This document generated by dt-contributors-generator. (but run scripts are manual operation. please wait :P)
- 🔗 acc-wizard by Cyril Schumacher
- 🔗 accounting.js by Sergey Gerasimov
- 🔗 Ace Cloud9 Editor by Diullei Gomes
- 🔗 Acorn by RReverser
- 🔗 add2home by James Wilkins
- 🔗 adm-zip by John Vilk
- 🔗 alertify by John Jeffery
- 🔗 Alt by Michael Shearer
- 🔗 amCharts by aleksey-bykov
- 🔗 AmplifyJs by Jonas Eriksson
- 🔗 amqp-rpc by Wonshik Kim
- 🔗 Angular by angular team
- 🔗 Angular by angular team
- 🔗 Angular File Upload by John Reilly
- 🔗 Angular Growl 2 v.0.7.3 by Tadeusz Hucal
- 🔗 Angular JS by Diego Vilar
- 🔗 Angular JS (ngAnimate module) by Michel Salib, Adi Dahiya, Raphael Schweizer, Cody Schaaf
- 🔗 Angular JS (ngCookies module) by Diego Vilar, Anthony Ciccarello
- 🔗 Angular JS (ngMock, ngMockE2E module) by Diego Vilar
- 🔗 Angular JS (ngResource module) by Diego Vilar, Michael Jess
- 🔗 Angular JS (ngRoute module) by Jonathan Park
- 🔗 Angular JS (ngSanitize module) by Diego Vilar
- 🔗 Angular JS (ui.router module) by Michel Salib
- 🔗 Angular JS Meteor (angular.meteor module) by Peter Grman
- 🔗 Angular Material (angular.material module) by Matt Traynham
- 🔗 Angular Protractor by Bill Armstrong
- 🔗 Angular Scenario Testing (ngScenario module) by RomanoLindano
- 🔗 Angular Translate (pascalprecht.translate module) by Michel Salib
- 🔗 Angular UI Bootstrap by Brian Surowiec
- 🔗 Angular Wizard by Marko Jurisic
- 🔗 angular-bootstrap-lightbox by Roland Zwaga
- 🔗 angular-dynamic-locale by Stephen Lautier
- 🔗 angular-formly by Scott Hatcher
- 🔗 angular-hotkeys by Jason Zhao, Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 angular-http-auth by vvakame
- 🔗 angular-jwt by Reto Rezzonico
- 🔗 angular-local-storage by Ken Fukuyama
- 🔗 angular-localForage by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 angular-notifications by Tomasz Ducin
- 🔗 angular-notify by Suwato
- 🔗 angular-scroll by Sam Herrmann
- 🔗 angular-spinner.js by Marcin Biegała
- 🔗 angular-storage by Matthew DeKrey
- 🔗 angular.throttle by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 angular.ui.sortable module by Thodoris Greasidis
- 🔗 AngularAgility by Roland Zwaga
- 🔗 AngularFire by Dénes Harmath
- 🔗 angularjs extensions to rxjs by Mick Delaney
- 🔗 angularjs-toaster by Ben Tesser
- 🔗 AngularLocalStorage by Horiuchi_H
- 🔗 Angulartics by Steven Fan
- 🔗 animation-frame by Qinfeng Chen
- 🔗 ansi-styles by bryn austin bellomy
- 🔗 ansicolors by rogierschouten
- 🔗 any-db by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 any-db-transaction by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 Apache Cordova by Microsoft Open Technologies Inc.
- 🔗 Apache Cordova Email Composer plugin by Dave Taylor
- 🔗 api-error-handler by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 AppFramework by kyo_ago
- 🔗 Application Insights by Scott Southwood
- 🔗 Arbiter.js by Arash Shakery
- 🔗 ArcGIS API for JavaScript by Esri
- 🔗 archy by vvakame
- 🔗 asciify by Alan Norbauer
- 🔗 aspnet-identity-pw by jt000
- 🔗 assert and power-assert by vvakame
- 🔗 assertion-error by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 Async by Boris Yankov, Arseniy Maximov
- 🔗 asyncblock by Hiroki Horiuchi
- 🔗 Atmosphere by Kai Toedter
- 🔗 Atom by vvakame
- 🔗 Atom API docs by vvakame
- 🔗 atom-keymap by Vadim Macagon
- 🔗 atpl by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 Auth0.js by Robert McLaws
- 🔗 Auth0Widget.js by Robert McLaws
- 🔗 Auth0Widget.js by Robert McLaws
- 🔗 AutobahnJS by Elad Zelingher, Andy Hawkins
- 🔗 Autoprefixer Core by Asana
- 🔗 aws-sdk by midknight41
- 🔗 axios by Marcel Buesing
- 🔗 Azure SDK for Node by Andrew Gaspar, Anti Veeranna, Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 Backbone by Boris Yankov, Natan Vivo
- 🔗 Backbone-associations by Craig Brett
- 🔗 Backbone-relational by Eirik Hoem
- 🔗 Backbone.LayoutManager by He Jiang
- 🔗 backbone.paginator by Nyamazing
- 🔗 Backbone.Radio by Peter Palotas
- 🔗 Backgrid by Jeremy Lujan
- 🔗 Bacon.js by Alexander Matsievsky
- 🔗 bardjs by Andrew Archibald
- 🔗 batch-stream by Nicholas Penree
- 🔗 bcrypt by Peter Harris
- 🔗 bgiframe by Zoltan Sumegi
- 🔗 big.js by Steve Ognibene
- 🔗 BigInt by Eugene Chernyshov
- 🔗 BigInteger.js by Ingo Bürk, Roel van Uden
- 🔗 BigScreen by Douglas Eichelberger
- 🔗 bitwise-xor by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 blob-stream by Eric Hillah
- 🔗 bluebird by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 blueimp-md5 by Ray Martone
- 🔗 body-parser by Santi Albo, VILIC VANE, Jonathan Häberle
- 🔗 boom by Igor Rogatty
- 🔗 Bootbox by Vincent Bortone, Kon Pik, Anup Kattel, Dominik Schroeter
- 🔗 Bootstrap by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Bootstrap datetimepicker v3 by Jesica N. Fera
- 🔗 Bootstrap TouchSpin by Albin Sunnanbo
- 🔗 bootstrap-notify by Blake Niemyjski
- 🔗 bootstrap-slider.js by Daniel Beckwith
- 🔗 bootstrap.datepicker by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 bootstrap.paginator by derikwhittaker
- 🔗 bootstrap.timepicker by derikwhittaker
- 🔗 bootstrap.timepicker by jbaldwin
- 🔗 Breeze 1.5.x by Boris Yankov, IdeaBlade
- 🔗 Browser Harness by Chris Scribner
- 🔗 browser-sync by Asana
- 🔗 Browserify by Andrew Gaspar
- 🔗 bucks.js by Shunsuke Ohtani
- 🔗 buffer-equal by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 BufferList by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 buffers by Robert Hencke
- 🔗 bufferstream by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 bunyan-prettystream by Jason Swearingen, Vadim Macagon
- 🔗 business-rules-engine by Roman Samec
- 🔗 bxSlider by Piotr Sałkowski
- 🔗 byline by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 calq by Eirik Hoem
- 🔗 camel-case by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 camljs by Andrey Markeev
- 🔗 CanvasJS by Mark Overholt
- 🔗 CasperJS by Jed Mao
- 🔗 chai by Jed Mao, Bart van der Schoor, Andrew Brown
- 🔗 chai-as-promised by jt000
- 🔗 chai-datetime by Cliff Burger
- 🔗 chai-fuzzy by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 chai-http by Wim Looman
- 🔗 chai-jquery by Kazi Manzur Rashid
