Random Linux shell stuff.
This repository contains my random Linux shell stuff, including:
- The utility libraries
- The tools
- Data size conversion (e.g: from gibibytes to bytes)
- Echo with prefix
Provides brief info of a process by using existed tools (top, lsof...) and displays results in a visual, organized manner.
Output example:
$ ./t_proc_info.sh 39614
pid: 39614, ppid: 39570
user: id=1000, name=thanh
comm_name: opera
threads: 19
cwd: /home/thanh
bin_exe_path: /usr/lib64/opera/opera
cmdline: /usr/lib64/opera/opera --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --enable-quic --crashpad-handler-pid=39574 --change-stack-guard-on-fork=enable --with-feature:password-generator=off --with-feature:specific-keywords=on --with-feature:startpage-content-phase-1=off
cpu_util_percent: 0.0
virt_size: 32.7g
rss_size: 115.007m
shr_size: 90.535m
fd: 94u, protocol: TCP IPv4, addr: fedora:35506-> (ESTABLISHED)
fd: 156u, protocol: TCP IPv4, addr: fedora:42420-> (ESTABLISHED)
fd: 31u, protocol: TCP IPv4, addr: fedora:42888->vip01.trn.opera.technology:https (ESTABLISHED)
fd: 51u, protocol: TCP IPv4, addr: fedora:56014->vip02.trn.opera.technology:https (ESTABLISHED)
fd: 53u, protocol: TCP IPv4, addr: fedora:57322-> (CLOSE_WAIT)
fd: 19u, protocol: UDP IPv4, addr: fedora:51151->nchkga-am-in-f14.1e100.net:https
fd: 28u, protocol: UDP IPv4, addr: fedora:59742->
fd: 37u, protocol: UDP IPv4, addr: fedora:33352->edge-star-mini-shv-01-sin6.facebook.com:https
fd: 59u, protocol: UDP IPv4, addr: mdns.mcast.net:mdns
Regular files:
fd: 39u, path: /home/thanh/.config/opera/Default/Cookies
fd: 57u, path: /home/thanh/.config/opera/Default/Reporting and NEL
fd: 26u, path: /home/thanh/.config/opera/Default/Safe Browsing Cookies
fd: 29u, path: /home/thanh/.config/opera/Default/Shared Dictionary/db
fd: 27u, path: /home/thanh/.config/opera/Default/Trust Tokens
fd: 4r, path: /usr/lib64/opera/icudtl.dat
fd: 12r, path: /usr/lib64/opera/localization/en-US.pak
The origin of this repository starts from here: https://github.com/thanhit95/log4sh
Author: Thanh Nguyen
Email: thanh.it1995 (at) gmail.com
This repo is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License.