diff --git a/detection-rules/link_sharepoint_sus_name.yml b/detection-rules/link_sharepoint_sus_name.yml
index 7e780eef6f3..9e9eb0f3a38 100644
--- a/detection-rules/link_sharepoint_sus_name.yml
+++ b/detection-rules/link_sharepoint_sus_name.yml
@@ -89,14 +89,16 @@ source: |
         or strings.icontains(.display_text, 'contract agreement')
         or regex.icontains(.display_text, 'Pr[0o]p[0o]sal')
         or strings.icontains(.display_text, 'contract doc')
         // generic document name AND additional suspicious indicator
         or (
-            regex.imatch(.display_text, 'documents?')
-            and (
-                // Find the share comment in the HTML and check for reply/forward "impersonation"
-                regex.icontains(body.html.raw, '<p style="font-size:16px;color:#323130;margin:40px 20px 28px">(re|fwd?)')
+          regex.imatch(.display_text, 'documents?')
+          and (
+            // Find the share comment in the HTML and check for reply/forward "impersonation"
+            regex.icontains(body.html.raw,
+                            '<p style="font-size:16px;color:#323130;margin:40px 20px 28px">(re|fwd?)'
+          )
         // the document name is the same as the org name
@@ -144,16 +146,78 @@ source: |
-  // and it's not an internal share
-  and not any(headers.hops,
-              any(.fields,
-                  .name == "X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs"
-                  and .value == "Internal"
+  // and the sharepoint link is not related to the recipient domain
+  and (
+    any(filter(body.links, .href_url.domain.root_domain == 'sharepoint.com'),
+        any(recipients.to,
+            // Normalize Levenshtein distance by string length (0 = identical, 0.7+ = different)
+            // Working with what we have in MQL, considering we dont have max() or any other forms of string distancing
+            (
+              (
+                strings.iends_with(..href_url.domain.subdomain,
+                                   '-my'
+                ) // common Sharepoint subdomain suffix
+                and (
+                  (
+                    strings.ilevenshtein(..href_url.domain.subdomain,
+                                         .email.domain.sld
+                    ) - 3 // subtract aforementioned suffix for more accurate calculation
+                  ) / (
+                    (
+                      (length(..href_url.domain.subdomain) - 3) + length(.email.domain.sld
+                      )
+   + (
+                        (
+                          (length(..href_url.domain.subdomain) - 3) - length(.email.domain.sld
+                          )
+                        ) + (
+                          length(.email.domain.sld) - (
+                            length(..href_url.domain.subdomain) - 3
+                          )
+                        )
+                      )
+                    ) / 2.0 // to ensure we keep the result as a float
+                  )
+                ) > 0.7 // customizable threshold
+              )
+              or (
+                not strings.iends_with(..href_url.domain.subdomain,
+                                       '-my'
+                ) // no suffix, continue with original calculation
+                and (
+                  strings.ilevenshtein(..href_url.domain.subdomain,
+                                       .email.domain.sld
+                  ) / (
+                    (
+                      length(..href_url.domain.subdomain) + length(.email.domain.sld
+                      )
+   + (
+                        (
+                          length(..href_url.domain.subdomain) - length(.email.domain.sld
+                          )
+                        ) + (
+                          length(.email.domain.sld) - length(..href_url.domain.subdomain
+                          )
+                        )
+                      )
+                    ) / 2.0 // to ensure we keep the result as a float
+                  )
+                ) > 0.7 // customizable threshold
+            )
+            and not strings.icontains(..href_url.path,
+                                      strings.concat(.email.domain.sld,
+                                                     "_",
+                                                     .email.domain.tld
+                                      )
+            ) // negate sharepoint links that contain recipientdomain_com
+        )
+    )
+    or length(filter(body.links, .href_url.domain.root_domain == 'sharepoint.com')
+    ) == 0 // ignore this logic if it's not an explicit sharepoint.com share
   // and sender has never had email sent to them
   and not profile.by_sender().solicited
   - "Credential Phishing"