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Overall Ranking > Knowledge > CSS

Updated: 2022-02-04   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 30-seconds/30-seconds-of-css Short CSS code snippets for all your development needs 15067 2022-01-30
2 philipwalton/solved-by-flexbox A showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox. 12906 2022-01-22
3 dunovank/jupyter-themes Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes 8945 2022-02-03
4 codeguy/php-the-right-way An easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web 8371 2022-01-17
5 lipis/flag-icons 🎏 A curated collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration 8092 2022-01-30
6 lukehaas/css-loaders A collection of loading spinners animated with CSS 6829 2021-09-30
7 kognise/water.css A drop-in collection of CSS styles to make simple websites just a little nicer 6758 2022-01-30
8 juliocesarfort/public-pentesting-reports Curated list of public penetration test reports released by several consulting firms and academic security groups 5226 2021-12-30
9 troxler/awesome-css-frameworks List of awesome CSS frameworks in 2022 4548 2022-01-26
10 BonsaiDen/JavaScript-Garden A collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript language. 3375 2022-02-03
11 jonasschmedtmann/advanced-css-course Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Advanced CSS course 3370 2021-11-28
12 morpheusthewhite/spicetify-themes A community-driven collection of themes for customizing Spotify through Spicetify ( 3200 2022-02-03
13 tapaswenipathak/Open-Source-Programs A list of open source programs. 2738 2021-11-28
14 ProgrammingFonts/ProgrammingFonts This is a collection of programming fonts,just share this with the programmers.Now there are 105 kinds of fantastic fonts! 2014 2022-02-01
15 fenbf/AwesomePerfCpp A curated list of awesome C/C++ performance optimization resources: talks, articles, books, libraries, tools, sites, blogs. Inspired by awesome. 1988 2021-11-16
16 fniessen/org-html-themes How to export Org mode files into awesome HTML in 2 minutes 1897 2022-01-17
17 cli-guidelines/cli-guidelines A guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day. 1636 2022-01-10
18 zalando/restful-api-guidelines A model set of guidelines for RESTful APIs and Events, created by Zalando 1592 2022-01-26
19 KyleAMathews/react-spinkit A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React 1462 2021-09-21
20 DjangoGirls/tutorial This is a tutorial we are using for Django Girls workshops 1385 2022-01-14
21 MrOtherGuy/firefox-csshacks Collection of userstyles affecting the browser 1304 2022-02-03
22 usds/playbook The Digital Services Playbook 1230 2021-09-27
23 robinsloan/perfect-edition A lightweight, responsive web e-book template 1191 2022-02-01
24 seankross/the-unix-workbench 🏡 A Book for Anyone to Get Started with Unix 1001 2022-02-02
25 adrianhajdin/project_modern_ui_ux_gpt3 Master the creation of Modern UX/UI Websites 835 2021-11-11
26 atom-material/atom-material-ui A dynamic UI theme for Atom that follows Google's Material Design Guidelines 810 2021-08-22
27 devfreebooks/ A huge collection of free books for developers 801 2021-10-15
28 VividCortex/go-database-sql-tutorial A tutorial for Go's database/sql package 762 2021-08-05
29 trustedsec/SysmonCommunityGuide TrustedSec Sysinternals Sysmon Community Guide 758 2021-12-27
30 usnistgov/800-63-3 Home to public development of NIST Special Publication 800-63-3: Digital Authentication Guidelines 673 2021-09-29
31 aws-samples/eks-workshop AWS Workshop for Learning EKS 656 2022-02-02
32 square/intro-to-d3 a D3.js tutorial 604 2021-09-19
33 caiorss/Emacs-Elisp-Programming Tutorial about programming Elisp and Emacs text editor customization. 596 2021-10-29
