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Sweep: rename all user visible instances of "threads" to "smiths" #1

tomasmcm opened this issue Oct 8, 2024 · 1 comment · May be fixed by #2

Sweep: rename all user visible instances of "threads" to "smiths" #1

tomasmcm opened this issue Oct 8, 2024 · 1 comment · May be fixed by #2


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tomasmcm commented Oct 8, 2024

Currently this app is called "threads", we want to call it "smiths" instead. Make sure to rename all user visible instances of "threads" in the app. First check the components files that are being used to build the UI and look for the word "threads" in strings that end up in the final HTML, then change those to "smiths".

@tomasmcm tomasmcm added the sweep label Oct 8, 2024
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sweep-ai-tomasmcm bot commented Oct 8, 2024

🚀 Here's the PR! #2

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Step 1: 🔎 Searching

(Click to expand) Here are the code search results. I'm now analyzing these search results to write the PR.

"use client"
import React from 'react'
import { Instagram } from 'lucide-react'
import Link from 'next/link'
import { useParams, usePathname } from 'next/navigation'
import { cn, formatURL } from '@/lib/utils'
import { Icons } from '@/components/icons'
import type { UserProfileInfoProps } from '@/types'
import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button'
import { useUser } from '@clerk/nextjs'
import {
} from '@/components/ui/avatar'
import UserFollowers from '@/components/user/user-followers'
import FollowButton from '@/components/buttons/follow-button'
const UserProfile: React.FC<UserProfileInfoProps> = (props) => {
const {
} = props
const path = usePathname()
const { user } = useUser()
const params = useParams()
const profile = params.profile as string
const usernamePath = decodeURIComponent(profile).substring(1)
const basePath = `@${usernamePath}`
const segments = path.split('/');
const lastSegment = segments[segments.length - 1];
return (
<div className=" z-[10] mt-4 flex w-full flex-col space-y-4">
<div className="flex w-fullitems-center">
<div className="flex w-full flex-col p-3 pl-0 gap-1">
<h1 className="text-2xl font-bold tracking-normal">
<div className="flex gap-1">
<h4 className="text-[15px]">
<span className="ml-0.5 rounded-2xl bg-primary text-[#777777] text-xm px-1.5 py-1 text-[11px] font-medium"></span>
<Avatar className="h-[80px] w-[80px] overflow-visible outline outline-2 outline-border relative">
<AvatarImage src={image ?? ""} alt={fullname ?? ''} className="h-min w-full rounded-full object-cover " />
{isAdmin &&
<div className='absolute bottom-0 -left-0.5'>
<Icons.verified2 className='h-6 w-6 text-background' />
{bio &&
<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
__html: bio?.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\n/g, '\n')
}} className='text-[15px] whitespace-pre-line' />
<div className='flex justify-between items-center'>
<div className="hidden sm:flex -space-x-1 overflow-hidden w-full items-center ">
<div className='flex items-center'>
<UserFollowers followers={followers} showImage={true} />
{followers.length > 0 && link && <span className='mx-2 text-[#777777]'> · </span>}
{link &&
<Link href={link} className='text-[#777777] text-[15px] hover:underline cursor-pointer active:text-[#4d4d4d]'>
<div className='flex gap-4'>
<Instagram className='h-6 w-6' />
{user?.id != id &&
<Icons.circleMenu className='h-6 w-6' />
{user?.id != id &&
<div className="grid gap-2 sm:grid-cols-2 pt-2">
className="text-[14px] px-6"
author={props} />
className="w-full border-[#333333] sm:w-auto rounded-xl cursor-not-allowed py-1 font-semibold tracking-normal text-[16px] active:scale-95 "
<div className="w-full flex border-b border-border">
href={`/${basePath}`} className={cn("flex items-center justify-center w-full h-12 font-medium duration-200 text-center text-neutral-600", {
"border-b-2 border-foreground text-foreground": lastSegment === basePath
className={cn('flex items-center justify-center w-full h-12 font-medium duration-200 text-center text-neutral-600', {
"border-b-2 border-foreground text-foreground": lastSegment === 'replies'
className={cn('flex items-center justify-center w-full h-12 font-medium duration-200 text-center text-neutral-600', {
"border-b-2 border-foreground text-foreground": lastSegment === 'reposts'
</div >

