!!! note "" Entra ID was formerly known as Azure AD.
- Entra ID App Registration Auth using OIDC
- Entra ID SAML Enterprise App Auth using Dex
- Entra ID App Registration Auth using Dex
- From the
Microsoft Entra ID
>App registrations
menu, choose+ New registration
- Enter a
for the application (e.g.Argo CD
). - Specify who can use the application (e.g.
Accounts in this organizational directory only
). - Enter Redirect URI (optional) as follows (replacing
with your Argo URL), then chooseAdd
.- Platform:
- Redirect URI: https://
- Platform:
- When registration finishes, the Azure portal displays the app registration's Overview pane. You see the Application (client) ID.
- In the Azure portal, in App registrations, select your application.
- Under Manage, select Authentication.
- Under Platform configurations, select Add a platform.
- Under Configure platforms, select the "Mobile and desktop applications" tile. Use the below value. You shouldn't change it.
- Label the Pods: Add the
azure.workload.identity/use: "true"
label to theargocd-server
pods. - Add Annotation to Service Account: Add
azure.workload.identity/client-id: "$CLIENT_ID"
annotation to theargocd-server
service account using the details from application created in previous step. - From the
Certificates & secrets
menu, navigate toFederated credentials
, then choose+ Add credential
- Choose
Federated credential scenario
asKubernetes Accessing Azure resources
- Enter Cluster Issuer URL, refer to retrieve the OIDC issuer URL documentation
- Enter namespace as the namespace where the argocd is deployed
- Enter service account name as
- Enter a unique name
- Click Add.
- From the
Certificates & secrets
menu, choose+ New client secret
- Enter a
for the secret (e.g.ArgoCD-SSO
- From the
API permissions
menu, choose+ Add a permission
- Find
permission (underMicrosoft Graph
) and grant it to the created application: - From the
Token Configuration
menu, choose+ Add groups claim
- From the
Microsoft Entra ID
>Enterprise applications
menu, search the App that you created (e.g.Argo CD
).- An Enterprise application with the same name of the Entra ID App registration is created when you add a new Entra ID App registration.
- From the
Users and groups
menu of the app, add any users or groups requiring access to the service.
and configure thedata.oidc.config
section:ConfigMap -> argocd-cm data: url: https://argocd.example.com/ # Replace with the external base URL of your Argo CD oidc.config: | name: Azure issuer: https://login.microsoftonline.com/{directory_tenant_id}/v2.0 clientID: {azure_ad_application_client_id} clientSecret: $oidc.azure.clientSecret // if using client secret for authentication azure: useWorkloadIdentity: true // if using azure workload identity for authentication requestedIDTokenClaims: groups: essential: true value: "SecurityGroup" requestedScopes: - openid - profile - email
Skip this step if using azure workload identity. Edit
and configure thedata.oidc.azure.clientSecret
section:Secret -> argocd-secret data: oidc.azure.clientSecret: {client_secret | base64_encoded}
to configure permissions. Use group ID from Azure for assigning roles RBAC ConfigurationsConfigMap -> argocd-rbac-cm policy.default: role:readonly policy.csv: | p, role:org-admin, applications, *, */*, allow p, role:org-admin, clusters, get, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, get, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, create, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, update, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, delete, *, allow g, "84ce98d1-e359-4f3b-85af-985b458de3c6", role:org-admin
Mapping role from jwt token to argo.
If you want to map the roles from the jwt token to match the default roles (readonly and admin) then you must change the scope variable in the rbac-configmap.policy.default: role:readonly policy.csv: | p, role:org-admin, applications, *, */*, allow p, role:org-admin, clusters, get, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, get, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, create, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, update, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, delete, *, allow g, "84ce98d1-e359-4f3b-85af-985b458de3c6", role:org-admin scopes: '[groups, email]'
Refer to operator-manual/argocd-rbac-cm.yaml for all of the available variables.