34 dend/awesome-product-management 🚀 A curated list of awesome resources for product/program managers to learn and grow. 594 2021-10-30
35 dwqs/front-end-handbook Front-end Developer HandBook. Read online: 591 2021-10-13
36 SciML/SciMLTutorials.jl Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software. 589 2022-01-26
37 coffeescript-cookbook/ CoffeeScript Recipes, Examples and Tutorials 565 2021-09-27
38 microsoft/azuredevopslabs Learn how you can plan smartly, collaborate better, and ship faster with a set of modern development services with Azure DevOps. 522 2022-01-21
39 stripe-samples/checkout-single-subscription Learn how to combine Checkout and Billing for fast subscription pages 461 2022-02-01
40 NativeScript/docs Documentation, API reference, and code snippets for NativeScript 446 2021-09-27
41 theicfire/vimsheet Vim cheat sheet from beginners to pros 438 2021-11-09
42 WebCifar/one-page-website-html-css-project-for-practice This project is for html & css practice. We made this for youtube tutorial purpose. 423 2021-12-19
43 Shopify/ A collection of the open source projects by Shopify 408 2022-01-21
44 vaibhawvipul/First-steps-towards-Deep-Learning This is an open sourced book on deep learning. 406 2022-01-13
45 rstudio/bookdown-demo A minimal book example using bookdown 391 2021-10-13
46 Code-Pop/Intro-to-Vue-3 Code for Vue Mastery's Intro to Vue 3 course: 377 2022-01-25
47 superorbital/ Golang Cookbook 370 2021-09-27
48 rstats-wtf/what-they-forgot "What They Forgot to Teach You About R" website / eBook 363 2021-10-27
49 thangchung/blog-core Modular blog using Blazor with clean domain-driven design patterns 362 2021-09-29
50 ardalis/pluralsight-ddd-fundamentals Sample code for the Pluralsight DDD Fundamentals course by Julie Lerman and Steve "ardalis" Smith 350 2022-01-28
51 deepgenerativemodels/notes Course notes 347 2021-11-03
52 mtf-wiki/MtF-Wiki 试图整理汇总 MtF 的相关资料,为大家提供更好的帮助~ 341 2022-02-03
53 ines/course-starter-r 👩‍🏫🇷 Starter repo for building interactive R courses 309 2022-01-15
54 danieljpalmer/alptail A collection of frontend components using Tailwind.css and Alpine.js. 271 2021-11-15
55 ahangchen/windy-afternoon Gitbook based Blog, Android, Linux, Deep Learning, Computer Vision 267 2022-01-30
56 hwayne/learntla A TLA+ guide 266 2021-11-02
57 cfsamson/books-futures-explained The repository for the book Futures Explained in 200 lines of Rust 264 2022-02-02
58 MLH/mlh-hackathon-organizer-guide MLH Hackathon Organizer Guide 263 2021-12-24
59 w3c/wai-tutorials W3C WAI’s Web Accessibility Tutorials 256 2022-01-24
60 maxfriedrich/quiet-facebook Hide Facebook's News Feed 248 2022-01-15
61 coryrylan/blueprint-css 📘 Blueprint CSS is a modern responsive CSS layout library & grid built on top of CSS Grid and Flexbox. 246 2021-10-05
62 google/gsocguides Google Summer of Code Mentor and Student Guides 242 2022-02-02
63 hotosm/learnosm content, Jekyll layouts & issue tracking. This repository is dedicated to helping people learn how to map in OpenStreetMap (OSM) and use many of the software and tools in the OSM communit ... 224 2021-12-23
64 flaviut/nim-by-example A series of pages and examples for leaning the Nim Programing Language 221 2021-09-14
65 vueschool/vue-masterclass 🗂 Source code for The Vue 3 Masterclass 216 2021-10-13
66 Automattic/syntaxhighlighter WordPress plugin that makes it easy to post syntax-highlighted code snippets. 212 2022-01-15
67 parcel-bundler/examples 🛠 Parcel examples using various frameworks 203 2022-01-24
68 dmhendricks/file-icon-vectors A collection of file type icons in SVG format 203 2021-11-24
69 ffAudio/PluginGuiMagic Examples for foleys_gui_magic - the styleable plugin gui 201 2021-12-27
