Source URL -
Problem Statement - In the above URL, Titles released in 2018 are listed sorted by the number of votes. Your job is to create a scraper that will go over the titles between a given range T1=1000 and T2=8000 where T1 and T2 are Title Serial Number and print the one Title name with the maximum runtime.
For Example -
If The Range is : T1=1, T2=5
Expected Output :Avengers: Infinity War 149
Submission Process (READ THIS CAREFULLY):
You don’t need to submit the scraping script. Just print the output to the console. That means for the sample test case given above, your submission would look like print("Avengers: Infinity War 149") Your final submission should contain the result for ranges T1=1000 and T2=8000 If you get selected, the scraping code and approach would be discussed in the interview call.
Output Format
"Title-Name" "Runtime Minutes"
Sample Output 0
Avengers: Infinity War 149 Explanation 0
For range T1=1, T2=5 We will look the first 5 movies in the list i.e.
Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther Deadpool 2 Bohemian Rhapsody A Quiet Place Out of which Avengers: Infinity War has maximum runtime i.e. 149 minutes.