diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cc0fd80..ad87045 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ at `/etc/tuwat.d`.
 The files have to end with `.toml`, the basename will be used as dashboard name.
+For further examples and more information on dashboards, see the
+[dashboard documentation](docs/dashboards.md).
 ### Rules
 The rule-system works via an exclude list, matching rules simply exclude items.
@@ -58,40 +61,7 @@ description = "blocked because not needed"
 what = "fooo service"
-* The `description` field provides a visible explanation, why the item is
-  excluded.
-* The `what` field selects all items where the `What` matches the given
-  regular expression.
-description = "Ignore Drafts"
-what = "Thing"
-when = "> 60"
-Draft = "true"
-* The `label` section selects items via labels.  In this example it would match
-  an item which has the label `Draft` which matches the given regular expression.
-* The label rules will combine as `AND`.
-* `what` rules will combine as `AND` with label rules.
-* `when` rules will combine with `AND` with label and `what` rules.
-#### Matching Rules
-The default is to match the value in the configuration as a regular expression.
-However, this can be changed by specifying an operator.
-* `~= string`: Explicitly require a regular expression to be matched
-* `=  string`: Require the string to exactly match.  In case the value is
-  numeric, this will mean that the value will compared like a floating point
-  value.  This means that differences below `1e-8` will be considered to be
-  the same.
-* `>  number`: Require both configuration and the value in the alert to be a
-  numerical value and that the value in the alert to be bigger than the
-  configured number.
-  This also applies to the `<`, `>=`, `<=` operators.
+For more information, see the [rule documentation](docs/rules.md).
 ## License
@@ -109,6 +79,12 @@ export TUWAT_TEMPLATEDIR= TUWAT_STATICDIR=
 * Open http://localhost:8988
+Setting `TUWAT_TEMPLATEDIR` and `TUWAT_STATICDIR` to empty will
+automatically use the development directories (`pkg/web/templates`
+and `pkg/web/static` respectively).
+Not declaring the template/static directory means that the
+versions bundled into the binary are used.
 ### Adding a new collector
 * See `pkg/connectors/example` for a very basic example on how a connector
diff --git a/docs/config/dashboards/drafts.toml b/docs/config/dashboards/drafts.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..719abea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/dashboards/drafts.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+mode = "include"
+description = "Show only drafts"
+Draft = "true"
diff --git a/docs/config/dashboards/no-drafts.toml b/docs/config/dashboards/no-drafts.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f4d48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/dashboards/no-drafts.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+description = "Ignore Drafts"
+Draft = "true"
diff --git a/docs/dashboards.md b/docs/dashboards.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d49efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dashboards.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Dashboards
+## Single Dashboard
+To only show a single dashboard, simply add all configuration
+and rules in the main `config.toml`.
+### Example
+`tuwat -conf config.toml`
+description = "Ignore Drafts"
+Draft = "true"
+Repos = ['synyx/tuwat', 'synyx/buchungsstreber']
+Tag = 'gh'
+### Dashboard types
+There are two kinds of dashboards:
+* `mode = "exclude"`: The normal kind of dashboard.  Each rule
+  will filter the matching items from the board.
+* `mode = "include"`: Only items matching the rules are shown
+  on the board.
+mode = "include"
+## Multiple Dashboards
+To have multiple dashboards, split the configuration into a main config in `config.toml` and create a folder containing the
+rule files for additional dashboards. These dashboards will appear in the navigation bar named like the corresponding files.
+### Example
+`tuwat -conf config.toml -dashboards tuwat.d`
+# config.example.toml
+Repos = ['synyx/tuwat', 'synyx/buchungsstreber']
+Tag = 'gh'
+# tuwat.d/no-drafts.toml
+description = "Ignore Drafts"
+Draft = "true"
+# tuwat.d/drafts.toml
+mode = "include"
+description = "Show only drafts"
+Draft = "true"
diff --git a/docs/rules.md b/docs/rules.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45fbe13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/rules.md
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Rules
+The rule-system works via an exclude list, matching rules will include or
+exclude the matching items, depending on the
+[type of dashboard](dashboards.md#dashboard-types).
+The configuration is done via [toml](https://toml.io/).
+For example:
+description = "blocked because not needed"
+what = "fooo service"
+* The `description` field provides a visible explanation, why the item is
+  excluded.
+* The `what` field selects all items where the `What` matches the given
+  regular expression.
+description = "Ignore Drafts"
+what = "Thing"
+when = "> 60"
+Draft = "true"
+* The `label` section selects items via labels.  In this example it would match
+  an item which has the label `Draft` which matches the given regular expression.
+* The label rules will combine as `AND`.
+* `what` rules will combine as `AND` with label rules.
+* `when` rules will combine with `AND` with label and `what` rules.
+## Matching Rules
+The default is to match the value in the configuration as a regular expression.
+However, this can be changed by specifying an operator.
+* `~= string`: Explicitly require a regular expression to be matched.
+  This is the same as just leaving `~= ` out.
+* `=  string|number`: Require the string or number to exactly match.  In case  
+  the value is numeric, this will mean that the value will compared like a
+  floating point value.  This means that differences below `1e-8` will be
+  considered to be the same.
+* `>  number`: Require both configuration and the value in the alert to be a
+  numerical value and that the value in the alert to be bigger than the
+  configured number.
+  This also applies to the `<`, `>=`, `<=` operators.
+### Example
+description = "Ignore certain group"
+groups = "= A-Group"
+description = "Ignore all with group beginning with A"
+groups = "~= (^|,)A"
+description = "Ignore old things"
+when = ">= 60"