This section highlights important changes and new features in {Singularity} 4.3 that are of note to users. See also the "What's New" section in the Admin Guide for administrator-facing changes.
- Images in OCI-SIF files can now be signed with a :ref:`cosign-compatible signature <sec:cosign>`. These signatures can be pushed/pulled to/from OCI registries.
- Containers run in OCI-Mode now start in a cgroup, :ref:`cgroup namespace <sec:cgroup_namespace>`, and mount the cgroup filesystem wherever possible.
- :ref:`Nesting Singularity-in-Docker and Singularity-in-Singularity <nested>` is now explicitly supported and tested in native mode and OCI-Mode.
- Subuid and subgid mappings used for :ref:`fakeroot <fakeroot>` and OCI-Mode are now obtained with libsubid on supported systems.
- A
bootstrap is now available, as an alias ofyum