- From the
Microsoft Entra ID
>Enterprise applications
menu, choose+ New application
- Select
Non-gallery application
- Enter a
for the application (e.g.Argo CD
), then chooseAdd
- Once the application is created, open it from the
Enterprise applications
menu. - From the
Users and groups
menu of the app, add any users or groups requiring access to the service. - From the
Single sign-on
menu, edit theBasic SAML Configuration
section as follows (replacingmy-argo-cd-url
with your Argo URL): - From the
Single sign-on
menu, edit theUser Attributes & Claims
section to create the following claims:+ Add new claim
| Name: email | Source: Attribute | Source attribute: user.mail+ Add group claim
| Which groups: All groups | Source attribute: Group ID | Customize: True | Name: Group | Namespace:<empty>
| Emit groups as role claims: False- Note: The
Unique User Identifier
required claim can be left as the defaultuser.userprincipalname
- From the
Single sign-on
menu, download the SAML Signing Certificate (Base64)- Base64 encode the contents of the downloaded certificate file, for example:
$ cat ArgoCD.cer | base64
- Keep a copy of the encoded output to be used in the next section.
- From the
Single sign-on
menu, copy theLogin URL
parameter, to be used in the next section.
and add the followingdex.config
to the data section, replacing thecaData
your values from the Entra ID App:data: url: https://my-argo-cd-url dex.config: | logger: level: debug format: json connectors: - type: saml id: saml name: saml config: entityIssuer: https://my-argo-cd-url/api/dex/callback ssoURL: https://my-login-url (e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/xxxxx/a/saml2) caData: | MY-BASE64-ENCODED-CERTIFICATE-DATA redirectURI: https://my-argo-cd-url/api/dex/callback usernameAttr: email emailAttr: email groupsAttr: Group
to configure permissions, similar to example below.-
Use Entra ID
Group IDs
for assigning roles. -
See RBAC Configurations for more detailed scenarios.
# example policy policy.default: role:readonly policy.csv: | p, role:org-admin, applications, *, */*, allow p, role:org-admin, clusters, get, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, get, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, create, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, update, *, allow p, role:org-admin, repositories, delete, *, allow g, "84ce98d1-e359-4f3b-85af-985b458de3c6", role:org-admin # (azure group assigned to role)
Configure a new AD App Registration, as above.
Then, add the dex.config
to argocd-cm
ConfigMap -> argocd-cm
dex.config: |
- type: microsoft
id: microsoft
name: Your Company GmbH
redirectURI: http://localhost:8080/api/dex/callback
tenant: ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff
- DevOps
- Open a new browser tab and enter your ArgoCD URI: https://
- Click
button to log in with your Microsoft Entra ID account. You’ll see the ArgoCD applications screen. - Navigate to User Info and verify Group ID. Groups will have your group’s Object ID that you added in the
Setup permissions for Entra ID Application
Open terminal, execute the below command.
argocd login <my-argo-cd-url> --grpc-web-root-path / --sso
You will see the below message after entering your credentials from the browser.
Your terminal output will be similar as below.
WARNING: server certificate had error: x509: certificate is valid for ingress.local, not my-argo-cd-url. Proceed insecurely (y/n)? y Opening browser for authentication INFO[0003] RequestedClaims: map[groups:essential:true ] Performing authorization_code flow login: https://login.microsoftonline.com/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?access_type=offline&claims=%7B%22id_token%22%3A%7B%22groups%22%3A%7B%22essential%22%3Atrue%7D%7D%7D&client_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXX&code_challenge=XXXXXXXXXXXXX&code_challenge_method=S256&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8085%2Fauth%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=openid+profile+email+offline_access&state=XXXXXXXX Authentication successful '[email protected]' logged in successfully Context 'my-argo-cd-url' updated
You may get an warning if you are not using a correctly signed certs. Refer to Why Am I Getting x509: certificate signed by unknown authority When Using The CLI?.