It contains of a very simple Application (Three classes and a main method), demonstrating:
- Cross-plattform Makefile generation using CMake
- Module unit testing using GTest
- CI with travis-ci
- Unit test code coverage reports with lcov
- Static code analysis with Sonarqube
- Memory leak analysis with valgrind
- Development Essentials (build-essential)
- CMake
- lcov for HTML code coverage reports
- cppcheck && sonar-runner for Sonar reports
- valgrind for memory leak analysis
To build project:
$ ./
Each module test is executable itself, providing a lot more output:
$ build/MyModuleTest
To run sonar analysis:
$ ./
This requires...
- cppchecker & sonar-runner need to be on the PATH
- A Sonarqube instance is expected to run at localhost:9000
To run a valgrind analysis for memory leaks, you need to build with debug symbols:
Then run
$ valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all build/cpp-playground
This requires valgrind to be installed, of course
To set up a build environment in a docker container:
$ docker build -t cpp-playground .
$ docker run -itv $(pwd):/workspace cpp-playground bash
Then you can run a build:
$ cd /workspace
$ ./
cpp-playground is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details