diff --git a/bin/orgbackup b/bin/orgbackup
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea952d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/orgbackup
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+set -eo pipefail
+BEORG="$HOME/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/"
+if ! test -d "$BEORG"; then
+ exit 0
+rsync -a --exclude-from="$HOME/.gitignore" "$BEORG" "$BACKUP"
+cd "$BACKUP" && (
+if ! test -d .git; then
+ git init
+if git status | grep 'not staged' &>/dev/null; then
+ find -X . -name '*.org*' -and -not -name '.*' | xargs git add
+ git commit -m "Org archive from $(date)"
diff --git a/org/career.org b/org/career.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86af463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/career.org
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+* Professional Development
+** SOMEDAY Look at CS 242: Programming Languages and break it down
+** SOMEDAY Read The Mythical Man Month overview
+** SOMEDAY Estimating work
+** SOMEDAY XANADU - Infiltrate
+** SOMEDAY Rise of the Demiurge - Infiltrate (2 of 2)
+** SOMEDAY Diversity & Inclusion Guidebook
+** SOMEDAY Manual vs Automated Analysis
+** SOMEDAY Beyond Unit Tests (TLA+)
+** SOMEDAY Compiling Knowledge into Probabilistic Models | Will Crichton
+** SOMEDAY Integration tests are a scam
+** SOMEDAY Get a subscription to ACM Queue
+** SOMEDAY Subscribe to usenix login;
diff --git a/org/home.org_archive b/org/home.org_archive
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d32168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/home.org_archive
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# -*- mode: org -*-
+Archived entries from file /Users/timods/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/home.org
diff --git a/org/inbox.org b/org/inbox.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..923c1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/inbox.org
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+* Inbox
+* Hobby
+* Home
+** TODO Check out oraemacs' keybindings
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-26 Fri>
+[2019-04-19 Fri 21:38]
+** SOMEDAY Fix Julia's car :@home:
+[2019-04-19 Fri 22:32]
+** TODO Refill the tires on Julia's car :@important:@home:
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-27 Sat>
+** TODO Roll Mass Mutual plan over to Fidelity Gatech plan
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-10 Fri>
+** TODO LP60 record player
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-01 Wed>
+** TODO Look at the Gatech retirement plan investments
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-01 Wed>
+* Career
+* Notes
diff --git a/org/init.org b/org/init.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab8e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/init.org
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#+begin_src scheme
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/org/library/pdf-tools-keybinds.org b/org/library/pdf-tools-keybinds.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fe6f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/library/pdf-tools-keybinds.org
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* Some keybindings
+| Navigation | |
+| Scroll Up / Down by page-full | ~space~ / ~backspace~ |
+| Scroll Up / Down by line | ~C-n~ / ~C-p~ |
+| Scroll Right / Left | ~C-f~ / ~C-b~ |
+| Top of Page / Bottom of Page | ~<~ / ~>~ |
+| Next Page / Previous Page | ~n~ / ~p~ |
+| First Page / Last Page | ~M-<~ / ~M->~ |
+| Incremental Search Forward / Backward | ~C-s~ / ~C-r~ |
+| Occur (list all lines containing a phrase) | ~M-s o~ |
+| Jump to Occur Line | ~RETURN~ |
+| Pick a Link and Jump | ~F~ |
+| Incremental Search in Links | ~f~ |
+| History Back / Forwards | ~B~ / ~N~ |
+| Display Outline | ~o~ |
+| Jump to Section from Outline | ~RETURN~ |
+| Jump to Page | ~M-g g~ |
+| Display | |
+| Zoom in / Zoom out | ~+~ / ~-~ |
+| Fit Height / Fit Width / Fit Page | ~H~ / ~W~ / ~P~ |
+| Trim margins (set slice to bounding box) | ~s b~ |
+| Reset margins | ~s r~ |
+| Reset Zoom | 0 |
+| Annotations | |
+| List Annotations | ~C-c C-a l~ |
+| Jump to Annotations from List | ~SPACE~ |
+| Mark Annotation for Deletion | ~d~ |
+| Delete Marked Annotations | ~x~ |
+| Unmark Annotations | ~u~ |
+| Close Annotation List | ~q~ |
+| Add and edit annotations | via Mouse selection and left-click context menu |
+| Syncing with Auctex | |
+| jump to PDF location from source | ~C-c C-g~ |
+| jump source location from PDF | ~C-mouse-1~ |
+| Miscellaneous | |
+| Refresh File (e.g., after recompiling source) | ~g~ |
+| Print File | ~C-c C-p~ |
diff --git a/org/library/word-readme.org b/org/library/word-readme.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a5fd2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/library/word-readme.org
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+#+TITLE: worf.el documentation
+#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil
+[[https://github.com/abo-abo/worf][Back to github.]]
