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Use pgai with OpenAI

This page shows you how to:

Configure pgai for OpenAI

To use the OpenAI functions, you need an OpenAI API key.

In production, we suggest setting the API key using an environment variable. During testing and development, it may be easiest to configure the key value as a session level parameter. For more options and details, consult the Handling API keys document.

  1. Set your OpenAI key as an environment variable in your shell:

    export OPENAI_API_KEY="this-is-my-super-secret-api-key-dont-tell"
  2. Use the session level parameter when you connect to your database:

    PGOPTIONS="-c ai.openai_api_key=$OPENAI_API_KEY" psql -d "postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database-name>"
  3. Run your AI query:

    ai.openai_api_key is set for the duration of your psql session, you do not need to specify it for pgai functions.

    SELECT * 
    FROM ai.openai_list_models()
    ORDER BY created DESC


This section shows you how to use AI directly from your database using SQL.

List models

List the models supported by your AI provider in pgai:

FROM ai.openai_list_models()

The data returned looks like:

             id              |        created         |    owned_by     
 gpt-4o-test-shared          | 2024-05-20 13:06:56-05 | system
 gpt-4o-2024-05-13           | 2024-05-10 14:08:52-05 | system
 gpt-4o                      | 2024-05-10 13:50:49-05 | system
 gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09      | 2024-04-08 13:41:17-05 | system
 gpt-4-turbo                 | 2024-04-05 18:57:21-05 | system
(N rows)


To encode content and count the number of tokens returned:

  • Encode content into an array of tokens:

    SELECT ai.openai_tokenize
    ( 'text-embedding-ada-002'
    , 'Timescale is Postgres made Powerful'

    The data returned looks like:

    (1 row)
  • Count the number of tokens generated:

    SELECT array_length
    ( ai.openai_tokenize
      ( 'text-embedding-ada-002'
      , 'Timescale is Postgres made Powerful'
    , 1

    The data returned looks like:

    (1 row)


Turn tokenized content into natural language:

SELECT ai.openai_detokenize('text-embedding-ada-002', array[1820,25977,46840,23874,389,264,2579,58466]);

The data returned looks like:

 the purple elephant sits on a red mushroom
(1 row)


Generate embeddings using a specified model.

  • Request an embedding using a specific model:

    SELECT ai.openai_embed
    ( 'text-embedding-ada-002'
    , 'the purple elephant sits on a red mushroom'

    The data returned looks like:

    (1 row)
  • Specify the number of dimensions you want in the returned embedding:

    SELECT ai.openai_embed
    ( 'text-embedding-ada-002'
    , 'the purple elephant sits on a red mushroom'
    , dimensions=>768

    This only works for certain models.

  • Pass a user identifier:

    SELECT ai.openai_embed
    ( 'text-embedding-ada-002'
    , 'the purple elephant sits on a red mushroom'
    , openai_user=>'bac1aaf7-4460-42d3-bba5-2957b057f4a5'
  • Pass an array of text inputs:

    SELECT ai.openai_embed
    ( 'text-embedding-ada-002'
    , array['Timescale is Postgres made Powerful', 'the purple elephant sits on a red mushroom']
  • Provide tokenized input:

    select ai.openai_embed
    ( 'text-embedding-ada-002'
    , array[1820,25977,46840,23874,389,264,2579,58466]

Chat complete

Generate text or complete a chat:

  • Have an LLM generate text from a prompt:

    -- the following two metacommands cause the raw query results to be printed
    -- without any decoration
    \pset tuples_only on
    \pset format unaligned
    SELECT jsonb_pretty
      ( 'gpt-4o'
      , jsonb_build_array
        ( jsonb_build_object('role', 'system', 'content', 'you are a helpful assistant')
        , jsonb_build_object('role', 'user', 'content', 'what is the typical weather like in Alabama in June')

    The data returned looks like:

