- rename css file to chatblock.css
- adding chatblock.js
- H1-H6 tag
- p tag
- Fix narrator display
- Conversation index (default as #)
- minimal format (now can run without the characters settings)
- linebreak
- Directly wrote as paragraph will be ignore. (php error free)
- adding 'rawscript#' for display the raw data before parse.
- setColon() fixed
- setNarrator() fixed
- Colon array (default as #)
- Narrator array (default as narrator)
- stater template
- dev tutorial (with sample)
- allow easy mode use first line as main cast
- default narrator ['Narrator','narrator','系统','旁白'];
- default colon [':',':'];
- replace --- with ADVANCE
- custom setBreakPoint('I_LOVE_EMANYAN')
- setting template
- Allow @, # in string
- Added rawscript (will toggle use site class)
- Fix p, h1-h6 container
- Allow adjust head size
- Show once header if the lines belongs to same person
- Allow show unformatted line as warning messages (only works when single colon as index)
- Allow export as json
- showCasts()
- [] reverse stories (switch lines to major based on header)
- [] rawscriptquote:5-10 (allow include the script in certainline)
- [] Fork this script (button only, default false)
- [] Allow fork script (editor)
- [] action button
- [] link button
- [] Invalid Image handle
- [] default head image for minor casts (assign a random background color)
- [] JS editor (shortcut & preview)
- [] export format (txt,json,csv,custom)