This repository holds the IaC Config for the /tg/station Space Station 13 Server. This is built primarily using nix with Colmena
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
<blorbo_name> = placeholder for the name of a blorbo
[/root/some/path] = this folder follows the same structure as /root/some/path
|- modules/
| |- <single_file_module_name>.nix
| |- <module_name>/
| | |- <file_name>
| | |- default.nix
|- secrets/
| |- secrets.nix
| |- <secret_name>.age
|- systems/
| |- <system_name>/
| | |- default.nix
| | |- modules/ [root/modules]
| | |- secrets/ [root/secrets]
| |- <system_group_name>/
| | |- modules/ [root/modules]
| | |- secrets/ [root/secrets]
| | |- systems/ [root/systems]
%% The groups
group usrelay(cloud)[US Relays]
group eurelay(cloud)[EU Relays]
group usdc(cloud)[US Server]
group eudc(cloud)[EU Server]
%% Allows for routing of lines
junction usjunction1 in usrelay
junction usjunction2 in usrelay
junction usjunction3 in usrelay
junction eujunction1 in eurelay
junction eujunction2 in eurelay
junction eujunction3 in eurelay
%% Connects backends and frontends
junction connecttop
junction connectbottom
%% ALlows for routing of us servers
junction usserverjunction1 in usdc
junction usserverjunction2 in usdc
junction usserverjunction3 in usdc
usserverjunction1:L -- R:usserverjunction2
usserverjunction2:L -- R:usserverjunction3
%%US frontend
service relay1(server)[HaProxy Frontend] in usrelay
relay1:B -- T:usjunction1
service relay2(server)[HaProxy Frontend] in usrelay
relay2:B -- T:usjunction2
service relay3(server)[HaProxy Frontend] in usrelay
relay3:B -- T:usjunction3
usjunction1:L -- R:usjunction2
usjunction2:L -- R:usjunction3
usjunction3:L -- R:connecttop
%%EU Frontend
service relay4(server)[HaProxy Frontend] in eurelay
relay4:B -- T:eujunction1
service relay5(server)[HaProxy Frontend] in eurelay
relay5:B -- T:eujunction2
service relay6(server)[HaProxy Frontend] in eurelay
relay6:B -- T:eujunction3
eujunction1:R -- L:eujunction2
eujunction2:R -- L:eujunction3
eujunction3:R -- L:connecttop
%% Connect backends and frontends
connecttop:B -- T:connectbottom
%% Backend haproxy and servers
service backend1(server)[HaProxy Backend] in usdc
service backend2(server)[HaProxy Backend] in eudc
service manuel(server)[Manuel] in usdc
service sybil(server)[Sybil] in usdc
service tgmc(server)[TGMC] in usdc
service terry(server)[Terry] in eudc
%%Backend layout
usserverjunction1:B -- T:manuel
usserverjunction2:B -- T:sybil
usserverjunction3:B -- T:tgmc
usserverjunction2:T -- B:backend1
backend2:B -- T:terry
backend1:R <-- L:connectbottom
backend2:L <-- R:connectbottom
Relay->>Backend: Client Traffic, ProxyProtocolV2
Backend->>Loopback: HaProxy unwraps the ProxyProtocolV2<br/>forges a packet to have the original client IP<br/>then sends to byond via on loopback
Loopback->>Byond( client packet<br/>Byond sees this as normal traffic.
Byond(>>Loopback:Packet from to client in range,<br/>intercepted by custom routing rule and sent to loopback adapter
Loopback->>Backend: HAproxy picks the packet up from loopback<br/>Sets correct destination and rewraps
Backend->>Relay: Packet is sent to appropriate relay server for final delivery