|_) _ _|_
| (_| |_
-- the only SMTP postman!
is an easy to use SMTP client for Erlang. You only need to know
two functions:
, which takes an SMTP relay, a{Host, Port}
pair and a list of SMTP options, listed bellow and returns an SMTP connection.pat:send/2
, which sends a given email via an SMTP connection.
Here's a quick example:
(pat@postoffice)1> Opts = [{user, <<"pat">>}, {password, <<"postman">>}],
(pat@postoffice)2> Conn = pat:connect({<<"smtp.yandex.ru">>, 25}, Opts),
(pat@postoffice)3> rr("include/*").
(pat@postoffice)4> Email = #email{sender= <<"[email protected]">>,
(pat@postoffice)4> recipients=[<<"[email protected]">>],
(pat@postoffice)4> message= <<"Hello world!">>}.
(pat@postoffice)5> pat:send(Conn, Email).
{ok,<<"2.0.0 Ok: queued on smtp13.mail.yandex.net as mM6eOXwj-mM642Fvi">>}
As the name suggest, all connection options are optional. Here's a list of them:
| Option | Description |
| {ssl, true | false} | Use SSL for connection. |
| {tls, never | always | maybe} | Start a TLS session, after connecting via an |
| | unsecure socket, passing 'maybe' means: use TLS |
| | only if the relay supports STARTTLS command. |
| {user, binary()} | SMTP auth. username. |
| {password, binary()} | SMTP auth. password. |
| {timeout, timeout()} | A timeout in *seconds* for the underlying |
| | gen_server. |