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63 lines (45 loc) · 1.49 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (45 loc) · 1.49 KB


Package prototube implements an API to publish strongly-typed events into Kafka.

Applications can publish events into a specific topic. A topic is always associated with a schema which defines the schema of the event. Events that do not conform with the schemas are rejected.

Internally prototube encodes the events using the following format:

<Magic Number> <Header> <Event>
  • Magic Number: 0x50, 0x42, 0x54, 0x42
  • Header: Protobuf-encoded structure that contains the metadata of the event (e.g, timestamp / uuid)
  • Event: Protobuf-encoded event

How to use


Please follow this Kafka Quickstart link to install and start Kafka locally.


Build and run the example application to produce random messages to local Kafka.

$ cd examples
$ go run main.go

Compile a proto file

Below command generates the example example.pb.go from example.proto with module main.

$ cd examples
$ protoc --go_out=. idl/example.proto

Use prototube producer

Please see this example for your reference.

Code snippet:

producer, err := prototube.NewWithConfig("testTopic", &prototube.ProducerConfig{
	KafkaBootstrapBrokerList: []string{"localhost:9092"},

	Int32Field:  int32(rand.Intn(10000)),
	Int64Field:  rand.Int63n(int64(10000) + 10000),
	DoubleField: rand.Float64(),