Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Number | Internal ID of this entity. | |
created | Date | The time this entity was created. | |
applicationId | Number | The ID of the Application that owns this entity. | |
slots | [SlotDef] | The slots defined for this application. | |
functions | [FunctionDef] | The functions defined for this application. | |
templates | [TemplateDef] | The templates defined for this application. | |
variables | String | A stringified version of the environment's Talang variables scope. | |
giveawaysPools | [GiveawaysPool] | The giveaways pools that the application is subscribed to. | [optional] |
loyaltyPrograms | [LoyaltyProgram] | The loyalty programs that the application is subscribed to. | [optional] |
achievements | [Achievement] | The achievements, linked to the campaigns, belonging to the application. | [optional] |
attributes | [Attribute] | The attributes that the application is subscribed to. | [optional] |
additionalCosts | [AccountAdditionalCost] | The additional costs that the application is subscribed to. | [optional] |
audiences | [Audience] | The audiences contained in the account which the application belongs to. | [optional] |
collections | [Collection] | The account-level collections that the application is subscribed to. | [optional] |
applicationCartItemFilters | [ApplicationCIF] | The cart item filters belonging to the Application. | [optional] |