        "id": "chatcmpl-9RgehyQ0aydAkQajrN6Oe0lepERKC",
        "model": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13",
        "usage": {
            "total_tokens": 332,
            "prompt_tokens": 26,
            "completion_tokens": 306
        "object": "chat.completion",
        "choices": [
                "index": 0,
                "message": {
                    "role": "assistant",
                    "content": "In Alabama, June typically ushers in the summer season with warm to hot temperatures and relatively high humidity. Here’s a general overview of what you can expect:\n\n1. **Temperature**: \n   - Average daytime highs usually range from the mid-80s to low 90s Fahrenheit (around 29-35°C).\n   - Nighttime temperatures often fall to the mid-60s to mid-70s Fahrenheit (18-24°C).\n\n2. **Humidity**:\n   - Humidity levels can be quite high, making the temperatures feel even warmer. The mix of heat and humidity can lead to a muggy atmosphere.\n\n3. **Rainfall**:\n   - June is part of the wet season for Alabama, so you can expect a fair amount of rainfall. Thunderstorms are relatively common, often in the afternoons and evenings.\n   - The precipitation can be sporadic, with sudden downpours that can clear up quickly.\n\n4. **Sunshine**:\n   - There are plenty of sunny days, though the sunshine can be intense. Ultraviolet (UV) levels are high, so sun protection is important.\n\n5. **Overall Climate**:\n   - Generally, the climate in Alabama in June is characterized by a typical Southeastern U.S. summer: hot, humid, and occasionally stormy. \n\nIf you’re planning a visit or activities in Alabama during June, it’s a good idea to stay hydrated, wear light clothing, and keep an eye on the weather forecast for any potential thunderstorms."
                "logprobs": null,
                "finish_reason": "stop"
        "created": 1716385851,
        "system_fingerprint": "fp_729ea513f7"
  • Return the content as text from a specific message in the choices array.

    openai_chat_complete returns a jsonb object containing the response from the API. You can use jsonb operators and functions to manipulate the object returned. For example, the following query returns the content as text from the first message in the choices array:

    -- the following two metacommands cause the raw query results to be printed
    -- without any decoration
    \pset tuples_only on
    \pset format unaligned
    select ai.openai_chat_complete
    ( 'gpt-4o'
    , jsonb_build_array
      ( jsonb_build_object('role', 'system', 'content', 'you are a helpful assistant')
      , jsonb_build_object('role', 'user', 'content', 'what is the typical weather like in Alabama in June')

    The data returned looks like:

    In June, Alabama generally experiences warm to hot weather as it transitions into summer. Typical conditions include:
    1. **Temperatures**: Daytime highs usually range from the mid-80s to low 90s Fahrenheit (around 29-34°C). Nighttime lows typically range from the mid-60s to low 70s Fahrenheit (around 18-23°C).
    2. **Humidity**: June tends to be quite humid, which can make the temperatures feel even warmer. High humidity levels are characteristic of Alabama summers.
    3. **Precipitation**: June is part of the wetter season in Alabama, with regular afternoon thunderstorms being common. Rainfall can vary, but you can expect an average of about 4 to 5 inches (around 100-125 mm) of rain for the month.
    4. **Sunshine**: There are usually plenty of sunny days, although the frequent thunderstorms can lead to overcast skies at times.
    Overall, if you're planning to visit Alabama in June, be prepared for hot and humid conditions, and keep an umbrella or rain jacket handy for those afternoon storms.


Check if content is classified as potentially harmful:

-- the following two metacommands cause the raw query results to be printed
-- without any decoration
\pset tuples_only on
\pset format unaligned

select jsonb_pretty
  ( 'text-moderation-stable'
  , 'I want to kill them.'