- 🔗 chai-subset by Sam Noedel, Andrew Brown
- 🔗 chalk by Diullei Gomes, Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 Chance by Chris Bowdon
- 🔗 change-case by Asana
- 🔗 Chart.js by Steve Fenton
- 🔗 checksum by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 Cheerio by Bret Little, VILIC VANE, Wayne Maurer
- 🔗 chocolatechip by Robert Biggs
- 🔗 chokidar by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 Chosen.JQuery by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Chroma.js by Sebastian Brückner
- 🔗 Chrome Cast application development by Thomas Stig Jacobsen
- 🔗 Chrome extension development by Matthew Kimber, otiai10
- 🔗 Chrome packaged application development by Adam Lay, MIZUNE Pine, MIZUSHIMA Junki
- 🔗 chui by Robert Biggs
- 🔗 circular-json by Jonathan Pevarnek
- 🔗 CKEditor by Ondrej Sevcik
- 🔗 classnames by Dave Keen
- 🔗 cli-color by Joel Spadin
- 🔗 clone by Kieran Simpson
- 🔗 CodeMirror by mihailik
- 🔗 colorbrewer by Matt Traynham
- 🔗 Colors.js 0.6.0-1 by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 CometD by Derek Cicerone
- 🔗 commanderjs by Marcelo Dezem, vvakame
- 🔗 compare-version by Jonathan Pevarnek
- 🔗 compression by Santi Albo
- 🔗 configstore by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 connect-flash by Andreas Gassmann
- 🔗 connect-modrewrite by Tingan Ho
- 🔗 connect-slashes by Sam Herrmann
- 🔗 consolidate by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 constant-case by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 content-type by Pine Mizune
- 🔗 contextjs by Kern Handa
- 🔗 convert-source-map by Andrew Gaspar
- 🔗 cookie by Pine Mizune
- 🔗 cookie-parser by Santi Albo
- 🔗 cookie.js by Boltmade
- 🔗 Cordova Keyboard plugin by Hendrik Maus
- 🔗 Cordovarduino plugin by Hendrik Maus
- 🔗 core-js by Ron Buckton
- 🔗 Couchbase Couchnode by Basarat Ali Syed
- 🔗 CreateJS by Pedro Ferreira, Chris Smith, Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 cron by Hiroki Horiuchi
- 🔗 CrossFilter by Schmulik Raskin
- 🔗 Crossroads.js by Diullei Gomes
- 🔗 crypto-js by Michael Zabka
- 🔗 CryptoJS by Gia Bảo @ Sân Đình
- 🔗 CSON by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 CSS3 InfoBubble with tabs for Google Maps API V3 by Johan Nilsson
- 🔗 csurf by Hiroki Horiuchi
- 🔗 csv-stringify by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 cuid by Dave Keen
- 🔗 custom-error-generator by Thierry Miceli
- 🔗 CybozuLabs.MD5 by MIZUNE Pine
- 🔗 d3JS by Alex Ford, Boris Yankov
- 🔗 d3JS cloud layout plugin by Jason Davies by hans windhoff
- 🔗 dagre by Qinfeng Chen
- 🔗 dagre-d3.core.js by Mark Wong Siang Kai
- 🔗 dat.GUI by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 DataStream.js by Tat
- 🔗 Date Format by Rob Stutton
- 🔗 DateJS by David Khristepher Santos
- 🔗 DCJS by hans windhoff, matt traynham
- 🔗 debug by Seon-Wook Park
- 🔗 decimal.js by Joseph Rossi
- 🔗 deep-diff by ZauberNerd
- 🔗 deep-freeze by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 del by Asana
- 🔗 deployJava.js by Cyril Schumacher
- 🔗 detect-indent by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 DevExtreme by DevExpress Inc.
- 🔗 Dexie by David Fahlander
- 🔗 dhtmlxGantt by Maksim Kozhukh
- 🔗 dhtmlxScheduler by Maksim Kozhukh
- 🔗 di-lite by Timothy Morris
- 🔗 diff by vvakame
- 🔗 docCookies by Jon Egerton
- 🔗 Dock Spawn by Drew Noakes
- 🔗 DocumentDB by Noel Abrahams, Brett Gutstein
- 🔗 Dojo by Michael Van Sickle
- 🔗 DOM Purify by Dave Taylor
- 🔗 Domo by Steve Fenton
- 🔗 domready by Christian Holm Nielsen
- 🔗 donna by vvakame
- 🔗 doT by ZombieHunter
- 🔗 dot-case by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 dotdotdot by Milan Jaros
- 🔗 doublearray by MIZUSHIMA Junki
- 🔗 Drop by Adi Dahiya
- 🔗 dropbox-js by Steve Fenton, Pedro Casaubon
- 🔗 Dropzone by Natan Vivo
- 🔗 dsv by Jason Swearingen
- 🔗 dts-bundle by Asana
- 🔗 Durandal by Blue Spire
- 🔗 DYMO Label Framework by Thijs Kuipers
- 🔗 EaselJS by Pedro Ferreira, Chris Smith
- 🔗 easy-api-request by Karl Düüna
- 🔗 easy-jsend by Karl Düüna
- 🔗 easy-session by Karl Düüna
- 🔗 easy-table by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 easy-x-headers by Karl Düüna
- 🔗 easy-x-headers by Karl Düüna
- 🔗 easy-xapi by Karl Düüna
- 🔗 EasyStar.js by Magnus Gustafsson
- 🔗 Egg.js by Markus Peloso
- 🔗 ejs-locals by jt000
- 🔗 eLang by Zoltan Sumegi
- 🔗 Electron (shared between main and rederer processes) by jedmao
- 🔗 electron-prebuilt by rhysd
- 🔗 element-resize-event by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 Elm by Dénes Harmath
- 🔗 Ember.js by Jed Mao
- 🔗 emissary by vvakame
- 🔗 empower by vvakame
- 🔗 Emscripten by Kensuke Matsuzaki
- 🔗 EpicEditor by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 eq.js by Stephen Lautier
- 🔗 errorhandler by Santi Albo
- 🔗 es6-collections by Ron Buckton
- 🔗 es6-promise by François de Campredon, vvakame
- 🔗 es6-shim by Ron Buckton
- 🔗 escape-latex by Oliver Schneider
- 🔗 Esprima by teppeis, RReverser
- 🔗 ESTree AST extensions for Facebook Flow by RReverser
- 🔗 ESTree AST specification by RReverser
- 🔗 event-kit by Vadim Macagon
- 🔗 event-loop-lag by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 EventEmitter2 by ryiwamoto
- 🔗 EventEmitter3 by Yuichi Murata
- 🔗 evernote v by Zachary Collins
- 🔗 exit by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 expect.js by Teppei Sato
- 🔗 expectations.js by vvakame
- 🔗 Express 4.x by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 express-debug by Federico Bond
- 🔗 express-jwt by Wonshik Kim
- 🔗 express-myconnection by Michael Ferris
- 🔗 express-partials by jt000
- 🔗 express-session by Hiroki Horiuchi
- 🔗 express-unless by Wonshik Kim
- 🔗 express-validator by Nathan Ridley, Jonathan Häberle
- 🔗 extend by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 ExtJS by Brian Kotek
- 🔗 eyes by bryn austin bellomy
- 🔗 FabricJS by Oliver Klemencic, Joseph Livecchi
- 🔗 Facebook Javascript SDK by Joshua Strobl
- 🔗 Famous Engine by Boris Vasilenko
- 🔗 fancyBox by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Farbtastic: jQuery Color Wheel by Matt Brooks
