider_next_condition()` is called
+// example: `f<T1, T2>(a: int, b: T1, c: (T1, T2))` and call `f(6, 7, (8, cs))`
+// - `a` does not affect, it doesn't depend on generic Ts
+// - next condition: param_type = `T1`, arg_type = `int`, deduce T1 = int
+// - next condition: param_type = `(T1, T2)`, arg_type = `(int, slice)`, deduce T1 = int, T2 = slice
+// for call `f(6, cs, (8, cs))` T1 will be both `slice` and `int`, fired an error
+class GenericSubstitutionsDeduceForFunctionCall final {
+  const FunctionData* fun_ref;
+  std::vector<TypePtr> substitutions;
+  void provideDeducedT(const std::string& nameT, TypePtr deduced) {
+    if (deduced == TypeDataNullLiteral::create() || deduced->has_unknown_inside()) {
+      return;   // just 'null' doesn't give sensible info
+    }
+    int idx = fun_ref->genericTs->find_nameT(nameT);
+    if (substitutions[idx] == nullptr) {
+      substitutions[idx] = deduced;
+    } else if (substitutions[idx] != deduced) {
+      throw std::runtime_error(nameT + " is both " + substitutions[idx]->as_human_readable() + " and " + deduced->as_human_readable());
+    }
+  }
+  explicit GenericSubstitutionsDeduceForFunctionCall(const FunctionData* fun_ref)
+    : fun_ref(fun_ref) {
+    substitutions.resize(fun_ref->genericTs->size());  // filled with nullptr (nothing deduced)
+  }
+  void consider_next_condition(TypePtr param_type, TypePtr arg_type) {
+    if (const auto* asT = param_type->try_as<TypeDataGenericT>()) {
+      // `(arg: T)` called as `f([1, 2])` => T is [int, int]
+      provideDeducedT(asT->nameT, arg_type);
+    } else if (const auto* p_tensor = param_type->try_as<TypeDataTensor>()) {
+      // `arg: (int, T)` called as `f((5, cs))` => T is slice
+      if (const auto* a_tensor = arg_type->try_as<TypeDataTensor>(); a_tensor && a_tensor->size() == p_tensor->size()) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < a_tensor->size(); ++i) {
+          consider_next_condition(p_tensor->items[i], a_tensor->items[i]);
+        }
+      }
+    } else if (const auto* p_tuple = param_type->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>()) {
+      // `arg: [int, T]` called as `f([5, cs])` => T is slice
+      if (const auto* a_tuple = arg_type->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>(); a_tuple && a_tuple->size() == p_tuple->size()) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < a_tuple->size(); ++i) {
+          consider_next_condition(p_tuple->items[i], a_tuple->items[i]);
+        }
+      }
+    } else if (const auto* p_callable = param_type->try_as<TypeDataFunCallable>()) {
+      // `arg: fun(TArg) -> TResult` called as `f(calcTupleLen)` => TArg is tuple, TResult is int
+      if (const auto* a_callable = arg_type->try_as<TypeDataFunCallable>(); a_callable && a_callable->params_size() == p_callable->params_size()) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < a_callable->params_size(); ++i) {
+          consider_next_condition(p_callable->params_types[i], a_callable->params_types[i]);
+        }
+        consider_next_condition(p_callable->return_type, a_callable->return_type);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  int get_first_not_deduced_idx() const {
+    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(substitutions.size()); ++i) {
+      if (substitutions[i] == nullptr) {
+        return i;
+      }
+    }
+    return -1;
+  }
+  std::vector<TypePtr> flush() {
+    return {std::move(substitutions)};
+  }
+// clone the body of `f<T>` replacing T everywhere with a substitution
+// before: `fun f<T>(v: T) { var cp: [T] = [v]; }`
+// after:  `fun f<int>(v: int) { var cp: [int] = [v]; }`
+// an instantiated function becomes a deep copy, all AST nodes are copied, no previous pointers left
+class GenericFunctionReplicator final : public ASTReplicatorFunction {
+  const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs;
+  const std::vector<TypePtr>& substitutionTs;
+  using ASTReplicatorFunction::clone;
+  TypePtr clone(TypePtr t) override {
+    return replace_genericT_with_deduced(t, genericTs, substitutionTs);
+  }
+  GenericFunctionReplicator(const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs, const std::vector<TypePtr>& substitutionTs)
+    : genericTs(genericTs)
+    , substitutionTs(substitutionTs) {
+  }
+  V<ast_function_declaration> clone_function_body(V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) override {
+    return createV<ast_function_declaration>(
+      v_function->loc,
+      clone(v_function->get_identifier()),
+      clone(v_function->get_param_list()),
+      clone(v_function->get_body()),
+      clone(v_function->declared_return_type),
+      nullptr,    // a newly-created function is not generic
+      v_function->method_id,
+      v_function->flags
+    );
+  }
+std::string GenericsDeclaration::as_human_readable() const {
+  std::string result = "<";
+  for (const GenericsItem& item : itemsT) {
+    if (result.size() > 1) {
+      result += ",";
+    }
+    result += item.nameT;
+  }
+  result += ">";
+  return result;
+int GenericsDeclaration::find_nameT(std::string_view nameT) const {
+  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(itemsT.size()); ++i) {
+    if (itemsT[i].nameT == nameT) {
+      return i;
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+// after creating a deep copy of `f<T>` like `f<int>`, its new and fresh body needs the previous pipeline to run
+// for example, all local vars need to be registered as symbols, etc.
+static void run_pipeline_for_instantiated_function(const FunctionData* inst_fun_ref) {
+  // these pipes are exactly the same as in tolk.cpp — all preceding (and including) type inferring
+  pipeline_resolve_identifiers_and_assign_symbols(inst_fun_ref);
+  pipeline_calculate_rvalue_lvalue(inst_fun_ref);
+  pipeline_detect_unreachable_statements(inst_fun_ref);
+  pipeline_infer_types_and_calls_and_fields(inst_fun_ref);
+std::string generate_instantiated_name(const std::string& orig_name, const std::vector<TypePtr>& substitutions) {
+  // an instantiated function name will be "{orig_name}<{T1,T2,...}>"
+  std::string name = orig_name;
+  name += "<";
+  for (TypePtr subs : substitutions) {
+    if (name.size() > orig_name.size() + 1) {
+      name += ",";
+    }
+    name += subs->as_human_readable();
+  }
+  name.erase(std::remove(name.begin(), name.end(), ' '), name.end());
+  name += ">";
+  return name;
+td::Result<std::vector<TypePtr>> deduce_substitutionTs_on_generic_func_call(const FunctionData* called_fun, std::vector<TypePtr>&& arg_types, TypePtr return_hint) {
+  try {
+    GenericSubstitutionsDeduceForFunctionCall deducing(called_fun);
+    for (const LocalVarData& param : called_fun->parameters) {
+      if (param.declared_type->has_genericT_inside() && param.idx < static_cast<int>(arg_types.size())) {
+        deducing.consider_next_condition(param.declared_type, arg_types[param.idx]);
+      }
+    }
+    int idx = deducing.get_first_not_deduced_idx();
+    if (idx != -1 && return_hint && called_fun->declared_return_type->has_genericT_inside()) {
+      deducing.consider_next_condition(called_fun->declared_return_type, return_hint);
+      idx = deducing.get_first_not_deduced_idx();
+    }
+    if (idx != -1) {
+      return td::Status::Error(td::Slice{"can not deduce " + called_fun->genericTs->get_nameT(idx)});
+    }
+    return deducing.flush();
+  } catch (const std::runtime_error& ex) {
+    return td::Status::Error(td::Slice{ex.what()});
+  }
+const FunctionData* instantiate_generic_function(SrcLocation loc, const FunctionData* fun_ref, const std::string& inst_name, std::vector<TypePtr>&& substitutionTs) {
+  tolk_assert(fun_ref->genericTs);
+  // if `f<int>` was earlier instantiated, return it
+  if (const auto* existing = lookup_global_symbol(inst_name)) {
+    const FunctionData* inst_ref = existing->try_as<FunctionData>();
+    tolk_assert(inst_ref);
+    return inst_ref;
+  }
+  std::vector<LocalVarData> parameters;
+  parameters.reserve(fun_ref->get_num_params());
+  for (const LocalVarData& orig_p : fun_ref->parameters) {
+    parameters.emplace_back(orig_p.name, orig_p.loc, replace_genericT_with_deduced(orig_p.declared_type, fun_ref->genericTs, substitutionTs), orig_p.flags, orig_p.idx);
+  }
+  TypePtr declared_return_type = replace_genericT_with_deduced(fun_ref->declared_return_type, fun_ref->genericTs, substitutionTs);
+  const GenericsInstantiation* instantiationTs = new GenericsInstantiation(loc, std::move(substitutionTs));
+  if (fun_ref->is_asm_function()) {
+    FunctionData* inst_ref = new FunctionData(inst_name, fun_ref->loc, declared_return_type, std::move(parameters), fun_ref->flags, nullptr, instantiationTs, new FunctionBodyAsm, fun_ref->ast_root);
+    inst_ref->arg_order = fun_ref->arg_order;
+    inst_ref->ret_order = fun_ref->ret_order;
+    G.symtable.add_function(inst_ref);
+    G.all_functions.push_back(inst_ref);
+    run_pipeline_for_instantiated_function(inst_ref);
+    return inst_ref;
+  }
+  if (fun_ref->is_builtin_function()) {
+    FunctionData* inst_ref = new FunctionData(inst_name, fun_ref->loc, declared_return_type, std::move(parameters), fun_ref->flags, nullptr, instantiationTs, fun_ref->body, fun_ref->ast_root);
+    inst_ref->arg_order = fun_ref->arg_order;
+    inst_ref->ret_order = fun_ref->ret_order;
+    G.symtable.add_function(inst_ref);
+    return inst_ref;
+  }
+  GenericFunctionReplicator replicator(fun_ref->genericTs, instantiationTs->substitutions);
+  V<ast_function_declaration> inst_root = replicator.clone_function_body(fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>());
+  FunctionData* inst_ref = new FunctionData(inst_name, fun_ref->loc, declared_return_type, std::move(parameters), fun_ref->flags, nullptr, instantiationTs, new FunctionBodyCode, inst_root);
+  inst_ref->arg_order = fun_ref->arg_order;
+  inst_ref->ret_order = fun_ref->ret_order;
+  inst_root->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(inst_ref);
+  G.symtable.add_function(inst_ref);
+  G.all_functions.push_back(inst_ref);
+  run_pipeline_for_instantiated_function(inst_ref);
+  return inst_ref;
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/generics-helpers.h b/tolk/generics-helpers.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a304f55b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/generics-helpers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#pragma once
+#include "src-file.h"
+#include "fwd-declarations.h"
+#include "td/utils/Status.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace tolk {
+// when a function is declared `f<T>`, this "<T>" is represented as this class
+// (not at AST, but at symbol storage level)
+struct GenericsDeclaration {
+  struct GenericsItem {
+    std::string_view nameT;
+    explicit GenericsItem(std::string_view nameT)
+      : nameT(nameT) {}
+  };
+  explicit GenericsDeclaration(std::vector<GenericsItem>&& itemsT)
+    : itemsT(std::move(itemsT)) {}
+  const std::vector<GenericsItem> itemsT;
+  std::string as_human_readable() const;
+  size_t size() const { return itemsT.size(); }
+  bool has_nameT(std::string_view nameT) const { return find_nameT(nameT) != -1; }
+  int find_nameT(std::string_view nameT) const;
+  std::string get_nameT(int idx) const { return static_cast<std::string>(itemsT[idx].nameT); }
+// when a function call is `f<int>()`, this "<int>" is represented as this class
+struct GenericsInstantiation {
+  const std::vector<TypePtr> substitutions;           // <SomeStruct, int> for genericTs <T1, T2>
+  const SrcLocation loc;                              // first instantiation location
+  explicit GenericsInstantiation(SrcLocation loc, std::vector<TypePtr>&& substitutions)
+    : substitutions(std::move(substitutions))
+    , loc(loc) {
+  }
+std::string generate_instantiated_name(const std::string& orig_name, const std::vector<TypePtr>& substitutions);
+td::Result<std::vector<TypePtr>> deduce_substitutionTs_on_generic_func_call(const FunctionData* called_fun, std::vector<TypePtr>&& arg_types, TypePtr return_hint);
+const FunctionData* instantiate_generic_function(SrcLocation loc, const FunctionData* fun_ref, const std::string& inst_name, std::vector<TypePtr>&& substitutionTs);
+}  // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/lexer.cpp b/tolk/lexer.cpp
index 17eb4544c..7e8c8fb2d 100644
--- a/tolk/lexer.cpp
+++ b/tolk/lexer.cpp
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
     along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 #include "lexer.h"
-#include "compiler-state.h"
-#include "symtable.h"
 #include <cassert>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstring>
 namespace tolk {
@@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ struct ChunkIdentifierOrKeyword final : ChunkLexerBase {
       case 2:
         if (str == "do") return tok_do;
         if (str == "if") return tok_if;
+        if (str == "as") return tok_as;
       case 3:
         if (str == "int") return tok_int;
@@ -345,7 +346,6 @@ struct ChunkIdentifierOrKeyword final : ChunkLexerBase {
         if (str == "null") return tok_null;
         if (str == "void") return tok_void;
         if (str == "bool") return tok_bool;
-        if (str == "auto") return tok_auto;
         if (str == "self") return tok_self;
         if (str == "tolk") return tok_tolk;
         if (str == "type") return tok_type;
@@ -406,7 +406,6 @@ struct ChunkIdentifierOrKeyword final : ChunkLexerBase {
     if (TokenType kw_tok = maybe_keyword(str_val)) {
       lex->add_token(kw_tok, str_val);
     } else {
-      G.symbols.lookup_add(str_val);
       lex->add_token(tok_identifier, str_val);
     return true;
@@ -421,7 +420,7 @@ struct ChunkIdentifierInBackticks final : ChunkLexerBase {
     const char* str_begin = lex->c_str();
     while (!lex->is_eof() && lex->char_at() != '`' && lex->char_at() != '\n') {
-      if (std::isspace(lex->char_at())) { // probably, I'll remove this restriction after rewriting symtable and cur_sym_idx
+      if (std::isspace(lex->char_at())) {
         lex->error("an identifier can't have a space in its name (even inside backticks)");
@@ -432,7 +431,6 @@ struct ChunkIdentifierInBackticks final : ChunkLexerBase {
     std::string_view str_val(str_begin + 1, lex->c_str() - str_begin - 1);
-    G.symbols.lookup_add(str_val);
     lex->add_token(tok_identifier, str_val);
     return true;
@@ -580,6 +578,16 @@ void Lexer::next_special(TokenType parse_next_as, const char* str_expected) {
   cur_token = tokens_circularbuf[++cur_token_idx & 7];
+Lexer::SavedPositionForLookahead Lexer::save_parsing_position() const {
+  return {p_next, cur_token_idx, cur_token};
+void Lexer::restore_position(SavedPositionForLookahead saved) {
+  p_next = saved.p_next;
+  cur_token_idx = last_token_idx = saved.cur_token_idx;
+  cur_token = saved.cur_token;
 void Lexer::error(const std::string& err_msg) const {
   throw ParseError(cur_location(), err_msg);
@@ -597,7 +605,7 @@ void lexer_init() {
 // Hence, it's difficult to measure Lexer performance separately.
 // This function can be called just to tick Lexer performance, it just scans all input files.
 // There is no sense to use it in production, but when refactoring and optimizing Lexer, it's useful.
-void lexer_measure_performance(const AllSrcFiles& files_to_just_parse) {
+void lexer_measure_performance(const AllRegisteredSrcFiles& files_to_just_parse) {
   for (const SrcFile* file : files_to_just_parse) {
     Lexer lex(file);
     while (!lex.is_eof()) {
diff --git a/tolk/lexer.h b/tolk/lexer.h
index 8a25f9526..81d579db0 100644
--- a/tolk/lexer.h
+++ b/tolk/lexer.h
@@ -57,10 +57,29 @@ enum TokenType {
+  tok_set_plus,
+  tok_set_minus,
+  tok_set_mul,
+  tok_set_div,
+  tok_set_mod,
+  tok_lshift,
+  tok_set_lshift,
+  tok_rshift,
+  tok_set_rshift,
+  tok_rshiftR,
+  tok_rshiftC,
+  tok_bitwise_and,
+  tok_set_bitwise_and,
+  tok_bitwise_or,
+  tok_set_bitwise_or,
+  tok_bitwise_xor,
+  tok_set_bitwise_xor,
+  tok_bitwise_not,
@@ -77,32 +96,14 @@ enum TokenType {
-  tok_bitwise_and,
-  tok_bitwise_or,
-  tok_bitwise_xor,
-  tok_bitwise_not,
-  tok_lshift,
-  tok_rshift,
-  tok_rshiftR,
-  tok_rshiftC,
-  tok_set_plus,
-  tok_set_minus,
-  tok_set_mul,
-  tok_set_div,
-  tok_set_mod,
-  tok_set_lshift,
-  tok_set_rshift,
-  tok_set_bitwise_and,
-  tok_set_bitwise_or,
-  tok_set_bitwise_xor,
@@ -124,9 +125,9 @@ enum TokenType {
-  tok_auto,
+  tok_as,
@@ -165,6 +166,12 @@ class Lexer {
+  struct SavedPositionForLookahead {
+    const char* p_next = nullptr;
+    int cur_token_idx = 0;
+    Token cur_token;
+  };
   explicit Lexer(const SrcFile* file);
   Lexer(const Lexer&) = delete;
   Lexer &operator=(const Lexer&) = delete;
@@ -208,6 +215,9 @@ class Lexer {
   void next();
   void next_special(TokenType parse_next_as, const char* str_expected);
+  SavedPositionForLookahead save_parsing_position() const;
+  void restore_position(SavedPositionForLookahead saved);
   void check(TokenType next_tok, const char* str_expected) const {
     if (cur_token.type != next_tok) {
       unexpected(str_expected); // unlikely path, not inlined
@@ -229,6 +239,6 @@ class Lexer {
 void lexer_init();
 // todo #ifdef TOLK_PROFILING
-void lexer_measure_performance(const AllSrcFiles& files_to_just_parse);
+void lexer_measure_performance(const AllRegisteredSrcFiles& files_to_just_parse);
 }  // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-ast-to-legacy.cpp b/tolk/pipe-ast-to-legacy.cpp
index 7257bfb07..d60bb8b34 100644
--- a/tolk/pipe-ast-to-legacy.cpp
+++ b/tolk/pipe-ast-to-legacy.cpp
@@ -17,1068 +17,561 @@
 #include "tolk.h"
 #include "src-file.h"
 #include "ast.h"
-#include "compiler-state.h"
+#include "ast-visitor.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
 #include "common/refint.h"
-#include "openssl/digest.hpp"
-#include "crypto/common/util.h"
-#include "td/utils/crypto.h"
-#include "ton/ton-types.h"
+#include "constant-evaluator.h"
- *   In this module, we convert modern AST representation to legacy representation
- * (global state, Expr, CodeBlob, etc.) to make the rest of compiling process remain unchanged for now.
- *   Since time goes, I'll gradually get rid of legacy, since most of the code analysis
- * should be done at AST level.
+ *   This pipe is the last one operating AST: it transforms AST to IR.
+ *   IR is described as "Op" struct. So, here AST is transformed to Ops, and then all the rest "legacy"
+ * kernel (initially forked from FunC) comes into play.
+ *   Up to this point, all types have been inferred, all validity checks have been passed, etc.
+ * All properties in AST nodes are assigned and can be safely used (fun_ref, etc.).
+ * So, if execution reaches this pass, the input is correct, and code generation should succeed.
 namespace tolk {
-static int calc_sym_idx(std::string_view sym_name) {
-  return G.symbols.lookup(sym_name);
-void Expr::fire_error_rvalue_expected() const {
-  // generally, almost all vertices are rvalue, that's why code leading to "not rvalue"
-  // should be very strange, like `var x = _`
-  throw ParseError(here, "rvalue expected");
+struct LValGlobs {
+  std::vector<std::pair<const GlobalVarData*, var_idx_t>> globs;
-void Expr::fire_error_lvalue_expected(const std::string& details) const {
-  // "lvalue expected" is when a user modifies something unmodifiable
-  // example: `f() = 32`
-  // example: `loadUint(c.beginParse(), 32)` (since `loadUint()` mutates the first argument)
-  throw ParseError(here, "lvalue expected (" + details + ")");
+  void add_modified_glob(const GlobalVarData* g_sym, var_idx_t local_ir_idx) {
+    globs.emplace_back(g_sym, local_ir_idx);
+  }
-void Expr::fire_error_modifying_immutable(const std::string& details) const {
-  // "modifying immutable variable" is when a user assigns to a variable declared `val`
-  // example: `immutable_val = 32`
-  // example: `(regular_var, immutable_val) = f()`
-  // for better error message, try to print out variable name if possible
-  std::string variable_name;
-  if (cls == _Var || cls == _Const) {
-    variable_name = sym->name();
-  } else if (cls == _Tensor || cls == _MkTuple) {
-    for (const Expr* arg : (cls == _Tensor ? args : args[0]->args)) {
-      if (arg->is_immutable() && (arg->cls == _Var || arg->cls == _Const)) {
-        variable_name = arg->sym->name();
-        break;
-      }
+  void gen_ops_set_globs(CodeBlob& code, SrcLocation loc) const {
+    for (const auto& [g_sym, ir_idx] : globs) {
+      Op& op = code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_SetGlob, std::vector<var_idx_t>{}, std::vector<var_idx_t>{ ir_idx }, g_sym);
+      op.set_impure_flag();
-  if (variable_name == "self") {
-    throw ParseError(here, "modifying `self` (" + details + "), which is immutable by default; probably, you want to declare `mutate self`");
-  } else if (!variable_name.empty()) {
-    throw ParseError(here, "modifying an immutable variable `" + variable_name + "` (" + details + ")");
-  } else {
-    throw ParseError(here, "modifying an immutable variable (" + details + ")");
-  }
+std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_expr(AnyExprV v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs = nullptr);
+void process_any_statement(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code);
-static void fire_error_invalid_mutate_arg_passed(SrcLocation loc, const SymDef* func_sym, const SymDef* param_sym, bool called_as_method, bool arg_passed_as_mutate, AnyV arg_expr) {
-  std::string func_name = func_sym->name();
-  std::string arg_str(arg_expr->type == ast_identifier ? arg_expr->as<ast_identifier>()->name : "obj");
-  const SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<const SymValFunc*>(func_sym->value);
-  const SymValVariable* param_val = dynamic_cast<const SymValVariable*>(param_sym->value);
-  // case: `loadInt(cs, 32)`; suggest: `cs.loadInt(32)`
-  if (param_val->is_mutate_parameter() && !arg_passed_as_mutate && !called_as_method && param_val->idx == 0 && func_val->does_accept_self()) {
-    throw ParseError(loc, "`" + func_name + "` is a mutating method; consider calling `" + arg_str + "." + func_name + "()`, not `" + func_name + "(" + arg_str + ")`");
+static std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> pre_compile_tensor_inner(CodeBlob& code, const std::vector<AnyExprV>& args,
+                                          LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
+  const int n = static_cast<int>(args.size());
+  if (n == 0) {  // just `()`
+    return {};
-  // case: `cs.mutating_function()`; suggest: `mutating_function(mutate cs)` or make it a method
-  if (param_val->is_mutate_parameter() && called_as_method && param_val->idx == 0 && !func_val->does_accept_self()) {
-    throw ParseError(loc, "function `" + func_name + "` mutates parameter `" + param_sym->name() + "`; consider calling `" + func_name + "(mutate " + arg_str + ")`, not `" + arg_str + "." + func_name + "`(); alternatively, rename parameter to `self` to make it a method");
+  if (n == 1) {  // just `(x)`: even if x is modified (e.g. `f(x=x+2)`), there are no next arguments
+    return {pre_compile_expr(args[0], code, lval_globs)};
-  // case: `mutating_function(arg)`; suggest: `mutate arg`
-  if (param_val->is_mutate_parameter() && !arg_passed_as_mutate) {
-    throw ParseError(loc, "function `" + func_name + "` mutates parameter `" + param_sym->name() + "`; you need to specify `mutate` when passing an argument, like `mutate " + arg_str + "`");
-  }
-  // case: `usual_function(mutate arg)`
-  if (!param_val->is_mutate_parameter() && arg_passed_as_mutate) {
-    throw ParseError(loc, "incorrect `mutate`, since `" + func_name + "` does not mutate this parameter");
-  }
-  throw Fatal("unreachable");
-// parse address like "EQCRDM9h4k3UJdOePPuyX40mCgA4vxge5Dc5vjBR8djbEKC5"
-// based on unpack_std_smc_addr() from block.cpp
-// (which is not included to avoid linking with ton_crypto)
-static bool parse_friendly_address(const char packed[48], ton::WorkchainId& workchain, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr) {
-  unsigned char buffer[36];
-  if (!td::buff_base64_decode(td::MutableSlice{buffer, 36}, td::Slice{packed, 48}, true)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  td::uint16 crc = td::crc16(td::Slice{buffer, 34});
-  if (buffer[34] != (crc >> 8) || buffer[35] != (crc & 0xff) || (buffer[0] & 0x3f) != 0x11) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  workchain = (td::int8)buffer[1];
-  std::memcpy(addr.data(), buffer + 2, 32);
-  return true;
+  // the purpose is to handle such cases: `return (x, x += y, x)`
+  // without this, ops will be { _Call $2 = +($0_x, $1_y); _Return $0_x, $2, $0_x } - invalid
+  // with this, ops will be { _Let $3 = $0_x; _Call $2 = ...; _Return $3, $2, $0_x } - valid, tmp var for x
+  // how it works: for every arg, after transforming to ops, start tracking ir_idx inside it
+  // on modification attempt, create Op::_Let to a tmp var and replace old ir_idx with tmp_idx in result
+  struct WatchingVarList {
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> watched_vars;
+    std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> res_lists;
-// parse address like "0:527964d55cfa6eb731f4bfc07e9d025098097ef8505519e853986279bd8400d8"
-// based on StdAddress::parse_addr() from block.cpp
-// (which is not included to avoid linking with ton_crypto)
-static bool parse_raw_address(const std::string& acc_string, int& workchain, ton::StdSmcAddress& addr) {
-  size_t pos = acc_string.find(':');
-  if (pos != std::string::npos) {
-    td::Result<int> r_wc = td::to_integer_safe<ton::WorkchainId>(acc_string.substr(0, pos));
-    if (r_wc.is_error()) {
-      return false;
+    explicit WatchingVarList(int n_args) {
+      res_lists.reserve(n_args);
-    workchain = r_wc.move_as_ok();
-    pos++;
-  } else {
-    pos = 0;
-  }
-  if (acc_string.size() != pos + 64) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {    // loop through each hex digit
-    char c = acc_string[pos + i];
-    int x;
-    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
-      x = c - '0';
-    } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
-      x = c - 'a' + 10;
-    } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
-      x = c - 'A' + 10;
-    } else {
-      return false;
+    bool is_watched(var_idx_t ir_idx) const {
+      return std::find(watched_vars.begin(), watched_vars.end(), ir_idx) != watched_vars.end();
-    if ((i & 1) == 0) {
-      addr.data()[i >> 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((addr.data()[i >> 1] & 0x0F) | (x << 4));
-    } else {
-      addr.data()[i >> 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>((addr.data()[i >> 1] & 0xF0) | x);
+    void add_and_watch_modifications(std::vector<var_idx_t>&& vars_of_ith_arg, CodeBlob& code) {
+      for (var_idx_t ir_idx : vars_of_ith_arg) {
+        if (code.vars[ir_idx].v_sym && !is_watched(ir_idx)) {
+          watched_vars.emplace_back(ir_idx);
+          code.vars[ir_idx].on_modification.emplace_back([this, &code, ir_idx](SrcLocation loc) {
+            on_var_modified(ir_idx, loc, code);
+          });
+        }
+      }
+      res_lists.emplace_back(std::move(vars_of_ith_arg));
-  }
-  return true;
-static Expr* create_expr_apply(SrcLocation loc, SymDef* sym, std::vector<Expr*>&& args) {
-  Expr* apply = new Expr(Expr::_Apply, sym, std::move(args));
-  apply->here = loc;
-  apply->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-  apply->deduce_type();
-  return apply;
-static Expr* create_expr_int_const(SrcLocation loc, int int_val) {
-  Expr* int_const = new Expr(Expr::_Const, loc);
-  int_const->intval = td::make_refint(int_val);
-  int_const->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-  int_const->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-  return int_const;
-namespace blk_fl {
-enum { end = 1, ret = 2, empty = 4 };
-typedef int val;
-constexpr val init = end | empty;
-void combine(val& x, const val y) {
-  x |= y & ret;
-  x &= y | ~(end | empty);
-void combine_parallel(val& x, const val y) {
-  x &= y | ~(ret | empty);
-  x |= y & end;
-} // namespace blk_fl
-Expr* process_expr(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code);
-blk_fl::val process_statement(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code);
-static void check_global_func(SrcLocation loc, sym_idx_t func_name) {
-  SymDef* sym_def = lookup_symbol(func_name);
-  if (!sym_def) {
-    throw ParseError(loc, "undefined symbol `" + G.symbols.get_name(func_name) + "`");
-  }
-static void check_import_exists_when_using_sym(AnyV v_usage, const SymDef* used_sym) {
-  if (!v_usage->loc.is_symbol_from_same_or_builtin_file(used_sym->loc)) {
-    const SrcFile* declared_in = used_sym->loc.get_src_file();
-    bool has_import = false;
-    for (const SrcFile::ImportStatement& import_stmt : v_usage->loc.get_src_file()->imports) {
-      if (import_stmt.imported_file == declared_in) {
-        has_import = true;
+    void on_var_modified(var_idx_t ir_idx, SrcLocation loc, CodeBlob& code) {
+      tolk_assert(is_watched(ir_idx));
+      var_idx_t tmp_idx = code.create_tmp_var(code.vars[ir_idx].v_type, loc);
+      code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_Let, std::vector{tmp_idx}, std::vector{ir_idx});
+      for (std::vector<var_idx_t>& prev_vars : res_lists) {
+        std::replace(prev_vars.begin(), prev_vars.end(), ir_idx, tmp_idx);
-    if (!has_import) {
-      v_usage->error("Using a non-imported symbol `" + used_sym->name() + "`. Forgot to import \"" + declared_in->rel_filename + "\"?");
-    }
-  }
-static Expr* create_new_local_variable(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view var_name, TypeExpr* var_type, bool is_immutable) {
-  SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(var_name));
-  if (sym) { // creating a new variable, but something found in symtable
-    if (sym->level != G.scope_level) {
-      sym = nullptr;  // declaring a new variable with the same name, but in another scope
-    } else {
-      throw ParseError(loc, "redeclaration of local variable `" + static_cast<std::string>(var_name) + "`");
+    std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> clear_and_stop_watching(CodeBlob& code) {
+      for (var_idx_t ir_idx : watched_vars) {
+        code.vars[ir_idx].on_modification.pop_back();
+      }
+      watched_vars.clear();
+      return std::move(res_lists);
+  };
+  WatchingVarList watched_vars(n);
+  for (int arg_idx = 0; arg_idx < n; ++arg_idx) {
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> vars_of_ith_arg = pre_compile_expr(args[arg_idx], code, lval_globs);
+    watched_vars.add_and_watch_modifications(std::move(vars_of_ith_arg), code);
-  Expr* x = new Expr{Expr::_Var, loc};
-  x->val = ~calc_sym_idx(var_name);
-  x->e_type = var_type;
-  x->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | (is_immutable ? Expr::_IsImmutable : 0);
-  return x;
+  return watched_vars.clear_and_stop_watching(code);
-static Expr* create_new_underscore_variable(SrcLocation loc, TypeExpr* var_type) {
-  Expr* x = new Expr{Expr::_Hole, loc};
-  x->val = -1;
-  x->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue;
-  x->e_type = var_type;
-  return x;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_tensor(CodeBlob& code, const std::vector<AnyExprV>& args,
+                                          LValGlobs* lval_globs = nullptr) {
+  std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> res_lists = pre_compile_tensor_inner(code, args, lval_globs);
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> res;
+  for (const std::vector<var_idx_t>& list : res_lists) {
+    res.insert(res.end(), list.cbegin(), list.cend());
+  }
+  return res;
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_binary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  TokenType t = v->tok;
-  std::string operator_name = static_cast<std::string>(v->operator_name);
-  if (t == tok_set_plus || t == tok_set_minus || t == tok_set_mul || t == tok_set_div ||
-      t == tok_set_mod || t == tok_set_lshift || t == tok_set_rshift ||
-      t == tok_set_bitwise_and || t == tok_set_bitwise_or || t == tok_set_bitwise_xor) {
-    Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
-    x->chk_rvalue();
-    if (!x->is_lvalue()) {
-      x->fire_error_lvalue_expected("left side of assignment");
-    }
-    if (x->is_immutable()) {
-      x->fire_error_modifying_immutable("left side of assignment");
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_let(CodeBlob& code, AnyExprV lhs, AnyExprV rhs, SrcLocation loc) {
+  // [lhs] = [rhs]; since type checking is ok, it's the same as "lhs = rhs"
+  if (lhs->type == ast_typed_tuple && rhs->type == ast_typed_tuple) {
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> right = pre_compile_tensor(code, rhs->as<ast_typed_tuple>()->get_items());
+    LValGlobs globs;
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> left = pre_compile_tensor(code, lhs->as<ast_typed_tuple>()->get_items(), &globs);
+    code.on_var_modification(left, loc);
+    code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_Let, std::move(left), right);
+    globs.gen_ops_set_globs(code, loc);
+    return right;
+  }
+  // [lhs] = rhs; it's un-tuple to N left vars
+  if (lhs->type == ast_typed_tuple) {
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> right = pre_compile_expr(rhs, code);
+    const TypeDataTypedTuple* inferred_tuple = rhs->inferred_type->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>();
+    std::vector<TypePtr> types_list = inferred_tuple->items;
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(types_list)), rhs->loc)};
+    code.emplace_back(lhs->loc, Op::_UnTuple, rvect, std::move(right));
+    LValGlobs globs;
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> left = pre_compile_tensor(code, lhs->as<ast_typed_tuple>()->get_items(), &globs);
+    code.on_var_modification(left, loc);
+    code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_Let, std::move(left), rvect);
+    globs.gen_ops_set_globs(code, loc);
+    return rvect;
+  }
+  // lhs = rhs
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> right = pre_compile_expr(rhs, code);
+  LValGlobs globs;
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> left = pre_compile_expr(lhs, code, &globs);
+  code.on_var_modification(left, loc);
+  code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_Let, std::move(left), right);
+  globs.gen_ops_set_globs(code, loc);
+  return right;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> gen_op_call(CodeBlob& code, TypePtr ret_type, SrcLocation here,
+                                          std::vector<var_idx_t>&& args_vars, const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(ret_type, here)};
+  Op& op = code.emplace_back(here, Op::_Call, rvect, std::move(args_vars), fun_ref);
+  if (!fun_ref->is_marked_as_pure()) {
+    op.set_impure_flag();
+  }
+  return rvect;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_symbol(SrcLocation loc, const Symbol* sym, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
+  if (const auto* glob_ref = sym->try_as<GlobalVarData>()) {
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(glob_ref->declared_type, loc)};
+    if (lval_globs) {
+      lval_globs->add_modified_glob(glob_ref, rvect[0]);
+      return rvect;
+    } else {
+      code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_GlobVar, rvect, std::vector<var_idx_t>{}, glob_ref);
+      return rvect;
-    SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("^_" + operator_name + "_"));
-    Expr* y = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
-    y->chk_rvalue();
-    Expr* z = create_expr_apply(v->loc, sym, {x, y});
-    Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Letop, {x->copy(), z}};
-    res->here = v->loc;
-    res->flags = x->flags | Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    res->deduce_type();
-    return res;
-  if (t == tok_assign) {
-    Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
-    if (!x->is_lvalue()) {
-      x->fire_error_lvalue_expected("left side of assignment");
-    }
-    if (x->is_immutable()) {
-      x->fire_error_modifying_immutable("left side of assignment");
+  if (const auto* const_ref = sym->try_as<GlobalConstData>()) {
+    if (const_ref->is_int_const()) {
+      std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(TypeDataInt::create(), loc)};
+      code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_IntConst, rvect, const_ref->as_int_const());
+      return rvect;
+    } else {
+      std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(TypeDataSlice::create(), loc)};
+      code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_SliceConst, rvect, const_ref->as_slice_const());
+      return rvect;
-    Expr* y = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
-    y->chk_rvalue();
-    x->predefine_vars();
-    x->define_new_vars(code);
-    Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Letop, {x, y}};
-    res->here = v->loc;
-    res->flags = x->flags | Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    res->deduce_type();
-    return res;
-  if (t == tok_minus || t == tok_plus ||
-      t == tok_bitwise_and || t == tok_bitwise_or || t == tok_bitwise_xor ||
-      t == tok_eq || t == tok_lt || t == tok_gt || t == tok_leq || t == tok_geq || t == tok_neq || t == tok_spaceship ||
-      t == tok_lshift || t == tok_rshift || t == tok_rshiftC || t == tok_rshiftR ||
-      t == tok_mul || t == tok_div || t == tok_mod || t == tok_divC || t == tok_divR) {
-    Expr* res = process_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
-    res->chk_rvalue();
-    SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("_" + operator_name + "_"));
-    Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
-    x->chk_rvalue();
-    res = create_expr_apply(v->loc, sym, {res, x});
-    return res;
+  if (const auto* fun_ref = sym->try_as<FunctionData>()) {
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(fun_ref->inferred_full_type, loc)};
+    code.emplace_back(loc, Op::_GlobVar, rvect, std::vector<var_idx_t>{}, fun_ref);
+    return rvect;
-  if (t == tok_logical_and || t == tok_logical_or) {
-    // do the following transformations:
-    // a && b  ->  a ? (b != 0) : 0
-    // a || b  ->  a ? 1 : (b != 0)
-    SymDef* sym_neq = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("_!=_"));
-    Expr* lhs = process_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
-    Expr* rhs = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
-    Expr* e_neq0 = create_expr_apply(v->loc, sym_neq, {rhs, create_expr_int_const(v->loc, 0)});
-    Expr* e_when_true = t == tok_logical_and ? e_neq0 : create_expr_int_const(v->loc, -1);
-    Expr* e_when_false = t == tok_logical_and ? create_expr_int_const(v->loc, 0) : e_neq0;
-    Expr* e_ternary = new Expr(Expr::_CondExpr, {lhs, e_when_true, e_when_false});
-    e_ternary->here = v->loc;
-    e_ternary->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    e_ternary->deduce_type();
-    return e_ternary;
+  if (const auto* var_ref = sym->try_as<LocalVarData>()) {
+    return {var_ref->idx};
-  v->error("unsupported binary operator");
+  throw Fatal("process_symbol");
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_unary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  TokenType t = v->tok;
-  SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(static_cast<std::string>(v->operator_name) + "_"));
-  Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_rhs(), code);
-  x->chk_rvalue();
-  // here's an optimization to convert "-1" (tok_minus tok_int_const) to a const -1, not to Expr::Apply(-,1)
-  // without this, everything still works, but Tolk looses some vars/stack knowledge for now (to be fixed later)
-  // in FunC, it was:
-  // `var fst = -1;`   // is constantly 1
-  // `var snd = - 1;`  // is Expr::Apply(-), a comment "snd=1" is lost in stack layout comments, and so on
-  // hence, when after grammar modification tok_minus became a true unary operator (not a part of a number),
-  // and thus to preserve existing behavior until compiler parts are completely rewritten, handle this case here
-  if (t == tok_minus && x->cls == Expr::_Const) {
-    x->intval = -x->intval;
-    if (!x->intval->signed_fits_bits(257)) {
-      v->error("integer overflow");
-    }
-    return x;
-  }
-  if (t == tok_plus && x->cls == Expr::_Const) {
-    return x;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_assign(V<ast_assign> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  if (auto lhs_decl = v->get_lhs()->try_as<ast_local_vars_declaration>()) {
+    return pre_compile_let(code, lhs_decl->get_expr(), v->get_rhs(), v->loc);
+  } else {
+    return pre_compile_let(code, v->get_lhs(), v->get_rhs(), v->loc);
-  return create_expr_apply(v->loc, sym, {x});
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_ternary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  Expr* cond = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
-  cond->chk_rvalue();
-  Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_when_true(), code);
-  x->chk_rvalue();
-  Expr* y = process_expr(v->get_when_false(), code);
-  y->chk_rvalue();
-  Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_CondExpr, {cond, x, y}};
-  res->here = v->loc;
-  res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-  res->deduce_type();
-  return res;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_set_assign(V<ast_set_assign> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  // for "a += b", emulate "a = a + b"
+  // seems not beautiful, but it works; probably, this transformation should be done at AST level in advance
+  std::string_view calc_operator = v->operator_name;  // "+" for operator +=
+  auto v_apply = createV<ast_binary_operator>(v->loc, calc_operator, static_cast<TokenType>(v->tok - 1), v->get_lhs(), v->get_rhs());
+  v_apply->assign_inferred_type(v->inferred_type);
+  v_apply->assign_fun_ref(v->fun_ref);
+  return pre_compile_let(code, v->get_lhs(), v_apply, v->loc);
-static Expr* process_function_arguments(SymDef* func_sym, V<ast_argument_list> v, Expr* lhs_of_dot_call, CodeBlob& code) {
-  SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(func_sym->value);
-  int delta_self = lhs_of_dot_call ? 1 : 0;
-  int n_arguments = static_cast<int>(v->get_arguments().size()) + delta_self;
-  int n_parameters = static_cast<int>(func_val->parameters.size());
-  // Tolk doesn't have optional parameters currently, so just compare counts
-  if (n_parameters < n_arguments) {
-    v->error("too many arguments in call to `" + func_sym->name() + "`, expected " + std::to_string(n_parameters - delta_self) + ", have " + std::to_string(n_arguments - delta_self));
-  }
-  if (n_arguments < n_parameters) {
-    v->error("too few arguments in call to `" + func_sym->name() + "`, expected " + std::to_string(n_parameters - delta_self) + ", have " + std::to_string(n_arguments - delta_self));
-  }
-  std::vector<Expr*> apply_args;
-  apply_args.reserve(n_arguments);
-  if (lhs_of_dot_call) {
-    apply_args.push_back(lhs_of_dot_call);
-  }
-  for (int i = delta_self; i < n_arguments; ++i) {
-    auto v_arg = v->get_arg(i - delta_self);
-    if (SymDef* param_sym = func_val->parameters[i]) {   // can be null (for underscore parameter)
-      SymValVariable* param_val = dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(param_sym->value);
-      if (param_val->is_mutate_parameter() != v_arg->passed_as_mutate) {
-        fire_error_invalid_mutate_arg_passed(v_arg->loc, func_sym, param_sym, false, v_arg->passed_as_mutate, v_arg->get_expr());
-      }
-    }
-    Expr* arg = process_expr(v_arg->get_expr(), code);
-    arg->chk_rvalue();
-    apply_args.push_back(arg);
-  }
-  Expr* apply = new Expr{Expr::_Apply, func_sym, std::move(apply_args)};
-  apply->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue | (!func_val->is_marked_as_pure() * Expr::_IsImpure);
-  apply->here = v->loc;
-  apply->deduce_type();
-  return apply;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_binary_operator(V<ast_binary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  TokenType t = v->tok;
-static Expr* process_function_call(V<ast_function_call> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  // special error for "null()" which is a FunC syntax
-  if (v->get_called_f()->type == ast_null_keyword) {
-    v->error("null is not a function: use `null`, not `null()`");
+  if (v->fun_ref) {   // almost all operators, fun_ref was assigned at type inferring
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, {v->get_lhs(), v->get_rhs()});
+    return gen_op_call(code, v->inferred_type, v->loc, std::move(args_vars), v->fun_ref);
-  // most likely it's a global function, but also may be `some_var(args)` or even `getF()(args)`
-  Expr* lhs = process_expr(v->get_called_f(), code);
-  if (lhs->cls != Expr::_GlobFunc) {
-    Expr* tensor_arg = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, v->loc);
-    std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
-    type_list.reserve(v->get_num_args());
+  if (t == tok_logical_and || t == tok_logical_or) {
+    // do the following transformations:
+    // a && b  ->  a ? (b != 0) : 0
+    // a || b  ->  a ? 1 : (b != 0)
+    AnyExprV v_0 = createV<ast_int_const>(v->loc, td::make_refint(0), "0");
+    v_0->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataInt::create());
+    AnyExprV v_1 = createV<ast_int_const>(v->loc, td::make_refint(-1), "-1");
+    v_1->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataInt::create());
+    auto v_b_ne_0 = createV<ast_binary_operator>(v->loc, "!=", tok_neq, v->get_rhs(), v_0);
+    v_b_ne_0->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataInt::create());
+    v_b_ne_0->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(lookup_global_symbol("_!=_")->as<FunctionData>());
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> cond = pre_compile_expr(v->get_lhs(), code);
+    tolk_assert(cond.size() == 1);
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
+    Op& if_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_If, cond);
+    code.push_set_cur(if_op.block0);
+    code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Let, rvect, pre_compile_expr(t == tok_logical_and ? v_b_ne_0 : v_1, code));
+    code.close_pop_cur(v->loc);
+    code.push_set_cur(if_op.block1);
+    code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Let, rvect, pre_compile_expr(t == tok_logical_and ? v_0 : v_b_ne_0, code));
+    code.close_pop_cur(v->loc);
+    return rvect;
+  }
+  throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "process_binary_operator");
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_unary_operator(V<ast_unary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, {v->get_rhs()});
+  return gen_op_call(code, v->inferred_type, v->loc, std::move(args_vars), v->fun_ref);
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_ternary_operator(V<ast_ternary_operator> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> cond = pre_compile_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
+  tolk_assert(cond.size() == 1);
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
+  Op& if_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_If, cond);
+  code.push_set_cur(if_op.block0);
+  code.emplace_back(v->get_when_true()->loc, Op::_Let, rvect, pre_compile_expr(v->get_when_true(), code));
+  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_when_true()->loc);
+  code.push_set_cur(if_op.block1);
+  code.emplace_back(v->get_when_false()->loc, Op::_Let, rvect, pre_compile_expr(v->get_when_false(), code));
+  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_when_false()->loc);
+  return rvect;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_dot_access(V<ast_dot_access> v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
+  // it's NOT a method call `t.tupleSize()` (since such cases are handled by process_function_call)
+  // it's `t.0`, `getUser().id`, and `t.tupleSize` (as a reference, not as a call)
+  // currently, nothing except a global function can be a target of dot access
+  const FunctionData* fun_ref = v->target;
+  tolk_assert(fun_ref);
+  return process_symbol(v->loc, fun_ref, code, lval_globs);
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_function_call(V<ast_function_call> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  // v is `globalF(args)` / `globalF<int>(args)` / `obj.method(args)` / `local_var(args)` / `getF()(args)`
+  const FunctionData* fun_ref = v->fun_maybe;
+  if (!fun_ref) {
+    std::vector<AnyExprV> args;
+    args.reserve(v->get_num_args());
     for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
-      auto v_arg = v->get_arg(i);
-      if (v_arg->passed_as_mutate) {
-        v_arg->error("`mutate` used for non-mutate argument");
+      args.push_back(v->get_arg(i)->get_expr());
+    }
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, args);
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> tfunc = pre_compile_expr(v->get_callee(), code);
+    tolk_assert(tfunc.size() == 1);
+    args_vars.push_back(tfunc[0]);
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
+    Op& op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_CallInd, rvect, std::move(args_vars));
+    op.set_impure_flag();
+    return rvect;
+  }
+  int delta_self = v->is_dot_call();
+  AnyExprV obj_leftmost = nullptr;
+  std::vector<AnyExprV> args;
+  args.reserve(delta_self + v->get_num_args());
+  if (delta_self) {
+    args.push_back(v->get_dot_obj());
+    obj_leftmost = v->get_dot_obj();
+    while (obj_leftmost->type == ast_function_call && obj_leftmost->as<ast_function_call>()->is_dot_call() && obj_leftmost->as<ast_function_call>()->fun_maybe && obj_leftmost->as<ast_function_call>()->fun_maybe->does_return_self()) {
+      obj_leftmost = obj_leftmost->as<ast_function_call>()->get_dot_obj();
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
+    args.push_back(v->get_arg(i)->get_expr());
+  }
+  std::vector<std::vector<var_idx_t>> vars_per_arg = pre_compile_tensor_inner(code, args, nullptr);
+  TypePtr op_call_type = v->inferred_type;
+  TypePtr real_ret_type = v->inferred_type;
+  if (delta_self && fun_ref->does_return_self()) {
+    real_ret_type = TypeDataVoid::create();
+    if (!fun_ref->parameters[0].is_mutate_parameter()) {
+      op_call_type = TypeDataVoid::create();
+    }
+  }
+  if (fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
+    std::vector<TypePtr> types_list;
+    for (int i = 0; i < delta_self + v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
+      if (fun_ref->parameters[i].is_mutate_parameter()) {
+        types_list.push_back(args[i]->inferred_type);
-      Expr* arg = process_expr(v_arg->get_expr(), code);
-      arg->chk_rvalue();
-      tensor_arg->pb_arg(arg);
-      type_list.push_back(arg->e_type);
-    tensor_arg->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    tensor_arg->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
-    Expr* var_apply = new Expr{Expr::_VarApply, {lhs, tensor_arg}};
-    var_apply->here = v->loc;
-    var_apply->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    var_apply->deduce_type();
-    return var_apply;
+    types_list.push_back(real_ret_type);
+    op_call_type = TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(types_list));
-  Expr* apply = process_function_arguments(lhs->sym, v->get_arg_list(), nullptr, code);
-  if (dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(apply->sym->value)->has_mutate_params()) {
-    const std::vector<Expr*>& args = apply->args;
