#Introduction to Programming
##What's a RubyGem?
gem list gem update --system gem update gem list
##How do we run a ruby file?
ruby ./hello.rb
##Why Ruby?
###Advantages of Ruby
- It's object-oriented
- It's a pure OO language
- It's dynamic - you can change code during runtime
- It's interpreted
- It has a nice syntax
- It's easier to learn
###ISO/IEC 3017:2012 this means they can't just change the ruby language. If they do they have to change the ISO too
##DRY (Don't Repeat yourself) adhere to best practices
##Recap -Numbers -gets.chomp -variables
##Methods don't need brackets when calling a method never put empty brackets for methods that call no arguments we dont need the return keyword
####Demonstration ruby-doc.org rand(100) random number from 1 - 100