"use client"
import React from 'react'
import { Label } from '@/components/ui/label'
import {
} from 'lucide-react'
import {
} from '@/components/ui/avatar'
import { Input } from '@/components/ui/input'
import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button'
import { Card } from '@/components/ui/card'
import { RadioGroup, RadioGroupItem } from '@/components/ui/radio-group'
import { api } from '@/trpc/react'
import { Icons } from '@/components/icons'
import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation'
import { toast } from 'sonner'
import { ResizeTextarea } from '@/components/ui/resize-textarea'
import { Privacy } from '@prisma/client'
import type { User } from '@prisma/client'
import { useUser } from '@clerk/nextjs'
import { z } from 'zod'
import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'
import { zodResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/zod'
import {
} from "@/components/ui/form"
type UserSetupProps = Pick<User, 'bio' | 'link' | 'privacy' | 'username'>;
export default function AccountSetupForm({ username }: { username: string }) {
const { user } = useUser()
const router = useRouter()
const [showPrivacyPage, setShowPrivacyPage] = React.useState(false);
const [userAccountData, setUserAccountData] = React.useState<UserSetupProps>({
bio: "",
link: "",
privacy: Privacy.PUBLIC,
username: username
const handleFieldChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
const { name, value } =;
[name]: value,
const { mutate: accountSetup, isLoading } = api.auth.accountSetup.useMutation({
onSuccess: ({ success, username }) => {
if (success) {
router.push(origin ? `${origin}` : '/')
toast.success(`Welcome to threads ${username} !`)
onError: (err) => {
toast.error("AuthCallBack: Something went wrong!")
if ( === 'UNAUTHORIZED') {
retry: false,
const FormSchema = z.object({
url: z.string()
.refine(url => {
try {
const parsedUrl = new URL(url);
return parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:';
} catch {
return false;
}, 'Must be a valid HTTPS url')
const form = useForm<z.infer<typeof FormSchema>>({
resolver: zodResolver(FormSchema),
defaultValues: {
url: "",
function handleAccountSetup() {
bio: JSON.stringify(!, null, 2),
privacy: userAccountData.privacy
function handleSecurity(data: z.infer<typeof FormSchema>) {
'link': data.url,
function getFullName(firstName: string, lastName: string) {
if (!lastName || lastName === undefined || lastName === null || lastName === '') {
return firstName;
return `${firstName} ${lastName}`
return (
<div className='mx-auto flex flex-col gap-6 justify-center w-full max-w-lg items-center h-[95vh] px-6'>
? (
<Form {...form}>
className="w-full flex flex-col py-4 gap-1.5 text-start"
onSubmit={(...args) => void form.handleSubmit(handleSecurity)(...args)}
<div className='flex flex-col gap-1 justify-center items-center w-full'>
<h2 className="scroll-m-20 tracking-wide text-4xl font-bold">
<span className="leading-7 text-muted-foreground ">
Customize your Threads profile
<Card className='w-full p-6 px-8 bg-transparent rounded-2xl my-4 sm:mt-10'>
<div className="flex flex-col gap-4">
<div className='flex justify-between items-center'>
<div className='w-full'>
<Label htmlFor="username">Name</Label>
<div className=" flex items-center gap-2 w-full my-1 h-7">
<Lock className="h-4 w-4 text-[#4D4D4D]" />
<div className="flex-grow overflow-hidden outline-none text-[15px] text-accent-foreground break-words tracking-wide w-full select-none"
{`${getFullName(user?.firstName ?? '', user?.lastName ?? '')} ${"(" + userAccountData?.username + ")"}`}
<Avatar className="rounded-full outline outline-1 outline-border h-12 w-12 ">
alt={user?.username ?? ''}
className='object-cover' />
<User2 className='h-5 w-5' />
<Label htmlFor="bio">Bio</Label>
<div className='flex gap-2 '>
<Plus className="h-4 w-4 text-[#4D4D4D] mt-1" />
className='select-none whitespace-break-spaces max-h-[100px]'
placeholder="Write bio" />
rules={{ required: false }}
render={({ field }) => (
<div className=" flex items-center gap-2 my-1 h-7">
<Plus className="h-4 w-4 text-[#4D4D4D]" />
className="outline-none border-0 ring-0 focus-visible:ring-offset-0 resize-none min-h-min focus-visible:ring-0 p-0 bg-transparent rounded-none placeholder:text-[#777777] text-[15px] text-accent-foreground select-none whitespace-break-spaces"
placeholder="Add link"
)} />
<Button type="submit" className='w-full rounded-xl bg-foreground hover:bg-foreground select-none text-white dark:text-black'>Continue &rarr;</Button>
) : (
<div className='flex flex-col gap-1 justify-center items-center w-full'>
<h2 className="scroll-m-20 tracking-wide text-4xl font-bold">
<span className="leading-7 text-muted-foreground text-center ">
Your privacy can be different on Threads and Instagarm.
<RadioGroup defaultValue="public" className="flex flex-col gap-3 w-full mt-6 sm:mt-10">
<RadioGroupItem value="public" id="public" className="peer sr-only" />
className="flex flex-col rounded-xl border-2 border-muted px-6 py-5 bg-transparent peer-data-[state=checked]:border-foreground [&:has([data-state=checked])]:border-foreground font-normal text-sm text-muted-foreground"
onClick={() => (
privacy: Privacy.PUBLIC,
<div className="flex flex-row items-center justify-between space-y-0 pb-2">
<h1 className="text-base dark:text-slate-100 text-black font-medium">
Public profile
<Globe className='w-5 h-5' />
<span className='max-w-[350px]'>
Anyone on or off Threads can see, share and interact with your content.
<RadioGroupItem value="private" id="private" className="peer sr-only" />
className="flex flex-col rounded-xl border-2 border-muted px-6 py-5 bg-transparent peer-data-[state=checked]:border-foreground [&:has([data-state=checked])]:border-foreground font-normal text-sm text-muted-foreground"
onClick={() => (
privacy: Privacy.PRIVATE,
<div className="flex flex-row items-center justify-between space-y-0 pb-2">
<h1 className="text-base dark:text-slate-100 text-black font-medium">
Private profile
<Lock className='w-5 h-5' />
<span className='max-w-[350px]'>
Only your approved followers can see, share and interact with your content.
className='w-full mt-4 rounded-xl bg-foreground hover:bg-foreground select-none text-white dark:text-black'
{isLoading && (
className="mr-2 h-4 w-4 animate-spin"
Create my profile
<span className="sr-only">Create my profile</span>
</div >