-    SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(apply->sym->value);
-    tolk_assert(func_val->parameters.size() == args.size());
-    Expr* grabbed_vars = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, v->loc);
-    std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
-    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(args.size()); ++i) {
-      SymDef* param_def = func_val->parameters[i];
-      if (param_def && dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(param_def->value)->is_mutate_parameter()) {
-        if (!args[i]->is_lvalue()) {
-          args[i]->fire_error_lvalue_expected("call a mutating function");
-        }
-        if (args[i]->is_immutable()) {
-          args[i]->fire_error_modifying_immutable("call a mutating function");
-        }
-        grabbed_vars->pb_arg(args[i]->copy());
-        type_list.emplace_back(args[i]->e_type);
-      }
-    }
-    grabbed_vars->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    Expr* grab_mutate = new Expr(Expr::_GrabMutatedVars, apply->sym, {apply, grabbed_vars});
-    grab_mutate->here = v->loc;
-    grab_mutate->flags = apply->flags;
-    grab_mutate->deduce_type();
-    return grab_mutate;
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars;
+  for (const std::vector<var_idx_t>& list : vars_per_arg) {
+    args_vars.insert(args_vars.end(), list.cbegin(), list.cend());
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect_apply = gen_op_call(code, op_call_type, v->loc, std::move(args_vars), fun_ref);
-  return apply;
-static Expr* process_dot_method_call(V<ast_dot_method_call> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  sym_idx_t name_idx = calc_sym_idx(v->method_name);
-  check_global_func(v->loc, name_idx);
-  SymDef* func_sym = lookup_symbol(name_idx);
-  SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(func_sym->value);
-  tolk_assert(func_val != nullptr);
-  Expr* obj = process_expr(v->get_obj(), code);
-  obj->chk_rvalue();
-  if (func_val->parameters.empty()) {
-    v->error("`" + func_sym->name() + "` has no parameters and can not be called as method");
-  }
-  if (!func_val->does_accept_self() && func_val->parameters[0] && dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(func_val->parameters[0]->value)->is_mutate_parameter()) {
-    fire_error_invalid_mutate_arg_passed(v->loc, func_sym, func_val->parameters[0], true, false, v->get_obj());
-  }
-  Expr* apply = process_function_arguments(func_sym, v->get_arg_list(), obj, code);
-  Expr* obj_lval = apply->args[0];
-  if (!obj_lval->is_lvalue()) {
-    if (obj_lval->cls == Expr::_ReturnSelf) {
-      obj_lval = obj_lval->args[1];
-    } else {
-      Expr* tmp_var = create_new_underscore_variable(v->loc, obj_lval->e_type);
-      tmp_var->define_new_vars(code);
-      Expr* assign_to_tmp_var = new Expr(Expr::_Letop, {tmp_var, obj_lval});
-      assign_to_tmp_var->here = v->loc;
-      assign_to_tmp_var->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-      assign_to_tmp_var->deduce_type();
-      apply->args[0] = assign_to_tmp_var;
-      obj_lval = tmp_var;
-    }
-  }
-  if (func_val->has_mutate_params()) {
-    tolk_assert(func_val->parameters.size() == apply->args.size());
-    Expr* grabbed_vars = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, v->loc);
-    std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
-    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(apply->args.size()); ++i) {
-      SymDef* param_sym = func_val->parameters[i];
-      if (param_sym && dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(param_sym->value)->is_mutate_parameter()) {
-        Expr* ith_arg = apply->args[i];
-        if (ith_arg->is_immutable()) {
-          ith_arg->fire_error_modifying_immutable("call a mutating method");
-        }
-        Expr* var_to_mutate = nullptr;
-        if (ith_arg->is_lvalue()) {
-          var_to_mutate = ith_arg->copy();
-        } else if (i == 0) {
-          var_to_mutate = obj_lval;
+  if (fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
+    LValGlobs local_globs;
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> left;
+    for (int i = 0; i < delta_self + v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
+      if (fun_ref->parameters[i].is_mutate_parameter()) {
+        AnyExprV arg_i = obj_leftmost && i == 0 ? obj_leftmost : args[i];
+        tolk_assert(arg_i->is_lvalue || i == 0);
+        if (arg_i->is_lvalue) {
+          std::vector<var_idx_t> ith_var_idx = pre_compile_expr(arg_i, code, &local_globs);
+          left.insert(left.end(), ith_var_idx.begin(), ith_var_idx.end());
         } else {
-          ith_arg->fire_error_lvalue_expected("call a mutating method");
+          left.insert(left.end(), vars_per_arg[0].begin(), vars_per_arg[0].end());
-        tolk_assert(var_to_mutate->is_lvalue() && !var_to_mutate->is_immutable());
-        grabbed_vars->pb_arg(var_to_mutate);
-        type_list.emplace_back(var_to_mutate->e_type);
-    grabbed_vars->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    Expr* grab_mutate = new Expr(Expr::_GrabMutatedVars, func_sym, {apply, grabbed_vars});
-    grab_mutate->here = v->loc;
-    grab_mutate->flags = apply->flags;
-    grab_mutate->deduce_type();
-    apply = grab_mutate;
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(real_ret_type, v->loc)};
+    left.push_back(rvect[0]);
+    code.on_var_modification(left, v->loc);
+    code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Let, std::move(left), rvect_apply);
+    local_globs.gen_ops_set_globs(code, v->loc);
+    rvect_apply = rvect;
-  if (func_val->does_return_self()) {
-    Expr* self_arg = obj_lval;
-    tolk_assert(self_arg->is_lvalue());
-    Expr* return_self = new Expr(Expr::_ReturnSelf, func_sym, {apply, self_arg});
-    return_self->here = v->loc;
-    return_self->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    return_self->deduce_type();
-    apply = return_self;
+  if (obj_leftmost && fun_ref->does_return_self()) {
+    if (obj_leftmost->is_lvalue) {    // to handle if obj is global var, potentially re-assigned inside a chain
+      rvect_apply = pre_compile_expr(obj_leftmost, code);
+    } else {                          // temporary object, not lvalue, pre_compile_expr
+      rvect_apply = vars_per_arg[0];
+    }
-  return apply;
+  return rvect_apply;
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_tensor> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  if (v->empty()) {
-    Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {}};
-    res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    res->here = v->loc;
-    res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_unit();
-    return res;
-  }
-  Expr* res = process_expr(v->get_item(0), code);
-  std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
-  type_list.push_back(res->e_type);
-  int f = res->flags;
-  res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {res}};
-  for (int i = 1; i < v->size(); ++i) {
-    Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_item(i), code);
-    res->pb_arg(x);
-    f &= (x->flags | Expr::_IsImmutable);
-    f |= (x->flags & Expr::_IsImmutable);
-    type_list.push_back(x->e_type);
-  }
-  res->here = v->loc;
-  res->flags = f;
-  res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
-  return res;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_tensor(V<ast_tensor> v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
+  return pre_compile_tensor(code, v->get_items(), lval_globs);
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_tensor_square> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  if (v->empty()) {
-    Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {}};
-    res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    res->here = v->loc;
-    res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_unit();
-    res = new Expr{Expr::_MkTuple, {res}};
-    res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    res->here = v->loc;
-    res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tuple(res->args.at(0)->e_type);
-    return res;
-  }
-  Expr* res = process_expr(v->get_item(0), code);
-  std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
-  type_list.push_back(res->e_type);
-  int f = res->flags;
-  res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {res}};
-  for (int i = 1; i < v->size(); ++i) {
-    Expr* x = process_expr(v->get_item(i), code);
-    res->pb_arg(x);
-    f &= (x->flags | Expr::_IsImmutable);
-    f |= (x->flags & Expr::_IsImmutable);
-    type_list.push_back(x->e_type);
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_typed_tuple(V<ast_typed_tuple> v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
+  if (lval_globs) {       // todo some time, make "var (a, [b,c]) = (1, [2,3])" work
+    v->error("[...] can not be used as lvalue here");
-  res->here = v->loc;
-  res->flags = f;
-  res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list), false);
-  res = new Expr{Expr::_MkTuple, {res}};
-  res->flags = f;
-  res->here = v->loc;
-  res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tuple(res->args.at(0)->e_type);
-  return res;
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> left = std::vector{code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> right = pre_compile_tensor(code, v->get_items());
+  code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Tuple, left, std::move(right));
+  return left;
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_int_const> v) {
-  Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Const, v->loc};
-  res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-  res->intval = td::string_to_int256(static_cast<std::string>(v->int_val));
-  if (res->intval.is_null() || !res->intval->signed_fits_bits(257)) {
-    v->error("invalid integer constant");
-  }
-  res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-  return res;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_int_const(V<ast_int_const> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
+  code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_IntConst, rvect, v->intval);
+  return rvect;
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_string_const> v) {
-  std::string str = static_cast<std::string>(v->str_val);
-  Expr* res;
-  switch (v->modifier) {
-    case 0:
-    case 's':
-    case 'a':
-      res = new Expr{Expr::_SliceConst, v->loc};
-      res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Slice);
-      break;
-    case 'u':
-    case 'h':
-    case 'H':
-    case 'c':
-      res = new Expr{Expr::_Const, v->loc};
-      res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-      break;
-    default:
-      v->error("invalid string modifier '" + std::string(1, v->modifier) + "'");
-  }
-  res->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-  switch (v->modifier) {
-    case 0: {
-      res->strval = td::hex_encode(str);
-      break;
-    }
-    case 's': {
-      res->strval = str;
-      unsigned char buff[128];
-      int bits = (int)td::bitstring::parse_bitstring_hex_literal(buff, sizeof(buff), str.data(), str.data() + str.size());
-      if (bits < 0) {
-        v->error("invalid hex bitstring constant '" + str + "'");
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case 'a': {  // MsgAddress
-      int workchain;
-      ton::StdSmcAddress addr;
-      bool correct = (str.size() == 48 && parse_friendly_address(str.data(), workchain, addr)) ||
-                     (str.size() != 48 && parse_raw_address(str, workchain, addr));
-      if (!correct) {
-        v->error("invalid standard address '" + str + "'");
-      }
-      if (workchain < -128 || workchain >= 128) {
-        v->error("anycast addresses not supported");
-      }
-      unsigned char data[3 + 8 + 256];  // addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt;
-      td::bitstring::bits_store_long_top(data, 0, static_cast<uint64_t>(4) << (64 - 3), 3);
-      td::bitstring::bits_store_long_top(data, 3, static_cast<uint64_t>(workchain) << (64 - 8), 8);
-      td::bitstring::bits_memcpy(data, 3 + 8, addr.bits().ptr, 0, addr.size());
-      res->strval = td::BitSlice{data, sizeof(data)}.to_hex();
-      break;
-    }
-    case 'u': {
-      res->intval = td::hex_string_to_int256(td::hex_encode(str));
-      if (str.empty()) {
-        v->error("empty integer ascii-constant");
-      }
-      if (res->intval.is_null()) {
-        v->error("too long integer ascii-constant");
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case 'h':
-    case 'H': {
-      unsigned char hash[32];
-      digest::hash_str<digest::SHA256>(hash, str.data(), str.size());
-      res->intval = td::bits_to_refint(hash, (v->modifier == 'h') ? 32 : 256, false);
-      break;
-    }
-    case 'c': {
-      res->intval = td::make_refint(td::crc32(td::Slice{str}));
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-      tolk_assert(false);
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_string_const(V<ast_string_const> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  ConstantValue value = eval_const_init_value(v);
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> rvect = {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
+  if (value.is_int()) {
+    code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_IntConst, rvect, value.as_int());
+  } else {
+    code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_SliceConst, rvect, value.as_slice());
-  return res;
+  return rvect;
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_bool_const> v) {
-  SymDef* builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->bool_val ? "__true" : "__false"));
-  return create_expr_apply(v->loc, builtin_sym, {});
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_bool_const(V<ast_bool_const> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol(v->bool_val ? "__true" : "__false")->as<FunctionData>();
+  return gen_op_call(code, v->inferred_type, v->loc, {}, builtin_sym);
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_null_keyword> v) {
-  SymDef* builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("__null"));
-  return create_expr_apply(v->loc, builtin_sym, {});
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_null_keyword(V<ast_null_keyword> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("__null")->as<FunctionData>();
+  return gen_op_call(code, v->inferred_type, v->loc, {}, builtin_sym);
-static Expr* process_expr(V<ast_self_keyword> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  if (!code.func_val->does_accept_self()) {
-    v->error("using `self` in a non-member function (it does not accept the first `self` parameter)");
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_local_var(V<ast_local_var_lhs> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  if (v->marked_as_redef) {
+    return process_symbol(v->loc, v->var_ref, code, nullptr);
-  SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("self"));
-  tolk_assert(sym);
-  SymValVariable* sym_val = dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(sym->value);
-  Expr* res = new Expr(Expr::_Var, v->loc);
-  res->sym = sym;
-  res->val = sym_val->idx;
-  res->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | Expr::_IsRvalue | (sym_val->is_immutable() ? Expr::_IsImmutable : 0);
-  res->e_type = sym_val->get_type();
-  return res;
+  tolk_assert(v->var_ref->idx == -1);
+  v->var_ref->mutate()->assign_idx(code.create_var(v->inferred_type, v->var_ref, v->loc));
+  return {v->var_ref->idx};
-static Expr* process_identifier(V<ast_identifier> v) {
-  SymDef* sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->name));
-  if (sym && dynamic_cast<SymValGlobVar*>(sym->value)) {
-    check_import_exists_when_using_sym(v, sym);
-    Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_GlobVar, v->loc};
-    res->e_type = sym->value->get_type();
-    res->sym = sym;
-    res->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | Expr::_IsRvalue | Expr::_IsImpure;
-    return res;
-  }
-  if (sym && dynamic_cast<SymValConst*>(sym->value)) {
-    check_import_exists_when_using_sym(v, sym);
-    auto val = dynamic_cast<SymValConst*>(sym->value);
-    Expr* res = nullptr;
-    if (val->get_kind() == SymValConst::IntConst) {
-      res = new Expr{Expr::_Const, v->loc};
-      res->intval = val->get_int_value();
-      res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-    } else if (val->get_kind() == SymValConst::SliceConst) {
-      res = new Expr{Expr::_SliceConst, v->loc};
-      res->strval = val->get_str_value();
-      res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Slice);
-    } else {
-      v->error("invalid symbolic constant type");
-    }
-    res->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | Expr::_IsRvalue | Expr::_IsImmutable;
-    res->sym = sym;
-    return res;
-  }
-  if (sym && dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(sym->value)) {
-    check_import_exists_when_using_sym(v, sym);
-  }
-  Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Var, v->loc};
-  if (!sym) {
-    check_global_func(v->loc, calc_sym_idx(v->name));
-    sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->name));
-    tolk_assert(sym);
-  }
-  res->sym = sym;
-  bool impure = false;
-  bool immutable = false;
-  if (const SymValFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(sym->value)) {
-    res->e_type = func_val->get_type();
-    res->cls = Expr::_GlobFunc;
-    impure = !func_val->is_marked_as_pure();
-  } else if (const SymValVariable* var_val = dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(sym->value)) {
-    tolk_assert(var_val->idx >= 0)
-    res->val = var_val->idx;
-    res->e_type = var_val->get_type();
-    immutable = var_val->is_immutable();
-    // std::cerr << "accessing variable " << lex.cur().str << " : " << res->e_type << std::endl;
-  } else {
-    v->error("undefined identifier '" + static_cast<std::string>(v->name) + "'");
-  }
-  // std::cerr << "accessing symbol " << lex.cur().str << " : " << res->e_type << (val->impure ? " (impure)" : " (pure)") << std::endl;
-  res->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue | Expr::_IsRvalue | (impure ? Expr::_IsImpure : 0) | (immutable ? Expr::_IsImmutable : 0);
-  res->deduce_type();
-  return res;
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_local_vars_declaration(V<ast_local_vars_declaration>, CodeBlob&) {
+  // it can not appear as a standalone expression
+  // `var ... = rhs` is handled by ast_assign
+  tolk_assert(false);
-Expr* process_expr(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code) {
+static std::vector<var_idx_t> process_underscore(V<ast_underscore> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  // when _ is used as left side of assignment, like `(cs, _) = cs.loadAndReturn()`
+  return {code.create_tmp_var(v->inferred_type, v->loc)};
+std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile_expr(AnyExprV v, CodeBlob& code, LValGlobs* lval_globs) {
   switch (v->type) {
+    case ast_reference:
+      return process_symbol(v->loc, v->as<ast_reference>()->sym, code, lval_globs);
+    case ast_assign:
+      return process_assign(v->as<ast_assign>(), code);
+    case ast_set_assign:
+      return process_set_assign(v->as<ast_set_assign>(), code);
     case ast_binary_operator:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_binary_operator>(), code);
+      return process_binary_operator(v->as<ast_binary_operator>(), code);
     case ast_unary_operator:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_unary_operator>(), code);
+      return process_unary_operator(v->as<ast_unary_operator>(), code);
     case ast_ternary_operator:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_ternary_operator>(), code);
+      return process_ternary_operator(v->as<ast_ternary_operator>(), code);
+    case ast_cast_as_operator:
+      return pre_compile_expr(v->as<ast_cast_as_operator>()->get_expr(), code, lval_globs);
+    case ast_dot_access:
+      return process_dot_access(v->as<ast_dot_access>(), code, lval_globs);
     case ast_function_call:
       return process_function_call(v->as<ast_function_call>(), code);
-    case ast_dot_method_call:
-      return process_dot_method_call(v->as<ast_dot_method_call>(), code);
-    case ast_parenthesized_expr:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expr>()->get_expr(), code);
+    case ast_parenthesized_expression:
+      return pre_compile_expr(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expression>()->get_expr(), code, lval_globs);
     case ast_tensor:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_tensor>(), code);
-    case ast_tensor_square:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_tensor_square>(), code);
+      return process_tensor(v->as<ast_tensor>(), code, lval_globs);
+    case ast_typed_tuple:
+      return process_typed_tuple(v->as<ast_typed_tuple>(), code, lval_globs);
     case ast_int_const:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_int_const>());
+      return process_int_const(v->as<ast_int_const>(), code);
     case ast_string_const:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_string_const>());
+      return process_string_const(v->as<ast_string_const>(), code);
     case ast_bool_const:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_bool_const>());
+      return process_bool_const(v->as<ast_bool_const>(), code);
     case ast_null_keyword:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_null_keyword>());
-    case ast_self_keyword:
-      return process_expr(v->as<ast_self_keyword>(), code);
-    case ast_identifier:
-      return process_identifier(v->as<ast_identifier>());
+      return process_null_keyword(v->as<ast_null_keyword>(), code);
+    case ast_local_var_lhs:
+      return process_local_var(v->as<ast_local_var_lhs>(), code);
+    case ast_local_vars_declaration:
+      return process_local_vars_declaration(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>(), code);
     case ast_underscore:
-      return create_new_underscore_variable(v->loc, TypeExpr::new_hole());
+      return process_underscore(v->as<ast_underscore>(), code);
-      throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "process_expr");
+      throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "pre_compile_expr");
-static Expr* process_local_vars_lhs(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  switch (v->type) {
-    case ast_local_var: {
-      auto v_var = v->as<ast_local_var>();
-      if (v_var->marked_as_redef) {
-        Expr* redef_var = process_identifier(v_var->get_identifier()->as<ast_identifier>());
-        if (redef_var->is_immutable()) {
-          redef_var->fire_error_modifying_immutable("left side of assignment");
-        }
-        return redef_var;
-      }
-      TypeExpr* var_type = v_var->declared_type ? v_var->declared_type : TypeExpr::new_hole();
-      if (auto v_ident = v->as<ast_local_var>()->get_identifier()->try_as<ast_identifier>()) {
-        return create_new_local_variable(v->loc, v_ident->name, var_type, v_var->is_immutable);
-      } else {
-        return create_new_underscore_variable(v->loc, var_type);
-      }
-    }
-    case ast_parenthesized_expr:
-      return process_local_vars_lhs(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expr>()->get_expr(), code);
-    case ast_tensor: {
-      std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
-      Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, v->loc};
-      for (AnyV item : v->as<ast_tensor>()->get_items()) {
-        Expr* x = process_local_vars_lhs(item, code);
-        res->pb_arg(x);
-        res->flags |= x->flags;
-        type_list.push_back(x->e_type);
-      }
-      res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
-      return res;
-    }
-    case ast_tensor_square: {
-      std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
-      Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, v->loc};
-      for (AnyV item : v->as<ast_tensor_square>()->get_items()) {
-        Expr* x = process_local_vars_lhs(item, code);
-        res->pb_arg(x);
-        res->flags |= x->flags;
-        type_list.push_back(x->e_type);
-      }
-      res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
-      res = new Expr{Expr::_MkTuple, {res}};
-      res->flags = res->args.at(0)->flags;
-      res->here = v->loc;
-      res->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tuple(res->args.at(0)->e_type);
-      return res;
-    }
-    default:
-      throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "process_local_vars_lhs");
-  }
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_local_vars_declaration> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  Expr* x = process_local_vars_lhs(v->get_lhs(), code);
-  Expr* y = process_expr(v->get_assigned_val(), code);
-  y->chk_rvalue();
-  x->predefine_vars();
-  x->define_new_vars(code);
-  Expr* res = new Expr{Expr::_Letop, {x, y}};
-  res->here = v->loc;
-  res->flags = x->flags | Expr::_IsRvalue;
-  res->deduce_type();
-  res->chk_rvalue();
-  res->pre_compile(code);
-  return blk_fl::end;
-static bool is_expr_valid_as_return_self(Expr* return_expr) {
-  // `return self`
-  if (return_expr->cls == Expr::_Var && return_expr->val == 0) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (return_expr->cls == Expr::_ReturnSelf) {
-    return is_expr_valid_as_return_self(return_expr->args[1]);
-  }
-  if (return_expr->cls == Expr::_CondExpr) {
-    return is_expr_valid_as_return_self(return_expr->args[1]) && is_expr_valid_as_return_self(return_expr->args[2]);
+static void process_sequence(V<ast_sequence> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  for (AnyV item : v->get_items()) {
+    process_any_statement(item, code);
-  return false;
-// for mutating functions, having `return expr`, transform it to `return (modify_var1, ..., expr)`
-static Expr* wrap_return_value_with_mutate_params(SrcLocation loc, CodeBlob& code, Expr* return_expr) {
-  Expr* tmp_var;
-  if (return_expr->cls != Expr::_Var) {
-    // `return complex_expr` - extract this into temporary variable (eval it before return)
-    // this is mandatory if it assigns to one of modified vars
-    tmp_var = create_new_underscore_variable(loc, return_expr->e_type);
-    tmp_var->predefine_vars();
-    tmp_var->define_new_vars(code);
-    Expr* assign_to_tmp_var = new Expr(Expr::_Letop, {tmp_var, return_expr});
-    assign_to_tmp_var->here = loc;
-    assign_to_tmp_var->flags = tmp_var->flags | Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    assign_to_tmp_var->deduce_type();
-    assign_to_tmp_var->pre_compile(code);
+static void process_assert_statement(V<ast_assert_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  std::vector<AnyExprV> args(3);
+  if (auto v_not = v->get_cond()->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_not && v_not->tok == tok_logical_not) {
+    args[0] = v->get_thrown_code();
+    args[1] = v->get_cond()->as<ast_unary_operator>()->get_rhs();
+    args[2] = createV<ast_bool_const>(v->loc, true);
+    args[2]->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataInt::create());
   } else {
-    tmp_var = return_expr;
+    args[0] = v->get_thrown_code();
+    args[1] = v->get_cond();
+    args[2] = createV<ast_bool_const>(v->loc, false);
+    args[2]->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataInt::create());
-  Expr* ret_tensor = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, loc);
-  std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_list;
-  for (SymDef* p_sym: code.func_val->parameters) {
-    if (p_sym && dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(p_sym->value)->is_mutate_parameter()) {
-      Expr* p_expr = new Expr{Expr::_Var, p_sym->loc};
-      p_expr->sym = p_sym;
-      p_expr->val = p_sym->value->idx;
-      p_expr->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-      p_expr->e_type = p_sym->value->get_type();
-      ret_tensor->pb_arg(p_expr);
-      type_list.emplace_back(p_expr->e_type);
-    }
-  }
-  ret_tensor->pb_arg(tmp_var);
-  type_list.emplace_back(tmp_var->e_type);
-  ret_tensor->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-  ret_tensor->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(type_list));
-  return ret_tensor;
+  const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("__throw_if_unless")->as<FunctionData>();
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, args);
+  gen_op_call(code, TypeDataVoid::create(), v->loc, std::move(args_vars), builtin_sym);
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_return_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  Expr* expr = process_expr(v->get_return_value(), code);
-  if (code.func_val->does_return_self()) {
-    if (!is_expr_valid_as_return_self(expr)) {
-      v->error("invalid return from `self` function");
-    }
-    Expr* var_self = new Expr(Expr::_Var, v->loc);
-    var_self->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue | Expr::_IsLvalue;
-    var_self->e_type = code.func_val->parameters[0]->value->get_type();
-    Expr* assign_to_self = new Expr(Expr::_Letop, {var_self, expr});
-    assign_to_self->here = v->loc;
-    assign_to_self->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    assign_to_self->deduce_type();
-    assign_to_self->pre_compile(code);
-    Expr* empty_tensor = new Expr(Expr::_Tensor, {});
-    empty_tensor->here = v->loc;
-    empty_tensor->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-    empty_tensor->e_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor({});
-    expr = empty_tensor;
+static void process_catch_variable(AnyExprV v_catch_var, CodeBlob& code) {
+  if (auto v_ref = v_catch_var->try_as<ast_reference>(); v_ref && v_ref->sym) { // not underscore
+    const LocalVarData* var_ref = v_ref->sym->as<LocalVarData>();
+    tolk_assert(var_ref->idx == -1);
+    var_ref->mutate()->assign_idx(code.create_var(v_catch_var->inferred_type, var_ref, v_catch_var->loc));
-  if (code.func_val->has_mutate_params()) {
-    expr = wrap_return_value_with_mutate_params(v->loc, code, expr);
-  }
-  expr->chk_rvalue();
-  try {
-    unify(expr->e_type, code.ret_type);
-  } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << "previous function return type " << code.ret_type
-       << " cannot be unified with return statement expression type " << expr->e_type << ": " << ue;
-    v->error(os.str());
-  }
-  std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = expr->pre_compile(code);
-  code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Return, std::move(tmp_vars));
-  return blk_fl::ret;
-static void append_implicit_ret_stmt(SrcLocation loc_end, CodeBlob& code) {
-  Expr* expr = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, {}};
-  expr->flags = Expr::_IsRvalue;
-  expr->here = loc_end;
-  expr->e_type = TypeExpr::new_unit();
-  if (code.func_val->does_return_self()) {
-    throw ParseError(loc_end, "missing return; forgot `return self`?");
-  }
-  if (code.func_val->has_mutate_params()) {
-    expr = wrap_return_value_with_mutate_params(loc_end, code, expr);
-  }
-  try {
-    unify(expr->e_type, code.ret_type);
-  } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << "previous function return type " << code.ret_type
-       << " cannot be unified with implicit end-of-block return type " << expr->e_type << ": " << ue;
-    throw ParseError(loc_end, os.str());
-  }
-  std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = expr->pre_compile(code);
-  code.emplace_back(loc_end, Op::_Return, std::move(tmp_vars));
+static void process_try_catch_statement(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  code.require_callxargs = true;
+  Op& try_catch_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_TryCatch);
+  code.push_set_cur(try_catch_op.block0);
+  process_any_statement(v->get_try_body(), code);
+  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_try_body()->loc_end);
+  code.push_set_cur(try_catch_op.block1);
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_sequence> v, CodeBlob& code, bool no_new_scope = false) {
-  if (!no_new_scope) {
-    open_scope(v->loc);
-  }
-  blk_fl::val res = blk_fl::init;
-  bool warned = false;
-  for (AnyV item : v->get_items()) {
-    if (!(res & blk_fl::end) && !warned) {
-      item->loc.show_warning("unreachable code");
-      warned = true;
-    }
-    blk_fl::combine(res, process_statement(item, code));
-  }
-  if (!no_new_scope) {
-    close_scope();
-  }
-  return res;
+  // transform catch (excNo, arg) into TVM-catch (arg, excNo), where arg is untyped and thus almost useless now
+  const std::vector<AnyExprV>& catch_vars = v->get_catch_expr()->get_items();
+  tolk_assert(catch_vars.size() == 2);
+  process_catch_variable(catch_vars[0], code);
+  process_catch_variable(catch_vars[1], code);
+  try_catch_op.left = pre_compile_tensor(code, {catch_vars[1], catch_vars[0]});
+  process_any_statement(v->get_catch_body(), code);
+  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_catch_body()->loc_end);
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_repeat_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  Expr* expr = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
-  expr->chk_rvalue();
-  auto cnt_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-  try {
-    unify(expr->e_type, cnt_type);
-  } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << "repeat count value of type " << expr->e_type << " is not an integer: " << ue;
-    v->get_cond()->error(os.str());
-  }
-  std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = expr->pre_compile(code);
-  if (tmp_vars.size() != 1) {
-    v->get_cond()->error("repeat count value is not a singleton");
-  }
+static void process_repeat_statement(V<ast_repeat_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = pre_compile_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
   Op& repeat_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Repeat, tmp_vars);
-  blk_fl::val res = process_vertex(v->get_body(), code);
+  process_any_statement(v->get_body(), code);
-  return res | blk_fl::end;
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_while_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  Expr* expr = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
-  expr->chk_rvalue();
-  auto cnt_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-  try {
-    unify(expr->e_type, cnt_type);
-  } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << "while condition value of type " << expr->e_type << " is not an integer: " << ue;
-    v->get_cond()->error(os.str());
-  }
-  Op& while_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_While);
-  code.push_set_cur(while_op.block0);
-  while_op.left = expr->pre_compile(code);
-  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_body()->loc);
-  if (while_op.left.size() != 1) {
-    v->get_cond()->error("while condition value is not a singleton");
+static void process_if_statement(V<ast_if_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = pre_compile_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
+  Op& if_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_If, std::move(tmp_vars));
+  code.push_set_cur(if_op.block0);
+  process_any_statement(v->get_if_body(), code);
+  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_if_body()->loc_end);
+  code.push_set_cur(if_op.block1);
+  process_any_statement(v->get_else_body(), code);
+  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_else_body()->loc_end);
+  if (v->is_ifnot) {
+    std::swap(if_op.block0, if_op.block1);
-  code.push_set_cur(while_op.block1);
-  blk_fl::val res1 = process_vertex(v->get_body(), code);
-  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_body()->loc_end);
-  return res1 | blk_fl::end;
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_do_while_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+static void process_do_while_statement(V<ast_do_while_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
   Op& until_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Until);
-  open_scope(v->loc);
-  blk_fl::val res = process_vertex(v->get_body(), code, true);
+  process_any_statement(v->get_body(), code);
   // in TVM, there is only "do until", but in Tolk, we want "do while"
   // here we negate condition to pass it forward to legacy to Op::_Until
   // also, handle common situations as a hardcoded "optimization": replace (a<0) with (a>=0) and so on
   // todo these hardcoded conditions should be removed from this place in the future
-  AnyV cond = v->get_cond();
-  AnyV until_cond;
+  AnyExprV cond = v->get_cond();
+  AnyExprV until_cond;
   if (auto v_not = cond->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_not && v_not->tok == tok_logical_not) {
     until_cond = v_not->get_rhs();
   } else if (auto v_eq = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_eq && v_eq->tok == tok_eq) {
@@ -1093,222 +586,127 @@ static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_do_while_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
     until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "<", tok_lt, v_geq->get_lhs(), v_geq->get_rhs());
   } else if (auto v_gt = cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_gt && v_gt->tok == tok_gt) {
     until_cond = createV<ast_binary_operator>(cond->loc, "<=", tok_geq, v_gt->get_lhs(), v_gt->get_rhs());
+  } else if (cond->inferred_type == TypeDataBool::create()) {
+    until_cond = createV<ast_unary_operator>(cond->loc, "!b", tok_logical_not, cond);
   } else {
     until_cond = createV<ast_unary_operator>(cond->loc, "!", tok_logical_not, cond);
-  Expr* expr = process_expr(until_cond, code);
-  expr->chk_rvalue();
-  close_scope();
-  auto cnt_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-  try {
-    unify(expr->e_type, cnt_type);
-  } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << "`while` condition value of type " << expr->e_type << " is not an integer: " << ue;
-    v->get_cond()->error(os.str());
+  until_cond->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataInt::create());
+  if (auto v_bin = until_cond->try_as<ast_binary_operator>(); v_bin && !v_bin->fun_ref) {
+    v_bin->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(lookup_global_symbol("_" + static_cast<std::string>(v_bin->operator_name) + "_")->as<FunctionData>());
+  } else if (auto v_un = until_cond->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_un && !v_un->fun_ref) {
+    v_un->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(lookup_global_symbol(static_cast<std::string>(v_un->operator_name) + "_")->as<FunctionData>());
-  until_op.left = expr->pre_compile(code);
+  until_op.left = pre_compile_expr(until_cond, code);
-  if (until_op.left.size() != 1) {
-    v->get_cond()->error("`while` condition value is not a singleton");
-  }
-  return res & ~blk_fl::empty;
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_throw_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  std::vector<Expr*> args;
-  SymDef* builtin_sym;
-  if (v->has_thrown_arg()) {
-    builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("__throw_arg"));
-    args.push_back(process_expr(v->get_thrown_arg(), code));
-    args.push_back(process_expr(v->get_thrown_code(), code));
-  } else {
-    builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("__throw"));
-    args.push_back(process_expr(v->get_thrown_code(), code));
-  }
-  Expr* apply = create_expr_apply(v->loc, builtin_sym, std::move(args));
-  apply->flags |= Expr::_IsImpure;
-  apply->pre_compile(code);
-  return blk_fl::end;
+static void process_while_statement(V<ast_while_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  Op& while_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_While);
+  code.push_set_cur(while_op.block0);
+  while_op.left = pre_compile_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
+  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_body()->loc);
+  code.push_set_cur(while_op.block1);
+  process_any_statement(v->get_body(), code);
+  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_body()->loc_end);
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_assert_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  std::vector<Expr*> args(3);
-  if (auto v_not = v->get_cond()->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); v_not && v_not->tok == tok_logical_not) {
-    args[0] = process_expr(v->get_thrown_code(), code);
-    args[1] = process_expr(v->get_cond()->as<ast_unary_operator>()->get_rhs(), code);
-    args[2] = process_expr(createV<ast_bool_const>(v->loc, true), code);
+static void process_throw_statement(V<ast_throw_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  if (v->has_thrown_arg()) {
+    const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("__throw_arg")->as<FunctionData>();
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, {v->get_thrown_arg(), v->get_thrown_code()});
+    gen_op_call(code, TypeDataVoid::create(), v->loc, std::move(args_vars), builtin_sym);
   } else {
-    args[0] = process_expr(v->get_thrown_code(), code);
-    args[1] = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
-    args[2] = process_expr(createV<ast_bool_const>(v->loc, false), code);
+    const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("__throw")->as<FunctionData>();
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> args_vars = pre_compile_tensor(code, {v->get_thrown_code()});
+    gen_op_call(code, TypeDataVoid::create(), v->loc, std::move(args_vars), builtin_sym);
-  SymDef* builtin_sym = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx("__throw_if_unless"));
-  Expr* apply = create_expr_apply(v->loc, builtin_sym, std::move(args));
-  apply->flags |= Expr::_IsImpure;
-  apply->pre_compile(code);
-  return blk_fl::end;
-static Expr* process_catch_variable(AnyV catch_var, TypeExpr* var_type) {
-  if (auto v_ident = catch_var->try_as<ast_identifier>()) {
-    return create_new_local_variable(catch_var->loc, v_ident->name, var_type, true);
+static void process_return_statement(V<ast_return_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> return_vars = v->has_return_value() ? pre_compile_expr(v->get_return_value(), code) : std::vector<var_idx_t>{};
+  if (code.fun_ref->does_return_self()) {
+    tolk_assert(return_vars.size() == 1);
+    return_vars = {};
-  return create_new_underscore_variable(catch_var->loc, var_type);
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  code.require_callxargs = true;
-  Op& try_catch_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_TryCatch);
-  code.push_set_cur(try_catch_op.block0);
-  blk_fl::val res0 = process_vertex(v->get_try_body(), code);
-  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_try_body()->loc_end);
-  code.push_set_cur(try_catch_op.block1);
-  open_scope(v->get_catch_expr()->loc);
-  // transform catch (excNo, arg) into TVM-catch (arg, excNo), where arg is untyped and thus almost useless now
-  TypeExpr* tvm_error_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(TypeExpr::new_var(), TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int));
-  const std::vector<AnyV>& catch_items = v->get_catch_expr()->get_items();
-  tolk_assert(catch_items.size() == 2);
-  Expr* e_catch = new Expr{Expr::_Tensor, v->get_catch_expr()->loc};
-  e_catch->pb_arg(process_catch_variable(catch_items[1], tvm_error_type->args[0]));
-  e_catch->pb_arg(process_catch_variable(catch_items[0], tvm_error_type->args[1]));
-  e_catch->flags = Expr::_IsLvalue;
-  e_catch->e_type = tvm_error_type;
-  e_catch->predefine_vars();
-  e_catch->define_new_vars(code);
-  try_catch_op.left = e_catch->pre_compile(code);
-  tolk_assert(try_catch_op.left.size() == 2);
-  blk_fl::val res1 = process_vertex(v->get_catch_body(), code);
-  close_scope();
-  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_catch_body()->loc_end);
-  blk_fl::combine_parallel(res0, res1);
-  return res0;
+  if (code.fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
+    std::vector<var_idx_t> mutated_vars;
+    for (const LocalVarData& p_sym: code.fun_ref->parameters) {
+      if (p_sym.is_mutate_parameter()) {
+        mutated_vars.push_back(p_sym.idx);
+      }
+    }
+    return_vars.insert(return_vars.begin(), mutated_vars.begin(), mutated_vars.end());
+  }
+  code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Return, std::move(return_vars));
-static blk_fl::val process_vertex(V<ast_if_statement> v, CodeBlob& code) {
-  Expr* expr = process_expr(v->get_cond(), code);
-  expr->chk_rvalue();
-  TypeExpr* flag_type = TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int);
-  try {
-    unify(expr->e_type, flag_type);
-  } catch (UnifyError& ue) {
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << "`if` condition value of type " << expr->e_type << " is not an integer: " << ue;
-    v->get_cond()->error(os.str());
-  }
-  std::vector<var_idx_t> tmp_vars = expr->pre_compile(code);
-  if (tmp_vars.size() != 1) {
-    v->get_cond()->error("condition value is not a singleton");
-  }
-  Op& if_op = code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_If, tmp_vars);
-  code.push_set_cur(if_op.block0);
-  blk_fl::val res1 = process_vertex(v->get_if_body(), code);
-  blk_fl::val res2 = blk_fl::init;
-  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_if_body()->loc_end);
-  code.push_set_cur(if_op.block1);
-  res2 = process_vertex(v->get_else_body(), code);
-  code.close_pop_cur(v->get_else_body()->loc_end);
-  if (v->is_ifnot) {
-    std::swap(if_op.block0, if_op.block1);
+static void append_implicit_return_statement(SrcLocation loc_end, CodeBlob& code) {
+  std::vector<var_idx_t> mutated_vars;
+  if (code.fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
+    for (const LocalVarData& p_sym: code.fun_ref->parameters) {
+      if (p_sym.is_mutate_parameter()) {
+        mutated_vars.push_back(p_sym.idx);
+      }
+    }
-  blk_fl::combine_parallel(res1, res2);
-  return res1;
+  code.emplace_back(loc_end, Op::_Return, std::move(mutated_vars));
-blk_fl::val process_statement(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code) {
+void process_any_statement(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code) {
   switch (v->type) {
-    case ast_local_vars_declaration:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>(), code);
-    case ast_return_statement:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_return_statement>(), code);
     case ast_sequence:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_sequence>(), code);
-    case ast_empty:
-      return blk_fl::init;
+      return process_sequence(v->as<ast_sequence>(), code);
+    case ast_return_statement:
+      return process_return_statement(v->as<ast_return_statement>(), code);
     case ast_repeat_statement:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>(), code);
+      return process_repeat_statement(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>(), code);
     case ast_if_statement:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_if_statement>(), code);
+      return process_if_statement(v->as<ast_if_statement>(), code);
     case ast_do_while_statement:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>(), code);
+      return process_do_while_statement(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>(), code);
     case ast_while_statement:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_while_statement>(), code);
+      return process_while_statement(v->as<ast_while_statement>(), code);
     case ast_throw_statement:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_throw_statement>(), code);
+      return process_throw_statement(v->as<ast_throw_statement>(), code);
     case ast_assert_statement:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_assert_statement>(), code);
+      return process_assert_statement(v->as<ast_assert_statement>(), code);
     case ast_try_catch_statement:
-      return process_vertex(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>(), code);
-    default: {
-      Expr* expr = process_expr(v, code);
-      expr->chk_rvalue();
-      expr->pre_compile(code);
-      return blk_fl::end;
-    }
-  }
-static FormalArg process_vertex(V<ast_parameter> v, SymDef* param_sym) {
-  if (!param_sym) {
-    return std::make_tuple(v->param_type, nullptr, v->loc);
-  }
-  SymDef* new_sym_def = define_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->get_identifier()->name), true, v->loc);
-  if (!new_sym_def || new_sym_def->value) {
-    v->error("redefined parameter");
+      return process_try_catch_statement(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>(), code);
+    case ast_empty_statement:
+      return;
+    default:
+      pre_compile_expr(reinterpret_cast<AnyExprV>(v), code);
-  const SymValVariable* param_val = dynamic_cast<SymValVariable*>(param_sym->value);
-  new_sym_def->value = new SymValVariable(*param_val);
-  return std::make_tuple(v->param_type, new_sym_def, v->loc);
-static void convert_function_body_to_CodeBlob(V<ast_function_declaration> v, V<ast_sequence> v_body) {
-  SymDef* sym_def = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->get_identifier()->name));
-  SymValCodeFunc* sym_val = dynamic_cast<SymValCodeFunc*>(sym_def->value);
-  tolk_assert(sym_val != nullptr);
-  open_scope(v->loc);
-  CodeBlob* blob = new CodeBlob{static_cast<std::string>(v->get_identifier()->name), v->loc, sym_val, v->ret_type};
-  if (v->marked_as_pure) {
-    blob->flags |= CodeBlob::_ForbidImpure;
-  }
+static void convert_function_body_to_CodeBlob(const FunctionData* fun_ref, FunctionBodyCode* code_body) {
+  auto v_body = fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>()->get_body()->as<ast_sequence>();
+  CodeBlob* blob = new CodeBlob{fun_ref->name, fun_ref->loc, fun_ref};
   FormalArgList legacy_arg_list;
-  for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_params(); ++i) {
-    legacy_arg_list.emplace_back(process_vertex(v->get_param(i), sym_val->parameters[i]));
+  for (const LocalVarData& param : fun_ref->parameters) {
+    legacy_arg_list.emplace_back(param.declared_type, &param, param.loc);
-  blk_fl::val res = blk_fl::init;
-  bool warned = false;
   for (AnyV item : v_body->get_items()) {
-    if (!(res & blk_fl::end) && !warned) {
-      item->loc.show_warning("unreachable code");
-      warned = true;
-    }
-    blk_fl::combine(res, process_statement(item, *blob));
+    process_any_statement(item, *blob);
-  if (res & blk_fl::end) {
-    append_implicit_ret_stmt(v_body->loc_end, *blob);
+  if (fun_ref->is_implicit_return()) {
+    append_implicit_return_statement(v_body->loc_end, *blob);
-  close_scope();
-  sym_val->set_code(blob);
+  code_body->set_code(blob);
-static void convert_asm_body_to_AsmOp(V<ast_function_declaration> v, V<ast_asm_body> v_body) {
-  SymDef* sym_def = lookup_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->get_identifier()->name));
-  SymValAsmFunc* sym_val = dynamic_cast<SymValAsmFunc*>(sym_def->value);
-  tolk_assert(sym_val != nullptr);
-  int cnt = v->get_num_params();
-  int width = v->ret_type->get_width();
+static void convert_asm_body_to_AsmOp(const FunctionData* fun_ref, FunctionBodyAsm* asm_body) {
+  int cnt = fun_ref->get_num_params();
+  int width = fun_ref->inferred_return_type->calc_width_on_stack();
   std::vector<AsmOp> asm_ops;
-  for (AnyV v_child : v_body->get_asm_commands()) {
+  for (AnyV v_child : fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>()->get_body()->as<ast_asm_body>()->get_asm_commands()) {
     std::string_view ops = v_child->as<ast_string_const>()->str_val; // <op>\n<op>\n...
