All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.0.0-beta.42 (2020-02-13)
- breakpoint token demo label (d7cbb96)
- disable autocompletion in add entity field (de01597)
- home page spacing (bdb3760)
- patterns page only shows current template language (743d726)
- template demo infinite render loop (90eef39)
- using node package as pattern path no longer resolves to relative path (f221bf2)
- renderer-html: template demo usages (0614c71)
- renderer-react: infer spec with prop types getting default value (9e88ace)
- add grid, improve figure (df7f2c9)
- add rich text editor for markdown (70e2096)
- add syntax highlight to markdown block (c0d0de4)
- delete popups self-close (7c063eb)
- setup plugin system (#385) (c4d275c)
2.0.0-beta.41 (2020-01-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.40 (2020-01-23)
- renderer-react: handle multiple components in named slots (11d7ca7)
- formatting (7e634cd)
- pattern settings gear (35ca69c)
- template settings delete should delete template, not pattern (#371) (cc87644)
- save pattern page view preference (db2ff8c)
- style pass pattern list view (7779080)
- update details pattern (f95bca2)
2.0.0-beta.39 (2020-01-16)
- reset slots form when demo changes (6c57bab)
2.0.0-beta.38 (2020-01-16)
- only show add template demo if local dev (d1c2cbe)
- consolidate props & slots forms (283b9f0)
2.0.0-beta.37 (2020-01-16)
- only publish non-private packages (7bda3b0)
2.0.0-beta.36 (2020-01-15)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.35 (2020-01-15)
- renderer-react: improve infer spec around enums (356d2b9)
- adjust save to server status message timeout (8a1c849)
- better resolution of node path templates (2249378)
- ensure pattern settings re-renders when changing language on same pattern (260474c)
- prevent function field error from being under other elements (79ca4e7)
- stale state when upating template language select (69c0795)
- svg set to full width (9715765)
- view pattern link in slots form opens in same page (a45d90f)
- basic styles for pattern list page (#366) (0f9af7f)
- nicer styled patterns list grid (#373) (9ee9474)
- template render has better performance and nicer loader (241b95c)
2.0.0-beta.34 (2020-01-13)
2.0.0-beta.33 (2020-01-08)
- active nav item is highlighted (29ffa1d)
- add default, then persist the add-entity radio selection (200bef5)
- adding a slot that already has same id (192c4ce)
- bottom padding of left nav to accomidate edit panel (5188bbd)
- change redux equality check from shallow to deep equal to ensure appropriate re-renders (e5814c8)
- correct import of normalize lib (934c333)
- ensure header template selector stays up to date (a6f30b1)
- keep pattern state up to date (6122cb7)
- prevent recursive re-renders on empty demos (a7fef5e)
- remove empty status option from select (90690fe)
- slots table updating when new slot added (cde11f0)
2.0.0-beta.32 (2020-01-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.31 (2020-01-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.30 (2020-01-07)
- provide react types in single export (8ba66f7)
- generate VS Code web component data files from spec (9a2fa3b)
2.0.0-beta.29 (2020-01-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.28 (2020-01-06)
- new patterns get first status (bd21924)
2.0.0-beta.27 (2020-01-06)
2.0.0-beta.26 (2020-01-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.25 (2020-01-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.24 (2020-01-02)
- add dismissible status messages (c48bea4)
2.0.0-beta.23 (2020-01-02)
- renderer-react: adding needed dependencies (2fc4229)
2.0.0-beta.22 (2019-12-31)
- cleanup effects on unmounted components (35f84bb)
- show sidebar status item when only 1 template (57dba82)
2.0.0-beta.21 (2019-12-31)
- webpack assets on build then serve (eea9f7b)
2.0.0-beta.20 (2019-12-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.19 (2019-12-31)
- code-block with unknown languages (29dcfa2)
2.0.0-beta.18 (2019-12-31)
2.0.0-beta.17 (2019-12-31)
- only show available menu items in main menu (bb56262)
- pattern landing page shows grid first (e15802b)
- several tweaks and adjustments (c450099)
2.0.0-beta.16 (2019-12-30)
2.0.0-beta.15 (2019-12-30)
- auto pick a free server port (6eec082)
2.0.0-beta.14 (2019-12-30)
- quickly style pass pattern details (7f4dc02)
2.0.0-beta.13 (2019-12-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.12 (2019-12-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-12-30)
- design-system: button keyboard triggers only on space or enter (11a2e44)
- a ton of awesomeness (cb0ace5)
- new site layout slot, page details (right sidebar) (1d65c15)
- pattern spec ui (dc0274c)
- show function types in props table (a629f0a)
- ui changes (sidebars open) cached (55bc861)
2.0.0-beta.10 (2019-12-24)
- a few tweaks (edd03c4)