+* Setup :noexport:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results silent
+(add-to-list 'load-path default-directory)
+(require 'worf-ox)
+* Intro
+This extension works similar to [[http://orgmode.org/manual/Speed-keys.html][org-mode's speed keys]], while adding in
+a bit of /vi/ flavor, specifically:
+** Modal editing
+This is just what the speed keys do: pressing ~a~ - ~z~, ~A~ - ~Z~, or
+~0~ - ~9~ while the point is positioned as below will call a command
+instead of inserting these characters:
+#+begin_src text
+||* foo
+#+begin_src text
+,*||* bar
+#+begin_src text
+||#+ baz
+As you see, the point has to be either at one of the =*= that start from
+the beginning of the line or actually at the beginning of the line,
+followed by =#+= which will further be referred to as markup.
+** Nouns and verbs
+It's just an intuitive way of organizing the key bindings borrowed
+from vi: the commands are sentences - combinations of a verb and a
+noun used together.
+Similar to vi, [[#left][~h~]] / [[#down][~j~]] / [[#up][~k~]] / [[#right][~l~]] are the nouns that represent the
+arrow keys. These and additional nouns are listed in the tables below.
+*** Nouns table
+| key | name |
+| [[#down][~j~]] | down |
+| [[#up][~k~]] | up |
+| [[#left][~h~]] | left |
+| [[#right][~l~]] | right |
+| [[#added][~a~]] | added |
+| [[#property][~p~]] | property |
+| [[#tags][~t~]] | tags |
+*** Verbs table
+| key | name |
+| [[#goto][none]] | /goto/ |
+| [[#/change/][~c~]] | /change/ |
+| [[#change-tree][~cf~]] | /change tree/ |
+| [[#change-shift][~cs~]] | /change shift/ |
+| [[#keyword][~w~]] | /keyword/ |
+| [[#clock][~C~]] | /clock/ |
+| [[#delete][~d~]] | /delete/ |
+| [[#yank][~y~]] | /yank/ |
+| [[#mark][~m~]] | /mark/ |
+* Nouns
+** ~j~ - down
+:CUSTOM_ID: down
+Move /down/ across headings and markup. Use a number prefix to move
+several times at once, i.e. ~2j~ will move two headings down.
+When you're in a heading, ~j~ will not enter markup, use [[#right][~l~]] for that
+instead, as markup that belongs to a heading can be seen as being
+/right/ of that heading. This restriction speeds up the movement
+across headings that contain a lot of markup.
+When you're in markup, ~j~ will not enter a heading, use [[#left][~h~]] for that
+instead, as the heading can be seen as being /left/ of its markup.
+This restriction allows to use a huge numeric arg (e.g. ~9j~ or ~99j~)
+to move all the way to the last markup of the heading.
+The exception to both restrictions is the first markup in the file
+that does not belong to any heading.
+** ~k~ - up
+Move /up/ across headings and markup. Use a number prefix to move
+several times at once, i.e. ~3k~ will move three headings up.
+Same rules as [[#down][~j~]] apply.
+** ~h~ - left
+:CUSTOM_ID: left
+Move /left/ i.e. to the parent heading of current heading or markup.
+You can use it e.g. to go from fifth level 3 heading to its parent
+level 2 heading, or from the second source block to the parent
+** ~l~ - right
+:CUSTOM_ID: right
+Move /right/ (i.e. to the first child of current heading). You can
+use it to get to the first markup of the current heading.
+** ~a~ - added
+:CUSTOM_ID: added
+Represents /added/ heading. The behavior depends on the currently
+active verb:
+*** goto
+Forward to =org-insert-heading-respect-content= (bound to ~C-RET~ in =org-mode=).