     std::string op;
     for (char c : ops) {
@@ -1332,24 +730,77 @@ static void convert_asm_body_to_AsmOp(V<ast_function_declaration> v, V<ast_asm_b
-  sym_val->set_code(std::move(asm_ops));
+  asm_body->set_code(std::move(asm_ops));
+class UpdateArgRetOrderConsideringStackWidth final {
+  static bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+    return !fun_ref->is_generic_function() && (!fun_ref->ret_order.empty() || !fun_ref->arg_order.empty());
+  }
-void pipeline_convert_ast_to_legacy_Expr_Op(const AllSrcFiles& all_src_files) {
-  for (const SrcFile* file : all_src_files) {
-    tolk_assert(file->ast);
+  static void start_visiting_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) {
+    int total_arg_mutate_width = 0;
+    bool has_arg_width_not_1 = false;
+    for (const LocalVarData& param : fun_ref->parameters) {
+      int arg_width = param.declared_type->calc_width_on_stack();
+      has_arg_width_not_1 |= arg_width != 1;
+      total_arg_mutate_width += param.is_mutate_parameter() * arg_width;
+    }
-    for (AnyV v : file->ast->as<ast_tolk_file>()->get_toplevel_declarations()) {
-      if (auto v_func = v->try_as<ast_function_declaration>()) {
-        if (v_func->is_asm_function()) {
-          convert_asm_body_to_AsmOp(v_func, v_func->get_body()->as<ast_asm_body>());
-        } else if (!v_func->marked_as_builtin) {
-          convert_function_body_to_CodeBlob(v_func, v_func->get_body()->as<ast_sequence>());
+    // example: `fun f(a: int, b: (int, (int, int)), c: int)` with `asm (b a c)`
+    // current arg_order is [1 0 2]
+    // needs to be converted to [1 2 3 0 4] because b width is 3
+    if (has_arg_width_not_1) {
+      int total_arg_width = 0;
+      std::vector<int> cum_arg_width;
+      cum_arg_width.reserve(1 + fun_ref->get_num_params());
+      cum_arg_width.push_back(0);
+      for (const LocalVarData& param : fun_ref->parameters) {
+        cum_arg_width.push_back(total_arg_width += param.declared_type->calc_width_on_stack());
+      }
+      std::vector<int> arg_order;
+      for (int i = 0; i < fun_ref->get_num_params(); ++i) {
+        int j = fun_ref->arg_order[i];
+        int c1 = cum_arg_width[j], c2 = cum_arg_width[j + 1];
+        while (c1 < c2) {
+          arg_order.push_back(c1++);
+      fun_ref->mutate()->assign_arg_order(std::move(arg_order));
+    }
+    // example: `fun f(mutate self: slice): slice` with `asm(-> 1 0)`
+    // ret_order is a shuffled range 0...N
+    // validate N: a function should return value and mutated arguments onto a stack
+    if (!fun_ref->ret_order.empty()) {
+      size_t expected_width = fun_ref->inferred_return_type->calc_width_on_stack() + total_arg_mutate_width;
+      if (expected_width != fun_ref->ret_order.size()) {
+        v_function->get_body()->error("ret_order (after ->) expected to contain " + std::to_string(expected_width) + " numbers");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+class ConvertASTToLegacyOpVisitor final {
+  static bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+    return !fun_ref->is_generic_function();
+  }
+  static void start_visiting_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration>) {
+    tolk_assert(fun_ref->is_type_inferring_done());
+    if (fun_ref->is_code_function()) {
+      convert_function_body_to_CodeBlob(fun_ref, std::get<FunctionBodyCode*>(fun_ref->body));
+    } else if (fun_ref->is_asm_function()) {
+      convert_asm_body_to_AsmOp(fun_ref, std::get<FunctionBodyAsm*>(fun_ref->body));
+void pipeline_convert_ast_to_legacy_Expr_Op() {
+  visit_ast_of_all_functions<UpdateArgRetOrderConsideringStackWidth>();
+  visit_ast_of_all_functions<ConvertASTToLegacyOpVisitor>();
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-calc-rvalue-lvalue.cpp b/tolk/pipe-calc-rvalue-lvalue.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..041aec891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/pipe-calc-rvalue-lvalue.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain source code.
+    TON Blockchain is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-visitor.h"
+ *   This pipe assigns lvalue/rvalue flags for AST expressions.
+ *   It happens after identifiers have been resolved, but before type inferring (before methods binding).
+ *
+ *   Example: `a = b`, `a` is lvalue, `b` is rvalue.
+ *   Example: `a + b`, both are rvalue.
+ *
+ *   Note, that this pass only assigns, not checks. So, for `f() = 4`, expr `f()` is lvalue.
+ * Checking (firing this as incorrect later) is performed after type inferring, see pipe-check-rvalue-lvalue.
+ */
+namespace tolk {
+enum class MarkingState {
+  None,
+  LValue,
+  RValue,
+  LValueAndRValue
+class CalculateRvalueLvalueVisitor final : public ASTVisitorFunctionBody {
+  MarkingState cur_state = MarkingState::None;
+  MarkingState enter_state(MarkingState activated) {
+    MarkingState saved = cur_state;
+    cur_state = activated;
+    return saved;
+  }
+  void restore_state(MarkingState saved) {
+    cur_state = saved;
+  }
+  void mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(AnyExprV v) const {
+    if (cur_state == MarkingState::LValue || cur_state == MarkingState::LValueAndRValue) {
+      v->mutate()->assign_lvalue_true();
+    }
+    if (cur_state == MarkingState::RValue || cur_state == MarkingState::LValueAndRValue || cur_state == MarkingState::None) {
+      v->mutate()->assign_rvalue_true();
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_empty_expression> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_parenthesized_expression> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_tensor> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_typed_tuple> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_reference> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_int_const> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_string_const> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_bool_const> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_null_keyword> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_argument> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    MarkingState saved = enter_state(v->passed_as_mutate ? MarkingState::LValueAndRValue : MarkingState::RValue);
+    parent::visit(v);
+    restore_state(saved);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_argument_list> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_dot_access> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    MarkingState saved = enter_state(MarkingState::RValue);
+    parent::visit(v->get_obj());
+    restore_state(saved);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_function_call> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    MarkingState saved = enter_state(MarkingState::RValue);
+    parent::visit(v);
+    restore_state(saved);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_underscore> v) override {
+    // underscore is a placeholder to ignore left side of assignment: `(a, _) = get2params()`
+    // so, if current state is "lvalue", `_` will be marked as lvalue, and ok
+    // but if used incorrectly, like `f(_)` or just `_;`, it will be marked rvalue
+    // and will fire an error later, in pipe lvalue/rvalue check
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_assign> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    MarkingState saved = enter_state(MarkingState::LValue);
+    parent::visit(v->get_lhs());
+    enter_state(MarkingState::RValue);
+    parent::visit(v->get_rhs());
+    restore_state(saved);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_set_assign> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    MarkingState saved = enter_state(MarkingState::LValueAndRValue);
+    parent::visit(v->get_lhs());
+    enter_state(MarkingState::RValue);
+    parent::visit(v->get_rhs());
+    restore_state(saved);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_unary_operator> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    MarkingState saved = enter_state(MarkingState::RValue);
+    parent::visit(v);
+    restore_state(saved);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_binary_operator> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    MarkingState saved = enter_state(MarkingState::RValue);
+    parent::visit(v);
+    restore_state(saved);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_ternary_operator> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    MarkingState saved = enter_state(MarkingState::RValue);
+    parent::visit(v);  // both cond, when_true and when_false are rvalue, `(cond ? a : b) = 5` prohibited
+    restore_state(saved);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_cast_as_operator> v) override {
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    parent::visit(v->get_expr());   // leave lvalue state unchanged, for `mutate (t.0 as int)` both `t.0 as int` and `t.0` are lvalue
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_local_var_lhs> v) override {
+    tolk_assert(cur_state == MarkingState::LValue);
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_local_vars_declaration> v) override {
+    tolk_assert(cur_state == MarkingState::LValue);
+    mark_vertex_cur_or_rvalue(v);
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v) override {
+    parent::visit(v->get_try_body());
+    MarkingState saved = enter_state(MarkingState::LValue);
+    parent::visit(v->get_catch_expr());
+    restore_state(saved);
+    parent::visit(v->get_catch_body());
+  }
+  bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) override {
+    return fun_ref->is_code_function() && !fun_ref->is_generic_function();
+  }
+void pipeline_calculate_rvalue_lvalue() {
+  visit_ast_of_all_functions<CalculateRvalueLvalueVisitor>();
+void pipeline_calculate_rvalue_lvalue(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  CalculateRvalueLvalueVisitor visitor;
+  if (visitor.should_visit_function(fun_ref)) {
+    visitor.start_visiting_function(fun_ref, fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>());
+  }
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-check-pure-impure.cpp b/tolk/pipe-check-pure-impure.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b2e1e670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/pipe-check-pure-impure.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain source code.
+    TON Blockchain is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-visitor.h"
+#include "platform-utils.h"
+ *   This pipe checks for impure operations inside pure functions.
+ *   It happens after type inferring (after methods binding) since it operates fun_ref of calls.
+ */
+namespace tolk {
+static void fire_error_impure_operation_inside_pure_function(AnyV v) {
+  v->error("an impure operation in a pure function");
+class CheckImpureOperationsInPureFunctionVisitor final : public ASTVisitorFunctionBody {
+  static void fire_if_global_var(AnyExprV v) {
+    if (auto v_ident = v->try_as<ast_reference>()) {
+      if (v_ident->sym->try_as<GlobalVarData>()) {
+        fire_error_impure_operation_inside_pure_function(v);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_assign> v) override {
+    fire_if_global_var(v->get_lhs());
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_set_assign> v) override {
+    fire_if_global_var(v->get_lhs());
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_function_call> v) override {
+    // v is `globalF(args)` / `globalF<int>(args)` / `obj.method(args)` / `local_var(args)` / `getF()(args)`
+    if (!v->fun_maybe) {
+      // `local_var(args)` is always impure, no considerations about what's there at runtime
+      fire_error_impure_operation_inside_pure_function(v);
+    }
+    if (!v->fun_maybe->is_marked_as_pure()) {
+      fire_error_impure_operation_inside_pure_function(v);
+    }
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_argument> v) override {
+    if (v->passed_as_mutate) {
+      fire_if_global_var(v->get_expr());
+    }
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_throw_statement> v) override {
+    fire_error_impure_operation_inside_pure_function(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_assert_statement> v) override {
+    fire_error_impure_operation_inside_pure_function(v);
+  }
+  bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) override {
+    return fun_ref->is_code_function() && !fun_ref->is_generic_function() && fun_ref->is_marked_as_pure();
+  }
+void pipeline_check_pure_impure_operations() {
+  visit_ast_of_all_functions<CheckImpureOperationsInPureFunctionVisitor>();
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-check-rvalue-lvalue.cpp b/tolk/pipe-check-rvalue-lvalue.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..038b09991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/pipe-check-rvalue-lvalue.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain source code.
+    TON Blockchain is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-visitor.h"
+#include "platform-utils.h"
+ *   This pipe checks lvalue/rvalue for validity.
+ *   It happens after type inferring (after methods binding) and after lvalue/rvalue are refined based on fun_ref.
+ *
+ *   Example: `f() = 4`, `f()` was earlier marked as lvalue, it's incorrect.
+ *   Example: `f(mutate 5)`, `5` was marked also, it's incorrect.
+ */
+namespace tolk {
+static void fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(AnyV v, const std::string& details) {
+  // example: `f() = 32`
+  // example: `loadUint(c.beginParse(), 32)` (since `loadUint()` mutates the first argument)
+  v->error(details + " can not be used as lvalue");
+static void fire_error_modifying_immutable_variable(AnyExprV v, const LocalVarData* var_ref) {
+  if (var_ref->idx == 0 && var_ref->name == "self") {
+    v->error("modifying `self`, which is immutable by default; probably, you want to declare `mutate self`");
+  } else {
+    v->error("modifying immutable variable `" + var_ref->name + "`");
+  }
+// validate a function used as rvalue, like `var cb = f`
+// it's not a generic function (ensured earlier at type inferring) and has some more restrictions
+static void validate_function_used_as_noncall(AnyExprV v, const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  if (!fun_ref->arg_order.empty() || !fun_ref->ret_order.empty()) {
+    v->error("saving `" + fun_ref->name + "` into a variable will most likely lead to invalid usage, since it changes the order of variables on the stack");
+  }
+  if (fun_ref->has_mutate_params()) {
+    v->error("saving `" + fun_ref->name + "` into a variable is impossible, since it has `mutate` parameters and thus can only be called directly");
+  }
+class CheckRValueLvalueVisitor final : public ASTVisitorFunctionBody {
+  void visit(V<ast_assign> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "assignment");
+    }
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_set_assign> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "assignment");
+    }
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_binary_operator> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "operator " + static_cast<std::string>(v->operator_name));
+    }
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_unary_operator> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "operator " + static_cast<std::string>(v->operator_name));
+    }
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_ternary_operator> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "operator ?:");
+    }
+    parent::visit(v);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_cast_as_operator> v) override {
+    // if `x as int` is lvalue, then `x` is also lvalue, so check that `x` is ok
+    parent::visit(v->get_expr());
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_int_const> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "literal");
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_string_const> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "literal");
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_bool_const> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "literal");
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_null_keyword> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "literal");
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_dot_access> v) override {
+    // a reference to a method used as rvalue, like `var v = t.tupleAt`
+    if (const FunctionData* fun_ref = v->target; v->is_rvalue) {
+      validate_function_used_as_noncall(v, fun_ref);
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_function_call> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      fire_error_cannot_be_used_as_lvalue(v, "function call");
+    }
+    if (!v->fun_maybe) {
+      parent::visit(v->get_callee());
+    }
+    // for `f()` don't visit ast_reference `f`, to detect `f` usage as non-call, like `var cb = f`
+    // same for `obj.method()`, don't visit ast_reference method, visit only obj
+    if (v->is_dot_call()) {
+      parent::visit(v->get_dot_obj());
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
+      parent::visit(v->get_arg(i));
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_local_var_lhs> v) override {
+    if (v->marked_as_redef) {
+      tolk_assert(v->var_ref);
+      if (v->var_ref->is_immutable()) {
+        v->error("`redef` for immutable variable");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_reference> v) override {
+    if (v->is_lvalue) {
+      tolk_assert(v->sym);
+      if (const auto* var_ref = v->sym->try_as<LocalVarData>(); var_ref && var_ref->is_immutable()) {
+        fire_error_modifying_immutable_variable(v, var_ref);
+      } else if (v->sym->try_as<GlobalConstData>()) {
+        v->error("modifying immutable constant");
+      } else if (v->sym->try_as<FunctionData>()) {
+        v->error("function can't be used as lvalue");
+      }
+    }
+    // a reference to a function used as rvalue, like `var v = someFunction`
+    if (const FunctionData* fun_ref = v->sym->try_as<FunctionData>(); fun_ref && v->is_rvalue) {
+      validate_function_used_as_noncall(v, fun_ref);
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_underscore> v) override {
+    if (v->is_rvalue) {
+      v->error("`_` can't be used as a value; it's a placeholder for a left side of assignment");
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v) override {
+    parent::visit(v->get_try_body());
+    // skip catch(_,excNo), there are always vars due to grammar, lvalue/rvalue aren't set to them
+    parent::visit(v->get_catch_body());
+  }
+  bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) override {
+    return fun_ref->is_code_function() && !fun_ref->is_generic_function();
+  }
+void pipeline_check_rvalue_lvalue() {
+  visit_ast_of_all_functions<CheckRValueLvalueVisitor>();
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-constant-folding.cpp b/tolk/pipe-constant-folding.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98996c28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/pipe-constant-folding.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain source code.
+    TON Blockchain is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-replacer.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
+ *   This pipe is supposed to do constant folding, like replacing `2 + 3` with `5`.
+ *   It happens after type inferring and validity checks, one of the last ones.
+ *
+ *   Currently, it just replaces `-1` (ast_unary_operator ast_int_const) with a number -1
+ * and `!true` with false.
+ *   More rich constant folding should be done some day, but even without this, IR optimizations
+ * (operating low-level stack variables) pretty manage to do all related optimizations.
+ * Constant folding in the future, done at AST level, just would slightly reduce amount of work for optimizer.
+ */
+namespace tolk {
+class ConstantFoldingReplacer final : public ASTReplacerInFunctionBody {
+  static V<ast_int_const> create_int_const(SrcLocation loc, td::RefInt256&& intval) {
+    auto v_int = createV<ast_int_const>(loc, std::move(intval), {});
+    v_int->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataInt::create());
+    v_int->assign_rvalue_true();
+    return v_int;
+  }
+  static V<ast_bool_const> create_bool_const(SrcLocation loc, bool bool_val) {
+    auto v_bool = createV<ast_bool_const>(loc, bool_val);
+    v_bool->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataBool::create());
+    v_bool->assign_rvalue_true();
+    return v_bool;
+  }
+  AnyExprV replace(V<ast_unary_operator> v) override {
+    parent::replace(v);
+    TokenType t = v->tok;
+    // convert "-1" (tok_minus tok_int_const) to a const -1
+    if (t == tok_minus && v->get_rhs()->type == ast_int_const) {
+      td::RefInt256 intval = v->get_rhs()->as<ast_int_const>()->intval;
+      tolk_assert(!intval.is_null());
+      intval = -intval;
+      if (intval.is_null() || !intval->signed_fits_bits(257)) {
+        v->error("integer overflow");
+      }
+      return create_int_const(v->loc, std::move(intval));
+    }
+    // same for "+1"
+    if (t == tok_plus && v->get_rhs()->type == ast_int_const) {
+      return v->get_rhs();
+    }
+    // `!true` / `!false`
+    if (t == tok_logical_not && v->get_rhs()->type == ast_bool_const) {
+      return create_bool_const(v->loc, !v->get_rhs()->as<ast_bool_const>()->bool_val);
+    }
+    // `!0`
+    if (t == tok_logical_not && v->get_rhs()->type == ast_int_const) {
+      return create_bool_const(v->loc, v->get_rhs()->as<ast_int_const>()->intval == 0);
+    }
+    return v;
+  }
+  bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) override {
+    return fun_ref->is_code_function() && !fun_ref->is_generic_function();
+  }
+void pipeline_constant_folding() {
+  replace_ast_of_all_functions<ConstantFoldingReplacer>();
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-detect-unreachable.cpp b/tolk/pipe-detect-unreachable.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15824cf39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/pipe-detect-unreachable.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain source code.
+    TON Blockchain is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-visitor.h"
+ *    This pipe does two things:
+ * 1) detects unreachable code and prints warnings about it
+ *    example: `fun main() { if(1){return;}else{return;} var x = 0; }` — var is unreachable
+ * 2) if control flow reaches end of function, store a flag to insert an implicit return
+ *    example: `fun main() { assert(...); }` — has an implicit `return ()` statement before a brace
+ *
+ *   Note, that it does not delete unreachable code, only prints warnings.
+ *   Actual deleting is done much later (in "legacy" part), after AST is converted to Op.
+ *
+ *   Note, that it's not CFG, it's just a shallow reachability detection.
+ *   In the future, a true CFG should be introduced. For instance, in order to have nullable types,
+ * I'll need to implement smart casts. Then I'll think of a complicated granular control flow graph,
+ * considering data flow and exceptions (built before type inferring, of course),
+ * and detecting unreachable code will be a part of it.
+ */
+namespace tolk {
+class UnreachableStatementsDetectVisitor final {
+  bool always_returns(AnyV v) {
+    switch (v->type) {
+      case ast_sequence:              return always_returns(v->as<ast_sequence>());
+      case ast_return_statement:      return always_returns(v->as<ast_return_statement>());
+      case ast_throw_statement:       return always_returns(v->as<ast_throw_statement>());
+      case ast_function_call:         return always_returns(v->as<ast_function_call>());
+      case ast_repeat_statement:      return always_returns(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>());
+      case ast_while_statement:       return always_returns(v->as<ast_while_statement>());
+      case ast_do_while_statement:    return always_returns(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>());
+      case ast_try_catch_statement:   return always_returns(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>());
+      case ast_if_statement:          return always_returns(v->as<ast_if_statement>());
+      default:
+        // unhandled statements (like assert) and statement expressions
+        return false;
+    }
+  }
+  bool always_returns(V<ast_sequence> v) {
+    bool always = false;
+    for (AnyV item : v->get_items()) {
+      if (always && item->type != ast_empty_statement) {
+        item->loc.show_warning("unreachable code");
+        break;
+      }
+      always |= always_returns(item);
+    }
+    return always;
+  }
+  static bool always_returns([[maybe_unused]] V<ast_return_statement> v) {
+    // quite obvious: `return expr` interrupts control flow
+    return true;
+  }
+  static bool always_returns([[maybe_unused]] V<ast_throw_statement> v) {
+    // todo `throw excNo` currently does not interrupt control flow
+    // (in other words, `throw 1; something` - something is reachable)
+    // the reason is that internally it's transformed to a call of built-in function __throw(),
+    // which is a regular function, like __throw_if() or loadInt()
+    // to fix this later on, it should be deeper, introducing Op::_Throw for example,
+    // to make intermediate representations and stack optimizer also be aware that after it there is unreachable
+    return false;
+  }
+  static bool always_returns([[maybe_unused]] V<ast_function_call> v) {
+    // neither annotations like @noreturn nor auto-detection of always-throwing functions also doesn't exist
+    // in order to do this in the future, it should be handled not only at AST/CFG level,
+    // but inside Op and low-level optimizer (at least if reachability detection is not moved out of there)
+    // see comments for `throw` above, similar to this case
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool always_returns(V<ast_repeat_statement> v) {
+    return always_returns(v->get_body());
+  }
+  bool always_returns(V<ast_while_statement> v) {
+    return always_returns(v->get_body());
+  }
+  bool always_returns(V<ast_do_while_statement> v) {
+    return always_returns(v->get_body());
+  }
+  bool always_returns(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v) {
+    return always_returns(v->get_try_body()) && always_returns(v->get_catch_body());
+  }
+  bool always_returns(V<ast_if_statement> v) {
+    return always_returns(v->get_if_body()) && always_returns(v->get_else_body());
+  }
+  static bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+    return fun_ref->is_code_function() && !fun_ref->is_generic_function();
+  }
+  void start_visiting_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) {
+    bool control_flow_reaches_end = !always_returns(v_function->get_body()->as<ast_sequence>());
+    if (control_flow_reaches_end) {
+      fun_ref->mutate()->assign_is_implicit_return();
+    }
+  }
+void pipeline_detect_unreachable_statements() {
+  visit_ast_of_all_functions<UnreachableStatementsDetectVisitor>();
+void pipeline_detect_unreachable_statements(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  UnreachableStatementsDetectVisitor visitor;
+  if (UnreachableStatementsDetectVisitor::should_visit_function(fun_ref)) {
+    visitor.start_visiting_function(fun_ref, fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>());
+  }
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-discover-parse-sources.cpp b/tolk/pipe-discover-parse-sources.cpp
index a8445ae95..d31348ba9 100644
--- a/tolk/pipe-discover-parse-sources.cpp
+++ b/tolk/pipe-discover-parse-sources.cpp
@@ -28,9 +28,17 @@
 #include "ast-from-tokens.h"
 #include "compiler-state.h"
+ *   This is the starting point of compilation pipeline.
+ *   It parses Tolk files to AST, analyzes `import` statements and loads/parses imported files.
+ *
+ *   When it finishes, all files have been parsed to AST, and no more files will later be added.
+ *   If a parsing error happens (invalid syntax), an exception is thrown immediately from ast-from-tokens.cpp.
+ */
 namespace tolk {
-AllSrcFiles pipeline_discover_and_parse_sources(const std::string& stdlib_filename, const std::string& entrypoint_filename) {
+void pipeline_discover_and_parse_sources(const std::string& stdlib_filename, const std::string& entrypoint_filename) {
   G.all_src_files.locate_and_register_source_file(stdlib_filename, {});
   G.all_src_files.locate_and_register_source_file(entrypoint_filename, {});
@@ -38,27 +46,25 @@ AllSrcFiles pipeline_discover_and_parse_sources(const std::string& stdlib_filena
     file->ast = parse_src_file_to_ast(file);
-    // file->ast->debug_print();
+    // if (!file->is_stdlib_file()) file->ast->debug_print();
     for (AnyV v_toplevel : file->ast->as<ast_tolk_file>()->get_toplevel_declarations()) {
-      if (auto v_import = v_toplevel->try_as<ast_import_statement>()) {
+      if (auto v_import = v_toplevel->try_as<ast_import_directive>()) {
         std::string imported_str = v_import->get_file_name();
         size_t cur_slash_pos = file->rel_filename.rfind('/');
         std::string rel_filename = cur_slash_pos == std::string::npos || imported_str[0] == '@'
           ? std::move(imported_str)
           : file->rel_filename.substr(0, cur_slash_pos + 1) + imported_str;
-        SrcFile* imported = G.all_src_files.locate_and_register_source_file(rel_filename, v_import->loc);
-        file->imports.push_back(SrcFile::ImportStatement{imported});
-        v_import->mutate_set_src_file(imported);
+        const SrcFile* imported = G.all_src_files.locate_and_register_source_file(rel_filename, v_import->loc);
+        file->imports.push_back(SrcFile::ImportDirective{imported});
+        v_import->mutate()->assign_src_file(imported);
   // todo #ifdef TOLK_PROFILING
-  // lexer_measure_performance(G.all_src_files.get_all_files());
-  return G.all_src_files.get_all_files();
+  lexer_measure_performance(G.all_src_files);
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-find-unused-symbols.cpp b/tolk/pipe-find-unused-symbols.cpp
index f83579f4e..29584cbf7 100644
--- a/tolk/pipe-find-unused-symbols.cpp
+++ b/tolk/pipe-find-unused-symbols.cpp
@@ -24,51 +24,41 @@
     from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
 #include "tolk.h"
-#include "src-file.h"
 #include "compiler-state.h"
- *   Here we find unused symbols (global functions and variables) to strip them off codegen.
- *   Note, that currently it's implemented as a standalone step after AST has been transformed to legacy Expr/Op.
- * The reason why it's not done on AST level is that symbol resolving is done too late. For instance,
- * having `beginCell()` there is not enough information in AST whether if points to a global function
- * or it's a local variable application.
- *   In the future, this should be done on AST level.
+ *   This pipe finds unused symbols (global functions and variables) to strip them off codegen.
+ *   It happens after converting AST to Op, so it does not traverse AST.
+ *   In the future, when control flow graph is introduced, this should be done at AST level.
 namespace tolk {
 static void mark_function_used_dfs(const std::unique_ptr<Op>& op);
-static void mark_function_used(SymValCodeFunc* func_val) {
-  if (!func_val->code || func_val->is_really_used) { // already handled
+static void mark_function_used(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  if (!fun_ref->is_code_function() || fun_ref->is_really_used()) { // already handled
-  func_val->is_really_used = true;
-  mark_function_used_dfs(func_val->code->ops);
+  fun_ref->mutate()->assign_is_really_used();
+  mark_function_used_dfs(std::get<FunctionBodyCode*>(fun_ref->body)->code->ops);
-static void mark_global_var_used(SymValGlobVar* glob_val) {
-  glob_val->is_really_used = true;
+static void mark_global_var_used(const GlobalVarData* glob_ref) {
+  glob_ref->mutate()->assign_is_really_used();
 static void mark_function_used_dfs(const std::unique_ptr<Op>& op) {
   if (!op) {
-  // op->fun_ref, despite its name, may actually ref global var
-  // note, that for non-calls, e.g. `var a = some_fn` (Op::_Let), some_fn is Op::_GlobVar
-  // (in other words, fun_ref exists not only for direct Op::_Call, but for non-call references also)
-  if (op->fun_ref) {
-    if (auto* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValCodeFunc*>(op->fun_ref->value)) {
-      mark_function_used(func_val);
-    } else if (auto* glob_val = dynamic_cast<SymValGlobVar*>(op->fun_ref->value)) {
-      mark_global_var_used(glob_val);
-    } else if (auto* asm_val = dynamic_cast<SymValAsmFunc*>(op->fun_ref->value)) {
-    } else {
-      tolk_assert(false);
-    }
+  if (op->f_sym) {  // for Op::_Call
+    mark_function_used(op->f_sym);
+  }
+  if (op->g_sym) {  // for Op::_GlobVar
+    mark_global_var_used(op->g_sym);
@@ -76,11 +66,9 @@ static void mark_function_used_dfs(const std::unique_ptr<Op>& op) {
 void pipeline_find_unused_symbols() {
-  for (SymDef* func_sym : G.all_code_functions) {
-    auto* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValCodeFunc*>(func_sym->value);
-    std::string name = G.symbols.get_name(func_sym->sym_idx);
-    if (func_val->method_id.not_null() || func_val->is_entrypoint()) {
-      mark_function_used(func_val);
+  for (const FunctionData* fun_ref : G.all_functions) {
+    if (fun_ref->is_method_id_not_empty()) {    // get methods, main and other entrypoints, regular functions with @method_id
+      mark_function_used(fun_ref);
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-generate-fif-output.cpp b/tolk/pipe-generate-fif-output.cpp
index 91a99f96a..9092e5647 100644
--- a/tolk/pipe-generate-fif-output.cpp
+++ b/tolk/pipe-generate-fif-output.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    This file is part of TON Blockchain source code.