70 disclose/research-threats Collection of legal threats against good faith Security Researchers; vulnerability disclosure gone wrong. A continuation of work started by @attritionorg 200 2021-10-26
71 hannesfrank/awesome-remnote A curated list of RemNote plugins, themes, tutorials and other resources. 197 2021-11-18
72 silverhammermba/emberb A guide to Ruby's C API 195 2022-01-20
73 keyboardio/keyswitch_documentation A shared public repository of datasheets and other public documentation of keyswitches, both current and historical 194 2021-11-03
74 noamross/gams-in-r-course Generalized Additive Models in R: A Free Interactive Course 193 2022-01-15
75 rstudio-education/hopr This is the development site for Hands-On Programming with R, a book that teaches how to program in R, with hands-on examples. Read the book at 188 2021-08-10
76 h16nning/typora-gitbook-theme This is a Typora theme is inspired by Most of the user interface has been overhauled. It contains three variants: two light variants and one dark theme. 185 2021-12-21
77 juliasilge/supervised-ML-case-studies-course Supervised machine learning case studies in R! 💫 A free interactive tidymodels course 184 2021-08-22
78 loup-brun/buttons A collection of CSS buttons. 183 2021-08-10
79 rachelandrew/grid-by-example CSS3 Grid Layout examples 176 2021-08-10
80 narakeet/examples Samples and examples for Narakeet scripts 175 2021-08-09
81 okfn/opendatahandbook Open Data Handbook v2 175 2022-01-13
82 saeiddrv/PythonPersianTutorial A free and online Python book in Persian 170 2021-12-02
83 riscv-admin/risc-v-getting-started-guide The official RISC-V getting started guide 165 2022-01-14
84 numfocus/DISCOVER-Cookbook The NumFOCUS DISCOVER Cookbook (Diverse & Inclusive Spaces and Conferences: Overall Vision and Essential Resources). A guide for organizing more diverse and inclusive events and conferences, produced ... 161 2021-11-05
85 ssbc/ ssb handbook: A guide to the Secure Scuttlebutt key concepts and influences (see also, new website: 161 2022-01-20
86 mraible/infoq-mini-book Template project for creating an InfoQ Mini-Book with Asciidoctor 160 2022-01-31
87 akosma/eBook-Template Template to create PDF, ePub and Kindle books with Asciidoctor 159 2021-09-27
88 datguypiko/Firefox-Mod-Blur Firefox Proton - Blur Mod / For dark theme lovers / Blurred search and bookmarks bar 155 2022-01-13
89 Cinderella-Man/hands-on-elixir-and-otp-cryptocurrency-trading-bot Source code to generate the "Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency trading bot" book 149 2022-01-22
90 lwjglgamedev/lwjglbook-bookcontents Book contents for the book "3D Game Development with LWJGL 3" ( 147 2021-12-25
91 vert-x3/advanced-vertx-guide A gentle guide for advanced Vert.x users 142 2021-08-19
92 semaphoreci/book-cicd-docker-kubernetes A book on CI/CD with Docker, Kubernetes and Semaphore 141 2021-11-05
93 awslabs/ec2-spot-workshops Collection of workshops to demonstrate best practices in using Amazon EC2 Spot Instances. 135 2022-01-25
94 FarhadG/code-mirror-themes 📝 A large collection of Code Mirror themes for your coding pleasure 135 2021-10-03
95 youknowriad/blockbook Build and Share WordPress Blocks in Isolation. 133 2022-01-27
96 sighingnow/jekyll-gitbook Build Jekyll site with GitBook style! 132 2022-02-03
97 alecjacobson/computer-graphics-csc317 Course Page for Computer Graphics course 131 2022-02-01
98 LinkedInLearning/learning-django-2825501 Learning Django (REVISION) 128 2021-10-06
99 excalith/git-cheats Git Cheats - Interactive Cheatsheet For Git Commands 125 2021-10-19
100 Confirm4Crit/awesome-lwc A list of interesting on platform Lightning Web Components resources and code examples 123 2022-01-22
101 lethain/staff-eng Collection of stories of how folks have reached Staff-plus roles in technology. 120 2022-01-21