import "@/styles/globals.css";
import { Inter } from "next/font/google";
import { headers } from "next/headers";
import { TRPCReactProvider } from "@/trpc/react";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@/components/providers/theme-provider";
import { Toaster } from "@/components/ui/toaster";
import { ClerkProvider } from "@clerk/nextjs";
import { Suspense } from "react";
import FullscreenImageView from "@/components/fullscreen-image-view";
import Loading from "@/app/(pages)/loading";
import { siteConfig } from "@/config/site";
import type { Metadata, Viewport } from "next";
const inter = Inter({
subsets: ["latin"],
variable: "--font-sans",
export const metadata: Metadata = {
metadataBase: new URL(''),
title: {
template: `%s • ${}`,
description: siteConfig.description,
keywords: [
"shadcn ui"
authors: [
name: "sujjeee",
url: "",
creator: "sujjeee",
openGraph: {
type: "website",
locale: "en_US",
url: siteConfig.url,
description: siteConfig.description,
twitter: {
card: "summary_large_image",
description: siteConfig.description,
images: [siteConfig.ogImage],
creator: "@sujjeeee",
icons: {
icon: "/favicon.ico",
export const viewport: Viewport = {
colorScheme: "dark light",
themeColor: [
{ media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)", color: "white" },
{ media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", color: "black" },
export default function RootLayout({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
return (
<html lang="en">
<body className={`font-sans no-scrollbar ${inter.variable}`}>
<TRPCReactProvider headers={headers()}>
<Toaster />
<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
<FullscreenImageView />