+*** change
+Forward to =org-meta-return= (bound to ~M-RET~ in =org-mode=).
+*** keyword
+Add a new heading with a corresponding keyword.
+For example ~wta~ will add a new *TODO*, and ~wna~ will add a new
+** ~p~ - property
+:CUSTOM_ID: property
+Represents current heading's /property/. The behavior depends on the
+currently active verb:
+*** goto
+Move to the property, i.e. open the property drawer and place the
+point on the first property.
+*** change
+Change property. This forwards to =org-set-property=, which will
+prompt you for the name of the property and it's value.
+You can use this to add new properties as well.
+*** delete
+Delete property. This forwards to =org-delete-property=.
+** ~t~ - tags
+:CUSTOM_ID: tags
+Represents current heading's /tags/.
+Currently, the only meaningful sentence is ~ct~, which forwards to
+* Verbs
+Some verbs, such as [[#/change/][~c~]] (change), or [[#change-tree][~cf~]] (change tree) are /sticky/: once you
+activate them, they stick around until deactivated or you switch to
+another sticky verb (only one can be active at a time). Their
+stickiness is represented by a change in the mode line. Each of them
+can be deactivated by the same key that activated them, or universally
+with ~q~. Currently separate minor modes are used to implement sticky
+verbs because their concept is exactly the same.
+Other verbs, such as [[#clock][~C~]] (clock), are more like /vi/ verbs, i.e. they
+deactivate themselves after the first command.
+And just to add to the confusion, some nouns will deactivate a verb
+(e.g. ~cwd~), while others won't (e.g. ~cj~).
+** /goto/
+:CUSTOM_ID: goto
+This verb is active by default. Its effect on the nouns is to move the
+point appropriately.
+** ~c~ - /change/
+:CUSTOM_ID: /change/
+Call =worf-change-mode=.
+This is a /sticky/ verb: once you press ~c~, /change/ verb will be
+active until you switch to a different verb.
+Use the same letter to deactivate a verb as to activate it, i.e. ~c~
+will deactivate =worf-change-mode=. ~q~ will universally deactivate
+any verb and return you to /goto/ implicit verb.
+While =worf-change-mode= is active, ~hjkl~ move the current heading
+in appropriate directions: it's the same as holding ~M-~ and using
+arrow keys in the default org.
+- ~cp~ will change the selected property
+- ~ct~ will change current tags
+- ~ca~ will add heading above instead of below, like ~a~ does
+- ~cn~ will change the name of a source block
+** ~cf~ - /change tree/
+:CUSTOM_ID: change-tree
+Call =worf-change-tree-mode=.
+While =worf-change-tree-mode= is active, ~hjkl~ move the current
+heading tree in appropriate directions: it's the same as holding
+~S-M-~ and using arrow keys in the default org.
+** ~cs~ - /change shift/
+:CUSTOM_ID: change-shift
+Call =worf-change-shift-mode=.
+While =worf-change-shift-mode= is active, ~hjkl~ act as
+~S-~ and arrows in the default org.
+** ~w~ /keyword/
+:CUSTOM_ID: keyword
+Call =worf-keyword-mode=.
+You select a keyword e.g. *TODO* or *NEXT* and ~j~ / ~k~ move just by the
+selected keyword, skipping all other headings.
+Additionally, ~a~ will add a new heading with the appropriate keyword,
+e.g. ~wta~ will add a new *TODO*, and ~wna~ will add a new *NEXT*.
+** ~C~ - /clock/
+:CUSTOM_ID: clock
+Call =worf-clock-mode=.
+This one isn't sticky and has only two nouns that work with it:
+- ~i~ (=org-clock-in=)
+- ~o~ (=org-clock-out=)
+** ~d~ - /delete/
+:CUSTOM_ID: delete
+Call =worf-delete-mode=.
+This one isn't sticky and changes the behavior of ~j~ to delete down,
+and ~k~ to delete up. You can mix in numbers to delete many times,
+i.e. ~d3j~ will delete 3 headings at once.
+- ~dp~ will delete the selected property
+- ~dn~ will delete the name of the current source block
+** ~y~ - /yank/
+:CUSTOM_ID: yank
+Call =worf-yank-mode=.
