Takes SVGs and converts them for use in Camunda Modeler Element Templates. SVGs require a bit of massaging, mostly refactoring to begin at a smaller size (usually 14-20px in wdith) and proper enoding, to be in a form Modeler understands.
"SVG input file location" "Modeler Element Template file location" "Icon width in pixels" "Element Template ID" "Element Template Name/Description/etc" "What BPMN elements it will apply to"
The goal is to create a stable of SVG icons for the community and have a converter for folks to create their own.
If you don't want to run the SVGs through the converter you can simply copy and paste these ready made snippets into the icon: { contents
portion of your Element Template entry. They have been created at a width of 18px. Click on image to be brought to the Element Template SVG snippet.
"$schema": "https://unpkg.com/@camunda/zeebe-element-templates-json-schema/resources/schema.json",
"name": "Feed the cat",
"icon": { "contents": "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='18' height='9.565979' viewBox='0 0 18 9.565979' %3E%3Ccircle r='0.29226804' cx='6.7592783' cy='5.7293816'/%3E%3Cpath d='M 17.902576 6.643299 h 0.0046391753 L 15.810308 1.980928 h -0.0046391753 c 0.0 -0.0046391753,-0.0046391753 -0.013917526,-0.0046391753 -0.018556701 C 15.406701 0.6170103,12.094331 0.0,9.0 0.0 S 2.5932992 0.6170103,2.1989691 1.9623711 c -0.0046391753 0.0046391753,-0.0046391753 0.013917526,-0.0046391753 0.018556701 h -0.0046391753 L 0.0927835 6.643299 h 0.0046391753 c -0.064948454 0.12525773,-0.097422674 0.25979382,-0.097422674 0.39896908 c 0.0 0.75618553,0.9881443 1.3824742,2.931959 1.8695877 c 1.7025774 0.42216498,3.8551545 0.6541237,6.0680413 0.6541237 s 4.3654637 -0.23195876,6.0680413 -0.6541237 c 1.9484537 -0.4824742,2.931959 -1.1134021,2.931959 -1.8695877 C 18.0 6.903093,17.967525 6.7685566,17.902576 6.643299 L 17.902576 6.643299 M 12.32165 6.634021 l 0.42216498 1.3685567 c 0.013917526 0.041752577,-0.027835052 0.07886598,-0.06958763 0.064948454 c -0.93247426 -0.35721648,-1.401031 -1.1690723,-1.563402 -1.5262887 h -0.3618557 l -0.06958763 0.61237115 c -0.0046391753 0.05103093,-0.08350515 0.05103093,-0.08814433 0.0 l -0.06958763 -0.61237115 h -0.61237115 l -0.12525773 1.1551546 c -0.0046391753 0.05103093,-0.08350515 0.05103093,-0.08814433 0.0 l -0.12525773 -1.1551546 h -0.64484537 l -0.185567 1.6979381 c -0.0046391753 0.05103093,-0.08350515 0.05103093,-0.08814433 0.0 l -0.185567 -1.6979381 h -0.5798969 v 1.6283505 c 0.0 0.10206186,-0.08814433 0.18092784,-0.19020618 0.17164949 c -1.164433 -0.11597938,-2.4355671 -1.2386599,-2.4355671 -1.9762886 s 1.271134 -1.8649485,2.4355671 -1.9762886 c 0.10206186 -0.0092783505,0.19020618 0.06958763,0.19020618 0.17164949 v 1.6283505 h 0.5798969 l 0.185567 -1.6979381 c 0.0046391753 -0.05103093,0.08350515 -0.05103093,0.08814433 0.0 l 0.185567 1.6979381 h 0.64484537 l 0.12525773 -1.1551546 c 0.0046391753 -0.05103093,0.08350515 -0.05103093,0.08814433 0.0 l 0.12525773 1.1551546 h 0.61237115 l 0.06958763 -0.61237115 c 0.0046391753 -0.05103093,0.08350515 -0.05103093,0.08814433 0.0 l 0.06958763 0.61237115 h 0.3618557 c 0.1670103 -0.35721648,0.63092786 -1.1690723,1.563402 -1.5262887 c 0.041752577 -0.013917526,0.08350515 0.023195876,0.06958763 0.064948454 l -0.42216498 1.3685567 C 12.265979 6.272165,12.265979 6.4577317,12.32165 6.634021 L 12.32165 6.634021 M 13.022165 2.8716495 c -1.0716496 0.28298968,-2.5005155 0.43608245,-4.022165 0.43608245 s -2.9505155 -0.15309279,-4.022165 -0.43608245 C 3.8922682 2.5886598,3.623196 2.2917526,3.6185567 2.2360826 c 0.0046391753 -0.032474227,0.08814433 -0.13917527,0.34793815 -0.27371135 c 0.20876288 -0.11134021,0.528866 -0.23659794,1.0113401 -0.36649486 c 1.0716496 -0.28298968,2.5005155 -0.43608245,4.022165 -0.43608245 s 2.9505155 0.15309279,4.022165 0.43608245 c 0.48711342 0.12525773,0.80721647 0.25515464,1.0159794 0.36649486 c 0.25979382 0.13453609,0.34329897 0.2412371,0.34793815 0.27371135 C 14.372165 2.2917526,14.107733 2.5886598,13.022165 2.8716495 L 13.022165 2.8716495 z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"
"description": "Feed the cat",
"appliesTo": [
"id": "catFoodBowl",
"documentationRef": "https://docs.camunda.io",
"elementType": {
"value": "bpmn:UserTask"
"properties": [
"binding": {
"name": "name",
"type": "property"
"type": "String",
"value": "Feed the cat"