The data returned looks like:

    "id": "modr-9RsN6qZWoZYm1AK4mtrKuEjfOcMWp",
    "model": "text-moderation-007",
    "results": [
            "flagged": true,
            "categories": {
                "hate": false,
                "sexual": false,
                "violence": true,
                "self-harm": false,
                "self_harm": false,
                "harassment": true,
                "sexual/minors": false,
                "sexual_minors": false,
                "hate/threatening": false,
                "hate_threatening": false,
                "self-harm/intent": false,
                "self_harm_intent": false,
                "violence/graphic": false,
                "violence_graphic": false,
                "harassment/threatening": true,
                "harassment_threatening": true,
                "self-harm/instructions": false,
                "self_harm_instructions": false
            "category_scores": {
                "hate": 0.2324090600013733,
                "sexual": 0.00001205232911161147,
                "violence": 0.997192919254303,
                "self-harm": 0.0000023696395601291442,
                "self_harm": 0.0000023696395601291442,
                "harassment": 0.5278584957122803,
                "sexual/minors": 0.00000007506431387582779,
                "sexual_minors": 0.00000007506431387582779,
                "hate/threatening": 0.024183575063943863,
                "hate_threatening": 0.024183575063943863,
                "self-harm/intent": 0.0000017161115692942985,
                "self_harm_intent": 0.0000017161115692942985,
                "violence/graphic": 0.00003399916022317484,
                "violence_graphic": 0.00003399916022317484,
                "harassment/threatening": 0.5712487697601318,
                "harassment_threatening": 0.5712487697601318,
                "self-harm/instructions": 0.000000001132860139030356,
                "self_harm_instructions": 0.000000001132860139030356

Advanced examples

In the next examples, you will use pgai to embed, moderate, and summarize git commit history.

Load the sample data

To add the advanced examples to your developer environment, in the <pgai-repo>/docs folder:

  1. Connect to your database using psql:

    The following command passes your OpenAI API key as a session parameter:

    PGOPTIONS="-c ai.openai_api_key=$OPENAI_API_KEY" psql -d "postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database-name>"
  2. Ensure the pgai extension is enabled in your database and use \copy to load the git commit_history data to a new table in your database:

    create extension if not exists ai cascade;
    -- a table with git commit history
    create table commit_history
    ( id int not null primary key
    , author text
    , "date" timestamptz
    , "commit" text
    , summary text
    , detail text
    -- use psql's copy metacommand to load the csv into the table
    -- if the csv file is not in the same directory from which psql was launched,
    -- you will need to modify the path here
    \copy commit_history from 'commit_history.csv' with (format csv)


Use the pgai extension to generate an embedding for each git commit. The embeddings are inserted into a new table:

-- we want to embed each row of commit history and put the embedding in this table
create table commit_history_embed
( id int not null primary key
, embedding vector(1536) -- the vector type comes from the pgvector extension

-- select from the first table, embed the content, and insert in the second table
insert into commit_history_embed (id, embedding)
, ai.openai_embed
  ( 'text-embedding-3-small'
    -- create a single text string representation of the commit
  , format('author: %s date: %s commit: %s summary: %s detail: %s', author, "date", "commit", summary, detail)
  ) as embedding
from commit_history


Use the pgai extension to moderate the git commit details. Any commits that are flagged are inserted into a new table. An array of the categories of harmful speech that were flagged is provided for each row. To achieve this, the following query uses jsonb operators and a jsonpath query to process the response from OpenAI:

create table commit_history_moderated 
( id int not null primary key
, detail text -- the content that was moderated
, flagged_categories jsonb -- an array of json strings

insert into commit_history_moderated (id, detail, flagged_categories)
, x.detail
  -- pull out the list of only the categories that were flagged
, jsonb_path_query_array(x.moderation, '$.results[0].categories.keyvalue() ? (@.value == true).key')
    , detail
      -- call the openai api using the pgai extension. the result is jsonb
    , ai.openai_moderate('text-moderation-stable', detail) as moderation
    from commit_history
) x
where (x.moderation->'results'->0->>'flagged')::bool -- only the ones that were flagged


Use the pgai extension to summarize content. In a single query, ask for a summarization of a month's worth of git commits in the form of release notes in Markdown format. You provide one message for the system and another one for the user.

