- A synced and healthy HORNET node connected to the SHIMMER network
- An S3-compliant object storage (minio is used in this example)
To set up the plugin an S3-compliant object storage must be running and accessible for the plugin to connect to. In this example we provide a demonstration through the use of a minio local storage deployed using the same docker_compose.yml used to deploy the HORNET node.
To do that just add a service to the yml file:
container_name: minio
image: minio/minio
stop_grace_period: 5m
- minio_storage:/data
MINIO_ROOT_USER: your_access_id
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD: your_password
command: server --console-address ":9001" /data
[If you want to see the minio console from your browser, you should match port 9001 with an available port on your local machine]
To run a collector plugin, the docker image is already been built as giordyfish/inx-collector:latest
, we need to also add it to the .yml file:
container_name: inx-collector
image: giordyfish/inx-collector:latest
stop_grace_period: 5m
restart: unless-stopped
condition: service_healthy
condition: service_started
- "--inx.address=hornet:9029"
- "--restAPI.bindAddress=inx-collector:9030"
- "--storage.endpoint=${STORAGE_ENDPOINT:-minio:9000}"
- "--storage.accessKeyID=${STORAGE_ACCESS_ID:-your_access_id}"
- "--storage.secretAccessKey=${STORAGE_SECRET_KEY:-your_password}"
- "--storage.region=${STORAGE_REGION:-eu-south-1}"
- "--storage.objectExtension=${STORAGE_EXTENSION:-}"
- "--storage.secure=${STORAGE_SECURE:-false}"
- "--storage.defaultBucketName=${STORAGE_DEFAULT_BUCKET:-shimmer-mainnet-default}"
- "--storage.defaultBucketExpirationDays=${STORAGE_DEFAULT_EXPIRATION:-30}"
- "--listener.filters=${LISTENER_FILTERS:-}"
- "--POI.hostUrl=${POI_URL:-http://inx-poi:9687}"
- "--POI.isPlugin=${POI_PLUGIN:-true}"
Now that the docker-compose file has been modified, the plugin can be run by entering the command:
docker compose up -d
This command can also be run if the HORNET node is already up and running, the plugin will just start on its side. The log output can be followed with:
docker logs -f inx-collector
The plugin can be stopped at any time without stopping the HORNET node by entering:
docker stop inx-collector
All the parameters can be configured by setting environment variables in the .env file. Example:
LISTENER_FILTERS={"filters":[{"tag":"testTag","publicKey":"7a882de7592ad1d6af7d19153b964f35891e2bdbc2e56beea659222b679781cc","duration":"20h","withPOI":true},{"tag":"testTag2"},{"tag":"testTag3", "bucketName":"test-bucket-1"}]}
Parameter | Description | Default | Env_variable_name |
endpoint | defines the endpoint for the S3 storage | minio:9000 | STORAGE_ENDPOINT |
accessKeyId | defines the access id for the S3 storage | "" | STORAGE_ACCESS_ID |
secretAccessKey | defines the password for the given access id of the S3 storage | "" | STORAGE_SECRET_KEY |
region | defines the region of the S3 storage | eu-south-1 | STORAGE_REGION |
secure | defines whether the connection to S3 storage should be secure | true | STORAGE_SECURE |
objectExtension | sets the file extension for the object inside the storage | "" | STORAGE_EXTENSION |
defaultBucketName | sets the default bucket's name | shimmer-mainnet-default | STORAGE_DEFAULT_BUCKET |
defaultBucketExpirationDays | sets the default bucket's expiration days | 30 | STORAGE_DEFAULT_EXPIRATION |
Parameter | Description | Default | Env_variable_name |
hostUrl | defines the url of an exposed POI API | inx-poi:9687 | POI_URL |
isPlugin | defines whether the POI host is a POI plugin or a hornet node with an active plugin | true | POI_PLUGIN |
Parameter | Description | Default | Env_variable_name |
filters | a json string which sets startup filters | "" | LISTENER_FILTERS |
Parameter | Description | Default |
bindAddress | defines the bind address on which the Collector HTTP server listens | localhost:9030 |
advertiseAddress | defines the address of the Collector HTTP server which is advertised to the INX Server | "" |
debugRequestLoggerEnabled | defines whether the debug logging for requests should be enabled | false |
You can interact with the plugin using the provided REST APIs.
API documentation is available here