Level | Technologies | Target Product | Product Versions | Source |
Basic |
Teiid, VDB, Native Queries, Excel Translator |
DV |
DV 6.0+ |
This quickstart demonstrates how to use Excel Translator and a File Resource Adapter to transfer excel sheet data to a relational data sets.
Refer to Prerequisites to start the Server.
Copy the "teiidfiles" directory to the $JBOSS_HOME/ directory, the src/teiidfiles directory should contain:
when complete, you should see $JBOSS_HOME/teiidfiles.
Run the following CLI script
cd $JBOSS_HOME/bin ./jboss-cli.sh --connect --file={path}/vdb-datafederation/src/scripts/setup.cli
Copy (deploy) the Excel VDB related files to the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments directory
src/vdb/excel-vdb.xml src/vdb/excel-vdb.xml.dodeploy
You should see the server log indicate the VDB is active with a message like: TEIID40003 VDB ExcelVDB.1 is set to ACTIVE
. See Query Demonstrations below to demonstrate data federation.
Simple Java Client for sample SQL Queries, SQuirreL Client for a fully featured SQL Queries.
Example - queries the EXCEL file to retrieve other personal holdings valuations.
mvn exec:java -Dvdb="ExcelVDB" -Dsql="select * from OtherHoldings.PersonalHoldings"
mvn exec:java -Dvdb="ExcelVDB" -Dsql="select * from Sheet1"
select * from OtherHoldings.PersonalHoldings
select * from Sheet1