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Power Electronic Converter Blocks (pecblocks) use the output of detailed electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations to produce generalized block diagram models of power electronic systems. The process uses deep learning with customized block architectures. The outputs are reduced-order models that meet specified accuracy requirements, while providing important advantages over the original EMT models:

  • Converter Block models have fewer nodes and can take longer time steps, resulting in shorter simulation times
  • Converter Block models are continuously differentiable, making them compatible with control design methods

Models will run in both time domain and frequency domain. The scope includes not only the power electronic converter, but also the photovoltaic (PV) array, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), phase-lock loop (PLL) control, output filter circuits, battery storage if present, etc. The applications include but may not be limited to solar power inverters, energy storage converters, motor drives, and other power electronics equipment.


Python 3.7.6 and later have been used for testing. From a command prompt in this directory, Install the necessary Python modules with:

  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • pip install -e .

Panels-to-Grid MIMO Test Case

In the directory examples/hwpv, a multiple-input, multiple-output HW model has been fitted to the PV panels, MPPT, DC/DC, inverter PWM switching, LCL output filter, and RMS measurements. It was based on ATP simulations with five inputs, G, T, Ud, Fc, and Vrms. A sixth input is created as a polynomial feature, defined as GVrms. The outputs are Idc, Vdc, and Irms. A seventh input is added to indicate the inverter control mode; 0=starting, 1=grid formed, 2=grid following.

To run this example, comparing ATP to model output:


To run the example LCL filter:


Example Results

Block Diagram

HW Block Diagram and Normalized RMS Error

H1_0_0 H1_0_1 H1_0_2 H1_1_0 H1_1_1 H1_1_2 H1_2_0 H1_2_1 H1_2_2

Bode Plots of the MIMO H1 Transfer Function

The figure below shows an 8-second simulation of inverter startup, followed by sequential disturbances in the weather, control variables, and grid resistance. Inputs appear on the top row. The AC RMS voltage, Vrms, comes from an electrical simulation in the Alternative Transients Program (ATP). In the infinite impulse response (IIR) simulation from the trained model, Vrms is not available directly, but assumed to be Rgrid*Irms, where Rgrid is pre-defined for the IIR simulation and Irms is an IIR output variable. Hence, there is a lag of one time step, 1 ms, in Vrms during the IIR simulation. Differences in the ATP and IIR Vrms are partly responsible for differences in the ATP and IIR output variables, Vdc, Idc, and Irms.

Variable RMSE Mean Rel. Error
Vdc 34.4120 365.9086 9.40%
Idc 0.4247 27.2002 1.56%
Irms 6.5667 45.5142 14.43%

Notes to investigate:

  • The output variables do not start at zero output. Bias terms in F1 and F2 may cause this, regardless of any zeroed initial conditions on H1, or adjustments to the normalization factors. A back-initialization may fix the problem.
  • There is a change in control mode from "startup" to "grid formed" between 2.0 and 2.1 seconds. This disturbs the output before the first actual disturbance, in G, from 2.4 to 2.5 seconds.
  • The entire simulation could be repeated with control mode constant at 0, and again with control model constant at 1.
  • The discrete-time IIR filter should be replaced with a continuous-time transfer function.


System Simulation Using Infinite Impulse Response Filters in Discrete Time Steps

The figure below shows the AC output variables with an LCL output filter. Because the grid impedance is purely resistive, the angle reference at the LCL output is zero degrees for the voltage and current, Vc and Ic, respectively. The phasor voltage and current behind the filter, Vs and Is, respectively, are calculated by complex arithmetic because the LCL circuit is completely determined. The LCL complex impedances are updated with Fc at each time step. In this example, Fc changes from 60 Hz to 63 Hz at approximately 4.5 seconds. There is a voltage drop through the LCL filter, from Vs to Vc, with a small corresponding increase in the output current, Ic.

Case Lf [mH] Cf [uF] Lc [mH]
1-phs 2.0000 20.0 0.4000
3-phs 0.0610 19.1 0.0367

The 3-phase circuit has parallel damping resistors, Rf=91.5 and Rc=55.05, providing a damping factor of 7.5 for each inductor. The Cf has a series resistance of 0.01.


System Simulation with LCL Output Filter

File Directory

The Python files currently used in this example are:

  • implements a multi-channel Hammerstein-Wiener architecture.
  • reads the model for time-step simulation, produces Bode plots, and compares IIR simulation to ATP simulation
  • runs the same case as, with an LCL output filter and plotting the LCL input and output variables.

A sample trained model is provided in models/pv1_fhf_poly.json, which contains the following in a readable text format.