- 🔗 fast-stats by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 FastClick by Shinnosuke Watanabe
- 🔗 fetch API by Ryan Graham
- 🔗 FHIR DSTU2 by Artifact Health
- 🔗 fibers by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 File API: Writer by Kon
- 🔗 File System API by Kon
- 🔗 FileSaver.js by Cyril Schumacher
- 🔗 Finch by David Sichau
- 🔗 findup-sync by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 fingerprintjs by Shunsuke Ohtani
- 🔗 Finite State Machine by Boris Yankov, Maarten Docter, William Sears
- 🔗 Firebase API by Vincent Botone, Shin1 Kashimura
- 🔗 Firebase Simple Login by Wilker Lucio
- 🔗 first-mate by Vadim Macagon
- 🔗 FlexSlider 2 jquery plugin by Diullei Gomes
- 🔗 Flight by Jonathan Hedrén
- 🔗 flipsnap.js by kubosho, gsino, Mayuki Sawatari
- 🔗 Flot by Matt Burland
- 🔗 Flux by Steve Baker
- 🔗 Fluxxor by Yuichi Murata
- 🔗 for Ion.RangeSlider by Sixin Li
- 🔗 forge-di by Adam Carr
- 🔗 form-data by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 Formidable by Wim Looman
- 🔗 Foundation by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 FPSmeter by Aaron Lampros
- 🔗 from by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 fs-extra by midknight41
- 🔗 fs-finder by Michael Zabka
- 🔗 fs-mock by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 ftdomdelegate by Christian Holm Nielsen
- 🔗 ftp by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 ftpd by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 FullCalendar by Neil Stalker, Marcelo Camargo
- 🔗 Fuse.js by Greg Smith
- 🔗 galleria.js by Robert Imig
- 🔗 Gamepad API by Kon
- 🔗 gameQuery by David Laubreiter
- 🔗 gently by bonnici
- 🔗 GeoJSON Format Specification by Jacob Bruun
- 🔗 Geometry Format Specification by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 Giraffe by Matt McCray
- 🔗 git-config by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 gl-matrix by Tat
- 🔗 glDatePicker by Dániel Tar
- 🔗 Glide.js by Milan Jaros
- 🔗 Glob by vvakame
- 🔗 glob-stream by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 Globalize by Aram Taieb
- 🔗 gm by Joel Spadin
- 🔗 GoJS by Northwoods Software
- 🔗 Google Analytics (Classic and Universal) by Ronnie Haakon Hegelund, Pat Kujawa
- 🔗 Google API Client by Frank M
- 🔗 Google Feed Apis by RodneyJT
- 🔗 Google Geolocation by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 Google Maps JavaScript API by Folia A/S, Chris Wrench
- 🔗 Google Page Speed Online Api by Frank M
- 🔗 Google Picker API by grapswiz
- 🔗 Google Realtime API by Dustin Wehr
- 🔗 Google Recaptcha by Brent Jenkins
- 🔗 Google Recaptcha v2 by Kristof Mattei
- 🔗 Google Translate API by Frank M
- 🔗 Google Url Shortener API by Frank M
- 🔗 Google Visualisation Apis by Dan Ludwig
- 🔗 GoogleAppEngine's Channel API by vvakame
- 🔗 graceful-fs by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 Greasemonkey by Kota Saito
- 🔗 GreenSock Animation Platform by Robert S
- 🔗 gridfs-stream by Lior Mualem
- 🔗 Grunt 0.4.x by Jeff May, Basarat Ali Syed
- 🔗 Gulp v3.8.x by Drew Noakes
- 🔗 gulp-autoprefixer by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-concat by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 gulp-csso by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 gulp-csso by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 gulp-debug by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 gulp-flatten by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 gulp-gh-pages by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-if by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-inject by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 gulp-istanbul by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-jasmine-browser by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 gulp-less by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 gulp-minify-css by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 gulp-minify-html by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 gulp-mocha by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-protractor by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 gulp-rename by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-replace by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-rev-replace by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 gulp-ruby-sass by Agnislav Onufrijchuk
- 🔗 gulp-sass by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-size by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 gulp-sourcemaps by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-tsd by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 gulp-tslint by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-typedoc by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-typescript by Asana
- 🔗 gulp-uglify by Christopher Haws
- 🔗 gulp-useref by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 gulp-util v3.0.x by jedmao
- 🔗 gulp-watch by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 Hammer.js by Philip Bulley, Han Lin Yap
- 🔗 Handlebars by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 hapi by Jason Swearingen
- 🔗 Hasher.js by flyfishMT
- 🔗 Hashids.js 1.x by Paulo Cesar
- 🔗 HashMap by Rafał Wrzeszcz, Vasya Aksyonov
- 🔗 he by Simon Edwards
- 🔗 headroom.js by Jakub Olek
- 🔗 heap by Ryan McNamara
- 🔗 heatmap.js by Yang Guan
- 🔗 hello.js by Pavel Zika
- 🔗 Highcharts by Damiano Gambarotto
- 🔗 Highland by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 highlight.js by Niklas Mollenhauer, Jeremy Hull
- 🔗 Highstock by David Deutsch
- 🔗 History.js by Boris Yankov, Gidon Junge
- 🔗 howler.js by Pedro Casaubon
- 🔗 HTML Touch Events by Kevin Barabash
- 🔗 html2canvas.js by Richard Hepburn
- 🔗 htmlparser2 v3.7.x by James Roland Cabresos
- 🔗 htmltojsx by Basarat Ali Syed
- 🔗 http-errors by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 http-errors by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 http-status by Michael Zabka
- 🔗 http-string-parser by MIZUNE Pine
- 🔗 Humane by jmvrbanac
- 🔗 Hypertext Application Language Draft 6 by Maks3w
- 🔗 i18n-node by Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 i18next by Cyril Schumacher
