A toolshed worth of tools, extensions and shortcuts
Following is the to-do list for all of the Toolshed libraries:
- Ensure comments are in place (because Intellisense is the best thing ever)
- Better workflow (maybe.). Currently, I commit to GitHub, myGet picks this up and builds, then I go to myGet and push to Nuget.
- Find a way for myGet (which is what I use to build the NuGet package) to get the versioning from the project itself instead of manually having to update when I push.
- Add overrides or optional parameters for culture sensitive methods (think dates)
- Make the website better
- While reading code is definite documentation and this type of library is even easier to read than some app, I would like to have an overall list or grouping of expected methods - can this library help you?
- Testing. Yes, long overdue, but I can admit it. This needs testing
If you used any of the toolshed libraries before, this is the latest version. With a bunch of cleaning, tidying up and refactoring. Read more about it above.