  • There is only one top-level entry
    • second-level name attribute is limited to 6 characters for ATP
    • second-level type attribute indicates the block structure, e.g., "F1+G1+F2"
    • second-level t_step attribute is the discretization time step
    • second-level normfacs attribute contains the channel scaling factors
      • the key is a column name
      • offset is the channel mean, in physical units
      • scale is the channel range, in physical units
    • second-level lr came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level num_iter came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level print_freq came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level batch_size came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level n_skip came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level n_trunc came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level n_dec came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level na came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level nb came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level nk came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level activation came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level nh1 came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level nh2 came from pv1_config.json as described above
    • second-level H* attribute indicates a linear block; this key should match the block position in type. There could be zero or more such blocks, but currently one. The discrete time step used for fitting is 1 ms.
      • third_level n_in attribute is the number of input channels, should match the overall number of HW inputs
      • third_level n_out attribute is the number of output channels, should match the overall number of HW outputs
      • third_level n_k attribute is an integer number of delay steps, i.e., number of t_step delays in the output. Zero or more.
      • third_level n_a attribute is the number of denominator coefficients
      • third_level n_b attribute is the number of numerator coefficients
      • third-level a_i_j attributes are arrays of denominator coefficients, of length equal to polynomial order, beginning with z-1. The implied z0 coefficient is always one.
        • in the attribute name, i is the output channel number, ranging from 0 to n_out - 1
        • in the attribute name, j is the input channel number, ranging from 0 to n_in - 1
      • third-level b_i_j attributes are arrays of numerator coefficients, of length equal to polynomial order, beginning with z-1. The implied z0 coefficient is always zero.
        • in the attribute name, i is the output channel number, ranging from 0 to n_out - 1
        • in the attribute name, j is the input channel number, ranging from 0 to n_in - 1
    • second-level F* attribute indicates a nonlinear block; this key should match the block position in type. There are zero or more such blocks, but currently two.
      • third_level activation attribute may be tanh, sigmoid or relu
      • third_level n_in attribute is the number of input channels
      • third_level n_hid attribute is the number of neurons in the hidden layer
      • third_level n_out attribute is the number of output channels
      • third_level net.0.weight attribute is a 2D array of input layer weight coefficients, one row for each hidden-layer neuron, one column for each input channel
      • third_level net.0.bias attribute is a 1D array of input layer bias coefficients, one for each hidden-layer neuron
      • third_level net.2.weight attribute is a 2D array of output layer weight coefficients, one row for each output channel, one column for each hidden-layer neuron
      • third_level net.2.bias attribute is a 1D array of output layer bias coefficients, one for each output channel

HELICS Example

HELICS 3.0 and the Python wrapper must be installed:

pip install helics

To run the case:


To plot the results shown below:


The relevant files are:

  • *.log contains text and debugging output from the HELICS federates
  • clean.bat deletes the log and json files mentioned in this list
  • helics_player.txt read by the helics_player, contains weather and control inputs for the simulation
  • kill23404.bat helper script to halt a HELICS federation that didn't exit cleanly. Assumes each federate and the broker use port 23404, which is the default. Call this once for each federate that's still running. If a federate refuses to exit (on Windows) just wait about 30 seconds.
  • list23404.bat helper script to list all HELICS federates that are listening to port 23404.
  • pv1_client.json contains HELICS publication, subscription, and other configurations for
  • a HELICS federate that constructs Vrms from Irms and Rgrid, and collects the simulation data from It takes the role of an EMT simulator using the HW-PV model.
  • produces pv1_client.json, pv1_server.json, and pv1_helics.bat. Reads pv1_fhf_poly.json for model information.
  • pv1_helics.bat launches the HELICS broker and three federates (player, client, and server)
  • makes a quick plot from pv1_server.hdf5
  • pv1_server.hdf5 output data from in a Pandas DataFrame
  • pv1_server.json contains HELICS publication, subscription, and other configurations for
  • is a HELICS federate that subscribes to all weather and control inputs, runs the HW-PV model, and publishes the HW-PV model outputs. In this example, the input and output data are saved from this federate for convenience.


HELICS Federates and Message Topics


System Simulation using HELICS

Other Code Files

These Python files are used to train and validate HW models, but the sample data to use them is not located in this repository:

  • implements a batch-oriented dataset loader for training.
  • writes the model coefficients and scaling factors to a single JSON file
  • writes the RMS errors for each output channel, by case and also for the total
  • plots one or more training datasets, comparing true and estimated outputs
  • plots one or more training datasets, comparing true and estimated outputs, overlaying the IIR simulation
  • trains the HW model, determines channel scaling, saves the model to PKL files and a JSON file of scaling factors


See License


This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United States Department of Energy, nor Battelle, nor any of their employees, nor any jurisdiction or organization that has cooperated in the development of these materials, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness or any information, apparatus, product, software, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or Battelle Memorial Institute. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

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