The Newbie Club, like most MAL clubs, will have a layout on our MyAnimeList homepage. This acts as a welcome and directory/index of club to people coming into the club space.
The theme for these layouts changes frequently, so we always need new layouts made, based on the time of year i.e., Christmas, Halloween, or to show a certain anime/season. Changing the layout regularly helps keep the club face fresh and exciting.
When you make a club layout, you are not just making a basic club layout but a complete matching set of:
- MAL Club Layout,
- MAL Club Profile Picture,
- Discord Server Icon
- Discord Invite Banner
- Discord Server Banner
Example |
- Layout only able to make in portrait orientation.
- Width of layout should be 733px in 300dpi.
- Recommended resolution is: 733x1000px.
- Within layout, should contains hyperlinks/buttons to:
- About us
- Discord invite link
- Introductions
- Staff
- Recruitment
- Signatures
- Banners
- Rules
- Events