diff --git a/Master List.md b/Master List.md index 59f683f..f65b0c0 100644 --- a/Master List.md +++ b/Master List.md @@ -1,10 +1,41 @@ - Table of Contents: * [Great Translators](#great-translators) * [Decent Translators](#decent-translators) * [Recommended Content Creators](#recommended-content-creators) ## Great Translators + +
+ [JP-EN] Aonahara Translations + + ![Channel picture](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJy2sZMYEaXTS66dNL2UR1-de3rWzUL3EBRaaZdz=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj) + +- **Link to channel:** + [Aonahara Translations](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzD0rLDQQ69DdJfbqDXlB9Q/videos) + +- **Link to content examples:** +Thumbnail
Monika’s Trick to Kanata
Shion cheats on both her fiancée and her new wife with Rushia
Matsuri, Suffering from Success
+ + +- **Why should I subscribe to them?** +foooooood keeps everyone in the basement so the TL quality is good. + +- **Does the channel focus on a particular VTuber(s)/groups?** + +- **If any, what errors or issues do you see sometimes? What justification do you have for still recommending them?** + +- **How do they show a high level of standard?** +Dedicated Proofreaders, QCs and TLQCs + +- **Additional information:** +[Discord](https://discord.gg/aonahara) + +* **[Link to discussion](https://github.com/tl-masterlist/VTuber-Translators-Master-List/issues/16)** + +
[JP-EN] lyger VTuber Translations