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain source code->
     TON Blockchain is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -30,113 +30,88 @@
 namespace tolk {
-bool SymValCodeFunc::does_need_codegen() const {
-  // when a function is declared, but not referenced from code in any way, don't generate its body
-  if (!is_really_used && G.settings.remove_unused_functions) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // when a function is referenced like `var a = some_fn;` (or in some other non-call way), its continuation should exist
-  if (flags & flagUsedAsNonCall) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  // currently, there is no inlining, all functions are codegenerated
-  // (but actually, unused ones are later removed by Fift)
-  // in the future, we may want to implement a true AST inlining for "simple" functions
-  return true;
-void SymValCodeFunc::set_code(CodeBlob* code) {
+void FunctionBodyCode::set_code(CodeBlob* code) {
   this->code = code;
-void SymValAsmFunc::set_code(std::vector<AsmOp> code) {
-  this->ext_compile = make_ext_compile(std::move(code));
+void FunctionBodyAsm::set_code(std::vector<AsmOp>&& code) {
+  this->ops = std::move(code);
-static void generate_output_func(SymDef* func_sym) {
-  SymValCodeFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValCodeFunc*>(func_sym->value);
-  tolk_assert(func_val);
-  std::string name = G.symbols.get_name(func_sym->sym_idx);
+static void generate_output_func(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  tolk_assert(fun_ref->is_code_function());
   if (G.is_verbosity(2)) {
-    std::cerr << "\n\n=========================\nfunction " << name << " : " << func_val->get_type() << std::endl;
-  }
-  if (!func_val->code) {
-    throw ParseError(func_sym->loc, "function `" + name + "` is just declared, not implemented");
-  } else {
-    CodeBlob& code = *(func_val->code);
-    if (G.is_verbosity(3)) {
-      code.print(std::cerr, 9);
+    std::cerr << "\n\n=========================\nfunction " << fun_ref->name << " : " << fun_ref->inferred_return_type << std::endl;
+  }
+  CodeBlob* code = std::get<FunctionBodyCode*>(fun_ref->body)->code;
+  if (G.is_verbosity(3)) {
+    code->print(std::cerr, 9);
+  }
+  code->prune_unreachable_code();
+  if (G.is_verbosity(5)) {
+    std::cerr << "after prune_unreachable: \n";
+    code->print(std::cerr, 0);
+  }
+  code->split_vars(true);
+  if (G.is_verbosity(5)) {
+    std::cerr << "after split_vars: \n";
+    code->print(std::cerr, 0);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    code->compute_used_code_vars();
+    if (G.is_verbosity(4)) {
+      std::cerr << "after compute_used_vars: \n";
+      code->print(std::cerr, 6);
-    code.simplify_var_types();
+    code->fwd_analyze();
     if (G.is_verbosity(5)) {
-      std::cerr << "after simplify_var_types: \n";
-      code.print(std::cerr, 0);
+      std::cerr << "after fwd_analyze: \n";
+      code->print(std::cerr, 6);
-    code.prune_unreachable_code();
+    code->prune_unreachable_code();
     if (G.is_verbosity(5)) {
       std::cerr << "after prune_unreachable: \n";
-      code.print(std::cerr, 0);
-    }
-    code.split_vars(true);
-    if (G.is_verbosity(5)) {
-      std::cerr << "after split_vars: \n";
-      code.print(std::cerr, 0);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-      code.compute_used_code_vars();
-      if (G.is_verbosity(4)) {
-        std::cerr << "after compute_used_vars: \n";
-        code.print(std::cerr, 6);
-      }
-      code.fwd_analyze();
-      if (G.is_verbosity(5)) {
-        std::cerr << "after fwd_analyze: \n";
-        code.print(std::cerr, 6);
-      }
-      code.prune_unreachable_code();
-      if (G.is_verbosity(5)) {
-        std::cerr << "after prune_unreachable: \n";
-        code.print(std::cerr, 6);
-      }
-    }
-    code.mark_noreturn();
-    if (G.is_verbosity(3)) {
-      code.print(std::cerr, 15);
-    }
-    if (G.is_verbosity(2)) {
-      std::cerr << "\n---------- resulting code for " << name << " -------------\n";
-    }
-    const char* modifier = "";
-    if (func_val->is_inline()) {
-      modifier = "INLINE";
-    } else if (func_val->is_inline_ref()) {
-      modifier = "REF";
-    }
-    std::cout << std::string(2, ' ') << name << " PROC" << modifier << ":<{\n";
-    int mode = 0;
-    if (G.settings.stack_layout_comments) {
-      mode |= Stack::_StkCmt | Stack::_CptStkCmt;
-    }
-    if (func_val->is_inline() && code.ops->noreturn()) {
-      mode |= Stack::_InlineFunc;
-    }
-    if (func_val->is_inline() || func_val->is_inline_ref()) {
-      mode |= Stack::_InlineAny;
-    }
-    code.generate_code(std::cout, mode, 2);
-    std::cout << std::string(2, ' ') << "}>\n";
-    if (G.is_verbosity(2)) {
-      std::cerr << "--------------\n";
+      code->print(std::cerr, 6);
+  code->mark_noreturn();
+  if (G.is_verbosity(3)) {
+    code->print(std::cerr, 15);
+  }
+  if (G.is_verbosity(2)) {
+    std::cerr << "\n---------- resulting code for " << fun_ref->name << " -------------\n";
+  }
+  const char* modifier = "";
+  if (fun_ref->is_inline()) {
+    modifier = "INLINE";
+  } else if (fun_ref->is_inline_ref()) {
+    modifier = "REF";
+  }
+  std::cout << std::string(2, ' ') << fun_ref->name << " PROC" << modifier << ":<{\n";
+  int mode = 0;
+  if (G.settings.stack_layout_comments) {
+    mode |= Stack::_StkCmt | Stack::_CptStkCmt;
+  }
+  if (fun_ref->is_inline() && code->ops->noreturn()) {
+    mode |= Stack::_InlineFunc;
+  }
+  if (fun_ref->is_inline() || fun_ref->is_inline_ref()) {
+    mode |= Stack::_InlineAny;
+  }
+  code->generate_code(std::cout, mode, 2);
+  std::cout << std::string(2, ' ') << "}>\n";
+  if (G.is_verbosity(2)) {
+    std::cerr << "--------------\n";
+  }
-void pipeline_generate_fif_output_to_std_cout(const AllSrcFiles& all_src_files) {
+void pipeline_generate_fif_output_to_std_cout() {
   std::cout << "\"Asm.fif\" include\n";
   std::cout << "// automatically generated from ";
   bool need_comma = false;
-  for (const SrcFile* file : all_src_files) {
+  for (const SrcFile* file : G.all_src_files) {
     if (!file->is_stdlib_file()) {
       if (need_comma) {
         std::cout << ", ";
@@ -149,26 +124,23 @@ void pipeline_generate_fif_output_to_std_cout(const AllSrcFiles& all_src_files)
   std::cout << "PROGRAM{\n";
   bool has_main_procedure = false;
-  for (SymDef* func_sym : G.all_code_functions) {
-    SymValCodeFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValCodeFunc*>(func_sym->value);
-    tolk_assert(func_val);
-    if (!func_val->does_need_codegen()) {
-      if (G.is_verbosity(2)) {
-        std::cerr << func_sym->name() << ": code not generated, function does not need codegen\n";
+  for (const FunctionData* fun_ref : G.all_functions) {
+    if (!fun_ref->does_need_codegen()) {
+      if (G.is_verbosity(2) && fun_ref->is_code_function()) {
+        std::cerr << fun_ref->name << ": code not generated, function does not need codegen\n";
-    std::string name = G.symbols.get_name(func_sym->sym_idx);
-    if (func_val->is_entrypoint() && (name == "main" || name == "onInternalMessage")) {
+    if (fun_ref->is_entrypoint() && (fun_ref->name == "main" || fun_ref->name == "onInternalMessage")) {
       has_main_procedure = true;
     std::cout << std::string(2, ' ');
-    if (func_val->method_id.is_null()) {
-      std::cout << "DECLPROC " << name << "\n";
+    if (fun_ref->is_method_id_not_empty()) {
+      std::cout << fun_ref->method_id << " DECLMETHOD " << fun_ref->name << "\n";
     } else {
-      std::cout << func_val->method_id << " DECLMETHOD " << name << "\n";
+      std::cout << "DECLPROC " << fun_ref->name << "\n";
@@ -176,25 +148,22 @@ void pipeline_generate_fif_output_to_std_cout(const AllSrcFiles& all_src_files)
     throw Fatal("the contract has no entrypoint; forgot `fun onInternalMessage(...)`?");
-  for (SymDef* gvar_sym : G.all_global_vars) {
-    auto* glob_val = dynamic_cast<SymValGlobVar*>(gvar_sym->value);
-    tolk_assert(glob_val);
-    if (!glob_val->is_really_used && G.settings.remove_unused_functions) {
+  for (const GlobalVarData* var_ref : G.all_global_vars) {
+    if (!var_ref->is_really_used() && G.settings.remove_unused_functions) {
       if (G.is_verbosity(2)) {
-        std::cerr << gvar_sym->name() << ": variable not generated, it's unused\n";
+        std::cerr << var_ref->name << ": variable not generated, it's unused\n";
-    std::string name = G.symbols.get_name(gvar_sym->sym_idx);
-    std::cout << std::string(2, ' ') << "DECLGLOBVAR " << name << "\n";
+    std::cout << std::string(2, ' ') << "DECLGLOBVAR " << var_ref->name << "\n";
-  for (SymDef* func_sym : G.all_code_functions) {
-    SymValCodeFunc* func_val = dynamic_cast<SymValCodeFunc*>(func_sym->value);
-    if (!func_val->does_need_codegen()) {
+  for (const FunctionData* fun_ref : G.all_functions) {
+    if (!fun_ref->does_need_codegen()) {
-    generate_output_func(func_sym);
+    generate_output_func(fun_ref);
   std::cout << "}END>c\n";
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-infer-types-and-calls.cpp b/tolk/pipe-infer-types-and-calls.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8a7d41be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/pipe-infer-types-and-calls.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1236 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "src-file.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-visitor.h"
+#include "generics-helpers.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
+ *   This is a complicated and crucial part of the pipeline. It simultaneously does the following:
+ *   * infers types of all expressions; example: `2 + 3` both are TypeDataInt, result is also
+ *   * AND checks types for assignment, arguments passing, etc.; example: `fInt(cs)` is error passing slice to int
+ *   * AND binds function/method calls (assigns fun_ref); example: `globalF()`, fun_ref is assigned to `globalF` (unless generic)
+ *   * AND instantiates generic functions; example: `t.tuplePush(2)` creates `tuplePush<int>` and assigns fun_ref to dot field
+ *   * AND infers return type of functions if it's omitted (`fun f() { ... }` means "auto infer", not "void")
+ *
+ *   It's important to do all these parts simultaneously, they can't be split or separated.
+ *   For example, we can't bind `f(2)` earlier, because if `f` is a generic `f<T>`, we should instantiate it,
+ * and in order to do it, we need to know argument types.
+ *   For example, we can't bind `c.cellHash()` earlier, because in the future we'll have overloads (`cell.hash()` and `slice.hash()`),
+ * and in order to bind it, we need to know object type.
+ *   And vice versa, to infer type of expression in the middle, we need to have inferred all expressions preceding it,
+ * which may also include generics, etc.
+ *
+ *   About generics. They are more like "C++ templates". If `f<int>` and `f<slice>` called from somewhere,
+ * there will be TWO new functions, inserted into symtable, and both will be code generated to Fift.
+ *   Body of a generic function is NOT analyzed. Hence, `fun f<T>(v: T) { v.method(); }` we don't know
+ * whether `v.method()` is a valid call until instantiate it with `f<slice>` for example.
+ * Same for `v + 2`, we don't know whether + operator can be applied until instantiation.
+ *   In other words, we have a closed type system, not open.
+ *   That's why generic functions' bodies aren't traversed here (and in most following pipes).
+ * Instead, when an instantiated function is created, it follows all the preceding pipeline (registering symbols, etc.),
+ * and type inferring is done inside instantiated functions (which can recursively instantiate another, etc.).
+ *
+ *   A noticeable part of inferring is "hints".
+ *   Example: `var a: User = { id: 3, name: "" }`. To infer type of `{...}` we need to know it's `User`. This hint is taken from lhs.
+ *   Example: `fun tupleAt<T>(t: tuple, idx: int):T`, just `t.tupleGet(2)` can't be deduced (T left unspecified),
+ *            but for assignment with left-defined type, or a call to `fInt(t.tupleGet(2))` hint "int" helps deduce T.
+ *
+ *   Unlike other pipes, inferring can dig recursively on demand.
+ *   Example:
+ *       fun getInt() { return 1; }
+ *       fun main() { var i = getInt(); }
+ *   If `main` is handled the first, it should know the return type if `getInt`. It's not declared, so we need
+ * to launch type inferring for `getInt` and then proceed back to `main`.
+ *   When a generic function is instantiated, type inferring inside it is also run.
+ */
+namespace tolk {
+static void infer_and_save_return_type_of_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref);
+static TypePtr get_or_infer_return_type(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  if (!fun_ref->inferred_return_type) {
+    infer_and_save_return_type_of_function(fun_ref);
+  }
+  return fun_ref->inferred_return_type;
+static std::string to_string(TypePtr type) {
+  return "`" + type->as_human_readable() + "`";
+static std::string to_string(AnyExprV v_with_type) {
+  return "`" + v_with_type->inferred_type->as_human_readable() + "`";
+static std::string to_string(const LocalVarData& var_ref) {
+  return "`" + var_ref.declared_type->as_human_readable() + "`";
+static std::string to_string(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  return "`" + fun_ref->as_human_readable() + "`";
+// fire an error when `fun f<T>(...) asm ...` is called with T=(int,int) or other non-1 width on stack
+// asm functions generally can't handle it, they expect T to be a TVM primitive
+// (in FunC, `forall` type just couldn't be unified with non-primitives; in Tolk, generic T is expectedly inferred)
+static void fire_error_calling_asm_function_with_non1_stack_width_arg(SrcLocation loc, const FunctionData* fun_ref, const std::vector<TypePtr>& substitutions, int arg_idx) {
+  throw ParseError(loc, "can not call `" + fun_ref->as_human_readable() + "` with " + fun_ref->genericTs->get_nameT(arg_idx) + "=" + substitutions[arg_idx]->as_human_readable() + ", because it occupies " + std::to_string(substitutions[arg_idx]->calc_width_on_stack()) + " stack slots in TVM, not 1");
+// fire an error on `var n = null`
+// technically it's correct, type of `n` is TypeDataNullLiteral, but it's not what the user wanted
+// so, it's better to see an error on assignment, that later, on `n` usage and types mismatch
+// (most common is situation above, but generally, `var (x,n) = xn` where xn is a tensor with 2-nd always-null, can be)
+static void fire_error_assign_always_null_to_variable(SrcLocation loc, const LocalVarData* assigned_var, bool is_assigned_null_literal) {
+  std::string var_name = assigned_var->name;
+  throw ParseError(loc, "can not infer type of `" + var_name + "`, it's always null; specify its type with `" + var_name + ": <type>`" + (is_assigned_null_literal ? " or use `null as <type>`" : ""));
+// fire an error on `!cell` / `+slice`
+static void fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, AnyExprV unary_expr) {
+  std::string op = static_cast<std::string>(operator_name);
+  throw ParseError(loc, "can not apply operator `" + op + "` to " + to_string(unary_expr->inferred_type));
+// fire an error on `int + cell` / `slice & int`
+static void fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(SrcLocation loc, std::string_view operator_name, AnyExprV lhs, AnyExprV rhs) {
+  std::string op = static_cast<std::string>(operator_name);
+  throw ParseError(loc, "can not apply operator `" + op + "` to " + to_string(lhs->inferred_type) + " and " + to_string(rhs->inferred_type));
+// check correctness of called arguments counts and their type matching
+static void check_function_arguments(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_argument_list> v, AnyExprV lhs_of_dot_call) {
+  int delta_self = lhs_of_dot_call ? 1 : 0;
+  int n_arguments = v->size() + delta_self;
+  int n_parameters = fun_ref->get_num_params();
+  // Tolk doesn't have optional parameters currently, so just compare counts
+  if (!n_parameters && lhs_of_dot_call) {
+    v->error("`" + fun_ref->name + "` has no parameters and can not be called as method");
+  }
+  if (n_parameters < n_arguments) {
+    v->error("too many arguments in call to `" + fun_ref->name + "`, expected " + std::to_string(n_parameters - delta_self) + ", have " + std::to_string(n_arguments - delta_self));
+  }
+  if (n_arguments < n_parameters) {
+    v->error("too few arguments in call to `" + fun_ref->name + "`, expected " + std::to_string(n_parameters - delta_self) + ", have " + std::to_string(n_arguments - delta_self));
+  }
+  if (lhs_of_dot_call) {
+    if (!fun_ref->parameters[0].declared_type->can_rhs_be_assigned(lhs_of_dot_call->inferred_type)) {
+      lhs_of_dot_call->error("can not call method for " + to_string(fun_ref->parameters[0]) + " with object of type " + to_string(lhs_of_dot_call));
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < v->size(); ++i) {
+    if (!fun_ref->parameters[i + delta_self].declared_type->can_rhs_be_assigned(v->get_arg(i)->inferred_type)) {
+      v->get_arg(i)->error("can not pass " + to_string(v->get_arg(i)) + " to " + to_string(fun_ref->parameters[i + delta_self]));
+    }
+  }
+ * TypeInferringUnifyStrategy unifies types from various branches to a common result (lca).
+ * It's used to auto infer function return type based on return statements, like in TypeScript.
+ * Example: `fun f() { ... return 1; ... return null; }` inferred as `int`.
+ *
+ * Besides function returns, it's also useful for ternary `return cond ? 1 : null` and `match` expression.
+ * If types can't be unified (a function returns int and cell, for example), `unify()` returns false, handled outside.
+ * BTW, don't confuse this way of inferring with Hindley-Milner, they have nothing in common.
+ */
+class TypeInferringUnifyStrategy {
+  TypePtr unified_result = nullptr;
+  static TypePtr calculate_type_lca(TypePtr t1, TypePtr t2) {
+    if (t1 == t2) {
+      return t1;
+    }
+    if (t1->can_rhs_be_assigned(t2)) {
+      return t1;
+    }
+    if (t2->can_rhs_be_assigned(t1)) {
+      return t2;
+    }
+    const auto* tensor1 = t1->try_as<TypeDataTensor>();
+    const auto* tensor2 = t2->try_as<TypeDataTensor>();
+    if (tensor1 && tensor2 && tensor1->size() == tensor2->size()) {
+      std::vector<TypePtr> types_lca;
+      types_lca.reserve(tensor1->size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < tensor1->size(); ++i) {
+        TypePtr next = calculate_type_lca(tensor1->items[i], tensor2->items[i]);
+        if (next == nullptr) {
+          return nullptr;
+        }
+        types_lca.push_back(next);
+      }
+      return TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(types_lca));
+    }
+    const auto* tuple1 = t1->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>();
+    const auto* tuple2 = t2->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>();
+    if (tuple1 && tuple2 && tuple1->size() == tuple2->size()) {
+      std::vector<TypePtr> types_lca;
+      types_lca.reserve(tuple1->size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < tuple1->size(); ++i) {
+        TypePtr next = calculate_type_lca(tuple1->items[i], tuple2->items[i]);
+        if (next == nullptr) {
+          return nullptr;
+        }
+        types_lca.push_back(next);
+      }
+      return TypeDataTypedTuple::create(std::move(types_lca));
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  bool unify_with(TypePtr next) {
+    if (unified_result == nullptr) {
+      unified_result = next;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (unified_result == next) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    TypePtr combined = calculate_type_lca(unified_result, next);
+    if (!combined) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    unified_result = combined;
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool unify_with_implicit_return_void() {
+    if (unified_result == nullptr) {
+      unified_result = TypeDataVoid::create();
+      return true;
+    }
+    return unified_result == TypeDataVoid::create();
+  }
+  TypePtr get_result() const { return unified_result; }
+ * This class handles all types of AST vertices and traverses them, filling all AnyExprV::inferred_type.
+ * Note, that it isn't derived from ASTVisitor, it has manual `switch` over all existing vertex types.
+ * There are two reasons for this:
+ * 1) when a new AST node type is introduced, I want it to fail here, not to be left un-inferred with UB at next steps
+ * 2) easy to maintain a hint (see comments at the top of the file)
+ */
+class InferCheckTypesAndCallsAndFieldsVisitor final {
+  const FunctionData* current_function = nullptr;
+  TypeInferringUnifyStrategy return_unifier;
+  static void assign_inferred_type(AnyExprV dst, AnyExprV src) {
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+    tolk_assert(src->inferred_type != nullptr && !src->inferred_type->has_unresolved_inside() && !src->inferred_type->has_genericT_inside());
+    dst->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(src->inferred_type);
+  }
+  static void assign_inferred_type(AnyExprV dst, TypePtr inferred_type) {
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+    tolk_assert(inferred_type != nullptr && !inferred_type->has_unresolved_inside() && !inferred_type->has_genericT_inside());
+    dst->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(inferred_type);
+  }
+  static void assign_inferred_type(const LocalVarData* local_var_or_param, TypePtr inferred_type) {
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+    tolk_assert(inferred_type != nullptr && !inferred_type->has_unresolved_inside() && !inferred_type->has_genericT_inside());
+    local_var_or_param->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(inferred_type);
+  }
+  static void assign_inferred_type(const FunctionData* fun_ref, TypePtr inferred_return_type, TypePtr inferred_full_type) {
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+    tolk_assert(inferred_return_type != nullptr && !inferred_return_type->has_unresolved_inside() && !inferred_return_type->has_genericT_inside());
+    fun_ref->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(inferred_return_type, inferred_full_type);
+  }
+  // traverse children in any statement
+  void process_any_statement(AnyV v) {
+    switch (v->type) {
+      case ast_sequence:
+        return process_sequence(v->as<ast_sequence>());
+      case ast_return_statement:
+        return process_return_statement(v->as<ast_return_statement>());
+      case ast_if_statement:
+        return process_if_statement(v->as<ast_if_statement>());
+      case ast_repeat_statement:
+        return process_repeat_statement(v->as<ast_repeat_statement>());
+      case ast_while_statement:
+        return process_while_statement(v->as<ast_while_statement>());
+      case ast_do_while_statement:
+        return process_do_while_statement(v->as<ast_do_while_statement>());
+      case ast_throw_statement:
+        return process_throw_statement(v->as<ast_throw_statement>());
+      case ast_assert_statement:
+        return process_assert_statement(v->as<ast_assert_statement>());
+      case ast_try_catch_statement:
+        return process_try_catch_statement(v->as<ast_try_catch_statement>());
+      case ast_empty_statement:
+        return;
+      default:
+        infer_any_expr(reinterpret_cast<AnyExprV>(v));
+    }
+  }
+  // assigns inferred_type for any expression (by calling assign_inferred_type)
+  void infer_any_expr(AnyExprV v, TypePtr hint = nullptr) {
+    switch (v->type) {
+      case ast_int_const:
+        return infer_int_const(v->as<ast_int_const>());
+      case ast_string_const:
+        return infer_string_const(v->as<ast_string_const>());
+      case ast_bool_const:
+        return infer_bool_const(v->as<ast_bool_const>());
+      case ast_local_vars_declaration:
+        return infer_local_vars_declaration(v->as<ast_local_vars_declaration>());
+      case ast_assign:
+        return infer_assignment(v->as<ast_assign>());
+      case ast_set_assign:
+        return infer_set_assign(v->as<ast_set_assign>());
+      case ast_unary_operator:
+        return infer_unary_operator(v->as<ast_unary_operator>());
+      case ast_binary_operator:
+        return infer_binary_operator(v->as<ast_binary_operator>());
+      case ast_ternary_operator:
+        return infer_ternary_operator(v->as<ast_ternary_operator>(), hint);
+      case ast_cast_as_operator:
+        return infer_cast_as_operator(v->as<ast_cast_as_operator>());
+      case ast_parenthesized_expression:
+        return infer_parenthesized(v->as<ast_parenthesized_expression>(), hint);
+      case ast_reference:
+        return infer_reference(v->as<ast_reference>());
+      case ast_dot_access:
+        return infer_dot_access(v->as<ast_dot_access>(), hint);
+      case ast_function_call:
+        return infer_function_call(v->as<ast_function_call>(), hint);
+      case ast_tensor:
+        return infer_tensor(v->as<ast_tensor>(), hint);
+      case ast_typed_tuple:
+        return infer_typed_tuple(v->as<ast_typed_tuple>(), hint);
+      case ast_null_keyword:
+        return infer_null_keyword(v->as<ast_null_keyword>());
+      case ast_underscore:
+        return infer_underscore(v->as<ast_underscore>(), hint);
+      case ast_empty_expression:
+        return infer_empty_expression(v->as<ast_empty_expression>());
+      default:
+        throw UnexpectedASTNodeType(v, "infer_any_expr");
+    }
+  }
+  static bool expect_integer(AnyExprV v_inferred) {
+    return v_inferred->inferred_type == TypeDataInt::create();
+  }
+  static bool expect_boolean(AnyExprV v_inferred) {
+    return v_inferred->inferred_type == TypeDataBool::create();
+  }
+  static void infer_int_const(V<ast_int_const> v) {
+    assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataInt::create());
+  }
+  static void infer_string_const(V<ast_string_const> v) {
+    if (v->is_bitslice()) {
+      assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataSlice::create());
+    } else {
+      assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataInt::create());
+    }
+  }
+  static void infer_bool_const(V<ast_bool_const> v) {
+    assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataBool::create());
+  }
+  static void infer_local_vars_declaration(V<ast_local_vars_declaration>) {
+    // it can not appear as a standalone expression
+    // `var ... = rhs` is handled by ast_assign
+    tolk_assert(false);
+  }
+  void infer_assignment(V<ast_assign> v) {
+    // v is assignment: `x = 5` / `var x = 5` / `var x: slice = 5` / `(cs,_) = f()` / `val (a,[b],_) = (a,t,0)`
+    // it's a tricky node to handle, because to infer rhs, at first we need to create hint from lhs
+    // and then to apply/check inferred rhs onto lhs
+    // about a hint: `var i: int = t.tupleAt(0)` is ok, but `var i = t.tupleAt(0)` not, since `tupleAt<T>(t,i): T`
+    AnyExprV lhs = v->get_lhs();
+    AnyExprV rhs = v->get_rhs();
+    infer_any_expr(rhs, calc_hint_from_assignment_lhs(lhs));
+    process_assignment_lhs_after_infer_rhs(lhs, rhs->inferred_type, rhs);
+    assign_inferred_type(v, lhs);
+  }
+  // having assignment like `var (i: int, s) = rhs` (its lhs is local vars declaration),
+  // create a contextual infer hint for rhs, `(int, unknown)` in this case
+  // this hint helps to deduce generics and to resolve unknown types while inferring rhs
+  static TypePtr calc_hint_from_assignment_lhs(AnyExprV lhs) {
+    // `var ... = rhs` - dig into left part
+    if (auto lhs_decl = lhs->try_as<ast_local_vars_declaration>()) {
+      return calc_hint_from_assignment_lhs(lhs_decl->get_expr());
+    }
+    // inside `var v: int = rhs` / `var _ = rhs` / `var v redef = rhs` (lhs is "v" / "_" / "v")
+    if (auto lhs_var = lhs->try_as<ast_local_var_lhs>()) {
+      if (lhs_var->marked_as_redef) {
+        return lhs_var->var_ref->declared_type;
+      }
+      if (lhs_var->declared_type) {
+        return lhs_var->declared_type;
+      }
+      return TypeDataUnknown::create();
+    }
+    // `v = rhs` / `(c1, c2) = rhs` (lhs is "v" / "_" / "c1" / "c2" after recursion)
+    if (auto lhs_ref = lhs->try_as<ast_reference>()) {
+      if (const auto* var_ref = lhs_ref->sym->try_as<LocalVarData>()) {
+        return var_ref->declared_type;
+      }
+      if (const auto* glob_ref = lhs_ref->sym->try_as<GlobalVarData>()) {
+        return glob_ref->declared_type;
+      }
+      return TypeDataUnknown::create();
+    }
+    // `(v1, v2) = rhs` / `var (v1, v2) = rhs`
+    if (auto lhs_tensor = lhs->try_as<ast_tensor>()) {
+      std::vector<TypePtr> sub_hints;
+      sub_hints.reserve(lhs_tensor->size());
+      for (AnyExprV item : lhs_tensor->get_items()) {
+        sub_hints.push_back(calc_hint_from_assignment_lhs(item));
+      }
+      return TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(sub_hints));
+    }
+    // `[v1, v2] = rhs` / `var [v1, v2] = rhs`
+    if (auto lhs_tuple = lhs->try_as<ast_typed_tuple>()) {
+      std::vector<TypePtr> sub_hints;
+      sub_hints.reserve(lhs_tuple->size());
+      for (AnyExprV item : lhs_tuple->get_items()) {
+        sub_hints.push_back(calc_hint_from_assignment_lhs(item));
+      }
+      return TypeDataTypedTuple::create(std::move(sub_hints));
+    }
+    return TypeDataUnknown::create();
+  }
+  // handle (and dig recursively) into `var lhs = rhs`
+  // examples: `var z = 5`, `var (x, [y]) = (2, [3])`, `var (x, [y]) = xy`
+  // while recursing, keep track of rhs if lhs and rhs have common shape (5 for z, 2 for x, [3] for [y], 3 for y)
+  // (so that on type mismatch, point to corresponding rhs, example: `var (x, y:slice) = (1, 2)` point to 2
+  void process_assignment_lhs_after_infer_rhs(AnyExprV lhs, TypePtr rhs_type, AnyExprV corresponding_maybe_rhs) {
+    AnyExprV err_loc = corresponding_maybe_rhs ? corresponding_maybe_rhs : lhs;
+    // `var ... = rhs` - dig into left part
+    if (auto lhs_decl = lhs->try_as<ast_local_vars_declaration>()) {
+      process_assignment_lhs_after_infer_rhs(lhs_decl->get_expr(), rhs_type, corresponding_maybe_rhs);
+      assign_inferred_type(lhs, lhs_decl->get_expr()->inferred_type);
+      return;
+    }
+    // inside `var v: int = rhs` / `var _ = rhs` / `var v redef = rhs` (lhs is "v" / "_" / "v")
+    if (auto lhs_var = lhs->try_as<ast_local_var_lhs>()) {
+      TypePtr declared_type = lhs_var->declared_type;  // `var v: int = rhs` (otherwise, nullptr)
+      if (lhs_var->marked_as_redef) {
+        tolk_assert(lhs_var->var_ref && lhs_var->var_ref->declared_type);
+        declared_type = lhs_var->var_ref->declared_type;
+      }
+      if (declared_type) {
+        if (!declared_type->can_rhs_be_assigned(rhs_type)) {
+          err_loc->error("can not assign " + to_string(rhs_type) + " to variable of type " + to_string(declared_type));
+        }
+        assign_inferred_type(lhs, declared_type);
+      } else {
+        if (rhs_type == TypeDataNullLiteral::create()) {
+          fire_error_assign_always_null_to_variable(err_loc->loc, lhs_var->var_ref->try_as<LocalVarData>(), corresponding_maybe_rhs && corresponding_maybe_rhs->type == ast_null_keyword);
+        }
+        assign_inferred_type(lhs, rhs_type);
+        assign_inferred_type(lhs_var->var_ref, lhs_var->inferred_type);
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    // `v = rhs` / `(c1, c2) = rhs` (lhs is "v" / "_" / "c1" / "c2" after recursion)
+    if (lhs->try_as<ast_reference>()) {
+      infer_any_expr(lhs);
+      if (!lhs->inferred_type->can_rhs_be_assigned(rhs_type)) {
+        err_loc->error("can not assign " + to_string(rhs_type) + " to variable of type " + to_string(lhs));
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    // `(v1, v2) = rhs` / `var (v1, v2) = rhs` (rhs may be `(1,2)` or `tensorVar` or `someF()`, doesn't matter)
+    // dig recursively into v1 and v2 with corresponding rhs i-th item of a tensor
+    if (auto lhs_tensor = lhs->try_as<ast_tensor>()) {
+      const TypeDataTensor* rhs_type_tensor = rhs_type->try_as<TypeDataTensor>();
+      if (!rhs_type_tensor) {
+        err_loc->error("can not assign " + to_string(rhs_type) + " to a tensor");
+      }
+      if (lhs_tensor->size() != rhs_type_tensor->size()) {
+        err_loc->error("can not assign " + to_string(rhs_type) + ", sizes mismatch");
+      }
+      V<ast_tensor> rhs_tensor_maybe = corresponding_maybe_rhs ? corresponding_maybe_rhs->try_as<ast_tensor>() : nullptr;
+      std::vector<TypePtr> types_list;
+      types_list.reserve(lhs_tensor->size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < lhs_tensor->size(); ++i) {
+        process_assignment_lhs_after_infer_rhs(lhs_tensor->get_item(i), rhs_type_tensor->items[i], rhs_tensor_maybe ? rhs_tensor_maybe->get_item(i) : nullptr);
+        types_list.push_back(lhs_tensor->get_item(i)->inferred_type);
+      }
+      assign_inferred_type(lhs, TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(types_list)));
+      return;
+    }
+    // `[v1, v2] = rhs` / `var [v1, v2] = rhs` (rhs may be `[1,2]` or `tupleVar` or `someF()`, doesn't matter)
+    // dig recursively into v1 and v2 with corresponding rhs i-th item of a tuple
+    if (auto lhs_tuple = lhs->try_as<ast_typed_tuple>()) {
+      const TypeDataTypedTuple* rhs_type_tuple = rhs_type->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>();
+      if (!rhs_type_tuple) {
+        err_loc->error("can not assign " + to_string(rhs_type) + " to a tuple");
+      }
+      if (lhs_tuple->size() != rhs_type_tuple->size()) {
+        err_loc->error("can not assign " + to_string(rhs_type) + ", sizes mismatch");
+      }
+      V<ast_typed_tuple> rhs_tuple_maybe = corresponding_maybe_rhs ? corresponding_maybe_rhs->try_as<ast_typed_tuple>() : nullptr;
+      std::vector<TypePtr> types_list;
+      types_list.reserve(lhs_tuple->size());
+      for (int i = 0; i < lhs_tuple->size(); ++i) {
+        process_assignment_lhs_after_infer_rhs(lhs_tuple->get_item(i), rhs_type_tuple->items[i], rhs_tuple_maybe ? rhs_tuple_maybe->get_item(i) : nullptr);
+        types_list.push_back(lhs_tuple->get_item(i)->inferred_type);
+      }
+      assign_inferred_type(lhs, TypeDataTypedTuple::create(std::move(types_list)));
+      return;
+    }
+    // `_ = rhs`
+    if (lhs->type == ast_underscore) {
+      assign_inferred_type(lhs, TypeDataUnknown::create());
+      return;
+    }
+    // here is something strange and unhandled, like `f() = rhs`
+    // it will fail on later compilation steps (like rvalue/lvalue checks), but type inferring should pass
+    infer_any_expr(lhs, rhs_type);
+    if (!lhs->inferred_type->can_rhs_be_assigned(rhs_type)) {
+      err_loc->error("can not assign " + to_string(rhs_type) + " to " + to_string(lhs));
+    }
+  }
+  void infer_set_assign(V<ast_set_assign> v) {
+    AnyExprV lhs = v->get_lhs();
+    AnyExprV rhs = v->get_rhs();
+    infer_any_expr(lhs);
+    infer_any_expr(rhs, lhs->inferred_type);
+    // almost all operators implementation is hardcoded by built-in functions `_+_` and similar
+    std::string_view builtin_func = v->operator_name;   // "+" for operator +=
+    switch (v->tok) {
+      // &= |= ^= are "overloaded" both for integers and booleans, (int &= bool) is NOT allowed
+      case tok_set_bitwise_and:
+      case tok_set_bitwise_or:
+      case tok_set_bitwise_xor: {
+        bool both_int = expect_integer(lhs) && expect_integer(rhs);
+        bool both_bool = expect_boolean(lhs) && expect_boolean(rhs);
+        if (!both_int && !both_bool) {
+          fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(v->loc, v->operator_name, lhs, rhs);
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      // others are mathematical: += *= ...
+      default:
+        if (!expect_integer(lhs) || !expect_integer(rhs)) {
+          fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(v->loc, v->operator_name, lhs, rhs);
+        }
+    }
+    assign_inferred_type(v, lhs);
+    if (!builtin_func.empty()) {
+      const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("_" + static_cast<std::string>(builtin_func) + "_")->as<FunctionData>();
+      tolk_assert(builtin_sym);
+      v->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(builtin_sym);
+    }
+  }
+  void infer_unary_operator(V<ast_unary_operator> v) {
+    AnyExprV rhs = v->get_rhs();
+    infer_any_expr(rhs);
+    // all operators implementation is hardcoded by built-in functions `~_` and similar
+    std::string_view builtin_func = v->operator_name;
+    switch (v->tok) {
+      case tok_minus:
+      case tok_plus:
+      case tok_bitwise_not:
+        if (!expect_integer(rhs)) {
+          fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(v->loc, v->operator_name, rhs);
+        }
+        assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataInt::create());
+        break;
+      case tok_logical_not:
+        if (expect_boolean(rhs)) {
+          builtin_func = "!b";  // "overloaded" for bool
+        } else if (!expect_integer(rhs)) {
+          fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(v->loc, v->operator_name, rhs);
+        }
+        assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataBool::create());
+        break;
+      default:
+        tolk_assert(false);
+    }
+    if (!builtin_func.empty()) {
+      const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol(static_cast<std::string>(builtin_func) + "_")->as<FunctionData>();
+      tolk_assert(builtin_sym);
+      v->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(builtin_sym);
+    }
+  }
+  void infer_binary_operator(V<ast_binary_operator> v) {
+    AnyExprV lhs = v->get_lhs();
+    AnyExprV rhs = v->get_rhs();
+    infer_any_expr(lhs);
+    infer_any_expr(rhs);
+    // almost all operators implementation is hardcoded by built-in functions `_+_` and similar
+    std::string_view builtin_func = v->operator_name;
+    switch (v->tok) {
+      // == != can compare both integers and booleans, (int == bool) is NOT allowed
+      case tok_eq:
+      case tok_neq: {
+        bool both_int = expect_integer(lhs) && expect_integer(rhs);
+        bool both_bool = expect_boolean(lhs) && expect_boolean(rhs);
+        if (!both_int && !both_bool) {
+          if (lhs->inferred_type == rhs->inferred_type) {   // compare slice with slice
+            v->error("type " + to_string(lhs) + " can not be compared with `== !=`");
+          } else {
+            fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(v->loc, v->operator_name, lhs, rhs);
+          }
+        }
+        assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataBool::create());
+        break;
+      }
+      // < > can compare only integers
+      case tok_lt:
+      case tok_gt:
+      case tok_leq:
+      case tok_geq:
+      case tok_spaceship: {
+        if (!expect_integer(lhs) || !expect_integer(rhs)) {
+          fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(v->loc, v->operator_name, lhs, rhs);
+        }
+        assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataBool::create());
+        break;
+      }
+      // & | ^ are "overloaded" both for integers and booleans, (int & bool) is NOT allowed
+      case tok_bitwise_and:
+      case tok_bitwise_or:
+      case tok_bitwise_xor: {
+        bool both_int = expect_integer(lhs) && expect_integer(rhs);
+        bool both_bool = expect_boolean(lhs) && expect_boolean(rhs);
+        if (!both_int && !both_bool) {
+          fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(v->loc, v->operator_name, lhs, rhs);
+        }
+        assign_inferred_type(v, rhs);   // (int & int) is int, (bool & bool) is bool
+        break;
+      }
+      // && || can work with integers and booleans, (int && bool) is allowed
+      case tok_logical_and:
+      case tok_logical_or: {
+        bool lhs_ok = expect_integer(lhs) || expect_boolean(lhs);
+        bool rhs_ok = expect_integer(rhs) || expect_boolean(rhs);
+        if (!lhs_ok || !rhs_ok) {
+          fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(v->loc, v->operator_name, lhs, rhs);
+        }
+        assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataBool::create());
+        builtin_func = {};    // no built-in functions, logical operators are expressed as IFs at IR level
+        break;
+      }
+      // others are mathematical: + * ...