+It's similar to [[#delete][~d~]], but will copy the headings into
+the kill ring instead of deleting.
+** ~m~ - /mark/
+:CUSTOM_ID: mark
+Call =worf-mark-mode=.
+It's similar to [[#delete][~d~]], but will mark the headings instead
+of deleting.
+* Miscellaneous commands
+Some other things included in worf, that don't fit into the
+verb-noun structure, are:
+** ~[~ - =worf-backward=
+Go backwards to closest special position. ~]~ does the same in the opposite direction.
+** ~i~ - =worf-tab=
+Wraps around =org-cycle=.
+Additionally, e.g. ~2i~ will show a summary up to level 2, ~3i~ -
+level 3 etc.
+** ~I~ - =worf-shifttab=
+Just a wrapper for =org-shifttab=.
+** ~o~ - =worf-ace-link=
+Open a link within current heading that's visible on screen. See
+[[https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-link][ace-link]] for a package that uses this method in other modes.
+** ~g~ - =worf-goto=
+Open a =helm= outline of the current buffer. It's very good when you
+want to search/navigate to a heading by word or level. See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/lispy][lispy]] for a
+package that uses this method to navigate Lisp code.
+** ~L~ - =worf-copy-heading-id=
+Copy the link to current heading to the kill ring. This may be useful
+when you want to create a lot of links.
+** ~cT~ - el:worf-change-time
+:CUSTOM_ID: worf-change-time
+Set the "current" time for this buffer only. All timestamps inserted by el:org-todo in
+this buffer will use this time.
+To un-set the "current" time, press ~C-g~ during the selection.
diff --git a/org/months/2019-04.org b/org/months/2019-04.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c91b78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/months/2019-04.org
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+* Tasks
+** TODO Check out oraemacs' keybindings
+[2019-04-19 Fri 21:38]
+** TODO Refill the tires on Julia's car :@important:@home:
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-27 Sat>
diff --git a/org/months/2019-04.org_archive b/org/months/2019-04.org_archive
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38515d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/months/2019-04.org_archive
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# -*- mode: org -*-
+Archived entries from file /Users/timods/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/months/2019-04.org
+* TODO Check out oraemacs' keybindings
+ :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2019-04-19 Fri 22:12
+ :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/months/2019-04.org
+ :END:
+[2019-04-19 Fri 21:38]
+Archived entries from file /Users/timods/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/months/2019-04.org
+* TODO Check out oraemacs' keybindings
+ :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2019-04-19 Fri 22:12
+ :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/months/2019-04.org
+ :END:
+[2019-04-19 Fri 21:38]
+Archived entries from file /Users/timods/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/months/2019-04.org
+* TODO Check out oraemacs' keybindings
+ :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2019-04-19 Fri 22:12
+ :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org/months/2019-04.org
+ :END:
+[2019-04-19 Fri 21:38]
diff --git a/org/months/2019-05.org b/org/months/2019-05.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..064e657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/months/2019-05.org
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+* Tasks
+** TODO Roll Mass Mutual plan over to Fidelity Gatech plan
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-01 Wed>
+** TODO LP60 record player
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-01 Wed>
+** TODO Look at the Gatech retirement plan investments
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-01 Wed>
diff --git a/org/projects.org b/org/projects.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ea1a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/projects.org
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+* Smart Cities
+** TODO [#A] Build artifact (first iteration) :@urgent:@important:
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-20 Sat 09:00>
+** TODO [#A] Refine artifact :@urgent:@important:
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-21 Sun 09:00>
+** TODO [#A] Finalize :@urgent:@important:
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-22 Mon>
+* Exomind
+** TODO Save current notion state to a pickle for faster iteration
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-04 Sat>
+** SOMEDAY Design wiki data format
+Prolly org which can export to HTML honestly. So long as I can get org to use [[https:tachyons.io][tachyons]]
+** SOMEDAY Design notion -> wiki data transformers
+** SOMEDAY Record websites for archival purposes
+could also extract text from them, etc.
+I'm a bit of a digital packrat...
