- invokeApi(method, [params])
Invoke any method from .files/schema.txt
- sendCode(phone_number)
Send code by phone number
- signIn(phone_number, phone_code_hash, phone_code)
Sign in
- signUp(phone_number, phone_code_hash, phone_code, first_name, [last_name])
Sign up
- sendMessage(id, message)
Send message
- startBot(botName)
Send bot command /start
- sendSms(phone_number, phone_code_hash)
Send code via SMS
- setConfig(config)
Configure your application
- createChat(title, userIDs)
Create telegram chat (By default only creator will admin. In the future it will be changed)
- getChatLink(chatID, [force])
Get chat invite link
- getUserInfo()
Get self information
- getUserPhoto([type], [size])
Get user photo
- logOut()
Logout from Telegram
- createChannel(title, [about])
Create channel (use carefully)
- getHistory(params)
Get chat messages
- sendFile(params)
Send file
- downloadDocument(doc, [progress], [autosave])
Download Telegram document
- joinChat(link)
Join to chat by link or hash
- editChatAdmin(chatID, userID, [isAdmin])
Edit chat administrator
- editChatTitle(chat_id, title)
Edit chat title
Invoke any method from .files/schema.txt
Param | Type | Description |
method | String |
Method name |
[params] | Object |
Parameters |
telegramApi.invokeApi('messages.getDialogs', {
offset_peer: {_: 'inputPeerEmpty'},
offset_date: 0,
limit: 20
}).then(function(dialogResult) {
/* Do something */
Send code by phone number
Param | Type | Description |
phone_number | String |
Phone number |
telegramApi.sendCode('some_phone_number').then(function(sent_code) {
if (!sent_code.phone_registered) {
// New user
// phone_code_hash will need to sign in or sign up
window.phone_code_hash = sent_code.phone_code_hash;
Sign in
Param | Type | Description |
phone_number | String |
Phone number |
phone_code_hash | String |
Code hash (was received in sendCode method) |
phone_code | String |
Code by Telegram |
telegramApi.signIn('some_phone_number', window.phone_code_hash, '000000').then(function() {
// Sign in complete
delete window.phone_code_hash;
}, function(err) {
switch (err.type) {
// alert "Phone code invalid"
// User not registered, you should use signUp method
Sign up
Param | Type | Description |
phone_number | String |
Phone number |
phone_code_hash | String |
Code hash (was received in sendCode method) |
phone_code | String |
Code by Telegram |
first_name | String |
User first name |
[last_name] | String |
User last name |
telegramApi.signUp('some_phone_number', window.phone_code_hash, '000000', 'John', 'Doe').then(function() {
// Sign up complete
delete window.phone_code_hash;
Send message
Param | Type | Description |
id | Number |
Peer ID |
message | String |
Message text |
telegramApi.sendMessage(9999999999, 'Hey man!').then(function(updates) {
// Do something
Send bot command /start
Param | Type | Description |
botName | String |
Bot name |
telegramApi.startBot('exampleBot').then(function(updates) {
// Was invoked telegramApi.sendMessage(bot.id, '/start');
Send code via SMS
Param | Type | Description |
phone_number | String |
Phone number |
phone_code_hash | String |
Code hash (was received in sendCode method) |
telegramApi.sendSms('some_phone_number', window.phone_code_hash).then(function() {
// Do something
Configure your application
Param | Type | Description |
config | Object |
Configuration object |
config.app.id | Number |
Application ID |
config.app.hash | String |
App hash |
config.app.version | String |
App version |
config.server.test | Array.<Object> |
List test servers |
config.server.production | Array.<Object> |
List production servers |
app: {
id: 0, /* App ID */
hash: 'qwertyasdfghzxcvbnqwertyasd', /* App hash */
version: '0.0.0' /* App version */
server: {
test: [
id: 2, /* DC ID */
host: '',
port: 443
production: [
id: 2, /* DC ID */
host: '',
port: 123
Create telegram chat (By default only creator will admin. In the future it will be changed)
Param | Type | Description |
title | String |
Chat title |
userIDs | Array.<Number> |
User ids list |
telegramApi.createChat('Chat title', [123456789]).then(function(updates) {
// If you want all users to be administrators, use it
return telegramApi.invokeApi('messages.toggleChatAdmins', {
chat_id: updates.chats[0].id,
enabled: false
Get chat invite link
Param | Type | Description |
chatID | Number | String |
Chat id |
[force] | Boolean |
Force generate |
telegramApi.getChatLink(12456789, true).then(function(link) {
// Do something
Get self information
telegramApi.getUserInfo().then(function(user) {
if (user.id) {
// You have already signed in
} else {
// Open log in page
Get user photo
Param | Type | Description |
[type] | String |
Photo type (values: byteArray (default), base64, blob) |
[size] | String |
Photo size (values: big (default), small) |
telegramApi.getUserPhoto('base64', 'small').then(function(base64) {
$('img#avatar').attr('src', base64);
Logout from Telegram
telegramApi.logOut().then(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
// Do something after logouts
// Use setTimeout (It will be fixed)
}, 1500);
Create channel (use carefully)
Param | Type | Description |
title | String |
Channel title |
[about] | String |
About text |
telegramApi.createChannel('New channel', 'This is example channel').then(function(updates) {
var channel = updates.chats[0];
* If you often call this method, you will receive a reply FLOOD_WAIT_{seconds}
Get chat messages
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Parameters |
params.id | Number |
Chat ID |
[params.take] | Number |
How much messages you will receive (default: 15) |
[params.skip] | Number |
How much messages you will skip (default: 0) |
[params.type] | String |
Chat type (for chat and channel use 'chat' (default)) |
id: 12345678,
take: 50,
type: 'user'
}).then(function(data) {
var totalCount = data.count || data.messages.length;
data.messages.forEach(function(message) {
* message.from_id - Sender ID
* message.date - Date
* message.media - If message is Document or Photo
* message.message - Message text
Send file
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Parameters |
params.id | Number |
Peer ID |
params.type | String |
Chat type (for chat and channel use 'chat' (default)) |
params.file | File |
File |
[params.caption] | String |
File caption |
id: 123456789,
type: 'user',
file: $('input[type=file]').val(),
caption: 'This is file'
}).then(function(updates) {
// Do something
Download Telegram document
Param | Type | Description |
doc | Object |
Telegram document |
[progress] | function |
Progress callback |
[autosave] | Boolean |
Save file on device |
id: 123456789,
type: 'user',
take: 1,
skip: 0
}).then(function(data) {
var message = data.messages[0];
var doc = message.media.document;
telegramApi.downloadDocument(doc, function(downloaded, total) {
console.log('Loaded ' + downloaded + ' bytes. Total ' + total + ' bytes');
}).then(function(result) {
* result.bytes - file data
* result.fileName - file name
* result.type - file MIME-type
Join to chat by link or hash
Param | Type | Description |
link | String |
Chat invite link or hash |
telegramApi.joinChat('https://telegram.me/joinchat/some-hash').then(function(updates) {
// Do something
Edit chat administrator
Param | Type | Description |
chatID | Number |
Chat ID |
userID | Number |
User ID |
[isAdmin] | Boolean |
Admin status (default: true) |
telegramApi.editChatAdmin(123456789, 987654321, false).then(function() {
// Do something
Edit chat title
Param | Type | Description |
chat_id | Number |
Chat ID |
title | String |
New title |
telegramApi.editChatTitle(123456789, 'New title').then(function() {
// Do something