+      default:
+        if (!expect_integer(lhs) || !expect_integer(rhs)) {
+          fire_error_cannot_apply_operator(v->loc, v->operator_name, lhs, rhs);
+        }
+        assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataInt::create());
+    }
+    if (!builtin_func.empty()) {
+      const FunctionData* builtin_sym = lookup_global_symbol("_" + static_cast<std::string>(builtin_func) + "_")->as<FunctionData>();
+      tolk_assert(builtin_sym);
+      v->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(builtin_sym);
+    }
+  }
+  void infer_ternary_operator(V<ast_ternary_operator> v, TypePtr hint) {
+    AnyExprV cond = v->get_cond();
+    infer_any_expr(cond);
+    if (!expect_integer(cond) && !expect_boolean(cond)) {
+      cond->error("can not use " + to_string(cond) + " as a boolean condition");
+    }
+    infer_any_expr(v->get_when_true(), hint);
+    infer_any_expr(v->get_when_false(), hint);
+    TypeInferringUnifyStrategy tern_type;
+    tern_type.unify_with(v->get_when_true()->inferred_type);
+    if (!tern_type.unify_with(v->get_when_false()->inferred_type)) {
+      v->error("types of ternary branches are incompatible");
+    }
+    assign_inferred_type(v, tern_type.get_result());
+  }
+  void infer_cast_as_operator(V<ast_cast_as_operator> v) {
+    // for `expr as <type>`, use this type for hint, so that `t.tupleAt(0) as int` is ok
+    infer_any_expr(v->get_expr(), v->cast_to_type);
+    if (!v->get_expr()->inferred_type->can_be_casted_with_as_operator(v->cast_to_type)) {
+      v->error("type " + to_string(v->get_expr()) + " can not be cast to " + to_string(v->cast_to_type));
+    }
+    assign_inferred_type(v, v->cast_to_type);
+  }
+  void infer_parenthesized(V<ast_parenthesized_expression> v, TypePtr hint) {
+    infer_any_expr(v->get_expr(), hint);
+    assign_inferred_type(v, v->get_expr());
+  }
+  static void infer_reference(V<ast_reference> v) {
+    if (const auto* var_ref = v->sym->try_as<LocalVarData>()) {
+      assign_inferred_type(v, var_ref->declared_type);
+    } else if (const auto* const_ref = v->sym->try_as<GlobalConstData>()) {
+      assign_inferred_type(v, const_ref->is_int_const() ? TypeDataInt::create() : TypeDataSlice::create());
+    } else if (const auto* glob_ref = v->sym->try_as<GlobalVarData>()) {
+      assign_inferred_type(v, glob_ref->declared_type);
+    } else if (const auto* fun_ref = v->sym->try_as<FunctionData>()) {
+      // it's `globalF` / `globalF<int>` - references to functions used as non-call
+      V<ast_instantiationT_list> v_instantiationTs = v->get_instantiationTs();
+      if (fun_ref->is_generic_function() && !v_instantiationTs) {
+        // `genericFn` is invalid as non-call, can't be used without <instantiation>
+        v->error("can not use a generic function " + to_string(fun_ref) + " as non-call");
+      } else if (fun_ref->is_generic_function()) {
+        // `genericFn<int>` is valid, it's a reference to instantiation
+        std::vector<TypePtr> substitutions = collect_fun_generic_substitutions_from_manually_specified(v->loc, fun_ref, v_instantiationTs);
+        fun_ref = check_and_instantiate_generic_function(v->loc, fun_ref, std::move(substitutions));
+        v->mutate()->assign_sym(fun_ref);
+      } else if (UNLIKELY(v_instantiationTs != nullptr)) {
+        // non-generic function referenced like `return beginCell<builder>;`
+        v_instantiationTs->error("not generic function used with generic T");
+      }
+      fun_ref->mutate()->assign_is_used_as_noncall();
+      get_or_infer_return_type(fun_ref);
+      assign_inferred_type(v, fun_ref->inferred_full_type);
+      return;
+    } else {
+      tolk_assert(false);
+    }
+    // for non-functions: `local_var<int>` and similar not allowed
+    if (UNLIKELY(v->has_instantiationTs())) {
+      v->get_instantiationTs()->error("generic T not expected here");
+    }
+  }
+  // given `genericF<int, slice>` / `t.tupleFirst<cell>` (the user manually specified instantiation Ts),
+  // validate and collect them
+  // returns: [int, slice] / [cell]
+  static std::vector<TypePtr> collect_fun_generic_substitutions_from_manually_specified(SrcLocation loc, const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_instantiationT_list> instantiationT_list) {
+    if (fun_ref->genericTs->size() != instantiationT_list->get_items().size()) {
+      throw ParseError(loc, "wrong count of generic T: expected " + std::to_string(fun_ref->genericTs->size()) + ", got " + std::to_string(instantiationT_list->size()));
+    }
+    std::vector<TypePtr> substitutions;
+    substitutions.reserve(instantiationT_list->size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < instantiationT_list->size(); ++i) {
+      substitutions.push_back(instantiationT_list->get_item(i)->substituted_type);
+    }
+    return substitutions;
+  }
+  // when generic Ts have been collected from user-specified or deduced from arguments,
+  // instantiate a generic function
+  // example: was `t.tuplePush(2)`, deduced <int>, instantiate `tuplePush<int>`
+  // example: was `t.tuplePush<slice>(2)`, read <slice>, instantiate `tuplePush<slice>` (will later fail type check)
+  // example: was `var cb = t.tupleFirst<int>;` (used as reference, as non-call), instantiate `tupleFirst<int>`
+  // returns fun_ref to instantiated function
+  static const FunctionData* check_and_instantiate_generic_function(SrcLocation loc, const FunctionData* fun_ref, std::vector<TypePtr>&& substitutionTs) {
+    // T for asm function must be a TVM primitive (width 1), otherwise, asm would act incorrectly
+    if (fun_ref->is_asm_function() || fun_ref->is_builtin_function()) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(substitutionTs.size()); ++i) {
+        if (substitutionTs[i]->calc_width_on_stack() != 1) {
+          fire_error_calling_asm_function_with_non1_stack_width_arg(loc, fun_ref, substitutionTs, i);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    std::string inst_name = generate_instantiated_name(fun_ref->name, substitutionTs);
+    try {
+      // make deep clone of `f<T>` with substitutionTs
+      // (if `f<int>` was already instantiated, it will be immediately returned from a symbol table)
+      return instantiate_generic_function(loc, fun_ref, inst_name, std::move(substitutionTs));
+    } catch (const ParseError& ex) {
+      throw ParseError(ex.where, "while instantiating generic function `" + inst_name + "` at " + loc.to_string() + ": " + ex.message);
+    }
+  }
+  void infer_dot_access(V<ast_dot_access> v, TypePtr hint) {
+    // it's NOT a method call `t.tupleSize()` (since such cases are handled by infer_function_call)
+    // it's `t.0`, `getUser().id`, and `t.tupleSize` (as a reference, not as a call)
+    infer_any_expr(v->get_obj());
+    // our goal is to fill v->target knowing type of obj
+    V<ast_identifier> v_ident = v->get_identifier();    // field/method name vertex
+    V<ast_instantiationT_list> v_instantiationTs = v->get_instantiationTs();
+    std::string_view field_name = v_ident->name;
+    // for now, Tolk doesn't have structures, properties, and object-scoped methods
+    // so, only `t.tupleSize` is allowed, look up a global function
+    const Symbol* sym = lookup_global_symbol(field_name);
+    if (!sym) {
+      v_ident->error("undefined symbol `" + static_cast<std::string>(field_name) + "`");
+    }
+    const FunctionData* fun_ref = sym->try_as<FunctionData>();
+    if (!fun_ref) {
+      v_ident->error("referencing a non-function");
+    }
+    // `t.tupleSize` is ok, `cs.tupleSize` not
+    if (!fun_ref->parameters[0].declared_type->can_rhs_be_assigned(v->get_obj()->inferred_type)) {
+      v_ident->error("referencing a method for " + to_string(fun_ref->parameters[0]) + " with an object of type " + to_string(v->get_obj()));
+    }
+    if (fun_ref->is_generic_function() && !v_instantiationTs) {
+      // `genericFn` and `t.tupleAt` are invalid as non-call, they can't be used without <instantiation>
+      v->error("can not use a generic function " + to_string(fun_ref) + " as non-call");
+    } else if (fun_ref->is_generic_function()) {
+      // `t.tupleAt<slice>` is valid, it's a reference to instantiation
+      std::vector<TypePtr> substitutions = collect_fun_generic_substitutions_from_manually_specified(v->loc, fun_ref, v_instantiationTs);
+      fun_ref = check_and_instantiate_generic_function(v->loc, fun_ref, std::move(substitutions));
+    } else if (UNLIKELY(v_instantiationTs != nullptr)) {
+      // non-generic method referenced like `var cb = c.cellHash<int>;`
+      v_instantiationTs->error("not generic function used with generic T");
+    }
+    fun_ref->mutate()->assign_is_used_as_noncall();
+    v->mutate()->assign_target(fun_ref);
+    get_or_infer_return_type(fun_ref);
+    assign_inferred_type(v, fun_ref->inferred_full_type);   // type of `t.tupleSize` is TypeDataFunCallable
+  }
+  void infer_function_call(V<ast_function_call> v, TypePtr hint) {
+    AnyExprV callee = v->get_callee();
+    // v is `globalF(args)` / `globalF<int>(args)` / `obj.method(args)` / `local_var(args)` / `getF()(args)`
+    int delta_self = 0;
+    AnyExprV dot_obj = nullptr;
+    const FunctionData* fun_ref = nullptr;
+    V<ast_instantiationT_list> v_instantiationTs = nullptr;
+    if (auto v_ref = callee->try_as<ast_reference>()) {
+      // `globalF()` / `globalF<int>()` / `local_var()` / `SOME_CONST()`
+      fun_ref = v_ref->sym->try_as<FunctionData>();         // not null for `globalF`
+      v_instantiationTs = v_ref->get_instantiationTs();     // present for `globalF<int>()`
+    } else if (auto v_dot = callee->try_as<ast_dot_access>()) {
+      // `obj.someMethod()` / `obj.someMethod<int>()` / `getF().someMethod()` / `obj.SOME_CONST()`
+      delta_self = 1;
+      dot_obj = v_dot->get_obj();
+      v_instantiationTs = v_dot->get_instantiationTs();     // present for `obj.someMethod<int>()`
+      infer_any_expr(dot_obj);
+      // for now, Tolk doesn't have object-scoped methods, so method resolving doesn't depend on obj type
+      // (in other words, `globalFunction(a)` = `a.globalFunction()`)
+      std::string_view method_name = v_dot->get_field_name();
+      const Symbol* sym = lookup_global_symbol(method_name);
+      if (!sym) {
+        v_dot->get_identifier()->error("undefined symbol `" + static_cast<std::string>(method_name) + "`");
+      }
+      fun_ref = sym->try_as<FunctionData>();
+      if (!fun_ref) {
+        v_dot->get_identifier()->error("calling a non-function");
+      }
+    } else {
+      // `getF()()` / `5()`
+      // fun_ref remains nullptr
+    }
+    // infer argument types, looking at fun_ref's parameters as hints
+    for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
+      TypePtr param_type = fun_ref && i < fun_ref->get_num_params() - delta_self ? fun_ref->parameters[delta_self + i].declared_type : nullptr;
+      auto arg_i = v->get_arg(i);
+      infer_any_expr(arg_i->get_expr(), param_type && !param_type->has_genericT_inside() ? param_type : nullptr);
+      assign_inferred_type(arg_i, arg_i->get_expr());
+    }
+    // handle `local_var()` / `getF()()` / `5()` / `SOME_CONST()` / `obj.method()()()`
+    if (!fun_ref) {
+      // treat callee like a usual expression, which must have "callable" inferred type
+      infer_any_expr(callee);
+      const TypeDataFunCallable* f_callable = callee->inferred_type->try_as<TypeDataFunCallable>();
+      if (!f_callable) {   // `5()` / `SOME_CONST()` / `null()`
+        v->error("calling a non-function");
+      }
+      // check arguments count and their types
+      if (v->get_num_args() != static_cast<int>(f_callable->params_types.size())) {
+        v->error("expected " + std::to_string(f_callable->params_types.size()) + " arguments, got " + std::to_string(v->get_arg_list()->size()));
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
+        if (!f_callable->params_types[i]->can_rhs_be_assigned(v->get_arg(i)->inferred_type)) {
+          v->get_arg(i)->error("can not pass " + to_string(v->get_arg(i)) + " to " + to_string(f_callable->params_types[i]));
+        }
+      }
+      v->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(nullptr);   // no fun_ref to a global function
+      assign_inferred_type(v, f_callable->return_type);
+      return;
+    }
+    // so, we have a call `f(args)` or `obj.f(args)`, f is a global function (fun_ref) (code / asm / builtin)
+    // if it's a generic function `f<T>`, we need to instantiate it, like `f<int>`
+    // same for generic methods `t.tupleAt<T>`, need to achieve `t.tupleAt<int>`
+    if (fun_ref->is_generic_function() && v_instantiationTs) {
+      // if Ts are specified by a user like `f<int>(args)` / `t.tupleAt<slice>()`, take them
+      std::vector<TypePtr> substitutions = collect_fun_generic_substitutions_from_manually_specified(v->loc, fun_ref, v_instantiationTs);
+      fun_ref = check_and_instantiate_generic_function(v->loc, fun_ref, std::move(substitutions));
+    } else if (fun_ref->is_generic_function()) {
+      // if `f<T>` called like `f(args)`, deduce T from arg types
+      std::vector<TypePtr> arg_types;
+      arg_types.reserve(delta_self + v->get_num_args());
+      if (dot_obj) {
+        arg_types.push_back(dot_obj->inferred_type);
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
+        arg_types.push_back(v->get_arg(i)->inferred_type);
+      }
+      td::Result<std::vector<TypePtr>> deduced = deduce_substitutionTs_on_generic_func_call(fun_ref, std::move(arg_types), hint);
+      if (deduced.is_error()) {
+        v->error(deduced.error().message().str() + " for generic function " + to_string(fun_ref));
+      }
+      fun_ref = check_and_instantiate_generic_function(v->loc, fun_ref, deduced.move_as_ok());
+    } else if (UNLIKELY(v_instantiationTs != nullptr)) {
+      // non-generic function/method called with type arguments, like `c.cellHash<int>()` / `beginCell<builder>()`
+      v_instantiationTs->error("calling a not generic function with generic T");
+    }
+    v->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(fun_ref);
+    // since for `t.tupleAt()`, infer_dot_access() not called for callee = "t.tupleAt", assign its target here
+    if (v->is_dot_call()) {
+      v->get_callee()->as<ast_dot_access>()->mutate()->assign_target(fun_ref);
+      v->get_callee()->as<ast_dot_access>()->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(fun_ref->inferred_full_type);
+    }
+    // check arguments count and their types
+    check_function_arguments(fun_ref, v->get_arg_list(), dot_obj);
+    // get return type either from user-specified declaration or infer here on demand traversing its body
+    get_or_infer_return_type(fun_ref);
+    TypePtr inferred_type = dot_obj && fun_ref->does_return_self() ? dot_obj->inferred_type : fun_ref->inferred_return_type;
+    assign_inferred_type(v, inferred_type);
+    assign_inferred_type(callee, fun_ref->inferred_full_type);
+    // note, that mutate params don't affect typing, they are handled when converting to IR
+  }
+  void infer_tensor(V<ast_tensor> v, TypePtr hint) {
+    const TypeDataTensor* tensor_hint = hint ? hint->try_as<TypeDataTensor>() : nullptr;
+    std::vector<TypePtr> types_list;
+    types_list.reserve(v->get_items().size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < v->size(); ++i) {
+      AnyExprV item = v->get_item(i);
+      infer_any_expr(item, tensor_hint && i < tensor_hint->size() ? tensor_hint->items[i] : nullptr);
+      types_list.emplace_back(item->inferred_type);
+    }
+    assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(types_list)));
+  }
+  void infer_typed_tuple(V<ast_typed_tuple> v, TypePtr hint) {
+    const TypeDataTypedTuple* tuple_hint = hint ? hint->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>() : nullptr;
+    std::vector<TypePtr> types_list;
+    types_list.reserve(v->get_items().size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < v->size(); ++i) {
+      AnyExprV item = v->get_item(i);
+      infer_any_expr(item, tuple_hint && i < tuple_hint->size() ? tuple_hint->items[i] : nullptr);
+      types_list.emplace_back(item->inferred_type);
+    }
+    assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataTypedTuple::create(std::move(types_list)));
+  }
+  static void infer_null_keyword(V<ast_null_keyword> v) {
+    assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataNullLiteral::create());
+  }
+  static void infer_underscore(V<ast_underscore> v, TypePtr hint) {
+    // if execution is here, underscore is either used as lhs of assignment, or incorrectly, like `f(_)`
+    // more precise is to always set unknown here, but for incorrect usages, instead of an error
+    // "can not pass unknown to X" would better be an error it can't be used as a value, at later steps
+    assign_inferred_type(v, hint ? hint : TypeDataUnknown::create());
+  }
+  static void infer_empty_expression(V<ast_empty_expression> v) {
+    assign_inferred_type(v, TypeDataUnknown::create());
+  }
+  void process_sequence(V<ast_sequence> v) {
+    for (AnyV item : v->get_items()) {
+      process_any_statement(item);
+    }
+  }
+  static bool is_expr_valid_as_return_self(AnyExprV return_expr) {
+    // `return self`
+    if (return_expr->type == ast_reference && return_expr->as<ast_reference>()->get_name() == "self") {
+      return true;
+    }
+    // `return self.someMethod()`
+    if (auto v_call = return_expr->try_as<ast_function_call>(); v_call && v_call->is_dot_call()) {
+      return v_call->fun_maybe && v_call->fun_maybe->does_return_self() && is_expr_valid_as_return_self(v_call->get_dot_obj());
+    }
+    // `return cond ? ... : ...`
+    if (auto v_ternary = return_expr->try_as<ast_ternary_operator>()) {
+      return is_expr_valid_as_return_self(v_ternary->get_when_true()) && is_expr_valid_as_return_self(v_ternary->get_when_false());
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  void process_return_statement(V<ast_return_statement> v) {
+    if (v->has_return_value()) {
+      infer_any_expr(v->get_return_value(), current_function->declared_return_type);
+    } else {
+      assign_inferred_type(v->get_return_value(), TypeDataVoid::create());
+    }
+    if (current_function->does_return_self()) {
+      return_unifier.unify_with(current_function->parameters[0].declared_type);
+      if (!is_expr_valid_as_return_self(v->get_return_value())) {
+        v->error("invalid return from `self` function");
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    TypePtr expr_type = v->get_return_value()->inferred_type;
+    if (current_function->declared_return_type) {
+      if (!current_function->declared_return_type->can_rhs_be_assigned(expr_type)) {
+        v->get_return_value()->error("can not convert type " + to_string(expr_type) + " to return type " + to_string(current_function->declared_return_type));
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (!return_unifier.unify_with(expr_type)) {
+        v->get_return_value()->error("can not unify type " + to_string(expr_type) + " with previous return type " + to_string(return_unifier.get_result()));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void process_if_statement(V<ast_if_statement> v) {
+    AnyExprV cond = v->get_cond();
+    infer_any_expr(cond);
+    if (!expect_integer(cond) && !expect_boolean(cond)) {
+      cond->error("can not use " + to_string(cond) + " as a boolean condition");
+    }
+    process_any_statement(v->get_if_body());
+    process_any_statement(v->get_else_body());
+  }
+  void process_repeat_statement(V<ast_repeat_statement> v) {
+    AnyExprV cond = v->get_cond();
+    infer_any_expr(cond);
+    if (!expect_integer(cond)) {
+      cond->error("condition of `repeat` must be an integer, got " + to_string(cond));
+    }
+    process_any_statement(v->get_body());
+  }
+  void process_while_statement(V<ast_while_statement> v) {
+    AnyExprV cond = v->get_cond();
+    infer_any_expr(cond);
+    if (!expect_integer(cond) && !expect_boolean(cond)) {
+      cond->error("can not use " + to_string(cond) + " as a boolean condition");
+    }
+    process_any_statement(v->get_body());
+  }
+  void process_do_while_statement(V<ast_do_while_statement> v) {
+    process_any_statement(v->get_body());
+    AnyExprV cond = v->get_cond();
+    infer_any_expr(cond);
+    if (!expect_integer(cond) && !expect_boolean(cond)) {
+      cond->error("can not use " + to_string(cond) + " as a boolean condition");
+    }
+  }
+  void process_throw_statement(V<ast_throw_statement> v) {
+    infer_any_expr(v->get_thrown_code());
+    if (!expect_integer(v->get_thrown_code())) {
+      v->get_thrown_code()->error("excNo of `throw` must be an integer, got " + to_string(v->get_thrown_code()));
+    }
+    infer_any_expr(v->get_thrown_arg());
+    if (v->has_thrown_arg() && v->get_thrown_arg()->inferred_type->calc_width_on_stack() != 1) {
+      v->get_thrown_arg()->error("can not throw " + to_string(v->get_thrown_arg()) + ", exception arg must occupy exactly 1 stack slot");
+    }
+  }
+  void process_assert_statement(V<ast_assert_statement> v) {
+    AnyExprV cond = v->get_cond();
+    infer_any_expr(cond);
+    if (!expect_integer(cond) && !expect_boolean(cond)) {
+      cond->error("can not use " + to_string(cond) + " as a boolean condition");
+    }
+    infer_any_expr(v->get_thrown_code());
+    if (!expect_integer(v->get_thrown_code())) {
+      v->get_cond()->error("thrown excNo of `assert` must be an integer, got " + to_string(v->get_cond()));
+    }
+  }
+  static void process_catch_variable(AnyExprV catch_var, TypePtr catch_var_type) {
+    if (auto v_ref = catch_var->try_as<ast_reference>(); v_ref && v_ref->sym) { // not underscore
+      assign_inferred_type(v_ref->sym->as<LocalVarData>(), catch_var_type);
+    }
+    assign_inferred_type(catch_var, catch_var_type);
+  }
+  void process_try_catch_statement(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v) {
+    process_any_statement(v->get_try_body());
+    // `catch` has exactly 2 variables: excNo and arg (when missing, they are implicit underscores)
+    // `arg` is a curious thing, it can be any TVM primitive, so assign unknown to it
+    // hence, using `fInt(arg)` (int from parameter is a hint) or `arg as slice` works well
+    // it's not truly correct, because `arg as (int,int)` also compiles, but can never happen, but let it be user responsibility
+    tolk_assert(v->get_catch_expr()->size() == 2);
+    std::vector<TypePtr> types_list = {TypeDataInt::create(), TypeDataUnknown::create()};
+    process_catch_variable(v->get_catch_expr()->get_item(0), types_list[0]);
+    process_catch_variable(v->get_catch_expr()->get_item(1), types_list[1]);
+    assign_inferred_type(v->get_catch_expr(), TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(types_list)));
+    process_any_statement(v->get_catch_body());
+  }
+  static void assign_fun_full_type(const FunctionData* fun_ref, TypePtr inferred_return_type) {
+    // calculate function full type `fun(params) -> ret_type`
+    std::vector<TypePtr> params_types;
+    params_types.reserve(fun_ref->get_num_params());
+    for (const LocalVarData& param : fun_ref->parameters) {
+      params_types.push_back(param.declared_type);
+    }
+    assign_inferred_type(fun_ref, inferred_return_type, TypeDataFunCallable::create(std::move(params_types), inferred_return_type));
+  }
+ void start_visiting_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) {
+    if (fun_ref->is_code_function()) {
+      current_function = fun_ref;
+      process_any_statement(v_function->get_body());
+      current_function = nullptr;
+      if (fun_ref->is_implicit_return()) {
+        bool is_ok_with_void = fun_ref->declared_return_type
+                             ? fun_ref->declared_return_type->can_rhs_be_assigned(TypeDataVoid::create())
+                             : return_unifier.unify_with_implicit_return_void();
+        if (!is_ok_with_void || fun_ref->does_return_self()) {
+          throw ParseError(v_function->get_body()->as<ast_sequence>()->loc_end, "missing return");
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      // asm functions should be strictly typed, this was checked earlier
+      tolk_assert(fun_ref->declared_return_type);
+    }
+    TypePtr inferred_return_type = fun_ref->declared_return_type ? fun_ref->declared_return_type : return_unifier.get_result();
+    assign_fun_full_type(fun_ref, inferred_return_type);
+    fun_ref->mutate()->assign_is_type_inferring_done();
+  }
+class LaunchInferTypesAndMethodsOnce final {
+  static bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+    // since inferring can be requested on demand, prevent second execution from a regular pipeline launcher
+    return !fun_ref->is_type_inferring_done() && !fun_ref->is_generic_function();
+  }
+  static void start_visiting_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration> v_function) {
+    InferCheckTypesAndCallsAndFieldsVisitor visitor;
+    visitor.start_visiting_function(fun_ref, v_function);
+  }
+// infer return type "on demand"
+// example: `fun f() { return g(); } fun g() { ... }`
+// when analyzing `f()`, we need to infer what fun_ref=g returns
+// (if `g` is generic, it was already instantiated, so fun_ref=g<int> is here)
+static void infer_and_save_return_type_of_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  static std::vector<const FunctionData*> called_stack;
+  tolk_assert(!fun_ref->is_generic_function() && !fun_ref->is_type_inferring_done());
+  // if `g` has return type declared, like `fun g(): int { ... }`, don't traverse its body
+  if (fun_ref->declared_return_type) {
+    InferCheckTypesAndCallsAndFieldsVisitor::assign_fun_full_type(fun_ref, fun_ref->declared_return_type);
+    return;
+  }
+  // prevent recursion of untyped functions, like `fun f() { return g(); } fun g() { return f(); }`
+  bool contains = std::find(called_stack.begin(), called_stack.end(), fun_ref) != called_stack.end();
+  if (contains) {
+    fun_ref->ast_root->error("could not infer return type of " + to_string(fun_ref) + ", because it appears in a recursive call chain; specify `: <return_type>` manually");
+  }
+  // dig into g's body; it's safe, since the compiler is single-threaded
+  // on finish, fun_ref->inferred_return_type is filled, and won't be called anymore
+  called_stack.push_back(fun_ref);
+  InferCheckTypesAndCallsAndFieldsVisitor visitor;
+  visitor.start_visiting_function(fun_ref, fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>());
+  called_stack.pop_back();
+void pipeline_infer_types_and_calls_and_fields() {
+  visit_ast_of_all_functions<LaunchInferTypesAndMethodsOnce>();
+void pipeline_infer_types_and_calls_and_fields(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  InferCheckTypesAndCallsAndFieldsVisitor visitor;
+  visitor.start_visiting_function(fun_ref, fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>());
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-optimize-boolean-expr.cpp b/tolk/pipe-optimize-boolean-expr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..037502566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/pipe-optimize-boolean-expr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain source code.
+    TON Blockchain is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-replacer.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
+ *   This pipe does some optimizations related to booleans.
+ *   It happens after type inferring, when we know types of all expressions.
+ *
+ *   Example: `boolVar == true` -> `boolVar`.
+ *   Example: `!!boolVar` -> `boolVar`.
+ *   Also in unwraps parenthesis inside if condition and similar: `assert(((x)), 404)` -> `assert(x, 404)`
+ *
+ *   todo some day, replace && || with & | when it's safe (currently, && always produces IFs in Fift)
+ * It's tricky to implement whether replacing is safe.
+ * For example, safe: `a > 0 && a < 10` / `a != 3 && a != 5`
+ * For example, unsafe: `cached && calc()` / `a > 0 && log(a)` / `b != 0 && a / b > 1` / `i >= 0 && arr[idx]` / `f != null && close(f)`
+ */
+namespace tolk {
+static AnyExprV unwrap_parenthesis(AnyExprV v) {
+  while (v->type == ast_parenthesized_expression) {
+    v = v->as<ast_parenthesized_expression>()->get_expr();
+  }
+  return v;
+struct OptimizerBooleanExpressionsReplacer final : ASTReplacerInFunctionBody {
+  static V<ast_int_const> create_int_const(SrcLocation loc, td::RefInt256&& intval) {
+    auto v_int = createV<ast_int_const>(loc, std::move(intval), {});
+    v_int->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataInt::create());
+    v_int->assign_rvalue_true();
+    return v_int;
+  }
+  static V<ast_bool_const> create_bool_const(SrcLocation loc, bool bool_val) {
+    auto v_bool = createV<ast_bool_const>(loc, bool_val);
+    v_bool->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataInt::create());
+    v_bool->assign_rvalue_true();
+    return v_bool;
+  }
+  static V<ast_unary_operator> create_logical_not_for_bool(SrcLocation loc, AnyExprV rhs) {
+    auto v_not = createV<ast_unary_operator>(loc, "!", tok_logical_not, rhs);
+    v_not->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataBool::create());
+    v_not->assign_rvalue_true();
+    v_not->assign_fun_ref(lookup_global_symbol("!b_")->as<FunctionData>());
+    return v_not;
+  }
+  AnyExprV replace(V<ast_unary_operator> v) override {
+    parent::replace(v);
+    if (v->tok == tok_logical_not) {
+      if (auto inner_not = v->get_rhs()->try_as<ast_unary_operator>(); inner_not && inner_not->tok == tok_logical_not) {
+        AnyExprV cond_not_not = inner_not->get_rhs();
+        // `!!boolVar` => `boolVar`
+        if (cond_not_not->inferred_type == TypeDataBool::create()) {
+          return cond_not_not;
+        }
+        // `!!intVar` => `intVar != 0`
+        if (cond_not_not->inferred_type == TypeDataInt::create()) {
+          auto v_zero = create_int_const(v->loc, td::make_refint(0));
+          auto v_neq = createV<ast_binary_operator>(v->loc, "!=", tok_neq, cond_not_not, v_zero);
+          v_neq->mutate()->assign_rvalue_true();
+          v_neq->mutate()->assign_inferred_type(TypeDataBool::create());
+          v_neq->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(lookup_global_symbol("_!=_")->as<FunctionData>());
+          return v_neq;
+        }
+      }
+      if (auto inner_bool = v->get_rhs()->try_as<ast_bool_const>()) {
+        // `!true` / `!false`
+        return create_bool_const(v->loc, !inner_bool->bool_val);
+      }
+    }
+    return v;
+  }
+  AnyExprV replace(V<ast_binary_operator> v) override {
+    parent::replace(v);
+    if (v->tok == tok_eq || v->tok == tok_neq) {
+      AnyExprV lhs = v->get_lhs();
+      AnyExprV rhs = v->get_rhs();
+      if (lhs->inferred_type == TypeDataBool::create() && rhs->type == ast_bool_const) {
+        // `boolVar == true` / `boolVar != false`
+        if (rhs->as<ast_bool_const>()->bool_val ^ (v->tok == tok_neq)) {
+          return lhs;
+        }
+        // `boolVar != true` / `boolVar == false`
+        return create_logical_not_for_bool(v->loc, lhs);
+      }
+    }
+    return v;
+  }
+  AnyV replace(V<ast_if_statement> v) override {
+    parent::replace(v);
+    if (v->get_cond()->type == ast_parenthesized_expression) {
+      v = createV<ast_if_statement>(v->loc, v->is_ifnot, unwrap_parenthesis(v->get_cond()), v->get_if_body(), v->get_else_body());
+    }
+    // `if (!x)` -> ifnot(x)
+    while (auto v_cond_unary = v->get_cond()->try_as<ast_unary_operator>()) {
+      if (v_cond_unary->tok != tok_logical_not) {
+        break;
+      }
+      v = createV<ast_if_statement>(v->loc, !v->is_ifnot, v_cond_unary->get_rhs(), v->get_if_body(), v->get_else_body());
+    }
+    return v;
+  }
+  AnyV replace(V<ast_while_statement> v) override {
+    parent::replace(v);
+    if (v->get_cond()->type == ast_parenthesized_expression) {
+      v = createV<ast_while_statement>(v->loc, unwrap_parenthesis(v->get_cond()), v->get_body());
+    }
+    return v;
+  }
+  AnyV replace(V<ast_do_while_statement> v) override {
+    parent::replace(v);
+    if (v->get_cond()->type == ast_parenthesized_expression) {
+      v = createV<ast_do_while_statement>(v->loc,  v->get_body(), unwrap_parenthesis(v->get_cond()));
+    }
+    return v;
+  }
+  AnyV replace(V<ast_assert_statement> v) override {
+    parent::replace(v);
+    if (v->get_cond()->type == ast_parenthesized_expression) {
+      v = createV<ast_assert_statement>(v->loc, unwrap_parenthesis(v->get_cond()), v->get_thrown_code());
+    }
+    return v;
+  }
+  bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) override {
+    return fun_ref->is_code_function() && !fun_ref->is_generic_function();
+  }
+void pipeline_optimize_boolean_expressions() {
+  replace_ast_of_all_functions<OptimizerBooleanExpressionsReplacer>();
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-refine-lvalue-for-mutate.cpp b/tolk/pipe-refine-lvalue-for-mutate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45dd3a94f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/pipe-refine-lvalue-for-mutate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain source code.
+    TON Blockchain is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-visitor.h"
+ *   This pipe refines rvalue/lvalue and checks `mutate` arguments validity.
+ *   It happens after type inferring (after methods binding), because it uses fun_ref of calls.
+ *
+ *   Example: `a.increment().increment()`, the first `a.increment()` becomes lvalue (assume that increment mutates self).
+ *   Example: `increment(a)` is invalid, should be `increment(mutate a)`.
+ *
+ *   Note, that explicitly specifying `mutate` for arguments, like `increment(mutate a)` is on purpose.
+ * If we wished `increment(a)` to be valid (to work and mutate `a`, like passing by ref), it would also be done here,
+ * refining `a` to be lvalue. But to avoid unexpected mutations, `mutate` keyword for an argument is required.
+ * So, for mutated arguments, instead of setting lvalue, we check its presence.
+ */
+namespace tolk {
+static void fire_error_invalid_mutate_arg_passed(AnyExprV v, const FunctionData* fun_ref, const LocalVarData& p_sym, bool called_as_method, bool arg_passed_as_mutate, AnyV arg_expr) {
+  std::string arg_str(arg_expr->type == ast_reference ? arg_expr->as<ast_reference>()->get_name() : "obj");
+  // case: `loadInt(cs, 32)`; suggest: `cs.loadInt(32)`
+  if (p_sym.is_mutate_parameter() && !arg_passed_as_mutate && !called_as_method && p_sym.idx == 0 && fun_ref->does_accept_self()) {
+    v->error("`" + fun_ref->name + "` is a mutating method; consider calling `" + arg_str + "." + fun_ref->name + "()`, not `" + fun_ref->name + "(" + arg_str + ")`");
+  }
+  // case: `cs.mutating_function()`; suggest: `mutating_function(mutate cs)` or make it a method
+  if (p_sym.is_mutate_parameter() && called_as_method && p_sym.idx == 0 && !fun_ref->does_accept_self()) {
+    v->error("function `" + fun_ref->name + "` mutates parameter `" + p_sym.name + "`; consider calling `" + fun_ref->name + "(mutate " + arg_str + ")`, not `" + arg_str + "." + fun_ref->name + "`(); alternatively, rename parameter to `self` to make it a method");
+  }
+  // case: `mutating_function(arg)`; suggest: `mutate arg`
+  if (p_sym.is_mutate_parameter() && !arg_passed_as_mutate) {
+    v->error("function `" + fun_ref->name + "` mutates parameter `" + p_sym.name + "`; you need to specify `mutate` when passing an argument, like `mutate " + arg_str + "`");
+  }
+  // case: `usual_function(mutate arg)`
+  if (!p_sym.is_mutate_parameter() && arg_passed_as_mutate) {
+    v->error("incorrect `mutate`, since `" + fun_ref->name + "` does not mutate this parameter");
+  }
+  throw Fatal("unreachable");
+class RefineLvalueForMutateArgumentsVisitor final : public ASTVisitorFunctionBody {
+  void visit(V<ast_function_call> v) override {
+    // v is `globalF(args)` / `globalF<int>(args)` / `obj.method(args)` / `local_var(args)` / `getF()(args)`
+    const FunctionData* fun_ref = v->fun_maybe;
+    if (!fun_ref) {
+      parent::visit(v);
+      for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
+        auto v_arg = v->get_arg(i);
+        if (v_arg->passed_as_mutate) {
+          v_arg->error("`mutate` used for non-mutate argument");
+        }
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    int delta_self = v->is_dot_call();
+    tolk_assert(fun_ref->get_num_params() == delta_self + v->get_num_args());
+    if (v->is_dot_call()) {
+      if (fun_ref->does_mutate_self()) {
+        // for `b.storeInt()`, `b` should become lvalue, since `storeInt` is a method mutating self
+        // but: `beginCell().storeInt()`, then `beginCell()` is not lvalue
+        // (it will be extracted as tmp var when transforming AST to IR)
+        AnyExprV leftmost_obj = v->get_dot_obj();
+        while (true) {
+          if (auto as_par = leftmost_obj->try_as<ast_parenthesized_expression>()) {
+            leftmost_obj = as_par->get_expr();
+          } else if (auto as_cast = leftmost_obj->try_as<ast_cast_as_operator>()) {
+            leftmost_obj = as_cast->get_expr();
+          } else {
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        bool will_be_extracted_as_tmp_var = leftmost_obj->type == ast_function_call;
+        if (!will_be_extracted_as_tmp_var) {
+          leftmost_obj->mutate()->assign_lvalue_true();
+          v->get_dot_obj()->mutate()->assign_lvalue_true();
+        }
+      }
+      if (!fun_ref->does_accept_self() && fun_ref->parameters[0].is_mutate_parameter()) {
+        fire_error_invalid_mutate_arg_passed(v, fun_ref, fun_ref->parameters[0], true, false, v->get_dot_obj());
+      }
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_args(); ++i) {
+      const LocalVarData& p_sym = fun_ref->parameters[delta_self + i];
+      auto arg_i = v->get_arg(i);
+      if (p_sym.is_mutate_parameter() != arg_i->passed_as_mutate) {
+        fire_error_invalid_mutate_arg_passed(arg_i, fun_ref, p_sym, false, arg_i->passed_as_mutate, arg_i->get_expr());
+      }
+      parent::visit(arg_i);
+    }
+    parent::visit(v->get_callee());
+  }
+  bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) override {
+    return fun_ref->is_code_function() && !fun_ref->is_generic_function();
+  }
+void pipeline_refine_lvalue_for_mutate_arguments() {
+  visit_ast_of_all_functions<RefineLvalueForMutateArgumentsVisitor>();
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-register-symbols.cpp b/tolk/pipe-register-symbols.cpp
index 569d434aa..2dae0d233 100644
--- a/tolk/pipe-register-symbols.cpp
+++ b/tolk/pipe-register-symbols.cpp
@@ -13,340 +13,214 @@
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with TON Blockchain.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
-    to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
-    You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
-    of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
-    exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
-    but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
-    exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement
-    from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
 #include "tolk.h"
 #include "platform-utils.h"
 #include "src-file.h"
 #include "ast.h"
 #include "compiler-state.h"
+#include "constant-evaluator.h"
+#include "generics-helpers.h"
 #include "td/utils/crypto.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
 #include <unordered_set>
-namespace tolk {
-Expr* process_expr(AnyV v, CodeBlob& code);
-static void fire_error_redefinition_of_symbol(V<ast_identifier> v_ident, SymDef* existing) {
-  if (existing->loc.is_stdlib()) {
-    v_ident->error("redefinition of a symbol from stdlib");
-  } else if (existing->loc.is_defined()) {
-    v_ident->error("redefinition of symbol, previous was at: " + existing->loc.to_string());
-  } else {
-    v_ident->error("redefinition of built-in symbol");
-  }
+ *   This pipe registers global symbols: functions, constants, global vars, etc.
+ *   It happens just after all files have been parsed to AST.
+ *
+ *   "Registering" means adding symbols to a global symbol table.
+ *   After this pass, any global symbol can be looked up.
+ *   Note, that local variables are not analyzed here, it's a later step.
+ * Before digging into locals, we need a global symtable to be filled, exactly done here.