- 🔗 i18next by Maarten Docter
- 🔗 iban.js by Cyril Schumacher
- 🔗 iCheck by Dániel Tar
- 🔗 imagemagick by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 imagemagick-native by Hiroki Horiuchi
- 🔗 imap by Peter Snider
- 🔗 Imgur REST API v3 by Luke William Westby
- 🔗 Impress.js by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Incremetal DOM by Basarat Ali Syed
- 🔗 inflection by Shogo Iwano
- 🔗 ini by Marcin Porębski
- 🔗 insight by vvakame
- 🔗 Interacting for interact.js by Douglas Eichelberger, Adi Dahiya, Tom Hasner
- 🔗 intercom.js by spencerwi
- 🔗 inversify by inversify
- 🔗 Ionic Cordova plugins by Hendrik Maus
- 🔗 irc by phillips1012
- 🔗 is-lower-case by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 is-upper-case by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 is.js by Rodrigo Cabral
- 🔗 iScroll by Boris Yankov, Christiaan Rakowski
- 🔗 iScroll 5 by Christiaan Rakowski
- 🔗 iScroll Lite by Boris Yankov, Christiaan Rakowski
- 🔗 iScroll Lite 5 by Christiaan Rakowski
- 🔗 ISO8601-Localizer by Aviel Fedida
- 🔗 IxJS 1.0.6 / ix.js by Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 IxJS 1.0.6 / l2o.js by Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 jake by Kon
- 🔗 Jasmine by Boris Yankov, Theodore Brown, David Pärsson
- 🔗 Jasmine Data Driven Tests by Anthony MacKinnon
- 🔗 jasmine-ajax by Louis Grignon
- 🔗 Jasmine-fixture by Craig Brett
- 🔗 Jasmine-JQuery by Gregor Stamac
- 🔗 jasmine-matchers by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 jasmine-promise-matchers by Matthew Hill
- 🔗 Java Applet by Cyril Schumacher
- 🔗 JavaScript Hooker by Michael Zabka
- 🔗 JavaScript software for implementing an OAuth consumer by NOBUOKA Yu
- 🔗 jBinary by Tim Bureck
- 🔗 jDataView by Ingvar Stepanyan
- 🔗 Jest by Asana
- 🔗 JJV by Wim Looman
- 🔗 JJVE by Wim Looman
- 🔗 joData by Chris Wrench
- 🔗 johnny-five by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 joi by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 Joint JS by Aidan Reel, David Durman, Ewout Van Gossum
- 🔗 jQRangeSlider by Dániel Tar
- 🔗 jQuery 1.10.x / 2.0.x by Boris Yankov, Christian Hoffmeister, Steve Fenton, Diullei Gomes, Tass Iliopoulos, Jason Swearingen, Sean Hill, Guus Goossens, Kelly Summerlin, Basarat Ali Syed, Nicholas Wolverson, Derek Cicerone, Andrew Gaspar, James Harrison Fisher, Seikichi Kondo, Benjamin Jackman, Poul Sorensen, Josh Strobl, John Reilly, Dick van den Brink
- 🔗 jQuery BlockUI Plugin by Jeffrey Lee
- 🔗 jQuery CLEditor Plugin by Jeffery Grajkowski
- 🔗 jQuery Colorpicker Plugin by Jeffery Grajkowski
- 🔗 jQuery contextMenu by Natan Vivo
- 🔗 jQuery Cookie Plugin by Roy Goode
- 🔗 jQuery Cycle2 version (build 20140216) by Donny Nadolny
- 🔗 JQuery DataTables by Kiarash Ghiaseddin, Omid Rad, Armin Sander
- 🔗 jQuery File Upload Plugin by Rob Alarcon
- 🔗 jQuery JoyRide Plugin by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 jQuery jqgrid Plugin by Lokesh Peta
- 🔗 jQuery Knob by Iain Buchanan
- 🔗 jQuery Mobile by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 jQuery Notify Bar by Shunsuke Ohtani
- 🔗 jQuery Plugin - base64 codec by Shinya Mochizuki
- 🔗 jQuery postMessage by Junle Li
- 🔗 jQuery prettyPhoto by pgaske
- 🔗 jQuery rowGrid.js plugin (v1.0.2) by Vinayak Garg
- 🔗 jQuery royal-slider by Christiaan Rakowski
- 🔗 jQuery simplePagination.js by Natan Vivo
- 🔗 jQuery Sortable by Nathan Pitman
- 🔗 jQuery Succinct by Matt Brooks
- 🔗 jQuery Tags Manager by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 jQuery tinycarousel by Christiaan Rakowski
- 🔗 jQuery tinyscrollbar by Christiaan Rakowski
- 🔗 jQuery Tooltipster by Patrick Magee
- 🔗 jQuery UI DateTimePicker by dougajmcdonald
- 🔗 jQuery UI Layout Plug-in by Steve Fenton
- 🔗 jQuery UI Timepicker by Anwar Javed
- 🔗 jquery-fullscreen by Bruno Grieder
- 🔗 jquery-handsontable by Ted John
- 🔗 jQuery-menu-aim by Robert Fonseca-Ensor
- 🔗 jquery-pjax by Junle Li
- 🔗 jQuery.Address by Martin Duparc, Tim Klingeleers
- 🔗 jquery.are-you-sure.js by Jon Egerton
- 🔗 jquery.autosize by Aaron T. King
- 🔗 jquery.bbq by Adam R. Smith
- 🔗 jquery.clientSideLogging by Diullei Gomes
- 🔗 jquery.color.js by Derek Cicerone
- 🔗 jQuery.Colorbox by Gidon Junge
- 🔗 jquery.customSelect.js by adamcoulombe
- 🔗 jQuery.cycle.js by François Guillot
- 🔗 jquery.dropotron by Cyril Schumacher
- 🔗 jquery.dynatree by François de Campredon
- 🔗 jquery.fancytree by Peter Palotas
- 🔗 jquery.finger.js by Max Ackley
- 🔗 jQuery.form.js 3.26.0 by François Guillot
- 🔗 jQuery.gridster by Josh Baldwin
- 🔗 jQuery.jNotify by James Curran
- 🔗 jQuery.jsignature v2 by Patrick Magee
- 🔗 jquery.jsonrpc by Maksim Karelov
- 🔗 jQuery.noty by Aaron King
- 🔗 jQuery.payment by Eric J. Smith
- 🔗 jquery.pjax.ts by falsandtru by 新ゝ月 NewNotMoon
- 🔗 jquery.placeholder.js by Peter Gill, Neil Culver
- 🔗 jquery.pnotify 2.x by David Sichau
- 🔗 jQuery.scrollTo.js by Neil Stalker
- 🔗 jquery.simulate.js by Derek Cicerone
- 🔗 jQuery.slimScroll by Chintan Shah
- 🔗 jQuery.sortElements by Tim Bureck
- 🔗 jquery.superLink by Blake Niemyjski
- 🔗 jquery.tile.js by Shunsuke Ohtani
- 🔗 jQuery.timeago.js by François Guillot
- 🔗 jQuery.tipsy by Brian Dukes
- 🔗 jQuery.transit.js by MrBigDog2U
- 🔗 jquery.validation by François de Campredon, John Reilly
- 🔗 jQueryTimer by Joshua Strobl
- 🔗 jQueryTotalStorage by Jeremy Brooks
- 🔗 jQueryUI by Boris Yankov, John Reilly
- 🔗 js-cookie by Theodore Brown
- 🔗 js-fixtures by Kazi Manzur Rashid
- 🔗 js-git by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 JS-Signals by Diullei Gomes
- 🔗 js-yaml by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 js_beautify by Josh Goldberg
- 🔗 jsblocks by Krzysztof Śmigiel
- 🔗 jsbn by Eugene Chernyshov
- 🔗 jScrollPane by Dániel Tar
- 🔗 JSData by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 JSData Http Adapter by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 JSDataAngular by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 JSDeferred by Daisuke Mino
- 🔗 jsdom by Asana
- 🔗 jsesc by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 JSFL by soywiz
- 🔗 JsHamcrest by David Harkness