102 d0iasm/book.rvemu The book "Writing a RISC-V Emulator from Scratch in 10 Steps". 115 2022-01-12
103 kidscancode/godot_recipes Lessons, tutorials, and guides for game development using the Godot game engine. 114 2022-01-29
104 Elixir-Recipes/ 🍱 A collection of Elixir programming language solutions to common problems. 113 2021-09-27
105 glazec/hexo-cheatsheets a cheatsheets theme for hexo 111 2021-08-11
106 bbc/gel-typography A flexible code implementation of the GEL Typography Guidelines 111 2021-10-01
107 ruby-conferences/ A simple list of Ruby conferences 110 2022-01-14
108 evilfactorylabs/learning-resources a curated list of "basic" knowledge that "good to know" by evilfactorylabs members. But feel free to take a look and learn together! 105 2022-01-09
109 fullstackio/cq extract code snippets using selectors (instead of line numbers) - ES5, ES6, TypeScript 103 2022-01-27
110 oleg-koval/ a collaborative collection of interview questions collected from both sides of the game: Interviewer(s) and Interviewee. 102 2021-09-29
111 QuentinWatt/React-for-beginners-tutorial-series A repository for my React for beginners tutorials series 99 2021-10-06
112 yesidays/ds-learning-path Data scientist: learning path 97 2022-01-22
113 AljanScholtens/taiga-boilerplate Simple living component library with style guide based on Nunjucks, PostCSS, ITCSS and BEM. 97 2021-08-11
114 patrickmineault/codebook The Good Research Code Handbook 96 2022-01-29
115 dhanishgajjar/css-flags A collection of pure CSS flags, all single divs. 90 2021-08-10
116 dmbaturin/ A free (as in freedom) OCaml textbook 89 2021-10-29
117 tonkec/text_hover_effects Collection of effects for typography triggered on hover or click 89 2022-01-13
118 studygyaan/Django-CRM-Project Django CRM Project - Youtube Tutorial 84 2021-09-08
119 zero-to-mastery/book-tracker "Tracks the amount of books that you've read, the ones you want to read and the progress on the ones you're reading." 83 2021-12-06
120 microsud/Tools-Microbiome-Analysis A list of R environment based tools for microbiome data exploration, statistical analysis and visualization 83 2021-12-24
121 cs217/ Course Webpage for CS 217 Hardware Accelerators for Machine Learning, Stanford University 81 2021-09-27
122 practicalli/spacemacs Content for the book - Clojure Development with Spacemacs 81 2022-01-28
123 phanan/vue-snippets ✂️A collection of Vue snippets 78 2021-09-02
124 danharrin/alpine-tailwind-components Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS component source code from my YouTube tutorials. 76 2021-08-16
125 Mara-Li/Obsidian-Snippet-collection A collection of snippet to customize obsidian 75 2022-01-29
126 ibezkrovnyi/image-quantization Image Quantization Library with alpha support (based on, and 74 2022-01-06
127 jtpio/p5-notebook A Jupyter Notebook environment for p5.js kernels running in the browser, powered by JupyterLite 72 2022-02-01
128 fegyi001/osmgwc A step-by-step tutorial to create a geowebcache layer from OSM data which will look a lot like Google Maps 71 2021-12-09
129 aws-samples/asynchronous-messaging-workshop The Asynchronous Messaging Workshop is a collection of individual labs covering different aspects and patterns of asynchronous messaging. 70 2022-01-02
130 lalitmee/fonts A collection of fonts for coding and everything. 70 2021-09-06
131 enjeck/btns A collection of buttons with cool hover effects 68 2021-11-22
132 stripe-samples/saving-card-after-payment Learn how to save a card for later reuse after making a payment 68 2021-08-24
133 mozilla/data-docs A guide for Mozilla's developers and data scientists to analyze and interpret the data gathered by our data collection systems. 65 2022-01-31
134 Adventech/sabbath-school-lessons 📖 The Lessons for every language 65 2021-12-24
