Before using the API, please contact Avaya for API key and endpoint information.
To build the API, you need npm and node.js installed.
npm install
npm run compile
npm run unit
to run all unit tests
To import API into your project:
npm install avaya-cloud-api
The API is published with type declaration files, once imported, VSCode would assist code completion automatically. To import from the API, do like below:
import { createAgentClient, createSubscriptionClient} from "avaya-cloud-api"
The API provides AgentClient class that could be used to create and delete agents in Avaya system. AgentClient also has method to retrieve a user token for an agent, which is needed to login to Avaya Webphone
// create an instance of AgentClient
let agentClient = await createAgentClient(endpoint, apiKey);
// retrieve agent skills
let skillWithPriorities = await agentClient.getSkillNumbers();
// create Agent and Station
let response = await agentClient.createAgentAndStation(agentUsername, agentPassword, skillWithPriorities);
// retrieve token for agent
let token = agentClient.getUserToken(agentUsername)
The API also provides SubscriptionClient to subscribe to sub-account data. Please see sample source code for examples on how to use the API.
// create an instance of SubscriptionClient
let subscriptionClient = await createSubscriptionClient(endpoint, apiKey);
// an create subscription request payload
let createSubscriptionRequest = {
"dataSourceType": DataSourceType.HAgent,
"dataDeliveryFormat": DataDeliveryFormat.Csv,
"endpoint": "",
"retryPolicy": RetryPolicy.Default,
"basicAuthUsername": "avaya",
"basicAuthPassword": "password",
"frequencyInMinutes": 0,
"maxPostSize": 0,
"startTime": "2019-11-04T21:55:24.421Z",
"disableTLSVerify": true,
"subAccountAppId": "ALL",
"eventType": EventType.Historical
// fire subscription create request
let response = await subscriptionClient.createSubscription(createSubscriptionRequest);
// save subscription id
let subscriptionId = response.subscriptionId
// delete a subscription
await subscriptionClient.deleteSubscription(subscriptionId);
The AUXCodeClient retrieves sub account aux codes, effective aux code given sub account app id.
// create an instance of AUXCodeClient
let auxCodeClient = await createAUXCodeClient(endpoint, apiKey);
// get subaccount aux codes
let auxCodes = await auxCodeClient.getAuxCodes();
// get subaccount effective aux code via sub account app id
let appIdAuxCodes = await auxCodeClient.getAUXCodesForEffectiveAppId();
Before creating an agent we need to know the available skills.
node lib/sample/SampleAgentSkill.js --endpoint='http://localhost:8081' --api_key=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ5YW5nYWRtaW4xIiwiaXNzIjoiQUJDX1NFQ1VSSVRZX0dBVEVXQVkifQ.4kf1hrPV6C30PZu3tx48dgsaev9UowvG7pVszXKhghY
Sample Result : [ { skillNumber: 359, skillName: 'SkillOne' }, { skillNumber: 361, skillName: 'SkillTwo' } ]
An agent can receive or make a phone call. This sample client creates an agent, reads it back, and deletes it. The sample will also retrieve a token for an agent and print it out in the console.
node lib/sample/SampleAgentClient.js --endpoint='http://localhost:8081' --api_key=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ5YW5nYWRtaW4xIiwiaXNzIjoiQUJDX1NFQ1VSSVRZX0dBVEVXQVkifQ.4kf1hrPV6C30PZu3tx48dgsaev9UowvG7pVszXKhghY --agent_username=tenfoldagent1 --agent_password=Passw0rd@1 --agent_skill='[{"skillNumber":100, "skillPriority":5}]'
Sample Agent Skills: --agent_skill='[{"skillNumber":359,"skillPriority":1}]' skillPriority ranges from 1-16
Data subscription allows a user to receive call data on their chosen endpoint. Please look in sampleSubscriptionClient.js for how to create a data subscription object to pass to the server. This sample client creates a subscription, reads it back, and deletes it.
node lib/sample/SampleSubscriptionClient.js --endpoint='http://localhost:8081' --api_key=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ5YW5nYWRtaW4xIiwiaXNzIjoiQUJDX1NFQ1VSSVRZX0dBVEVXQVkifQ.4kf1hrPV6C30PZu3tx48dgsaev9UowvG7pVszXKhghY
AUX Codes (or Auxiliary Codes) are used to track the time an agent has deliberately chosen to not accept calls. This sample client fetches the list of configured AUX Codes.
node lib/sample/SampleAUXCodeClient.js --endpoint='http://localhost:8081' --api_key=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJTaGVybG9jayIsImlzcyI6IkFCQ19TRUNVUklUWV9HQVRFV0FZIn0.rBbxKSScgqI6tJy-vdehBqdncMIVjMzoNFKsb8Zzuyc