- 🔗 jshashset by Sergey Gerasimov
- 🔗 jshashtable by Sergey Gerasimov
- 🔗 JSnoX by Steve Baker
- 🔗 json-patch by vvakame
- 🔗 json-pointer 1.0 l by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 JSON5 by Jason Swearingen
- 🔗 JSONEditorOnline by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 jsonpath by Hiroki Horiuchi
- 🔗 JSONStream by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 jsonwebtoken by Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 jsPlumb 1.3.16 jQuery adapter by Steve Shearn
- 🔗 JsRender by Kensuke Matsuzaki
- 🔗 jsSHA by David Li
- 🔗 jStorage by Danil Flores
- 🔗 jsTree by Adam Pluciński
- 🔗 jsUri by Chris Charabaruk
- 🔗 JSZip by mzeiher
- 🔗 JW Player by Martin Duparc
- 🔗 jwt-simple by Ken Fukuyama
- 🔗 kafka-node by Daniel Imrie-Situnayake
- 🔗 karma by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 karma-jasmine plugin by Michel Salib
- 🔗 Kendo UI Professional by Telerik
- 🔗 KeyboardJS by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 keymaster by Martin W. Kirst
- 🔗 Keypress by Roger Chen
- 🔗 KineticJS by Basarat Ali Syed, Ralph de Ruijter
- 🔗 Knex.js by Qubo
- 🔗 Knockback.js by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Knockout by Boris Yankov, Igor Oleinikov, Clément Bourgeois
- 🔗 Knockout Deferred Updates by Sebastián Galiano
- 🔗 Knockout Validation by Dan Ludwig
- 🔗 Knockout Viewmodel by Oisin Grehan
- 🔗 knockout-amd-helpers by David Sichau
- 🔗 knockout-editables by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Knockout-ES5 by Sebastián Galiano
- 🔗 knockout-paging by Erik Schierboom
- 🔗 knockout-postbox by Judah Gabriel Himango
- 🔗 knockout-pre-rendered by Erik Schierboom
- 🔗 knockout-projections by John Reilly
- 🔗 knockout-secure-binding by Pine Mizune
- 🔗 knockout-transformations by John Reilly, Wim Looman
- 🔗 Knockout.Mapper by Brandon Meyer
- 🔗 Knockout.Mapping by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 knockout.punches by Stephen Lautier
- 🔗 knockout.rx by Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 Knockstrap by Adam Pluciński
- 🔗 ko-grid by huer12
- 🔗 by Howard Richards
- 🔗 KoLite by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 kue 0.9.x by Nicholas Penree
- 🔗 kuromoji.js by MIZUSHIMA Junki
- 🔗 Ladda by Danil Flores, Michael Lee
- 🔗 LaterJS by Jason D Dryhurst-Smith
- 🔗 Lazy.js by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 Leaflet.js by Vladimir Zotov
- 🔗 Leaflet.label by Wim Looman
- 🔗 leanModal.js by FinelySliced
- 🔗 Leap Motion TS by Victor Norgren
- 🔗 LESS by Tom Hasner
- 🔗 less-middleware by Federico Bond
- 🔗 LevelUp by Bret Little
- 🔗 Libxmljs by François de Campredon
- 🔗 linkedin dustjs by Marcelo Dezem
- 🔗 linq.jquery (from linq.js) by neuecc
- 🔗 linq.js by Marcin Najder, Sebastiaan Dammann
- 🔗 Livestamp.js by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 Lo-Dash by Brian Zengel, Ilya Mochalov
- 🔗 lockfile by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 log4javascript by Markus Wagner
- 🔗 log4js by Kentaro Okuno
- 🔗 logg by Bret Little
- 🔗 loggly by Ray Martone
- 🔗 loglevel by Stefan Profanter
- 🔗 logrotate-stream by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 lokijs by TeamworkGuy2
- 🔗 lolex by Wim Looman
- 🔗 Long.js by Peter Kooijmans
- 🔗 lory by kubosho
- 🔗 Lovefield by freshp86
- 🔗 lower-case by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 lower-case-first by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 lru-cache by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 lscache by Chris Martinez
- 🔗 luaparse by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 lunr.js by Sebastian Lenz
- 🔗 lz-string by Roman Nikitin
- 🔗 magic-number by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 MagicSuggest by Leonardo Chaia
- 🔗 Mailcheck by Paulo Cesar
- 🔗 main-bower-files by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 Maker.js by Dan Marshall
- 🔗 Mandrill API 1.x by Paulo Cesar
- 🔗 Mapbox by Maxime Fabre
- 🔗 Mapsjs by Matthew James Davis
- 🔗 maquette by Johan Gorter
- 🔗 mariasql by MichaelBennett
- 🔗 Marionette by Zeeshan Hamid, Natan Vivo, Sven Tschui
- 🔗 Marked by William Orr
- 🔗 MarkerClustererPlus for Google Maps V3 by Mathias Rodriguez
- 🔗 Masked Input plugin for jQuery by Lokesh Peta
- 🔗 MathJax by Roland Zwaga
- 🔗 Matter.js by Ivane Gegia
- 🔗 mCustomScrollbar by Sarah Williams
- 🔗 memory-cache by Jeff Goddard
- 🔗 merge-stream by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 merge2 by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 mess by Wim Looman
- 🔗 Messenger.js by Derek Cicerone
- 🔗 Meteor by Dave Allen
- 🔗 method-override by Santi Albo
- 🔗 Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax client side library by Patrick Magee
- 🔗 Microsoft Dynamics xRM API by David Berry, Matt Ngan
- 🔗 Microsoft Dynamics xRM API v6 by David Berry
- 🔗 Microsoft Dynamics xRM ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx by David Berry
- 🔗 Microsoft jQuery Unobtrusive Validation by Matt Brooks
- 🔗 Microsoft Live Connect by John Vilk
- 🔗 Microsoft Parature extentions to Xrm.Page - available for CRM Online Only by David Berry
- 🔗 Microsoft Windows AzureMobile Service by Morosinotto Daniele
- 🔗 Microsoft.Maps by Eric Todd
- 🔗 Microsoft.Maps.AdvancedShapes by Eric Todd
- 🔗 Microsoft.Maps.Directions by Eric Todd
- 🔗 Microsoft.Maps.Search by Eric Todd
- 🔗 Microsoft.Maps.Themes by Eric Todd
- 🔗 Microsoft.Maps.Traffic by Eric Todd
- 🔗 Microsoft.Maps.VenueMaps by Eric Todd
- 🔗 Milkcocoa by odangosan
- 🔗 mime by Jeff Goddard
- 🔗 minilog v2 by Guido
- 🔗 Minimatch by vvakame
- 🔗 minimist by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 Mithril by Leo Horie, Chris Bowdon
- 🔗 Mixpanel by Knut Eirik Leira Hjelle
- 🔗 mixto by vvakame
- 🔗 mkdirp by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 mkpath by Jared Klopper
- 🔗 mobile-detect by Martin McWhorter
- 🔗 mocha by Kazi Manzur Rashid, otiai10, jt000, Vadim Macagon
- 🔗 mocha by Vadim Macagon, vvakame
- 🔗 mocha-phantomjs by Erik Schierboom
- 🔗 mock-fs by Wim Looman
- 🔗 mockery by jt000
- 🔗 Modernizr by Boris Yankov, Theodore Brown
