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+ "## Using Your Own Atomic Data\n",
+ " To run a simulation, STARDIS requires an atomic data file that has information on the properties of atoms and molecules needed by STARDIS. While [\"kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5\"](https://dev.azure.com/tardis-sn/TARDIS/_apis/git/repositories/tardis-refdata/items?path=atom_data/kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5&resolveLfs=true) is the default atomic data used by STARDIS, you can create and use other atomic data files by using [CARSUS](https://tardis-sn.github.io/carsus/). For more information on using CARSUS you can access the [CARSUS documentation](https://tardis-sn.github.io/carsus/index.html)."
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+ "### Relevant CARSUS Data to Collect\n",
+ "While CARSUS accumulates all sorts of data when compiling the atomic data files, not everything it can include is necessary or relevant for running STARDIS. Here is a list of what data/readers you should make sure to include when running CARSUS:\n",
+ "- [atomic weights & ionization energy from NIST](https://tardis-sn.github.io/carsus/io/nist.html)\n",
+ "- [Robert Kurucz’s Atomic Linelist (GFALL)](https://tardis-sn.github.io/carsus/io/gfall.html)\n",
+ "- [atomic and molecular transitions from VALD](https://tardis-sn.github.io/carsus/io/vald.html)\n",
+ "- [Molecular formation from Barklem & Collet 2016](https://tardis-sn.github.io/carsus/io/barklem2016.html)\n"
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+ "Use CARSUS and follow their documentation to get a data file:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "[https://tardis-sn.github.io/carsus/](https://tardis-sn.github.io/carsus/)"
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+ "To use new atomic data file in a simulation, add/edit the line in your yaml file `atom_data: `. This path can be *either* the relative or absolute path. Your atomic data file should have the file extension '.h5'."
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+ "The file 'kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5' referenced below is the default atomic_data used by STARDIS.\n",
+ "``` yaml\n",
+ "stardis_config_version: 1.0\n",
+ "atom_data: kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 # <----- put the relative or absolute path here\n",
+ "model:\n",
+ "...\n",
+ "```"
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+ "### Using VALD linelists\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Possibly one of the most important reasons you would want to use a custom atomic data file would be to take advantage of a tailored VALD linelist. You can refer to [VALD's documentation](https://www.astro.uu.se/valdwiki) for information on these lists if you are unfamiliar. To create a detailed and accurate stellar spectrum, we highly recommend looking into using a VALD linelist bundled into your atomic data."
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+ "If you have included a VALD linelist in your atom_data file, then you **must** make the following change to your Yaml file for the linelist to be used:\n",
+ "``` yaml\n",
+ "...\n",
+ "line:\n",
+ " disable: False\n",
+ " broadening: [radiation, linear_stark, quadratic_stark, van_der_waals]\n",
+ " vald_linelist: #<-----\n",
+ " use_linelist: True #<----- will default to false, so must set to True\n",
+ " shortlist: #<----- VALD can output lists in 'long' form or 'short' form; set accordingly\n",
+ "no_of_thetas: 20\n",
+ "...\n",
+ "```"
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diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index e0741768..41cce916 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ This is the documentation for STARDIS.
Downloading and Installation
Physics of STARDIS
+ Custom Atomic Data
Possible STARDIS Outputs
Custom Star Model
Using STARDIS in Parallel