+* Crochet
+** TODO Crochet the little bugger
+** TODO pick up goblin yarn
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-20 Sat 16:00>
+* Espresso
+** SOMEDAY DIY Extraction Tasting
+* Baking [0/17]
+- [ ] Meringues
+- [ ] Make eclairs
+- [ ] Make Kouign Amann
+- [ ] Babka
+- [ ] Orange and lemon boozy drizzle cake
+- [ ] Yeasted donuts
+- [ ] Madeira Cake
+- [ ] Jaffa cakes
+- [ ] Arlettes
+- [ ] Earl grey tea UK biscuits
+- [ ] Biscuit box full of biscuits
+- [ ] Plaited bread with goat cheese prosciutto basil oregano pesto?
+- [ ] Baguettes
+- [ ] Make mustard
+- [ ] Bread sculpture
+- [ ] Spanish Windtorte
+- [ ] Cream horn
+* TODO [#A] Compile process book :@important:@urgent:
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-27 Sat 09:00>
+[2019-04-19 Fri 23:48]
diff --git a/org/repeated.org b/org/repeated.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c737976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/repeated.org
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+* Regularly
+** TODO Exercise
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-20 Sat .+1d>
+:STYLE: habit
+** TODO Morning routine [0/4]
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-20 Sat 07:30 .+1d>
+:STYLE: habit
+- [ ] Coffee
+- [ ] Felix
+- [ ] Meditate
+- [ ] Plan
+** TODO Take morning medicine
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-21 Sun 08:03 .+1d>
+:STYLE: habit
+** TODO Take evening medicine
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-20 Sat 19:00 .+1d>
+:STYLE: habit
+** TODO Plan the week
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-21 Sun .+1w>
+:STYLE: habit
+** TODO Transcribe notebooks to org
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-20 Sat 17:00 .+1w>
+:STYLE: habit
+** DONE Dust the apartment
+[2019-01-02 Wed 02:35]
+** TODO Pay off credit cards :@urgent:
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-20 Sat>
+<2019-04-20 Sat>
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-30 Tue .+2w>
+[2019-01-02 Wed 02:35]
+- [ ] Citi
+- [ ] Amex
+- [ ] Venture
+** TODO Get allergy shot :@important:
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-04 Sat>
+SCHEDULED: <2019-01-04 Fri+1m>
+[2019-01-02 Wed 02:27]
+* Occasionally
diff --git a/org/snippets.org b/org/snippets.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7955f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/snippets.org
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* elisp
+** Ergonomic file bookmarks
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+;; Via https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/12309
+(require 'ido) ; part of emacs
+(defvar xah-filelist nil "alist for files i need to open frequently. Key is a short abbrev string, Value is file path string.")
+(setq xah-filelist
+ '(
+ ("3emacs" . "~/web/ergoemacs_org/emacs/blog.html" )
+ ("4code" . "~/web/xahlee_info/comp/blog.html" )
+ ("keys" . "~/git/xah_emacs_init/xah_emacs_keybinding.el" )
+ ("download" . "~/Downloads/" )
+ ("pictures" . "~/Pictures/" )
+ ;; more here
+ ) )
+(defun xah-open-file-fast ()
+ "Prompt to open a file from `xah-filelist'.
+URL `http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_hotkey_open_file_fast.html'
+Version 2015-04-23"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((ξabbrevCode
+ (ido-completing-read "Open:" (mapcar (lambda (ξx) (car ξx)) xah-filelist))))
+ (find-file (cdr (assoc ξabbrevCode xah-filelist)))))
diff --git a/org/todos.org b/org/todos.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aeb3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/todos.org
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+* Inbox
+* Hobby
+* Home
+** SOMEDAY Fix Julia's car :@home:
+[2019-04-19 Fri 22:32]
+** TODO Check out oraemacs' keybindings
+[2019-04-19 Fri 21:38]
+** TODO Fix Julia's car :@home:
+[2019-04-19 Fri 22:32]
+** TODO Refill the tires on Julia's car :@important:@home:
+SCHEDULED: <2019-04-27 Sat>
+** TODO Roll Mass Mutual plan over to Fidelity Gatech plan
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-01 Wed>
+** TODO LP60 record player
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-01 Wed>
+** TODO Look at the Gatech retirement plan investments
+SCHEDULED: <2019-05-01 Wed>
+* Career
+* Notes