- 🔗 moment-timezone.js by Michel Salib
- 🔗 Moment.js by Michael Lakerveld, Aaron King, Hiroki Horiuchi, Dick van den Brink, Adi Dahiya
- 🔗 Moment.js by Michael Lakerveld, Aaron King, Hiroki Horiuchi, Dick van den Brink, Adi Dahiya
- 🔗 Moment.js by Bart van den Burg, Wilgert Velinga
- 🔗 MongoDB by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Mongoose by horiuchi
- 🔗 mongoose-mock by jt000
- 🔗 morgan by James Roland Cabresos
- 🔗 Mousetrap 1.4.6's global-bind extension by Andrew Bradley
- 🔗 Mousetrap 1.5.x by Dániel Tar
- 🔗 MovieDB by Basarat Ali Syed
- 🔗 Mozilla Web API by vvakame
- 🔗 Mozilla's localForage by yuichi david pichsenmeister
- 🔗 mpromise by Seulgi Kim
- 🔗 msgpack.js - MessagePack JavaScript Implementation by Shinya Mochizuki
- 🔗 msnodesql by Boris Yankov, Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 mssql by COLSA Corporation
- 🔗 mu2 by Jeff Goddard
- 🔗 multer by jt000, vilicvane
- 🔗 Multiplex.js by Kamyar Nazeri
- 🔗 Mustache by Mark Ashley Bell
- 🔗 Natural by Dylan R. E. Moonfire
- 🔗 Navigation by Graham Mendick
- 🔗 nconf by Jeff Goddard, Jean-Martin Thibault
- 🔗 ncp by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 NeDB by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 needle by San Chen
- 🔗 nexpect by vvakame
- 🔗 ng-command by Stephen Lautier
- 🔗 ng-grid by Ken Smith, Roland Zwaga, Kent Cooper
- 🔗 ng-idle by mthamil
- 🔗 ngProgress by Martin McWhorter
- 🔗 ngprogress-lite by Luke Forder
- 🔗 Nightmare by horiuchi
- 🔗 noble by Seon-Wook Park
- 🔗 nock by bonnici
- 🔗 node imap by Steve Fenton
- 🔗 Node Sass by Asana
- 🔗 node-bunyan by Alex Mikhalev
- 🔗 node-bunyan-logentries by Aymeric Beaumet
- 🔗 node-calendar by Luzian Zagadinow
- 🔗 node-convict by Wim Looman
- 🔗 node-ffi by Paul Loyd
- 🔗 node-fibers by Cary Haynie
- 🔗 node-form by Roman Samec
- 🔗 node-gcm by Hiroki Horiuchi
- 🔗 node-getopt by Karl.M.Cauchy
- 🔗 node-git by vvakame
- 🔗 node-ip by Peter Harris
- 🔗 node-multiparty by Ken Fukuyama
- 🔗 node-mysql by William Johnston
- 🔗 node-persist by Spencer Williams
- 🔗 node-polyglot by Tim Jackson-Kiely
- 🔗 node-promptly by Dan Spencer
- 🔗 node-radius by Peter Harris
- 🔗 node-stack-trace by Exceptionless
- 🔗 node-uuid.js by Jeff May
- 🔗 node-webkit by Pedro Casaubon
- 🔗 node-xml2js by Michel Salib, Jason McNeil
- 🔗 Node.js by Microsoft TypeScript, DefinitelyTyped
- 🔗 Node.js debugger API by Basarat Ali Syed
- 🔗 node.js REST framework by Bret Little
- 🔗 node_acl by Qubo
- 🔗 node_mdns by Stefan Steinhart
- 🔗 node_redis by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 NodeEach by Michael Zabka
- 🔗 Nodemailer by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 Nodemailer by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 nodemailer-direct-transport by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 nodemailer-pickup-transport by Peter Snider
- 🔗 nodemailer-smtp-pool by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 nodemailer-smtp-transport by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 nodeunit by Jeff Goddard
- 🔗 nomnom by Paul Vick
- 🔗 nopt by jbondc
- 🔗 notify.js by soundTricker
- 🔗 Notify.js by Xiaohan Zhang
- 🔗 nouislider by Corey Jepperson
- 🔗 nouislider by Corey Jepperson
- 🔗 noVNC by Ken Smith
- 🔗 npm by Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 NProgress by Judah Gabriel Himango
- 🔗 Numbro.js by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 Numeral.js by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 object-hash by Michael Zabka
- 🔗 objectPath v0.9.x by Paulo Cesar
- 🔗 oboe by Jared Klopper
- 🔗 oc.LazyLoad by Roland Zwaga
- 🔗 OData Angular Resources by Raphael ATALLAH
- 🔗 on-finished by Honza Dvorsky
- 🔗 Onsen UI by Fran Dios
- 🔗 open by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 OpenLayers by Wouter Goedhart
- 🔗 opn by Shinnosuke Watanabe
- 🔗 optimist by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 OwlCarousel v.1.3.3 by Damian Piątkowski
- 🔗 Packery by Piraveen Kamalathas from Kilix
- 🔗 page by Alan Norbauer
- 🔗 PapaParse by Pedro Flemming
- 🔗 parallel.js by Josh Baldwin
- 🔗 param-case by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 Parse by Ullisen Media Group
- 🔗 Parsimmon by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 Passport by Horiuchi_H
- 🔗 Passport Strategy module by Lior Mualem
- 🔗 passport-facebook by James Roland Cabresos
- 🔗 passport-facebook by James Roland Cabresos
- 🔗 passport-facebook by James Roland Cabresos
- 🔗 passport-facebook-token by Ray Martone
- 🔗 passport-local by Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 path-exists by Shogo Iwano
- 🔗 path-to-regexp by xica
- 🔗 Pathjs by Lokesh Peta
- 🔗 pathwatcher by vvakame
- 🔗 PDF.js by Josh Baldwin
- 🔗 Pdfkit by Eric Hillah
- 🔗 PeerJS by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 PEG.js by vvakame
- 🔗 Persona by James Frasca
- 🔗 pg by Phips Peter
- 🔗 PgwModal by Pine Mizune
- 🔗 PhantomJS bridge for NodeJS by horiuchi
- 🔗 PhantomJS v1.9.0 API by Jed Hunsaker, Mike Keesey
- 🔗 PhoneGap by Boris Yankov, Dick van den Brink
- 🔗 PhotonUI by Florent Poujol
- 🔗 PhotoSwipe by Xiaohan Zhang
- 🔗 Physijs by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 pickadate.js by Theodore Brown
- 🔗 pikaday by Rudolph Gottesheim
- 🔗 PiwikTracker by Guilherme Bernal
- 🔗 PIXI by xperiments
- 🔗 Platform by Jake Hickman
- 🔗 Player Framework (MMPPF) by Ricardo Sabino
- 🔗 PleaseJS by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 Plottable by Plottable Team
- 🔗 pluralize by Syu Kato
- 🔗 png-async by Yuki KAN
- 🔗 podcast by Niklas Mollenhauer
- 🔗 poly2tri by Elemar Junior
- 🔗 Polyline by Arseniy Maximov
- 🔗 polymer by Louis Grignon, Suguru Inatomi
- 🔗 Popcorn by grapswiz
- 🔗 Postal by Lokesh Peta
- 🔗 Pouch by Bill Sears
- 🔗 power-assert by vvakame
- 🔗 power-assert-formatter by vvakame
- 🔗 precise by Peter Harris
- 🔗 PreloadJS by Pedro Ferreira
- 🔗 by Aya Morisawa
- 🔗 ProgressJs by Shunsuke Ohtani
- 🔗 promise-pool by VILIC VANE
- 🔗 promises-a-plus by Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 ProtoBuf.js by Panu Horsmalahti
- 🔗 Proxyquire by jt000
- 🔗 pty.js 0.2.7-1 by Vadim Macagon