export type SiteConfig = typeof siteConfig
export const siteConfig = {
name: "Threads",
description: "Open source threads clone with t3 stack.",
url: "",
ogImage: "",
links: {
twitter: "",
github: "",
discord: "",

type IconProps = React.HTMLAttributes<SVGElement> | React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>
export const Icons = {
logo: (props: IconProps) => (
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="32" viewBox="0 0 448 512" {...props}><path fill="currentColor" d="M331.5 235.7c2.2.9 4.2 1.9 6.3 2.8c29.2 14.1 50.6 35.2 61.8 61.4c15.7 36.5 17.2 95.8-30.3 143.2c-36.2 36.2-80.3 52.5-142.6 53h-.3c-70.2-.5-124.1-24.1-160.4-70.2c-32.3-41-48.9-98.1-49.5-169.6v-.5c.5-71.5 17.1-128.6 49.4-169.6c36.3-46.1 90.3-69.7 160.5-70.2h.3c70.3.5 124.9 24 162.3 69.9c18.4 22.7 32 50 40.6 81.7l-40.4 10.8c-7.1-25.8-17.8-47.8-32.2-65.4c-29.2-35.8-73-54.2-130.5-54.6c-57 .5-100.1 18.8-128.2 54.4C72.1 146.1 58.5 194.3 58 256c.5 61.7 14.1 109.9 40.3 143.3c28 35.6 71.2 53.9 128.2 54.4c51.4-.4 85.4-12.6 113.7-40.9c32.3-32.2 31.7-71.8 21.4-95.9c-6.1-14.2-17.1-26-31.9-34.9c-3.7 26.9-11.8 48.3-24.7 64.8c-17.1 21.8-41.4 33.6-72.7 35.3c-23.6 1.3-46.3-4.4-63.9-16c-20.8-13.8-33-34.8-34.3-59.3c-2.5-48.3 35.7-83 95.2-86.4c21.1-1.2 40.9-.3 59.2 2.8c-2.4-14.8-7.3-26.6-14.6-35.2c-10-11.7-25.6-17.7-46.2-17.8h-.7c-16.6 0-39 4.6-53.3 26.3l-34.4-23.6c19.2-29.1 50.3-45.1 87.8-45.1h.8c62.6.4 99.9 39.5 103.7 107.7l-.2.2zm-156 68.8c1.3 25.1 28.4 36.8 54.6 35.3c25.6-1.4 54.6-11.4 59.5-73.2c-13.2-2.9-27.8-4.4-43.4-4.4c-4.8 0-9.6.1-14.4.4c-42.9 2.4-57.2 23.2-56.2 41.8l-.1.1z" /></svg>
nextjs: (props: IconProps) => (
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d="M11.572 0c-.176 0-.31.001-.358.007a19.76 19.76 0 0 1-.364.033C7.443.346 4.25 2.185 2.228 5.012a11.875 11.875 0 0 0-2.119 5.243c-.096.659-.108.854-.108 1.747s.012 1.089.108 1.748c.652 4.506 3.86 8.292 8.209 9.695.779.25 1.6.422 2.534.525.363.04 1.935.04 2.299 0 1.611-.178 2.977-.577 4.323-1.264.207-.106.247-.134.219-.158-.02-.013-.9-1.193-1.955-2.62l-1.919-2.592-2.404-3.558a338.739 338.739 0 0 0-2.422-3.556c-.009-.002-.018 1.579-.023 3.51-.007 3.38-.01 3.515-.052 3.595a.426.426 0 0 1-.206.214c-.075.037-.14.044-.495.044H7.81l-.108-.068a.438.438 0 0 1-.157-.171l-.05-.106.006-4.703.007-4.705.072-.092a.645.645 0 0 1 .174-.143c.096-.047.134-.051.54-.051.478 0 .558.018.682.154.035.038 1.337 1.999 2.895 4.361a10760.433 10760.433 0 0 0 4.735 7.17l1.9 2.879.096-.063a12.317 12.317 0 0 0 2.466-2.163 11.944 11.944 0 0 0 2.824-6.134c.096-.66.108-.854.108-1.748 0-.893-.012-1.088-.108-1.747-.652-4.506-3.859-8.292-8.208-9.695a12.597 12.597 0 0 0-2.499-.523A33.119 33.119 0 0 0 11.573 0zm4.069 7.217c.347 0 .408.005.486.047a.473.473 0 0 1 .237.277c.018.06.023 1.365.018 4.304l-.006 4.218-.744-1.14-.746-1.14v-3.066c0-1.982.01-3.097.023-3.15a.478.478 0 0 1 .233-.296c.096-.05.13-.054.5-.054z"
gitHub: (props: IconProps) => (
<svg viewBox="0 0 438.549 438.549" {...props}>
d="M409.132 114.573c-19.608-33.596-46.205-60.194-79.798-79.8-33.598-19.607-70.277-29.408-110.063-29.408-39.781 0-76.472 9.804-110.063 29.408-33.596 19.605-60.192 46.204-79.8 79.8C9.803 148.168 0 184.854 0 224.63c0 47.78 13.94 90.745 41.827 128.906 27.884 38.164 63.906 64.572 108.063 79.227 5.14.954 8.945.283 11.419-1.996 2.475-2.282 3.711-5.14 3.711-8.562 0-.571-.049-5.708-.144-15.417a2549.81 2549.81 0 01-.144-25.406l-6.567 1.136c-4.187.767-9.469 1.092-15.846 1-6.374-.089-12.991-.757-19.842-1.999-6.854-1.231-13.229-4.086-19.13-8.559-5.898-4.473-10.085-10.328-12.56-17.556l-2.855-6.57c-1.903-4.374-4.899-9.233-8.992-14.559-4.093-5.331-8.232-8.945-12.419-10.848l-1.999-1.431c-1.332-.951-2.568-2.098-3.711-3.429-1.142-1.331-1.997-2.663-2.568-3.997-.572-1.335-.098-2.43 