135 SoftUni/Programming-Basics-Book-CSharp-BG Textbook for the "Programming Basics" course @ SoftUni (C#, Bulgarian) 65 2021-12-14
136 SAP-samples/hana-developer-cli-tool-example Learn how to build a developer-centric SAP HANA command line tool, particularly designed to be used when performing SAP HANA development in non-SAP tooling (for example from VS Code). 64 2022-02-01
137 cferdinandi/vanilla-js-toolkit A growing collection of vanilla JavaScript code snippets, helper functions, polyfills, plugins, and learning resources. 64 2022-01-31
138 Sitecore/Helix.Examples Developer-focused examples of implementing the Sitecore Helix practices. 61 2021-11-04
139 merklebloom/bookbuilder A book build system that produces PDF, EPUB and MOBI from asciidoc to Amazon specifications 61 2021-10-26
140 philhawksworth/rollyourownlazyload Site to demo how to build your own lazy loading 60 2022-01-13
141 drasticactions/Archiverse Your guide into Archive Team's Miiverse grab! 59 2022-01-14
142 FrontendMasters/grid-flexbox-v2 Version 2 of the Flexbox and Grid course at Frontend Masters. 58 2022-02-02
143 macports/macports-guide A guide for MacPorts users and developers 58 2022-01-04
144 mayadata-io/culture Team Culture, Processes, Handbooks 57 2021-08-26
145 redianmarku/MesoOn Online learning platform with Django 56 2022-01-13
146 omariosouto/lucasflix Dicas de Typescript + React: 52 2022-01-14
147 Alecaddd/gutenberg-tutorial Learn Gutenberg from scratch: 52 2021-10-25
148 w3c/wai-wcag-quickref How to Meet WCAG (Quick Reference) 52 2022-01-22
149 kevin-powell/slide-in-with-intersection-observer Files for video tutorial on fading and sliding into view using intersection observers 51 2021-08-11
150 timothywarner/az400 Exam AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions Crash Course 48 2021-12-14
151 ieiayaobb/lushi8 A tutorial for building your own collection of livestream 48 2021-12-08
152 Chhekur/local-browser Share your localhost in a new way (peer to peer browser) 47 2021-10-12
153 tupleapp/pair-programming-guide Tuple's pair programming guide. 47 2021-12-15
154 Azure/OCPCHINATECH OCPOpenHack is a lab gallery on Azure Services for China partners. Pls join in us to learn Azure and to learn Microsoft. 46 2022-01-15
155 wahyd4/knowledge The IT things I've learned 46 2021-11-08
156 knpuniversity/symfony Screencast code, script and kittens behind the "Joyful Development with Symfony 3" Tutorial 46 2021-11-10
157 kidd/scripting-field-guide A booklet on mid-advanced scripting techniques 45 2022-01-27
158 CloudFamily/CloudFamily The CloudFamily is a new initiative to try and bring the community together and share content. We would like to promote people, the work they do and to have a place to come and find useful informatio ... 45 2022-01-29
159 ElzeroWebSchool/Ultimate-Frontend Ultimate Front-End Course on Youtube 45 2021-08-11
160 tevino/devonthink-markdown-css 📘 Github markdown style adjusted for DEVONthink updated automatically. 45 2021-12-06
161 Platoniq/decidim-install A step-by-step guide to install Decidim on a production site 45 2021-11-08
162 gradle/guides The Gradle Guides at 45 2021-12-02
163 enspiral/handbook 45 2021-09-28
164 erdoganbavas/web-practices This project aims to hold a list of exercises for beginner frontend developer to practice their skills and create a path to solve some minor problems. 44 2021-08-12
165 maeligg/ A collection of funny, quirky and lovely console messages from around the web 44 2022-01-13
166 canonical-web-and-design/practices Guides and principles from the web team at Canonical and Ubuntu 44 2022-01-13
167 cicerakes/DarkNight-FBMessenger A dark/night theme for Facebook's inbox/messages and 43 2021-08-30
