- Adding Web platform support by using the
streams are nowhasData == true
and have an empty map at the beginning.
- Acessing to serverId and sessionId
- Resend subscription packets on reconnection.
- Return MeteorClientLoginResult on logoutOtherClients.
- Return null if no current value presents for the 'currentValue'.
- Fix a major bug on escaping DateTime when doing method call and subscribe.
- Fix bug on meteor.user() does not set back to null after user has been logged out.
- Separated login function.
- Fix bugs on connecting to Meteor 2.x.x and on logout function.
- Fix a $date bug when parsing an array result from methods/collections.
- Null safety and some API changes.
- Lower crypto package version to match the flutter_test.
- Allows both int and String for MeteorError.error
- Pin rxdart to 0.24.1 and crypto to 2.1.5.
- Allow passing email to loginWithPassword.
- Don't use this release
- Pin rxdart version to 0.22.6
- Update README and example
- Initial version.