1.427-3.289 1.525-.859 4.281-1.276 8.28-1.276l5.708.853c3.807.763 8.516 3.042 14.133 6.851 5.614 3.806 10.229 8.754 13.846 14.842 4.38 7.806 9.657 13.754 15.846 17.847 6.184 4.093 12.419 6.136 18.699 6.136 6.28 0 11.704-.476 16.274-1.423 4.565-.952 8.848-2.383 12.847-4.285 1.713-12.758 6.377-22.559 13.988-29.41-10.848-1.14-20.601-2.857-29.264-5.14-8.658-2.286-17.605-5.996-26.835-11.14-9.235-5.137-16.896-11.516-22.985-19.126-6.09-7.614-11.088-17.61-14.987-29.979-3.901-12.374-5.852-26.648-5.852-42.826 0-23.035 7.52-42.637 22.557-58.817-7.044-17.318-6.379-36.732 1.997-58.24 5.52-1.715 13.706-.428 24.554 3.853 10.85 4.283 18.794 7.952 23.84 10.994 5.046 3.041 9.089 5.618 12.135 7.708 17.705-4.947 35.976-7.421 54.818-7.421s37.117 2.474 54.823 7.421l10.849-6.849c7.419-4.57 16.18-8.758 26.262-12.565 10.088-3.805 17.802-4.853 23.134-3.138 8.562 21.509 9.325 40.922 2.279 58.24 15.036 16.18 22.559 35.787 22.559 58.817 0 16.178-1.958 30.497-5.853 42.966-3.9 12.471-8.941 22.457-15.125 29.979-6.191 7.521-13.901 13.85-23.131 18.986-9.232 5.14-18.182 8.85-26.84 11.136-8.662 2.286-18.415 4.004-29.263 5.146 9.894 8.562 14.842 22.077 14.842 40.539v60.237c0 3.422 1.19 6.279 3.572 8.562 2.379 2.279 6.136 2.95 11.276 1.995 44.163-14.653 80.185-41.062 108.068-79.226 27.88-38.161 41.825-81.126 41.825-128.906-.01-39.771-9.818-76.454-29.414-110.049z"
google: ({ ...props }: IconProps) => (
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d="M12.48 10.92v3.28h7.84c-.24 1.84-.853 3.187-1.787 4.133-1.147 1.147-2.933 2.4-6.053 2.4-4.827 0-8.6-3.893-8.6-8.72s3.773-8.72 8.6-8.72c2.6 0 4.507 1.027 5.907 2.347l2.307-2.307C18.747 1.44 16.133 0 12.48 0 5.867 0 .307 5.387.307 12s5.56 12 12.173 12c3.573 0 6.267-1.173 8.373-3.36 2.16-2.16 2.84-5.213 2.84-7.667 0-.76-.053-1.467-.173-2.053H12.48z"
follow: (props: IconProps | React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => (
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import * as React from "react"
import { Slot } from "@radix-ui/react-slot"
import { cva, type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority"
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
const buttonVariants = cva(
"inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-md text-sm font-medium ring-offset-background transition-colors focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50",
variants: {
variant: {
default: "bg-primary text-primary-foreground hover:bg-primary/90",
"bg-destructive text-destructive-foreground hover:bg-destructive/90",
"border border-input bg-background hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground",
"bg-secondary text-secondary-foreground hover:bg-secondary/80",
ghost: "hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground",
link: "text-primary underline-offset-4 hover:underline",
size: {
default: "h-10 px-4 py-2",
sm: "h-9 rounded-md px-3",
lg: "h-11 rounded-md px-8",
icon: "h-10 w-10",
defaultVariants: {
variant: "default",
size: "default",
export interface ButtonProps
extends React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>,
VariantProps<typeof buttonVariants> {
asChild?: boolean
const Button = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, ButtonProps>(
({ className, variant, size, asChild = false, ...props }, ref) => {
const Comp = asChild ? Slot : "button"
return (
className={cn(buttonVariants({ variant, size, className }))}
Button.displayName = "Button"