+ */
-static int calc_sym_idx(std::string_view sym_name) {
-  return G.symbols.lookup_add(sym_name);
+namespace tolk {
-static td::RefInt256 calculate_method_id_for_entrypoint(std::string_view func_name) {
+static int calculate_method_id_for_entrypoint(std::string_view func_name) {
   if (func_name == "main" || func_name == "onInternalMessage") {
-    return td::make_refint(0);
+    return 0;
   if (func_name == "onExternalMessage") {
-    return td::make_refint(-1);
+    return -1;
   if (func_name == "onRunTickTock") {
-    return td::make_refint(-2);
+    return -2;
   if (func_name == "onSplitPrepare") {
-    return td::make_refint(-3);
+    return -3;
   if (func_name == "onSplitInstall") {
-    return td::make_refint(-4);
+    return -4;
-static td::RefInt256 calculate_method_id_by_func_name(std::string_view func_name) {
+static int calculate_method_id_by_func_name(std::string_view func_name) {
   unsigned int crc = td::crc16(static_cast<std::string>(func_name));
-  return td::make_refint((crc & 0xffff) | 0x10000);
+  return static_cast<int>(crc & 0xffff) | 0x10000;
-static void calc_arg_ret_order_of_asm_function(V<ast_asm_body> v_body, V<ast_parameter_list> param_list, TypeExpr* ret_type,
-                                   std::vector<int>& arg_order, std::vector<int>& ret_order) {
-  int cnt = param_list->size();
-  int width = ret_type->get_width();
-  if (width < 0 || width > 16) {
-    v_body->error("return type of an assembler built-in function must have a well-defined fixed width");
+static void validate_arg_ret_order_of_asm_function(V<ast_asm_body> v_body, int n_params, TypePtr ret_type) {
+  if (!ret_type) {
+    v_body->error("asm function must declare return type (before asm instructions)");
-  if (cnt > 16) {
-    v_body->error("assembler built-in function must have at most 16 arguments");
-  }
-  std::vector<int> cum_arg_width;
-  cum_arg_width.push_back(0);
-  int tot_width = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
-    V<ast_parameter> v_param = param_list->get_param(i);
-    int arg_width = v_param->param_type->get_width();
-    if (arg_width < 0 || arg_width > 16) {
-      v_param->error("parameters of an assembler built-in function must have a well-defined fixed width");
-    }
-    cum_arg_width.push_back(tot_width += arg_width);
+  if (n_params > 16) {
+    v_body->error("asm function can have at most 16 parameters");
+  // asm(param1 ... paramN), param names were previously mapped into indices
   if (!v_body->arg_order.empty()) {
-    if (static_cast<int>(v_body->arg_order.size()) != cnt) {
+    if (static_cast<int>(v_body->arg_order.size()) != n_params) {
       v_body->error("arg_order of asm function must specify all parameters");
-    std::vector<bool> visited(cnt, false);
-    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
-      int j = v_body->arg_order[i];
+    std::vector<bool> visited(v_body->arg_order.size(), false);
+    for (int j : v_body->arg_order) {
       if (visited[j]) {
         v_body->error("arg_order of asm function contains duplicates");
       visited[j] = true;
-      int c1 = cum_arg_width[j], c2 = cum_arg_width[j + 1];
-      while (c1 < c2) {
-        arg_order.push_back(c1++);
-      }
-    tolk_assert(arg_order.size() == (unsigned)tot_width);
+  // asm(-> 0 2 1 3), check for a shuffled range 0...N
+  // correctness of N (actual return width onto a stack) will be checked after type inferring and generics instantiation
   if (!v_body->ret_order.empty()) {
-    if (static_cast<int>(v_body->ret_order.size()) != width) {
-      v_body->error("ret_order of this asm function expected to be width = " + std::to_string(width));
-    }
-    std::vector<bool> visited(width, false);
-    for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
-      int j = v_body->ret_order[i];
-      if (j < 0 || j >= width || visited[j]) {
-        v_body->error("ret_order contains invalid integer, not in range 0 .. width-1");
+    std::vector<bool> visited(v_body->ret_order.size(), false);
+    for (int j : v_body->ret_order) {
+      if (j < 0 || j >= static_cast<int>(v_body->ret_order.size()) || visited[j]) {
+        v_body->error("ret_order contains invalid integer, not in range 0 .. N");
       visited[j] = true;
-    ret_order = v_body->ret_order;
-static void register_constant(V<ast_constant_declaration> v) {
-  AnyV init_value = v->get_init_value();
-  SymDef* sym_def = define_global_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->get_identifier()->name), v->loc);
-  if (sym_def->value) {
-    fire_error_redefinition_of_symbol(v->get_identifier(), sym_def);
-  }
+static const GenericsDeclaration* construct_genericTs(V<ast_genericsT_list> v_list) {
+  std::vector<GenericsDeclaration::GenericsItem> itemsT;
+  itemsT.reserve(v_list->size());
-  // todo currently, constant value calculation is dirty and roughly: init_value is evaluated to fif code
-  // and waited to be a single expression
-  // although it works, of course it should be later rewritten using AST calculations, as well as lots of other parts
-  CodeBlob code("tmp", v->loc, nullptr, nullptr);
-  Expr* x = process_expr(init_value, code);
-  if (!x->is_rvalue()) {
-    v->get_init_value()->error("expression is not strictly Rvalue");
-  }
-  if (v->declared_type && !v->declared_type->equals_to(x->e_type)) {
-    v->error("expression type does not match declared type");
-  }
-  SymValConst* sym_val = nullptr;
-  if (x->cls == Expr::_Const) {  // Integer constant
-    sym_val = new SymValConst(static_cast<int>(G.all_constants.size()), x->intval);
-  } else if (x->cls == Expr::_SliceConst) {  // Slice constant (string)
-    sym_val = new SymValConst(static_cast<int>(G.all_constants.size()), x->strval);
-  } else if (x->cls == Expr::_Apply) {  // even "1 + 2" is Expr::_Apply (it applies `_+_`)
-    code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Import, std::vector<var_idx_t>());
-    auto tmp_vars = x->pre_compile(code);
-    code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Return, std::move(tmp_vars));
-    code.emplace_back(v->loc, Op::_Nop);
-    // It is REQUIRED to execute "optimizations" as in tolk.cpp
-    code.simplify_var_types();
-    code.prune_unreachable_code();
-    code.split_vars(true);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-      code.compute_used_code_vars();
-      code.fwd_analyze();
-      code.prune_unreachable_code();
-    }
-    code.mark_noreturn();
-    AsmOpList out_list(0, &code.vars);
-    code.generate_code(out_list);
-    if (out_list.list_.size() != 1) {
-      init_value->error("precompiled expression must result in single operation");
+  for (int i = 0; i < v_list->size(); ++i) {
+    auto v_item = v_list->get_item(i);
+    auto it_existing = std::find_if(itemsT.begin(), itemsT.end(), [v_item](const GenericsDeclaration::GenericsItem& prev) {
+      return prev.nameT == v_item->nameT;
+    });
+    if (it_existing != itemsT.end()) {
+      v_item->error("duplicate generic parameter `" + static_cast<std::string>(v_item->nameT) + "`");
-    auto op = out_list.list_[0];
-    if (!op.is_const()) {
-      init_value->error("precompiled expression must result in compilation time constant");
-    }
-    if (op.origin.is_null() || !op.origin->is_valid()) {
-      init_value->error("precompiled expression did not result in a valid integer constant");
+    itemsT.emplace_back(v_item->nameT);
+  }
+  return new GenericsDeclaration(std::move(itemsT));
+static void register_constant(V<ast_constant_declaration> v) {
+  ConstantValue init_value = eval_const_init_value(v->get_init_value());
+  GlobalConstData* c_sym = new GlobalConstData(static_cast<std::string>(v->get_identifier()->name), v->loc, v->declared_type, std::move(init_value));
+  if (v->declared_type) {
+    bool ok = (c_sym->is_int_const() && (v->declared_type == TypeDataInt::create()))
+           || (c_sym->is_slice_const() && (v->declared_type == TypeDataSlice::create()));
+    if (!ok) {
+      v->error("expression type does not match declared type");
-    sym_val = new SymValConst(static_cast<int>(G.all_constants.size()), op.origin);
-  } else {
-    init_value->error("integer or slice literal or constant expected");
-  sym_def->value = sym_val;
-#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  sym_def->value->sym_name = v->get_identifier()->name;
-  G.all_constants.push_back(sym_def);
+  G.symtable.add_global_const(c_sym);
+  G.all_constants.push_back(c_sym);
+  v->mutate()->assign_const_ref(c_sym);
 static void register_global_var(V<ast_global_var_declaration> v) {
-  SymDef* sym_def = define_global_symbol(calc_sym_idx(v->get_identifier()->name), v->loc);
-  if (sym_def->value) {
-    fire_error_redefinition_of_symbol(v->get_identifier(), sym_def);
-  }
+  GlobalVarData* g_sym = new GlobalVarData(static_cast<std::string>(v->get_identifier()->name), v->loc, v->declared_type);
-  sym_def->value = new SymValGlobVar(static_cast<int>(G.all_global_vars.size()), v->declared_type);
-#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  sym_def->value->sym_name = v->get_identifier()->name;
-  G.all_global_vars.push_back(sym_def);
+  G.symtable.add_global_var(g_sym);
+  G.all_global_vars.push_back(g_sym);
+  v->mutate()->assign_var_ref(g_sym);
-static SymDef* register_parameter(V<ast_parameter> v, int idx) {
+static LocalVarData register_parameter(V<ast_parameter> v, int idx) {
   if (v->is_underscore()) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  SymDef* sym_def = define_parameter(calc_sym_idx(v->get_identifier()->name), v->loc);
-  if (sym_def->value) {
-    // todo always false now, how to detect similar parameter names? (remember about underscore)
-    v->error("redefined parameter");
+    return {"", v->loc, v->declared_type, 0, idx};
-  SymValVariable* sym_val = new SymValVariable(idx, v->param_type);
+  int flags = 0;
   if (v->declared_as_mutate) {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValVariable::flagMutateParameter;
+    flags |= LocalVarData::flagMutateParameter;
-  if (!v->declared_as_mutate && idx == 0 && v->get_identifier()->name == "self") {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValVariable::flagImmutable;
+  if (!v->declared_as_mutate && idx == 0 && v->param_name == "self") {
+    flags |= LocalVarData::flagImmutable;
-  sym_def->value = sym_val;
-#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  sym_def->value->sym_name = v->get_identifier()->name;
-  return sym_def;
+  return LocalVarData(static_cast<std::string>(v->param_name), v->loc, v->declared_type, flags, idx);
 static void register_function(V<ast_function_declaration> v) {
   std::string_view func_name = v->get_identifier()->name;
-  // calculate TypeExpr of a function: it's a map (params -> ret), probably surrounded by forall
-  TypeExpr* params_tensor_type = nullptr;
+  // calculate TypeData of a function
+  std::vector<TypePtr> arg_types;
+  std::vector<LocalVarData> parameters;
   int n_params = v->get_num_params();
   int n_mutate_params = 0;
-  std::vector<SymDef*> parameters_syms;
-  if (n_params) {
-    std::vector<TypeExpr*> param_tensor_items;
-    param_tensor_items.reserve(n_params);
-    parameters_syms.reserve(n_params);
-    for (int i = 0; i < n_params; ++i) {
-      auto v_param = v->get_param(i);
-      n_mutate_params += static_cast<int>(v_param->declared_as_mutate);
-      param_tensor_items.emplace_back(v_param->param_type);
-      parameters_syms.emplace_back(register_parameter(v_param, i));
-    }
-    params_tensor_type = TypeExpr::new_tensor(std::move(param_tensor_items));
-  } else {
-    params_tensor_type = TypeExpr::new_unit();
+  arg_types.reserve(n_params);
+  parameters.reserve(n_params);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n_params; ++i) {
+    auto v_param = v->get_param(i);
+    arg_types.emplace_back(v_param->declared_type);
+    parameters.emplace_back(register_parameter(v_param, i));
+    n_mutate_params += static_cast<int>(v_param->declared_as_mutate);
-  TypeExpr* function_type = TypeExpr::new_map(params_tensor_type, v->ret_type);
+  const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs = nullptr;
   if (v->genericsT_list) {
-    std::vector<TypeExpr*> type_vars;
-    type_vars.reserve(v->genericsT_list->size());
-    for (int idx = 0; idx < v->genericsT_list->size(); ++idx) {
-      type_vars.emplace_back(v->genericsT_list->get_item(idx)->created_type);
-    }
-    function_type = TypeExpr::new_forall(std::move(type_vars), function_type);
+    genericTs = construct_genericTs(v->genericsT_list);
-  if (v->marked_as_builtin) {
-    const SymDef* builtin_func = lookup_symbol(G.symbols.lookup(func_name));
-    const SymValFunc* func_val = builtin_func ? dynamic_cast<SymValFunc*>(builtin_func->value) : nullptr;
-    if (!func_val || !func_val->is_builtin()) {
+  if (v->is_builtin_function()) {
+    const Symbol* builtin_func = lookup_global_symbol(func_name);
+    const FunctionData* fun_ref = builtin_func ? builtin_func->as<FunctionData>() : nullptr;
+    if (!fun_ref || !fun_ref->is_builtin_function()) {
       v->error("`builtin` used for non-builtin function");
-#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-    // in release, we don't need this check, since `builtin` is used only in stdlib, which is our responsibility
-    if (!func_val->sym_type->equals_to(function_type) || func_val->is_marked_as_pure() != v->marked_as_pure) {
-      v->error("declaration for `builtin` function doesn't match an actual one");
-    }
+    v->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(fun_ref);
-  SymDef* sym_def = define_global_symbol(calc_sym_idx(func_name), v->loc);
-  if (sym_def->value) {
-    fire_error_redefinition_of_symbol(v->get_identifier(), sym_def);
-  }
-  if (G.is_verbosity(1)) {
-    std::cerr << "fun " << func_name << " : " << function_type << std::endl;
-  }
-  if (v->marked_as_pure && v->ret_type->get_width() == 0) {
-    v->error("a pure function should return something, otherwise it will be optimized out anyway");
+  if (G.is_verbosity(1) && v->is_code_function()) {
+    std::cerr << "fun " << func_name << " : " << v->declared_return_type << std::endl;
-  SymValFunc* sym_val = nullptr;
-  if (const auto* v_seq = v->get_body()->try_as<ast_sequence>()) {
-    sym_val = new SymValCodeFunc(std::move(parameters_syms), static_cast<int>(G.all_code_functions.size()), function_type);
-  } else if (const auto* v_asm = v->get_body()->try_as<ast_asm_body>()) {
-    std::vector<int> arg_order, ret_order;
-    calc_arg_ret_order_of_asm_function(v_asm, v->get_param_list(), v->ret_type, arg_order, ret_order);
-    sym_val = new SymValAsmFunc(std::move(parameters_syms), function_type, std::move(arg_order), std::move(ret_order), 0);
-  } else {
-    v->error("Unexpected function body statement");
+  FunctionBody f_body = v->get_body()->type == ast_sequence ? static_cast<FunctionBody>(new FunctionBodyCode) : static_cast<FunctionBody>(new FunctionBodyAsm);
+  FunctionData* f_sym = new FunctionData(static_cast<std::string>(func_name), v->loc, v->declared_return_type, std::move(parameters), 0, genericTs, nullptr, f_body, v);
+  if (const auto* v_asm = v->get_body()->try_as<ast_asm_body>()) {
+    validate_arg_ret_order_of_asm_function(v_asm, v->get_num_params(), v->declared_return_type);
+    f_sym->arg_order = v_asm->arg_order;
+    f_sym->ret_order = v_asm->ret_order;
-  if (v->method_id) {
-    sym_val->method_id = td::string_to_int256(static_cast<std::string>(v->method_id->int_val));
-    if (sym_val->method_id.is_null()) {
-      v->method_id->error("invalid integer constant");
-    }
-  } else if (v->marked_as_get_method) {
-    sym_val->method_id = calculate_method_id_by_func_name(func_name);
-    for (const SymDef* other : G.all_get_methods) {
-      if (!td::cmp(dynamic_cast<const SymValFunc*>(other->value)->method_id, sym_val->method_id)) {
-        v->error(PSTRING() << "GET methods hash collision: `" << other->name() << "` and `" << static_cast<std::string>(func_name) << "` produce the same hash. Consider renaming one of these functions.");
+  if (v->method_id.not_null()) {
+    f_sym->method_id = static_cast<int>(v->method_id->to_long());
+  } else if (v->flags & FunctionData::flagGetMethod) {
+    f_sym->method_id = calculate_method_id_by_func_name(func_name);
+    for (const FunctionData* other : G.all_get_methods) {
+      if (other->method_id == f_sym->method_id) {
+        v->error(PSTRING() << "GET methods hash collision: `" << other->name << "` and `" << f_sym->name << "` produce the same hash. Consider renaming one of these functions.");
-  } else if (v->is_entrypoint) {
-    sym_val->method_id = calculate_method_id_for_entrypoint(func_name);
-  }
-  if (v->marked_as_pure) {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValFunc::flagMarkedAsPure;
-  }
-  if (v->marked_as_inline) {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValFunc::flagInline;
-  }
-  if (v->marked_as_inline_ref) {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValFunc::flagInlineRef;
-  }
-  if (v->marked_as_get_method) {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValFunc::flagGetMethod;
-  }
-  if (v->is_entrypoint) {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValFunc::flagIsEntrypoint;
+  } else if (v->flags & FunctionData::flagIsEntrypoint) {
+    f_sym->method_id = calculate_method_id_for_entrypoint(func_name);
+  f_sym->flags |= v->flags;
   if (n_mutate_params) {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValFunc::flagHasMutateParams;
-  }
-  if (v->accepts_self) {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValFunc::flagAcceptsSelf;
-  }
-  if (v->returns_self) {
-    sym_val->flags |= SymValFunc::flagReturnsSelf;
+    f_sym->flags |= FunctionData::flagHasMutateParams;
-  sym_def->value = sym_val;
-#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  sym_def->value->sym_name = func_name;
-  if (dynamic_cast<SymValCodeFunc*>(sym_val)) {
-    G.all_code_functions.push_back(sym_def);
-  }
-  if (sym_val->is_get_method()) {
-    G.all_get_methods.push_back(sym_def);
+  G.symtable.add_function(f_sym);
+  G.all_functions.push_back(f_sym);
+  if (f_sym->is_get_method()) {
+    G.all_get_methods.push_back(f_sym);
+  v->mutate()->assign_fun_ref(f_sym);
 static void iterate_through_file_symbols(const SrcFile* file) {
@@ -358,10 +232,10 @@ static void iterate_through_file_symbols(const SrcFile* file) {
   for (AnyV v : file->ast->as<ast_tolk_file>()->get_toplevel_declarations()) {
     switch (v->type) {
-      case ast_import_statement:
+      case ast_import_directive:
         // on `import "another-file.tolk"`, register symbols from that file at first
         // (for instance, it can calculate constants, which are used in init_val of constants in current file below import)
-        iterate_through_file_symbols(v->as<ast_import_statement>()->file);
+        iterate_through_file_symbols(v->as<ast_import_directive>()->file);
       case ast_constant_declaration:
@@ -379,8 +253,8 @@ static void iterate_through_file_symbols(const SrcFile* file) {
-void pipeline_register_global_symbols(const AllSrcFiles& all_src_files) {
-  for (const SrcFile* file : all_src_files) {
+void pipeline_register_global_symbols() {
+  for (const SrcFile* file : G.all_src_files) {
diff --git a/tolk/pipe-resolve-identifiers.cpp b/tolk/pipe-resolve-identifiers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03b23c3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/pipe-resolve-identifiers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tolk.h"
+#include "platform-utils.h"
+#include "compiler-state.h"
+#include "src-file.h"
+#include "generics-helpers.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "ast-visitor.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
+#include <unordered_map>
+ *   This pipe resolves identifiers (local variables and types) in all functions bodies.
+ *   It happens before type inferring, but after all global symbols are registered.
+ * It means, that for any symbol `x` we can look up whether it's a global name or not.
+ *
+ *   About resolving variables.
+ *   Example: `var x = 10; x = 20;` both `x` point to one LocalVarData.
+ *   Example: `x = 20` undefined symbol `x` is also here (unless it's a global)
+ *   Variables scoping and redeclaration are also here.
+ *   Note, that `x` is stored as `ast_reference (ast_identifier "x")`. More formally, "references" are resolved.
+ * "Reference" in AST, besides the identifier, stores optional generics instantiation. `x<int>` is grammar-valid.
+ *
+ *   About resolving types. At the moment of parsing, `int`, `cell` and other predefined are parsed as TypeDataInt, etc.
+ * All the others are stored as TypeDataUnresolved, to be resolved here, after global symtable is filled.
+ *   Example: `var x: T = 0` unresolved "T" is replaced by TypeDataGenericT inside `f<T>`.
+ *   Example: `f<MyAlias>()` unresolved "MyAlias" is replaced by TypeDataAlias inside the reference.
+ *   Example: `fun f(): KKK` unresolved "KKK" fires an error "unknown type name".
+ *   When structures and type aliases are implemented, their resolving will also be done here.
+ *   See finalize_type_data().
+ *
+ *   Note, that functions/methods binding is NOT here.
+ *   In other words, for ast_function_call `beginCell()` and `t.tupleAt(0)`, their fun_ref is NOT filled here.
+ * Functions/methods binding is done later, simultaneously with type inferring and generics instantiation.
+ * For instance, to call a generic function `t.tuplePush(1)`, we need types of `t` and `1` to be inferred,
+ * as well as `tuplePush<int>` to be instantiated, and fun_ref to point at that exact instantiations.
+ *
+ *   As a result of this step,
+ *   * every V<ast_reference>::sym is filled, pointing either to a local var/parameter, or to a global symbol
+ *     (exceptional for function calls and methods, their references are bound later)
+ *   * all TypeData in all symbols is ready for analyzing, TypeDataUnresolved won't occur later in pipeline
+ */
+namespace tolk {
+static void fire_error_undefined_symbol(V<ast_identifier> v) {
+  if (v->name == "self") {
+    v->error("using `self` in a non-member function (it does not accept the first `self` parameter)");
+  } else {
+    v->error("undefined symbol `" + static_cast<std::string>(v->name) + "`");
+  }
+static void fire_error_unknown_type_name(SrcLocation loc, const std::string &text) {
+  throw ParseError(loc, "unknown type name `" + text + "`");
+static void check_import_exists_when_using_sym(AnyV v_usage, const Symbol* used_sym) {
+  SrcLocation sym_loc = used_sym->loc;
+  if (!v_usage->loc.is_symbol_from_same_or_builtin_file(sym_loc)) {
+    const SrcFile* declared_in = sym_loc.get_src_file();
+    bool has_import = false;
+    for (const SrcFile::ImportDirective& import : v_usage->loc.get_src_file()->imports) {
+      if (import.imported_file == declared_in) {
+        has_import = true;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!has_import) {
+      v_usage->error("Using a non-imported symbol `" + used_sym->name + "`. Forgot to import \"" + declared_in->rel_filename + "\"?");
+    }
+  }
+struct NameAndScopeResolver {
+  std::vector<std::unordered_map<uint64_t, const Symbol*>> scopes;
+  static uint64_t key_hash(std::string_view name_key) {
+    return std::hash<std::string_view>{}(name_key);
+  }
+  void open_scope([[maybe_unused]] SrcLocation loc) {
+    // std::cerr << "open_scope " << scopes.size() + 1 << " at " << loc << std::endl;
+    scopes.emplace_back();
+  }
+  void close_scope([[maybe_unused]] SrcLocation loc) {
+    // std::cerr << "close_scope " << scopes.size() << " at " << loc << std::endl;
+    if (UNLIKELY(scopes.empty())) {
+      throw Fatal{"cannot close the outer scope"};
+    }
+    scopes.pop_back();
+  }
+  const Symbol* lookup_symbol(std::string_view name) const {
+    uint64_t key = key_hash(name);
+    for (auto it = scopes.rbegin(); it != scopes.rend(); ++it) { // NOLINT(*-loop-convert)
+      const auto& scope = *it;
+      if (auto it_sym = scope.find(key); it_sym != scope.end()) {
+        return it_sym->second;
+      }
+    }
+    return G.symtable.lookup(name);
+  }
+  void add_local_var(const LocalVarData* v_sym) {
+    if (UNLIKELY(scopes.empty())) {
+      throw Fatal("unexpected scope_level = 0");
+    }
+    if (v_sym->name.empty()) {    // underscore
+      return;
+    }
+    uint64_t key = key_hash(v_sym->name);
+    const auto& [_, inserted] = scopes.rbegin()->emplace(key, v_sym);
+    if (UNLIKELY(!inserted)) {
+      throw ParseError(v_sym->loc, "redeclaration of local variable `" + v_sym->name + "`");
+    }
+  }
+struct TypeDataResolver {
+  static TypePtr resolve_identifiers_in_type_data(TypePtr type_data, const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs) {
+    return type_data->replace_children_custom([genericTs](TypePtr child) {
+      if (const TypeDataUnresolved* un = child->try_as<TypeDataUnresolved>()) {
+        if (genericTs && genericTs->has_nameT(un->text)) {
+          std::string nameT = un->text;
+          return TypeDataGenericT::create(std::move(nameT));
+        }
+        if (un->text == "auto") {
+          throw ParseError(un->loc, "`auto` type does not exist; just omit a type for local variable (will be inferred from assignment); parameters should always be typed");
+        }
+        if (un->text == "self") {
+          throw ParseError(un->loc, "`self` type can be used only as a return type of a function (enforcing it to be chainable)");
+        }
+        fire_error_unknown_type_name(un->loc, un->text);
+      }
+      return child;
+    });
+  }
+static TypePtr finalize_type_data(TypePtr type_data, const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs) {
+  if (!type_data || !type_data->has_unresolved_inside()) {
+    return type_data;
+  }
+  return TypeDataResolver::resolve_identifiers_in_type_data(type_data, genericTs);
+class AssignSymInsideFunctionVisitor final : public ASTVisitorFunctionBody {
+  // more correctly this field shouldn't be static, but currently there is no need to make it a part of state
+  static NameAndScopeResolver current_scope;
+  static const FunctionData* current_function;
+  static const LocalVarData* create_local_var_sym(std::string_view name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type, bool immutable) {
+    LocalVarData* v_sym = new LocalVarData(static_cast<std::string>(name), loc, declared_type, immutable * LocalVarData::flagImmutable, -1);
+    current_scope.add_local_var(v_sym);
+    return v_sym;
+  }
+  static void process_catch_variable(AnyExprV catch_var) {
+    if (auto v_ref = catch_var->try_as<ast_reference>()) {
+      const LocalVarData* var_ref = create_local_var_sym(v_ref->get_name(), catch_var->loc, nullptr, true);
+      v_ref->mutate()->assign_sym(var_ref);
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_local_var_lhs> v) override {
+    if (v->marked_as_redef) {
+      const Symbol* sym = current_scope.lookup_symbol(v->get_name());
+      if (sym == nullptr) {
+        v->error("`redef` for unknown variable");
+      }
+      const LocalVarData* var_ref = sym->try_as<LocalVarData>();
+      if (!var_ref) {
+        v->error("`redef` for unknown variable");
+      }
+      v->mutate()->assign_var_ref(var_ref);
+    } else {
+      TypePtr declared_type = finalize_type_data(v->declared_type, current_function->genericTs);
+      const LocalVarData* var_ref = create_local_var_sym(v->get_name(), v->loc, declared_type, v->is_immutable);
+      v->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(declared_type);
+      v->mutate()->assign_var_ref(var_ref);
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_assign> v) override {
+    parent::visit(v->get_rhs());    // in this order, so that `var x = x` is invalid, "x" on the right unknown
+    parent::visit(v->get_lhs());
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_reference> v) override {
+    const Symbol* sym = current_scope.lookup_symbol(v->get_name());
+    if (!sym) {
+      fire_error_undefined_symbol(v->get_identifier());
+    }
+    v->mutate()->assign_sym(sym);
+    // for global functions, global vars and constants, `import` must exist
+    if (!sym->try_as<LocalVarData>()) {
+      check_import_exists_when_using_sym(v, sym);
+    }
+    // for `f<int, MyAlias>` / `f<T>`, resolve "MyAlias" and "T"
+    // (for function call `f<T>()`, this v (ast_reference `f<T>`) is callee)
+    if (auto v_instantiationTs = v->get_instantiationTs()) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < v_instantiationTs->size(); ++i) {
+        TypePtr substituted_type = finalize_type_data(v_instantiationTs->get_item(i)->substituted_type, current_function->genericTs);
+        v_instantiationTs->get_item(i)->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(substituted_type);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_dot_access> v) override {
+    // for `t.tupleAt<MyAlias>` / `obj.method<T>`, resolve "MyAlias" and "T"
+    // (for function call `t.tupleAt<MyAlias>()`, this v (ast_dot_access `t.tupleAt<MyAlias>`) is callee)
+    if (auto v_instantiationTs = v->get_instantiationTs()) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < v_instantiationTs->size(); ++i) {
+        TypePtr substituted_type = finalize_type_data(v_instantiationTs->get_item(i)->substituted_type, current_function->genericTs);
+        v_instantiationTs->get_item(i)->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(substituted_type);
+      }
+    }
+    parent::visit(v->get_obj());
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_cast_as_operator> v) override {
+    TypePtr cast_to_type = finalize_type_data(v->cast_to_type, current_function->genericTs);
+    v->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(cast_to_type);
+    parent::visit(v->get_expr());
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_sequence> v) override {
+    if (v->empty()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    current_scope.open_scope(v->loc);
+    parent::visit(v);
+    current_scope.close_scope(v->loc_end);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_do_while_statement> v) override {
+    current_scope.open_scope(v->loc);
+    parent::visit(v->get_body());
+    parent::visit(v->get_cond()); // in 'while' condition it's ok to use variables declared inside do
+    current_scope.close_scope(v->get_body()->loc_end);
+  }
+  void visit(V<ast_try_catch_statement> v) override {
+    visit(v->get_try_body());
+    current_scope.open_scope(v->get_catch_body()->loc);
+    const std::vector<AnyExprV>& catch_items = v->get_catch_expr()->get_items();
+    tolk_assert(catch_items.size() == 2);
+    process_catch_variable(catch_items[1]);
+    process_catch_variable(catch_items[0]);
+    parent::visit(v->get_catch_body());
+    current_scope.close_scope(v->get_catch_body()->loc_end);
+  }
+  bool should_visit_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref) override {
+    // this pipe is done just after parsing
+    // visit both asm and code functions, resolve identifiers in parameter/return types everywhere
+    // for generic functions, unresolved "T" will be replaced by TypeDataGenericT
+    return true;
+  }
+  void start_visiting_function(const FunctionData* fun_ref, V<ast_function_declaration> v) override {
+    current_function = fun_ref;
+    for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_params(); ++i) {
+      const LocalVarData& param_var = fun_ref->parameters[i];
+      TypePtr declared_type = finalize_type_data(param_var.declared_type, fun_ref->genericTs);
+      v->get_param(i)->mutate()->assign_param_ref(&param_var);
+      v->get_param(i)->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(declared_type);
+      param_var.mutate()->assign_resolved_type(declared_type);
+    }
+    TypePtr return_type = finalize_type_data(fun_ref->declared_return_type, fun_ref->genericTs);
+    v->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(return_type);
+    fun_ref->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(return_type);
+    if (fun_ref->is_code_function()) {
+      auto v_seq = v->get_body()->as<ast_sequence>();
+      current_scope.open_scope(v->loc);
+      for (int i = 0; i < v->get_num_params(); ++i) {
+        current_scope.add_local_var(&fun_ref->parameters[i]);
+      }
+      parent::visit(v_seq);
+      current_scope.close_scope(v_seq->loc_end);
+      tolk_assert(current_scope.scopes.empty());
+    }
+    current_function = nullptr;
+  }
+NameAndScopeResolver AssignSymInsideFunctionVisitor::current_scope;
+const FunctionData* AssignSymInsideFunctionVisitor::current_function = nullptr;
+void pipeline_resolve_identifiers_and_assign_symbols() {
+  AssignSymInsideFunctionVisitor visitor;
+  for (const SrcFile* file : G.all_src_files) {
+    for (AnyV v : file->ast->as<ast_tolk_file>()->get_toplevel_declarations()) {
+      if (auto v_func = v->try_as<ast_function_declaration>()) {
+        tolk_assert(v_func->fun_ref);
+        visitor.start_visiting_function(v_func->fun_ref, v_func);
+      } else if (auto v_global = v->try_as<ast_global_var_declaration>()) {
+        TypePtr declared_type = finalize_type_data(v_global->var_ref->declared_type, nullptr);
+        v_global->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(declared_type);
+        v_global->var_ref->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(declared_type);
+      } else if (auto v_const = v->try_as<ast_constant_declaration>(); v_const && v_const->declared_type) {
+        TypePtr declared_type = finalize_type_data(v_const->const_ref->declared_type, nullptr);
+        v_const->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(declared_type);
+        v_const->const_ref->mutate()->assign_resolved_type(declared_type);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void pipeline_resolve_identifiers_and_assign_symbols(const FunctionData* fun_ref) {
+  AssignSymInsideFunctionVisitor visitor;
+  if (visitor.should_visit_function(fun_ref)) {
+    visitor.start_visiting_function(fun_ref, fun_ref->ast_root->as<ast_function_declaration>());
+  }
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/pipeline.h b/tolk/pipeline.h
index fdfd2b996..6aec2b5e8 100644
--- a/tolk/pipeline.h
+++ b/tolk/pipeline.h
@@ -25,17 +25,34 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "src-file.h"
+#include "fwd-declarations.h"
 #include <string>
 namespace tolk {
-AllSrcFiles pipeline_discover_and_parse_sources(const std::string& stdlib_filename, const std::string& entrypoint_filename);
+void pipeline_discover_and_parse_sources(const std::string& stdlib_filename, const std::string& entrypoint_filename);
-void pipeline_register_global_symbols(const AllSrcFiles&);
-void pipeline_convert_ast_to_legacy_Expr_Op(const AllSrcFiles&);
+void pipeline_register_global_symbols();
+void pipeline_resolve_identifiers_and_assign_symbols();
+void pipeline_calculate_rvalue_lvalue();
+void pipeline_detect_unreachable_statements();
+void pipeline_infer_types_and_calls_and_fields();
+void pipeline_refine_lvalue_for_mutate_arguments();
+void pipeline_check_rvalue_lvalue();
+void pipeline_check_pure_impure_operations();
+void pipeline_constant_folding();
+void pipeline_optimize_boolean_expressions();
+void pipeline_convert_ast_to_legacy_Expr_Op();
 void pipeline_find_unused_symbols();
-void pipeline_generate_fif_output_to_std_cout(const AllSrcFiles&);
+void pipeline_generate_fif_output_to_std_cout();
+// these pipes also can be called per-function individually
+// they are called for instantiated generics functions, when `f<T>` is deeply cloned as `f<int>`
+void pipeline_resolve_identifiers_and_assign_symbols(const FunctionData*);
+void pipeline_calculate_rvalue_lvalue(const FunctionData*);
+void pipeline_detect_unreachable_statements(const FunctionData*);
+void pipeline_infer_types_and_calls_and_fields(const FunctionData*);
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/platform-utils.h b/tolk/platform-utils.h
index 7b16226e7..5ab01220e 100644
--- a/tolk/platform-utils.h
+++ b/tolk/platform-utils.h
@@ -27,11 +27,15 @@
 #if __GNUC__
 #define GNU_ATTRIBUTE_COLD [[gnu::cold]]
+#define GNU_ATTRIBUTE_FLATTEN [[gnu::flatten]]
 #define GNU_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN [[gnu::noreturn]]
+#define GNU_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE [[gnu::noinline]]
 #define GNU_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE [[gnu::always_inline]]
 #define GNU_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN [[noreturn]]
+#define GNU_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE [[noinline]]
diff --git a/tolk/src-file.cpp b/tolk/src-file.cpp
index e5533f697..52ac38213 100644
--- a/tolk/src-file.cpp
+++ b/tolk/src-file.cpp
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ namespace tolk {
 static_assert(sizeof(SrcLocation) == 8);
-SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::find_file(int file_id) const {
-  for (SrcFile* file : all_src_files) {
+const SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::find_file(int file_id) const {
+  for (const SrcFile* file : all_src_files) {
     if (file->file_id == file_id) {
       return file;
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::find_file(int file_id) const {
   return nullptr;
-SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::find_file(const std::string& abs_filename) const {
-  for (SrcFile* file : all_src_files) {
+const SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::find_file(const std::string& abs_filename) const {
+  for (const SrcFile* file : all_src_files) {
     if (file->abs_filename == abs_filename) {
       return file;
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::find_file(const std::string& abs_filename) const
   return nullptr;
-SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::locate_and_register_source_file(const std::string& rel_filename, SrcLocation included_from) {
+const SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::locate_and_register_source_file(const std::string& rel_filename, SrcLocation included_from) {
   td::Result<std::string> path = G.settings.read_callback(CompilerSettings::FsReadCallbackKind::Realpath, rel_filename.c_str());
   if (path.is_error()) {
     if (included_from.is_defined()) {
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::locate_and_register_source_file(const std::strin
   std::string abs_filename = path.move_as_ok();
-  if (SrcFile* file = find_file(abs_filename)) {
+  if (const SrcFile* file = find_file(abs_filename)) {
     return file;
@@ -75,16 +75,7 @@ SrcFile* AllRegisteredSrcFiles::get_next_unparsed_file() {
   if (last_parsed_file_id >= last_registered_file_id) {
     return nullptr;
-  return all_src_files[++last_parsed_file_id];
-AllSrcFiles AllRegisteredSrcFiles::get_all_files() const {
-  AllSrcFiles src_files_immutable;
-  src_files_immutable.reserve(all_src_files.size());
-  for (const SrcFile* file : all_src_files) {
-    src_files_immutable.push_back(file);
-  }
-  return src_files_immutable;
+  return const_cast<SrcFile*>(all_src_files[++last_parsed_file_id]);
 bool SrcFile::is_stdlib_file() const {
diff --git a/tolk/src-file.h b/tolk/src-file.h
index 815dccbed..0c82bf180 100644
--- a/tolk/src-file.h
+++ b/tolk/src-file.h
@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
+#include "fwd-declarations.h"
 namespace tolk {
-struct ASTNodeBase;
 struct SrcFile {
   struct SrcPosition {
     int offset;
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ struct SrcFile {
     std::string_view line_str;
-  struct ImportStatement {
+  struct ImportDirective {
     const SrcFile* imported_file;
@@ -39,8 +38,8 @@ struct SrcFile {
   std::string rel_filename;             // relative to cwd
   std::string abs_filename;             // absolute from root
   std::string text;                     // file contents loaded into memory, every Token::str_val points inside it
-  const ASTNodeBase* ast = nullptr;     // when a file has been parsed, its ast_tolk_file is kept here
-  std::vector<ImportStatement> imports; // to check strictness (can't use a symbol without importing its file)
+  AnyV ast = nullptr;                   // when a file has been parsed, its ast_tolk_file is kept here
+  std::vector<ImportDirective> imports; // to check strictness (can't use a symbol without importing its file)
   SrcFile(int file_id, std::string rel_filename, std::string abs_filename, std::string&& text)
     : file_id(file_id)
@@ -96,21 +95,20 @@ class SrcLocation {
 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, SrcLocation loc);
-using AllSrcFiles = std::vector<const SrcFile*>;
 class AllRegisteredSrcFiles {
-  std::vector<SrcFile*> all_src_files;
+  std::vector<const SrcFile*> all_src_files;
   int last_registered_file_id = -1;
   int last_parsed_file_id = -1;
-  SrcFile *find_file(int file_id) const;
-  SrcFile* find_file(const std::string& abs_filename) const;
+  const SrcFile* find_file(int file_id) const;
+  const SrcFile* find_file(const std::string& abs_filename) const;
-  SrcFile* locate_and_register_source_file(const std::string& rel_filename, SrcLocation included_from);
+  const SrcFile* locate_and_register_source_file(const std::string& rel_filename, SrcLocation included_from);
   SrcFile* get_next_unparsed_file();
-  AllSrcFiles get_all_files() const;
+  auto begin() const { return all_src_files.begin(); }
+  auto end() const { return all_src_files.end(); }
 struct Fatal final : std::exception {
diff --git a/tolk/symtable.cpp b/tolk/symtable.cpp
index abaeb0846..918fdab33 100644
--- a/tolk/symtable.cpp
+++ b/tolk/symtable.cpp
@@ -16,154 +16,136 @@
 #include "symtable.h"
 #include "compiler-state.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cassert>
+#include "platform-utils.h"
+#include "generics-helpers.h"
 namespace tolk {
-std::string Symbol::unknown_symbol_name(sym_idx_t i) {
-  if (!i) {
-    return "_";
-  } else {
-    std::ostringstream os;
-    os << "SYM#" << i;
-    return os.str();
+std::string FunctionData::as_human_readable() const {
+  if (!genericTs) {
+    return name;  // if it's generic instantiation like `f<int>`, its name is "f<int>", not "f"
+  return name + genericTs->as_human_readable();
-sym_idx_t SymTable::gen_lookup(std::string_view str, int mode, sym_idx_t idx) {
-  unsigned long long h1 = 1, h2 = 1;
-  for (char c : str) {
-    h1 = ((h1 * 239) + (unsigned char)(c)) % SIZE_PRIME;
-    h2 = ((h2 * 17) + (unsigned char)(c)) % (SIZE_PRIME - 1);
+bool FunctionData::does_need_codegen() const {
+  // when a function is declared, but not referenced from code in any way, don't generate its body
+  if (!is_really_used() && G.settings.remove_unused_functions) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // functions with asm body don't need code generation
+  // (even if used as non-call: `var a = beginCell;` inserts TVM continuation inline)
+  if (is_asm_function() || is_builtin_function()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // when a function is referenced like `var a = some_fn;` (or in some other non-call way), its continuation should exist
+  if (is_used_as_noncall()) {
+    return true;
-  ++h2;
-  ++h1;
-  while (true) {
-    if (sym[h1]) {
-      if (sym[h1]->str == str) {
-        return (mode & 2) ? not_found : sym_idx_t(h1);
-      }
-      h1 += h2;
-      if (h1 > SIZE_PRIME) {
-        h1 -= SIZE_PRIME;
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (!(mode & 1)) {
-        return not_found;
-      }
-      if (def_sym >= ((long long)SIZE_PRIME * 3) / 4) {
-        throw SymTableOverflow{def_sym};
-      }
-      sym[h1] = std::make_unique<Symbol>(static_cast<std::string>(str), idx <= 0 ? sym_idx_t(h1) : -idx);
-      ++def_sym;
-      return sym_idx_t(h1);
-    }
+  // generic functions also don't need code generation, only generic instantiations do
+  if (is_generic_function()) {
+    return false;
+  // currently, there is no inlining, all functions are codegenerated
+  // (but actually, unused ones are later removed by Fift)
+  // in the future, we may want to implement a true AST inlining for "simple" functions
+  return true;
-std::string SymDef::name() const {
-  return G.symbols.get_name(sym_idx);
+void FunctionData::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_return_type) {
+  this->declared_return_type = declared_return_type;
-void open_scope(SrcLocation loc) {
-  ++G.scope_level;
-  G.scope_opened_at.push_back(loc);
+void FunctionData::assign_inferred_type(TypePtr inferred_return_type, TypePtr inferred_full_type) {
+  this->inferred_return_type = inferred_return_type;
+  this->inferred_full_type = inferred_full_type;
-void close_scope() {
-  if (!G.scope_level) {
-    throw Fatal{"cannot close the outer scope"};
-  }
-  while (!G.symbol_stack.empty() && G.symbol_stack.back().first == G.scope_level) {
-    SymDef old_def = G.symbol_stack.back().second;
-    auto idx = old_def.sym_idx;
-    G.symbol_stack.pop_back();
-    SymDef* cur_def = G.sym_def[idx];
-    assert(cur_def);
-    assert(cur_def->level == G.scope_level && cur_def->sym_idx == idx);
-    //std::cerr << "restoring local symbol `" << old_def.name << "` of level " << scope_level << " to its previous level " << old_def.level << std::endl;
-    if (cur_def->value) {
-      //std::cerr << "deleting value of symbol " << old_def.name << ":" << old_def.level << " at " << (const void*) it->second.value << std::endl;
-      delete cur_def->value;
-    }
-    if (!old_def.level && !old_def.value) {
-      delete cur_def;  // ??? keep the definition always?