2.0.0-beta.9 (2019-12-24)
- design-system: improvements to schema-form style (7f263db)
- better props table (c396ada)
- improve resiliancy when some data is abscent (4e42edd)
- restore /demo-urls (25548b3)
- design-system: add useFallbackId (5082a2d)
- design-system: popover improvements (66c44f1)
- add feature flag for showNonFunctioningUi, hide side nav edit (1cbba87)
- renderer-react: infer spec from prop types or typescript (1f9f917)
- add patterns and templates via UI (e0f14e0)
- delete patterns, pages, groups from nav (412cba3)
- global template language select (bad4142)
- localDev autosave (bdae964)
2.0.0-beta.8 (2019-12-21)
2.0.0-beta.7 (2019-12-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
2.0.0-beta.6 (2019-12-20)
- click outside popover to hide (0aa27a8)
2.0.0-beta.5 (2019-12-20)
- docs-site: config-schemas.jsx (3d11290)
- add debounce to template render (e3bda5f)
- font variable and some type (256e3ce)
- interum commit of demo thumbnail changes and save buttons moved (ccfe2d5)
- style pass slots form (348cb7c)
- feature flags (e734b30)
- design-system: add KsPopover component (6cfbac5)
- manually pull Brandon's styling work in from feature/style-pass-demos (a9142a4)
- move demos and demo action buttons (55e41da)
2.0.0-beta.4 (2019-12-19)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2019-12-19)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2019-12-19)
- another core change to test auto-release (1d0c865)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2019-12-19)
- test core change (de681e3)
1.7.1 (2019-10-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.7.0 (2019-10-24)
1.6.2 (2019-10-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.6.1 (2019-10-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.6.0 (2019-10-22)
1.5.4 (2019-10-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.5.3 (2019-10-15)
- handle both https and http with websockets (256a44f)
1.5.2 (2019-10-15)
1.5.1 (2019-10-10)
1.5.0 (2019-10-09)
- collection of fixes (1b956f6)
1.4.3 (2019-10-09)
1.4.2 (2019-10-09)
- simple demo tweak (5a0ec37)
1.4.1 (2019-10-09)
- knapsack: docsDir base path /docs => /docs-dir (547e1c1)
- Firefox works by ensuring websockets are secure (0080ebe)
1.4.0 (2019-06-25)
1.4.0 (2019-06-25)
1.3.0 (2019-06-21)
- complete porting of landing page (c763860)
1.2.1 (2019-06-20)
- remove console.log (455b9fc)
1.2.0 (2019-06-18)
- knapsack: create MemDb for in-memory data (518a192)
- knapsack: render w more robust data handling (eccd3cc)
1.1.19 (2019-05-31)
- add demo-urls link to footer (dafeeb5)
1.1.18 (2019-05-28)
- ensure render function always has object (3e57125)
1.1.17 (2019-05-07)
- createDemoUrl util function with demoDataIndex (e3f4597)
- render api with demoDataIndex but not data (ecc1c84)
1.1.16 (2019-05-06)
- render urls now can take
as param (eda324e)
1.1.15 (2019-05-01)
- remove unneeded cli logging (69026d7)
1.1.14 (2019-05-01)
- update peerDeps correctly on renderers (2dd8122)
1.1.13 (2019-04-26)
- nested data in query stringify (7e8a372)
1.1.12 (2019-04-25)
- export server utils (fefb6ca)
1.1.11 (2019-04-24)
- breakpoints demo no longer overflows on narrow view ports (66bce06)
1.1.10 (2019-04-24)
- status message component defaults to info on bad type prop (9051ba5)
1.1.9 (2019-04-23)
- correct release script (c54ff42)
1.1.8 (2019-04-23)
- add patterns.getPatternDemoUrl() (4aec5b2)
1.1.7 (2019-04-20)
1.1.6 (2019-04-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.1.5 (2019-04-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.1.4 (2019-04-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.1.3 (2019-04-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.1.2 (2019-04-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.1.1 (2019-04-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.1.0 (2019-04-18)
1.0.9 (2019-04-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.0.8 (2019-04-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.0.7 (2019-04-17)
- update all demo deploys urls (8a1818c)
1.0.6 (2019-04-17)
- adding empty line in Knapsack readme (testing) (a4b9251)
- breakpoints-demo: another test change (387bbe7)
- knapsack bump (58b516e)
1.0.5 (2019-04-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
1.0.4 (2019-04-17)
- redirect docs-site admin to CMS (7cceb14)
1.0.3 (2019-04-17)
- add and bump docs version (6ff2475)
1.0.2 (2019-04-16)
- correct npm create docs (e81c23b)
1.0.1 (2019-04-16)
1.0.0 (2019-04-16)
- This implements the projects name change from "Bedrock" to "Knapsack" across the code base; basically everywhere there was
there is nowknapsack
- Including all of the data
files as well
The main package @basalt/bedrock
is now @knapsack/app
- this is now the only package under @basalt
, every other one is under @knapsack
- and so on and so forth...
