diff --git a/client/main.lua b/client/main.lua index 522522b..5b859a7 100644 --- a/client/main.lua +++ b/client/main.lua @@ -13,10 +13,8 @@ if ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then end end) - local cam, cam2 = nil, nil + local canRelog, cam, Spawned = true local Characters = {} - local canRelog = true - local Spawned RegisterNetEvent('esx_multicharacter:SetupCharacters') AddEventHandler('esx_multicharacter:SetupCharacters', function() @@ -42,8 +40,9 @@ if ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then StartLoop = function() hidePlayers = true + MumbleSetVolumeOverride(PlayerId(), 0.0) Citizen.CreateThread(function() - local keys = {18, 27, 172, 173, 176, 177, 187, 188, 191, 201} + local keys = {18, 27, 172, 173, 176, 177, 187, 188, 191, 201, 108, 109} while hidePlayers do DisableAllControlActions(0) for i=1, #keys do @@ -53,31 +52,35 @@ if ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then SetLocalPlayerVisibleLocally(1) SetPlayerInvincible(PlayerId(), 1) Citizen.Wait(3) + local vehicles = GetGamePool('CVehicle') + for i=1, #vehicles do + SetEntityLocallyInvisible(vehicles[i]) + end end + local playerId, playerPed = PlayerId(), PlayerPedId() + MumbleSetVolumeOverride(playerId, -1.0) + SetEntityVisible(playerPed, 1, 0) + SetPlayerInvincible(playerId, 0) + FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false) + Citizen.Wait(10000) + canRelog = true end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() - local players, vehicles + local playerPool = {} while hidePlayers do - players = GetActivePlayers() + local players = GetActivePlayers() for i=1, #players do - if players[i] ~= PlayerId() then NetworkConcealPlayer(players[i], true, true) end - end - vehicles = ESX.Game.GetVehicles() - for i=1, #vehicles do - NetworkConcealEntity(vehicles[i], true) + local player = players[i] + if player ~= PlayerId() and not playerPool[player] then + playerPool[player] = true + NetworkConcealPlayer(players[player], true, true) + end end Citizen.Wait(500) end - for i=1, #players do - if players[i] ~= PlayerId() then NetworkConcealPlayer(players[i], false, false) end - end - for i=1, #vehicles do - NetworkConcealEntity(vehicles[i], false) + for i=1, #playerPool do + NetworkConcealPlayer(playerPool[i], false, false) end - SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), 1, 0) - SetPlayerInvincible(PlayerId(), 0) - Citizen.Wait(10000) - canRelog = true end) end @@ -144,10 +147,12 @@ if ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then z = Config.Spawn.z, heading = Config.Spawn.w, model = `mp_m_freemode_01`, - skipFade = false + skipFade = true }, function() exports.spawnmanager:setAutoSpawn(false) canRelog = false + DoScreenFadeIn(400) + while not IsScreenFadedIn() do Citizen.Wait(200) end local playerPed = PlayerPedId() SetPedAoBlobRendering(playerPed, false) SetEntityAlpha(playerPed, 0) @@ -155,8 +160,6 @@ if ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then TriggerEvent('esx_identity:showRegisterIdentity') end) else - DoScreenFadeIn(400) - while not IsScreenFadedIn() do Citizen.Wait(200) end for k,v in pairs(Characters) do if not v.model and v.skin then if v.skin.model then v.model = v.skin.model elseif v.skin.sex == 1 then v.model = `mp_f_freemode_01` else v.model = `mp_m_freemode_01` end @@ -165,6 +168,8 @@ if ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then local label = v.firstname..' '..v.lastname elements[#elements+1] = {label = label, value = v.id} end + DoScreenFadeIn(200) + Citizen.Wait(200) if #elements < Config.Slots then elements[#elements+1] = {label = _('create_char'), value = (#elements+1), new = true} end @@ -184,12 +189,10 @@ if ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then }, function(data, menu) if data.current.action == 'play' then ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll() - DoScreenFadeOut(300) SendNUIMessage({ action = "closeui" }) TriggerServerEvent('esx_multicharacter:CharacterChosen', data.current.value, false) - Citizen.Wait(300) else local elements2 = {} elements2[1] = {label = _('cancel')} @@ -248,25 +251,19 @@ if ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then RegisterNetEvent('esx:playerLoaded') AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(playerData, isNew, skin) + DoScreenFadeOut(100) local spawn = playerData.coords - DoScreenFadeOut(0) - Citizen.Wait(300) local playerPed = PlayerPedId() - cam2 = CreateCamWithParams("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", spawn.x,spawn.y,spawn.z+200, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.00, false, 0) - PointCamAtCoord(cam2, spawn.x,spawn.y,spawn.z+10) - SetCamActiveWithInterp(cam2, cam, 400, true, true) - - Citizen.Wait(700) - DoScreenFadeIn(500) FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, true) - SetEntityVisible(playerPed, true, 0) - SetEntityCoords(playerPed, spawn.x, spawn.y, spawn.z, true, false, false, false) + SetEntityCoords(playerPed, spawn.x, spawn.y, spawn.z-1.3, true, false, false, false) + SetEntityHeading(playerPed, spawn.heading) + Citizen.Wait(300) + SetCamActive(cam, false) + RenderScriptCams(0, 0) + DestroyAllCams(true) + DoScreenFadeIn(400) + Citizen.Wait(400) - cam = CreateCamWithParams("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", spawn.x,spawn.y,spawn.z+10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.00, false, 0) - PointCamAtCoord(cam, spawn.x,spawn.y,spawn.z) - SetCamActiveWithInterp(cam, cam2, 1700, true, true) - - PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "Zoom_Out", "DLC_HEIST_PLANNING_BOARD_SOUNDS", 1) if isNew or not skin or #skin == 1 then local sex = skin.sex or 0 if sex == 0 then model = `mp_m_freemode_01` else model = `mp_f_freemode_01` end @@ -280,35 +277,27 @@ if ESX.GetConfig().Multichar then skin = Config.Default skin.sex = sex TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin, function() - Citizen.CreateThread(function() - playerped = PlayerPedId() - SetPedAoBlobRendering(playerPed, true) - ResetEntityAlpha(playerPed) - Citizen.Wait(1500) - TriggerEvent('esx_skin:openSaveableMenu') - SetEntityHeading(playerPed, spawn.heading) + playerPed = PlayerPedId() + SetPedAoBlobRendering(playerPed, true) + ResetEntityAlpha(playerPed) + TriggerEvent('esx_skin:openSaveableMenu', function() + finished = true end, function() finished = true end) + SetEntityHeading(playerPed, spawn.heading) end) + while not finished do Citizen.Wait(200) end else + local playerPed = PlayerPedId() + SetEntityHeading(playerPed, spawn.heading) TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin or Characters[Spawned].skin) - Citizen.Wait(1500) + playerPed = PlayerPedId() + SetEntityVisible(playerPed, true, 0) end - Characters = {} TriggerServerEvent('esx:onPlayerSpawn') TriggerEvent('esx:onPlayerSpawn') TriggerEvent('playerSpawned') TriggerEvent('esx:restoreLoadout') - playerPed = PlayerPedId() - FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false) - SetEntityHeading(PlayerPed, spawn.heading) - Citizen.Wait(500) - RenderScriptCams(false, true, 500, true, true) - PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "CAR_BIKE_WHOOSH", "MP_LOBBY_SOUNDS", 1) - SetCamActive(cam, false) - DestroyAllCams(true) - DisplayHud(true) - DisplayRadar(true) - hidePlayers = false + Characters, hidePlayers = {}, false end) RegisterNetEvent('esx:onPlayerLogout') diff --git a/fxmanifest.lua b/fxmanifest.lua index 9ee9560..e41f971 100644 --- a/fxmanifest.lua +++ b/fxmanifest.lua @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ fx_version 'adamant' game 'gta5' description 'https://github.com/thelindat/esx_multicharacter' -version '1.1.2' +version '1.2.0' dependencies { 'es_extended',