The git commits for the month are appended in text format to the user message. This query uses jsonb operators to pull out the content of the response only:

-- the following two metacommands cause the raw query results to be printed
-- without any decoration
\pset tuples_only on
\pset format unaligned

-- summarize and categorize git commits to produce a release notes document
select ai.openai_chat_complete
( 'gpt-4o'
, jsonb_build_array
  ( jsonb_build_object
    ( 'role', 'system'
    , 'content', 'You are a software release engineer who summarizes git commits to produce release notes.'
  , jsonb_build_object
    ( 'role', 'user'
    , 'content'
    , -- build up a list of the commit details to append to the prompt
      ( E'Summarize the following list of commits from the timescaledb git repo from August 2023 in a release notes document in markdown format.\n\n'
      , string_agg(x.commit_desc, E'\n\n')
    -- convert each to a text format
    select format
    ( E'%s %s\n\tcommit: %s\n\tauthor: %s\n\tdate: %s\n\tdetail: %s'
    , row_number() over (order by "date")
    , summary
    , "commit"
    , author
    , "date"
    , detail
    ) as commit_desc
    from commit_history
    -- just look at commits from August 2023
    where date_trunc('month', "date") = '2023-08-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamptz
    order by "date"
) x

OpenAI Client Configuration

Client configuration is supported through the ai.openai_client_config() function. This function generates a configuration object that can be used across OpenAI-related functions to customize the client behavior.

The ai.openai_client_config function accepts the following parameters:

  • base_url (text, optional): The base URL for the OpenAI API.
  • timeout_seconds (float8, optional): Request timeout in seconds. OpenAI-related functions accepts a timeout_seconds parameter that takes precedence over this value.
  • organization (text, optional): OpenAI organization ID.
  • project (text, optional): Project identifier for tracking purposes.
  • max_retries (int, optional): Maximum number of retry attempts for failed requests.
  • default_headers (jsonb, optional): Default headers to include in all requests.
  • default_query (jsonb, optional): Default query parameters to include in all requests.

All parameters are optional and will use their default values defined by the OpenAI python library if not provided.

For example, to set the project, and organization for OpenAI requests:

SELECT ai.openai_embed(
    model => 'text-embedding-ada-002',
    input_text => 'Hello world',
    client_config => ai.openai_client_config(
        organization => 'org-0F65JvbWoebpWcrboA6vR2zP',
        project => 'my-pgai-project'

Setting the timeout and retries for OpenAI requests:

SELECT ai.openai_moderate(
    input_text => 'Check this content',
    client_config => ai.openai_client_config(
        max_retries => 3,
        timeout_seconds => 45.0

Base URL Migration from versions prior to 0.9.0

Version 0.9.0 introduced a new way to configure the base URL for OpenAI requests. Previously, the base URL was passed as a separate parameter to the OpenAI functions:

SELECT ai.openai_embed(
    model => 'text-embedding-ada-002',
    input_text => 'Hello world',
    base_url => ''

Starting from version 0.9.0, the base URL is configured using the ai.openai_client_config function:

SELECT ai.openai_embed(
    model => 'text-embedding-ada-002',
    input_text => 'Hello world',
    client_config => ai.openai_client_config(
        base_url => ''

Raw response

Each OpenAI function has a variant that returns the raw API response as JSONB. These variants accept the same arguments as their regular counterparts and are suffixed with _with_raw_response:

  • ai.openai_list_models_with_raw_response
  • ai.openai_embed_with_raw_response
  • ai.openai_moderate_with_raw_response
  • ai.openai_chat_complete_with_raw_response

Undocumented request params

If you want to include additional parameters in a request, you can do so using the extra_query, extra_body, and extra_headers options.

These values will be passed down to the corresponding method in the OpenAI Python library and used in the same way as described in the OpenAI Python library documentation for Undocumented request params.