All new package names
This doesn't make any changes to the function that we've built up in Bedrock up to this point, however we wouldn't want to go breaking our API this much without a major version bump; and to be honest: Bedrock is ready.
I've always loved the name Bedrock; it's something you feel comfortable building something big on. However, I love the next step we're taking by renaming Bedrock to Knapsack; it's something that helps you prepare to go far.
The Knapsack Problem
Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible. It derives its name from the problem faced by someone who is constrained by a fixed-size knapsack and must fill it with the most valuable items. The knapsack problem has been studied for more than a century, with early works dating as far back as 1897.
I look forward to using Knapsack to solve the Knapsack problem!
0.45.3 (2019-04-12)
0.45.2 (2019-04-11)
0.45.1 (2019-04-08)
- deploy tagged docs site (b44f5f8)
- docs-site bump (6edd86e)
- move tagged deploy to own workflow (e8838ae)
- update GH actions filter to master (918435d)
0.45.0 (2019-04-08)
- correct docs-site repo base url (c79dca9)
- docs-site postversion re-assigns git tag (ed122ef)
- docs-site script version => postversion (61f403a)
- proper git clean at end of e2e test (2ce21f6)
- re-enable auto docs-site versioning (ae820a9)
- revert docs-site postversion commit amend (fed0588)
- docs site (289ffd7)
0.44.0 (2019-04-08)
- correct docs-site repo base url (c79dca9)
- docs-site postversion re-assigns git tag (ed122ef)
- docs-site script version => postversion (61f403a)
- re-enable auto docs-site versioning (ae820a9)
- docs site (289ffd7)
0.43.0 (2019-04-08)
- correct docs-site repo base url (c79dca9)
- docs-site script version => postversion (61f403a)
- re-enable auto docs-site versioning (ae820a9)
- docs site (289ffd7)
0.42.0 (2019-04-08)
- correct docs-site repo base url (c79dca9)
- docs-site script version => postversion (61f403a)
- re-enable auto docs-site versioning (ae820a9)
- docs site (289ffd7)
0.41.0 (2019-04-08)
- correct docs-site repo base url (c79dca9)
- docs-site script version => postversion (61f403a)
- re-enable auto docs-site versioning (ae820a9)
- docs site (289ffd7)
0.40.6 (2019-04-08)
- add docs-site/now.json (76ac22f)
- add path to now.json for docs site (fa87684)
- amend docs site version commit (e2631d1)
- disable auto docs-site versioning (edbb293)
- docs deploy w/o cd (dca6c49)
- git add new versioned docs (add25ac)
- update config docs, add gifs (040b1ee)
- docs site (f9d9f08)
0.40.5 (2019-04-08)
- docs deploy and index page (0739c10)
0.40.4 (2019-04-08)
0.40.3 (2019-04-07)
0.40.2 (2019-03-29)
- docs link in readme (245ff1f)
- meta demoUrls now include assetSets variations (3d6858e)
- remove requirement for global assetSets since templates can include them (d81bf92)
0.40.1 (2019-03-28)
- further meta.json tweaks (55bbcec)
- generalize meta.json data (0a3a0a9)
- nest meta.json data more accurately (8077adb)
0.40.0 (2019-03-28)
- build writes out meta.json with demo urls (6e77394)
0.39.2 (2019-03-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.39.1 (2019-03-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.39.0 (2019-03-07)
0.38.3 (2019-03-07)
- code block padding (822a0aa)
0.38.2 (2019-03-06)
- code block spacing (3218ecb)
0.38.1 (2019-03-06)
- getTemplateCode merge (f1c3d90)
0.38.0 (2019-03-06)
- add hideCodeBlock option (714c7f8)
- add template usage code block (a8fe90e)
0.37.2 (2019-02-28)
- add script tag type (f863d23)
0.37.1 (2019-02-28)
0.37.0 (2019-02-24)
- full access via programatic Node.js to everything (fd7d3ad)
- setup assetSets to replace config.{css,js} (c672e32)
0.36.0 (2019-02-23)
- go to /demo-urls for simple link list of all demos (1c3424e)
0.35.0 (2019-02-23)
- add demo-urls cli command (0e3ef23)
0.34.2 (2019-02-23)
- consolidate pattern template demoDatas logic (ce9a2da)
0.34.1 (2019-02-21)
