diff --git a/fxmanifest.lua b/fxmanifest.lua index 2916b49..9ee9560 100644 --- a/fxmanifest.lua +++ b/fxmanifest.lua @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ fx_version 'adamant' game 'gta5' description 'https://github.com/thelindat/esx_multicharacter' -version '1.1.1' +version '1.1.2' dependencies { 'es_extended', @@ -10,18 +10,20 @@ dependencies { 'esx_skin' } -shared_script 'config.lua' +shared_scripts { + '@es_extended/locale.lua', + 'locales/*.lua', + 'config.lua' +} server_scripts { '@es_extended/imports.lua', '@mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua', - 'server/*.lua', + 'server/*.lua' } client_scripts { - '@es_extended/locale.lua', - 'client/main.lua', - 'locales/*.lua', + 'client/*.lua' } ui_page { diff --git a/server/main.lua b/server/main.lua index 09cf277..c7fd07b 100644 --- a/server/main.lua +++ b/server/main.lua @@ -1,30 +1,20 @@ if not ESX then SetTimeout(3000, print('[^3WARNING^7] Unable to start Multicharacter - your version of ESX is not compatible ')) elseif ESX.GetConfig().Multichar == true then - local fetchCharacters = -1 - local IdentifierTables = {} - + local IdentifierTables, Fetch = {}, -1 + -- enter the name of your database here Config.Database = 'es_extended' + -- enter a prefix to prepend to all user identifiers (keep it short) Config.Prefix = 'char' - - RegisterCommand('varchar', function(source) - if source == 0 then - if next(IdentifierTables) == nil then print(' Unable to update your tables - have you defined the correct database?') return end - for _, itable in pairs(IdentifierTables) do - print('Setting `'..itable.table..'` column `'..itable.column..'` to VARCHAR(60)') - MySQL.Sync.execute("ALTER TABLE "..itable.table.." MODIFY COLUMN "..itable.column.." VARCHAR(60)", {}) - end - Citizen.Wait(100) - print(' Updated your tables to use the correct field length - you should remove this command') - end - end, true) - SetupCharacters = function(playerId) - while fetchCharacters == -1 do Citizen.Wait(100) end + local SetupCharacters = function(playerId) + while Fetch == -1 do Citizen.Wait(500) end local identifier = Config.Prefix..'%:'..ESX.GetIdentifier(playerId) - MySQL.Async.fetchAll(fetchCharacters, {'identifier', {identifier} + MySQL.Async.fetchAll(Fetch, { + identifier, + Config.Slots }, function(result) local characters = {} for i=1, #result, 1 do @@ -46,41 +36,43 @@ elseif ESX.GetConfig().Multichar == true then dateofbirth = result[i].dateofbirth, skin = json.decode(result[i].skin) } - if result[i].sex == 'm' then characters[id].sex = 'Male' else characters[id].sex = 'Female' end + if result[i].sex == 'm' then characters[id].sex = _('male') else characters[id].sex = _('female') end end TriggerClientEvent('esx_multicharacter:SetupUI', playerId, characters) end) end - DeleteCharacter = function(playerId, charid) + local DeleteCharacter = function(playerId, charid) local identifier = Config.Prefix..charid..':'..ESX.GetIdentifier(playerId) - for _, itable in pairs(IdentifierTables) do - MySQL.Async.execute("DELETE FROM "..itable.table.." WHERE "..itable.column.." = @identifier", { - ['@identifier'] = identifier + for k, v in pairs(IdentifierTables) do + MySQL.Async.execute("DELETE FROM "..v.table.." WHERE "..v.column.." = ?", { + identifier }) end + print(('[^2INFO^7] Player [%s] %s has deleted a character (%s)'):format(GetPlayerName(playerId), playerId, identifier)) end Citizen.CreateThread(function() MySQL.ready(function () - fetchCharacters = MySQL.Sync.store("SELECT `identifier`, `accounts`, `job`, `job_grade`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `dateofbirth`, `sex`, `skin` FROM `users` WHERE ?? LIKE ?") - - MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME = @id AND TABLE_SCHEMA = @db', { ['@id'] = "owner", ["@db"] = Config.Database}, function(result) - if result then - for k, v in pairs(result) do - IdentifierTables[#IdentifierTables+1] = {table = v.TABLE_NAME, column = 'owner'} - end + local result = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT `TABLE_NAME`, `COLUMN_NAME`, `CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH` FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND (COLUMN_NAME = ? OR COLUMN_NAME = ?) ', { + Config.Database, 'identifier', 'owner' + }) + if result then + local varchar, varsize = {}, 0 + for k, v in pairs(result) do + if v.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH < 60 then varchar[v.TABLE_NAME] = v.COLUMN_NAME varsize = varsize+1 end + table.insert(IdentifierTables, {table = v.TABLE_NAME, column = v.COLUMN_NAME}) end - end) - MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME = @id AND TABLE_SCHEMA = @db', { ['@id'] = "identifier", ["@db"] = Config.Database}, function(result) - if result then - for k, v in pairs(result) do - IdentifierTables[#IdentifierTables+1] = {table = v.TABLE_NAME, column = 'identifier'} + if next(varchar) then + for k, v in pairs(varchar) do + MySQL.Sync.execute("ALTER TABLE "..k.." MODIFY COLUMN "..v.." VARCHAR(60)") end + print(('[^2INFO^7] Attempted to update ^5%s^7 columns to use VARCHAR(60)'):format(varsize)) end - end) + end + if not next(ESX.Jobs) then ESX.Jobs = GetJobs() end + Fetch = MySQL.Sync.store("SELECT `identifier`, `accounts`, `job`, `job_grade`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `dateofbirth`, `sex`, `skin` FROM `users` WHERE identifier LIKE ? LIMIT ?") end) - if not next(ESX.Jobs) then ESX.Jobs = GetJobs() end end) RegisterServerEvent("esx_multicharacter:SetupCharacters") @@ -98,8 +90,6 @@ elseif ESX.GetConfig().Multichar == true then else TriggerEvent('esx:onPlayerJoined', src, Config.Prefix..charid) end - else - -- Trigger Ban Event here to ban individuals trying to use SQL Injections end end) @@ -118,8 +108,6 @@ elseif ESX.GetConfig().Multichar == true then if type(charid) == "number" and string.len(charid) <= 2 then DeleteCharacter(src, charid) SetupCharacters(src) - else - -- Trigger Ban Event here to ban individuals trying to use SQL Injections end end) @@ -133,6 +121,6 @@ elseif ESX.GetConfig().Multichar == true then TriggerEvent('esx:playerLogout', source) end, true) -elseif ESX.GetConfig().Multichar == false then +else SetTimeout(3000, print('[^3WARNING^7] Multicharacter is disabled - please check your ESX configuration')) end