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File metadata and controls

101 lines (86 loc) · 3.89 KB


A simple local experimental coreos cluster setup using Vagrant and Ansible

Getting started

Get into the working directory which contains the Vagrantfile and ./provision/ folder and:

$ vagrant up --no-provision
$ vagrant provision
$ vagrant ssh core-01

yes, it's a little wierd to need to run with --no-provision, then later with provision only after all the VMs are setup. but this way does work just fine.

[core-01]$ etcdctl ls

should return quickly and return nothing, b/c there are no values stored on the cluster

[core-01]$ fleetctl list-machines

should return quickly with the set of three machines with machine ID, IP address, and Metadata (which is from fleet.conf & contains hostname for now

[core-01]$ fleetctl submit registry-cluster.service
[core-01]$ fleetctl start registry-cluster.service
[core-01]$ fleetctl status registry-cluster.service

note: you'll probably get some panic messages from go when you ask for status or try anything ssh related. the provisioner took the liberty of pushing your ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key into the /home/core/.ssh/ folder of each node. it's a little tedious but would suggest you simply go into the node you want to mostly use fleetctl from and acquaint the image with that key so the coreos, fleet, etc ssh commands resume functioning

core@core-02 ~ $ eval `ssh-agent -s`
Agent pid 964
core@core-02 ~ $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/insecure_private_key 
Identity added: /home/core/.ssh/insecure_private_key
core@core-02 ~ $ fleetctl list-machines -l
MACHINE                 IP      METADATA
a8505f9e-e163-45f9-9ca1-bac65dd983bc    name=core-01
f1912f0d-4fbb-4645-b101-c0ac0d66dff8    name=core-03
49ecaa92-3f25-456c-9f72-b55751fb19d9    name=core-02
core@core-02 ~ $ fleetctl ssh a8505f9e-e163-45f9-9ca1-bac65dd983bc
Last login: Mon Feb 24 03:55:23 UTC 2014 from on pts/0
   ______                ____  _____
  / ____/___  ________  / __ \/ ___/
 / /   / __ \/ ___/ _ \/ / / /\__ \
/ /___/ /_/ / /  /  __/ /_/ /___/ /
\____/\____/_/   \___/\____//____/
core@core-01 ~ $ exit

more explanation and fix options are here: coreos/fleet#143

...Sky's the limit at this point to experiment around with fleet, etcd, and the cluster...

Notes of interest

Ansible works because it's either doing local_actions (like template rendering for configs) or 'raw' actions which are raw commands issued over ssh by ansible. This is because ansible itself requeires python (I believe 2.4+) on all nodes and coreos doesn't (and doesn't plan to AFAIK) include python in the image.

Because of this, and because I'm pretty new to ansible and probably made some mistakes in the playbook, it does sometimes happen that if you run the same ansible-playbook command twice, you actually have better results with the various services functioning correctly. Also, keep your ~/.ssh/known_hosts in mind a bit since it will get updated with the hashes of the VMs as you use them so if you spin up clusters then [$ vagrant destroy && vagrant up] them, you can get errors about ssh which are typically because the hash in known_hosts simply changes when you re-create VMs [troubleshoot with -vvvv anyway to be sure].

File function summary

  • Vagrantfile: Creates 3 coreos VMs running at named core-01, core-02, and core-03
  • Ansible playbook & configs in ./provision/: Bootstraps the coreos VMs after they're started with a (patched) etcd-cluster.service and (simple, custom) fleet-cluster.service. The fleet service reads /home/core/fleet.conf as it's config file which allows this setup to include metadata and public ip in fleetctl results, and for other experimentation with the feature set.

Would love your help to critique and improve this so it can be updated to better reflect best practices.