import * as React from "react"
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */
export interface TextareaProps
extends React.TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement> { }
const ResizeTextarea: React.FC<TextareaProps> = ({ className, ...props }) => {
function updateTextAreaSize(textArea?: HTMLTextAreaElement) {
if (textArea == null) return; = "0"; = `${textArea.scrollHeight}px`;
const textAreaRef = React.useRef<HTMLTextAreaElement>();
const inputRef = React.useCallback((textArea: HTMLTextAreaElement) => {
textAreaRef.current = textArea;
}, []);
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, [props.value]);
return (
style={{ height: 0 }}
"flex-grow resize-none overflow-hidden outline-none text-[15px] text-accent-foreground break-words placeholder:text-[#777777] w-full bg-transparent tracking-normal",
ResizeTextarea.displayName = "ResizeTextarea"

"use client"
import * as React from "react"
import * as AvatarPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-avatar"
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
const Avatar = React.forwardRef<
React.ElementRef<typeof AvatarPrimitive.Root>,
React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof AvatarPrimitive.Root>
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
"relative flex h-10 w-10 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-full",
Avatar.displayName = AvatarPrimitive.Root.displayName
const AvatarImage = React.forwardRef<
React.ElementRef<typeof AvatarPrimitive.Image>,
React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof AvatarPrimitive.Image>
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
className={cn("aspect-square h-full w-full", className)}
AvatarImage.displayName = AvatarPrimitive.Image.displayName
const AvatarFallback = React.forwardRef<
React.ElementRef<typeof AvatarPrimitive.Fallback>,
React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof AvatarPrimitive.Fallback>
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
"flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-muted",
AvatarFallback.displayName = AvatarPrimitive.Fallback.displayName

