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Works Using Wordless

The following lists are not intended to be exhaustive and are just for reference. If you are aware of other works using Wordless that are not listed below, please contact the author for them to be added here.

Journal Articles

  1. Bi, Y., & Tan, H. (2024). Jiyu yuliaoku de Zhongyiwai guojia fanyi shijian Yingyi wenben keduxing yanjiu [A corpus-based study of readability in the English translations funded by the State Translation Program]. Fanyi yanjiu yu jiaoxue, 2024(3), 45–53.
  2. Chang, Y. (2020). A corpus-based comparative study of translation universals in two English translations of Li Sao. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 10(10), 916–922.
  3. Dai, Z., & Liu, H. (2024). Part-of-speech features in Bob Dylan’s song lyrics: A stylometric analysis. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 18(2), 249–264.
  4. Fu, L., & Liu, L. (2024). What are the differences? A comparative study of generative artificial intelligence translation and human translation of scientific texts. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, Article 1236.
  5. Li, G., Wang, H., & Wang, J. (2023). Jiyu yuliaoku de “Hongxing Zhaoyao Zhongguo” yizhe fengge yanjiu: yuyan yu fei yuyan biaozheng kaocha. Wenhua Xuekan, 2023(8), 179–183.
  6. Lv, R., & Ma, W. (2020). “Wenxindiaolong” san ge yingyiben kejieshoudu duibi yanjiu [Comparative study on acceptability of three English versions of the Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons]. Hubei Dier Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao, 37(3), 17–22.
  7. Shao, K. (2022). Yiwu jiaoyu tongbian yuwen jiaokeshu shouci fenci: jiyu yu “Yiwu Jiaoyu Changyong Cibiao (Caoan)” de bijiao [An analysis of the vocabulary in Chinese language textbooks for compulsory education: Based on the comparison with Yiwu Jiaoyu Changyong Cibiao (Caoan)]. Xiandai Yuwen, 2022(12), 67–75.
  8. Shi, H. (2022). Yuliaoku yuyanxue shijiao xia de “Shudao Nan” yingyi yanjiu [A C-E translation study of the Shu Way Is Hard from the perspective of corpus linguistics]. Xiandai Yuyanxue, 10(6), 1347–1355.
  9. Song, Z., Li, L., & Liang, Y. (2021). “Goushi qudong” duxie jiaoxue moshi xia de goushi xide yanjiu [Experimental research on construction acquisition in the construction-driven reading and writing teaching mode]. Chengdu Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao, 37(3), 51–58.
  10. Sun, Y., Kong, D., & Zhou, C. (2023). Economy or ecology: Metaphor use over time in China’s government work reports. Language and Cognition, 15(3), 551–573.
  11. Tao, Y. (2021). Jiyu Emei yuliaoku de xinguan feiyan zhutici yu yiqing bianqian yanjiu [Corpus-based study on the changes of key words and epidemic situations of COVID-19 in Russian media]. Nanchang Hangkong Daxue Xuebao: Shehui Kexue, 23(1), 114–124.
  12. Wang, L., & Zhu, Y. (2024). Shuzi renwen shiyu xia ershisishi lunzan yinyu de yanjuxing yanjiu [The evidentiality of the quotation in the argument and praise discourse of the twenty-four histories from the perspective of digital humanities]. Shuzi Renwen, 2024(1).