-      G.sym_def[idx] = nullptr;
-    } else {
-      cur_def->value = old_def.value;
-      cur_def->level = old_def.level;
-    }
-    old_def.value = nullptr;
-  }
-  --G.scope_level;
-  G.scope_opened_at.pop_back();
+void FunctionData::assign_is_used_as_noncall() {
+  this->flags |= flagUsedAsNonCall;
-SymDef* lookup_symbol(sym_idx_t idx) {
-  if (!idx) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (G.sym_def[idx]) {
-    return G.sym_def[idx];
-  }
-  if (G.global_sym_def[idx]) {
-    return G.global_sym_def[idx];
-  }
-  return nullptr;
+void FunctionData::assign_is_implicit_return() {
+  this->flags |= flagImplicitReturn;
-SymDef* define_global_symbol(sym_idx_t name_idx, SrcLocation loc) {
-  if (SymDef* found = G.global_sym_def[name_idx]) {
-    return found;   // found->value is filled; it means, that a symbol is redefined
-  }
+void FunctionData::assign_is_type_inferring_done() {
+  this->flags |= flagTypeInferringDone;
-  SymDef* registered = G.global_sym_def[name_idx] = new SymDef(0, name_idx, loc);
-#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  registered->sym_name = registered->name();
-  return registered;  // registered->value is nullptr; it means, it's just created
+void FunctionData::assign_is_really_used() {
+  this->flags |= flagReallyUsed;
-SymDef* define_parameter(sym_idx_t name_idx, SrcLocation loc) {
-  // note, that parameters (defined at function declaration) are not inserted into symtable
-  // their SymDef is registered to be inserted into SymValFunc::parameters
-  // (and later ->value is filled with SymValVariable)
+void FunctionData::assign_arg_order(std::vector<int>&& arg_order) {
+  this->arg_order = std::move(arg_order);
-  SymDef* registered = new SymDef(0, name_idx, loc);
+void GlobalVarData::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type) {
+  this->declared_type = declared_type;
+void GlobalVarData::assign_is_really_used() {
+  this->flags |= flagReallyUsed;
+void GlobalConstData::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type) {
+  this->declared_type = declared_type;
+void LocalVarData::assign_idx(int idx) {
+  this->idx = idx;
+void LocalVarData::assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type) {
+  this->declared_type = declared_type;
+void LocalVarData::assign_inferred_type(TypePtr inferred_type) {
 #ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  registered->sym_name = registered->name();
+  assert(this->declared_type == nullptr);  // called when type declaration omitted, inferred from assigned value
-  return registered;
+  this->declared_type = inferred_type;
-SymDef* define_symbol(sym_idx_t name_idx, bool force_new, SrcLocation loc) {
-  if (!name_idx) {
-    return nullptr;
+static void fire_error_redefinition_of_symbol(SrcLocation loc, const Symbol* previous) {
+  SrcLocation prev_loc = previous->loc;
+  if (prev_loc.is_stdlib()) {
+    throw ParseError(loc, "redefinition of a symbol from stdlib");
-  if (!G.scope_level) {
-    throw Fatal("unexpected scope_level = 0");
+  if (prev_loc.is_defined()) {
+    throw ParseError(loc, "redefinition of symbol, previous was at: " + prev_loc.to_string());
-  auto found = G.sym_def[name_idx];
-  if (found) {
-    if (found->level < G.scope_level) {
-      G.symbol_stack.emplace_back(G.scope_level, *found);
-      found->level = G.scope_level;
-    } else if (found->value && force_new) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    found->value = nullptr;
-    found->loc = loc;
-    return found;
+  throw ParseError(loc, "redefinition of built-in symbol");
+void GlobalSymbolTable::add_function(const FunctionData* f_sym) {
+  auto key = key_hash(f_sym->name);
+  auto [it, inserted] = entries.emplace(key, f_sym);
+  if (!inserted) {
+    fire_error_redefinition_of_symbol(f_sym->loc, it->second);
-  found = G.sym_def[name_idx] = new SymDef(G.scope_level, name_idx, loc);
-  G.symbol_stack.emplace_back(G.scope_level, SymDef{0, name_idx, loc});
-#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  found->sym_name = found->name();
-  G.symbol_stack.back().second.sym_name = found->name();
-  return found;
+void GlobalSymbolTable::add_global_var(const GlobalVarData* g_sym) {
+  auto key = key_hash(g_sym->name);
+  auto [it, inserted] = entries.emplace(key, g_sym);
+  if (!inserted) {
+    fire_error_redefinition_of_symbol(g_sym->loc, it->second);
+  }
+void GlobalSymbolTable::add_global_const(const GlobalConstData* c_sym) {
+  auto key = key_hash(c_sym->name);
+  auto [it, inserted] = entries.emplace(key, c_sym);
+  if (!inserted) {
+    fire_error_redefinition_of_symbol(c_sym->loc, it->second);
+  }
+const Symbol* lookup_global_symbol(std::string_view name) {
+  return G.symtable.lookup(name);
 }  // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/symtable.h b/tolk/symtable.h
index 69e2eaa8e..3cda24edf 100644
--- a/tolk/symtable.h
+++ b/tolk/symtable.h
@@ -17,98 +17,225 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "src-file.h"
-#include "type-expr.h"
-#include <functional>
-#include <memory>
+#include "fwd-declarations.h"
+#include "constant-evaluator.h"
+#include "crypto/common/refint.h"
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <variant>
+#include <vector>
 namespace tolk {
-typedef int var_idx_t;
-typedef int sym_idx_t;
+struct Symbol {
+  std::string name;
+  SrcLocation loc;
-enum class SymValKind { _Var, _Func, _GlobVar, _Const };
+  Symbol(std::string name, SrcLocation loc)
+    : name(std::move(name))
+    , loc(loc) {
+  }
-struct SymValBase {
-  SymValKind kind;
-  int idx;
-  TypeExpr* sym_type;
+  virtual ~Symbol() = default;
+  template<class T>
+  const T* as() const {
 #ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  std::string sym_name; // seeing symbol name in debugger makes it much easier to delve into Tolk sources
+    assert(dynamic_cast<const T*>(this) != nullptr);
-  SymValBase(SymValKind kind, int idx, TypeExpr* sym_type) : kind(kind), idx(idx), sym_type(sym_type) {
+    return dynamic_cast<const T*>(this);
-  virtual ~SymValBase() = default;
-  TypeExpr* get_type() const {
-    return sym_type;
+  template<class T>
+  const T* try_as() const {
+    return dynamic_cast<const T*>(this);
+struct LocalVarData final : Symbol {
+  enum {
+    flagMutateParameter = 1,    // parameter was declared with `mutate` keyword
+    flagImmutable = 2,          // variable was declared via `val` (not `var`)
+  };
-struct Symbol {
-  std::string str;
-  sym_idx_t idx;
+  TypePtr declared_type;            // either at declaration `var x:int`, or if omitted, from assigned value `var x=2`
+  int flags;
+  int idx;
-  Symbol(std::string str, sym_idx_t idx) : str(std::move(str)), idx(idx) {}
+  LocalVarData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type, int flags, int idx)
+    : Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
+    , declared_type(declared_type)
+    , flags(flags)
+    , idx(idx) {
+  }
-  static std::string unknown_symbol_name(sym_idx_t i);
+  bool is_immutable() const { return flags & flagImmutable; }
+  bool is_mutate_parameter() const { return flags & flagMutateParameter; }
-class SymTable {
-  static constexpr int SIZE_PRIME = 100003;
+  LocalVarData* mutate() const { return const_cast<LocalVarData*>(this); }
+  void assign_idx(int idx);
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
+  void assign_inferred_type(TypePtr inferred_type);
-  sym_idx_t def_sym{0};
-  std::unique_ptr<Symbol> sym[SIZE_PRIME + 1];
-  sym_idx_t gen_lookup(std::string_view str, int mode = 0, sym_idx_t idx = 0);
+struct FunctionBodyCode;
+struct FunctionBodyAsm;
+struct FunctionBodyBuiltin;
+struct GenericsDeclaration;
+struct GenericsInstantiation;
+typedef std::variant<
+  FunctionBodyCode*,
+  FunctionBodyAsm*,
+  FunctionBodyBuiltin*
+> FunctionBody;
+struct FunctionData final : Symbol {
+  static constexpr int EMPTY_METHOD_ID = -10;
+  enum {
+    flagInline = 1,             // marked `@inline`
+    flagInlineRef = 2,          // marked `@inline_ref`
+    flagTypeInferringDone = 4,  // type inferring step of function's body (all AST nodes assigning v->inferred_type) is done
+    flagUsedAsNonCall = 8,      // used not only as `f()`, but as a 1-st class function (assigned to var, pushed to tuple, etc.)
+    flagMarkedAsPure = 16,      // declared as `pure`, can't call impure and access globals, unused invocations are optimized out
+    flagImplicitReturn = 32,    // control flow reaches end of function, so it needs implicit return at the end
+    flagGetMethod = 64,         // was declared via `get func(): T`, method_id is auto-assigned
+    flagIsEntrypoint = 128,     // it's `main` / `onExternalMessage` / etc.
+    flagHasMutateParams = 256,  // has parameters declared as `mutate`
+    flagAcceptsSelf = 512,      // is a member function (has `self` first parameter)
+    flagReturnsSelf = 1024,     // return type is `self` (returns the mutated 1st argument), calls can be chainable
+    flagReallyUsed = 2048,      // calculated via dfs from used functions; declared but unused functions are not codegenerated
+  };
+  int method_id = EMPTY_METHOD_ID;
+  int flags;
+  std::vector<LocalVarData> parameters;
+  std::vector<int> arg_order, ret_order;
+  TypePtr declared_return_type;               // may be nullptr, meaning "auto infer"
+  TypePtr inferred_return_type = nullptr;     // assigned on type inferring
+  TypePtr inferred_full_type = nullptr;       // assigned on type inferring, it's TypeDataFunCallable(params -> return)
+  const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs;
+  const GenericsInstantiation* instantiationTs;
+  FunctionBody body;
+  AnyV ast_root;                                            // V<ast_function_declaration> for user-defined (not builtin)
+  FunctionData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_return_type, std::vector<LocalVarData> parameters, int initial_flags, const GenericsDeclaration* genericTs, const GenericsInstantiation* instantiationTs, FunctionBody body, AnyV ast_root)
+    : Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
+    , flags(initial_flags)
+    , parameters(std::move(parameters))
+    , declared_return_type(declared_return_type)
+    , genericTs(genericTs)
+    , instantiationTs(instantiationTs)
+    , body(body)
+    , ast_root(ast_root) {
+  }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const;
-  static constexpr sym_idx_t not_found = 0;
-  sym_idx_t lookup(std::string_view str) {
-    return gen_lookup(str, 0);
-  }
-  sym_idx_t lookup_add(std::string_view str) {
-    return gen_lookup(str, 1);
+  const std::vector<int>* get_arg_order() const {
+    return arg_order.empty() ? nullptr : &arg_order;
-  Symbol* operator[](sym_idx_t i) const {
-    return sym[i].get();
-  }
-  std::string get_name(sym_idx_t i) const {
-    return sym[i] ? sym[i]->str : Symbol::unknown_symbol_name(i);
+  const std::vector<int>* get_ret_order() const {
+    return ret_order.empty() ? nullptr : &ret_order;
+  int get_num_params() const { return static_cast<int>(parameters.size()); }
+  const LocalVarData& get_param(int idx) const { return parameters[idx]; }
+  bool is_code_function() const { return std::holds_alternative<FunctionBodyCode*>(body); }
+  bool is_asm_function() const { return std::holds_alternative<FunctionBodyAsm*>(body); }
+  bool is_builtin_function() const { return ast_root == nullptr; }
+  bool is_generic_function() const { return genericTs != nullptr; }
+  bool is_instantiation_of_generic_function() const { return instantiationTs != nullptr; }
+  bool is_inline() const { return flags & flagInline; }
+  bool is_inline_ref() const { return flags & flagInlineRef; }
+  bool is_type_inferring_done() const { return flags & flagTypeInferringDone; }
+  bool is_used_as_noncall() const { return flags & flagUsedAsNonCall; }
+  bool is_marked_as_pure() const { return flags & flagMarkedAsPure; }
+  bool is_implicit_return() const { return flags & flagImplicitReturn; }
+  bool is_get_method() const { return flags & flagGetMethod; }
+  bool is_method_id_not_empty() const { return method_id != EMPTY_METHOD_ID; }
+  bool is_entrypoint() const { return flags & flagIsEntrypoint; }
+  bool has_mutate_params() const { return flags & flagHasMutateParams; }
+  bool does_accept_self() const { return flags & flagAcceptsSelf; }
+  bool does_return_self() const { return flags & flagReturnsSelf; }
+  bool does_mutate_self() const { return (flags & flagAcceptsSelf) && parameters[0].is_mutate_parameter(); }
+  bool is_really_used() const { return flags & flagReallyUsed; }
+  bool does_need_codegen() const;
+  FunctionData* mutate() const { return const_cast<FunctionData*>(this); }
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_return_type);
+  void assign_inferred_type(TypePtr inferred_return_type, TypePtr inferred_full_type);
+  void assign_is_used_as_noncall();
+  void assign_is_implicit_return();
+  void assign_is_type_inferring_done();
+  void assign_is_really_used();
+  void assign_arg_order(std::vector<int>&& arg_order);
-struct SymTableOverflow {
-  int sym_def;
-  explicit SymTableOverflow(int x) : sym_def(x) {
+struct GlobalVarData final : Symbol {
+  enum {
+    flagReallyUsed = 1,          // calculated via dfs from used functions; unused globals are not codegenerated
+  };
+  TypePtr declared_type; // always exists, declaring globals without type is prohibited
+  int flags = 0;
+  GlobalVarData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type)
+    : Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
+    , declared_type(declared_type) {
+  bool is_really_used() const { return flags & flagReallyUsed; }
+  GlobalVarData* mutate() const { return const_cast<GlobalVarData*>(this); }
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
+  void assign_is_really_used();
+struct GlobalConstData final : Symbol {
+  ConstantValue value;
+  TypePtr declared_type; // may be nullptr
-struct SymDef {
-  int level;
-  sym_idx_t sym_idx;
-  SymValBase* value;
-  SrcLocation loc;
-#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
-  std::string sym_name;
-  SymDef(int lvl, sym_idx_t idx, SrcLocation _loc, SymValBase* val = nullptr)
-      : level(lvl), sym_idx(idx), value(val), loc(_loc) {
+  GlobalConstData(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, TypePtr declared_type, ConstantValue&& value)
+    : Symbol(std::move(name), loc)
+    , value(std::move(value))
+    , declared_type(declared_type) {
-  std::string name() const;
+  bool is_int_const() const { return value.is_int(); }
+  bool is_slice_const() const { return value.is_slice(); }
+  td::RefInt256 as_int_const() const { return value.as_int(); }
+  const std::string& as_slice_const() const { return value.as_slice(); }
+  GlobalConstData* mutate() const { return const_cast<GlobalConstData*>(this); }
+  void assign_resolved_type(TypePtr declared_type);
+class GlobalSymbolTable {
+  std::unordered_map<uint64_t, const Symbol*> entries;
+  static uint64_t key_hash(std::string_view name_key) {
+    return std::hash<std::string_view>{}(name_key);
+  }
+  void add_function(const FunctionData* f_sym);
+  void add_global_var(const GlobalVarData* g_sym);
+  void add_global_const(const GlobalConstData* c_sym);
-void open_scope(SrcLocation loc);
-void close_scope();
-SymDef* lookup_symbol(sym_idx_t idx);
+  const Symbol* lookup(std::string_view name) const {
+    const auto it = entries.find(key_hash(name));
+    return it == entries.end() ? nullptr : it->second;
+  }
-SymDef* define_global_symbol(sym_idx_t name_idx, SrcLocation loc = {});
-SymDef* define_parameter(sym_idx_t name_idx, SrcLocation loc);
-SymDef* define_symbol(sym_idx_t name_idx, bool force_new, SrcLocation loc);
+const Symbol* lookup_global_symbol(std::string_view name);
 }  // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/tolk-version.h b/tolk/tolk-version.h
index 6e5b764ca..7eaf55a7a 100644
--- a/tolk/tolk-version.h
+++ b/tolk/tolk-version.h
@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
 namespace tolk {
-constexpr const char* TOLK_VERSION = "0.6.0";
+constexpr const char* TOLK_VERSION = "0.7.0";
 } // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/tolk.cpp b/tolk/tolk.cpp
index 9268cc62d..cc867c521 100644
--- a/tolk/tolk.cpp
+++ b/tolk/tolk.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include "compiler-state.h"
 #include "lexer.h"
 #include "ast.h"
+#include "type-system.h"
 namespace tolk {
@@ -45,19 +46,29 @@ void on_assertion_failed(const char *description, const char *file_name, int lin
 int tolk_proceed(const std::string &entrypoint_filename) {
+  type_system_init();
   // on any error, an exception is thrown, and the message is printed out below
   // (currently, only a single error can be printed)
   try {
-    AllSrcFiles all_files = pipeline_discover_and_parse_sources("@stdlib/common.tolk", entrypoint_filename);
+    pipeline_discover_and_parse_sources("@stdlib/common.tolk", entrypoint_filename);
-    pipeline_register_global_symbols(all_files);
-    pipeline_convert_ast_to_legacy_Expr_Op(all_files);
+    pipeline_register_global_symbols();
+    pipeline_resolve_identifiers_and_assign_symbols();
+    pipeline_calculate_rvalue_lvalue();
+    pipeline_detect_unreachable_statements();
+    pipeline_infer_types_and_calls_and_fields();
+    pipeline_refine_lvalue_for_mutate_arguments();
+    pipeline_check_rvalue_lvalue();
+    pipeline_check_pure_impure_operations();
+    pipeline_constant_folding();
+    pipeline_optimize_boolean_expressions();
+    pipeline_convert_ast_to_legacy_Expr_Op();
-    pipeline_generate_fif_output_to_std_cout(all_files);
+    pipeline_generate_fif_output_to_std_cout();
     return 0;
   } catch (Fatal& fatal) {
@@ -66,11 +77,6 @@ int tolk_proceed(const std::string &entrypoint_filename) {
   } catch (ParseError& error) {
     std::cerr << error << std::endl;
     return 2;
-  } catch (UnifyError& unif_err) {
-    std::cerr << "fatal: ";
-    unif_err.print_message(std::cerr);
-    std::cerr << std::endl;
-    return 2;
   } catch (UnexpectedASTNodeType& error) {
     std::cerr << "fatal: " << error.what() << std::endl;
     std::cerr << "It's a compiler bug, please report to developers" << std::endl;
diff --git a/tolk/tolk.h b/tolk/tolk.h
index 971ca35dd..5ec4d3e08 100644
--- a/tolk/tolk.h
+++ b/tolk/tolk.h
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 #include "platform-utils.h"
 #include "src-file.h"
-#include "type-expr.h"
 #include "symtable.h"
 #include "crypto/common/refint.h"
 #include "td/utils/Status.h"
+#include <functional>
 #include <vector>
 #include <string>
 #include <stack>
@@ -34,52 +34,33 @@ namespace tolk {
 void on_assertion_failed(const char *description, const char *file_name, int line_number);
- * 
- * 
- */
-struct UnifyError : std::exception {
-  TypeExpr* te1;
-  TypeExpr* te2;
-  std::string msg;
-  UnifyError(TypeExpr* _te1, TypeExpr* _te2, std::string _msg = "") : te1(_te1), te2(_te2), msg(std::move(_msg)) {
-  }
-  void print_message(std::ostream& os) const;
-  const char* what() const noexcept override {
-    return msg.c_str();
-  }
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const UnifyError& ue);
-void unify(TypeExpr*& te1, TypeExpr*& te2);
-using const_idx_t = int;
+typedef int var_idx_t;
+typedef int const_idx_t;
 struct TmpVar {
-  TypeExpr* v_type;
+  TypePtr v_type;
   var_idx_t idx;
-  sym_idx_t sym_idx;
+  const LocalVarData* v_sym;  // points to var defined in code; nullptr for implicitly created tmp vars
   int coord;
   SrcLocation where;
   std::vector<std::function<void(SrcLocation)>> on_modification;
-  TmpVar(var_idx_t _idx, TypeExpr* _type, sym_idx_t sym_idx, SrcLocation loc);
-  bool is_unnamed() const { return sym_idx == 0; }
+  TmpVar(var_idx_t _idx, TypePtr type, const LocalVarData* v_sym, SrcLocation loc)
+    : v_type(type)
+    , idx(_idx)
+    , v_sym(v_sym)
+    , coord(0)
+    , where(loc) {
+  }
   void show(std::ostream& os, int omit_idx = 0) const;
   void dump(std::ostream& os) const;
-  void set_location(SrcLocation loc);
 struct VarDescr {
@@ -171,7 +152,6 @@ struct VarDescr {
   void set_const(long long value);
   void set_const(td::RefInt256 value);
   void set_const(std::string value);
-  void set_const_nan();
   void operator+=(const VarDescr& y) {
     flags &= y.flags;
@@ -303,7 +283,8 @@ struct Op {
   enum { _Disabled = 1, _NoReturn = 4, _Impure = 24 };
   int flags;
   std::unique_ptr<Op> next;
-  SymDef* fun_ref;   // despite its name, it may actually ref global var; applicable not only to Op::_Call, but for other kinds also
+  const FunctionData* f_sym = nullptr;
+  const GlobalVarData* g_sym = nullptr;
   SrcLocation where;
   VarDescrList var_info;
   std::vector<VarDescr> args;
@@ -311,27 +292,41 @@ struct Op {
   std::unique_ptr<Op> block0, block1;
   td::RefInt256 int_const;
   std::string str_const;
-  Op(SrcLocation _where = {}, OpKind _cl = _Undef) : cl(_cl), flags(0), fun_ref(nullptr), where(_where) {
+  Op(SrcLocation _where = {}, OpKind _cl = _Undef) : cl(_cl), flags(0), f_sym(nullptr), where(_where) {
   Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& _left)
-      : cl(_cl), flags(0), fun_ref(nullptr), where(_where), left(_left) {
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), f_sym(nullptr), where(_where), left(_left) {
   Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, std::vector<var_idx_t>&& _left)
-      : cl(_cl), flags(0), fun_ref(nullptr), where(_where), left(std::move(_left)) {
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), f_sym(nullptr), where(_where), left(std::move(_left)) {
   Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& _left, td::RefInt256 _const)
-      : cl(_cl), flags(0), fun_ref(nullptr), where(_where), left(_left), int_const(_const) {
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), f_sym(nullptr), where(_where), left(_left), int_const(_const) {
   Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& _left, std::string _const)
-      : cl(_cl), flags(0), fun_ref(nullptr), where(_where), left(_left), str_const(_const) {
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), f_sym(nullptr), where(_where), left(_left), str_const(_const) {
+  }
+  Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& _left, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& _right)
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), f_sym(nullptr), where(_where), left(_left), right(_right) {
+  }
+  Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, std::vector<var_idx_t>&& _left, std::vector<var_idx_t>&& _right)
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), f_sym(nullptr), where(_where), left(std::move(_left)), right(std::move(_right)) {
   Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& _left, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& _right,
-     SymDef* _fun = nullptr)
-      : cl(_cl), flags(0), fun_ref(_fun), where(_where), left(_left), right(_right) {
+     const FunctionData* _fun)
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), f_sym(_fun), where(_where), left(_left), right(_right) {
   Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, std::vector<var_idx_t>&& _left, std::vector<var_idx_t>&& _right,
-     SymDef* _fun = nullptr)
-      : cl(_cl), flags(0), fun_ref(_fun), where(_where), left(std::move(_left)), right(std::move(_right)) {
+     const FunctionData* _fun)
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), f_sym(_fun), where(_where), left(std::move(_left)), right(std::move(_right)) {
+  }
+  Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& _left, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& _right,
+     const GlobalVarData* _gvar)
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), g_sym(_gvar), where(_where), left(_left), right(_right) {
+  }
+  Op(SrcLocation _where, OpKind _cl, std::vector<var_idx_t>&& _left, std::vector<var_idx_t>&& _right,
+     const GlobalVarData* _gvar)
+      : cl(_cl), flags(0), g_sym(_gvar), where(_where), left(std::move(_left)), right(std::move(_right)) {
   bool disabled() const { return flags & _Disabled; }
@@ -343,8 +338,7 @@ struct Op {
   bool set_noreturn(bool flag);
   bool impure() const { return flags & _Impure; }
-  void set_impure(const CodeBlob &code);
-  void set_impure(const CodeBlob &code, bool flag);
+  void set_impure_flag();
   void show(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<TmpVar>& vars, std::string pfx = "", int mode = 0) const;
   void show_var_list(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<var_idx_t>& idx_list, const std::vector<TmpVar>& vars) const;
@@ -391,247 +385,16 @@ inline ListIterator<const Op> end(const Op* op_list) {
   return ListIterator<const Op>{};
-typedef std::tuple<TypeExpr*, SymDef*, SrcLocation> FormalArg;
+typedef std::tuple<TypePtr, const LocalVarData*, SrcLocation> FormalArg;
 typedef std::vector<FormalArg> FormalArgList;
 struct AsmOpList;
- *
- * 
- */
-struct SymValVariable : SymValBase {
-  enum SymValFlag {
-    flagMutateParameter = 1,    // parameter was declared with `mutate` keyword
-    flagImmutable = 2,          // variable was declared via `val` (not `var`)
-  };
-  int flags{0};
-  ~SymValVariable() override = default;
-  SymValVariable(int val, TypeExpr* sym_type)
-      : SymValBase(SymValKind::_Var, val, sym_type) {}
-  bool is_function_parameter() const {
-    return idx >= 0;
-  }
-  bool is_mutate_parameter() const {
-    return flags & flagMutateParameter;
-  }
-  bool is_local_var() const {
-    return idx == -1;
-  }
-  bool is_immutable() const {
-    return flags & flagImmutable;
-  }
-struct SymValFunc : SymValBase {
-  enum SymValFlag {
-    flagInline = 1,             // marked `@inline`
-    flagInlineRef = 2,          // marked `@inline_ref`
-    flagUsedAsNonCall = 8,      // used not only as `f()`, but as a 1-st class function (assigned to var, pushed to tuple, etc.)
-    flagMarkedAsPure = 16,      // declared as `pure`, can't call impure and access globals, unused invocations are optimized out
-    flagBuiltinFunction = 32,   // was created via `define_builtin_func()`, not from source code
-    flagGetMethod = 64,         // was declared via `get func(): T`, method_id is auto-assigned
-    flagIsEntrypoint = 128,     // it's `main` / `onExternalMessage` / etc.
-    flagHasMutateParams = 256,  // has parameters declared as `mutate`
-    flagAcceptsSelf = 512,      // is a member function (has `self` first parameter)
-    flagReturnsSelf = 1024,     // return type is `self` (returns the mutated 1st argument), calls can be chainable
-  };
-  td::RefInt256 method_id;  // todo why int256? it's small
-  int flags{0};
-  std::vector<SymDef*> parameters;  // [i]-th may be nullptr for underscore; if not, its val is SymValVariable
-  std::vector<int> arg_order, ret_order;
-  ~SymValFunc() override = default;
-  SymValFunc(std::vector<SymDef*> parameters, int val, TypeExpr* sym_type, int flags)
-      : SymValBase(SymValKind::_Func, val, sym_type), flags(flags), parameters(std::move(parameters)) {
-  }
-  SymValFunc(std::vector<SymDef*> parameters, int val, TypeExpr* sym_type, int flags, std::initializer_list<int> arg_order, std::initializer_list<int> ret_order)
-      : SymValBase(SymValKind::_Func, val, sym_type), flags(flags), parameters(std::move(parameters)), arg_order(arg_order), ret_order(ret_order) {
-  }
-  const std::vector<int>* get_arg_order() const {
-    return arg_order.empty() ? nullptr : &arg_order;
-  }
-  const std::vector<int>* get_ret_order() const {
-    return ret_order.empty() ? nullptr : &ret_order;
-  }
-  bool is_inline() const {
-    return flags & flagInline;
-  }
-  bool is_inline_ref() const {
-    return flags & flagInlineRef;
-  }
-  bool is_marked_as_pure() const {
-    return flags & flagMarkedAsPure;
-  }
-  bool is_builtin() const {
-    return flags & flagBuiltinFunction;
-  }
-  bool is_get_method() const {
-    return flags & flagGetMethod;
-  }
-  bool is_entrypoint() const {
-    return flags & flagIsEntrypoint;
-  }
-  bool has_mutate_params() const {
-    return flags & flagHasMutateParams;
-  }
-  bool does_accept_self() const {
-    return flags & flagAcceptsSelf;
-  }
-  bool does_return_self() const {
-    return flags & flagReturnsSelf;
-  }
-struct SymValCodeFunc : SymValFunc {
-  CodeBlob* code;
-  bool is_really_used{false};   // calculated via dfs; unused functions are not codegenerated
-  ~SymValCodeFunc() override = default;
-  SymValCodeFunc(std::vector<SymDef*> parameters, int val, TypeExpr* _ft)
-    : SymValFunc(std::move(parameters), val, _ft, 0), code(nullptr) {
-  }
-  bool does_need_codegen() const;
+struct FunctionBodyCode {
+  CodeBlob* code = nullptr;
   void set_code(CodeBlob* code);
-struct SymValGlobVar : SymValBase {
-  bool is_really_used{false};   // calculated via dfs from used functions; unused globals are not codegenerated
-  SymValGlobVar(int val, TypeExpr* gvtype)
-      : SymValBase(SymValKind::_GlobVar, val, gvtype) {
-  }
-  ~SymValGlobVar() override = default;
-struct SymValConst : SymValBase {
-  enum ConstKind { IntConst, SliceConst };
-  td::RefInt256 intval;
-  std::string strval;
-  ConstKind kind;
-  SymValConst(int idx, td::RefInt256 value)
-      : SymValBase(SymValKind::_Const, idx, TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Int)), intval(std::move(value)), kind(IntConst) {
-  }
-  SymValConst(int idx, std::string value)
-      : SymValBase(SymValKind::_Const, idx, TypeExpr::new_atomic(TypeExpr::_Slice)), strval(std::move(value)), kind(SliceConst) {
-  }
-  ~SymValConst() override = default;
-  td::RefInt256 get_int_value() const {
-    return intval;
-  }
-  std::string get_str_value() const {
-    return strval;
-  }
-  ConstKind get_kind() const {
-    return kind;
-  }
- * 
- * 
- */
-struct Expr {
-  enum ExprCls {
-    _Apply,
-    _VarApply,
-    _GrabMutatedVars,
-    _ReturnSelf,
-    _MkTuple,
-    _Tensor,
-    _Const,
-    _Var,
-    _GlobFunc,
-    _GlobVar,
-    _Letop,
-    _Hole,
-    _CondExpr,
-    _SliceConst,
-  };
-  ExprCls cls;
-  int val{0};
-  enum { _IsRvalue = 2, _IsLvalue = 4, _IsImmutable = 8, _IsImpure = 32 };
-  int flags{0};
-  SrcLocation here;
-  td::RefInt256 intval;
-  std::string strval;
-  SymDef* sym{nullptr};
-  TypeExpr* e_type{nullptr};
-  std::vector<Expr*> args;
-  Expr(ExprCls c, SrcLocation loc) : cls(c), here(loc) {
-  }
-  Expr(ExprCls c, std::vector<Expr*> _args) : cls(c), args(std::move(_args)) {
-  }
-  Expr(ExprCls c, std::initializer_list<Expr*> _arglist) : cls(c), args(std::move(_arglist)) {
-  }
-  Expr(ExprCls c, SymDef* _sym, std::initializer_list<Expr*> _arglist) : cls(c), sym(_sym), args(std::move(_arglist)) {
-  }
-  Expr(ExprCls c, SymDef* _sym, std::vector<Expr*> _arglist) : cls(c), sym(_sym), args(std::move(_arglist)) {
-  }
-  Expr(ExprCls c, sym_idx_t name_idx, std::initializer_list<Expr*> _arglist);
-  ~Expr() {
-    for (auto& arg_ptr : args) {
-      delete arg_ptr;
-    }
-  }
-  Expr* copy() const;
-  void pb_arg(Expr* expr) {
-    args.push_back(expr);
-  }
-  void set_val(int _val) {
-    val = _val;
-  }
-  bool is_rvalue() const {
-    return flags & _IsRvalue;
-  }
-  bool is_lvalue() const {
-    return flags & _IsLvalue;
-  }
-  bool is_immutable() const {
-    return flags & _IsImmutable;
-  }
-  bool is_mktuple() const {
-    return cls == _MkTuple;
-  }
-  void chk_rvalue() const {
-    if (!is_rvalue()) {
-      fire_error_rvalue_expected();
-    }
-  }
-  void deduce_type();
-  void set_location(SrcLocation loc) {
-    here = loc;
-  }
-  SrcLocation get_location() const {
-    return here;
-  }
-  void define_new_vars(CodeBlob& code);
-  void predefine_vars();
-  std::vector<var_idx_t> pre_compile(CodeBlob& code, std::vector<std::pair<SymDef*, var_idx_t>>* lval_globs = nullptr) const;
-  var_idx_t new_tmp(CodeBlob& code) const;
-  std::vector<var_idx_t> new_tmp_vect(CodeBlob& code) const {
-    return {new_tmp(code)};
-  }
-  void fire_error_rvalue_expected() const;
-  void fire_error_lvalue_expected(const std::string& details) const;
-  void fire_error_modifying_immutable(const std::string& details) const;
@@ -651,7 +414,6 @@ struct AsmOp {
   int a, b;
   bool gconst{false};
   std::string op;
-  td::RefInt256 origin;
   struct SReg {
     int idx;
     SReg(int _idx) : idx(_idx) {
@@ -671,9 +433,6 @@ struct AsmOp {
   AsmOp(Type _t, int _a, int _b, std::string _op) : t(_t), a(_a), b(_b), op(std::move(_op)) {
-  AsmOp(Type _t, int _a, int _b, std::string _op, td::RefInt256 x) : t(_t), a(_a), b(_b), op(std::move(_op)), origin(x) {
-    compute_gconst();
-  }
   void out(std::ostream& os) const;
   void out_indent_nl(std::ostream& os, bool no_nl = false) const;
   std::string to_string() const;
@@ -786,20 +545,20 @@ struct AsmOp {
   static AsmOp BlkReverse(int a, int b);
   static AsmOp make_stk2(int a, int b, const char* str, int delta);
   static AsmOp make_stk3(int a, int b, int c, const char* str, int delta);
-  static AsmOp IntConst(td::RefInt256 value);
+  static AsmOp IntConst(const td::RefInt256& x);
   static AsmOp BoolConst(bool f);
-  static AsmOp Const(std::string push_op, td::RefInt256 origin = {}) {
-    return AsmOp(a_const, 0, 1, std::move(push_op), origin);
+  static AsmOp Const(std::string push_op) {
+    return AsmOp(a_const, 0, 1, std::move(push_op));
-  static AsmOp Const(int arg, std::string push_op, td::RefInt256 origin = {});
-  static AsmOp Comment(std::string comment) {
+  static AsmOp Const(int arg, const std::string& push_op);
+  static AsmOp Comment(const std::string& comment) {
     return AsmOp(a_none, std::string{"// "} + comment);
-  static AsmOp Custom(std::string custom_op) {
+  static AsmOp Custom(const std::string& custom_op) {
     return AsmOp(a_custom, 255, 255, custom_op);
-  static AsmOp Parse(std::string custom_op);
-  static AsmOp Custom(std::string custom_op, int args, int retv = 1) {
+  static AsmOp Parse(const std::string& custom_op);
+  static AsmOp Custom(const std::string& custom_op, int args, int retv = 1) {
     return AsmOp(a_custom, args, retv, custom_op);
   static AsmOp Parse(std::string custom_op, int args, int retv = 1);
@@ -813,6 +572,7 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsmOp& op) {
 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, AsmOp::SReg stack_reg);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, TypePtr type_data);
 struct AsmOpList {
   std::vector<AsmOp> list_;
@@ -887,18 +647,6 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsmOpList& op_list) {
   return os;
-class IndentGuard {
-  AsmOpList& aol_;
- public:
-  IndentGuard(AsmOpList& aol) : aol_(aol) {
-    aol.indent();
-  }
-  ~IndentGuard() {
-    aol_.undent();
-  }
 struct AsmOpCons {
   std::unique_ptr<AsmOp> car;
   std::unique_ptr<AsmOpCons> cdr;
@@ -1321,71 +1069,56 @@ struct Stack {
 typedef std::function<AsmOp(std::vector<VarDescr>&, std::vector<VarDescr>&, SrcLocation)> simple_compile_func_t;
-typedef std::function<bool(AsmOpList&, std::vector<VarDescr>&, std::vector<VarDescr>&)> compile_func_t;
 inline simple_compile_func_t make_simple_compile(AsmOp op) {
   return [op](std::vector<VarDescr>& out, std::vector<VarDescr>& in, SrcLocation) -> AsmOp { return op; };
-inline compile_func_t make_ext_compile(std::vector<AsmOp>&& ops) {
-  return [ops = std::move(ops)](AsmOpList& dest, std::vector<VarDescr>& out, std::vector<VarDescr>& in)->bool {
-    return dest.append(ops);
-  };
+struct FunctionBodyBuiltin {
+  simple_compile_func_t simple_compile;
-inline compile_func_t make_ext_compile(AsmOp op) {
-  return
-      [op](AsmOpList& dest, std::vector<VarDescr>& out, std::vector<VarDescr>& in) -> bool { return dest.append(op); };
+  explicit FunctionBodyBuiltin(simple_compile_func_t compile)
+    : simple_compile(std::move(compile)) {}
-struct SymValAsmFunc : SymValFunc {
-  simple_compile_func_t simple_compile;
-  compile_func_t ext_compile;
-  ~SymValAsmFunc() override = default;
-  SymValAsmFunc(std::vector<SymDef*> parameters, TypeExpr* ft, std::vector<int>&& arg_order, std::vector<int>&& ret_order, int flags)
-      : SymValFunc(std::move(parameters), -1, ft, flags) {
-    this->arg_order = std::move(arg_order);
-    this->ret_order = std::move(ret_order);
-  }
-  SymValAsmFunc(std::vector<SymDef*> parameters, TypeExpr* ft, simple_compile_func_t _compile, int flags)
-      : SymValFunc(std::move(parameters), -1, ft, flags), simple_compile(std::move(_compile)) {
-  }
-  SymValAsmFunc(std::vector<SymDef*> parameters, TypeExpr* ft, simple_compile_func_t _compile, int flags,
-                std::initializer_list<int> arg_order, std::initializer_list<int> ret_order)
-      : SymValFunc(std::move(parameters), -1, ft, flags, arg_order, ret_order), simple_compile(std::move(_compile)) {
-  }
-  void set_code(std::vector<AsmOp> code);
-  bool compile(AsmOpList& dest, std::vector<VarDescr>& out, std::vector<VarDescr>& in, SrcLocation where) const;
+  void compile(AsmOpList& dest, std::vector<VarDescr>& out, std::vector<VarDescr>& in, SrcLocation where) const;
+struct FunctionBodyAsm {
+  std::vector<AsmOp> ops;
+  void set_code(std::vector<AsmOp>&& code);
+  void compile(AsmOpList& dest) const;
 struct CodeBlob {
-  enum { _ForbidImpure = 4 };
   int var_cnt, in_var_cnt;
-  TypeExpr* ret_type;
-  const SymValCodeFunc* func_val;
+  const FunctionData* fun_ref;
   std::string name;
   SrcLocation loc;
   std::vector<TmpVar> vars;
   std::unique_ptr<Op> ops;
   std::unique_ptr<Op>* cur_ops;
-  std::vector<Op*> debug_ttt;
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+  std::vector<Op*> _vector_of_ops;  // to see it in debugger instead of nested pointers
   std::stack<std::unique_ptr<Op>*> cur_ops_stack;
-  int flags = 0;
   bool require_callxargs = false;
-  CodeBlob(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, const SymValCodeFunc* func_val, TypeExpr* ret_type)
-    : var_cnt(0), in_var_cnt(0), ret_type(ret_type), func_val(func_val), name(std::move(name)), loc(loc), cur_ops(&ops) {
+  CodeBlob(std::string name, SrcLocation loc, const FunctionData* fun_ref)
+    : var_cnt(0), in_var_cnt(0), fun_ref(fun_ref), name(std::move(name)), loc(loc), cur_ops(&ops) {
   template <typename... Args>
   Op& emplace_back(Args&&... args) {
     Op& res = *(*cur_ops = std::make_unique<Op>(args...));
     cur_ops = &(res.next);
-    debug_ttt.push_back(&res);
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+    _vector_of_ops.push_back(&res);
     return res;
-  bool import_params(FormalArgList arg_list);
-  var_idx_t create_var(TypeExpr* var_type, var_idx_t sym_idx, SrcLocation loc);
-  var_idx_t create_tmp_var(TypeExpr* var_type, SrcLocation loc) {
-    return create_var(var_type, 0, loc);
+  bool import_params(FormalArgList&& arg_list);
+  var_idx_t create_var(TypePtr var_type, const LocalVarData* v_sym, SrcLocation loc);
+  var_idx_t create_tmp_var(TypePtr var_type, SrcLocation loc) {
+    return create_var(var_type, nullptr, loc);
   int split_vars(bool strict = false);
   bool compute_used_code_vars();
@@ -1406,16 +1139,17 @@ struct CodeBlob {
-  void simplify_var_types();
   void prune_unreachable_code();
   void fwd_analyze();
   void mark_noreturn();
   void generate_code(AsmOpList& out_list, int mode = 0);
   void generate_code(std::ostream& os, int mode = 0, int indent = 0);
-  void on_var_modification(var_idx_t idx, SrcLocation here) const {
-    for (auto& f : vars.at(idx).on_modification) {
-      f(here);
+  void on_var_modification(const std::vector<var_idx_t>& left_lval_indices, SrcLocation here) const {
+    for (var_idx_t ir_idx : left_lval_indices) {
+      for (auto& f : vars.at(ir_idx).on_modification) {
+        f(here);
+      }
diff --git a/tolk/type-expr.h b/tolk/type-expr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 21a35a8e3..000000000
--- a/tolk/type-expr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace tolk {
-struct TypeExpr {
-  enum Kind { te_Unknown, te_Var, te_Indirect, te_Atomic, te_Tensor, te_Tuple, te_Map, te_ForAll };
-  enum AtomicType { _Int, _Cell, _Slice, _Builder, _Continutaion, _Tuple };
-  Kind constr;
-  int value;
-  int minw, maxw;
-  static constexpr int w_inf = 1023;
-  std::vector<TypeExpr*> args;
-  bool was_forall_var = false;
-  explicit TypeExpr(Kind _constr, int _val = 0) : constr(_constr), value(_val), minw(0), maxw(w_inf) {
-  }
-  TypeExpr(Kind _constr, int _val, int width) : constr(_constr), value(_val), minw(width), maxw(width) {
-  }
-  TypeExpr(Kind _constr, std::vector<TypeExpr*> list)
-      : constr(_constr), value((int)list.size()), args(std::move(list)) {
-    compute_width();
-  }
-  TypeExpr(Kind _constr, std::initializer_list<TypeExpr*> list)
-      : constr(_constr), value((int)list.size()), args(std::move(list)) {
-    compute_width();
-  }
-  TypeExpr(Kind _constr, TypeExpr* elem0) : constr(_constr), value(1), args{elem0} {
-    compute_width();
-  }
-  TypeExpr(Kind _constr, TypeExpr* elem0, std::vector<TypeExpr*> list)
-      : constr(_constr), value((int)list.size() + 1), args{elem0} {
-    args.insert(args.end(), list.begin(), list.end());
-    compute_width();
-  }
-  TypeExpr(Kind _constr, TypeExpr* elem0, std::initializer_list<TypeExpr*> list)
-      : constr(_constr), value((int)list.size() + 1), args{elem0} {
-    args.insert(args.end(), list.begin(), list.end());
-    compute_width();
-  }
-  bool is_atomic() const {
-    return constr == te_Atomic;
-  }
-  bool is_atomic(int v) const {
-    return constr == te_Atomic && value == v;
-  }
-  bool is_int() const {
-    return is_atomic(_Int);
-  }
-  bool is_var() const {
-    return constr == te_Var;
-  }
-  bool is_map() const {
-    return constr == te_Map;
-  }
-  bool is_tuple() const {
-    return constr == te_Tuple;
-  }
-  bool has_fixed_width() const {
-    return minw == maxw;
-  }
-  int get_width() const {
-    return has_fixed_width() ? minw : -1;
-  }
-  void compute_width();
-  bool recompute_width();
-  void show_width(std::ostream& os);
-  std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os, int prio = 0) const;
-  void replace_with(TypeExpr* te2);
-  int extract_components(std::vector<TypeExpr*>& comp_list);
-  bool equals_to(const TypeExpr* rhs) const;
-  bool has_unknown_inside() const;
-  static int holes, type_vars;
-  static TypeExpr* new_hole() {
-    return new TypeExpr{te_Unknown, ++holes};
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_hole(int width) {
-    return new TypeExpr{te_Unknown, ++holes, width};
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_unit() {
-    return new TypeExpr{te_Tensor, 0, 0};
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_atomic(int value) {
-    return new TypeExpr{te_Atomic, value, 1};
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_map(TypeExpr* from, TypeExpr* to);
-  static TypeExpr* new_func() {
-    return new_map(new_hole(), new_hole());
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_tensor(std::vector<TypeExpr*> list, bool red = true) {
-    return red && list.size() == 1 ? list[0] : new TypeExpr{te_Tensor, std::move(list)};
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_tensor(std::initializer_list<TypeExpr*> list) {
-    return new TypeExpr{te_Tensor, std::move(list)};
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_tensor(TypeExpr* te1, TypeExpr* te2) {
-    return new_tensor({te1, te2});
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_tensor(TypeExpr* te1, TypeExpr* te2, TypeExpr* te3) {
-    return new_tensor({te1, te2, te3});
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_tuple(TypeExpr* arg0) {
-    return new TypeExpr{te_Tuple, arg0};
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_tuple(std::vector<TypeExpr*> list, bool red = false) {
-    return new_tuple(new_tensor(std::move(list), red));
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_tuple(std::initializer_list<TypeExpr*> list) {
-    return new_tuple(new_tensor(list));
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_var() {
-    return new TypeExpr{te_Var, --type_vars, 1};
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_var(int idx) {
-    return new TypeExpr{te_Var, idx, 1};
-  }
-  static TypeExpr* new_forall(std::vector<TypeExpr*> list, TypeExpr* body) {
-    return new TypeExpr{te_ForAll, body, std::move(list)};
-  }
-  static bool remove_indirect(TypeExpr*& te, TypeExpr* forbidden = nullptr);
-  static std::vector<TypeExpr*> remove_forall(TypeExpr*& te);
-  static bool remove_forall_in(TypeExpr*& te, TypeExpr* te2, const std::vector<TypeExpr*>& new_vars);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, TypeExpr* type_expr);
-} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/type-system.cpp b/tolk/type-system.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b21bd0eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/type-system.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "type-system.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include "platform-utils.h"
+#include "compiler-state.h"
+#include <unordered_map>
+namespace tolk {
+ * This class stores a big hashtable [hash => TypeData]
+ * Every non-trivial TypeData*::create() method at first looks here, and allocates an object only if not found.