"use client"
import * as React from "react"
import * as SeparatorPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-separator"
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
const Separator = React.forwardRef<
React.ElementRef<typeof SeparatorPrimitive.Root>,
React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof SeparatorPrimitive.Root>
{ className, orientation = "horizontal", decorative = true, ...props },
) => (
"shrink-0 bg-border",
orientation === "horizontal" ? "h-[1px] w-full" : "h-full w-[1px]",
Separator.displayName = SeparatorPrimitive.Root.displayName

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

I'm going to follow the following steps to help you solve the GitHub issue:

  1. Update the site name in the siteConfig object in src/config/site.ts from "Threads" to "Smiths"
  2. Update the site description in the siteConfig object in src/config/site.ts to replace "threads" with "smiths"
  3. Update the metadata keywords in src/app/layout.tsx to replace "threads" and "threads-clone" with "smiths" and "smiths-clone"
  4. Update the welcome toast message in src/components/auth/account-setup-form.tsx to use "smiths" instead of "threads"
  5. Update the "" badge in src/components/user/user-details.tsx to ""
  6. Update the "Threads" tab name in src/components/user/user-details.tsx to "Smiths"
  7. Update any instances of "Threads" in aria-labels or titles in src/components/icons.tsx to "Smiths"

Here are the changes we decided to make. I'm done making edits and now I'm just validating the changes using a linter to catch any mistakes like syntax errors or undefined variables:


We need to update the site name, description, ogImage, and URL in the siteConfig object.
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 export const siteConfig = {
-    name: "Threads",
-    description: "Open source threads clone with t3 stack.",
-    url: "",
-    ogImage: "",
+    name: "Smiths",
+    description: "Open source smiths clone with t3 stack.",
+    url: "",
+    ogImage: "",
     links: {
         twitter: "",
         github: "",


We need to update the metadata keywords to replace "threads" and "threads-clone" with "smiths" and "smiths-clone".
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 export const metadata: Metadata = {
-  metadataBase: new URL(''),
+  metadataBase: new URL(''),
   title: {
     template: `%s • ${}`,
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
-    "threads",
-    "threads-clone",
+    "smiths",
+    "smiths-clone",
     "shadcn ui"


We need to update the welcome toast message to use "smiths" instead of "threads".
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
         if (success) {
             router.push(origin ? `${origin}` : '/')
-        toast.success(`Welcome to threads ${username} !`)
+        toast.success(`Welcome to smiths ${username} !`)
     onError: (err) => {


We need to update the "" badge to "".
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
     <h4 className="text-[15px]">
-    <span className="ml-0.5 rounded-2xl bg-primary text-[#777777] text-xm px-1.5 py-1 text-[11px] font-medium"></span>
+    <span className="ml-0.5 rounded-2xl bg-primary text-[#777777] text-xm px-1.5 py-1 text-[11px] font-medium"></span>


We need to update the "Threads" tab name to "Smiths".
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
     href={`/${basePath}`} className={cn("flex items-center justify-center w-full h-12  font-medium  duration-200  text-center text-neutral-600", {
         "border-b-2 border-foreground text-foreground": lastSegment === basePath
-    Threads
+    Smiths

Step 3: 🔄️ Validating

Your changes have been successfully made to the branch sweep/rename_all_user_visible_instances_of_thr. I have validated these changes using a syntax checker and a linter.


To recreate the pull request, edit the issue title or description.

This is an automated message generated by Sweep AI.

@tomasmcm tomasmcm changed the title Sweep: rename this app to "smiths" Sweep: rename all user visible instances of "threads" to "smiths" Oct 8, 2024
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Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

1 participant