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303 lines (234 loc) · 8.54 KB


A simple app that launches a web view to a URL.

It was presented at the How to implement the MAM SDK for Android webinar on July 15th 2021. It is not officially supported by Citrix, and is presented as-is. The officially supported sample app provided by Citrix is available on GitHub at

Citrix MAM SDK

To take this simple app and make it managed by Citrix Endpoint Management via the MAM SDK follow these steps. These steps are taken from

Add Properties to build.gradle

Add these properties to your root build.gradle file.

ext {

Add the MAM SDK repository

Add these properties to your root build.gradle file.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "$rootProject.ext.mamSdkLibraryMaven" }

Add the MAM SDK to your app's gradle file

Add the following to the dependencies section in app/build.gradle (not the root build.gradle):

dependencies {
    implementation "${rootProject.ext.mamSdkVersion}"

Enable Support for Desugar Bytecode Transformations

Add the following to the android -> compileOptions section in app/build.gradle (not the root build.gradle):

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Add ApplicationId

Add the following to the android -> defaultConfig section in app/build.gradle (not the root build.gradle):

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.terryd.androidsimpleapp"

Add Signing Configuration

Add the following to the android -> signingConfigs and android -> buildTypes sections in app/build.gradle (not the root build.gradle):

android {
    signingConfigs {
        debug {
            storeFile file(rootProject.ext.keyStorePath)
            storePassword "$rootProject.ext.keystorePassword"
            keyAlias "$rootProject.ext.keyAlias"
            keyPassword "$rootProject.ext.keyPassword"
        release {
            storeFile file(rootProject.ext.keyStorePath)
            storePassword "$rootProject.ext.keystorePassword"
            keyAlias "$rootProject.ext.keyAlias"
            keyPassword "$rootProject.ext.keyPassword"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release
        debug {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.debug

Configure Proguard

In your app's app\build.gradle file you might have references to Proguard, such as something like this:

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''

If so then in your Proguard file, such as, add the following:

keep class com.citrix.** {*;}
keepattributes Exceptions

(Optional) Add Download Plugin

Add the following to the plugins section in app/build.gradle (not the root build.gradle):

plugins {
    id ''
    id "" version "4.1.1"

Add GenerateMDX task

Add the following in app/build.gradle (not the root build.gradle):

task downloadTools(type: Download, dependsOn: build) {
    src "${rootProject.ext.mamSdkLibraryTools}/managed-app-utility.jar"
    dest "$buildDir/tools/managed-app-utility.jar"
    overwrite false

task generateMdx(type: Exec, dependsOn: [downloadTools]) {
    commandLine 'java', '-jar', "$buildDir/tools/managed-app-utility.jar", 'wrap',
            '-in', "$buildDir/outputs/apk/release/${}-release.apk",
            '-out', "$buildDir/outputs/apk/release/${}.mdx",
            '-appType', 'sdkapp',
            '-storeUrl', "${rootProject.ext.appPackageName}",
            '-keystore', "${rootProject.ext.keyStorePath}",
            '-storepass', "${rootProject.ext.keystorePassword}",
            '-keyalias', "${rootProject.ext.keyAlias}",
            '-keypass', "${rootProject.ext.keyPassword}"


build.finalizedBy generateMdx

Modify AndroidManifest.xml

In the application section add the following:

    <uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false" />

And assuming you are targeting Android SDK API level 30 or above then also add the following to the root manifest section:

        <package android:name="com.zenprise" />
        <package android:name="com.citrix.Receiver" />

Check Your Build

Compile the project and make sure that you don't have any errors. At a command line do a clean build (on macOS with Gradle: ./gradlew clean build) and confirm that you see a MDX file generated in the app/build/outputs/apk/release folder.

Add a new TunnelHandler class

There are multiple ways to proceed, but we'll be following the model that the sample app source code does. We create a TunnelHandler class to hold the handleMessage logic.

package com.terryd.androidsimpleapp;

import android.os.Message;
import com.citrix.mvpn.api.MvpnDefaultHandler;

public class TunnelHandler extends MvpnDefaultHandler {
    private final Callback callback;

    public interface Callback {
        void onTunnelStarted();
        void onError(boolean isSessionExpired);

    public TunnelHandler(Callback callback) {
        this.callback = callback;

    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

        if (callback != null) {
            if (isNetworkTunnelRunning()) {
            } else {

Modify MainActivity

We're going to modify the MainActivity with some code to start the tunnel when the view gets created. We start by creating a variable for the TunnelHandler that we created, but as a MvpnDefaultHandler type.

    private MvpnDefaultHandler mvpnHandler;

We then modify onCreate and add the following:

        if (mvpnHandler == null) {
            mvpnHandler = new TunnelHandler(this);
        Log.i(TAG, "Before calling startTunnel()");
        try {
            MicroVPNSDK.startTunnel(this, new Messenger(mvpnHandler));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start tunnel: " + e.getMessage());

Now we need to implement an interface:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements TunnelHandler.Callback {

And then fill in the missing method implementations:

    public void onTunnelStarted() {
        runOnUiThread(() -> {
            Toast.makeText(this, "Started tunnel!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    public void onError(boolean isSessionExpired) {
        runOnUiThread(() -> {
            Toast.makeText(this, "Error with tunnel!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Modify WebView

In this example we use a WebView, and so we'll be modifying the code that creates the WebView.

    WebView webView = findViewById(;
    try {
        WebViewClient webviewClient = new WebViewClient();
        webView = MicroVPNSDK.enableWebViewObjectForNetworkTunnel(this, webView, webviewClient);
    } catch(NetworkTunnelNotStartedException nse) {
        Log.e(TAG, "TunnelNotStarted: " + nse.getMessage());
    } catch(MvpnException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Mvpn Error: " + e.getMessage());

Build and test on a device with Secure Hub

Compile your code and run it on an actual Android device that has been enrolled.