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1. Prerequisities

szymonmueller edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 2 revisions

The symbIoTe Core components are explained in the following table.

Infrastructure components

Component Supported Version Exposed ports Purpose
RabbitMQ 3.6+ 15672 - Web based management 5672 - AMQP protocol For communication between all core components.
MongoDB 3.6+ 27017 - Mongo DB access port All components use this database when they are running on one machine but it can be split to more then one database.
Apache HTTP Server 1.12.+ 443 - HTTPS Provides north- and southbound access to the Core through Core Interface and Cloud Core Interface respectively.
SpringCloudConfig 8888 - HTTP This component is used for serving configuration to other components. It uses CoreConfigServer connected with CoreConfigProperties.
Eureka 8761 - HTTP This component is used for discovery of other components. All other components are registered in Eureka at startup.
Zipkin 8762 - HTTP This component is used for distributed tracing. It is used for debugging communication between components.
gradle 4.6+ If there is a need to build the components


Component Supported Version Exposed ports Purpose
AuthenticationAuthorizationManager (AAM or CAAM) 3.1+ 8443 - HTTPS This component is responsible for security and communicates with other Core components and outside (through Core Interface).
Administration 2.0+ 8250 - HTTPS This component provides a GUI for managing users, platforms and other symbIoTe entities. It allows platform/service owners to create an account and register platform/service.
Registry 2.0+ 8200 - HTTP This component stores the most basic meta information of registered entities (platforms, smart spaces, resources).
Semantic Manager 2.0+ 8121 - HTTP Provides functionality of validating information models and correctness of RDF description of resources. It also provides translation into RDF functionalities for basic resource descriptions.

| | Search | 2.0+ | 8120 - HTTP | Manages triplestore where full model information is stored about current state
| | Semantic Manager | 2.0+ | 8121 - HTTPS | Provides functionality of validating information models and correctness of RDF description of resources. It also provides translation into RDF functionalities for basic resource descriptions. | | Semantic Manager | 2.0+ | 8121 - HTTPS | Provides functionality of validating information models and correctness of RDF description of resources. It also provides translation into RDF functionalities for basic resource descriptions. |

For the example integration process described below, we assume the following addresses of various Core and Cloud components (NOTE: those are supposed to be changed to real addresses of Core and Cloud services during integration):

Parameter URL
Admin GUI
AuthenticationAuthorizationManager (AAM, PAAM)
Cloud Core Interface
Core Interface
Registration Handler (RH)
Resource Access Proxy (RAP)

In this table the is your platform DNS entry. In next sections, we use concrete examples with DNS entry.

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