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File metadata and controls

65 lines (45 loc) · 1.95 KB

Asyncapi generator installation

npm install -g @asyncapi/generator

Helloworld project generation

ag ./helloworld.yml @asyncapi/nodejs-template -p server=production -o hello-example
cd hello-example
npm install
npm start

Check file config\common.yml and update topicSeparator and topicPrefix according your publisher, some ones tend to create a topic with a prefix like microcks

Finally, update the handlers at src\api\handlers those will content the logic ultimately.

Kafka & Zookeeper launch

docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans
docker-compose logs kafka | grep -i started
docker-compose logs zookeeper | grep -i started
docker-compose exec kafka bash #to enter kafka
/bin/kafka-topics --create --topic hello --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 #inside the container: it creates the topic

Send messages (from within the container)

/bin/kafka-console-producer --topic hello --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
# I still don't know how to send messages properly, it seems they are json messages

Listen messages (not needed)

/bin/kafka-console-consumer --topic topic-name --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Using Microcks

cd microcks
docker-compose -f docker-compose-microcks.yml -f docker-compose-microcks-kafka-zookeeper.yml up --build --remove-orphan

Open a new browser tab and point to the http://localhost:8080 endpoint. This will redirect you to the Keycloak Single Sign On page for login. Use the following default credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: microcks123

You will be redirected to the main dashboard page. You can now start using Microcks.

Import the asyncapi schema file, and create a test, please be sure the application name & version match with the expected topic by the client, otherwise the message won't arrive to the consumer.

Create and launch the test, check the consumer side, and hopefully the messages will be there.