- 🔗 PubSubJS by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Purl by Daniel Ferreira Monteiro Alves
- 🔗 Q by Barrie Nemetchek, Andrew Gaspar, John Reilly
- 🔗 Q-io by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 q-retry by VILIC VANE
- 🔗 Qajax by Boltmade
- 🔗 qtip2 by Nathan Pitman
- 🔗 quixote by Aleksandr Filatov
- 🔗 QUnit by Diullei Gomes
- 🔗 qwest by Lindsay Evans
- 🔗 rabbit.js by Wonshik Kim
- 🔗 Ractive by Han Lin Yap
- 🔗 random-string by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 Raphael by CheCoxshall
- 🔗 Rappid by Ewout Van Gossum
- 🔗 Raven.js by Santi Albo
- 🔗 raygun4js by Brian Surowiec
- 🔗 React (external module) by Asana, AssureSign, Microsoft
- 🔗 React (internal module) by Asana, AssureSign, Microsoft
- 🔗 React Router by Yuichi Murata, Václav Ostrožlík
- 🔗 ReactWithAddons (external module) by Asana, AssureSign
- 🔗 ReactWithAddons (internal module) by Asana, AssureSign
- 🔗 readdir-stream by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 recursive-readdir by Elisée Maurer
- 🔗 redis by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco, Peter Harris
- 🔗 ref by Paul Loyd
- 🔗 ref-array by Paul Loyd
- 🔗 ref-struct by Paul Loyd
- 🔗 ref-union by Paul Loyd
- 🔗 request by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco, bonnici, Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 request-promise by Christopher Glantschnig
- 🔗 RequireJS by Josh Baldwin
- 🔗 response-time by Uros Smolnik
- 🔗 rest.js by Wim Looman
- 🔗 Restangular by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Rethinkdb by Sean Hess
- 🔗 Reveal by grapswiz
- 🔗 Rickshaw by Blake Niemyjski
- 🔗 rimraf by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 riot.js by vvakame
- 🔗 rivets by Trevor Baron
- 🔗 route-recognizer by Dave Keen
- 🔗 routie by Adilson
- 🔗 rtree by Omede Firouz
- 🔗 run-sequence by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 RxJS by gsino, Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-Aggregates by Carl de Billy, Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-All by Carl de Billy, Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-Async by zoetrope, Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-BackPressure by Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-Binding by Carl de Billy, Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-Coincidence by Carl de Billy, Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-Experimental by Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-Join by Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-jQuery by Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-Lite by gsino, Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-Testing by Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-Time by Carl de Billy, Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 RxJS-VirtualTime by gsino, Igor Oleinikov
- 🔗 s3-uploader by COLSA Corporation
- 🔗 Sammy.js by Boris Yankov, Oisin Grehan
- 🔗 sanitize-filename by Wim Looman
- 🔗 sanitize-html by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 Sanitizer by Dave Taylor
- 🔗 sax js by Asana
- 🔗 screenfull.js by Ilia Choly
- 🔗 ScrollToFixed by Ben Dixon
- 🔗 seedrandom by Kern Handa
- 🔗 Select2 by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Selectize by Adi Dahiya
- 🔗 Selenium WebDriverJS by Bill Armstrong
- 🔗 semver by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 sendgrid by Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 Sequelize 2.0.0 dev13 by samuelneff, Peter Harris
- 🔗 serve-favicon by John Jeffery
- 🔗 serve-favicon by Uros Smolnik
- 🔗 serve-static by Uros Smolnik
- 🔗 SharedWorker by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 SharePoint 2010 and 2013 by Stanislav Vyshchepan, Andrey Markeev
- 🔗 ShellJS by Niklas Mollenhauer
- 🔗 shortid by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 should-promised by Yaroslav Admin
- 🔗 should.js by Alex Varju, Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 Showdown by cbowdon
- 🔗 Siesta by bquarmby
- 🔗 sigma.js by Qinfeng Chen
- 🔗 SignalR by Boris Yankov, T. Michael Keesey
- 🔗 signature_pad by Abubaker Bashir
- 🔗 simple-cw-node by vvakame
- 🔗 SimpleModal by Friedrich von Never
- 🔗 Sinon by William Sears
- 🔗 sinon-chai by Kazi Manzur Rashid, Jed Mao
- 🔗 Sinon-Chrome by Tim Perry
- 🔗 SIPml5 by A. Groenenboom
- 🔗 sjcl by Eugene Chernyshov
- 🔗 SkyWay by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 SlickGrid by Josh Baldwin
- 🔗 SlickGrid AutoToolTips Plugin by Ryo Iwamoto
- 🔗 SlickGrid HeaderButtons Plugin by Derek Cicerone
- 🔗 SlickGrid RowSelectionModel Plugin by Derek Cicerone
- 🔗 Smoothie Charts by Drew Noakes, Mike H. Hawley
- 🔗 Snap-SVG by Lars Klein
- 🔗 by PROGRE, Damian Connolly
- 🔗 by PROGRE, Damian Connolly
- 🔗 SockJS 0.3.x by Emil Ivanov
- 🔗 sockjs-node 0.3.x by Phil McCloghry-Laing
- 🔗 SoundJS by Pedro Ferreira
- 🔗 source-map by Morten Houston Ludvigsen
- 🔗 source-map-support by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 SpacePen by vvakame
- 🔗 spectrum by Mordechai Zuber
- 🔗 Spin.js by Boris Yankov, Theodore Brown
- 🔗 split by Marcin Porębski
- 🔗 sprintf-js by Jason Swearingen
- 🔗 sprintff by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 sqlite3 by Nick Malaguti
- 🔗 Squire by Bradley Ayers
- 🔗 stack-mapper by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 stacktrace.js by Exceptionless
- 🔗 stampit by Vasyl Boroviak
- 🔗 Stats.js r12 by Gregory Dalton
- 🔗 statsd-client by Peter Kooijmans
- 🔗 status-bar by vvakame
- 🔗 steam by Andrey Kurdyumov
- 🔗 store.js by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 stream-series by Keita Kagurazaka
- 🔗 stream-to-array by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 streamjs by Bence Eros
- 🔗 stripe by Eric J. Smith
- 🔗 Stripe Checkout by Chris Wrench
- 🔗 stripe-node by William Johnston
- 🔗 Strophe.js by David Deutsch
- 🔗 stylus by Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 Sugar by Josh Baldwin
- 🔗 SuperAgent by Alex Varju
- 🔗 SuperTest by Alex Varju
- 🔗 svg-pan-zoom by Chintan Shah
- 🔗 svg.js by Sean Hess
- 🔗 svg2png node package by hans windhoff
