A Nativescript Angular module to quickly create Pages and Layout fragments
npm install nativescript-ngx-partials --save
Import the module into your app-module
import { PartialsModule } from 'nativescript-ngx-partials';
The page layout consists of a root tag and nested attribute containers:
- Page (root element)
- page-header
- page-content
- page-footer
- page-toolbar
The Page has the following options:
- header=flow/float/fixed
- footert=flow/float/fixed
- toolbar=top-left/bottom-left (any combination of horizontal and vertical properties)
- debug (highlights the container elements)
The Panel is a NativeScript Flex-box layout view that simplifies the process of nested elements by using row and column tags
You can add the native Flexbox css styles to the Row/Col Panel
The RowPanel has the following nested containers:
- panel-left
- panel-middle
- panel-right
The ColPanel has the following nested containers:
- panel-top
- panel-middle
- panel-bottom
Provided in the demo app