- template resize does not re-fetch (0a39021)
0.34.0 (2019-02-17)
- add more tokens and custom docs (0bb124f)
0.33.3 (2019-02-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.33.2 (2019-02-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.33.1 (2019-02-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.33.0 (2019-02-15)
- add button html examples (0c0cab5)
- add jumbotron to example/bootstrap (5af34ee)
- add twig and schema for button (2a50595)
- start bootstrap example package (3000f9c)
- chore: update deploy alias (5233e55)
0.32.5 (2019-02-15)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.32.4 (2019-02-15)
- preserve pattern template in url (3cc7c0b)
0.32.3 (2019-02-14)
- template view with no schema (83890c7)
0.32.2 (2019-02-14)
- improved CSS injection, added template width to iframe (76b6075)
0.32.1 (2019-02-13)
- address issue with pattern schema form text input jumping (#186) (f8ed250)
- update renderer peerDeps (bcd9458)
0.32.0 (2019-02-13)
0.31.1 (2019-02-12)
- adding url-join back in (ab178d3)
0.31.0 (2019-02-12)
- release nudge (5f47060)
- trim deps and add scss (b0a0eb2)
0.30.0 (2019-02-08)
- remove nested h6 (afffebb)
- add dos and donts slice (eea8914)
- add simple-list and raw values (a4973af)
- can Add Slice between each slice (bf4524b)
0.29.6 (2019-01-30)
- can set port with knapsack_PORT env var (9f28bff)
0.29.5 (2019-01-30)
- stringified boolean and integer data (ee652bb)
0.29.4 (2019-01-28)
- lock react-jsonschema-form to previous version (b833b70)
0.29.3 (2019-01-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.29.2 (2019-01-24)
- template character limit (a1911fb)
0.29.1 (2019-01-23)
- improve handling of absent statuses (0eda5c8)
0.29.0 (2019-01-23)
0.28.5 (2019-01-22)
- correcting pattern edit form width (7dd4ae0)
0.28.4 (2019-01-22)
- remove pattern edit form copy (1f559f2)
0.28.3 (2019-01-22)
- add demoSize to pattern view gql query (f1ad785)
0.28.2 (2019-01-22)
- disable dist dir clean (449f2a6)
0.28.1 (2019-01-22)
- pattern page button show logic (03bd2ab)
0.28.0 (2019-01-22)
0.27.2 (2019-01-15)
- update twig-renderer (47eeeb9)
0.27.1 (2019-01-07)
- test command exiting too early (5450623)
0.27.0 (2019-01-07)
- add cli command for testing all renders (95b5cea)
0.26.1 (2019-01-04)
- improve message on file/dirExists util (8b96a53)
- multiple js/css urls had a comma printed between (1e69d56)
0.26.0 (2019-01-04)
- add demoDatas to take over schema.examples (88ea2ce)
0.25.1 (2019-01-03)
- giving string defaults to pattern meta (bc983c5)
0.25.0 (2019-01-03)
- knapsack: ensure design token file exist (d2617c7)
- do not make new instances on each request (3ecc339)
- pattern push refresh (9e5a5bd)
- shutdown db watchers at build end (318f7bf)
- adding patternStatus and settings (5ba7c5d)
- basic setup of secondary nav pattern by type (812af01)
- create patternTypes server storage (460e61b)
- create patternTypes UI edit form (d8475c4)
- hook up pattern edit page to patternTypes (9224bfb)
- pattern grid list type filters (7f0d610)
- pattern list page type and status filters (30ca725)
- setting patternType default to components (060b287)
0.24.1 (2018-12-29)
- knapsack: prevent distDir from too-early clean (e85d449)
- knapsack: serving knapsack distDir instead of copying in build (35e6c68)
0.24.0 (2018-12-27)
- template reloads for all extensions (f541c49)
0.23.0 (2018-12-26)
- knapsack: pattern view examples closed (0a4dd3d)
- knapsack-renderer-twig: improve prod speed (6e85515)
0.22.0 (2018-12-25)
- add caching headers for internal files (7aa345b)
- add json utils (cfb6c65)
- add outputDirName prop for templateRenderers (b4036cb)
- templateRenderers gain init method (beae716)
- templateRenderers now get more info in render (91407ff)
- templateRenderers now have build and watch methods (9a0a0a3)
- knapsack: add hash to filenames for cache (cb85cd5)
0.21.0 (2018-12-22)
- knapsack: add loglevel cli flag (b8ca890)
