- alaik Alaska Arizona Arkansas: - *This approach is also different from so-called conversion therapy. Indeed, there is a world of difference between trying to change how a patient identifies (on one hand) and providing psychotherapy that recognizes that how a patient identifies often does change as a re- sult of maturation, life experience, intellectual growth, etc. (on the other). This is consistent with what Finland has recently discovered, that adolescents are still likely to undergo significant changes, some of which may cause them to find adaptations that render undesirable drastic bod- ily alterations. Indeed, the Finnish guidelines warn that “[b]rain development continues until early adulthood—about age 25, which also affects young people’s ability to assess the conse- quences of their decisions on their own future selves for [the] rest of their lives.” Those guide- lines further note that it is uncertain whether puberty blockers themselves impair young peoples’ judgment and decision making, which could negatively impact the ability to provide informed consent to subsequent hormonal and surgical stages of the intervention. “[T]hese factors,” they explain, “are key reasons for postponing any [medical] interventions until adulthood” and instead prioritizing psychotherapy for adolescents.
- Lyhyt maininta suomen löydöistä hormoniblokkereista, todistaja SEGM-järjestön Levine. Suomessa blokkerieden määräystä on tapahtunut hyvin vähän, tällä tekellä käytänössä mahdottomuus,
- puhutaan California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina
- Kadell v. Falwell Koskee osavaltion työntekijöiden transhoitojen sulkemista sairasvaukuutuksen ulkupuolelle. “In light of available evidence, gender reassignment of minors is an experimental practice…. Information about the potential harms of hormone therapies is accumulating slowly and is not systematically reported.”“As far as minors are concerned, there are no medical treatment[s] that can be considered evidence-based.” “It is not known how the hormonal suppression of puberty affects young people’s judgement and decision- making."
North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
- Vastustaa eheytyshoitokieltoa, viitataan Kaltilan haastatteluun Helsingin Sanomissa perusteluna Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin - Wyoming