  13. Wang, S. (2023). Cómo fomentar la incorporación de agendas políticas feministas en el discurso político: Estrategias para la construcción del espacio discursivo en respuesta a las crisis de género [How to promote feminist political agendas in political discourse: Strategies for constructing a discursive space in addressing gender crises]. Comunicación y Género, 6(2), 147–157.
  14. Xiong, L. (2023). Audio description for educational videos on COVID-19 response: A corpus-based study on linguistic and textual idiosyncrasies. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 13(4), 276–285.
  15. Xu, B., & Tao, Y. (2023). National identity in media discourses from Russia and Ukraine: Amid the 2022 Russo-Ukranian War. Zeitschrift für Slawistik, 68(3), 419–439.
  16. Yang, Y., & Yang, K. (2022). Оценка в китайском и русском официальных политических дискурсах в эпоху пандемии COVID-19 (на материале выступлений глав КНР и РФ на Всемирном экономическом форуме 2021 г.) [Evaluation in Chinese and Russian official political discourses in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic (based on the speeches of the leaders of the PRC and the Russian Federation at the World Economic Forum 2021)]. Политическая Лингвистика, 2022(1), 135–142.
  17. Yao, M., Tian, S., & Zhong, W. (2024). Readable and neutral: Reliability of crowdsourced misinformation debunking through linguistic and psycholinguistic cues. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, Article 1478176.
  18. Yi, W., & DeKeyser, R. (2022). Incidental learning of semantically transparent and opaque Chinese compounds from reading: An eye-tracking approach. System, 107, Article 102825.
  19. Yih, T., & Liu, H. (2023). The meaning distributions on different levels of granularity. Glottometrics, 54, 13–38.
  20. Zhang, H., & Hou, Y. (2024). The construction of interpersonal meanings in Jiaqi Li’s e-commerce live streams: Integrating verbal and visual semiotics. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 38(4), 371–409.
  21. Zhang, W. (2022). Jiyu yuliaoku de “Mima Fa” yingyi yanjiu [A corpus-based study of English translation on cryptography law of the People's Republic of China]. Beijing Dianzi Keji Xueyuan Xuebao, 30(3), 152–160.
  22. Zhang, Y. (2024). Enhancing vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension in intermediate Chinese: A corpus-driven approach for international students. Journal of e-learning Research, 3(1), 45–20.
  23. Zhao, H. (2024). Meiguo zhuliu meiti dui “Yidaiyilu” baodao de huayu goujian yanjiu [A study on the discourse construction of American mainstream media’s “Belt and Road” reports]. Chongqing youdian daxue xuebao (shehui kexue ban), 36(4), 177–186.
  24. Zhao, Y. (2022). Jiyu yuliaoku de Fu Lei fanyi fengge xintan: Yuyan yu qinggan de ronghe [A corpus-based study on Fu Lei's translation style: The fusion of language and emotion]. Waiyu Dianhua Jiaoxue, 2022(2), 96–103.
  25. Zhou, Y., Jiang, J., & Liu, H. (2024). Modifying language for a higher goal: Investigating quantitative features of Apple’s launch event speech from 2016 to 2022. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 31(2), 139–160.

