This code runs an onchain quantum emulator in an EVM smartcontract
Current version is v0.2
- Supports up to 4 qubits (v0.1) and 8 qubits (v0.2)
- v0.1 supports the following gates
- I = Identity Gate
- X = Not (Pauli-X) Gate
- H = Hadamard Gate
- CN = Control-Not Gate
- CCN = Toffoli Gate
- v0.2 supports v0.1 gates plus the following gates
- P = Phase shift pi/4 Gate
- T = Phase shift pi/8 Gate
- Y = Not (Pauli-Y) Gate
- Z = Not (Pauli-Z) Gate
- Quantum circuit is interpreted (not compiled)
v0.1 Contract deployed on Mumbai testnet 0x5eAbD701CBD6acB008e9F770A63E9fDFfB6f87c7. Go to
- Bell circuit - use runQScript with parameters 2,"HI,CN.". You should only get results 0 or 3
- GHZ circuit - use runQScript with parameters 3,"HII,CNI,ICN.". You should only get results 0 or 7
- Simon's algorithm ( - use runQScript with parameters 4,"HHII,CINI,CIIN,ICNI,ICIN,IImm,HHII,mmII.". Ignore the 3rd and 4th bit. For the 1st 2 bits, you should only get 0 or 3 (i.e. results will be 0,3,12,15)
- Grover's algorithm for 2 qubits. use runQScript with parameters 3,"HHI,IIX,IIH,III,CCN,III,IIH,IIX,HHI,XXI,IHI,CNI,IHI,XXI,HHI.". You should only get back 6 (i.e. 110)
- Grover's algorithm for 3 qubits. use runQScript with parameters 4,"HHHI,IIIX,IIIH,IIII,CCCN,IIII,IIIH,IIIX,HHHI,XXXI,IIHI,CCNI,IIHI,XXXI,HHHI,IIIX,IIIH,IIII,CCCN,IIII,IIIH,IIIX,HHHI,XXXI,IIHI,CCNI,IIHI,XXXI,HHHI.". You should get 14 around 50% of the time.
v0.2 Contract deployed on Mumbai testnet 0x7718760b559a073D14CF26aA0F823Da860fc14d3. Go to 6. Shor's factoring 21 (Skosana and Tame). use qubits = 5, circuit = "HHHII,IICIN,ICIIN,IIINC,ICICN,IIIIX,CIINC,IIIIX,IIINC,CIICN,IIINC,IIHII,ICPII,CITII,IHIII,CPIII,HIIII." 7. Shor's factoring 15 (Vandersypen et. al). use qubits = 7, circuit = "HHHIIII,IICINII,IICIINI,IIICINI,ICINICI,IIICINI,IIIINIC,ICIICIN,HIIIIII,CPIIIII,IHIIIII,CITIIII,ICPIIII,IIHIIII".
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