- 🔗 svgjs.draggable by Luigi Trabacchin
- 🔗 swag by Shogo Iwano
- 🔗 SweetAlert by Markus Peloso
- 🔗 swfobject by rou
- 🔗 swig by Peter Harris, Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 Swipe by Andrey Kurdyumov
- 🔗 Swiper by Sebastián Galiano
- 🔗 SwipeView by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 switchery by Bruno Grieder
- 🔗 swiz by Jeff Goddard
- 🔗 System.js by Ludovic HENIN, Nathan Walker
- 🔗 tabtab by Vojtěch Habarta
- 🔗 tape by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 tar by Maxime LUCE
- 🔗 tcomb by Hans Windhoff
- 🔗 tedious by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 tedious-connection-pool by Cyprien Autexier
- 🔗 TeeChart by Steema Software
- 🔗 Tether by Adi Dahiya
- 🔗 text-buffer by vvakame
- 🔗 text-encoding by MIZUNE Pine
- 🔗 the Electron 0.25.2 main process by jedmao
- 🔗 the Electron 0.25.2 renderer process (web page) by jedmao
- 🔗 three.js (CanvasRenderer.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (CopyShader.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (CSS3DRenderer.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (Detector.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (EffectComposer.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (MaskPass.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (OrbitControls.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (Projector.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (RenderPass.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (ShaderPass.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (TrackballControls.js) by Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 three.js (VRControls.js) by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 three.js (VREffect.js) by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 three.js r71 by Kon, Satoru Kimura
- 🔗 thrift by Zachary Collins
- 🔗 through by Andrew Gaspar
- 🔗 through2 v by Bart van der Schoor, jedmao
- 🔗 timelinejs by Roland Zwaga
- 🔗 timezone-js by bonnici
- 🔗 timezonecomplete by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 Tiny Validator tv4 by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 tinycolor by Mordechai Zuber
- 🔗 Titanium Mobile by Craig Younkins
- 🔗 title-case by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 tmp by Jared Klopper
- 🔗 to-title-case by Sam Saint-Pettersen
- 🔗 Toastr by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Touch by Brian Kotek
- 🔗 Traceback by Michael Zabka
- 🔗 Traverson by Marcin Porębski
- 🔗 trunk8 by Blake Niemyjski
- 🔗 TsMonad by Chris Bowdon
- 🔗 tspromise by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 tween.js r12 by sunetos, jzarnikov
- 🔗 TweenJS by Pedro Ferreira, Chris Smith
- 🔗 twig by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 Twitter for Websites by Chitoku
- 🔗 twitter-bootstrap-wizard by Blake Niemyjski
- 🔗 twix.js by j3ko
- 🔗 type-check by Hans Windhoff
- 🔗 type-detect by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 type-name by OKUNOKENTARO
- 🔗 typeahead.js by Ivaylo Gochkov, Gidon Junge
- 🔗 typekit-webfontloader by doskallemaskin
- 🔗 TypeScript API by Microsoft TypeScript
- 🔗 typescript-deferred by Christian Speckner
- 🔗 TypeScript-Services by Basarat Ali Syed
- 🔗 Ubuntu Unity Web API by John Vrbanac
- 🔗 ui-grid by Ben Tesser
- 🔗 Underscore by Boris Yankov, Josh Baldwin
- 🔗 Underscore-ko 1.2.2 with underscore by Maurits Elbers
- 🔗 underscore.string by Ry Racherbaumer
- 🔗 Uniform.js by flyfishMT
- 🔗 uniq by Hans Windhoff
- 🔗 universal-analytics by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 unorm by Christopher Brown
- 🔗 update-notifier by vvakame
- 🔗 uri-templates by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 URI.js by RodneyJT, Brian Surowiec
- 🔗 url by MIZUNE Pine
- 🔗 urlrouter by soywiz
- 🔗 urlsafe-base64 by Tanguy Krotoff
- 🔗 UUID.js core by Jason Jarrett
- 🔗 valerie by Howard Richards
- 🔗 validator.js by tgfjt
- 🔗 Vega by Tom Crockett
- 🔗 Velocity by Greg Smith
- 🔗 Vex by Greg Cohan
- 🔗 Victor.js by Ivane Gegia
- 🔗 Video.js by Vincent Bortone
- 🔗 Vimeo by Daz Wilkin
- 🔗 vinyl by vvakame, jedmao
- 🔗 vinyl-fs by vvakame
- 🔗 vinyl-source-stream by Asana
- 🔗 virtual-dom by Christopher Brown
- 🔗 Vortex Web 1.2.0p1 by Stefan Profanter
- 🔗 vuejs by odangosan
- 🔗 watch by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 Watermark plugin for jQuery by Anwar Javed
- 🔗 Web Audio API by Baruch Berger, Kon, kubosho
- 🔗 Web MIDI API by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 Web Speech API by SaschaNaz
- 🔗 webcola by Qinfeng Chen
- 🔗 webcomponents.js by Adi Dahiya
- 🔗 WebCrypto by Lucas Dixon
- 🔗 Webix UI by Maksim Kozhukh
- 🔗 WebRTC by Ken Smith
- 🔗 websocket by Paul Loyd
- 🔗 websql by TeamworkGuy2
- 🔗 WebVR API by Toshiya Nakakura
- 🔗 When by Derek Cicerone, Wim Looman
- 🔗 which by vvakame
- 🔗 Window plugin for jQuery by Ryan Graham
- 🔗 windows-service by Rogier Schouten
- 🔗 WinJS by TypeScript samples, Adam Hewitt, Craig Treasure, Jeff Fisher
- 🔗 WinRT by TypeScript samples
- 🔗 winston by bonnici, Peter Harris
- 🔗 wolfy87-eventemitter by ryiwamoto
- 🔗 wrench by Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
- 🔗 ws by Paul Loyd
- 🔗 X-Editable by Chris Kirby
- 🔗 x2js by Horiuchi_H
- 🔗 XDate by yamada28go
- 🔗 xJSFL by soywiz
- 🔗 xlsx by themauveavenger
- 🔗 xmlbuilder by Wallymathieu
- 🔗 xpath by Andrew Bradley
- 🔗 XRegExp by Bart van der Schoor
- 🔗 XSockets.NET by Jeffery Grajkowski
- 🔗 Yahoo XSS Filters by Dave Taylor
- 🔗 yamljs by Tim Jonischkat
- 🔗 yargs by Martin Poelstra
- 🔗 yeoman-generator by Kentaro Okuno
- 🔗 yosay by Kentaro Okuno
- 🔗 YouTube by Daz Wilkin, Ian Obermiller
- 🔗 YouTube Analytics API by Frank M
- 🔗 YouTube Data API v3 by Frank M
- 🔗 yui by Gia Bảo @ Sân Đình
- 🔗 Zepto by Josh Baldwin
- 🔗 ZeroClipboard by Eric J. Smith, Blake Niemyjski, György Balássy
- 🔗 ZeroMQ Node by Dave McKeown
- 🔗 zip.js 2.x by Louis Grignon
- 🔗 Zynga EasyScroller by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Zynga Scroller by Marcelo Haskell Camargo
- 🔗 Zynga Scroller by Boris Yankov
- 🔗 Zynga Viewporter by Boris Yankov