168 SoftUni/Programming-Basics-Book-Python-BG Textbook for the "Programming Basics" course @ SoftUni (Python, Bulgarian) 43 2022-01-28
169 r-devel/rdevguide A guide to contributing to R core development 42 2022-01-31
170 stripe-samples/connect-onboarding-for-standard Stripe Sample to show you how to use Connect Onboarding for Standard for seamless user on-boarding with Stripe Connect. 42 2022-01-31
171 StylishThemes/Discourse-Dark 🏛️ Darken Discourse forums 42 2021-10-31
172 openstack/cookbook-openstack-dashboard Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Dashboard. Mirror of code maintained at 42 2021-10-24
173 matthewmx86/Redmond-Firefox A collection of Internet Explorer styled themes for Firefox 41 2021-08-16
174 tianocore-training/Tianocore_Training_Contents Table of Contents and suggested course Schedule for UEFI / Edk II training 41 2021-09-16
175 happypeter/LGCB Linux Guide for Complete Beginners 41 2021-10-21
176 sudhamstarun/Understanding-Financial-Reports-using-Natural-Language-Processing Investigate how mutual funds leverage credit derivatives by studying their routine filings to the SEC using NLP techniques 📈🤑 40 2022-01-21
177 ahelland/AADGuide-CodeSamples Code Samples for AADGuide 40 2021-08-25
178 rubygarage/ This repository contains slides for Ruby/Ruby on Rails courses from RubyGarage 40 2021-09-27
179 sangam14/CloudNativeLab #1 Learning Platform Containerlabs - ContainerD LXD Docker Kubernets rancher K3s ..more 39 2021-11-07
180 jh3y/a-guide-to-css-animation Demo code for "A Guide to CSS Animation" 39 2022-01-13
181 tigercodes-io/navbar Responsive Navigation Bar Tutorial episode at my YouTube channel. 38 2021-09-07
182 princekrvert/Ravana Phishing tool for termux .This includes many websites like facebook,Instagram,Twitter,google etc.. 38 2022-01-26
183 missing-semester-zh-Hant/ Traditional Chinese translation of course "The Missing Semester of Your CS Education" 38 2021-09-28
184 codenoid/ 🐈 💻 Simple File Share Service where the file is completely deleted after download. 38 2021-11-24
185 hanami/guides Hanami Guides 38 2022-01-28
186 cult-of-coders/meteor-tuts Meteor Tutorials - From Noob to PRO 38 2021-08-11
187 baldurbjarnason/book-tricks A starting point for ebook creation 37 2021-10-28
188 hibbitts-design/grav-skeleton-course-hub Take LMS-constrained courses to the next level and empower tech-savvy educators with an open, collaborative and version-controlled workflow using Markdown and Grav. Includes Admin Panel and Git Sync. 37 2021-11-29
189 docrails-tw/guides 📚 The Source of 37 2021-10-04
190 AdityaFitrianaNS/ It's just for learning, training, and exercise 36 2021-10-24
191 eleanorkonik/-palatinate snippets of a theme for obsidian 36 2021-11-24
192 wrongakram/sass-mediaqueries A tutorial on using @eduardoboucas media queries 36 2022-01-14
193 RHieger/ng-book-angular-8 Course Work from The Complete Book on Angular 8 36 2022-01-14
194 intuit/qb-animation-library CSS and SCSS for adding QuickBooks animation to your project. 35 2022-01-13
195 AxonIQ/reference-guide The Axon Reference Guide 35 2022-02-02
196 SahityaRoy/E-Learning-freesite This site is mainly design for those student who don't know how to start their journey in the field of programming 34 2021-11-28
197 azavea/texturemap Textures, patterns, and shapes that make web maps work for people with colorblindness. Built for Mapbox GL and MapLibre GL. 34 2021-12-23
198 cloudcomputingpatterns/ 34 2021-09-27
199 arranger1044/probabilistic-circuits A curated collection of papers on probabilistic circuits, computational graphs encoding tractable probability distributions. 33 2021-09-28
200 ionic-team/tutorial-photo-gallery-vue Photo Gallery Tutorial: Ionic Vue and Capacitor 32 2022-01-21

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