Master’s Theses

  1. Cai, H. (2023). A report on the E-C translation of Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World (chapters 3-4) [Master’s thesis, Chongqing University]. CNKI.
  2. Chen, J. (2024). Jiyu yuliaoku de chuzhongsheng Yingyu xiezuo cihui fengfuxing de xingdong yanjiu [A corpus-based action research on the lexical richness in English writing for junior high school students] [Master’s thesis, Jimei University]. CNKI.
  3. Kang, Z. (2023). Investigating the translator's style: A corpus-based analysis of Howard Goldblatt's style in his English translations of Mo Yan's novels [Master’s thesis, Beijing Foreign Studies University]. CNKI.
  4. Li, S. (2023). A corpus-based study on the international image of China: A case study of On Building a Human Community With a Shared Future [Master’s thesis, Hebei University]. CNKI.
  5. Lin, Y. (2023). Lishi shuju keshihua zai gaozhong lishi jiaoxue zhong de yingyong yanjiu [Research on the application of historical data visualization in senior high school history teaching] [Master’s thesis, Fujian Normal University]. CNKI.
  6. Luo, H. (2023). “Xueba” de huayu jiangou: Xuexizhe shenfen de piping xushu tanjiu [Discursive construction of “xue ba”: A critical narrative inquiry on learner identity] [Master’s thesis, Shanghai International Studies University]. CNKI.
  7. Lv, R. (2020). A comparative study of acceptability of three English versions of Wenxin Diaolong [Master’s thesis, Wuhan University of Technology]. Wanfang Data.
  8. Ma, L. (2023). Kōkō·daigaku ni okeru Nihongo kyōkasho no renketsu ni kansuru kenkyū: “Futsū Kōkō Kyōkasho Nigo” to “Shinseki Daigaku Nigo” o rei ni [A study on the articulation between the high school and college Japanese textbooks: A case study of High School Japanese and New Century Japanese] [Master’s thesis, Harbin Normal University]. CNKI.
  9. Ma, X. (2024). Applying semantic prosody for machine translation improvement on English-Chinese passive sentences [Master’s thesis, University of Barcelona]. Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona.
  10. Meng, H. (2022). A report on C-E translation practice from the perspective of technical communication: A case study of Writing in the Techinical Fields: A Practical Guide (chapter 1 and chapter 4) [Master’s thesis, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications]. CNKI.
  11. Shen, Y. (2020). On the influence of translator's habitus on translation: A case study of the two English versions of Bian Cheng [Master’s thesis, Shanghai International Studies University]. CNKI.
  12. Xie, S. (2024). Marketing Higher Education: Understanding How to Build and Promote the University Brand(Chapters10-11)Yinghan fanyi shijian baogao [English-Chinese translation practice report of Marketing Higher Education: Understanding How to Build and Promote the University Brand (Chapters 10-11)] [Master’s thesis, Heilongjiang University]. CNKI.
  13. Yan, M. (2023). A comparative study on the translation styles of three English versions of Na Han and Pang Huang [Master’s thesis, Beijing Foreign Studies University]. CNKI.
  14. Zhao, J. (2023). Yiwu jiaoyu jieduan yuwen jiaocai ciyu yanjiu [A research on the vocabulary of Chinese textbooks in the compulsory education stage] [Master’s thesis, Liaoning Normal University]. CNKI.
  15. Zhou, Y. (2023). “Rensheng” Eyiben xiangtu Zhongguo wenhua xingxiang chonggou yanjiu [A research on the reconstruction of rural China’s cultural image in the Russian translation of “Life”] [Master’s thesis, Heilongjiang University]. CNKI.
  16. Zhu, L. (2024). Transforming Learning Through Tangible Instruction: The Case for Thinking with Things (Chapter 4) Yinghan fanyi shijian baogao [English-Chinese translation practice report of Transforming Learning Through Tangible Instruction: The Case for Thinking with Things (Chapter 4)] [Master’s thesis, Heilongjiang University]. CNKI.

Doctoral Dissertations

  1. Huang, G. (2024). Duomotai waixuan fanyi zhong de Zhongguo junren xingxiang suzao yanjiu: Yi Zhongguo Jundui (Zhongyingwen ban) Gushi lanmu tuwen xinwen weili [A study of the representation of Chinese servicemen/women’s image in the multimodal outbound translation: A case study of the column Stories of the bilingual magazine China Armed Forces] [Doctoral dissertation, Shanghai International Studies University]. CNKI.
  2. Dai, Z. (2023). Dangdai huayu liuxing geci cihui jiliang yanjiu (1978-2021) [Quantitative studies on contemporary Chinese popular song lyrics (1978-2021)] [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Zhejiang University.

Conference Papers

  1. Cheng, Y., & Xia, Y. (2023). Exploring the transcreation of Hong Lou Meng: A corpus-assisted comparative study. In V. Nimehchisalem & H. Habil (Eds.), Proceedings of the Malaysian association of applied linguistics international conference (MAALIC) (pp. 16–21). Malaysia Association of Applied Linguistics.
  2. Wei, J., Chen, X., Xiao, H., Tang, S., Xie, X., & Li, Z. (2023). Natural language processing-based requirements modeling: A case study on problem frames. In Proceedings of 2023 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) (pp. 191–200). IEEE.
  3. Xu, B., & Wang, G. (2020). A corpus-based study of translation styles of three Chinese versions of Turgenev’s collection Poems in Prose. In L. Hale Cox, J. Zhang, J. Lindsay, & Q. Fang (Eds.), Proceedings of the ninth Northeast Asia international symposium on language, literature and translation (pp. 133–139). American Scholars Press.
  4. Xu, B., & Wang, G. (2020). A corpus-based study of translation styles of two Russian versions of Tao Te Ching. In R. Hou, R. Zhu, & Y. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2020 conference on education, language and inter-cultural communication (ELIC 2020) (pp. 445–451). Atlantis Press.