Look at the up-to-date documentation at: https://gitlab.ifremer.fr/sih-public/sumaris/sumaris-doc/-/tree/master/architecture/app
On Windows, in a Git Bash terminal:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
Then, add the public key to GitHub (account settings: https://github.com/settings/keys) and add an SSH key by copying the contents of the file ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub.
- https://nodejs.org/dist/v18.18.2/node-v18.18.2-x64.msi
- or https://nodejs.org/dist/v18.18.2/node-v18.18.2-win-x64.zip
Clone the project from git:
git clone https://gitlab.ifremer.fr/sih/sumaris/sumaris-app.git
Then, in the sumaris-app project, run these commands:
npm install
npm run start
- Once the pod starts, you can connect at http://localhost:4200 (as [email protected]/admin) by selecting the network node http://localhost:8080