In situations where the network may be performing any packet filtering or inspection it is important to add as much random noise as possible to all bytes sent across an untrusted/unencrypted transport. Cloaking is a simple and efficient technique that can be used on any transport and is the default for all unencrypted ones by default (such as TCP and UDP).
The cloaking technique simply requires an extra processing step that adds a random number of 8 byte nonces to every packet and randomizes 100% of the bytes on the wire. It makes large-scale pattern identification techniques significantly more difficult, but is not a guarantee that individual packets cannot be targetted. Future designs will continually increase this difficulty.
Due to all encrypted packets beginning with single zero byte (0x00) when sent on the wire (since they have no JSON encoded), cloaking uses a first byte that is any non-zero value (0x01 to 0xff).
Cloaking is performed using the ChaCha20 cipher and choosing a random nonce of 8 bytes that does not begin with 0x00. The key is a fixed well-known 32 byte value of d7f0e555546241b2a944ecd6d0de66856ac50b0baba76a6f5a4782956ca9459a
(shown as hex encoded), which is the SHA-256 of the string telehash
The resulting cloaked packet is the concatenation of the 8-byte nonce and the ChaCha20 ciphertext output. Once decloaked, the ciphertext should be processed as another packet, which may be a raw encrypted packet (0x00) or may be another cloaked one. A random number of multiple cloakings should always be used to obfuscate the original packet's size.
Any endpoint may wish to obfuscate not only the individual packets but also the rate or timing of any transmission. A noise floor can be established by generating random but valid cloaked packets of a minimum size and sending them continuously at a fixed rate to the recipient. When real packets are waiting to be sent they are swapped out and sent instead of the next larger noise floor packet and cloaked multiple times to match the noise floor size.
All implementations must support receiving both cloaked and uncloaked packets, and the default for any un-encrypted transport should always be cloaking enabled. The initial sender determines when to send un-cloaked packets on any transport, but when receiving a cloaked packet any sender should always respond with cloaked packets as that may be the only way to ensure they are transmitted.