Standalone autodoc working again
Command line option for param-file-driven autodoc building
Make sure we can standalone autodoc for 1.2 or 1.3 programs
We should probably use recursive invocation?
Update autodoc to a 1.2 base
develop strategy for working with Leinigen 1.2
No clojure dependency allowed in plugin
Option 1: Just port to 1.2 and drop 1.1 support
I don’t thinks this works because standalone requires a clojure dependency
Option 2: Make a lighweight plug-in module separate from autodoc itself
Option 3: Don’t run as a plugin, but support parsing a project.clj file
Improved HTML presentation
Make version separation clear
Define a new branch spec that has real version info in addition to branch name
For instance “(latest stable release)” or “(active development branch)”
Fix left-hand TOC to be clearer
Add “Other Versions” and move it to the bottom
Add a TOC Header that includes the current version
Add styling for toc_header class in master toc
Add version info to page header and title
See python docs for a good example
Add a blurb for each version to be inserted in the overview file and say what it’s about
Add categories to clojure.core functions
Add pointer back into clojure.core
Add pointer back to root from the top of the left-hand TOC
Make back-pointer a per-project parameter
Add pointers to section overview pages for functions (e.g., the Sequences page for instance)
Investigate a better way of handling fixed-width fonts
(browser default, <pre><tt></tt></pre>, see #clojure discussion from 12/27/09)
Remove, improve namespace level usage message.
Add “last updated”, git version info
But figure out how to do this without gratuitous page changes
Make sub-namespace presentation better
Mark deprecated fns, namespaces wherever they are mentioned
by italics, maybe
Use Linkchecker and remove all dead links
Use “Dust Me selectors plugin” and clean up CSS based on results
Think through ids vs. classes
Document protocols and figure out how to link their methods back to them
incanter.distribution.Distribution might be a good one to use for testing
Add a notation for dynamic
Can we get type annotations?
Support docstrings for special forms
Complete the gh-pages doc
Figure out missing sections
add layout/style to gh-pages doc
(look at for examples)
include pygments style in gh-doc
(see )
Figure out how to do image support for Incanter
Build a Maven taks for autodoc
Figure out how search support should work
Deprecate pages at
Add index.clj files to all projects
Extend index data to include all metadata information
Add raw file pointers so Zack can pull the source/refs
Build the code to pull source and symbols
Figure out how to get dependencies from maven
Get dependencies and versions from the pom.xml
Current idea:
Depend on leiningen
(:use [leiningen.deps :only [find-jars]])
(find-jars {:local-repo-classpath true, :dependencies …}) where the dependencies look like project.clj
the answer should be a list of files to add to our classpath. Yay!
Q: Do I need to do more setup to get maven to work right or will that be done for me implicitly?
Supplementary docs master TOC doesn’t work
We need to add the appropriate ../.. stuff to the links on the master TOC
Autodoc doesn’t work on windows
This appears to be a pathname thing / vs. \
Clean up “only used with ant-wrapper” params in params.clj
Make the param-dir option in autodoc.clj better integrated with the rest
Remove all refs to contrib
Figure out why Condition/-init doesn’t seem to generate an index entry
Is this still a bug?
Fix url detection so that it always works
Supress author tag when none provided
Make &emdash; work in headers and titles
Enlive seems to not escape this correctly (probably it’s just tag soup underneath)
Fix “no project specified” at the top of the API index page!
Make the sub-namespace links on a namespace right hand TOC work
Get source links working right again
Get non-master updates to trigger auto builds
Fix left-TOC on ie (ul styling on first category)
Add version number info to wrapped markdown files
Some source link (see clojure.contrib.accumulators/add) don’t seem to be working right.
Fix source links in incanter
Add a README in the target