Deploying to gh-pages from @ a75bb8b 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ a75bb8b 🚀
Deleted branch
autopilot proposal (#61)
autopilot proposal (#61)
Pull request merge
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 5cb9c92 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 5cb9c92 🚀
autopilot proposal
autopilot proposal
Deploying to gh-pages from @ c2ef17e 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ c2ef17e 🚀
autopilot proposal
autopilot proposal
Deploying to gh-pages from @ addbf11 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ addbf11 🚀
chore: release v1.0.11
chore: release v1.0.11
Deploying to gh-pages from @ faacba8 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ faacba8 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ a0ab144 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ a0ab144 🚀
Fix export and import of defineAuthDriver function (#51)
Fix export and import of defineAuthDriver function (#51)
Pull request merge
no change to arrow fn
no change to arrow fn
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 858a950 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 858a950 🚀
refactor code
refactor code
Deploying to gh-pages from @ ca46fc8 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ ca46fc8 🚀
autopilot proposal
autopilot proposal
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 321a8db 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 321a8db 🚀
Corrected a typo (#46)
Corrected a typo (#46)
Pull request merge
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 8d4aaa3 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 8d4aaa3 🚀
docs(utils): fix a typo in description and spacing in code sample (#43)
docs(utils): fix a typo in description and spacing in code sample (#43)
Pull request merge
Deploying to gh-pages from @ ffaf11b 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ ffaf11b 🚀
docs(options-generate): fix description of remember
option (#42)
docs(options-generate): fix description of
option (#42)Pull request merge
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 93aae69 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 93aae69 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 3b6c4fa 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 3b6c4fa 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 7aa534c 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 7aa534c 🚀
docs(options-generate): fix typo (#38)
docs(options-generate): fix typo (#38)
Pull request merge
docs(core): fix spacing for unimpersonateData
code sample (#37)
docs(core): fix spacing for
code sample (#37)Pull request merge
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 159dc4f 🚀
Deploying to gh-pages from @ 159dc4f 🚀
docs(useUser): fix title and the method name in the code sample (#40)
docs(useUser): fix title and the method name in the code sample (#40)
Pull request merge