Interfaces and implementations for the Stack ADT. Uses a ResizeableArrayStack and a LinkedStack to implement the Stack ADT. The project also features the convertToPostfix and the evaluatePostfix methods.
- George Matta
- Created the ResizeableArrayStack class and wrote the evaluateToPostfix method (contributed to Calculator). Wrote JavaDocs for ResizeableArrayStack and the Calculator class and generated the final JavaDoc document. Finally, contributed to CalculatorTest.
- Pierlorenzo Peruzzo
- Created the StackInterface class, the LinkedStack class, and wrote the convertToPostFix method (contributed to the Calculator). Wrote JavaDocs for LinkedStack, StackInterface, and convertToPostfix.
- Angelica Arteaga
- Added tests in the CalculatorTest class using JUnit to test the Calculator class. Also manually converted infix to postfix and evaluated postfix using a stack on Google Docs (for Tasks 1 and 4 of Project 2)
- Super cool code courtesy of the Super Cool Coding Group
- Support for exponentials