- knapsack: knapsack.config.js change: templates => templateRenderers (4036e75), closes #165
- knapsack: setup events system (240a4cc)
0.20.5 (2018-12-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.20.4 (2018-12-15)
- knapsack: iFrame resize bug on Templates (51dc17b)
0.20.3 (2018-12-14)
- knapsack: server ignores pattern dirs with no knapsack.pattern.js file (3d5e089), closes #164
- knapsack-example-design-token-mania: update template config (10d7350)
0.20.2 (2018-12-14)
- knapsack: removing test content (3f46450)
0.20.1 (2018-12-14)
- knapsack: iFrames now resize to content again (8bb3a80)
0.20.0 (2018-12-13)
- Add Syntax Highlighting - PR #160 (9effc44), closes #83
- multiple template renderer support (1563ec0), closes #162
0.19.0 (2018-12-12)
- knapsack: lint fix and bring back buttons with clear disable marker (9943667)
- knapsack: set max-width to 1200px for Page Builder (aff2e05)
- knapsack: setup super basic permissions for read/write (70a51cd)
0.18.2 (2018-12-11)
0.18.1 (2018-12-11)
- license GPL-2.0-only -> GPL-2.0-or-later (99f021f)
0.18.0 (2018-12-11)
- Add GPL v2 License (d9806a1)
0.17.6 (2018-12-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.17.5 (2018-12-11)
- knapsack: fix feature logic on UI schema lock down (6f58095)
0.17.4 (2018-12-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.17.3 (2018-12-08)
0.17.2 (2018-12-08)
- knapsack: improve css and js config paths (#146) (9539a54), closes #145
- knapsack: type fix on config processing (f8ad374)
0.17.1 (2018-12-08)
- knapsack: add proper error page for bad pattern urls (#139) (b992a4f), closes #137
- knapsack: fix warning about sidebar collapse (56316cc), closes #107
0.17.0 (2018-12-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.16.6 (2018-12-07)
0.16.5 (2018-12-06)
- knapsack: make public directory straightforward (52dfc6e)
0.16.4 (2018-12-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.16.3 (2018-12-06)
0.16.2 (2018-12-06)
0.16.2 (2018-12-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.16.1 (2018-12-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.16.0 (2018-12-05)
0.15.1-alpha.0 (2018-12-05)
0.15.0 (2018-12-03)
0.14.0 (2018-12-03)
0.13.1 (2018-11-29)
- fix settings design tokens bug (725d2cc)
0.13.0 (2018-11-29)
0.12.4 (2018-11-29)
- knapsack: parent brand link opens in new tab (2e4fdf0)
0.12.3 (2018-11-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo
0.12.2 (2018-11-28)
knapsack: fix playground controls toggle (47c598a), closes #25
knapsack: fix playground controls toggle (47c598a), closes #25
- knapsack-atoms: remove jittery tooltip animation (fd5a5f1)
- knapsack: parent brand link opens in new tab (2e4fdf0)
0.12.1 (2018-11-28)
0.12.0 (2018-11-28)
- demo buttons used in card (2dfd265)
0.11.1 (2018-11-28)
- knapsack: top level Design Token page goes to first design token page (5c851a7)
0.11.0 (2018-11-28)
- create-knapsack: tighten up design tokens (5fd78f3)
0.10.2 (2018-11-28)
- ensure now deploy uses latest create-knapsack pkg (233c426)
0.10.1 (2018-11-28)
- knapsack: disabling ability to create new patterns via ui for now (9385ce9)
- knapsack: enabling UI settings for staging, for now (b1f1d01)
0.10.0 (2018-11-28)
- ensure releases don't trigger another build (8cf3b98)
- knapsack: much cleaner cli logging system (cc20fac)
- create-knapsack: improved initial sample content (97bff33)
0.9.1 (2018-11-27)
- knapsack: add footer license link (0acf97c)
0.9.0 (2018-11-27)
- knapsack: add feedback page (a2cc116)
0.8.0 (2018-11-27)
- knapsack-utils: preventing weird typescript bug from breaking install (b11d53f)
- create-knapsack: change pattern filenames (5682d14)
0.7.7 (2018-11-27)
0.7.6 (2018-11-27)
0.7.5 (2018-11-27)
- setting up tooling around commitlint and releases (11fcaf2)
- knapsack: fix pattern meta edit page (92394fd), closes #48 #34 #32
0.7.4 (2018-11-26)
0.7.3 (2018-11-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @knapsack/monorepo