+ * That's why all allocated TypeData objects are unique, storing unique type_id.
+ */
+class TypeDataTypeIdCalculation {
+  uint64_t cur_hash;
+  int children_flags_mask = 0;
+  static std::unordered_map<uint64_t, TypePtr> all_unique_occurred_types;
+  explicit TypeDataTypeIdCalculation(uint64_t initial_arbitrary_unique_number)
+    : cur_hash(initial_arbitrary_unique_number) {}
+  void feed_hash(uint64_t val) {
+    cur_hash = cur_hash * 56235515617499ULL + val;
+  }
+  void feed_string(const std::string& s) {
+    feed_hash(std::hash<std::string>{}(s));
+  }
+  void feed_child(TypePtr inner) {
+    feed_hash(inner->type_id);
+    children_flags_mask |= inner->flags;
+  }
+  uint64_t type_id() const {
+    return cur_hash;
+  }
+  int children_flags() const {
+    return children_flags_mask;
+  }
+  TypePtr get_existing() const {
+    auto it = all_unique_occurred_types.find(cur_hash);
+    return it != all_unique_occurred_types.end() ? it->second : nullptr;
+  }
+  TypePtr register_unique(TypePtr newly_created) const {
+#ifdef TOLK_DEBUG
+    assert(newly_created->type_id == cur_hash);
+    all_unique_occurred_types[cur_hash] = newly_created;
+    return newly_created;
+  }
+std::unordered_map<uint64_t, TypePtr> TypeDataTypeIdCalculation::all_unique_occurred_types;
+TypePtr TypeDataInt::singleton;
+TypePtr TypeDataBool::singleton;
+TypePtr TypeDataCell::singleton;
+TypePtr TypeDataSlice::singleton;
+TypePtr TypeDataBuilder::singleton;
+TypePtr TypeDataTuple::singleton;
+TypePtr TypeDataContinuation::singleton;
+TypePtr TypeDataNullLiteral::singleton;
+TypePtr TypeDataUnknown::singleton;
+TypePtr TypeDataVoid::singleton;
+void type_system_init() {
+  TypeDataInt::singleton = new TypeDataInt;
+  TypeDataBool::singleton = new TypeDataBool;
+  TypeDataCell::singleton = new TypeDataCell;
+  TypeDataSlice::singleton = new TypeDataSlice;
+  TypeDataBuilder::singleton = new TypeDataBuilder;
+  TypeDataTuple::singleton = new TypeDataTuple;
+  TypeDataContinuation::singleton = new TypeDataContinuation;
+  TypeDataNullLiteral::singleton = new TypeDataNullLiteral;
+  TypeDataUnknown::singleton = new TypeDataUnknown;
+  TypeDataVoid::singleton = new TypeDataVoid;
+// --------------------------------------------
+//    create()
+// all constructors of TypeData classes are private, only TypeData*::create() is allowed
+// each non-trivial create() method calculates hash (type_id)
+// and creates an object only if it isn't found in a global hashtable
+TypePtr TypeDataFunCallable::create(std::vector<TypePtr>&& params_types, TypePtr return_type) {
+  TypeDataTypeIdCalculation hash(3184039965511020991ULL);
+  for (TypePtr param : params_types) {
+    hash.feed_child(param);
+    hash.feed_hash(767721);
+  }
+  hash.feed_child(return_type);
+  hash.feed_hash(767722);
+  if (TypePtr existing = hash.get_existing()) {
+    return existing;
+  }
+  return hash.register_unique(new TypeDataFunCallable(hash.type_id(), hash.children_flags(), std::move(params_types), return_type));
+TypePtr TypeDataGenericT::create(std::string&& nameT) {
+  TypeDataTypeIdCalculation hash(9145033724911680012ULL);
+  hash.feed_string(nameT);
+  if (TypePtr existing = hash.get_existing()) {
+    return existing;
+  }
+  return hash.register_unique(new TypeDataGenericT(hash.type_id(), std::move(nameT)));
+TypePtr TypeDataTensor::create(std::vector<TypePtr>&& items) {
+  TypeDataTypeIdCalculation hash(3159238551239480381ULL);
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    hash.feed_child(item);
+    hash.feed_hash(819613);
+  }
+  if (TypePtr existing = hash.get_existing()) {
+    return existing;
+  }
+  return hash.register_unique(new TypeDataTensor(hash.type_id(), hash.children_flags(), std::move(items)));
+TypePtr TypeDataTypedTuple::create(std::vector<TypePtr>&& items) {
+  TypeDataTypeIdCalculation hash(9189266157349499320ULL);
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    hash.feed_child(item);
+    hash.feed_hash(735911);
+  }
+  if (TypePtr existing = hash.get_existing()) {
+    return existing;
+  }
+  return hash.register_unique(new TypeDataTypedTuple(hash.type_id(), hash.children_flags(), std::move(items)));
+TypePtr TypeDataUnresolved::create(std::string&& text, SrcLocation loc) {
+  TypeDataTypeIdCalculation hash(3680147223540048162ULL);
+  hash.feed_string(text);
+  // hash.feed_hash(*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(&loc));
+  if (TypePtr existing = hash.get_existing()) {
+    return existing;
+  }
+  return hash.register_unique(new TypeDataUnresolved(hash.type_id(), std::move(text), loc));
+// --------------------------------------------
+//    as_human_readable()
+// is used only for error messages and debugging, therefore no optimizations for simplicity
+// only non-trivial implementations are here; trivial are defined in .h file
+std::string TypeDataFunCallable::as_human_readable() const {
+  std::string result = "(";
+  for (TypePtr param : params_types) {
+    if (result.size() > 1) {
+      result += ", ";
+    }
+    result += param->as_human_readable();
+  }
+  result += ") -> ";
+  result += return_type->as_human_readable();
+  return result;
+std::string TypeDataTensor::as_human_readable() const {
+  std::string result = "(";
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    if (result.size() > 1) {
+      result += ", ";
+    }
+    result += item->as_human_readable();
+  }
+  result += ')';
+  return result;
+std::string TypeDataTypedTuple::as_human_readable() const {
+  std::string result = "[";
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    if (result.size() > 1) {
+      result += ", ";
+    }
+    result += item->as_human_readable();
+  }
+  result += ']';
+  return result;
+// --------------------------------------------
+//    traverse()
+// invokes a callback for TypeData itself and all its children
+// only non-trivial implementations are here; by default (no children), `callback(this)` is executed
+void TypeDataFunCallable::traverse(const TraverserCallbackT& callback) const {
+  callback(this);
+  for (TypePtr param : params_types) {
+    param->traverse(callback);
+  }
+  return_type->traverse(callback);
+void TypeDataTensor::traverse(const TraverserCallbackT& callback) const {
+  callback(this);
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    item->traverse(callback);
+  }
+void TypeDataTypedTuple::traverse(const TraverserCallbackT& callback) const {
+  callback(this);
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    item->traverse(callback);
+  }
+// --------------------------------------------
+//    replace_children_custom()
+// returns new TypeData with children replaced by a custom callback
+// used to replace generic T on generics expansion — to convert `f<T>` to `f<int>`
+// only non-trivial implementations are here; by default (no children), `return callback(this)` is executed
+TypePtr TypeDataFunCallable::replace_children_custom(const ReplacerCallbackT& callback) const {
+  std::vector<TypePtr> mapped;
+  mapped.reserve(params_types.size());
+  for (TypePtr param : params_types) {
+    mapped.push_back(param->replace_children_custom(callback));
+  }
+  return callback(create(std::move(mapped), return_type->replace_children_custom(callback)));
+TypePtr TypeDataTensor::replace_children_custom(const ReplacerCallbackT& callback) const {
+  std::vector<TypePtr> mapped;
+  mapped.reserve(items.size());
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    mapped.push_back(item->replace_children_custom(callback));
+  }
+  return callback(create(std::move(mapped)));
+TypePtr TypeDataTypedTuple::replace_children_custom(const ReplacerCallbackT& callback) const {
+  std::vector<TypePtr> mapped;
+  mapped.reserve(items.size());
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    mapped.push_back(item->replace_children_custom(callback));
+  }
+  return callback(create(std::move(mapped)));
+// --------------------------------------------
+//    calc_width_on_stack()
+// returns the number of stack slots occupied by a variable of this type
+// only non-trivial implementations are here; by default (most types) occupy 1 stack slot
+int TypeDataGenericT::calc_width_on_stack() const {
+  // this function is invoked only in functions with generics already instantiated
+  assert(false);
+  return -999999;
+int TypeDataTensor::calc_width_on_stack() const {
+  int sum = 0;
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    sum += item->calc_width_on_stack();
+  }
+  return sum;
+int TypeDataUnresolved::calc_width_on_stack() const {
+  // since early pipeline stages, no unresolved types left
+  assert(false);
+  return -999999;
+int TypeDataVoid::calc_width_on_stack() const {
+  return 0;
+// --------------------------------------------
+//    can_rhs_be_assigned()
+// on `var lhs: <lhs_type> = rhs`, having inferred rhs_type, check that it can be assigned without any casts
+// the same goes for passing arguments, returning values, etc. — where the "receiver" (lhs) checks "applier" (rhs)
+// for now, `null` can be assigned to any TVM primitive, be later we'll have T? types and null safety
+bool TypeDataInt::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  if (rhs == this) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (rhs == TypeDataNullLiteral::create()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataBool::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  if (rhs == this) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (rhs == TypeDataNullLiteral::create()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataCell::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  if (rhs == this) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (rhs == TypeDataNullLiteral::create()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataSlice::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  if (rhs == this) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (rhs == TypeDataNullLiteral::create()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataBuilder::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  if (rhs == this) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (rhs == TypeDataNullLiteral::create()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataTuple::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  if (rhs == this) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (rhs == TypeDataNullLiteral::create()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataContinuation::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  if (rhs == this) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (rhs == TypeDataNullLiteral::create()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataNullLiteral::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  return rhs == this;
+bool TypeDataFunCallable::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  return rhs == this;
+bool TypeDataGenericT::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  assert(false);
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataTensor::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  if (const auto* as_tensor = rhs->try_as<TypeDataTensor>(); as_tensor && as_tensor->size() == size()) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+      if (!items[i]->can_rhs_be_assigned(as_tensor->items[i])) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  // note, that tensors can not accept null
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataTypedTuple::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  if (const auto* as_tuple = rhs->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>(); as_tuple && as_tuple->size() == size()) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+      if (!items[i]->can_rhs_be_assigned(as_tuple->items[i])) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (rhs == TypeDataNullLiteral::create()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataUnknown::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  return true;
+bool TypeDataUnresolved::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  assert(false);
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataVoid::can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const {
+  return rhs == this;
+// --------------------------------------------
+//    can_be_casted_with_as_operator()
+// on `expr as <cast_to>`, check whether casting is applicable
+// note, that it's not auto-casts `var lhs: <lhs_type> = rhs`, it's an expression `rhs as <cast_to>`
+bool TypeDataInt::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return cast_to == this;
+bool TypeDataBool::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return cast_to == this || cast_to == TypeDataInt::create();
+bool TypeDataCell::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return cast_to == this;
+bool TypeDataSlice::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return cast_to == this;
+bool TypeDataBuilder::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return cast_to == this;
+bool TypeDataTuple::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return cast_to == this;
+bool TypeDataContinuation::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return cast_to == this;
+bool TypeDataNullLiteral::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return cast_to == this
+      || cast_to == TypeDataInt::create() || cast_to == TypeDataBool::create() || cast_to == TypeDataCell::create() || cast_to == TypeDataSlice::create()
+      || cast_to == TypeDataBuilder::create() || cast_to == TypeDataContinuation::create() || cast_to == TypeDataTuple::create()
+      || cast_to->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>();
+bool TypeDataFunCallable::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return this == cast_to;
+bool TypeDataGenericT::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return true;
+bool TypeDataTensor::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  if (const auto* to_tensor = cast_to->try_as<TypeDataTensor>(); to_tensor && to_tensor->size() == size()) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+      if (!items[i]->can_be_casted_with_as_operator(to_tensor->items[i])) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataTypedTuple::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  if (const auto* to_tuple = cast_to->try_as<TypeDataTypedTuple>(); to_tuple && to_tuple->size() == size()) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+      if (!items[i]->can_be_casted_with_as_operator(to_tuple->items[i])) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataUnknown::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  // 'unknown' can be cast to any type
+  // (though it's not valid for exception arguments when casting them to non-1 stack width,
+  //  but to ensure it, we need a special type "unknown TVM primitive", which is overwhelming I think)
+  return true;
+bool TypeDataUnresolved::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return false;
+bool TypeDataVoid::can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const {
+  return cast_to == this;
+// --------------------------------------------
+//    extract_components()
+// used in code generation (transforming Ops to other Ops)
+// to be removed in the future
+void TypeDataGenericT::extract_components(std::vector<TypePtr>& comp_types) const {
+  assert(false);
+void TypeDataTensor::extract_components(std::vector<TypePtr>& comp_types) const {
+  for (TypePtr item : items) {
+    item->extract_components(comp_types);
+  }
+void TypeDataUnresolved::extract_components(std::vector<TypePtr>& comp_types) const {
+  assert(false);
+void TypeDataVoid::extract_components(std::vector<TypePtr>& comp_types) const {
+// --------------------------------------------
+//    parsing type from tokens
+// here we implement parsing types (mostly after colon) to TypeData
+// example: `var v: int` is TypeDataInt
+// example: `var v: (builder, [cell])` is TypeDataTensor(TypeDataBuilder, TypeDataTypedTuple(TypeDataCell))
+// example: `fun f(): ()` is TypeDataTensor() (an empty one)
+// note, that unrecognized type names (MyEnum, MyStruct, T) are parsed as TypeDataUnresolved,
+// and later, when all files are parsed and all symbols registered, such identifiers are resolved
+// example: `fun f<T>(v: T)` at first v is TypeDataUnresolved("T"), later becomes TypeDataGenericT
+// see finalize_type_data()
+// note, that `self` does not name a type, it can appear only as a return value of a function (parsed specially)
+// when `self` appears as a type, it's parsed as TypeDataUnresolved, and later an error is emitted
+static TypePtr parse_type_expression(Lexer& lex);
+std::vector<TypePtr> parse_nested_type_list(Lexer& lex, TokenType tok_op, const char* s_op, TokenType tok_cl, const char* s_cl) {
+  lex.expect(tok_op, s_op);
+  std::vector<TypePtr> sub_types;
+  while (true) {
+    if (lex.tok() == tok_cl) {  // empty lists allowed
+      lex.next();
+      break;
+    }
+    sub_types.emplace_back(parse_type_expression(lex));
+    if (lex.tok() == tok_comma) {
+      lex.next();
+    } else if (lex.tok() != tok_cl) {
+      lex.unexpected(s_cl);
+    }
+  }
+  return sub_types;
+std::vector<TypePtr> parse_nested_type_list_in_parenthesis(Lexer& lex) {
+  return parse_nested_type_list(lex, tok_oppar, "`(`", tok_clpar, "`)` or `,`");
+static TypePtr parse_simple_type(Lexer& lex) {
+  switch (lex.tok()) {
+    case tok_int:
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataInt::create();
+    case tok_bool:
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataBool::create();
+    case tok_cell:
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataCell::create();
+    case tok_builder:
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataBuilder::create();
+    case tok_slice:
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataSlice::create();
+    case tok_tuple:
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataTuple::create();
+    case tok_continuation:
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataContinuation::create();
+    case tok_null:
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataNullLiteral::create();
+    case tok_void:
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataVoid::create();
+    case tok_self:
+    case tok_identifier: {
+      SrcLocation loc = lex.cur_location();
+      std::string text = static_cast<std::string>(lex.cur_str());
+      lex.next();
+      return TypeDataUnresolved::create(std::move(text), loc);
+    }
+    case tok_oppar: {
+      std::vector<TypePtr> items = parse_nested_type_list_in_parenthesis(lex);
+      if (items.size() == 1) {
+        return items.front();
+      }
+      return TypeDataTensor::create(std::move(items));
+    }
+    case tok_opbracket: {
+      std::vector<TypePtr> items = parse_nested_type_list(lex, tok_opbracket, "`[`", tok_clbracket, "`]` or `,`");
+      return TypeDataTypedTuple::create(std::move(items));
+    }
+    case tok_fun: {
+      lex.next();
+      std::vector<TypePtr> params_types = parse_nested_type_list_in_parenthesis(lex);
+      lex.expect(tok_arrow, "`->`");
+    }
+    default:
+      lex.unexpected("<type>");
+  }
+static TypePtr parse_type_nullable(Lexer& lex) {
+  TypePtr result = parse_simple_type(lex);
+  if (lex.tok() == tok_question) {
+    lex.error("nullable types are not supported yet");
+  }
+  return result;
+static TypePtr parse_type_expression(Lexer& lex) {
+  TypePtr result = parse_type_nullable(lex);
+  if (lex.tok() == tok_arrow) {   // `int -> int`, `(cell, slice) -> void`
+    lex.next();
+    TypePtr return_type = parse_type_expression(lex);
+    std::vector<TypePtr> params_types = {result};
+    if (const auto* as_tensor = result->try_as<TypeDataTensor>()) {
+      params_types = as_tensor->items;
+    }
+    return TypeDataFunCallable::create(std::move(params_types), return_type);
+  }
+  if (lex.tok() != tok_bitwise_or) {
+    return result;
+  }
+  lex.error("union types are not supported yet");
+TypePtr parse_type_from_tokens(Lexer& lex) {
+  return parse_type_expression(lex);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, TypePtr type_data) {
+  return os << (type_data ? type_data->as_human_readable() : "(nullptr-type)");
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/type-system.h b/tolk/type-system.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13c0e4b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tolk/type-system.h
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
+    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#pragma once
+#include "src-file.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <string>
+#include <functional>
+namespace tolk {
+ *   TypeData is both a user-given and an inferred type representation.
+ *   `int`, `cell`, `T`, `(int, [tuple])` are instances of TypeData.
+ *   Every unique TypeData is created only once, so for example TypeDataTensor::create(int, int)
+ * returns one and the same pointer always. This "uniqueness" is called type_id, calculated before creation.
+ *
+ *   In Tolk code, types after colon `var v: (int, T)` are parsed to TypeData.
+ *   See parse_type_from_tokens().
+ *   So, AST nodes which can have declared types (local/global variables and others) store a pointer to TypeData.
+ *
+ *   Type inferring also creates TypeData for inferred expressions. All AST expression nodes have inferred_type.
+ * For example, `1 + 2`, both operands are TypeDataInt, its result is also TypeDataInt.
+ *   Type checking also uses TypeData. For example, `var i: slice = 1 + 2`, at first rhs (TypeDataInt) is inferred,
+ * then lhs (TypeDataSlice from declaration) is checked whether rhs can be assigned.
+ *   See can_rhs_be_assigned().
+ *
+ *   Note, that while initial parsing Tolk files to AST, known types (`int`, `cell`, etc.) are created as-is,
+ * but user-defined types (`T`, `MyStruct`, `MyAlias`) are saved as TypeDataUnresolved.
+ *   After all symbols have been registered, resolving identifiers step is executed, where particularly
+ * all TypeDataUnresolved instances are converted to a resolved type. At inferring, no unresolved remain.
+ *   For instance, `fun f<T>(v: T)`, at first "T" of `v` is unresolved, and then converted to TypeDataGenericT.
+ */
+class TypeData {
+  // all unique types have unique type_id; it's used both for allocating memory once and for tagged unions
+  const uint64_t type_id;
+  // bits of flag_mask, to store often-used properties and return them without tree traversing
+  const int flags;
+  friend class TypeDataTypeIdCalculation;
+  enum flag_mask {
+    flag_contains_unknown_inside = 1 << 1,
+    flag_contains_genericT_inside = 1 << 2,
+    flag_contains_unresolved_inside = 1 << 3,
+  };
+  explicit TypeData(uint64_t type_id, int flags_with_children)
+    : type_id(type_id)
+    , flags(flags_with_children) {
+  }
+  virtual ~TypeData() = default;
+  template<class Derived>
+  const Derived* try_as() const {
+    return dynamic_cast<const Derived*>(this);
+  }
+  uint64_t get_type_id() const { return type_id; }
+  bool has_unknown_inside() const { return flags & flag_contains_unknown_inside; }
+  bool has_genericT_inside() const { return flags & flag_contains_genericT_inside; }
+  bool has_unresolved_inside() const { return flags & flag_contains_unresolved_inside; }
+  using TraverserCallbackT = std::function<void(TypePtr child)>;
+  using ReplacerCallbackT = std::function<TypePtr(TypePtr child)>;
+  virtual std::string as_human_readable() const = 0;
+  virtual bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const = 0;
+  virtual bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const = 0;
+  virtual void traverse(const TraverserCallbackT& callback) const {
+    callback(this);
+  }
+  virtual TypePtr replace_children_custom(const ReplacerCallbackT& callback) const {
+    return callback(this);
+  }
+  virtual int calc_width_on_stack() const {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  virtual void extract_components(std::vector<TypePtr>& comp_types) const {
+    comp_types.push_back(this);
+  }
+ * `int` is TypeDataInt, representation of TVM int.
+ */
+class TypeDataInt final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataInt() : TypeData(1ULL, 0) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "int"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+ * `bool` is TypeDataBool. TVM has no bool, only integers. Under the hood, -1 is true, 0 is false.
+ * From the type system point of view, int and bool are different, not-autocastable types.
+ */
+class TypeDataBool final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataBool() : TypeData(2ULL, 0) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "bool"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+ * `cell` is TypeDataCell, representation of TVM cell.
+ */
+class TypeDataCell final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataCell() : TypeData(3ULL, 0) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "cell"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+ * `slice` is TypeDataSlice, representation of TVM slice.
+ */
+class TypeDataSlice final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataSlice() : TypeData(4ULL, 0) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "slice"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+ * `builder` is TypeDataBuilder, representation of TVM builder.
+ */
+class TypeDataBuilder final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataBuilder() : TypeData(5ULL, 0) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "builder"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+ * `tuple` is TypeDataTuple, representation of TVM tuple.
+ * Note, that it's UNTYPED tuple. It occupies 1 stack slot in TVM. Its elements are any TVM values at runtime,
+ * so getting its element results in TypeDataUnknown (which must be assigned/cast explicitly).
+ */
+class TypeDataTuple final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataTuple() : TypeData(6ULL, 0) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "tuple"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+ * `continuation` is TypeDataContinuation, representation of TVM continuation.
+ * It's like "untyped callable", not compatible with other types.
+ */
+class TypeDataContinuation final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataContinuation() : TypeData(7ULL, 0) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "continuation"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+ * `null` has TypeDataNullLiteral type.
+ * Currently, it can be assigned to int/slice/etc., but later Tolk will have T? types and null safety.
+ * Note, that `var i = null`, though valid (i would be constant null), fires an "always-null" compilation error
+ * (it's much better for user to see an error here than when he passes this variable somewhere).
+ */
+class TypeDataNullLiteral final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataNullLiteral() : TypeData(8ULL, 0) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "null"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+ * `fun(int, int) -> void` is TypeDataFunCallable, think of is as a typed continuation.
+ * A type of function `fun f(x: int) { return x; }` is actually `fun(int) -> int`.
+ * So, when assigning it to a variable `var cb = f`, this variable also has this type.
+ */
+class TypeDataFunCallable final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataFunCallable(uint64_t type_id, int children_flags, std::vector<TypePtr>&& params_types, TypePtr return_type)
+    : TypeData(type_id, children_flags)
+    , params_types(std::move(params_types))
+    , return_type(return_type) {}
+  const std::vector<TypePtr> params_types;
+  const TypePtr return_type;
+  static TypePtr create(std::vector<TypePtr>&& params_types, TypePtr return_type);
+  int params_size() const { return static_cast<int>(params_types.size()); }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override;
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+  void traverse(const TraverserCallbackT& callback) const override;
+  TypePtr replace_children_custom(const ReplacerCallbackT& callback) const override;
+ * `T` inside generic functions is TypeDataGenericT.
+ * Example: `fun f<X,Y>(a: X, b: Y): [X, Y]` (here X and Y are).
+ * On instantiation like `f(1,"")`, a new function `f<int,slice>` is created with type `fun(int,slice)->[int,slice]`.
+ */
+class TypeDataGenericT final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataGenericT(uint64_t type_id, std::string&& nameT)
+    : TypeData(type_id, flag_contains_genericT_inside)
+    , nameT(std::move(nameT)) {}
+  const std::string nameT;
+  static TypePtr create(std::string&& nameT);
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return nameT; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+  int calc_width_on_stack() const override;
+  void extract_components(std::vector<TypePtr>& comp_types) const override;
+ * `(int, slice)` is TypeDataTensor of 2 elements. Tensor of N elements occupies N stack slots.
+ * Of course, there may be nested tensors, like `(int, (int, slice), cell)`.
+ * Arguments, variables, globals, return values, etc. can be tensors.
+ * A tensor can be empty.
+ */
+class TypeDataTensor final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataTensor(uint64_t type_id, int children_flags, std::vector<TypePtr>&& items)
+    : TypeData(type_id, children_flags)
+    , items(std::move(items)) {}
+  const std::vector<TypePtr> items;
+  static TypePtr create(std::vector<TypePtr>&& items);
+  int size() const { return static_cast<int>(items.size()); }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override;
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+  void traverse(const TraverserCallbackT& callback) const override;
+  TypePtr replace_children_custom(const ReplacerCallbackT& callback) const override;
+  int calc_width_on_stack() const override;
+  void extract_components(std::vector<TypePtr>& comp_types) const override;
+ * `[int, slice]` is TypeDataTypedTuple, a TVM 'tuple' under the hood, contained in 1 stack slot.
+ * Unlike TypeDataTuple (untyped tuples), it has a predefined inner structure and can be assigned as
+ * `var [i, cs] = [0, ""]`  (where a and b become two separate variables on a stack, int and slice).
+ */
+class TypeDataTypedTuple final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataTypedTuple(uint64_t type_id, int children_flags, std::vector<TypePtr>&& items)
+    : TypeData(type_id, children_flags)
+    , items(std::move(items)) {}
+  const std::vector<TypePtr> items;
+  static TypePtr create(std::vector<TypePtr>&& items);
+  int size() const { return static_cast<int>(items.size()); }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override;
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+  void traverse(const TraverserCallbackT& callback) const override;
+  TypePtr replace_children_custom(const ReplacerCallbackT& callback) const override;
+ * `unknown` is a special type, which can appear in corner cases.
+ * The type of exception argument (which can hold any TVM value at runtime) is unknown.
+ * The type of `_` used as rvalue is unknown.
+ * The only thing available to do with unknown is to cast it: `catch (excNo, arg) { var i = arg as int; }`
+ */
+class TypeDataUnknown final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataUnknown() : TypeData(20ULL, flag_contains_unknown_inside) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "unknown"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+ * "Unresolved" is not actually a type — it's an intermediate state between parsing and resolving.
+ * At parsing to AST, unrecognized type names (MyEnum, MyStruct, T) are parsed as TypeDataUnresolved,
+ * and after all source files parsed and global symbols registered, they are replaced by actual ones.
+ * Example: `fun f<T>(v: T)` at first v is TypeDataUnresolved("T"), later becomes TypeDataGenericT.
+ */
+class TypeDataUnresolved final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataUnresolved(uint64_t type_id, std::string&& text, SrcLocation loc)
+    : TypeData(type_id, flag_contains_unresolved_inside)
+    , text(std::move(text))
+    , loc(loc) {}
+  const std::string text;
+  const SrcLocation loc;
+  static TypePtr create(std::string&& text, SrcLocation loc);
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return text + "*"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+  int calc_width_on_stack() const override;
+  void extract_components(std::vector<TypePtr>& comp_types) const override;
+ * `void` is TypeDataVoid.
+ * From the type system point of view, `void` functions return nothing.
+ * Empty tensor is not compatible with void, although at IR level they are similar, 0 stack slots.
+ */
+class TypeDataVoid final : public TypeData {
+  TypeDataVoid() : TypeData(10ULL, 0) {}
+  static TypePtr singleton;
+  friend void type_system_init();
+  static TypePtr create() { return singleton; }
+  std::string as_human_readable() const override { return "void"; }
+  bool can_rhs_be_assigned(TypePtr rhs) const override;
+  bool can_be_casted_with_as_operator(TypePtr cast_to) const override;
+  int calc_width_on_stack() const override;
+  void extract_components(std::vector<TypePtr>& comp_types) const override;
+// --------------------------------------------
+class Lexer;
+TypePtr parse_type_from_tokens(Lexer& lex);
+void type_system_init();
+} // namespace tolk
diff --git a/tolk/unify-types.cpp b/tolk/unify-types.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cee71942b..000000000
--- a/tolk/unify-types.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-    This file is part of TON Blockchain Library.
-    TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-    along with TON Blockchain Library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "tolk.h"
-namespace tolk {
- * 
- * 
- */
-int TypeExpr::holes = 0, TypeExpr::type_vars = 0;  // not thread safe, but it is ok for now
-void TypeExpr::compute_width() {
-  switch (constr) {
-    case te_Atomic:
-    case te_Map:
-      minw = maxw = 1;
-      break;
-    case te_Tensor:
-      minw = maxw = 0;
-      for (TypeExpr* arg : args) {
-        minw += arg->minw;
-        maxw += arg->maxw;
-      }
-      if (minw > w_inf) {
-        minw = w_inf;
-      }
-      if (maxw > w_inf) {
-        maxw = w_inf;
-      }
-      break;
-    case te_Tuple:
-      minw = maxw = 1;
-      for (TypeExpr* arg : args) {
-        arg->compute_width();
-      }
-      break;
-    case te_Indirect:
-      minw = args[0]->minw;
-      maxw = args[0]->maxw;
-      break;
-    default:
-      minw = 0;
-      maxw = w_inf;
-      break;
-  }
-bool TypeExpr::recompute_width() {
-  switch (constr) {
-    case te_Tensor:
-    case te_Indirect: {
-      int min = 0, max = 0;
-      for (TypeExpr* arg : args) {
-        min += arg->minw;
-        max += arg->maxw;
-      }
-      if (min > maxw || max < minw) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      if (min > w_inf) {
-        min = w_inf;
-      }
-      if (max > w_inf) {
-        max = w_inf;
-      }
-      if (minw < min) {
-        minw = min;
-      }
-      if (maxw > max) {
-        maxw = max;
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    case te_Tuple: {
-      for (TypeExpr* arg : args) {
-        if (arg->minw > 1 || arg->maxw < 1 || arg->minw > arg->maxw) {
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    default:
-      return false;
-  }
-int TypeExpr::extract_components(std::vector<TypeExpr*>& comp_list) {
-  if (constr != te_Indirect && constr != te_Tensor) {
-    comp_list.push_back(this);
-    return 1;
-  }
-  int res = 0;
-  for (TypeExpr* arg : args) {
-    res += arg->extract_components(comp_list);
-  }
-  return res;
-bool TypeExpr::equals_to(const TypeExpr *rhs) const {
-  const TypeExpr *l = this;
-  const TypeExpr *r = rhs;
-  while (l->constr == te_Indirect)
-    l = l->args[0];
-  while (r->constr == te_Indirect)
-    r = r->args[0];
-  bool eq = l->constr == r->constr && l->value == r->value &&
-            l->minw == r->minw && l->maxw == r->maxw &&
-            l->was_forall_var == r->was_forall_var &&
-            l->args.size() == r->args.size();
-  if (!eq)
-    return false;
-  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(l->args.size()); ++i) {
-    if (!l->args[i]->equals_to(r->args[i]))
-      return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool TypeExpr::has_unknown_inside() const {
-  if (constr == te_Unknown)
-    return true;
-  for (const TypeExpr* inner : args) {
-    if (inner->has_unknown_inside())
-      return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-TypeExpr* TypeExpr::new_map(TypeExpr* from, TypeExpr* to) {
-  return new TypeExpr{te_Map, std::vector<TypeExpr*>{from, to}};
-void TypeExpr::replace_with(TypeExpr* te2) {
-  if (te2 == this) {
-    return;
-  }
-  constr = te_Indirect;
-  value = 0;
-  minw = te2->minw;
-  maxw = te2->maxw;
-  args.clear();
-  args.push_back(te2);
-bool TypeExpr::remove_indirect(TypeExpr*& te, TypeExpr* forbidden) {
-  tolk_assert(te);
-  while (te->constr == te_Indirect) {
-    te = te->args[0];
-  }
-  if (te->constr == te_Unknown) {
-    return te != forbidden;
-  }
-  bool res = true;
-  for (auto& x : te->args) {
-    res &= remove_indirect(x, forbidden);
-  }
-  return res;
-std::vector<TypeExpr*> TypeExpr::remove_forall(TypeExpr*& te) {
-  tolk_assert(te && te->constr == te_ForAll);
-  tolk_assert(te->args.size() >= 1);
-  std::vector<TypeExpr*> new_vars;
-  for (std::size_t i = 1; i < te->args.size(); i++) {
-    new_vars.push_back(new_hole(1));
-  }
-  TypeExpr* te2 = te;
-  // std::cerr << "removing universal quantifier in " << te << std::endl;
-  te = te->args[0];
-  remove_forall_in(te, te2, new_vars);
-  // std::cerr << "-> " << te << std::endl;
-  return new_vars;
-bool TypeExpr::remove_forall_in(TypeExpr*& te, TypeExpr* te2, const std::vector<TypeExpr*>& new_vars) {
-  tolk_assert(te);
-  tolk_assert(te2 && te2->constr == te_ForAll);
-  if (te->constr == te_Var) {
-    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < new_vars.size(); i++) {
-      if (te == te2->args[i + 1]) {
-        te = new_vars[i];
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (te->constr == te_ForAll) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (te->args.empty()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  auto te1 = new TypeExpr(*te);
-  bool res = false;
-  for (auto& arg : te1->args) {
-    res |= remove_forall_in(arg, te2, new_vars);
-  }
-  if (res) {
-    te = te1;
-  } else {
-    delete te1;
-  }
-  return res;
-void TypeExpr::show_width(std::ostream& os) {
-  os << minw;
-  if (maxw != minw) {
-    os << "..";
-    if (maxw < w_inf) {
-      os << maxw;
-    }
-  }
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, TypeExpr* type_expr) {
-  if (!type_expr) {
-    return os << "(null-type-ptr)";
-  }
-  return type_expr->print(os);
-std::ostream& TypeExpr::print(std::ostream& os, int lex_level) const {
-  switch (constr) {
-    case te_Unknown:
-      return os << "??" << value;
-    case te_Var:
-      if (value >= -26 && value < 0) {
-        return os << "_" << (char)(91 + value);
-      } else if (value >= 0 && value < 26) {
-        return os << (char)(65 + value);
-      } else {
-        return os << "TVAR" << value;
-      }
-    case te_Indirect:
-      return os << args[0];
-    case te_Atomic: {
-      switch (value) {
-        case _Int:
-          return os << "int";
-        case _Cell:
-          return os << "cell";
-        case _Slice:
-          return os << "slice";
-        case _Builder:
-          return os << "builder";
-        case _Continutaion:
-          return os << "cont";
-        case _Tuple:
-          return os << "tuple";
-        default:
-          return os << "atomic-type-" << value;
-      }
-    }
-    case te_Tensor: {
-      if (lex_level > -127) {
-        os << "(";
-      }
-      auto c = args.size();
-      if (c) {
-        for (const auto& x : args) {
-          x->print(os);
-          if (--c) {
-            os << ", ";
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (lex_level > -127) {
-        os << ")";
-      }
-      return os;
-    }
-    case te_Tuple: {
-      os << "[";
-      auto c = args.size();
-      if (c == 1 && args[0]->constr == te_Tensor) {
-        args[0]->print(os, -127);
-      } else if (c) {
-        for (const auto& x : args) {
-          x->print(os);
-          if (--c) {
-            os << ", ";
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return os << "]";
-    }
-    case te_Map: {
-      tolk_assert(args.size() == 2);
-      if (lex_level > 0) {
-        os << "(";
-      }
-      args[0]->print(os, 1);
-      os << " -> ";
-      args[1]->print(os);
-      if (lex_level > 0) {
-        os << ")";
-      }
-      return os;
-    }
-    case te_ForAll: {
-      tolk_assert(args.size() >= 1);
-      if (lex_level > 0) {
-        os << '(';
-      }
-      os << "Forall ";
-      for (std::size_t i = 1; i < args.size(); i++) {
-        os << (i > 1 ? ' ' : '(');
-        args[i]->print(os);
-      }
-      os << ") ";
-      args[0]->print(os);
-      if (lex_level > 0) {
-        os << ')';
-      }
-      return os;
-    }
-    default:
-      return os << "unknown-type-expr-" << constr;
-  }
-void UnifyError::print_message(std::ostream& os) const {
-  os << "cannot unify type " << te1 << " with " << te2;
-  if (!msg.empty()) {
-    os << ": " << msg;
-  }
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const UnifyError& ue) {
-  ue.print_message(os);
-  return os;
-void check_width_compat(TypeExpr* te1, TypeExpr* te2) {
-  if (te1->minw > te2->maxw || te2->minw > te1->maxw) {
-    std::ostringstream os{"cannot unify types of widths ", std::ios_base::ate};
-    te1->show_width(os);
-    os << " and ";
-    te2->show_width(os);
-    throw UnifyError{te1, te2, os.str()};
-  }
-void check_update_widths(TypeExpr* te1, TypeExpr* te2) {
-  check_width_compat(te1, te2);
-  te1->minw = te2->minw = std::max(te1->minw, te2->minw);
-  te1->maxw = te2->maxw = std::min(te1->maxw, te2->maxw);
-  tolk_assert(te1->minw <= te1->maxw);
-void unify(TypeExpr*& te1, TypeExpr*& te2) {
-  tolk_assert(te1 && te2);
-  // std::cerr << "unify( " << te1 << " , " << te2 << " )\n";
-  while (te1->constr == TypeExpr::te_Indirect) {
-    te1 = te1->args[0];
-  }
-  while (te2->constr == TypeExpr::te_Indirect) {
-    te2 = te2->args[0];
-  }
-  if (te1 == te2) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (te1->constr == TypeExpr::te_ForAll) {
-    TypeExpr* te = te1;
-    std::vector<TypeExpr*> new_vars = TypeExpr::remove_forall(te);
-    for (TypeExpr* t : new_vars) {
-      t->was_forall_var = true;
-    }
-    unify(te, te2);
-    for (TypeExpr* t : new_vars) {
-      t->was_forall_var = false;
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  if (te2->constr == TypeExpr::te_ForAll) {
-    TypeExpr* te = te2;
-    std::vector<TypeExpr*> new_vars = TypeExpr::remove_forall(te);
-    for (TypeExpr* t : new_vars) {
-      t->was_forall_var = true;
-    }
-    unify(te1, te);
-    for (TypeExpr* t : new_vars) {
-      t->was_forall_var = false;
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  if (te1->was_forall_var && te2->constr == TypeExpr::te_Tensor) {
-    throw UnifyError{te1, te2, "cannot unify generic type and tensor"};
-  }
-  if (te2->was_forall_var && te1->constr == TypeExpr::te_Tensor) {
-    throw UnifyError{te2, te1, "cannot unify generic type and tensor"};
-  }
-  if (te1->constr == TypeExpr::te_Unknown) {
-    if (te2->constr == TypeExpr::te_Unknown) {
-      tolk_assert(te1->value != te2->value);
-    }
-    if (!TypeExpr::remove_indirect(te2, te1)) {
-      throw UnifyError{te1, te2, "type unification results in an infinite cyclic type"};
-    }
-    check_update_widths(te1, te2);
-    te1->replace_with(te2);
-    te1 = te2;
-    return;
-  }
-  if (te2->constr == TypeExpr::te_Unknown) {
-    if (!TypeExpr::remove_indirect(te1, te2)) {
-      throw UnifyError{te2, te1, "type unification results in an infinite cyclic type"};
-    }
-    check_update_widths(te2, te1);
-    te2->replace_with(te1);
-    te2 = te1;
-    return;
-  }
-  if (te1->constr != te2->constr || te1->value != te2->value || te1->args.size() != te2->args.size()) {
-    throw UnifyError{te1, te2};
-  }
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < te1->args.size(); i++) {
-    unify(te1->args[i], te2->args[i]);
-  }
-  if (te1->constr == TypeExpr::te_Tensor) {
-    if (!te1->recompute_width()) {
-      throw UnifyError{te1, te2, "type unification incompatible with known width of first type"};
-    }
-    if (!te2->recompute_width()) {
-      throw UnifyError{te2, te1, "type unification incompatible with known width of first type"};
-    }
-    check_update_widths(te1, te2);
-  }
-  te1->replace_with(te2);
-  te1 = te2;
-}  // namespace tolk